Monday, September 21, 2015

Captured ISIS Leader Makes Terrifying Confession About Barack Obama

Captured ISIS Leader Makes Terrifying Confession About Barack Obama

Sunday, September 20, 2015 17:51

Treason 3

Captured ISIS leader Yousef al-Salafi has confessed that the Islamic State is being funded by the U.S. government. America has been suspicious of the Obama Administration’s treason without concrete evidence – until now. You’re shocked? Really?

What else is there to say? None of this is new, yet thousands and thousands of Americans will watch the video below in shock and disbelief. Then, they will continue to do what they do best… nothing. A few weeks ago, a post titled Obama Ushers In Armageddon to America, provided a list of the 45 Goals of the Soviet Union to bring about the complete destruction of the United States. The list was published in 1958 during the cold war. After looking at the post for all of 30 seconds, the reader can count the goals that are highlighted in BRIGHT RED, and should take notice that Obama and his band of clapping seals in today’s Democrat Party have already accomplished about 30 out of the 45 goals. There is no debate to be had, go look. 
There have been many people like myself and countless others, from all walks of life, who did our homework on Obama years ago, and have been screaming our findings from the rooftops since long before the 2008 election, but our cries continue to fall on deaf ears. Lawmakers Have Come Forward Stating, “The Obama’s Are a Made-Up Family,” formed solely for the purpose of getting Obama into the White House. No matter how many times it gets brought to light that “Fundamentally Transforming” America Literally Follows the Communist Manifesto to the Tee, Obama has continued his tyrannical reign with impunity. 
Politicians will be politicians, and that will never change. As such, they will say or do whatever is necessary to retain their coveted positions of power, which is why we see them pander to anyone, even groups like Black Lives Matter, Whose Protesters Are Actively Endorsing Killing Police. while Obama remains silent. Like any drug addict, politicians’ addiction to their power is understandable, however detestable it may be. What is NOT understandable, is the sickening level of ignorance the common every day American is content to live in. 
Not one of Obama’s clapping seals who are voting in favor of the deal with Iran can name anything that the United States GAINS from the deal. Nothing. A recent poll revealed 1/3 of Americans Support a Military Coup of the Obama Administration to Oust Obama, so clearly Americans KNOW that Obama is a bad actor, but everyone wants someone else to handle it. Americans have become so damn self-absorbed, petty, and uninformed, that they have no clue that the barrel of Obama’s big government gun has them square in its sights. By the time the full effect of the Obama Presidency is felt, Americans will be in so much pain they won’t know what hit them. How have we become a nation so content with ignorance. It’s sickening. 
How many more times does it need to be said before the sleeping giant awakens? Obama is NOT playing for the team that says America on the front. Do MILLIONS need to die before that simple fact is conceded, and people become willing to take action? Right now, the TREATY that is being unconstitutionally RAMMED down our throats even as I type this, is such an act of TREASON, that recently a Former Federal Prosecutor Has Said That Legally Speaking, There is NO DEBATE: Obama and Those in Congress Supporting the Deal Are Guilty of Treason. Open and shut. The end. Period. 
Either we the people stop Obama, or Obama stops the American way of life forever. It’s quite possible we’ve passed the point of no return already. That’s not “rhetoric” either, so don’t go there. Anyone who has taken the time to be well informed, knows all too well that is not “rhetoric.” The links above highlight only a tiny fraction of what is going on. The Obama administration is engaged in SO many unconstitutional and illegal acts right now (even former Secret Serviceman Dan Bongino has said as much), that personally, I’ve given up trying to bring many of them to light simply because Americans can’t even get the basics down yet, much less the complicated things.  
As Americans, we are signing our own death warrants, and we are selling our children and grandchildren into slavery, and we are whistling Dixie as we do it. It’s disgusting. As the end of Obama’s “scheduled” term in office closes in, watch for the police state to continue to squeeze our throats tighter and tighter. it would be best for people to make an effort to learn some of the Tactics US Citizens Could Use to Take Down the Oversized Military Police State. The following video is from that post. People need to wake up. Please. 

Al-Salafi’s testimony to Pakistani officials is very damning for Obama and his hidden agenda to support ISIS and the destabilization of the Middle East and Europe.
The U.S. banking system has been allowed to filter funds to ISIS under the watchful eye of the Obama Administration.
An argument of ignorance on behalf of the Obama Administration is irrelevant. Our government has the resources to track and record every phone call and email in America every day. In the past, we have frozen billions of dollars belonging to terrorist countries at a moment’s notice.
The real question here is not, “what will congress do about it.” We already know they will do nothing. Boehner and McConnell sold out long ago.
The real question is, “how do we – the American people – take back our government before Obama succeeds in destroying us.”
Source: Conservative Post



Martial Law




Anonymous said...

Listen up Americans.....time to put the potato chips and beer aside as if you continue sitting on your fat lazy ahos we will loose it all, and OH....I forgot to mention YOU just may loose the opening you shove those chips in.... YOUR HEAD.....THEY ARE WANTING TO TRY THEIR new head chopping machines out....If you don't know what to do..... do something to help get the word out...get together with a group of trusted friends and make some plans if you know what I mean... We out number these SOB's thousands and thousands to one....get busy.......

Anonymous said...

When the name Obama first came to light, it threw up a mountain of red flags for me, but it's just all business as usual. In spite of the undisputed self evident proof that has come to light concerning this regime and all the traitors in the District of Criminals, it still remains business as usual. Just as 9-11 has for the past 14 years while the Bush , Clinton and Obama regimes continue to plunder and destroy this so called country and the world. As long as the stupid sheeple people keep eating the shit, "THEY" will keep shoveling it.

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't the top Brass just take Obama out? That is their real job. Are you going to allow the Reptillians who have infiltrated this Republic to just go ahead with their agenda to depopulate the earth? The Reptillians are walking around in Our government looking like humans, and they want the earth planet to themselves and they want to kill off ALL the humans including top Brass and their families. Are you going to just allow them to do this, while at the same time protecting their agendas??? It is quite possible that Obama is a manufactured alien from Zeta Reticulai with a brain implant in his head...- after all he has no real birth certificate, no social security number, no "real" parents, kills his grandmother, is a totalitarian liar with a capital L, and he's not even supposed to be president as he was not born here. If you top Brass don't arrange for Obama to be taken out, then you are responsible for the end of the human race.....Big Responsibility!