Monday, September 21, 2015

1 catastrophe could take U.S. down, expert warns

(This is the best way to reduce weight on people, Starvation in FEMA Camps?) 

1 catastrophe could take U.S. down, expert warns

Rely on FEMA food stockpiles? Good luck. Maybe 2 meals each for 1% of population


WASHINGTON – Between the Red Cross, National Guard, Army Corps of Engineers and FEMA, all of whom respond to emergencies and disasters, America should be reasonably well-prepared for floods, fires, terror attacks and other major catastrophes, one might think.
Yet, in a dizzyingly high-tech era in which energy and communications grids are increasingly vulnerable to malicious attack, a nationally recognized security exit warns that any one of a series of catastrophic events could conceivably so disrupt the nation’s supply chain of food, water and medical supplies that regional shortages might persist for a period of years, a nightmare scenario that could result in millions of American deaths.
In an interview with WND, Barrett Moore, founder of the legendary global security company Triple Canopy, warns starkly that America’s infrastructure is “collapsing,” and if “any one or all of 15 key structural elements within the supply chain are impacted, we’re done.”
Moore today runs “360.TM,” which provides solutions to the various vulnerabilities of the nation’s supply chain, including the design, construction and equipping of safe havens, as well as consulting on threat assessment and creating emergency operations centers and transportation services.
Visit the WND Superstore’s Preparedness Department, featuring everything from hand-crank emergency radios to long-term storage food.

“The day-to-day operation of our society is predicated on peace and ongoing prosperity, along with a steady fuel supply, stable currency and civil order,” Moore told WND. And yet, he added, “no provision exists for emergencies wherein fuel becomes scarce, data does not flow, the currency collapses, or civil order breaks down.”

The United States is simply unprepared, he says, for the unfolding of major chaotic events, adding that Americans “will remain vulnerable” as long as they have no “secure location” to which they can retreat.
Any number of major developments could have a direct impact on the vulnerability of U.S. supply chains, says Moore.
For instance, the food delivery supply chain is increasingly vulnerable, he said, noting that “the average meal” travels some 2,500 miles from farm to table, 25 percent further than two decades ago.

Moore also referred to the inadequacy of the government’s own preparation efforts with regard to food reserves for the population. “In 1964, the federal government maintained stockpiles capable of feeding the entire population for a period of three years,” he said. “Some 50 years later, the Federal Emergency Management Agency has admitted to a stockpile of a mere six million meals.
“Given our population of over 300 million people, this would feed but one percent of the population [two] meals per day for one – yes, only one – day,” Moore warned.
“Few people appreciate what this means,” he added, saying such “indifference to supply chain operations despite heavy dependence on them and the criticality of their nature is more pronounced in urban areas.”
Indeed, he stressed, second only to the American homeland’s physical security, “these complex and intertwined logistics systems are essential to the functioning of our urban centers.”
In addition to physical attacks on the American homeland, including an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack – which top experts, including former CIA Director R. James Woolsey, say are increasingly likely – Moore called cyber attacks “the greatest threat to U.S. national security,” especially to the financial system which depends on the cyber infrastructure.
“Due to increasingly sophisticated, frequent, disruptive and often undisclosed attacks from foreign governments, criminal entities and lone actors, it is only a question of time until we experience a devastating cyber attack,” Moore warned.
In the same way, he said, emergency medical supplies are “insufficiently stockpiled in this country, with inventories so low in most commercial medical organizations due in part to supply chain efficiencies,” he said. “Profitability trumps stockpiling and emergency availability takes low priority.”
Today, he said, supply chain systems are more complicated and, unfortunately, also demonstrate “less elasticity and less redundancy.”
Therefore, he explained bluntly, “if certain systems fail, we will not eat or heat our homes, much less maintain our current standard of living.”
So, even though “as a nation steeped in a buy-now-pay-later immediate-gratification 24-7 culture,” Americans are able to get “want what we want when we want it,” he says, “the abundance we experience today could turn to scarcity tomorrow, rendering foolhardy those who don’t contemplate and prepare.”
Bottom line: “All supply chains are eventually disrupted,” Moore said, referring to Oxford historian Bryan Ward-Perkins, who warned that the economic complexity that produces a wide variety of manufactured goods also results in its very vulnerability. The historian referred, as an example, to the collapse of Rome’s supply chains after the fifth century barbarian invasions.
“What we observed at the end of the Roman world is not a ‘recession,’” Ward-Perkins said. “Instead, what we see is the disappearance of entire industries and commercial networks.”
Referring to Ward-Perkins’ book, “The Fall of Rome and the End of Civilization,” Moore added that the U.S., with an advanced economy, is increasingly “vulnerable because of its tendency to specialization.”
In fact, in a chapter on that very subject, Ward-Perkins wrote: “If the ancient economy had consisted of a series of simple and essentially autonomous local units, with little specialization of labor within them and very little exchange between them, then parts of it would certainly have survived the troubles of post-Roman times. However, because the ancient economy was in fact a complicated and interlocked system, its very sophistication rendered it fragile and less adaptable to change.”
The lesson from this observation, said Moore, “is obvious, and begs acknowledgement from Americans today.”
“No nation or generation has been more specialized than ours,” Moore said. “And no nation is more vulnerable.”
Visit the WND Superstore’s Preparedness Department, featuring everything from hand-crank emergency radios to long-term storage food.
Copyright 2015 WND

Fed Has Lost Control -Bill Holter & Greg Hunter Video

Fed Has Lost Control -Bill Holter & Greg Hunter Video

Sunday, September 20, 2015 16:46



By Greg Hunter’s   

Financial writer Bill Holter contends the recent announcement of the Federal Reserve not to raise rates means the “Fed has Lost Control.”Holter explains, “Whatever the Fed does is wrong. The reason I say that is because no matter what they do, they can’t fix what they have already done. There is no policy at this point that can repair where we are at this point as far as debt ratios, derivative outstanding and the money supply exploding. Nothing that they do now can fix it. The only thing that remains is a reset.”
In the reset, Holter contends, “All debt will be impaired. . . . A reset is going to be a shutdown of the system. Everything will stop. When you are talking about bonds being impaired, you are probably going to see that start or begin in the derivatives market. The derivatives is the tail that has been wagging the dog for years. Derivatives are leverage, and you can use that leverage to control prices. If they can put $1 down and control $100, you can pretty much control the price of an asset, and that’s what they have done. They have supported stocks. They pushed interest rates down and supported bonds. They have suppressed gold and silver prices. They were able to paint a picture using derivatives with 100 to 1 or more of leverage, and when they lose control, that derivative chain between bank A, B, C and D is going to snap. When it snaps, the music stops and everything is going to stop. Once something does break, I don’t think it will take much more than 48 hours for you to wake up in the morning and find that nothing works. Your credit card doesn’t work. Your debit card doesn’t work. You go to your bank and the ATM doesn’t work, and nothing is going to work. The entire financial system will shut down. The reset will be the reopening. It’s not the closure that will kill you, it’s going to be the reopening. In the reopening, everything is going to be revalued. How long will it take to reopen? I have no idea. It could be a week, two weeks, one month, two months or six months. Who knows, but the financial landscape is going to look different, and values will be unrecognizable.”
This is not going to just be a financial problem, but a problem getting things you need to live. Holter says, “These big stores get stocked up every single night. . . . The average store only has food for about two or three days. So, this is not going to just be an issue about you paying your bills. It’s going to break down so badly it is going to be an issue about whether or not you can get food.”
On gold and silver, is this the bottom? Holter says, “To answer your question, yes, I think this is the bottom. Can they push the price down again?   It’s possible, but like you say back in 2009, silver on the COMEX was trading just under $9, and to buy retail metal, you could not get anything under $15. . . . The physical market has hit a hard bottom.”
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with gold expert Bill Holter from
(There is much more in the video interview.)

After the Interview:
Bill Holter is a prolific writer, and you can find new articles he’s written almost every week day on

Captured ISIS Leader Makes Terrifying Confession About Barack Obama

Captured ISIS Leader Makes Terrifying Confession About Barack Obama

Sunday, September 20, 2015 17:51

Treason 3

Captured ISIS leader Yousef al-Salafi has confessed that the Islamic State is being funded by the U.S. government. America has been suspicious of the Obama Administration’s treason without concrete evidence – until now. You’re shocked? Really?

What else is there to say? None of this is new, yet thousands and thousands of Americans will watch the video below in shock and disbelief. Then, they will continue to do what they do best… nothing. A few weeks ago, a post titled Obama Ushers In Armageddon to America, provided a list of the 45 Goals of the Soviet Union to bring about the complete destruction of the United States. The list was published in 1958 during the cold war. After looking at the post for all of 30 seconds, the reader can count the goals that are highlighted in BRIGHT RED, and should take notice that Obama and his band of clapping seals in today’s Democrat Party have already accomplished about 30 out of the 45 goals. There is no debate to be had, go look. 
There have been many people like myself and countless others, from all walks of life, who did our homework on Obama years ago, and have been screaming our findings from the rooftops since long before the 2008 election, but our cries continue to fall on deaf ears. Lawmakers Have Come Forward Stating, “The Obama’s Are a Made-Up Family,” formed solely for the purpose of getting Obama into the White House. No matter how many times it gets brought to light that “Fundamentally Transforming” America Literally Follows the Communist Manifesto to the Tee, Obama has continued his tyrannical reign with impunity. 
Politicians will be politicians, and that will never change. As such, they will say or do whatever is necessary to retain their coveted positions of power, which is why we see them pander to anyone, even groups like Black Lives Matter, Whose Protesters Are Actively Endorsing Killing Police. while Obama remains silent. Like any drug addict, politicians’ addiction to their power is understandable, however detestable it may be. What is NOT understandable, is the sickening level of ignorance the common every day American is content to live in. 
Not one of Obama’s clapping seals who are voting in favor of the deal with Iran can name anything that the United States GAINS from the deal. Nothing. A recent poll revealed 1/3 of Americans Support a Military Coup of the Obama Administration to Oust Obama, so clearly Americans KNOW that Obama is a bad actor, but everyone wants someone else to handle it. Americans have become so damn self-absorbed, petty, and uninformed, that they have no clue that the barrel of Obama’s big government gun has them square in its sights. By the time the full effect of the Obama Presidency is felt, Americans will be in so much pain they won’t know what hit them. How have we become a nation so content with ignorance. It’s sickening. 
How many more times does it need to be said before the sleeping giant awakens? Obama is NOT playing for the team that says America on the front. Do MILLIONS need to die before that simple fact is conceded, and people become willing to take action? Right now, the TREATY that is being unconstitutionally RAMMED down our throats even as I type this, is such an act of TREASON, that recently a Former Federal Prosecutor Has Said That Legally Speaking, There is NO DEBATE: Obama and Those in Congress Supporting the Deal Are Guilty of Treason. Open and shut. The end. Period. 
Either we the people stop Obama, or Obama stops the American way of life forever. It’s quite possible we’ve passed the point of no return already. That’s not “rhetoric” either, so don’t go there. Anyone who has taken the time to be well informed, knows all too well that is not “rhetoric.” The links above highlight only a tiny fraction of what is going on. The Obama administration is engaged in SO many unconstitutional and illegal acts right now (even former Secret Serviceman Dan Bongino has said as much), that personally, I’ve given up trying to bring many of them to light simply because Americans can’t even get the basics down yet, much less the complicated things.  
As Americans, we are signing our own death warrants, and we are selling our children and grandchildren into slavery, and we are whistling Dixie as we do it. It’s disgusting. As the end of Obama’s “scheduled” term in office closes in, watch for the police state to continue to squeeze our throats tighter and tighter. it would be best for people to make an effort to learn some of the Tactics US Citizens Could Use to Take Down the Oversized Military Police State. The following video is from that post. People need to wake up. Please. 

Al-Salafi’s testimony to Pakistani officials is very damning for Obama and his hidden agenda to support ISIS and the destabilization of the Middle East and Europe.
The U.S. banking system has been allowed to filter funds to ISIS under the watchful eye of the Obama Administration.
An argument of ignorance on behalf of the Obama Administration is irrelevant. Our government has the resources to track and record every phone call and email in America every day. In the past, we have frozen billions of dollars belonging to terrorist countries at a moment’s notice.
The real question here is not, “what will congress do about it.” We already know they will do nothing. Boehner and McConnell sold out long ago.
The real question is, “how do we – the American people – take back our government before Obama succeeds in destroying us.”
Source: Conservative Post



Martial Law



Vermont Independence REQUIRES Good Parties, like the “ROUND UP BY THE RIVER, by Rob Williams (INTERVIEW)

Vermont Independence REQUIRES Good Parties, like the “ROUND UP BY THE RIVER, by Rob Williams (INTERVIEW)

This entry was posted on September 19, 2015 by in Arts

ROUND UPFreeing Vermont and becoming independent REQUIRE good public parties. The weekly Wednesday ROUND UP BY THE RIVER became a summer highlight for locals and visitors alike in Mad River Valley, home to 2VR HQ. 2VR caught up with ROUND UP co-founder Sarina Gulisano of the Sweet Spot in downtown Waitsfield for an interview.
Q. Explain the origins of the ROUND UP idea?
A. Spring of 2014, Michael Flannigan from Michael’s Good To Go came down to the Sweet Spot and pitched the idea to do a local food truck event at this location.  Between Michael, Joey from The Mad Taco, Johnny and myself we came up with a plan and things began to take shape.
Q. Paint us a picture – how do you visualize the ROUND UP as an event?
A. It’s a party that everyone is invited to. The scene is along the Mad River in the back parking area of Bridge Street we close off part of the lot and set up around 4 food truck/vendors and band or sometimes a DJ. We rope off an area that outdoor consumption is allowed. Family, friends, and neighbors gather, swim in the river, eat, drink, dance, chat, or just hang and take it all in.
Q. What are your goals for the ROUND UP?
A. We would like to continue the community’s interest in the event, also we want to keep it a safe place to gather and provide exposure for vendors and musicians.
Q. How does this past summer’s ROUND UP differ from the summer before?
A. This summer we held the event every Wednesday in comparison to every other Wednesday last summer.  This summer we did not cancel a single round up.  Last year we lost a few to rain.  This year we expanded the variety of food vendors and musicians.  Overall, I think it was better attended this year.
Q. What’s the most challenging part of the ROUND UP?
A. Taking out the trash at the end of the night. But honestly, I love the natural flow from absolute mayhem a couple hours before the ROUND UP to it taking on a life of it’s own once people show up.
 Q. What do you see for the ROUND UP for summers ahead?
A. More variety with food and music. Perhaps it could be something that we look forward to from year to year and can remain a simple local event that celebrates why we live here.
Q. Any last words of advice?
A. We would love it if everyone that attends would be respectful to all the property owners by cleaning up after themselves and pay attention to the alcohol boundaries. This will ensure us the use of this lovely location.
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Sunday, September 20, 2015

Repeal The “Organic Act of 1871”!

Repeal The “Organic Act of 1871”!

An Unconstitutional Congress passed the 'Organic Act of 1871' on Feb 21, 1871 for which Washington D.C. became a Corporation, and thus our problems today, and they are Bankrupt for already 180 days.

We The People now Demand that each and every City, County, and State push for the Repeal of the 'Organic Act of 1871' and thus it should begin the Return to the Republic.

If ANY Government Official states that this is a Terrorist Attack on the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. or any of its sub-corporations then you can have them arrested for Treason then and there for approving ALL the actions taken so far in the last 144 years to Mandate We People are Required to be US citizens, which are Slaves, and not Sovereign and Freemen.

You cannot wait till Pope Francis arrives here in the States, as it is already rumored that he just has to show up as a presentation matter and Official document signings at the U.N.!

See more of the Documents that got us here at:
Nesaranews Constitution And Founding Documents going all the way back for when it became Corrupt when the Southern States walked out of Congress Without a Proper Adjournment and made it all Unconstitutional after that for what the Government thought was OK!

You want ideas of what to write your Government Officials then help support me with them here to pass them on to others.

This is really NULL and VOID but it would wake them up to a vote or put you We The People in Prison!

Revolution, Civil War Brewing? Poll Reveals Staggering Information That Will Make Your Jaw Drop! (VIDEO)

Revolution, Civil War Brewing? Poll Reveals Staggering Information That Will Make Your Jaw Drop! (VIDEO)


So how close are we to a civil uprising, revolution, or coup here in America? According to a latest poll put out out by YouGov we are closer than you realize! According to the poll 29% of American’s support a military Coup that would seize control of the federal government. It also revealed that Republicans are twice as likely as Democrats to support the coup.
With that in mind, how close are we really to some sort of civil uprisings? Well, do I begin with the fact that our government is secretly preparing for all hell to break loose and doing massive military drills across the nation? Or do I begin with the fact that the US government is supporting a UN Arms Treaty putting major limitations on our guns? Or do I start with the fact that our government has documentation creating FEMA camps and preparing our soldiers for martial law? Or the fact that they issued a bulletin attacking patriots? Or? Or? Or? The list is almost endless! Maybe this is the reason why 29% of American’s are so upset with what is happening in our government. After all I’m not happy with them either. That said, I can’t help but ask the question is a “coup” all a part of their plan to rip our freedoms out from under us forever and usher in ultimate control of our beloved country? The video reveals all this and more…


For More Information:

Lisa Haven is an independent Christian news analysis and one of the top contributors on She is also author of and runs her own youtube channel (Lisa Haven) with tens-of-thousands of views per day. Digging deep and finding truth is what she lives for. Her passion is to spread truth no matter where it lies. She covers everything from martial law, to FEMA camps, to end time bible prophecy, to government documents and much more! Before launching her journalism career, she wrote many bible studies and lead women ministries for a number of years. She will also complete her ministry degree at International School of Ministry this year.


Soviet-bloc defector sheds light on new JFK document

Soviet-bloc defector sheds light on new JFK document

CIA releases presidential briefing on Oswald's visit to embassy

NEW YORK – The CIA’s release Wednesday of a Presidential Daily Briefing given to President Lyndon B. Johnson four days after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy has renewed controversy over a trip Lee Harvey Oswald made to Mexico two months before the assassination. The key paragraph confirmed press stories reporting Oswald visited both the Cuban and Soviet embassies in Mexico City on Sept. 8, 1963, in an attempt to arrange a visa to travel to the Soviet Union by way of Havana, Cuba.
The CIA has insisted since the assassination that Oswald visited the Soviet embassy in Mexico City in September 1963, but the agency has never been able to produce photographic evidence, even though the building was under photo surveillance at the time.

Warren Commission Exhibit 237, Vol. XVI, page 638, CIA surveillance photo of “Lee Harvey Oswald” outside Soviet embassy in Mexico City, September 1963
Warren Commission exhibit
CIA surveillance photo of “Lee Harvey Oswald” outside Soviet embassy in Mexico City.

Jerome Corsi’s “Who Really Killed Kennedy?” presents stunning new revelations 50 years later.
The controversial photograph the Warren Commission published in Vol. XVI, labeled Commission Exhibit 237, identified a man the CIA photographed outside the embassy as Oswald, even though he bears no resemblance to the presumed assassin.
Soviet Russia responsible?
Ion Mihai Pacepa, the highest-ranking defector from the former Eastern Bloc, told WND he believes the CIA briefing-book release provides further evidence the Soviet Union was responsible for killing Kennedy.
Pacepa, who was granted asylum in the United States by President Jimmy Carter in 1978, told WND in an email that the new CIA release confirms his theory that JFK was a KGB-trained assassin who returned to the United States with the mission of killing JFK.
“The CIA has been periodically releasing documents on the JFK assassination over the years, but this particular information was already in the Warren report,” Pacepa explained.
He said his analysis remains the same and has been supported by other more recent reports, as he wrote in his newest book, “Disinformation,” published by WND Books.
In his 2007 book “Programmed to Kill: Lee Harvey Oswald, the Soviet KGB, and the Kennedy Assassination,” Pacepa argued that Moscow tried to deprogram Oswald from killing JFK but failed. Oswald proceeded with the original plan, convinced he was fulfilling his “historic task.”
Pacepa believes Oswald traveled to Mexico to meet with the KGB in an effort to convince the Russians he was able to carry out the mission without adverse consequences to the Soviet Union.
Pacepa further points out that on an earlier trip to Mexico, in April 1963, Oswald met in the Russian embassy with Valery Kostikov, an officer of the KGB’s Thirteenth Department, responsible for foreign assassinations.
In his 2013 book “Disinformation,” on page 241-242, Pacepa argued that information that has become available since the publication of “Programmed to Kill” provided “irrefutable evidence” that after the JFK assassination, the KGB launched a disinformation offensive aimed at diverting public attention from Moscow as responsible for killing JFK. The goal, he said, was to frame the CIA as the behind-the-scenes perpetrator of President Kennedy’s assassination.
Pacepa points to the files smuggled out of the Soviet Union by Col. Vasili Mitrokhin, a KGB archivist, as discussed in the 1999 book “Mitrokhin Archive.” The highly classified KGB documents, Pacepa says, show “the so-called JFK assassination conspiracy” was “born in the KGB, and that some of it was financed by the KGB.”
Evidence of CIA cover-up?
Jefferson Morley, a former Washington Post reporter and the author of the website, disagrees.

Lee Harvey Oswald in custody after the assassination of President Kennedy.
Lee Harvey Oswald in custody after the assassination of President Kennedy.

Oswald’s September 1963 trip to Mexico is the subject of Morley’s 2008 book “Our Man in Mexico: Winston Scott and the Hidden History of the CIA.”
In an analysis titled “CIA disclosures bare the origins of the JFK cover-up,” published on, Morley argues that the paragraph on Oswald included in the CIA daily briefing was designed to mislead LBJ about what the CIA knew about Oswald.
It suggested the CIA had only learned about Oswald’s contacts with the Cubans and Soviets in the days and hours after JFK’s death.
CIA records declassified in the 1990s show that a host of senior CIA operations officers had already learned — and conferred among themselves — about Oswald’s foreign contacts six weeks earlier, in early October 1963, when JFK was very much alive,” Morley wrote.
“What the CIA’s disclosure show, inadvertently I’m sure, is damning,” he continued. “The CIA didn’t tell LBJ that certain senior officers had known about Oswald’s actions in Mexico City almost as soon they occurred.”
Morley said that if that fact “had been shared with a shocked and grieving nation in late 1963, some senior CIA officers could have – and probably should have – lost their jobs.”
“That didn’t happen. The men and women of the CIA who knew about Oswald’s contacts with communist officials in Mexico City while JFK was alive ranked high in Langley,” he said.
Morley believes a CIA cover-up continues, with the agency still withholding as classified 1,100 documents relating to the JFK assassination that are not scheduled for public release until October 2017 at the earliest, according to the national archives.
What the new disclosure shows, Morley insists, is that within days of JFK’s assassination, senior CIA officials were concealing their knowledge of the accused assassin from their colleagues, the American people and the new president.
“In other words, the newest evidence shows that the JFK assassination cover-up originated in the CIA’s Directorate of Operations and Counterintelligence Staff,” Morley concluded in the analysis posted on his website.
WND asked Morley if CIA efforts to keep documents classified indicate to him that the CIA was complicit in the JFK assassination.
“I think it would be willfully naive to dismiss the possibility,” Morley responded to WND in an email.
“It is probably more likely that the CIA is merely hiding embarrassment or non-conspiratorial misconduct,” Morley said. “But given the amount of secrecy that still shrouds the files of certain undercover officers 50 years after the fact, reasonable people are going to draw negative conclusions.”
Morley said the CIA’s “record of misconduct during every JFK investigation and its continued flouting of the JFK Records Act encourages popular suspicions more than any conspiracy theorist.”
Warren Commission reported Oswald trip to Mexico
The news story in the CIA release Wednesday was that the CIA had informed President Johnson only four days after the assassination that Oswald had visited the Soviet and Cuban embassies in Mexico City seeking a visa to travel to Russia via Havana.

The Warren Commission final report on pages 299-311 provided a detailed discussion of Oswald’s trip to Mexico, even publishing photocopies of Oswald’s application to the Cuban embassy along with the reply of the Cuban government. “The investigation of the Commission has thus produced no evidence that Oswald’s trip to Mexico was in any way connected with the assassination of President Kennedy, nor has it uncovered evidence that the Cuban Government had any involvement in the assassination,” the Warren Commission concluded on pages 308-309.
The House Select Committee on Assassinations commissioned an investigation that produced a report in 1978 titled “Oswald, the CIA, and Mexico City,” which became known as “The Lopez-Hardway Report,” after its authors Dan Hardway and Edwin Lopez-Soto.
In an introduction to the report published by the Mary Ferrell Foundation in 2006, Rex Bradford of the foundation noted the report “brims with puzzling anomalies, unanswered questions, and above all deep suspicion the Central Intelligence Agency actively worked to block its probe.”
Copyright 2015 WND

The Court Judgement and Arrest Order against Pope Francis and others

We The People, Sheriffs, and Larry Klayman,
Here is the information you Sheriffs need, or you others to get your Sheriffs, to have Pope Francis Arrested when he is in America.
Failure for any of you people to take action will be on your heads when your time comes for conviction, here on Earth or when you meet your maker.
You are ALL obligated to take actions as your Income Tax has been Approved by Yourselves, as the ABA Courts have proven, for you to be an accessory as the Vatican receives over one third of all the 16th Amendment Taxes as the Washington D.C. Corporation is involved, thus involving ALL Government Officials.
If Pope Francis is allowed to follow through on the rumors of Signing over the States down to the people to the United Nations and surely ALL to the Vatican for a One World Religion then the Pope has gone too far for the God Almighty I know!
If there are 3,133 Sheriffs in the USA and no one takes action then I see that God Almighty has prophesied that evil will come to America as the Corporation has supported Israel on the Talmud, and Israel became a Nation by the UN countries in 1948.

The Court Judgement and Arrest Order against Pope Francis and others
Posted on July 22, 2014
Dear Common Law workers,
Attached are the following pdf documents, for your collective use:
1. The Brussels Common Law Court Judgement and Order concerning the guilt of Bergoglio, Pachon and Welby;
2. The Court’s Citizens’ Arrest Warrant against these three;
3. The Court’s Order to Comply to the three;
4.The Common Law Charter, authorizing the formation of a local Common Law chapter;
5. The Stand Down Order issued to all agents of the Crown (Canadian, English and Australian police, politicians, judges, etc.);
6. The Stand Down Order issued to all agents of the Vatican; and,
7. The original Order declaring the Crown, Vatican and Canadian government/churches to be criminal organizations.​
Please use these documents to perform Citizens’ Arrests, occupations and common law court actions. Hand the Stand Down Orders to​
​ local police and judges.
Also, the latest youtube broadcasts are attached, concerning the Court’s Verdict and the Republic:
GUILTY: Pope, Jesuits convicted in historic case
(Verdict) (Latest Kevin Annett interview and update)
More coming, thanks,
Kevin Annett img-722105823
Here is what it says in The Declaration of Independence:
That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.”

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors!

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors!

According to the House Joint Resolution 192 of JUNE 5, 1933 THE UNITED STATES, INC. was to Forgive your Debts as you We The People become their Creditors after their mistake of becoming Bankrupt, even if you were not born then.

Yet as to this day in 2015, 82 years later, they have been thieving and filching away every penny they can get, and for the last 6 months and more they have been Officially Bankrupt again.

For those that believe this is all 'Fiction' as we do not have a legitimate government, then it is like an Atheist saying that God Almighty is all a Hoax even though things do take place that have come true, and the Pope does believe in a superior being, yet his guidelines do not follow the Holy Bible.

It was the Promise by your Government Corporation that a Trust would be set up when you were born and funds from the Corporation be placed in there annually, and even though that happened you were not told, yet the BAR Association knows and they have been collecting, and that is why the USA has the highest percentage of prison inmates.

Seizing a home by a bank for which the bank did not even have a loan with you, your purchase was paid in full at signing, and then you go to prison for failure to comply with the Judge's Order, that Judge could be making another $2 Million for the Courts, and his bonus of course, and they are still doing this when the Corporation is Bankrupt, then Fraud is #1!

Will you ask for all your Debts to be paid off if the Corporation is removed, or have them comply with what they are to on HJR 192?

I am Standing here to say that for each and every Government Official that repents on the USA Debt Crisis and helps to turn this country around then I will Comply with what God Almighty has told me in Matthew 6:12; And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors, thus you will not be Charged and Arrested for Treason.

Matthew 6 King James Version (KJV)
5 And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.
8 Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.
9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
11 Give us this day our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:
15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.