Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Gettysburg, PA: Today, in historic Gettysburg, PA, Donald J. Trump presented a game-changing plan for his first 100 days in office. This revolutionary “Contract with the American Voter” will ensure that America’s economy is revitalized and citizens are protected.
“I’m not a politician, and have never wanted to be one. But when I saw the trouble our country was in, I knew I couldn’t stand by and watch any longer. Our country has been so good to me, I love our country, I felt I had to act,” said Mr. Trump in his address.
“Change has to come from outside this broken system. The fact that the Washington establishment has tried so hard to stop our campaign is only more proof that our campaign represents the kind of change that only arrives once in a lifetime,” he continued.
“I am asking the American people to rise above the noise and the clutter of our broken politics, and to embrace that great faith and optimism that has always been the central ingredient in the American character. I am asking you to dream big.
“What follows is my 100-day action plan to Make America Great Again. It is a contract between Donald J. Trump and the American voter – and begins with restoring honesty, accountability and change to Washington,” he concluded.
“Therefore, on the first day of my term of office, my administration will immediately pursue the following six measures to clean up the corruption and special interest collusion in Washington, DC:
  • FIRST, propose a Constitutional Amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress;
  • SECOND, a hiring freeze on all federal employees to reduce federal workforce through attrition (exempting military, public safety, and public health);
  • THIRD, a requirement that for every new federal regulation, two existing regulations must be eliminated;
  • FOURTH, a 5 year-ban on White House and Congressional officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government service;
  • FIFTH, a lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government;
  • SIXTH, a complete ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections.
On the same day, I will begin taking the following seven actions to protect American workers:
  • FIRST, I will announce my intention to renegotiate NAFTA or withdraw from the deal under Article 2205 
  • SECOND, I will announce our withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership
  • THIRD, I will direct my Secretary of the Treasury to label China a currency manipulator
  • FOURTH, I will direct the Secretary of Commerce and U.S. Trade Representative to identify all foreign trading abuses that unfairly impact American workers and direct them to use every tool under American and international law to end those abuses immediately
  • FIFTH, I will lift the restrictions on the production of $50 trillion dollars’ worth of job-producing American energy reserves, including shale, oil, natural gas and clean coal.
  • SIXTH, lift the Obama-Clinton roadblocks and allow vital energy infrastructure projects, like the Keystone Pipeline, to move forward
  • SEVENTH, cancel billions in payments to U.N. climate change programs and use the money to fix America’s water and environmental infrastructure 
Additionally, on the first day, I will take the following five actions to restore security and the constitutional rule of law:
  • FIRST, cancel every unconstitutional executive action, memorandum and order issued by President Obama
  • SECOND, begin the process of selecting a replacement for Justice Scalia from one of the 20 judges on my list, who will uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States
  • THIRD, cancel all federal funding to Sanctuary Cities
  • FOURTH, begin removing the more than 2 million criminal illegal immigrants from the country and cancel visas to foreign countries that won’t take them back
  • FIFTH, suspend immigration from terror-prone regions where vetting cannot safely occur. All vetting of people coming into our country will be considered extreme vetting.
Next, I will work with Congress to introduce the following broader legislative measures and fight for their passage within the first 100 days of my Administration:
1. Middle Class Tax Relief And Simplification Act. An economic plan designed to grow the economy 4% per year and create at least 25 million new jobs through massive tax reduction and simplification, in combination with trade reform, regulatory relief, and lifting the restrictions on American energy. The largest tax reductions are for the middle class. A middle-class family with 2 children will get a 35% tax cut. The current number of brackets will be reduced from 7 to 3, and tax forms will likewise be greatly simplified. The business rate will be lowered from 35 to 15 percent, and the trillions of dollars of American corporate money overseas can now be brought back at a 10 percent rate.

2. End The Offshoring Act Establishes tariffs to discourage companies from laying off their workers in order to relocate in other countries and ship their products back to the U.S. tax-free.

3. American Energy & Infrastructure Act. Leverages public-private partnerships, and private investments through tax incentives, to spur $1 trillion in infrastructure investment over 10 years. It is revenue neutral.

4. School Choice And Education Opportunity Act. Redirects education dollars to gives parents the right to send their kid to the public, private, charter, magnet, religious or home school of their choice. Ends common core, brings education supervision to local communities. It expands vocational and technical education, and make 2 and 4-year college more affordable.

5. Repeal and Replace Obamacare Act. Fully repeals Obamacare and replaces it with Health Savings Accounts, the ability to purchase health insurance across state lines, and lets states manage Medicaid funds. Reforms will also include cutting the red tape at the FDA: there are over 4,000 drugs awaiting approval, and we especially want to speed the approval of life-saving medications.

6. Affordable Childcare and Eldercare Act. Allows Americans to deduct childcare and elder care from their taxes, incentivizes employers to provide on-site childcare services, and creates tax-free Dependent Care Savings Accounts for both young and elderly dependents, with matching contributions for low-income families.

7. End Illegal Immigration Act Fully-funds the construction of a wall on our southern border with the full understanding that the country Mexico will be reimbursing the United States for the full cost of such wall; establishes a 2-year mandatory minimum federal prison sentence for illegally re-entering the U.S. after a previous deportation, and a 5-year mandatory minimum for illegally re-entering for those with felony convictions, multiple misdemeanor convictions or two or more prior deportations; also reforms visa rules to enhance penalties for overstaying and to ensure open jobs are offered to American workers first.

8. Restoring Community Safety Act. Reduces surging crime, drugs and violence by creating a Task Force On Violent Crime and increasing funding for programs that train and assist local police; increases resources for federal law enforcement agencies and federal prosecutors to dismantle criminal gangs and put violent offenders behind bars.

9. Restoring National Security Act. Rebuilds our military by eliminating the defense sequester and expanding military investment; provides Veterans with the ability to receive public VA treatment or attend the private doctor of their choice; protects our vital infrastructure from cyber-attack; establishes new screening procedures for immigration to ensure those who are admitted to our country support our people and our values

10. Clean up Corruption in Washington Act. Enacts new ethics reforms to Drain the Swamp and reduce the corrupting influence of special interests on our politics.

On November 8th, Americans will be voting for this 100-day plan to restore prosperity to our economy, security to our communities, and honesty to our government.

This is my pledge to you.

And if we follow these steps, we will once more have a government of, by and for the people.”


All of the following information was given to us by our insiders who have specific first-hand knowledge of the Hillary Email scandal.  It seems that things are about to heat up.  We are told that of the 662,871 emails lifted from Weiner’s computer, 11,112 emails are Huma… and pay to play- including Saudis and Israeli’s.  Meaning Huma was the one Hillary USED to communicate with foreign leaders via email for inside information and deals via Huma’s computer.

It has been established through many avenues, but mainly through Wikileaks, that the Clinton Foundation was just a farce set up in order to perform Pay-to-Play games with multiple entities, including foreign nations.  Pay-to-play nations include: Israel, Saudis, Turks, Qatar, kazakhstan,  and the Ukraine.

Futhermore, we are told by one of our insiders that one email unequivocally  confirms Isis was created by CIA and Israeli Secret Intelligence service, with help from Joe Lieberman, John McCain and Lindsay Graham!
An NYPD insider said the content they viewed did include State Department TOP SECRET emails. One file  was called “Life Insurance”.  The second email was titled “DNC Nuclear arsenal”.
A third file, I’m sure Hillary definitely DOES NOT want released was a file labeled “Intimate” …  according to this NYPD insider, this file contained x rated photos of Huma and Hillary with a TEENAGER.
Twitter comments pedophile rings w hillary
NYPD detectives were sickened by what they saw, according to our insider, and they have threatened FBI field agents that they would leak this information, if the FBI did not “step up and take off the kids gloves”.  At that point, 13 of the FBI agents in NYC are also threatening to leak the information. 

As you can imagine, the scandal has the entire Obama Administration in full panic. We are told there are emails that could send Loretta Lynch to prison, as well as Bill and Hillary.
The Twitter post to the right, our sources sent us, verifying it is all true:


Even MORE!

The following information comes straight from an FBI Anonymous source, who is the senior analyst who posted on 4chan in early July of this year:
Jim Comey learned that some of his own investigators were tipping off both Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton, thus making his job impossible.
Comey sent a letter to congress knowing that ultimately, it would expose Loretta Lynch as a dirty actor and the bread crumbs would lead directly to Obama.  The State Dept is terrified now.  He has assembled a small team of 40 agents, whom he  has declared the “Untouchables” after the famous federal agent, Eliot Ness.
Comey has clamped down on all FBI agents and he expects a full scale war between FBI and the Department of Justice (DOJ), the White House and the State Department.  He has confirmed and understands that many sitting senators, congressmen, lobbyists and power players are going to be indicted and prosecuted. One of the main targets of the probe is the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative.  Among the targets under investigation are Podesta, Huma, Cheryl Mills, CNN, ABC, NBC, etc.
As it turns out, Weiner, Huma’s husband, had been forwarding Huma’s emails each time she came home and left her computer open.  Huma appears to have been in touch with Saudi actors, and therefore, ESPIONAGE is strongly suspected.
Comey and his 40 “Untouchables” are now preparing to take down the largest corruption ever witnessed in American History…  which, is what I think MUST happen if Comey is planning to stay part of the FBI.  He lost so much respect and so much credibility with the first Hillary investigation, it would take something of this magnitude to allow him to face the public again.
The Pentagon has internal players and outside players they call “creatives”. Creatives are civilians who tend to be geniuses, malcontents, extreme hackers, or otherwise demonstrate brilliance in other useful areas.  A Pentagon program called Cicada 3301, which we have reported on previously, was created by several of these talented civilians.  The program is now used to  allow thousands of honest Government people to report on their corrupt superiors, using what is called a DEAD BOX whistle blower encryption method so  the non-corrupted Government officials can report corruption and still remain safe.
I’ve heard it said “A vagina almost took down Bill, now will a Weiner take down Hillary?” LOL!
Again, thank you to all of the insiders, the whistleblowers, the good FBI agents,  the good CIA agents, the good NYPD officers and the non-corrupted government officials who want to see the truth exposed! Without these brave, wonderful and morally erect individuals, our country would still be in the corrupted darkness.
Vistors to Epstein’s St James Island include
  • Ehud Barak, the former Prime Minister of Israel (1999-2001) – pedophile being pandered underage girls by Epstein. Former Israeli Minister of Defense and also deputy Israeli prime minister under Binyamin Netanyahu from 2009 to 2013.
  • Prince Andrew – British royalty – Jeffrey Epstein and his girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell pandered Epstein sex slave Virginia Roberts to Prince Andrew multiple times. The victim girls say Prince Andrew was very sexually sadistic; they despised this sick, twisted creature.
  • Kevin Spacey – actor in House of Cards. People tell me Spacey is gay and my response is “Have you ever heard of the word bisexual?” Spacey very good friends with 2 bigtime pedophiles: Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton. Spacey, big Hollywood star, has 3.78 million Twitter followers.
  • Alan Dershowitz – longtime friend of Epstein as well as one of his defense lawyers. Dershowitz was the one who negociated that aburd plea bargain for Epstein that gave him a 13 months (served) sentence and a 16 hour/day day pass so he could spend most of his time in his mansion. Epstein sex slave Virginia Roberts has said that Epstein made her have sex with Dershowitz numerous times. The real question is how many other underage girls was Dershowitz having sex with? Virginia Roberts says Dershowitz also witnessed Epstein’s pedophilic activities.

Government Alters Dashboard/Body Cam Video

Government Alters Dashboard/Body Cam 
Video In Nevada Bundy Case
Michele Fiore

Oct 3 2016

Defendants in the case of United States vs Cliven Bundy et al .. are accusing the BLM [Bureau of Land Management] and the FBI of altering dashboard and body-cam video in an attempt to cover-up their aggressiveness during the 2014 protest that led to the arrest of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and 18 others.

Defendants are also accusing the FBI “infiltration team,” who posed as a documentary film crew called 'Long Bow', of editing video at crucial moments to make defendants who gave interviews look guilty of crimes they did not commit.

On at least 5 different occasions the defendants in the case say that video used to gain their indictments and create the 'government's' narrative that has kept them all in jail pending trial was clearly altered at crucial moments to hide what they believe would expose the BLM as the aggressors and not the “victims” as Prosecutor Steven Mhyre contends.

"We have found at least 5 different clear cases of evidence tampering and have only viewed 1/4 of the discovery that was recently released to us by the Prosecutors office" say defendants who have begun the process of creating a power point demonstration that will be viewed by defense attorney’s on October 7, 2016.

Something HUGE is underway!

Something HUGE is underway!

Hillary Rigged Everything!

Wikileaks Breaking!
No U.S. 'Election'
Hillary Rigged Everything!

"I go down - YOU go down!"

Hillary to Obama
"I go down - YOU go down!"
Judge Jeanine

UCC Advice

UCC Advice ???

Some are circulating the following information:

"Add UCC 1-308 Before Signing" - Anonymous Guest Post

November 2, 2016

Dear Fellow NDA Signees,

After reading through the NDA and asking questions, if and when you sign at the bottom, remember to add "All Rights Reserved UCC 1-308" before your autograph. It is also good to use those words before your autograph with any financial or legal documents (ie. tax returns, etc.).

It is also best to not have your name written in all caps anywhere on the documents. All caps means the fictitious corporate entity that covertly has your name. Therefore, cross out the all caps and write your name with upper and lower case letters as a human being.

Here are explanations for the usage of UCC 1-308 from two internet sources (A&B):

A) Any who are fed up with having their Constitutional freedoms taken away and trampled on by our public officials and their agents may find this of interest.

Found in the Uniform Commercial Codes, which by the way regulate ALL financial transactions, which means nothing is done without being regulated by these Codes!

UCC 1-308 Performance or acceptance under Reservation of Rights --

(1) A party who, with explicit reservation of rights, performs or promises performance or assents to performance in a manner demanded or offered by the other party does not thereby prejudice the rights reserved. Such words as "without prejudice," "under protest" or the like are sufficient.

(2) Subsection (1) of this Code section does not apply to an accord and satisfaction.

Standard procedures for using UCC 1-308 ---Contract Law---

When signing anything, turn it into a contract using UCC 1-308 and protect our Constitutional Rights of Life, Liberty and Property.

Example of things to sign: Drivers license, lease, buying a automobile, buying business equipment, contracting to do business, Building Permit, marriage license, Code enforcement ticket (if we did not already agree to the terms), Sign ordinance, etc.

B) The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) is the codification of laws governing commerce in the United States in which matters of selling, borrowing, lending, and other matters of trade are covered. The term UCC 1-308 refers to Article 1, subsection 308 of the Uniform Commercial Code. Subsection 308 addresses the concept of reservation of rights with regard to performance or acceptance of contract terms. Specifically, this code establishes the protection of rights in a commercial setting where contract terms cause unknowing conflict with or risk to certain rights.

The purpose of UCC 1-308, enacted to replace UCC 1-207, is to protect an individual or business entity from unknowingly giving up rights by agreeing to specific contract terms. By signing a document with additional terms such as “without prejudice,” or “under protest,” and referencing this code, the signee establishes the retention of any rights he or she unknowingly or under false pretense agrees to surrender. Such provisions do not allow an individual or business to avoid legally binding contract terms, but rather to accept contract terms without risk to his other rights. Typically, these rights apply to matters of debt and contract performance.

"Without prejudice" is Black's Law definition: "Without any loss or waiver of rights or privileges." 


This 'advice' may be applicable when the 'law' is the FORMER admiralty law, but may NOT be applicable under the soon coming COMMON LAW of the Restored Republic.

There should not be an NDA required under the law of the RESTORED REPUBLIC! 

Though our RESTORED Republic has been up and running in the background for several months now, certain things will not change publicly until the public announcement is made that the FORMER fraudulent government is out of business and the  RESTORED Republic is now officially our TRUE government and is in place and operating. 

Advice given to us about the above article and its recommendations is this: DO NOT DO THIS! 

Check with those who are KNOWLEDGEABLE about the differences in the law between the FORMER communist 'democracy' admiralty maritime law of the sea that our nation WAS being subjected to and the RESTORED common law Republic BEFORE you step out and act upon advice proffered in an article. 

Use your talents, your wisdom, knowledge and good sense BEFORE stepping out and simply accepting advice as it may no longer be applicable under our Republic and could get you in deeper trouble.  Do your research.  Share your findings with us here if you wish so that others can benefit. 

Soft Coup By Patriot Americans Is Happening

Breaking intel from a top government insider reveals what may be the end of Hillary Clinton

Two Iowa Police Officers Killed In “Ambush-Style Attacks”, Gunman On The Loose

Two cops in Iowa were fatally shot early Wednesday

The police killings are back. Two cops in Iowa were fatally shot early Wednesday and the gunman is on the loose following what appeared to be an “ambush-style attack”, the local police said. 

The Des Moines Police Department said in a news release that the shootings took place early Wednesday. Officers responded to a report of shots fired at about 1:06 a.m. and found an Urbandale Police Department officer who had been shot. According to the police statement, an Urbandale police officer was found shot to death near a high school in suburban Des Moines around 1 a.m. local time.

The Associated Press adds that Des Moines officers responded to assist. About 20 minutes later, a Des Moines officer was found shot. Both officers have died.
Des Moines police said both shootings “appear to have been ambush-style attacks” and the assailant is on the lam.

The Des Moines Police Department said suspect information is being developed. The agency didn’t immediately release any other information but said a news conference was planned for 5 a.m.

The conference and local updates can be followed live after the jump courtesy of CBS.

Trump: God's Chaos Candidate (with Dr. Lance Wallnau)

Tried to send this out to my e-mail list and got blocked from every e-mail server—70-all returned. Please post this very, very important, informative inside info..we must pray that God’s chosen candidate for this chaos be elected regardless of the voting machine computer fraud through the “gem” program which you have posted already. That is why I have sent in an attachment.
PS All should do a search on Lance Wallnau who was prompted by God to write “God’s Chosen Candidate for Chaos”..I will give one link where he explains how it came about on the Jim Bakker show.
Trump: God's Chaos Candidate (with Dr. Lance Wallnau) Trump: God's Chaos Candidate (with Dr. Lance    Must watch

Trump: God's Chaos Candidate 

(with Dr. Lance Wallnau)

MORE DETAILED INTERVIEW on Jim baker's show Lance Wallnau - Jim Bakker Show (October 21, 2016) you can tune into his updates on periscope
Lance Wallnau - Jim Bakker Show

Oct 21 2016

This could be the most interesting election ever. There is intense pressure within the FBI for us not to indict Hillary. I am posting from a position of near anonymity and enough plausible deniability to evade prosecution, as we have all been given gag orders.
There is enough for Hillary and the entire government to be brought down. People do not realize how enormous this whole situation actually is. Whether she will be indicted or not depends on how much info about others involved gets out, and there are a lot of people involved. The real point of interest is the Clinton Foundation, not the e-mail server. We received the server from Benghazi, then from the server we found data on the Clinton Foundation. Then we realized the situation is much worse than previously thought.
Super Classified Materials on the Clinton Email Server: Hillary had Special Access Programs on her server, which if made public, would literally cause an uprising and possibly foreign declarations of war. A Special Access Program is an intelligence program classified above top-secret. These programs are supposed to be held on closed servers at secret locations.
The only way to get one is if you are specifically read on to a program, have a need to know, then you must physically go to a location and pass through several layers of security to even look at the program. A good example in non-classified terms would be the locations and operations of our intelligence operatives around the globe, or our missile silo locations.
A Bigger Problem than Hillary: Killing Hillary would not cause this problem to go away. The problem is with the Clinton Foundation as I mentioned, which you should just imagine as a massive spider web of connections and money laundering, implicating hundreds of high-level people.
Though I do not have a high opinion of Hillary, she is just a piece -albeit a big piece - of this massive shitstorm. Legal is asking preliminary questions about whether or not she has been coached (she has) and setting up the general line of questioning. I am a high level analyst though, so my job is only to look at her records.
The Department of Justice is most likely looking to save itself. Find everyone involved in the Clinton Foundation, from its donors to its Board of Directors, and imagine they are all implicated.
The ENTIRE Government is involved. My opinion is the entire government is guilty of treason, which is why Hillary's death would not cease the investigation or prevent further scandals. Many, many people are involved.
There already is enough to indict. FBI Director Comey has been trying to stall because he does not want to face the Clinton Machine, as well as the rest of Washington D.C. But this case would explode into a million other cases if fully brought to light, and then we would be one agency competing against the entire government and a hoard of other interests.
It is a very tense and uncomfortable position. What Attorney General Loretta Lynch is saying is she will accept whatever they do and make her determination as she will. Nothing about her responsibilities has changed; she is simply trying to keep her hide intact.
Foreign Powers Have some of the Documents, Trump has some of the Documents; Russia Will Probably Leak All Info they Have. Foreign powers are in possession of some of the documents we have analyzed, because they were hacked from the Clinton server.
Trump has some files as well and likely plans to leak them and use them to his advantage soon. The leaks will have to be made in a non-transparent fashion. If we recommend, we literally hand over documentation implying the entire government is involved in treason at the highest levels and everyone is about to duck and cover, as well as some sensitive details of Special Access Programs which would obliterate national security.
I am not sure, but some of my war strategy buddies are estimating a high probability that Russia will leak all of the info they have to the world, since Clinton wants to go to war with them and they have no desire to be in conflict with the U.S. If we do not recommend, it will look like a cover-up and Trump will use the perception to bolster his message. I did work in PsyOps once, and Trump's use of confirmation bias is legendary.
Bill Clinton Will Likely Die This Year. If Trump Wins, Hillary Goes to Jail. Everything is Corrupt, Even Trump is Dirty. The entire government is corrupt. No one is clean, not even Trump. Trump has donated to the Clinton Foundation in the past, though for fairly innocuous things like building permits and such. He is smart, so his tracks are covered well. But if any prosecutor wants to go very in-depth Trump would be brought on bribery charges. He could easily get out of them, but he would be charged nonetheless.
We have our hands tied. My message to you and everyone on this board is do not get distracted by Clinton's e-mails. Focus on the Foundation. All of the nightmarish truth is there. The e-mails will pale in comparison. I do not know of Trump's record, but from the case he definitely knew to limit his exposure and make it only look like a donation.
A Multitude of Scandals. Saudi Arabia visits and donates to the Clinton Foundation. Russian Uranium fiasco. Hillary and the Israel lobby, the Council on Foreign Relations. AIPAC. The list is endless.
Three Choices - Could Crash Everything. I will put it to you this way: You have three choices: 1. A) turn over all of the information to the Department of Justice, make public a recommendation, the truth comes out, the entire world realizes how much the U.S. is meddling in foreign affairs and we go to war, the civilian population realizes how much foreign money influences our government, and a civil war begins. 2. 3. B) You cherry-pick the data to implicate the people already in the eye of public opinion, so the chips fall on the heads of a select few and the whole system does not crash. 4. C) You do nothing and watch the unstable political climate to gauge how you will respond. I am confident if Trump wins Hillary will be going to jail.
The Problem is the Entire Government. FBI Director Comey will likely resign in any case. FBI is being very quiet for a reason; most of us want to keep our jobs.
Snowden has nothing to do with any of this.
Obama and Hillary do hate each other.
Hillary hates black people and Obama dislikes recklessness.
The problem is with the entire government. Hillary is just one component of that government.
Hillary Sold Safe Access Programs to Overseas "Donors". All I can tell you about the Safe Access Programs is Hillary had them, and she did not have proper authority to have any of them. They were leaked to her by someone, and she did sell them to overseas donors. Possessing them alone makes her guilty of treason.
Obama is loosely tied to the Clinton Foundation, but much more tied in with the same people who donate to the Clinton Foundation. Russian borders, Ukraine, everywhere NATO is, the South China Sea, the Philippines, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Africa. George Soros is at the heart of all of this.
If it comes down to it, I would fight. But most of us are of the opinion that Hillary will not be president, and having Trump in office makes our job that much easier.
But right now we have to carefully wade through the mud. As I stated before, Bill Clinton likely wanted Loretta Lynch to focus on the e-mail server and shy away from prosecuting the foundation.
We will go to war with Russia and possibly China if Hillary wins the election.
Needless to say if anyone has any doubts about the validity of the above info it stands to reason that the originator of this info has to conceal his identity as anyone present at the FBI hearings was sworn to secrecy and leaking any info would at least cost him his job and most likely some jail time to boot and at the worst scenario someone probably would put a contract out on him.
Most of us know, at least the ones who have paid any attention to politics know that in the past anyone who in some way or another has crossed the Clinton's has met an unexplainable early demise and I believe Vince Foster was no exception.
Some other content in this article appears to re-enforce its validity as whoever penned it, did not make out Trump as just an innocent bystander as even he used bribes whenever he thought it to be necessary to get approval for one of his many projects. Even so bribes should never be the road one has to embarked on, but in retrospect considering everything else whatever he has done pales in comparison with what the Clinton foundation is guilty of along with many other entities within our government.
Many of the younger generation leaning towards socialism, liberalism or maybe prefer to be called progressives as it doesn't sound as harsh as being called a socialist may refute or maybe skeptical of the validity of the above article, but should keep the following in mind.
The kind of socialism as it is being practiced and being preached now is a far cry from what it was during the days of Kennedy. As over time socialism has become quite radical and rather rabid as well with no holds barred and just about anything will go as long as it achieves the desired goal. If Kennedy, who was a liberal, would show up today, democrats undoubtedly would make every attempt to run him out of town accusing him to be a conservative.
After considering and digesting the article you just have read you may want to give some serious thought who you are going to vote for, as I believe a government which is less than honest is not in the best interest of the public and in the long run is doomed to fail, like many others before have.
I just hope that there are still enough wise and honest people left within the current regime who are willing to step up to the plate and somehow settle this issue without doing permanent damage to this once Great Nation.




Worldnow is a central company that helps all the news stations stay synchronized so they all report the same news. This is a bust of that company, that already has the election results ready for the stations to post, complete with their station graphics. On election day, they go live with this. This is completely confirmed in the second report on this page, including proof that the posted results are NOT a test.
Get the WRCBtv (Chattanooga) page in the capture above that has already been prepared for election night directly from worldnow while it lasts and here is the direct link to WRCBtv that proves they don't have it posted yet. IMPORTANT - look at the lower left hand corner of your browser when you access WRCBtv. You will see all content is coming from, which proves that the page capture above is a hidden page that will be used when the time comes. You can't get to it from ANYWHERE on the WRCBtv web site, it is waiting at Worldnow to be posted.
You can see that the tabulation is set up to hit the end percentages with an algorithm to steal it changing the numbers automatically as the vote progresses to hit those percentages by cross checking this first list (below) here for WMCTV in Memphis, with the second list from KFVS 12 in Missouri that is embedded in the report below this list, where I prove this is legit. Cross comparing the two lists mathematically proves yet another way that an algorithm with dynamic fractional vote tabulation is being used to steal the election. On election day, you will see the same percentages overall, with only the numbers that claim to equal them different. The difference in total votes shown on the station pages, with the same overall final percentages proves the election theft is automated to hit desired percentages, no one has to lift a finger during the election itself to accomplish the steal.
Here are the easy to read totals THAT ARE ALREADY TABULATED FOR WMCTV in Memphis. They will not even know this was busted until after coffee tomorrow so the direct link will prove what I am saying for at least this night. IMPORTANT: The first six tables in the link show zero percent reporting. Scroll past them to see the rig.
Line 119: US President Alabama
Line 121: > Donald Trump (R) 715,592 44%
Line 122: Hillary Clinton (D) 634,275 39%
Line 125: US President Alaska
Line 127: > Donald Trump (R) 115,252 44%
Line 128: Hillary Clinton (D) 104,973 40%
Line 133: US President Arizona
Line 135: > Donald Trump (R) 906,638 46%
Line 136: Hillary Clinton (D) 867,218 44%
Line 139: US President Arkansas
Line 141: > Hillary Clinton (D) 320,102 38%
Line 142: Donald Trump (R) 289,862 34%
Line 149: US President California
Line 151: > Hillary Clinton (D) 4,076,539 45%
Line 152: Donald Trump (R) 3,643,970 40%
Line 156: US President Colorado
Line 158: > Hillary Clinton (D) 452,857 23%
Line 159: Donald Trump (R) 367,446 19%
Line 180: US President Connecticut
Line 182: > Hillary Clinton (D) 508,013 45%
Line 183: Donald Trump (R) 451,669 40%
Line 186: US President Delaware
Line 188: > Donald Trump (R) 148,943 44%
Line 189: Hillary Clinton (D) 132,602 40%
Line 192: US President District of Columbia
Line 194: > Donald Trump (R) 111,157 45%
Line 195: Hillary Clinton (D) 99,648 40%
Line 198: US President Florida
Line 200: > Hillary Clinton (D) 2,758,845 44%
Line 201: Donald Trump (R) 2,543,706 40%
Line 206: US President Georgia
Line 208: > Donald Trump (R) 1,490,410 45%
Line 209: Hillary Clinton (D) 1,324,808 40%
Line 211: US President Hawaii
Line 213: > Hillary Clinton (D) 158,720 42%
Line 214: Donald Trump (R) 152,232 41%
Line 218: US President Idaho
Line 220: > Donald Trump (R) 198,675 44%
Line 221: Hillary Clinton (D) 176,677 39%
Line 228: US President Illinois
Line 230: > Hillary Clinton (D) 2,006,362 44%
Line 231: Donald Trump (R) 1,807,369 40%
Line 234: US President Indiana
Line 236: > Donald Trump (R) 1,077,142 45%
Line 237: Hillary Clinton (D) 957,461 40%
Line 239: US President Iowa
Line 241: > Donald Trump (R) 490,319 44%
Line 242: Hillary Clinton (D) 436,740 39%
Line 251: US President Kansas
Line 253: > Donald Trump (R) 392,701 44%
Line 254: Hillary Clinton (D) 349,617 40%
Line 257: US President Kentucky
Line 259: > Donald Trump (R) 721,167 44%
Line 260: Hillary Clinton (D) 647,285 40%
Line 265: US President Louisiana
Line 267: > Hillary Clinton (D) 565,941 38%
Line 268: Donald Trump (R) 536,155 36%
Line 280: US President Maine
Line 282: > Hillary Clinton (D) 223,591 43%
Line 283: Donald Trump (R) 207,990 40%
Line 286: US President Maryland
Line 288: > Hillary Clinton (D) 934,981 45%
Line 289: Donald Trump (R) 831,655 40%
Line 292: US President Massachusetts
Line 294: > Donald Trump (R) 960,930 44%
Line 295: Hillary Clinton (D) 864,838 40%
Line 298: US President Michigan
Line 300: > Hillary Clinton (D) 1,495,253 40%
Line 301: Donald Trump (R) 1,420,490 38%
Line 306: US President Minnesota
Line 308: > Hillary Clinton (D) 835,772 45%
Line 309: Donald Trump (R) 643,190 34%
Line 317: US President Mississippi
Line 319: > Donald Trump (R) 455,836 44%
Line 320: Hillary Clinton (D) 404,169 39%
Line 326: US President Missouri
Line 328: > Hillary Clinton (D) 919,407 44%
Line 329: Donald Trump (R) 826,715 40%
Line 333: US President Montana
Line 335: > Donald Trump (R) 124,285 35%
Line 336: Hillary Clinton (D) 106,531 30%
Line 340: US President Nebraska
Line 342: > Donald Trump (R) 266,304 44%
Line 343: Hillary Clinton (D) 238,319 40%
Line 346: US President Nevada
Line 348: > Hillary Clinton (D) 392,071 47%
Line 349: Donald Trump (R) 349,756 42%
Line 354: US President New Hampshire
Line 356: > Donald Trump (R) 233,389 44%
Line 357: Hillary Clinton (D) 211,541 40%
Line 361: US President New Jersey
Line 363: > Hillary Clinton (D) 1,225,655 43%
Line 364: Donald Trump (R) 1,104,143 39%
Line 372: US President New Mexico
Line 374: > Donald Trump (R) 257,643 41%
Line 375: Hillary Clinton (D) 243,336 39%
Line 382: US President New York
Line 384: > Hillary Clinton (D) 2,874,820 49%
Line 385: Donald Trump (R) 2,464,969 42%
Line 388: US President North Carolina
Line 390: > Hillary Clinton (D) 1,834,827 54%
Line 391: Donald Trump (R) 1,427,089 42%
Line 393: US President North Dakota
Line 395: > Hillary Clinton (D) 106,150 39%
Line 396: Donald Trump (R) 81,170 30%
Line 401: US President Ohio
Line 403: > Hillary Clinton (D) 1,768,330 45%
Line 404: Donald Trump (R) 1,571,848 40%
Line 408: US President Oklahoma
Line 410: > Donald Trump (R) 532,869 50%
Line 411: Hillary Clinton (D) 479,581 45%
Line 413: US President Oregon
Line 415: > Donald Trump (R) 437,729 35%
Line 416: Hillary Clinton (D) 375,196 30%
Line 419: US President Pennsylvania
Line 421: > Hillary Clinton (D) 1,892,527 44%
Line 422: Donald Trump (R) 1,714,575 40%
Line 426: US President Rhode Island
Line 428: > Hillary Clinton (D) 176,102 44%
Line 429: Donald Trump (R) 158,149 39%
Line 433: US President South Carolina
Line 435: > Hillary Clinton (D) 686,264 44%
Line 436: Donald Trump (R) 610,431 39%
Line 442: US President South Dakota
Line 444: > Donald Trump (R) 118,104 40%
Line 445: Hillary Clinton (D) 88,577 30%
Line 448: US President Tennessee
Line 450: > Donald Trump (R) 707,501 36%
Line 451: Hillary Clinton (D) 699,358 35%
Line 457: US President Texas
Line 459: > Hillary Clinton (D) 3,171,201 42%
Line 460: Donald Trump (R) 3,020,193 40%
Line 463: US President Utah
Line 465: > Donald Trump (R) 229,420 30%
Line 466: Hillary Clinton (D) 191,184 25%
Line 475: US President Vermont
Line 477: > Hillary Clinton (D) 102,409 44%
Line 478: Donald Trump (R) 91,938 40%
Line 483: US President Virginia
Line 485: > Hillary Clinton (D) 1,207,579 44%
Line 486: Donald Trump (R) 1,087,068 40%
Line 490: US President Washington
Line 492: > Hillary Clinton (D) 830,496 39%
Line 493: Donald Trump (R) 679,285 32%
Line 499: US President West Virginia
Line 501: > Hillary Clinton (D) 276,617 44%
Line 502: Donald Trump (R) 248,391 40%
Line 506: US President Wisconsin
Line 508: > Donald Trump (R) 795,047 40%
Line 509: Hillary Clinton (D) 587,532 30%
Line 515: US President Wyoming
Line 517: > Hillary Clinton (D) 41,824 30%
Line 518: Donald Trump (R) 34,853 25%



UPDATE: I HAVE CONFIRMED THAT THIS IS THE SOURCE PLATFORM CBS, COX, Dispatch, Fox Television, Meredith Corporation, Media General and Raycom Media ARE GOING TO USE, THIS IS LEGIT FOLKS

Not everything is filled in yet, but huge portions of the page are done if you scroll down. Lots of the election is filled in already, with a few spots where they are not done yet. UPDATE: THE RIPPED RESULTS AT THE TOP ARE FROM A NEWER VERSION OF THE PAGE CACHED ON THIS WEB SITE.
The first link (above) will pull the ripped code off my own server, to make sure it does not vanish. For as long as it lasts, the original scam vote web page is HERE


Posts to this on Twitter are getting blown instantly. Twitter has not allowed people to link to this. Now that it is blown open on this web site, they are going to have to back off and change the numbers (which are poorly done for an election rig) but there is enough variance when you dig through it to show that yes, they actually do intend to scam it this way. THE GIG IS ALREADY OVER. TRUMP LOSES. CONFIRMED FACT. THIS IS CONFIRMED TO BE THE SOURCE FOX NEWS IS GOING TO USE.



"WorldNow is a New York-based software company founded by Gary Gannaway. According to the company, WorldNow offers the only integrated media platform enabling broadcasters, operators and media companies to easily create, acquire, manage, analyze, monetize and distribute media assets (text, images and videos) across all digital platforms and on-air systems in a unified, end-to-end workflow.[1][2] Through its turnkey multi-tenant software-as-a-service solution, WorldNow unifies web content management, IP video management and delivery, mobile, over-the-top, analytics, social and advertising in one integrated solution.[3][4] Worldnow's customers include CBS, COX, Dispatch, Fox Television, Meredith Corporation, Media General and Raycom Media"



The Washington post reporter with Watergate fame suddenly vanished from the Washington Post, the phone operator says he's no longer there and no one is giving details or even reporting in the MSM that he is gone. He vanished after stating that "the Clinton foundation is corrupt, it is a scandal" and he was working on other reports that were going to slay Hillary bad. Nothing in the news and you can't get ahold of him at the Washington Post, they just say he is no longer with the Washington Post. Suspicious to say the least.

UPDATE: His official web site is down. DOUBLE BAD.

Just as a reminder, I myself am still under threat, am not suicidal, and if this web site stops being updated . . . . . .

Clinton has already planned a fireworks-filled victory party in Manhattan due to start just 30 minutes after the polls close

Talk about tempting providence. Hillary Clinton has already organised an Election Night celebration party in New York complete with fireworks which would kick off only 30 minutes after the polls close. 
The New York Fire Department and the NYPD have both been notified in advance of plans for a pyrotechnic display launched from a barge in the Hudson, just off Manhattan’s Javits Center next Tuesday night.
The New York Post says the two-minute fireworks display could start as early as 9.30pm local time, only 30 minutes after the polls close in New York and hours before voters cast their final ballots on the West Coast.
Fireworks displays are common in New York to celebrate Independence Day but this would be the first time one would be used for an election victory party
Fireworks displays are common in New York to celebrate Independence Day but this would be the first time one would be used for an election victory party
Mrs Clinton and her running mate, Virginia senator Tim Kaine, are both planning to base themselves in New York on November 8.
News of the victory party is akin to the Cleveland Indians announcing plans for celebrating winning the World Series, with them leading the Cubs 3-2 with possibly two games to play.  


Oct. 31, 2016
A man in California exposed a plot to convince halfway house residents to vote for Hillary  Clinton in return for a $300 rebate check. In addition, he filmed the whole thing…
VIA Your News Wire
Asked why he won’t vote for Donald Trump, the man replies that “Hillary will give you a rebate check for $300.”
His interviewer asks, “That’s if you have SSI? Who told you she gives you the rebate?”
The man then claims that the manager of his boarding care told him.

This is it folks! This is the evidence that will finally bring Hillary Clinton down.
Share this article with 5 friends, America deserves to know the truth and see that Trump was right about everything.


The message for the Khazarian mafia is trick or treat surrender or die
Posted by benjamin
October 31, 2016

It is time to get out the pitchforks and guns folks and storm the palaces of the Khazarian mafia’s top gangsters. This has been confirmed in a letter many sources confirm that Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford sent to every member of the US military. In the letter Dunford says: “Every service member swears ‘to support and defend the Constitution of the United States’ and to ‘bear true faith and allegiance to the same.’”

This is a direct order from your top general to defend the constitution. What does the constitution say? It says “The Congress shall have Power To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin,” and to “provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States.” In other words you are obliged by your Constitutional Oath to go after the Federal Reserve Board and the crime families that own it and have been forging so-called US dollars ever since 1913. Furthermore, you must confiscate the vast amounts of property belonging to US citizens that these crime families have stolen.

In his letter Dunford also mentions “our deliberate and disciplined commitment to upholding the principle of civilian control of the military.” Since elections are being stolen and have been since at least the year 2000 that means civilians are no longer in charge so General Dunford is ordering you to go to Washington DC and force the return to civilian control of the government. That means restoring genuine democracy and freedom of the press so that an informed population can choose their own government. This government the military would then serve.
The people, government and armed forces of Canada stand by to help their American brothers and sisters in any way possible to free them from Khazarian gangster control.

West Coast high-tech oligarchs like Bill Gates, the owners of Apple Computer and Larry Ellison of Oracle Computer, people who got rich by actually creating things that make our lives better and not through fraud, have told the White Dragon Society they will support the move to take down the Khazarian mafia.
Hillary Clinton has already sent $1.8 billion to Qatar and plans to flee there soon, CIA sources say. However, neither she nor and other members of her crime family will be allowed to escape, the sources say.

This is what Pentagon sources have to say about the situation: “The Hillary silent coup has been defeated by a military counter-coup with [Republican Presidential Candidate Donald] Trump the broom and Wikileaks the instrument, backed by overwhelming lethal force and NSA spying.”

NSA sources confirm that Hillary Clinton is guilty of mass murder (Haiti, Fukushima, Libya, Syria etc.) and that she and her fellow gangsters must be stopped.

Speaking about the NSA, last week they requested me to leave my cell phone and credit cards behind and go meet with gnostic Illuminati representative “Alexander Romanov” at a secure spot so that I could get secret information. The NSA knows that nothing digital is safe and that is why the important stuff is transmitted in one on one personal meetings. The message the NSA had was that Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama all

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Internal Coup Against Hillary Clinton Has Begun: Red Alert

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Why Would Canada "Help" the United States Clean House?

By Anna Von Reitz

There are persistent rumors saying that Canada stands ready to help us drain the swamp, fumigate the house, and dynamite the snake pit in Washington, DC. This surfaced again in a Ben Fulford Report recently, and right beside it, a news item about Queen Bess offering to come take over administration of our government.
This is the sort of snide British humor that passes over most heads.
The Brits have been in charge of of key portions of our "government" since Day One---- including our commercial life and foreign policy and trade policies. It's their administration and mis-administration and Breach of Trust that has provided the habitat for all the most vile creatures inhabiting our capitol.
It's their "snakes" and "alligators" slithering around the Halls of Congress. Even the few forthright Americans who try to stem the tide and bring reform to Washington are stopgobbered from the start by being forced to pledge their allegiance to a foreign government and to act as British Subjects for the duration of their terms in office.
As usual, the Brits aren't offering to help us. They are offering to help themselves and make it appear to the rest of the world that it is our problem and they are just helping. 
Hegelian Dialectic to the Moon: defraud, mischaracterize, and abuse the people of another country for 150 years, do it in Breach of Trust, while pretending to be a friend and an ally--- then pretend that this is all their problem and offer to help? 
Rich irony. Really rich.
One can only shudder and wonder what Queen Elizabeth's idea of "help" would be?
Shall we give her some suggestions other than armed invasion of NATO or UN forces through Canada? 
How about taking care of the mess you created, You Royal Hypocrite? These goons are all British Subjects, every single manjack of the "United States Congress" plus the President is a British Subject and as a side job, they run a nice little plenary oligarchy in the Washington, DC international city state, which you rule by proxy. 
So, don't smile and wave at us, Grandma. We know whose problem this is--- who created it, why they created it, when they created it, and who benefited from it----- and guess what? 
It's all your problem, Ma'am, not ours. And that is the usual case throughout the world, for we see wherever your gloved hands have touched, no end of criminality and misery and fraud result. 
Let's look at the Middle East for example--- where the British "helped" establish a "Protectorate" and instead set up the game plan for eternal war in the region by creating two opposed populations--- first the "Palestinians" created out of thin air according to where they happened to live, and second, the Israelis, defined by their religion--- and then you set them down on the same scrap of land and washed your hands and smiled and watched them fight over it for generations.
Shame on you! You think that we don't know the truth, but we do. You think that you can escape detection, but you haven't. 
Just look at what you and your Father and your Grandfather and especially, look at what Queen Victoria did? 
She enslaved the English people by "enfranchising" and then used the influx of credit gained from selling them into slavery and taking false title to their property and "hypothecating" debt against it, to wage war upon and subjugate the Indian Subcontinent and enslave all those people, too.
And you and all your progenitors simply carried this process of commercial colonialism and enslavement by corporate proxy (a crime, Ma'am, known as "personage") from India onward and outward throughout the world.
This current deplorable practice of mischaracterization, political genocide, deceit, fraud, racketeering, and Breach of Trust in America is just our small portion of British guile, deceit, greed, dishonor, and perversion out of a whole worldwide dogpile of it. In fact, we can't think of any major war, war crime, or travesty that your government hasn't been behind and at the bottom of for at least 150 years. 
So forgive us when we find the idea of you helping us wonderfully droll and laughable and know for sure that we are enjoying the joke---to a point. 
Only to a point.
And that point is that you are responsible for all the misery you have created and promoted, all the deceits you have employed, all the fraud you have maintained, all the misery and death that your policies and actions have promulgated.
Let's agree that you need to go home and clean up your own mess on a worldwide basis and without delay? Thank you, very much, Ma'am, but you have "helped" the Americans and the Canadians and the English and the Scots and the Irish and the Aussies and the Germans and the Japanesne quite enough already, not to mention your "assistance" to all the nations of Africa and the Middle East, the Baltic States, Southeast Asia, and all of Middle and South America. We especially note all the "help" you have given to Haiti.

With friends like you, Ma'am, we truly don't need any enemies.
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website