Saturday, September 12, 2015

If Republic Is Coming, Avoid Chaos!

If Republic Is Coming, Avoid Chaos!

On September 11, 2001 the N.E.S.A.R.A. was to be Announced at 9 AM EDT for the move for our Republic, but the WTC Towers were hit starting just before that, and Thus NO N.E.S.A.R.A.!

Reports are coming out that the Republic is soon to be Announced to the We The People Americans!

If not then you We The People still need to follow thru on my suggestions to get it put back in place.

It is you We The People that need to get the Republic back in place and not a few hundred military officials that convinced the Cabal Corporation!

As long as you have a License of ANY Type then you are complying with the “Trading with the enemy Act” of 1917, as you are a Foreigner to the Corporation!

In your City or County you should get about one percent of the population to go in and take control, Peacefully, with your own mandate for them to hand over the Corporation to you for you then to Change it to the Republic, or else those Officials go to jail.

Ask them; Why do We The People do NOT get a Penny of the Dividends of the CAFR accounts, but You Government Officials Do?

It is best to keep the corporations in place for a while till the CAFR funds are Gradually released (to Avoid a Stock Market Crash) and placed in the banks for the resident People to have credit on them, and not have the banks closed officially.

Once you have gotten control of your City or County then report it to the Dept of Defense for which the Joint Chiefs of Staff have control of Washington D.C. Corporations.

Spread the word around to get more and more counties in your State joined this way for then the State to be mandated to follow through going Republic.

California has the fewest counties with the largest population, 38 Million, yet they have 12 percent of the USA population, for which can be a major step for transition.

Now confirmation on whether the Acts and Resolutions of Congress are legit, then you can get to the point that all of them since 1861 are NULL and VOID, but the only Constitutional Money you have is in your Pocket, and you still owe Debts?

If the Federal Reserve has had NO Constitutional Money and ALL the Money that has been used in transactions nationwide by everybody is NULL and VOID then ALL We The People have NO Credit and NO Money!

So you can ask your Government Officials if THE UNITED STATES, INC. was ever bankrupt in 1933 and if they still are from that, but if they say they never were or they got out of it then ask them if the Bank Conservation Act, March 9, 1933 or the House Joint Resolution 192 of JUNE 5, 1933 were ever made Official, and thus if they say NO then you can have them arrested for Fraud, but if they say YES then you can still have them Arrested for NOT paying your Debts as Required!

You can see these and more at: Nesaranews Constitution And Founding Documents

Now a reasonable way to move forward on clearing the Debts is for a personal Promissory Note made by each of you per HJR 192, put in a local bank, your Debts paid off, along with the IRS and State Taxes to be paid by the banks, and NO more Signatures for Money Out Of Thin Air to the banks, and your mortgages can be cleared as well.

Here is what it says in The Declaration of Independence:
That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.”

Now THAT'S old fashioned romance! Meet the couple who shunned cell phones, internet, appliances, and transport to live the Victorian life... and insist it's BETTER

Now THAT'S old fashioned romance! Meet the couple who shunned cell phones, internet, appliances, and transport to live the Victorian life... and insist it's BETTER

  • Sarah and Gabriel Chrisman, of Seattle, made the leap five years ago
  • Both were passionate about Victorian era so started dressing that way 
  • Then bought an 1888-built house, replaced all the modern appliances
  • Sarah, 35, insists their 'academic research' has given them a better life 
  • She wears a corset every day and even goes hiking in it - which is 'easy' 

It's truly old fashioned romance.
Sarah and Gabriel Chrisman were drawn to each other out of a shared fascination with the Victorian era.
And over time, their passion has bloomed in a very unconventional fashion.
For the last five years, the Seattle-based couple who married in 2002 have dressed, traveled, cooked, eaten, and entertained themselves as if they lived in the 19th century.
Though a life free of cell phones, internet, modern transport and sneakers smacks of horror to most people today, the Chrismans insist they are the lucky ones.
Scroll down for video  
Unconventional: Sarah and Gabriel Chrisman live a completely Victorian life at their home (pictured) in Seattle
Unconventional: Sarah and Gabriel Chrisman live a completely Victorian life at their home (pictured) in Seattle
Dedicated: It started gradually but they became fully immersed five years ago after moving into their home
Dedicated: It started gradually but they became fully immersed five years ago after moving into their home
The couple spend every day and night in authentic Victorian clothing - and Sarah even goes hiking in a corset
The couple spend every day and night in authentic Victorian clothing - and Sarah even goes hiking in a corset
'Even before I met Gabriel, we both saw value in older ways of looking at the world,' academic and massage therapist Sarah, 35, writes in a personal essay for Vox.
'He had been homeschooled as a child, and he never espoused the strict segregation that now seems to exist between life and learning. 
'As adults, we both wanted to learn more about a time that fascinated each of us. 
'But it took mutual support to challenge society's dogmas of how we should live, how we should learn. We came into it gradually — and together.' 

Watch Video:

They married in 2002 (left) and over time gifted each other Victorian items, such as these clothes (right)
For entertainment, Sarah reads 1890s editions of Cosmopolitan, or they go cycling on their pennyfarthings
For entertainment, Sarah reads 1890s editions of Cosmopolitan, or they go cycling on their pennyfarthings
They both see the pursuit as academic research - far more intense than any sociological study they have encountered on the subject. But it is also a lifestyle. Gabriel modeled his workout gear on Victorian cyclists
They both see the pursuit as academic research - far more intense than any sociological study they have encountered on the subject. But it is also a lifestyle. Gabriel modeled his workout gear on Victorian cyclists
After one year of wearing a corset every day, Mrs Chrisman said her waist went from 32 inches to 22 inches
After one year of wearing a corset every day, Mrs Chrisman said her waist went from 32 inches to 22 inches
'It's a life that keeps us far more in touch with the natural seasons,' Sarah writes for Vox. 
'Much of modern technology has become a collection of magic black boxes: Push a button and light happens, push another button and heat happens, and so on. 
'The systems that dominate people's lives have become so opaque that few Americans have even the foggiest notion what makes most of the items they touch every day work — and trying to repair them would nullify the warranty.'
Speaking to Daily Mail Online two years ago, after publishing her book Victorian Secrets: What a Corset Taught me About the Past, the Present, and Myself, Sarah insisted she and Gabriel still meet up with friends to discuss academia, or go hiking - in their Victorian clothes.
'I manage hiking quite well,' she told Daily Mail Online. 'I modeled my outfit off a photo of Fay Fuller, the first woman known to reach the summit of Mount Rainier in 1890. She was dressed in an "immodest" climbing outfit of her own devising.'
After one year of wearing a corset every day, Mrs Chrisman said her waist went from 32 inches to 22 inches, she experienced fewer migraines and her posture improved. 'And honestly, the corset lets me know when I'm full! I don't have to worry about eating too much.' 
Sarah insists they are the lucky ones as they do not take modern phenomena for granted
Sarah insists they are the lucky ones as they do not take modern phenomena for granted
Sarah insists they are the lucky ones as they do not take modern phenomena for granted
They spend time with the friends they have always had. They have been subjected to abuse from others
They spend time with the friends they have always had. They have been subjected to abuse from others
Friends are also supportive. 'They are intrigued,' explained Mrs Chrisman. 'The wonderful thing is, our friends are friends - our interests are still the same.
But her desire to delve further into the Victorian lifestyle, and wear a corset every day, seems to have the public divided.
'People have mixed reactions,' she admitted. 'Some are enthusiastic and positive. The other day an old man ran out of a restaurant to tell me I made his day, he said: "You look beautiful." 
'But there are perfect strangers who find what I wear such a point of contention. Some women scream oppression -- that I choose to wear a corset. But I focus on the positives. I don't find it restricting at all, in fact I'd venture to say that it's liberating to live how I want to!'
Writing for Vox, Sarah reveals some of the more aggressive reactions leveled at them:
'We live in a world that can be terribly hostile to difference of any sort. Societies are rife with bullies who attack nonconformists of any stripe (...) We have been called "freaks," "bizarre," and an endless slew of far worse insults. 
'We've received hate mail telling us to get out of town and repeating the word "kill ... kill ... kill." Every time I leave home I have to constantly be on guard against people who try to paw at and grope me. 
'Dealing with all these things and not being ground down by them, not letting other people's hostile ignorance rob us of the joy we find in this life — that is the hard part. By comparison, wearing a Victorian corset is the easiest thing in the world.'

Members of Congress MUST Become Cross-Dressers!

Members of Congress MUST Become Cross-Dressers!

If Fines and Lawsuits can be issued based on the difference of Gender then Congress MUST pass a Law for themselves to become Cross-Dressers!

If any law out there can be used to fine someone based on their Gender then on ALL Government Forms Gender MUST be Removed!

If Members of Congress Refuse to take any actions on this issue then you can file a Multi-Million Dollar Lawsuit against them as they Support Discrimination!

What is that? It is the present laws do Fine on Discrimination and Congress Refuses to change any!

Barbershop Owner Attacked by Feminist For Not Cutting Hair Speaks Out

(ALL Barbers are NOW Required to STOP work till they are Officially Certified to do ALL Types of Women’s hair?)


Barbershop Owner Attacked by Feminist For Not Cutting Hair Speaks Out

Men's barbershop owner breaks down absurd fine over alleged gender discrimination

Barbershop Owner Attacked by Feminist For Not Cutting Hair Speaks Out
by | September 12, 2015

Gentleman’s barbershop owner Johnny Interval explains how he was fined $750 because he doesn’t specialize in cutting women’s hair.

Student’s ‘Mad Max’ wheelchair cosplay steals convention

Student’s ‘Mad Max’ wheelchair cosplay steals convention

"Thank you for making this SO SHINY AND CHROME!”

By Earl Abalajon | Daily Buzz – Fri, 11 Sep, 2015


Benjamin Carpenter took to the floor of the Tampa Bay Comic Con (TBCC) this past weekend and impressed convention goers with his spot-on rendition of Tom Hardy’s character in “Mad Max.”
The Mighty reports that was Carpenter, a 20-year-old student at the University of Central Florida, was born with spinal muscular atrophy and that his cosplay made the front page of Reddit on Thursday. 
Carpenter told The Mighty that his love for “Mad Max” and admiration of other disabled cosplayers inspired him to create his own costume.
The wheel chair is a modded Permobil C500 standing chair, according to Carpenter, with attachments which help it tow the rear cart with a passenger.
“I am utterly speechless at how this cosplay has been spread, and honestly, all I can say is thank you for making this SO SHINY AND CHROME!” Carpenter posted in the Reddit thread.
His Instagram shows him posing with his cosplay partner Amy and three girls dressed as other "Mad Max" characters, and the caption says they won best group cosplay at TBCC.
According to GameSkinny, Carpenter has stated that he plans on modifying his chair for more cosplays in the future, possibly as the guitar guy from the same movie.



Police probe after woman is pictured taking grandson on ‘dog-like’ walk with arm leash

Police probe after woman is pictured taking grandson on ‘dog-like’ walk with arm leash

Yahoo Canada News – Wed, 9 Sep, 2015
A Russian woman who was photographed taking her grandson for a dog-like walk with a leather leash on his arm is being investigated by police.
Critics say the snap, taken in Novocherkassk and uploaded to social media site VKontakte, makes it looks like the youngster is being treated like a pooch.
The image was published to the “Overheard in Novocherkassk” page, it’s reported.
“The boy is like a dog on the grass. He needs to do his doggy stuff,” wrote commenter Evgeniy V.
Others claimed it might have been a game and that the boy was only pretending to be a canine.
Watch Video:
Another commenter wrote on the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper site that the grandmother was simply keeping the boy safe so he wouldn’t run into the road.
“It is better to have him on a leash, rather than letting him run onto a busy road and getting knocked over a car,” the poster wrote.
In the photograph, the woman looked well dressed and seemed to be paying close attention to her grandson.
But police have now been alerted and asked for the post to be deleted.
Officers are also trying to identify the duo, which could lead to a potential criminal case for “improper performance of responsibilities for the upbringing of a minor.”
A similar story happened in the city of Yekaterinburg recently, where a five-year old girl was pictured running “on four legs” like an animal.
The woman, who’d been walking the youngster, faces up to seven years in prison if convicted.
Reins for young children have become increasingly popular in the UK in recent years, but are normally attached to the body rather than an arm.
(Image courtesy of CEN) 

"Those who watch them without doing anything"


China's forex reserves drop on RMB intervention, capital outflow

China's forex reserves drop on RMB intervention, capital outflow

Staff Reporter 2015-09-10 
 China's state media have denied that the government sold off US dollar assets to prop up the renminbi. (File photo/CFP)
China's state media have denied that the government sold off US dollar assets to prop up the renminbi. (File photo/CFP)

China's foreign exchange reserves have been on the slide since June 2014 when they peaked at US$3.99 trillion. The reserves fell by US$93.9 billion to US$3.56 trillion at the end of August, the biggest monthly drop in terms of both amount and percentage since May 2012, according to data released Sept. 7 by the People's Bank of China, the country's central bank.

The country's state-run media however have denied international media reports that the central bank has been selling US dollar assets to prop up the weakening renminbi, the Chinese-language Economic Observer reported.

According to the official line, there is no reason to expect a long-term depreciation of the renminbi and the currency will remain strong, the report said.

PBOC governor Zhou Xiaochuan was cited as saying that China's economic fundamentals remain unchanged despite the recent devaluation in the renminbi and stock market plunge and that the country still has a relatively large foreign trade surplus. There is therefore no reason to expect a long-term depreciation of the yuan, Zhou said at the recent meeting of G20 finance ministers and central bank governors in Ankara.

The Economic Observer report said the central bank should be cautious about the effects of the falling forex reserves on the country, as they help bolster the renminbi. But as long as the central bank continues to intervene in the market to prop up the yuan, the country's forex reserves will continue to shrink, the report said.

There are several reasons China's forex reserves plunged by US$93.9 billion last month. The first reason is the massive outflow of capital from the country. Julian Evans-Prichard, China economist at Capital Economics, calculated that around US$130 billion worth of funds were moved out of China in August, a sharp increase from the US$75 billion outflow that he estimated for July, according to a Wall Street Journal report.

Second, the PBOC has been directly intervening in the currency market, buying renminbi and selling US dollar assets to prevent the yuan from falling too much. Analysts from Deutsche Bank estimate that the central bank spent up to US$50 billion on interventions on Aug. 12, 26 and 28, according to the WSJ report.

In addition, changes in valuation and investment may also be responsible for the fall in forex reserves, according to the Economic Observer.

China's forex reserves of US$3.56 trillion as of the end of August were still by far the largest in the world. Experts estimate that forex reserves of US$800 billion-$1 trillion would be enough to stabilize China's currency, according to the Economic Observer report.

The Era Of Cyborgs Has Begun: 10,000 People Already Have Digital Chip Implants

The Era Of Cyborgs Has Begun: 10,000 People Already Have Digital Chip Implants

rfid chip implants
By: Nicholas West, Tech Swarm |
Technology seems to be on a runaway course either to free humanity or to enslave us. On one end we see massive continued investment in replacing humans with robots, both economically and socially.
Parallel to this trend, we are seeing advancements in neuroscience being made from global projects like the BRAIN initiative in the U.S. and its counterpart in Europe, the Human Brain Project. These projects seek to decode the human brain and tailor it for “treatments,” as well as to enable the realization of full brain-computer-interface technology. The pace of these developments has increased toward the dizzying, such as a “living” transistor that uses DNA merged with graphene, the advent of quantum computing and nanocomputing, the creation of avatars, DNA nanobots, and a range of neuro applications that are beginning to transform our fundamental relationship with the “real” world.
One respected scientific journal has announced that the era of cyborgs has definitively begun, as an array of medical applications are merging us with machines and computer systems. This is also happening in tandem with augmented reality applications that have entered the consumer space.
Below is an ongoing chronicle of the growing evidence that portends a cyborg future, beginning with the most recent announcements. As you read the full range of developments to date, how do you believe this science will be used?


10,000 People Already Have Digital Chip Implants

Convenience is often the deciding factor it seems when one decides to become a cyborg. Things like work badges, keys of all types and even payment systems seem clunky by comparison. As the reference article states “For these ‘cyborgs’, keys are so yesterday.”
“When I walk into my studio, I just wave my hand at the alarm, and the alarm turns off,” the tattoo artist said.
“Whenever someone shows up with security clearance, he will wave and the alarm is deactivated, the lights are turned on… it will start up the computer, the cash machine and so on,” he added.
 He is certainly not alone:
Despite the limited uses, human chip implant manufacturer Dangerous Things told AFP that there are now around 10,000 “cyborgs” — or humans with digital chips in them — across the globe.
 This appears to be a ramp-up of an interesting 2007 clip from NBC News that confidently states that we all will have embedded chips by the year 2017:

But 10,000 is a heck of a long way from “everyone” so it sounds as though it would have to mandatory for this to ever become the case. Or, at least become so inconvenient that one could not navigate modern society without it.
Another of the implanted stated something interesting that might indicate that the writing is on the wall for how this could become mandatory – emphasis added.
“Curiosity is a factor,” said Hannes Sjoeblad, who also has a chip implanted.
But he added that a key aim is “to explore this technology before the government starts doing this”.
 For an extensive treatment of the next level of potential for embedded systems, I would encourage you to read Brandon Turbeville’s article “The Coming Brain Chip.”


The Era Of Cyborg Nanotechnology Has Begun

 A press release called “On the Frontiers of Cyborg Science” highlights many of the potential benefits, but we can’t overlook that the funding for the research comes from the U.S. Department of Defense, the National Institutes of Health and the U.S. Air Force. With funding sources such as these, can you imagine some negative consequences? Your thoughts are welcome in the comment section below.


Press release: “On the frontiers of cyborg science”

No longer just fantastical fodder for sci-fi buffs, cyborg technology is bringing us tangible progress toward real-life electronic skin, prosthetics and ultraflexible circuits. Now taking this human-machine concept to an unprecedented level, pioneering scientists are working on the seamless marriage between electronics and brain signaling with the potential to transform our understanding of how the brain works — and how to treat its most devastating diseases.
heir presentation is taking place at the 248th National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS), the world’s largest scientific society. The meeting features nearly 12,000 presentations on a wide range of science topics and is being held here through Thursday.
“By focusing on the nanoelectronic connections between cells, we can do things no one has done before,” says Charles M. Lieber, Ph.D. “We’re really going into a new size regime for not only the device that records or stimulates cellular activity, but also for the whole circuit. We can make it really look and behave like smart, soft biological material, and integrate it with cells and cellular networks at the whole-tissue level. This could get around a lot of serious health problems in neurodegenerative diseases in the future.”
These disorders, such as Parkinson’s, that involve malfunctioning nerve cells can lead to difficulty with the most mundane and essential movements that most of us take for granted: walking, talking, eating and swallowing.
Scientists are working furiously to get to the bottom of neurological disorders. But they involve the body’s most complex organ — the brain — which is largely inaccessible to detailed, real-time scrutiny. This inability to see what’s happening in the body’s command center hinders the development of effective treatments for diseases that stem from it.
By using nanoelectronics, it could become possible for scientists to peer for the first time inside cells, see what’s going wrong in real time and ideally set them on a functional path again.
For the past several years, Lieber has been working to dramatically shrink cyborg science to a level that’s thousands of times smaller and more flexible than other bioelectronic research efforts. His team has made ultrathin nanowires that can monitor and influence what goes on inside cells. Using these wires, they have built ultraflexible, 3-D mesh scaffolding with hundreds of addressable electronic units, and they have grown living tissue on it. They have also developed the tiniest electronic probe ever that can record even the fastest signaling between cells.
Rapid-fire cell signaling controls all of the body’s movements, including breathing and swallowing, which are affected in some neurodegenerative diseases. And it’s at this level where the promise of Lieber’s most recent work enters the picture.
In one of the lab’s latest directions, Lieber’s team is figuring out how to inject their tiny, ultraflexible electronics into the brain and allow them to become fully integrated with the existing biological web of neurons. They’re currently in the early stages of the project and are working with rat models.
“It’s hard to say where this work will take us,” he says. “But in the end, I believe our unique approach will take us on a path to do something really revolutionary.”
Lieber acknowledges funding from the U.S. Department of Defense, the National Institutes of Health and the U.S. Air Force.


FDA Approves World’s First Bionic Eye Transplant

Full cyborg transformation has been given a green light by the FDA, and now researchers have successfully transplanted the world’s first bionic eye.
Surgeons at the University of Michigan Health System have made the first officially FDA-approved “bionic eye” transplants, allowing patients with a degenerative eye disease to make out light and shapes. The Michigan Daily reports that on January 16th and 22nd, two surgeons successfully implanted the Argus II artificial retina, which is composed of a sheet of electrodes fixed to the eye. The implant is paired with a pair of camera-equipped glasses and a processor that captures video from the glasses. That video is then sent as a series of pulses to the electrodes, stimulating the patient’s remaining nerve fibers. (Source)
While the device does not offer any type of superhuman enhancement – it in fact only offers rudimentary sight – researchers are heralding this as a major step in a new direction.
This announcement is certainly among the benign applications of this technology, but it is nonetheless an important reminder that we should consider if any limits need to be put on future applications like some of those discussed below. As professor and developer of this bionic system, Thiran Jayasundera, states:
 This is already the Argus II . . . In time there will be more development of these types of devices. (Source)


Google to Introduce Smart Contact Lenses

The Google Glass concept is poised to transform into a much less invasive apparatus: Smart contact lenses. As Extreme Tech reports, it is beginning with a medical application, but has obvious crossover potential:
The first smart contact lens, aimed at diabetics, takes a glucose level reading every second from the tears that wash over your eye when you blink, and transmits that data wirelessly to a nearby device. Google doesn’t say what device, but presumably a smartphone or Google Glass. Yes, if Google X has its way, we will soon all look like cyborgs, our bodies becoming interconnected networks of implants and augmentations. (source) [emphasis added]

The mention of cyborgs is not mere hyperbole. The technology already exists to apply a range of applications directly into contact lenses. A transparent graphene display built with the ability to be flexible ushers in the contact lens computer. It’s being developed by researchers in Korea:
The researchers were able to build miniature inorganic LEDs by connecting the graphene sheets together with silver nanowires into a hybrid structure. The flexible silver nanowires enabled the hybrid strucuture to maintain its high conductivity even when bent. The most important factor for using the hybrid graphene in a contact lens-based computer is its high transparency. (Source)
The silver nanowire sensors promise a multitude of wearable applications:
A clear, bandage-like sensor could eventually make everything from fabrics to our fingers smart. Dr. Yong Zhu and a team of North Carolina State University researchers created an ultra-thin, flexible sensor that could be used in clothing, on the body, any in other ordinary objects to track things like strain, pressure, human touch, and bioelectronic signals. (Source)

Amazingly, the core technology for smart contact lenses has been around since 2008. As Gizmag reported at the time, it was a stunning development that very well could have marked “the beginning of the Computer Human Interface of the future.”
It’s not often in this era of rampant technological innovation that a fundamentally new concept surfaces – with almost no limitations to what can be achieved with the myriad new technologies coming to market over the last few years, fundamentally new ideas of this magnitude are becoming increasingly rare, much less technologies with groundbreaking societal implications. Such a technology emerged this week when it was announced that engineers at the University of Washington have used microscopic scale manufacturing techniques to combine a flexible contact lens with an imprinted electronic circuit and lights.
As they also noted, the amount of investment into this area indicates how close to full reality the tech sector believes this to be:
Microvision, 3M, Texas Instruments, Explay, Neochroma, Digislide, Light Blue Optics and from research labs such as the Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems. Though the microprojection area promises the ability to project a large screen on any flat surface, we have yet to see commercially available products and the technology won’t suit everyone, partially because they’re still not quite small enough, and partially because of privacy issues – projecting delicate company information onto an airport terminal wall, for example, might not be a good idea. (Source)
Enter Google, which is already dealing with the privacy and legal issues of Google Glass. As we have seen with their investments in robotics and Smart Home technology, they are adept at making science fiction a palatable next-gen essential item by validating formerly radical concepts.
By combining the personal safety of health monitoring with the coolness of bionic zoom vision, can it really be resisted?


The Era of Cyborgs Has Begun

Until now, much of the dystopian aspect of these developments has been relegated to the alternative media; while the corporate, military, and governmental interests behind much of this tech continue to promote only the promise of a Utopia that will be free of disease, impairment, and death. But in order for this to happen, we must fully merge with computational and machine systems.
Now a leading mainstream scientific journal has announced that this is already happening, which indicates that the era of cyborgs has indeed begun.
The German science journal Applied Chemistry might not sit on the coffee table of the average citizen, but it is one of the most highly regarded in the world among those in the field, and is now in its 125th year of existence.
In their latest review, “The Chemistry of Cyborgs – Interfacing Technical Devices with Organisms” researchers from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) first point to some of the electronic health implants that we already take for granted as being a merger of man and machine, such as pacemakers and hearing or retina implants.
However, it is the rise of “smart” materials that can instantly change based on body conditions and integrate into tissues that marks a future of computational analysis and restructuring of the human body.
For successful tissue integration and the prevention of inflammation reactions, special surface coatings were developed also by the KIT under e.g. the multidisciplinary Helmholtz program “BioInterfaces”.
Most people embrace new developments that can assist with longevity and quality of life, and even the reversal of genetic conditions. But it is the human brain that poses the greatest ethical challenge; in this case, the brain-machine-interface (BMI).
BMI are often considered data suppliers. However, they can also be used to feed signals into the brain, which is a highly controversial issue from the ethical point of view. “Implanted BMI that feed signals into nerves, muscles or directly into the brain are already used on a routine basis, e.g. in cardiac pacemakers or implants for deep brain stimulation,” Professor Christof M. Niemeyer, KIT, explains. “But these signals are neither planned to be used nor suited to control the entire organism – brains of most living organisms are far too complex.” (emphasis added)
As the researchers also note, neuroprostheses are the foundation of a true cyborg, where robotic systems combine with a brain-machine-interface to control the external with thought alone. You can see some examples of this mind-controlled reality here.
While, again, many would embrace the notion of effectively replacing lost limbs, or allowing the paralyzed to walk again, the deaf to hear, and the blind to see; this technology is becoming increasingly elective, as well as forming a merger with the gadgets of our modern-day existence. And it’s all being done with very little two-way dialogue – science conducts the experiments, gets results, after which it is often dispersed for military use, then trickled down into consumer applications.
Moreover, as highlighted in the quote above, the two-way information transfer is troubling beyond the stated helpful applications. This is exactly what led a DARPA project researcher to blow the whistle on an Arizona State University project involving Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and the efforts to reproduce it through narrative. This can be done from a distance and is anything but elective.
Ethical concerns are unfortunately the last to arrive. It is for this reason that with very little fanfare we are becoming the cyborgs of science fiction. All that’s left is to decide how far we wish to continue down this path; the fork in the road is already upon us.

Nicholas West writes for and

Are ALL Politicians Exempt From Military Service?

Are ALL Politicians Exempt From Military Service?

Bring back our Republic by having your We The People go into your City or County and Mandate they bring back the troops that reside there, per the Corporation Contract, or else you will Mandate a vote for a Military Draft for ALL Government Officials that can walk to be chosen to go to the countries where battle is fought!

Bring back our Republic by having your We The People go into your City or County and Mandate they convert over to the Republic from the present Corporation, or else you will Issue an Attempted Murder Charge on each of them for refusing to Comply with the HJR 192 of JUNE 5, 1933 that Mandates ALL Debts are to be paid for, yet Medical assistance Has Been Denied for which People have Died, and if they Claim that is a Frivolous Resolution then Arrest them then and there, as they have NO Jurisdiction to Claim that!

If your Government Officials cannot show you a contract for which you as a United States citizen is to comply with pertaining to that City or County, then they have NO Jurisdiction and they cannot say; 'It is the Law,' as the Constitution supersedes ANY Laws!

You can see these and more at: Nesaranews Constitution And Founding Documents

Here is what it says in The Declaration of Independence:
That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.”

One World Trust!

One World Trust!

Find out the details of how the One World Trust came about and how Saint Germain was involved, but for the more recent activities of our present USA history start at Part 1, at 35 minutes.
This is what V.K.Durham has been bringing out, and it could come about once the Gold Backed US Currency is set!

Change is on the Horizon Part 3 of 3 The Farmer Claims Program

Posted on November 30, 2014 by Freewill
Uploaded on Jun 15, 2011

Change is on the Horizon is the epic story of how the world lost its soul and how it will gain it back. Directed and narrated by James Rink.
Part 1 Dawn of the Golden Age – Discuses how Saint Germain helped bring about the beginnings of a enlightened era which soon fell into darkness under the helms of the Illuminati and a corrupted masonic order.
Part 2 – The American Federal Empire. America was always meant to be always a shinning beacon of freedom and prosperity to the world. But the machinations of British bankers and the Rothschild’s soon destroyed all that was once good in this great land.
Part 3 – The Farmer Claim Program – Discuses how a class action lawsuit brought about in the early 1990’s lead to the creation of NESARA, the National Economic Security and Reformation Act which will ultimately tear apart the New World Order and bankers plans right out from under their feet.

Parents concerned over religious curriculum


Maury County Tennessee parents are expressing concern after their children came home with world history schoolwork containing references to Islam and its teachings.

The school district contends the curriculum has been in place for more than three decades, and world history is difficult to teach without referencing religions.

Brandee Porterfield has a daughter in seventh grade at Spring Hill Middle School. She said her daughter brought home school materials containing the Five Pillars of Islam. While she agrees that Islam is part of history and does not have a problem with schools teaching about the religion, she said the lesson skipped a chapter about Christianity.

Porterfield said school officials moved past the chapter because it was not part of the state’s standards.  “I have big problem with that. From a historical point of view, that’s a lot of history these kids are missing,” she said. “Also, for them to spend three weeks on Islam after having skipped Christianity, it seems to be that they are making a choice about which religion to discuss.”

The mother said she was concerned about her child being taught the “Shahada,” the Muslim profession of faith which was contained in a foldable teaching material.  One of the translations of the creed reads, “There is no god but Allah; Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.”

“I have no problem with the teacher at all. It’s just that yellow foldable seems to be teaching our children religion in schools, and only that religion,” Porterfield said. “From a religion point of view, if the schools are going to be teaching religion in history, they need to teach them all equally.”

Joy Ellis, who also has seventh-grader at Spring Hill Middle School, said she was aware students were studying Islam but took issue with the Shahada section.
“To me, a Christian child should not be made to write that,” Ellis said.  Ellis believes religion does not belong in schools, but if it is going to be taught, then Christianity should be taught because it is the most common in the United States.

According to a Pew Research Center study in 2014 that surveyed 35,000 people from across the U.S., 81 percent of Tennesseans asked identified as Christian. One percent identified as Muslim, while 14 percent said they were not affiliated with any religion.

National numbers showed 70.6 of those surveyed said they were Christian, while 0.9 percent identified as Muslim, according to the data.

“I honestly don’t want my child learning about Islam at all, but if they’ve got to learn about it, I would like for them to learn about the historical aspects of it and definitely nothing about the religion … I don’t want her writing ‘Allah is the only god,’” Ellis said.

Dr. Jan Hanvey, Maury County Public Schools middle school supervisor, said the curriculum and topics have been covered for at least 31 years. She is a former social studies teacher.  She said teachers do not spend three weeks specifically talking about Islam, but rather the geography, culture, economics and government surrounding the religion.

Islam is discussed for about one day of the three-week period, Hanvey said. By the end of the year, students will have studied Buddhism, Hinduism and other religions, she said.  “It’s part of history. If you don’t talk about it, then you are leaving out the ‘why,’” Hanvey said. “Children need to know the ‘why,’ and they need to be able to learn and know where to find the facts, instead of going by what they hear or what they see on the Internet.”

The chapter on Christianity was not skipped over but was put off until a later date, she said. The textbook’s chapter layout does not drive instruction. Instead, teachers use a pacing guide that may be different from chapter chronology, Hanvey said.  The state’s pacing guide says seventh grade social studies begins with the Islamic world, then moves on to studies in ancient Africa. The year ends with the “Age of Exploration,” which is continued in eighth grade.

Christianity is studied during the Age of Exploration section partly because religious persecution is one of the main reasons pilgrims left in search of a new world, Hanvey said.  Tennessee teachers helped develop the teaching standards, and the state makes its tests based on them, she added.

Ashley Ball, Tennessee Department of Education spokeswoman, said in an email the state sets academic standards or expectations for what students should know or be able to do in each grade.  Local districts determine the curriculum, tailoring what classroom instruction looks like to their students and teachers, she wrote. Per the state standards, all major religions are taught across sixth and seventh grade, Ball added. 

Modern events have caused “fear” of Islam, Hanvey said. She compared it to the 1940s when people were afraid of Japanese culture and people during World War II.  “It’s hard to separate religion from history,” Hanvey said. “It’s teaching about religion. We are not trying to convert.”

Spring Hill Middle School Principal Shanda Sparrow said in a statement that seventh grade teachers who shared the semester’s syllabus at the beginning of the year are having fewer questions from parents.  She acknowledges the school did “not do the best job” highlighting topics that might be considered controversial, including sensitive topics like religion.  

Sparrow said in the statement the school will be offering a brief forum at its Sept. 17 Parent-Teacher conferences in which parents can ask questions.  “We have responded to parents who’ve contacted us about the Islam unit of world history. In addition to that, we want all parents to know about the content of social studies (and) world history and continue an open dialogue about that,” Sparrow said. “An open dialogue with our parents is essential for us to maintain good parent relationships, and I’ve appreciated parents’ willingness to bring to me — and to the school district — classroom issues they have concerns about.” 

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Date: Saturday, 12-Sep-2015 08:25:58