Sunday, July 3, 2016

Scott Baio Loses It On Live TV On Obama: “HE’S DUMB, HE’S A MUSLIM, HE’S A…” [VIDEO]

Shortly after America faced a massive attack at the hands of a Muslim gunman, actor Scott Baio publically questioned whether President Barack Obama actually wants to “eliminate the United States as it was created.”

During an interview with Fox Business, the former “Happy Days” star was asked if he believed the president was reluctant to say “Islamic terror.”

“He’s absolutely reluctant,” Baio replied quickly. “I can’t tell, Lester, if he’s dumb, he’s a Muslim or he’s a Muslim sympathizer. And I don’t think he’s dumb.”
As if those comments weren’t controversial enough, Baio was then asked to explain Obama’s actions.

“I have no idea,” the actor replied. “Like I said, either he’s a sympathizer, a Muslim sympathizer or he’s a Muslim to allow this to keep happening.”
He also concluded that Trump is the only person who will do something about these attacks by extremists.

He even argued that the game plan for Obama could be to “totally eliminate the United States as it was created and founded and the way it is now.”
“The only time they get angry is at Republicans,” Baio concluded of Obama and Hillary.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Scott Baio for saying something about this. (and you look good by the way) Do we want to leave our children with this kind of country, which by that time would be no country? It's us that needs to do something about this and now is the only time we have. Yes "their" (the illuminati/reptilian shapeshifters)endgame is to take our country away from us and to get rid of all the Christians and Patriots. Our children have been brainwashed in the public schools to believe in global citizenry, and to learn the muslim ways. The parents need to all join together and take their children completely out of the public school system. Their true end goal is to eliminate the human race, which they have been doing by turning our food gmo, putting spermicides in the actual dna of the gmo corn, spraying everything with Roundup which is a known endocrine disrupter (prevents frogs, "people" from reproducing their species) The Wi-Fi systems in the schools (and everywhere) have now been shown to damage the dna of the eggs that are stored in the female children, and there is going to be a bunch of mutated children born to future generations. They are purposely trying to damage our dna with gmos, chemtrails, wi-fi, microwaves, etc. and turn us into transhuman robots! They are already cloning people (mostly political, and entertainment) and if you want to know, Obama is actually a clone. He probably doesn't know it though, and yes his handlers are definitely using him to destroy this country.