Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Government Alters Dashboard/Body Cam Video

Government Alters Dashboard/Body Cam 
Video In Nevada Bundy Case
Michele Fiore

Oct 3 2016

Defendants in the case of United States vs Cliven Bundy et al .. are accusing the BLM [Bureau of Land Management] and the FBI of altering dashboard and body-cam video in an attempt to cover-up their aggressiveness during the 2014 protest that led to the arrest of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and 18 others.

Defendants are also accusing the FBI “infiltration team,” who posed as a documentary film crew called 'Long Bow', of editing video at crucial moments to make defendants who gave interviews look guilty of crimes they did not commit.

On at least 5 different occasions the defendants in the case say that video used to gain their indictments and create the 'government's' narrative that has kept them all in jail pending trial was clearly altered at crucial moments to hide what they believe would expose the BLM as the aggressors and not the “victims” as Prosecutor Steven Mhyre contends.

"We have found at least 5 different clear cases of evidence tampering and have only viewed 1/4 of the discovery that was recently released to us by the Prosecutors office" say defendants who have begun the process of creating a power point demonstration that will be viewed by defense attorney’s on October 7, 2016.

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