Monday, July 4, 2016


This is an 'alert' sent to us by a reader for posting.  Already the timeline has changed - announcements were NOT done tonight as was reported to be done on July 4th - as the Chinese reportedly wanted announcements on the 4th as part of America's celebration - and then cancelled it .... nothing .... now being reported announcements will be Tuesday evening??????? Delays - always delays and questions about WHY?

WOW///OMG From David: 
Date: July 3, 2016 at 7:34 PM

This is a must listen to if you want to be 
smarter than a gur-fool at exchange time!!!!

Link is below ...........
above 'Victory to the Light'

To All:

OK, if anyone still doubts that the RV is real, then listen to this call with Sheldon Levert. HOWEVER, listen carefully to what and who he is  sending us to for advice after the RV.  BE VERY CAREFUL who you pick for advice.  

AND, Drop Box is often corrupted with viruses.

But, most of the procedural steps for this RV process is likely correct.  

Apparently, this call was recorded this Last Saturday.  
Per my sources, we can look for the 800#'s tonight or Tuesday AM.

This is a MUST LISTEN. This gentleman is a Banker, Lawyer and on the RV Committee and has been involved in the RV for 7 Years.  

This guy is a well-educated professor teaching international finance out of the Cleveland, OH area. He's been very involved in bringing about the RV.

- Major Sequences
- 4 step tier procedure
- Overview of all Stations
- Questions and answers

"Victory to the Light "
I recommend that you download and listen to this file. Share it with your friends and family that are exchanging. It's packed with good suggestions! In fact, he says, "In working with the RV Committee ".....  you can't argue with his credentials. 

Download this! It's a MUST LISTEN.

Good Luck and God Bless You....​ 
Popeye and Olive Oyl.....

Independence Day

Judge Anna von Reitz
I can hear the fireworks starting.  It’s midnight in the wee early hours of the Fourth of July, 2016. Somewhere out in the dark, Americans are celebrating.  Most of them call it “The Fourth of July” and don’t use the old fashioned name for it— “Independence Day”— but that is what I am thinking about tonight: independence.
Fourth of July rolls around once a year whether we want it to or not.  The bunting appears. The fireworks start.  The barbeques flame out.  The beer explodes.  The dogs and cats head for the basement….. yeah, it’s all good, but is that what it’s about? 
Independence is something you have to choose.  It’s an attitude, a mindset, a way of life, a choice. Independence is what you do when you stand on your own and take responsibility for your own life, your own government, your own country, your own planet. 
Independence signals a coming of age.  
And this is Independence Day.  
Looking around me it seems that we have been lulled into a stupor of dependence— looking to the government to tell us how to live, expecting the government to provide our every need, turning to the mainstream media to tell us what to think and how to think it, parading in lock-step to every new fad of political correctness, conceiving of ourselves as helpless pawns or cogs in some vast machine, hopelessly grinding away so that once a year we can congratulate ourselves on being “free” long after we have forgotten what that really means. 
A young friend of mine called earlier this evening.  He said, “What do I have to celebrate?…..” and then he rattled off his own long list of things that are wrong with this country and with his countrymen and with everything in general.  And then there was a very long pause in which his depression and sincerity stabbed at me like a thorn. 
What kind of world had I given him, this young man who is just starting out? 
Very clearly, he was disillusioned and feeling helpless and overwhelmed and ready to give up—-figuring that freedom isn’t possible or never was, like Camelot.  Stop believing in it.
Chuck freedom in the bin with the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus, just another silly “tradition” for the amusement of grown-ups and greeting card company profits. 
He had caught me by surprise at the end of a long day. For a moment my mind just whirred around as if it couldn’t find any traction—-and then, in my memory somewhere, I could hear someone whispering, “Freedom isn’t out there, it’s in here.”  
It was a soft, dusky, female, African voice, sweet as summer rain and she repeated with great certainty —- “Freedom isn’t out there,” she said, touching the front of her cotton dress over her heart, “it’s in here, child.  This is where freedom lives.” 
Goldie Williams.  She stood leaning on a wooden gate watching the fireworks in another time and place and she came back to rescue me today, from out of my memory of a night more than fifty years ago.  I smiled broadly just thinking about her.  Blueberry pie for the Fourth of July. Chasing fireflies and twirling sparklers. 
It’s not about the external world, I told my young friend. It’s about choices.  It’s about how you live your life. If you sit around waiting for someone or something else to set you free, that day is never going to come.  You have to set yourself free, declare your own independence day, and when enough of us do that, there is nothing on earth that’s going to stop us. It’s in your own heart and mind that freedom lives. It’s a gift you give yourself, and nobody can take it away. 
Thank you, Goldie, for reminding me where freedom lives and the real meaning of “Independence Day” —- just in time to pass it on to another generation of Americans. 

The Court held that the fundamental constitutional right of access to courts requires prison authorities to provide adequate law libraries or adequate assistance from persons trained in the law.

 Emailed by a reader
Law Library Services to Prisoners: A Bibliography Standing Committee on Law Library Service to Institution Residents Social Responsibilities Special Interest Section American Association of Law Libraries
Prepared by Stacy Etheredge, July 2008 Note: Discussions of prison law libraries have been driven by two major Supreme Court cases. In Bounds v. Smith, 430 U.S. 817, 97 S.Ct. 1491 (1977), the Court held that the fundamental constitutional right of access to courts requires prison authorities to provide adequate law libraries or adequate assistance from persons trained in the law. 

In Lewis v. Casey, 518 U.S. 343, 116 S.Ct. 2174 (1996), the Court held that prisoners do not have an abstract freestanding right to a law library and must demonstrate actual injury in order to sustain a challenge to the adequacy of the law library. Before Bounds and Lewis Morris L. Cohen, Reading Law in Prison, 48 PRISON J. 21 (Spring-Summer 1968). Charles Larsen, Herman C. Spector, and Marshall W. Krause, Prison Writ-Writing: Three Essays, 56 CAL. L. REV. 342 (1968). O. James Werner, Law Library Service to Prisoners: The Responsibility of Nonprison Libraries, 63 L. LIBR. J. 231 (1970). O. JAMES WERNER, MANUAL FOR PRISON LAW LIBRARIES (1976). O. James Werner, Present Legal Status and Conditions of Prison Law Libraries, 66 L. LIBR. J. 259 (1973). OLGA B.

 WISE AND J. MACGREGOR SMITH, PLANNING A LEGAL REFERENCE LIBRARY FOR A CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION (1976). After Bounds Anne R. Bowden, North Carolina County Jail Inmates’ Right of Access to Courts, 66 N.C. L. REV. 583 (1988). Samuel Jan Brakel, “Mastering” the Legal Access Rights of Prison Inmates, 12 NEW ENG. J. ON CRIM. & CIV. CONFINEMENT 1 (1986).

 Justin Brooks, Keeping the Jailhouse Lawyer Out of Jail: Reduce Recidivism by Teaching Law to Inmates, 9 CRIM. JUST. 18 (Summer 1994). Frances T. Freeman Cruz, Prisoners’ Struggle with the Judicial System, 9 NEW ENG. J. ON CRIM. & CIV. CONFINEMENT 145 (1983). Richard E. Ducey, Survey of Prisoner Access to the Courts: Local Experimentation a’Bounds, 9 NEW ENG. J. ON CRIM. & CIV. CONFINEMENT 47 (1983). Arturo A. Flores, Bounds and Reality: Lawbooks Alone Do Not a Lawyer Make, 77 LAW LIBR. J. 275 (1984-1985). ARTURO A. FLORES, WERNER’S MANUAL FOR PRISON LAW Libraries (2nd ed. 1990). Steven D. Hinckley, Bounds and Beyond: A Need to Reevaluate the Right of Prisoner Access to the Courts, 22 U. RICH. L. REV. 19 (1987). Elizabeth Slusser Kelly and Virginia Davis, panelists, Prison Law Library Service: Questions and Models, 72 L. LIBR. J. 598 (1979). Howard Meshnick, Constitutional Law – Prisoners’ Right of Access to Courts Does Not Mandate Additional Legal Assistance When Law Library Access is Adequate, 19 SUFFOLK U. L. REV. 120 (1985). William D. Mongelli, De-Mystifying Legal Research for Prisoners, 86 L. LIBR. J. 277 (1994). Wayne Ryan, Access to the Courts: Prisoners’ Right to a Law Library, 26 HOW. L.J. 91 (1983). Christopher E. Smith, Examining the Boundaries of Bounds: Prison Law Libraries and Access to Courts, 30 HOW. L.J. 27 (1987). Christopher E. Smith, Improving the Use of Prison Law Libraries: A Modest Proposal, 79 L. LIBR. J. 227 (1987). 

Charles R.B. Stowe, Equal Access to Courts: A Look at Texas Prison Libraries, 50 TEX. B. J. 1238 (1987). Charles R.B. Stowe, Equal Access to Courts: A Look at Texas Prison Libraries: A Modest Proposal, 79 L. LIBR. J. 227 (1987). GENE TEITELBAUM, INSPECTING A PRISON LAW LIBRARY (1989). After Lewis George L. Blum, Annotation, Sufficiency of Access to Legal Research Facilities Afforded Defendant Confined in State Prison or Local Jail, 98 A.L.R. 5th 445 (2002). Jill Schachner Chanen, Banned in the Bighouse: With Elimination of Prison Law Libraries in Arizona, Inmates Must Rely on Paralegals to Prepare Petitions, 84 A.B.A. J. 26 (Mar. 1998). Joseph L. Gerken, Does Lewis v. Casey Spell the End to Court-Ordered Improvement of Prison Law Libraries?, 95 LAW LIBR. J. 491 (2003). Sandra Marz, A Jail Becomes a Modern Law Library, 6 AALL SPECTRUM 8 (May 2002). Joseph A. Schouten, Not So Meaningful Anymore: Why a Law Library is Required to Make a Prisoner’s Access to the Courts Meaningful, 45 WM. & MARY L. REV. 1195 (2004). Evan R. Seamone, Fahrenheit 451 on Cell Block D: A Bar Examination to Safeguard America’s Jailhouse Lawyers from the Post-Lewis Blaze Consuming Their Law Libraries, 24 YALE L. & POL’Y REV. 91 (2006). SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES SPECIAL INTEREST SECTION, AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF LAW LIBRARIES, RECOMMENDED COLLECTIONS FOR PRISON AND OTHER INSTITUTION LAW LIBRARIES (Rebecca S. Trammel ed., 1996). (Note - Federal and General materials updated by Werner’s Manual for Prison Law Libraries, 3rd ed.; State materials currently being updated for publication on the SR-SIS website) David Steinberger, Lewis v. Casey: Tightening the Boundaries of Prisoner Access to the Courts, 18 PACE L. REV. 377 (1998). Michael W. Tillman-Davis, My Time on Rikers Island, 99 L. LIBR. J. 151 (2007). Rebecca S. Trammel, Out of Bounds: Lewis v. Casey Redefines Rights Previously Found in Bounds v. Smith – Seriously Undermining Prison Law Libraries and the Ability of Inmates to See Justice, 2 AALL SPECTRUM 10 (Sept. 1997). REBECCA S. TRAMMELL, WERNER’S MANUAL FOR PRISON LAW LIBRARIES (3rd ed. 2004). Camilla Tubbs, Electronic Research in State Prisons, 25 LEGAL REF. SERVICES Q. 13 (2006). 

Karen Westwood, Meaningful Access to the Courts and Law Libraries: Where are we Now?, 90 L. LIBR. J. 193 (1998). 

We can only change ourselves. But, by changing ourselves, we also change the world
While I breathe I hope

Sunday, July 3, 2016

How the U.S. Criminal "Just Us" System Works (in One Minute)

Scott Baio Loses It On Live TV On Obama: “HE’S DUMB, HE’S A MUSLIM, HE’S A…” [VIDEO]

Shortly after America faced a massive attack at the hands of a Muslim gunman, actor Scott Baio publically questioned whether President Barack Obama actually wants to “eliminate the United States as it was created.”

During an interview with Fox Business, the former “Happy Days” star was asked if he believed the president was reluctant to say “Islamic terror.”

“He’s absolutely reluctant,” Baio replied quickly. “I can’t tell, Lester, if he’s dumb, he’s a Muslim or he’s a Muslim sympathizer. And I don’t think he’s dumb.”
As if those comments weren’t controversial enough, Baio was then asked to explain Obama’s actions.

“I have no idea,” the actor replied. “Like I said, either he’s a sympathizer, a Muslim sympathizer or he’s a Muslim to allow this to keep happening.”
He also concluded that Trump is the only person who will do something about these attacks by extremists.

He even argued that the game plan for Obama could be to “totally eliminate the United States as it was created and founded and the way it is now.”
“The only time they get angry is at Republicans,” Baio concluded of Obama and Hillary.

For Jed --- More Questions and Answers About American States and Nations Bank

by Anna Von Reitz

I set up the Articles of Organization for the American States and Nations Bank and helped establish its first business office here in Alaska.  I also function as its first Comptroller, a responsibility I will not relinquish until I am sure that the endeavor is properly safeguarded, organized, and in good and honest hands going forward. 

These very simple statements--- Articles of Organization--- condense the nature, purpose, and fundamental organizational structure and accountability of managers within the bank. 

There is, of course, a great deal of work and security development behind all of it that is not immediately apparent, but becomes so upon reflection.  Each of the principal managers, including the Comptroller, have multiple functions at the start that are too complex, ephemeral, and varied to describe in the Articles as any part of the permanent position within the organization. 

I want to stress the fact that the American States and Nations Bank is an International Organization, not an incorporated entity or franchise of any kind; it is organized under Article X of the original and actual Constitution for these United States (land jurisdiction) as part of the reserved powers of the American People and their organic states.  It is a "sovereign bank". 

It is necessary for us to act as an International Organization because each one of the Several States are also separate Sovereign Nations, thus all trade between the organic Nations is in fact "international" in nature.

Think of it this way---- both "States" and "Nations" are political entities.  "States" operate primarily in the international jurisdiction of the sea through incorporated entities such as the "State of California".  Nations operate their affairs on the land jurisdiction through unincorporated international organizations, for example, the Alaska State or the Wyoming State, both of which can more exactly be termed the Alaska Nation and the Wyoming Nation.  

The confusion arises from calling nations "states" and only differentiating among them by slight differences in name:  Alaska State = Nation on the Land,  State of Alaska = Incorporated Legal Fiction. 

In the same way, international banks operate in the international jurisdiction of the sea as incorporated entities, and they operate entirely in the realm of commerce. Commerce is business carried on between CORPORATIONS  including "State of" corporations.  Thus, you, a living man named something like "George Michael Finkelstein"  have a "person" named after you, "GEORGE MICHAEL FINKELSTEIN"  which allows you to do business as YOU--- a corporation. You simply haven't been made privvy to this cozy arrangement benefiting the banks and "governmental services corporations" that have enfranchised "YOU" as a franchise like a Dairy Queen franchise and used "YOU" for their benefit and forced "YOU" to operate in the realm of international commerce whether you--- the living man---knew it or not.   The Alaska State has similarly suffered the predations of the State of Alaska and the STATE OF ALASKA. 

There is, however, the option to form an international bank that functions as an unincorporated international organization (as opposed to a corporation) operating on the land jurisdiction, and which operates entirely in the realm of trade.  Trade is business carried on between people and their Nation States, like the Alaska State and the Florida State. This is what the American States and Nations Bank is.  If you are a living man or woman, you will want and need to trade with a bank organized as we are organized.  If your organization --- Jural Assembly --- Township, County, or State Organization represents living people and actual soil, you will want to have an account with American States and Nations Bank. 

The advantage of such a bank is that it deals with you as one of the people instead of treating you as a corporate franchisee.  It can guarantee your privacy and the security of your funds in ways that no incorporated franchise can. It is also accountable for its actions and subject to the actual Public Law--- "bail ins" and "bail outs" and other such criminal nonsense are not possible when you bank with a sovereign, private bank.  It also deals in lawful money, which means that you have an option and a place to go where you can exchange actual assets, issue lawful notes and create lawful securities. 

As with all things, greater freedom requires greater self-responsibility and greater integrity.  The American States and Nations Bank has to function under complete commercial liability.  That means that we have to stand behind what we do and put our own --- not just the bank's assets --- at risk.  There is no corporate veil.  We can insure depositor's assets via private insurance provisions and we can bond certain aspects of our operations, but there is no FDIC here just as there is no obligation to kow-tow to the demands of any corporate bosses. 

If you are familiar with and accept the practices and risks of the commercial banks, or you honestly and knowledgeably accept "enfranchisement", and all the presumptions of "United States Citizenship" which that entails, American States and Nations Bank may not be the answer for you, but for millions of American State Nationals who need and want their birthright political status honored and who are tired of the monopolistic abuses and corrupt practices of both the Federal Reserve and IMF, it's time to come home.   
See this article and over 200 others on Anna's website

To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. 

Windows 10 tracks EVERYTHING you do and YOU can't stop it

MICROSOFT has admitted that Windows 10 users are powerless to stop the operating systems' controversial data collection.

Users are unable to turn off all of the data collection baked into Windows 10 
Users are unable to turn off all of the data collection baked into Windows 10
Following the news Windows 10 will be installing itself on computers across the globe, it's worth paying close attention to this latest statement Microsoft Corporate Vice President Joe Belfiore.

Speaking about the controversial keylogger included during installations of Windows 10, the Microsoft Vice President has admitted that users are powerless to stop the US firm's data collection.

Despite offering a number of options to disable elements of tracking, core data collection in Windows 10 cannot be stopped, he revealed in an interview with PC World.

"In the cases where we’ve not provided options, we feel that those things have to do with the health of the system," he said.
"In the case of knowing that our system that we’ve created is crashing, or is having serious performance problems, we view that as so helpful to the ecosystem and so not an issue of personal privacy, that today we collect that data so that we make that experience better for everyone."

The interview confirms a level of mandatory data collection within Windows 10 many had dismissed as the ramblings of conspiracy theorists.

It was previously thought Microsoft would only include the background keylogger – which tracks every word you type – within its Technical Preview versions of the operating system.
Microsoft Corporate Vice President Joe Belfiore admitted users are powerless to stop the data collectionGETTY
Microsoft Corporate VP Joe Belfiore admitted users are powerless to stop the data collection 
Tracking the keystrokes of Windows Insiders  using the pre-release Technical Preview would allow the US firm to use the vast data to tweak and improve the final release.

However the slightly creepy software is now included as standard in the commercial version of Windows 10. And it cannot be turned off, the new revelation has confirmed.

Microsoft has waited some four months since the release of Windows 10 to come clean about the core data collection processes working in the background of the operating system.

This also marks the first time the Redmond firm has acknowledges that switching off all user accessible options does not stop all of Microsoft's tracking.

Mr Belfiore added: "We’re going to continue to listen to what the broad public says about these decisions, and ultimately our goal is to balance the right thing happening for the most people – really, for everyone – with complexity that comes with putting in a whole lot of control."

Windows 10 Home, installed with default settings, has the ability to send your hardware details and any subsequent changes you make to Microsoft, log your internet browser history, keystrokes, Cortana questions and requests, display advertisements within your Start Menu and even control your bandwidth usage.
Even if you can't disable everything, Microsoft does allow you to control some of its data collection policies by navigating to Start > Settings > Privacy.
Despite the controversy surrounding its data collection policies, Microsoft aims to have Windows 10 running one a billion devices within two years of its launch.
The US technology firm recently announced the final date PC manufacturers will be able to sell new computers running Windows 7 or Windows 8.1.
However Microsoft has had a number of issues with Windows 10 since its release earlier this summer.
Microsoft records every tap on the keyboard in Windows 10 - to improve the product in later updatesGETTY
Microsoft records every tap on the keyboard in Windows 10 - to improve the product in later updates
Users have reported frustratingly slow boot-up speedstrouble with wifi connectionsprivacy concerns and issues with child safety features following the jump to Windows 10.

Windows 10 is currently a free operating system upgrade to customers running genuine versions of Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1.
If you have managed to get your version of Windows 10 up and running smoothly – has rounded up SEVEN top tips to master your new operating system.

And if you are feeling negative towards the new operating system, here are the WORST features Microsoft included in Windows 10.

There is a very simple solution to fix this!
Download and install Linux Mint!

Obama signs an Executive Order — Facilitation of a Presidential Transition

When or where does Obama's treason and treachery end? Now he has usurped the power of the presidency with an Executive Order so that an incoming President does not assume the powers of the office -- those powers are now placed with an un-elected transitional committee.


Executive Order — Facilitation of a Presidential Transition

- – - – - – -

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 7301 of title 5, United States Code, and the Presidential Transition Act of 1963, as amended, and to assist the Presidential transition, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Policy. The peaceful transition of power has long been a hallmark of American democracy. It is the policy of the United States to undertake all reasonable efforts to ensure that Presidential transitions are well-coordinated and effective, without regard to party affiliation.

Sec. 2. Establishment of the White House Transition Coordinating Council. (a) To facilitate the Presidential transition, including assisting and supporting the transition efforts of the transition teams of eligible candidates, there is established a White House Transition Coordinating Council.

(b) The White House Transition Coordinating Council shall be composed of the following officials or their designees:

(i) Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff, who shall serve as Chair;
(ii) Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, who shall serve as Vice Chair;
(iii) Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief of Staff for Implementation;
(iv) Counsel to the President;
(v) Assistant to the President for Presidential Personnel;
(vi) Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs;
(vii) Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism;
(viii) Assistant to the President for Economic Policy and Director, National Economic Council;
(ix) Director of National Intelligence;
(x) Director of the Office of Management and Budget;
(xi) Administrator of General Services;
(xii) Federal Transition Coordinator;
(xiii) the transition representative for each eligible candidate, who shall serve in an advisory capacity;  and
(xiv) any other executive branch official the President determines appropriate.

(c) The White House Transition Coordinating Council shall:

(i) provide guidance to executive departments and agencies (agencies) and the Federal Transition Coordinator regarding preparations for the Presidential transition, including succession planning and preparation of briefing materials;

(ii) facilitate communication and information sharing between the transition representatives of eligible candidates and senior employees in agencies and the Executive Office of the President, including the provision of information relevant to facilitating the personnel aspects of a Presidential transition and such other information that, in the Council’s judgment, is useful and appropriate, as long as providing such information is not otherwise prohibited by law; and

(iii) prepare and host interagency emergency preparedness and response exercises.

(d) In order to obtain a wide range of facts and information on prior transitions and best practices, the White House Transition Coordinating Council, its members, or their designees may seek information from private individuals, including individuals in outside organizations, who have significant experience or expertise in Presidential transitions. The White House Transition Coordinating Council, its members, or their designees shall endeavor to obtain such facts and information from individuals representing a range of bipartisan or nonpartisan viewpoints. If the White House Transition Coordinating Council, its members, or their designees find it necessary to seek advice from private individuals or outside organizations, such counsel should be sought in a manner that seeks individual advice and does not involve collective judgment or deliberation.

Sec. 3. Establishment of the Agency Transition Directors Council. (a) To implement the guidance provided by the White House Transition Coordinating Council and to coordinate transition activities across agencies, there is established an Agency Transition Directors Council.

(b) The Agency Transition Directors Council shall be composed of the following officials or their designees:

(i) Federal Transition Coordinator, who shall serve as Co-Chair;
(ii) Deputy Director for Management of the Office of Management and Budget, who shall serve as Co-Chair;
(iii) a senior career representative from each agency described in section 901(b)(1) of title 31, United States Code, the Office of Personnel Management, the Office of Government Ethics, and the National Archives and Records Administration whose responsibilities include leading Presidential transition efforts within the agency;
(iv) during a year in which a Presidential election will be held, a transition representative for each eligible candidate, who shall serve in an advisory capacity;
(v) a senior career representative from any other agency determined by the Co-Chairs to be an agency that has significant responsibilities relating to the Presidential transition process; and
(vi) other senior employees serving in the Executive Office of the President, as determined by the President.

(c) The Agency Transition Directors Council shall:

(i) ensure the Federal Government has an integrated strategy for addressing interagency challenges and responsibilities around Presidential transitions and turnover of non-career appointees;
(ii) coordinate transition activities among the Executive Office of the President, agencies, and the transition team of eligible candidates and the President-elect and Vice-President-elect;
(iii) draw on guidance provided by the White House Transition Coordinating Council and lessons learned from previous Presidential transitions in carrying out its duties;
(iv) assist the Federal Transition Coordinator in identifying and carrying out his or her responsibilities relating to a Presidential transition;
(v) provide guidance to agencies in gathering briefing materials and information relating to the Presidential transition that may be requested by eligible candidates;
(vi) ensure materials and information described in subparagraph (v) of this subsection are prepared not later than November 1 of the year during which a Presidential election is held;
(vii) ensure agencies adequately prepare career employees who are designated to fill non-career positions during a Presidential transition; and
(viii) consult with the President’s Management Council, or any successor thereto, in carrying out its duties.

(d) The Agency Transition Directors Council shall meet:
(i) subject to subparagraph (ii) of this subsection, not less than once per year; and
(ii) during the period beginning on the date that is 6 months before a Presidential election and ending on the date on which the President-elect is inaugurated, on a regular basis as necessary to carry out its duties and authorities.

Sec. 4. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:

(i) the authority granted by law to a department or agency, or the head thereof; or
(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.
(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
(c) The terms “eligible candidate,” “Federal Transition Coordinator,” and “Presidential election” shall have the same meaning as those terms used in the Presidential Transition Act of 1963, as amended. The term “President’s Management Council” shall have the same meaning as that term is used in the Presidential Memorandum of July 11, 2001.
(d) This order is intended only to facilitate the transition and is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.

May 6, 2016.   SOURCE

In Which “Reality" are you living?

In Which “Reality" are you living?

Are we really free? We were being run by a fictitious corporation which was owned by the "City of London" which in turn is owned by the Vatican.
Our legal system is a British admiralty sea law setup run by the BAR system which stands for British Accredited Registry which has written thousands of Statutes to control your so called "Freedom".
Under the Bankruptcy Act of 1933, you were declared an enemy of the "corporation" and can not own property.
Your titles are those of "usage" not "ownership". Look on your house title. You will see the word "tenant". The dollar is now worthless and the rest of the world has rejected it.
Our politicians are a bunch of crooks and are the board of directors for the now bankrupt United States of America INC. They don't work for you and I and they
don't care about us. They raise their salaries as more citizens fall into poverty. Our infrastructure is in need of repair and our public school system is inferior.
Many of the scientists and intelligentsia in America are from foreign countries.
Our signature was stolen from us during a loan scam by bankers who said that they loaned us money when they had none to give us. You promissory note from your mortgage was then split from the Chain of Title and sold off thus voiding our loans. The banks don't sign our mortgages which makes the transaction fraudulent from the start. Furthermore, our identity has been stolen and monetized as a bond via a Cestui Que Vie Trust or Birth Certificate and is traded on the open market.
WE are prevented from travelling freely due to a drivers License. Licenses are a means of taking a right and turning it into a privlege. Tools of enslavement
include religions, dumbed down educational systems, corporate indoctrination and control, mass media lies, coverups, and phoney treaties designed to profit
the rich and bilk the poor and stupid.
These people would like to take our weapons from us so that they can eliminate the "useless eaters" of our country.
Yes, we won some battles from King George but we lost the war and have never realized that we had been sold out and enslaved and are really a British colony which in turn is controlled by the Vatican Jesuits whose secret long term plan is to Restore the Roman Empire under the banner of The New World Order..
Happy 4th of "WHAT"?...........................E.
Provided as public service
courtesy of the

For Jed — More Questions and Answers About American States and Nations Bank

Judge Anna von Reitz
I set up the Articles of Organization for the American States and Nations Bank and helped establish its first business office here in Alaska.  I also function as its first Comptroller, a responsibility I will not relinquish until I am sure that the endeavor is properly safeguarded, organized, and in good and honest hands going forward.
These very simple statements— Articles of Organization— condense the nature, purpose, and fundamental organizational structure and accountability of managers within the bank. 
There is, of course, a great deal of work and security development behind all of it that is not immediately apparent, but becomes so upon reflection.  Each of the principal managers, including the Comptroller, have multiple functions at the start that are too complex, ephemeral, and varied to describe in the Articles as any part of the permanent position within the organization. 
I want to stress the fact that the American States and Nations Bank is an International Organization, not an incorporated entity or franchise of any kind; it is organized under Article X of the original and actual Constitution for these United States (land jurisdiction) as part of the reserved powers of the American People and their organic states.  It is a “sovereign bank”. 
It is necessary for us to act as an International Organization because each one of the Several States are also separate Sovereign Nations, thus all trade between the organic Nations is in fact “international” in nature.
Think of it this way—- both “States” and “Nations” are political entities.  “States” operate primarily in the international jurisdiction of the sea through incorporated entities such as the “State of California”.  Nations operate their affairs on the land jurisdiction through unincorporated international organizations, for example, the Alaska State or the Wyoming State, both of which can more exactly be termed the Alaska Nation and the Wyoming Nation.  
The confusion arises from calling nations “states” and only differentiating among them by slight differences in name:  Alaska State = Nation on the Land,  State of Alaska = Incorporated Legal Fiction. 
In the same way, international banks operate in the international jurisdiction of the sea as incorporated entities, and they operate entirely in the realm of commerce. Commerce is business carried on between CORPORATIONS  including “State of” corporations.  Thus, you, a living man named something like “George Michael Finkelstein”  have a “person” named after you, “GEORGE MICHAEL FINKELSTEIN”  which allows you to do business as YOU— a corporation. You simply haven’t been made privy to this cozy arrangement benefiting the banks and “governmental services corporations” that have enfranchised “YOU” as a franchise like a Dairy Queen franchise and used “YOU” for their benefit and forced “YOU” to operate in the realm of international commerce whether you— the living man—knew it or not.   The Alaska State has similarly suffered the predations of the State of Alaska and the STATE OF ALASKA. 
There is, however, the option to form an international bank that functions as an unincorporated international organization (as opposed to a corporation) operating on the land jurisdiction, and which operates entirely in the realm of trade.  Trade is business carried on between people and their Nation States, like the Alaska State and the Florida State. This is what the American States and Nations Bank is.  If you are a living man or woman, you will want and need to trade with a bank organized as we are organized.  If your organization — Jural Assembly — Township, County, or State Organization represents living people and actual soil, you will want to have an account with American States and Nations Bank. 
The advantage of such a bank is that it deals with you as one of the people instead of treating you as a corporate franchisee.  It can guarantee your privacy and the security of your funds in ways that no incorporated franchise can. It is also accountable for its actions and subject to the actual Public Law— “bail ins” and “bail outs” and other such criminal nonsense are not possible when you bank with a sovereign, private bank.  It also deals in lawful money, which means that you have an option and a place to go where you can exchange actual assets, issue lawful notes and create lawful securities. 
As with all things, greater freedom requires greater self-responsibility and greater integrity.  The American States and Nations Bank has to function under complete commercial liability.  That means that we have to stand behind what we do and put our own — not just the bank’s assets — at risk.  There is no corporate veil.  We can insure depositor’s assets via private insurance provisions and we can bond certain aspects of our operations, but there is no FDIC here just as there is no obligation to kow-tow to the demands of any corporate bosses. 
If you are familiar with and accept the practices and risks of the commercial banks, or you honestly and knowledgeably accept “enfranchisement”, and all the presumptions of “United States Citizenship” which that entails, American States and Nations Bank may not be the answer for you, but for millions of American State Nationals who need and want their birthright political status honored and who are tired of the monopolistic abuses and corrupt practices of both the Federal Reserve and IMF, it’s time to come home.

Putin Delivers Dire Warning To America: Someone Is Trying To Steal Your Election!

Not that we didn’t already know, but if there’s someone that would know about rigging an election it would be a high ranking Russian official.
In the outstanding video below which is now seeing some attention across the alternative media but will probably never be touched upon by most of the mainstream media, Russian President Vladimir Putin completely unloads upon Fareed Zakaria of CNN fame while telling him, among many other things, that AT LEAST two US elections have already been stolen, a warning to Donald Trump of what may be coming with the entire ‘new world order’ now on the line. Putin immediately calls out Zhakaria for the way he categorized previous Putin comments, showing us once again, that those working within the mainstream media are well trained at twisting the words coming from the mouths of others for the benefit of the nwo.
While the recent story over at SHTFPlan tells us that the US is sleepwalking towards a nuclear confrontation “in our astounding stupidity”, we hear directly from the leader of the nation that the US is regularly antagonizing…and who could completely destroy America within an hour by delivering an EMP attack upon us that there is no way that we could stop, sending America back to a time without electricitiy, internet, running water, utilities, a banking system, and devoid of much of government except for the ‘continuity of government’ which would by then be living in their snug little bunkers underground in Denver.


In this eye-opening video, Putin completely destroys the thuggish policies that the Obama administration has had towards Russia (not to mention towards the American people) and we learn why Donald Trump could be ‘the light at the end of the tunnel’ in wanting to have healthy and good relationships with Russia. Why WOULDN’T the Obama administration want ‘healthy relationships’ with Russia? As anybody who listens to this video can hear, Putin is NOT looking for war with the US but respectful relationships. Why would we be preparing for war against them that would lead to our total destruction?

Putin drops several bombshells on us all in this video, sending a loud and clear warning that AT LEAST 2 US elections have already ‘been stolen’ bringing up the absolutely abominable ‘super delegate’ process that is not only a kick in the teeth to every American voter across the country but shows, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that our voting system is rigged against the will of the American people.
While Hillary Clinton is still running for president rather than in prison, she and the rigged system have kicked every Bernie Sanders voter in America in the face, basically telling them that they don’t count nor do their votes. Think about that Bernie Sanders voters reading this…the proven war criminal, who not only has American BLOOD ON HER HANDS but who is accepting BLOOD MONEY from dictatorial regimes that slaughter gays, is basically stabbing in the back every member of the LGBT community, Black Lives Matters, and everybody else on the left who voted for Bernie Sanders by PROVING to them that their votes don’t count. Hitlery could care less about you or any of us. I personally would vote for Bernie in a second flat over lying, crooked Hillary though I long ago learned our votes don’t count in this rigged system.

It’s clear that Mr. Putin knows that US elections are rigged as well and as we hear in this video, he sends what could be looked at as a very, very clear warning to Donald Trump in this video: “Crooked Hillary WILL steal this election from you, too….so watch your back!” As anyone who has been following the Clinton’s outside of the mainstream media already knows, the list of the dead that follows them everywhere they go is legendary and the absolute corruption surrounding them proves this family is the last family on Earth that Americans want or need back in the White House. If most of America really thinks that lying, crooked, war-criminal, blood-money Hitleryis the ‘change we need’, maybe they haven’t looked at her disastrous record already in the Middle East and Benghazi. If Clinton is the ‘change we need’, maybe America deserves the ‘date with destruction’ the globalists have been pushing us towards.

As we have warned over and over and over again on ANP, Hitlery is clearly the globalists candidate as she’s promised to open US borders within 100 days of being elected, thus providing us with the final, fitting ‘end of America’. We have also warned that if the globalists feel that they are about to ‘lose America’, they will pull off the biggest false flag attack ever….putting an end to the elections and possibly keeping Obama in office.

If they can’t steal the election via the Diebold machines they control, the globalists will steal it by either taking down Trump or pulling off some kind of a BREXIT-style false flag such as the recent horrific shooting in the UK that may have been carried out by a mind-controlled MK-ultra slave and one that very well may keep the UK in the European Union if recent polls are correct showing a monumental shift since the killing of Jo Cox.

Listen to Mr. Putin… he tells us that Russia stays out of the US’s business, though he drops another bombshell on us in telling us that those from the international community who would like to monitor US elections have been forced away by US prosecutors, so we should stay out of Russia’s business, too. However, like the ever-present and brutish ‘big brother’ that US government has become, it continues to poke the Russian bear…over and over and over again….almost as if US leaders and this administration WANT Putin to respond and completely annihilate us so we can completely annihilate them.


Putin clearly doesn’t want to send the US back to the dark ages…he wants to build strong relationships with us…how this administration responds over the next few months will tell us if the US gets into 2017 alive and well or in a total and utter chaos. Putin also shows us why Americans need to get rid of this administration that has totally sucked up to the  ‘new world order’ before they completely destroy us via NATO’s belligerence towards a country that clearly has no ill will against the American people.
While we certainly understand that Putin was the prior head of the KGB and no angel, the leadership that he has displayed in Russia through this ongoing crisis should be commended, especially in comparison to what we’ve gotten from the administration here.
This video could also be looked at as a final warning to America…try to get it right this time because lowly scum are preparing to steal another election from you and send you into another downward spiral that will lead to your Republics utter destruction, thus, completing the process of what the globalists running American into the ground today want anyways.

Answer to David Crayford and "American Lawyer" -- Round 2

by Anna Von Reitz

First, an apology. Auto-correct got me again, and so my first attempt to address the misconceptions Mr. Crayford and American Lawyer both have about the ongoing situation was addressed to "David Crawford". Mea culpa for not better proof-reading. I was rather upset at the time and tired of struggling with pervasive ignorance.
In the reply I received from David this morning via his publication on Rumor Mill News, he accuses me of being in "Denial, Denial, Denial". Perhaps, David, you should read my Letter to Cardinal George plainly stated and on the public record at least two years ago, before you make any such accusation. It's all there on my website. Just look it up and see what I had to say to him when he presented the same false logic and accusation.
The history self-evident in the public records as well as the records of the Holy See tell a very different story than the one you are presenting. What you are presenting as an "alternative history" is just that--- a fictional history that as an "alternative" is more palatable in terms of selling the particular Rothschild-sponsored brand of snake oil you are selling.
The Rothschild Banking Empire which dominates the Federal Reserve and which owns the French Central Bank as well has moved its base of operations to China and taken all the gold that they stole from the Americans and Europeans with them. They are now presenting us with a False Choice between paper currency and gold, hoping that we are all stupid enough to take the bait and pay them between 4000% and 10,000% profit to buy back gold they stole from us in the first place.
Good luck with telling me any fanciful stories about Genghis Khan and Chinese Elders. You had better be able to back up all your malarky with physical proof of all the ancient Chinese gold mines that would have to be present and accounted for in the world records----and aren't. You would also have to explain how these great Philanthropists, the vaunted "Chinese Elders" sat mum through two World Wars and the ravages of both Stalin and Mao and did NOTHING? Not a peep? How is it that they have just now appeared on the world stage with this phony concocted "history" delivered by a lawyer?
Yeah, right.
Go peddle it somewhere else to someone else, it isn't going to fly here.
There is a great lot of history that you fellows and many others are not aware of---factual history.
As the Definitive Treaty of Paris, 1783, proves without a shadow of a doubt, there are and there have always been two populations present in America: the "free, sovereign, and independent people" and the "inhabitants"---- British subjects left living here after the Revolution to provide "essential governmental services" which were later spelled out as nineteen enumerated "powers" in The Constitution for the united States of America.
The problem you have attempted to address ---among many others---has been caused by these same British subjects, the "inhabitants" of our land jurisdiction, who have acted in Breach of Trust, violation of international treaties and commercial contracts, and waged illegal war and practiced genocide against the trusting American People.
And you have the brass cajones to suggest to me that the American People are the problem?
Let me suggest that your ignorance of history and willingness to misinterpret it is the problem.
The American People have been outrageously mischaracterized, misled, abused, enslaved, press-ganged, kidnapped in foreign jurisdictions, capitulated, subjected to genocide, defrauded, and had their assets unlawfully converted, suffered identity theft, and now you, David Crayford, want to blame them for the acts of their Oppressors?
The American People have no motive to promote counterfeiting and devaluation of the paper currency that they and the entire rest of the world have been forced to use by these foreign "inhabitants"--- these "United States Citizens".
The Rothschilds and their collaborators and minions operating the Inner City of London are seeking every means possible to devalue fiat currencies, especially the "United States Dollar" --- not to be confused with the American Silver Dollar --- because doing so hastens the day when they hope to realize truly obscene profits from selling us back the gold they stole from us at hyperinflated prices. They have even stooped to several mass counterfeiting attempts to hasten the affects of inflation, one of which you uncovered in the Philippines.
If you are smart enough to uncover such a counterfeiting operation, you ought to be smart enough to deduce who benefits from undermining the fiat currencies? And therefore, who is responsible for this travesty?
Instead of blaming the innocent victims who were at worst asleep at the wheel, try blaming those who are actually accountable----- the European Banking Cartels headed up by the Rothschilds and Rockefellers and their Chinese collaborators?
And if you truly are on the side of the living people in this mess, please take the time and make the intellectual and moral effort to discern what is really going on here. In your own words, "don't add to the problem" by spreading spurious fabricated "history" and fairy tales to explain how the Chinese suddenly came up with all this gold, and don't blame the American People for things that "United States Citizens"----British Subjects---- have done to us and to the rest of the world.
See this article and over 200 others on Anna's website

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No Need For Confusion of Any Kind

by Anna Von Reitz

There is no need for any "confusion" about the relationship between American States and Nations Bank and Karatbars, International.  Or anything else for that matter.  

Less than 1% of Americans own any gold at all.  The rest of the world is rapidly going back to the old precious metals standard.  Therefore, Americans will not be able to trade for foreign goods from these countries if they don't have some gold to trade with.  
Want to go without coffee?   Peppercorns?   Get some gold set aside now. 
How simple is that?  
Not only that, the decision by the BRICS nations to trade in gold forces everyone else to obtain some gold, too.  
That spikes the demand for and therefore serves to increase the "market value"---and the price of gold overall.  So, the longer you wait to obtain some gold, the more it is going to cost. 
Notice I said SOME gold.  Any headlong rush to convert our assets to gold is counterproductive, but obtaining SOME gold at this point is a no-brainer.  For most Americans who are not in a position to buy bars of gold, it is wisest to focus on "spendable" gold --- for use as a short term cash replacement and gold backed credit card accounts. 
The introduction of this competing system of exchange serves to lessen the demand for fiat currency and so, serves to further devalue it.  
The "United States Dollar" --- a fiat currency that has nothing whatsoever to do with our actual national currency which is the American Silver Dollar --- is losing ground to "inflation".  
Inflation is just a fancy word for over-supply.  We have one "pie" and with every whirl of the printing press, that "pie" gets cut into smaller and smaller pieces.  As a result, the "value" of each individual piece---each "USD"--- diminishes. 
This is what fiat currencies do ----and it's what they always predictably do.  They commit suicide either via inflation or deflation.  In the 1930's we suffered deflation of the currency.  Now, we are suffering inflation of the currency.  
The Rothschilds have set this whole situation up as a Chinese Knuckle-Buster, the kind of knot where the harder you pull on it, the tighter it gets. 
First, they aimed to steal all the gold and stockpile it, which they did over the course of 100-plus years.  
Second, they forced every country on the face of the Earth to convert to the use of fiat currencies in the interim and let these fiat currencies devalue via inflation.   
When I was six, a Hershey's Chocolate Bar cost a nickel.  This morning at the grocery store, I saw the same candy bar advertised "on sale" for $1.29.   It now takes 26 nickels to buy the same bar of chocolate. That is what "inflation" is.  It takes more and more of whatever you are using for money to buy the same amount of goods. 
Third, now they propose to sell all the gold they stole and confiscated back to the grandsons and granddaughters of the people they took it from in the first place------only at vastly inflated prices. 
It costs $30 for an ounce of gold in 1928.  It now costs over $1300 for the same ounce of gold. 
That is a 4000% profit to them, when and if they can sell that same lousy ounce of gold back to us. 
Unfortunately for us and the entire rest of the world, we are stupid and have let this situation develop.  
We have let the bankers set up this "False Choice" between "paper" and "gold", and now we have only three choices left:  (1) give the rats their profit by buying back some of our own gold, ----which they have stolen from us, our parents and grandparents--- at hyperinflated prices; (2) execute the bankers and those supporting them---for war crimes; (3) find our own Third Way out ---- which God provided us already, in the form of our traditional American Silver Dollar and our ability to now see through this scam and develop an honest World Currency System based on the value of all commodities and all labor resources, traded via block chain technology.  
Meantime, things are going to get bumpy and I am telling everyone to fasten their seat belts and stand ready to buy SOME gold.   I am recommending that they buy through Karatbars because of the advantages that Karatbars offers for small investors and because going through Karatbars will generate income in support of expanding our own American States and Nations Bank. 
This is not, of course, the primary or even secondary backing for the bank itself, it is merely a first step that people can take to (1) get "spendable" gold into their hands; (2) hedge their assets against inflation, and (3) support the American States and Nations Bank---- which will support them right back by issuing American Silver Dollars, opening local full service locations, and delivering the alternative World Currency System as a means of fair trade with the whole world. 
With our brains and our Shinola Sensors switched to the "ON" position for the first time in a 150 years, we will be able to make the Reign of the Rothschilds short-lived.
General Dunford from all reports has fallen for their trap hook, line, and sinker---- borrowed back a billion dollars worth of our own gold from the Chinese, so that we could pay interest on it to them and the Rothschild Empire which has simply switched its base of operations to China. 
Talk about being caught with your pants down.  

And that is where it all stands and that is why it is what it is.  
See this article and over 200 others on Anna's website

To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.