Friday, December 16, 2016

Ben Fulford Report...

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Fulford full report: "Khazarian mafia still planning big false flag events but their defeat is certain"
Posted By: MrFusion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 15-Dec-2016 12:34:07
Source with comments section:
Khazarian mafia still planning big false flag events but their defeat is certain
Posted by benjamin
December 12, 2016

The Khazarian mafia is planning spectacular false flag terror operations between now and December 19th in a last minute attempt to prevent Donald Trump from being formally appointed as President of the United States, CIA sources say. However, the military forces of Russia, China and the United States are all working together now to remove the final vestiges of Khazarian control so these efforts will no more than the final thrashes of a dying beast.
There is also a very intense cyber-warfare campaign under way aimed to removing truth websites so that the Khazarian corporate media’s false world narrative can be reasserted, the sources say. This is what is behind the ongoing attempt to try to label the current truth revolution and the election of Donald Trump as being done by “Russia.”
The recent widely publicized Washington Post article that featured a list of so-called “fake news” sites cited information compiled by US State Department and Obama administration fronts like Voice of America, the Atlantic Council and the National Endowment for Democracy.
The fact is the real fake news outlets are propaganda organs like the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, BBC etc. These are the outlets that still routinely report lies about 911, Iran, Saddam Hussein, ISIS, Russia etc. All of these lying corporate propaganda outlets will soon experience a change in management and will be forced to either report the truth or be shut down.
Both Asian secret society and Western agency sources report that a major purge is ongoing and that large numbers of people are “disappearing” in Asia and in the West. The outward sign of this has been the domino fall of Khazarian mafia controlled governments.
However, the Asian secret society sources say that information provided by the NSA claiming that Chinese President Xi Jinping reported to Evelyn de Rothschild was false. They say the Asians have been having a series of meeting where, among other things, it was decided that since Xi supports world peace, he will remain in power. Other world leaders, however, will continue to resign, the sources agree.
The most recent domino to fall was South Korean President Park Geun Hye who was impeached last week. South Koreans were infuriated to hear revelations from Wikileaks and other sources that Park took part in “Satanic rituals” and allowed Demonic spirits “complete control over her body and soul.”
There has been a strenuous campaign by the Khazarian mafia to deny any connection to Satanism but more and more insiders are saying it is very real. The images of ritualistic cannibalism at an elite party run by Marina Ambramovic are a reflection of very real cannibalistic orgies that do take place, bloodline family sources say.
A list of celebrities who attended this event can be seen here:
“The truth is the ‘Elite’ wouldn’t be doing public ‘mocking’ cannibalistic Satanic rituals or ‘Galas’ if they were actually not being actively engaged in such sick and twisted disgusting practices,” a CIA source points out.
A lot of information about these elite horrors will be coming out in the war crimes trials that are expected to start in January, 2017, several sources agree.
A CIA source says that “Obama as the CEO of the Corporate United States, quietly joined
the International Criminal Court In 2010. Ten years ago George W. Bush gave presidential immunity to the Bush/Clinton crime family. It is over on 31 December. On Jan. 1, 2017 they can be arrested and brought before the ICC. This is the reason they are detained now, in house. This is being kept very close to source”.
“They will wait for Trump to be sworn in for sure then the shit will hit the fan,” the source summarized.
Pentagon sources say Marine General John Kerry will head the Department of Homeland Security who will purge it of Khazarians before starting a campaign to close the US border to “drug cartels and ISIS.” The Pentagon sources were informed that if they wanted to go after ISIS the first person they should arrest would be Senator John “ISIS” McCain. Such arrests are taking place with the big wigs scheduled to go down in the new year, CIA sources confirm.
In the meantime, financial warfare is raging. This was seen in a Bloomberg terminals outage last week Pentagon sources say. Hedge funds also got a body blow last week as the Supreme Court ruled 8 to 0 that insider trading is a crime even if the tipper gets no financial benefit from family or friends, the sources say. This ruling will make it much easier for law enforcement folk to clean up Wall Street, they say.
Also, Wells Fargo Bank has been purged of hundreds of cabal bankers and will likely be taken over by HSBC soon, the sources say. In a related move the private Swiss Bank Edmond de Rothschild was kicked out of China roth kicked out of China after many Khazarian proxies in that country were rounded up, the Pentagon sources say. The Chinese military for their part, say the only Western banks they fully trust now are HSBC and Standard & Chartered.
The US and Chinese military are negotiating a deal that will help bring on a global currency reset, sources close to the negotiations say. The deal involves trading US dollars for Asian gold and is being blocked by the Rothschild banking clan, the sources say. For that reason both the Asian secret societies and US agencies have been given the precise coordinates of the Rothschild clan leadership. The White Dragon Society says missiles and aerial bombing should be avoided in order to prevent the destruction of priceless art work.
However, CIA sources who have long been battling the bloodline families take a harder line:
“Do they worry when they bomb & demolish historic ‘priceless’ treasures in the Middle East? NO, because their goal is not to acquire or save treasure but to attain total and absolute control. Didn’t the Cabal use strategic nukes on 9/11? If we want to take the control back of our beloved planet only an equal show of force will get their attention. That we’ll send a strong enough message that we mean business and that enough is enough and that is either their total surrender or face total annihilation…their choice!”
The gnostic illuminati is definitely leaning towards “total annihilation,” so bloodline surrender to the more moderate WDS forces is recommended before it is too late.
There already has been a Khazarian surrender in Syria. Here a ceasefire and evacuation of Aleppo has been agreed upon after Syrian government forces and their allies took over 93% of the city. In a definitely related move, the Rothschild controlled company Glencore and the government of Qatar agreed last week to buy a major stake in the Russian energy company Rosneft.
The Syrian war was started to force Syria to allow Qatar and Saudi Arabia to build a pipeline there in order to export gas to Europe. The Syrians refused because they preferred a pipeline controlled by Russia. So, the fact the Qataris have reached a deal with Russia means they have broken with Saudi Arabia over Syria.
The Saudis, for their part, have rushed to save their asses by sending Softbank’s Masayoshi Son to visit Trump to offer to create 50,000 US jobs using $50 billion of Saudi money. The Saudis are going to have to fork over a lot more than that just to pay the blood money they owe for all the horrific crimes their regime has carried out. Just ask the Yemenis.
The Saudi regime will be “taken care of,” as a part of an overall settlement of ongoing conflicts that is unfolding as the Trump regime heads for “triple entente,” with Russia and China.
This is why Russia and non-OPEC oil producers agreed to cut supply in order to raise prices and stabilize energy dependent currencies. The move towards more harmony can also be seen in the Aleppo cease fire was well as in a Russian agreement to supply Ukraine with the gas it will need this winter.
There is also expected to be some sort of breakthrough involving North Korea. A rare glimpse in the true nature of that regime came out last week when it “accidentally” revealed there are only 28 domain names using the North Korean .KP registry.
If you look at some of those 28 sites you can see clearly they are not managed by North Koreans. This disclosure may, together with the downfall of South Korea’s President Park, be a sign some sort of Korean Peninsula Peace agreement being in the works.
On a final note, there is more weirdness emerging from Antarctica. Last week a “large glowing blue cloud” appeared over Antarctica, according to the Christian Science Monitor.
Does the Vatican know something about this cloud that we do not?

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Gordon Duff - The Release of the Wanta Funds

Sign In Indiana Business Front Window


This sign was prominently displayed in the window of a business in Whiting, Indiana .
You are probably outraged at the thought of such an inflammatory statement.
However, we are a society which holdsFreedom of Speech as perhaps our greatest liberty; and after all.... it is just a sign.

You may ask, what kind of business would dare post such a sign?


Owen's Funeral Home
(Gotta love Midwest Humor!!!)


Ambassador Lee E Wanta 





AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.
Office of the Chairman / Chief Executive Officer
Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta
S.D.R. Diplomatic Passport No. 04362, 12535
4001 North 9 th Street, Suite No. 227
Arlington, Virginia, USA  22203-1954
Commonwealth of Virginia

White House INTEL Files Received and Acknowledged -

The Legacy of Easy Eddie ..... Or, Stop Being Stupid

By Anna Von Reitz

Al Capone's bookkeeper was a very talented and engaging young accountant named Easy Eddie O'Hare.  Easy Eddie gave us O'Hare International Airport in Chicago, thanks to his war hero son.  And he gave us the system of accounting that he designed for Big Al, via the FBI and IRS, and later adopted by the Government Accounting Office in 1946.

This is officially called "Double Entry Accrual Bookkeeping" or more commonly, "keeping two sets of books".

The IRS and FBI found out about this nifty trick accounting when they were investigating ---- and prosecuting ---- Al Capone.  They liked it so much that the "Government of the United States" officially adopted it following the Second World War.

The concept is simple.  Split the "streams of income" into budgeted and non-budgeted categories.  Then present only the budgeted amount for public notice and discussion.  People will naturally assume that the budgeted amount is all there is and not ask about the non-budgeted income----which becomes a giant secret slush fund.

That's what happens every year at every level of government.  A budget is proposed and seconded and everyone gives all their attention to the amount budgeted and everyone assumes that that is all there is to discuss, the only money available.

But let's pretend you are a miser, and even though you have 20 million in income every year, you decide to live on $50,000..... over the course of the year, you have to spend $55,000, which gives you a "five thousand dollar deficit" to moan about.  If people don't know you have all the rest of your untouched fortune sitting in the bank, they will feel sorry for you and assume that you are in financial difficulty because of this "budget deficit". Fooled by your false "dilemma" people might even be willing to let you tax them some more.  

It's the same way with the poor-mouthing rats in DC and in your state capitols, too.

They talk endlessly about budget deficits, but never a whisper about what is actually in the bank or investment house being played with by politicians and their buddies, the (slush) fund managers.

In the same way they talk about "The National Debt" and seek to give people the idea that there is some gigantic, overwhelming $20 trillion dollar debt hanging over our heads----- when in fact, in a fiat debt-credit monetary system--- no such thing is possible.  Any "National Debt" is instantly offset by an answering "National Credit".

So all that palaver about "The National Debt" is just Shinola, and that big automated screen with the rapidly moving numbers counting up "The National Debt"?   More Shinola.

And the truly interesting question is---- how are they endeavoring to hide or deny the existence of the National Credit?  Who is trying to steal it?


All this "creative accounting" going on in the State Capitols and in DC has reached a fever pitch, but more and more people are waking up and asking the embarrassing questions, such as---- why aren't you replenishing the Social Security Trust Accounts? 

There is plenty of money to do it, socked away in Public Employee Pension Funds and Public Employee Association Investment Funds and "External Investments Funds" and "Mental Health Trust Funds" and every other kind of speciously labeled fund name and title you can imagine. 

And there is more money rat-holed away as unspent obligations and apportionments---- money that Congress and various "State of _____Legislatures" set aside from the public purse in prior year budgets and never actually spent, so that these allocations just sit there for years and years gathering interest.  More slush on top of slush.

These are commonly called "Internal Investment Funds" because they came out of budgeted money, while "External Investment Funds" are derived from unbudgeted slush fund income and income streams that never see the light of day.

The take home message to you is to stop being stupid. Ask the hard questions--- let's see the accounting, boys?  The real stuff.  All of it.

Stop believing this tripe about "National Debts" that aren't offset by "National Credits". 

Stop listening to this bull poopy about "budget deficits" and stop feeling sorry for the poor-mouthing politicians who are just setting you up to steal more of your money. 

Obviously, for the rats to be able to track their own slush funds and to make sure all the kick-backs are working properly, there has to be a real accounting somewhere---- and a few years back, a mild-mannered commodities broker from Arizona found it all buried in what the various units of government call The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.

Thanks to this one man, Walter Burien, and to accountants who actually knew Easy Eddie, we now know the truth. And so do you.

So stop debating, discussing or even thinking about 'how to meet' any 'budget deficit' and start asking instead -- where's the money, honey?

Please take the time to listen and learn from Walter Burien and his team:
The CAFR Swindle - The Biggest Game In Town (14:59) set to HD
Published on Sep 3, 2012 - minivanjack

See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website

The Old World Order, Or, Stop Being Stupid Part Two

By Anna Von Reitz

Our actual government is in tatters.  It is hanging on by a ragged thread.  It exists mostly at the township and county levels and even those bulwarks are being undermined and downplayed and "enclosed" legally by "Councils of County Governments". 
If we don't wake to hell up and tend to our own knitting---- there won't be any knitting to tend, no Republic left.  Our enemies will claim that there are no actual American state nationals left.  They will point at all the bogus paper records and say---- all these people are United States Citizens or citizens of the United States..... there's nobody left.  All the American state nationals are dead.....their governments, the actual sovereign states and their land jurisdiction governments like the Wisconsin state and the Wisconsin State are no longer populated, no longer funded, no longer staffed by anyone.   
And then they will claim that everything that belonged to our grandparents is "abandoned property without known heirs" and they will claim that they have established "exclusive legislative jurisdiction" over us, and they will take over and that will be that.  We will be serfs serving the New World Order----which is just a name for the Old World Order wearing new suits. 
Their "new" order is nothing by feudalism imposed via legal chicanery.  What's new about that?  Gangs of thugs pushing other gangs of thugs around, and sending out tax and bill collectors to rape and pillage the people is older than Roman and Nottingham.
Our government requires us to claim our political status as birthright American state nationals: Wisconsinites, Virginians, Californians, Montanans.....
Our government requires that we enforce the actual Constitution for the united States of America, not stupidly accept a bogus corporate charter "as if" it was the treaty and contract owed to us and our progeny. 
Our government requires us to organize and assemble as jural assemblies in every county of the land.
Our government requires us to operate those counties on the land to form the lawful government of our sovereign state---- for example, the Wisconsin State, not the State of Wisconsin, not the WISCONSIN STATE, which are nothing but  fictional entities.
Our government requires knowledge and participation and organization of the people, by the people, and for the people.
And, by the way, the word "people" is Hebrew for "militia".  Nothing else.
Our government requires us to "self-govern"----- not rent-a-government from France or from England. 
Our government is designed to be an outward reflection of our own innermost government of ourselves.
The judicial branch is supposed to reflect our conscience, and the legislature is supposed to reflect our reasoning mind, and the executive branch is supposed to reflect our will.  And just as we exercise all three to govern our selves, our government is meant to govern our nation.
Instead, we've got a federal rent-a-government operation on our shores pretending to be us and pretending to "represent us" as our agents.
They have stolen our identity and our credit and left us to pay their bills.
They are nothing but criminals. 
So, folks, we've had the International Monetary Fund doing business as the UNITED STATES, INC. charging us for all sorts of services we never ordered and spending our credit into oblivion and committing our sons and daughters to wars for profit ......and we have had the Federal Reserve doing business as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC., printing our money and stealing us blind ---- and you still think that that THING in Washington, DC is our government? 
You think that if we get a different central bank to spawn another governmental services corporation under a new name and "call it" our government, it is going to be our government? 
Wake to  glory up!
That's their government (federal territorial) and THEIR government (federal municipal)----- not our government.  By definition. 
The "federal government" has been run by the Brits since Day One.  It is populated by "inhabitants" who "reside" on our shores---- loyal subjects to the Queen known as "United States Citizens" and also loyal subjects to the British Crown known as "citizens of the United States". 
Want to know how we got a Kenyan for "President"?   Why Obummer doesn't have to be "natural born" here?  It's because he isn't our President. 
We haven't elected a President since 1860 and its our own damned fault. 
The King of England changed hats and conveniently pretended that because he changed hats he was no longer obligated to act as our Trustee on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways. 
That ruse didn't work (War of 1812) so then he pretended that we knowingly and willingly agreed to subject ourselves to him and his dominion as Monarch and to live in our own country as mere "inhabitants" in exchange for "benefits" that we pay for ourselves as "donations" to the Public Charitable Trust established for the relief of poor Negro Plantation slaves displaced by the Civil War.
Wake up!  Wake up!  Wake up!
So now when all these groups appear out of nowhere claiming to "be" the rightful lawful government owed to us, I say---- to Hell you Beller! 
Have you taught the people the meaning and importance of their political status?  Have you helped them declare their proper status as American state nationals and change the public and international records to reflect it? 
No, none of them have done that.  Not a whisper from any of them. 
Have you organized jural assemblies in each of the 3100 counties and educated the county sheriffs about the difference between peacekeeping and law enforcement? 
No, none of them have done that, either. 
Have you further organized those county jural assemblies to operate as lawful land jurisdiction State governments? 
Nope, not a finger lifted. 
So what are these numerous groups all claiming to "be" our government? 
Because in order to be our government, people must be educated, must be given full disclosure, must freely choose their political status, must record that status, must form jural assemblies, must elect their county justices of the peace, their sheriffs on the land, their assemblymen, their fiduciary deputies----- all of it must be built and done, and not one of these supposed "national" organizations has done diddly to accomplish the job.
They may indeed represent "a" nation, but it isn't our nation--- and certainly not our fifty separate nation-states. 
Let me repeat--- our government flows from the bottom up, from each one of us to our township, our county, our state and then our state delegates a small portion of power to the federal government---engaging it as a subcontractor to provide nineteen enumerated services in international jurisdiction, period. 
Our government does not operate in the reverse order, from the federal government down to the little subjected, subservient slave-serf at the bottom of the great inverted federal pyramid. 
Again, it may be a government, but it is not our government.
So all these groups seeking to replace merely the "federal government" are in fact either (1) grossly ignorant or (2) more foreign interlopers trying to lay false claims against us and our assets.
And in either case, I have no cause or reason to stand mildly by and not object.
The government of FRANCE, that is, the French Central Bank, that is, Jacob Rothschild--- has fronted Le Neu Republique and for now, it is functioning and providing the services it needs to provide. 
That doesn't mean its our government.  That doesn't mean that any organization like it can be our government. 
As I said yesterday, exercising the rights of a sovereign is not the same as being a sovereign. 
The "federal government" has exercised nineteen of the powers owed to the sovereign states and people of this country under delegation.  It has exercised those rights naturally belonging to us, but it is not a sovereign government with respect to us--- and our relationship to it is not that of "citizens" or subjects.
The Central Bankers and the Pope and the British Monarch and the Lord Mayor of London and all the other Party Hearties responsible for this mess need to get their mitts off our names, estates, copyrights, trademarks, trust accounts, public utilities and everything else naturally belonging to us---and stop pretending that  any of their manufactured-out-of-thin-air governmental services corporations are our government.
Le Neu Republique is what it is, and for my money, at least it is competent and not --- after a few initial forays to test the water ---- trying to pretend to be anything it is not.
"The United States of America" is, so far as I can see, making a lot of half-baked claims.  It may be well-intentioned or it may not, but the facts are the facts.  Keith Livingway is not the Trustee of the land jurisdiction owed to the United States and the name "The United States of America" that everyone is trying to set such store by is just a defunct business name.
"The Republic for the united States of America" is trying to replace one gang composed of imposters posing as lawful public officials with another gang of unelected "representatives" which is probably even worse.
The Unity States of America appears to be a strange New Age paramilitary organization whose members believe that all our problems can be solved via the proper use of grammar--- but nobody can understand what they are saying, so it hardly matters.
The Union States is yet another organization that has made some impressive filings internationally and which seems to be serious about conducting its business in a responsible fashion, but I have yet to see or test their basis for claiming that the Southern States have been reconstituted and voluntarily rejoined the Union of sovereign states and reaffirmed the Articles of Confederation (1781). 
Last, but not least----not as a competitor, but as an advocate, I am standing for the Old Republic--- the only actual Republic there is or has ever been, vested entirely and completely in the people of these fifty sovereign nation states and
in the jural assemblies they use to organize their governmental business and form courts, counties, and state governments.
The people create the jural assemblies, the courts, the counties, the states---- and the states have created the federal government. 
Just as no creation is greater than its creator, the federal government is not greater than the state governments that created it. And no state government is greater than the county governments that gave it life.  And no county government transcends its townships and parishes.
Absolutely none of these organizations are greater than the jural assemblies and the actual people giving rise to them. 
We rely upon this principle of nature as law and as truth as self-evident as falling rain and I assert that the sovereignty of my nation and my nation state known as the Wisconsin state, is vested in me as one of the free, sovereign, and independent people of the United States, owed all friendship, honor, and service from every level of government operating in this country---including that of the foreign territorial and municipal governments that operate here under commercial contract and treaty. 

Under our law and our government every man and woman is the sovereign of themselves and possessor of their own castle however humble it may be. Those who forget these precious principles forget who they are, and who we are, to the endangerment of peace and against the honorable purposes of law. 
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website

About "Targeted" People and Weather Warfare, Or, Stop Being Stupid Part 3

By Anna Von Reitz

Our military, like all major militaries of the world, has a long and despicable history of using our soldiers and the "domestic population"---- anyone unlucky enough to be considered either a "United States Citizen" or a "citizen of the United States" as guinea pigs for weapons tests and for drugs and all sorts of other heinous invasive procedures. 
The reason this is allowed to go on is that when you sign up and enter the US military you become a MUNICIPAL CITIZEN---- a slave, literally, subject to the whims of Congress and the DOD.  So you have unknowingly given monsters control of your body unto death, and they are free to cause your death in any way they please---- send you into battle, let your freeze to death in quarters, abandon you at Benghazi, inject you with horrible drug concoctions, expose you to "spent uranium" artillery shells, Agent Orange----- whatever.
If more people know that, they would never sign up and join the United States Armed Forces at all. 
Also, most people who receive their DD214 and who are officially  "Discharged" from such service assume that they are out of the woods and no longer classified as MUNICIPAL CITIZENS once they leave the Army, Air Force, Navy, etc. 
Wrong.  That's the way it used to be. 
Nowadays you have to write a letter to the heads of these service branches and to the Secretary of Defense and the State Secretary of State where you live, plainly stating that you have been honorably discharged and have "retired" from any political status or association with the United States and are now returned to your birthright status as an American state national.  And you have to keep a copy of this and proof of mailing, so that if anyone claims you are still under contract and agreement to act as a "United States Citizen" and be subject to the whims of Congress and have given up your constitutional protections---- you can tell them, "Go blow and do it sideways.".
The same claims have been advanced against the "domestic population" of "citizens of the United States", so that anyone on welfare, anyone who is claiming political asylum, anyone of African American descent, anyone who is a dependent of a military or civilian employee of the "federal corporation(s)", anyone who is cluelessly claiming and tolerating the presumption of "MUNICIPAL CITIZENSHIP" and accepting the labels associated with it---- can similarly be imposed upon and killed and experimented upon like animals in a test laboratory. 
If you want a good example and proof that what I am saying is true---- and also proof that weather modification exists, all in one swoop, go look up the United Nations ENMOD Treaty from 1974.  That Treaty not only addresses the use and misuse of geo-engineering, it stipulates that any country conducting research into such weaponry and systems can only use their own domestic population and country to experiment on. 
Let's see....1974, 1984, 1994, 2004, 2014.....I count that as 42 years that it has been fully and officially admitted that weather modification exists and that "weather warfare" was seen as a problem requiring international treaties, so please, someone tell me why there is any controversy about this being "real"?
But even more interesting from my standpoint--- is the provision that "domestic populations" could be used as guinea pigs. 
So what is a "domestic" population?  In this case, it means "domestic" or "internal" population with respect to the "United States".  All the rest of us, American state nationals, exist "without" the United States and its territorial and municipal jurisdictions.  We don't "reside" here.  We live here.
And the big problem for these con men and liars is that as soon as the people wake up and stop putting up with this mis-representation, the bastards among us don't have a leg left to stand on or a word left to say.
All those chem trails in the sky?   You are being poisoned as a "domestic
population".  The poison, Fluoride, being added to your water?  You are being controlled as a "domestic population". The mercury in your vaccines?  The hundreds of untested drugs flooding the market and resulting in millions of law suits?  That's all okay, because, guess what?   You are all being considered "domestic" with respect to the "United States"----and subject to every whim of the Congress and the three Commissioners running the District of Columbia.
Oh, and all their good buddies---- Monsanto, Proctor, Pfizer, etc., etc., etc.,
Recently, I've been receiving all sorts of piteous, terrible stories about people being "targeted" by electromagnetic radiation devices.  These stories come primarily from immigrants to this country, who have unknowingly agreed to serve as "citizens of the United States"----- slaves, guinea pigs---- so it is not unlikely that yes, they are being used as targets and experimented upon by the DOD or its subcontractors. 
Why not?  They are foreigners, yet they are also considered "domestic". 
The guys twisting the dials are probably being fed Shinola, too, being told that these people are dangerous "domestic" terrorists----- note the word "domestic" again? 
That sounds like a better excuse to torture innocent people than being told that Dr. Mengele's nephew is curious about the effect of long term exposure to concentrated ULF radiation.
What to do about it?  Move to a different country until we get things sorted out, would be my best advice. 
America is no longer the sanctuary of sanity that it once was, because we have criminals and madmen in control of the "governmental services corporations" and their subcontractors, the "agencies" are even worse.
Look at LaVoy Finicum?  Purposefully ambushed and murdered in cold blood by "agency personnel"---- private subcontractors operating under the old "FBI" brand name, working for the same holding company calling itself the "GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES" that also employs the "BLM"---- the "agency" subcontractors that have been trying to seize and sell land and other moveable assets that actually belong to us, the American state nationals.
I haven't looked, but most likely, LaVoy was an honorably discharged former American serviceman---- so the rats just "presumed" that he was still in the political status of a MUNICIPAL CITIZEN, and fair game to murder without responsibility or result. 
Yeah, "make an example of him" and scare all the rest of the sheep.  Keep them from reclaiming their land and other assets, so we can steal at will, with no danger to our bosses or our precious little selves.
Don't believe me?  Have the men responsible for the purposeful black-hearted cowardly murder of LaVoy Finicum been arrested and charged?
Have the Bundys been released, despite being found "not guilty"?  No, yet another totally bogus, foreign "State of State" corporate franchise operation is holding them under the false presumption that they are "United States Citizens" or "citizens of the United States", that is, good little subjects of the Queen and the British Crown, merely "residing" here for the purpose of providing government services, and as "domestics" subject to any outrage against their persons or property. 
Ever heard servants called "domestics" in British Regency dramas on BBC? 
Wake up!
Please, America.  Please, wake up.  You all need to put your political status flat on the record and reclaim your status as American state nationals.  You need to rebut the piles of paper that these monsters have created as a means to make false claims about you-----and to "redefine" you as a territorial or municipal "citizen" subject to them and their control.

Self-declare your political status as an American state national and make it stick.
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website

US Intelligence Was Behind Hacks

Judge Napolitano Bombshell: US Intelligence Was Behind Hacks — Not The Russians

“I hope that Josh Earnest was as much in jest with what he just said as Donald Trump was when he said during the campaign,” Napolitano stated matter-of-factly. “No one could have taken that seriously.”

“Look, who had an incentive to prevent Mrs. Clinton from becoming President of the United States?” he asked. “Whose agents had their real identities and locations exposed by the reckless manner?Who had access to all of this material without having to steal any codes?”

“The United States Intelligence agents who did not want this woman in charge of the federal government and exposing more agents and resources and undercover assets in the Middle East,” Napolitano said, answering his own questions.

 Putin's Pawn? - WH: Infers Mr Trump Knew Russia Was Involved
 Andrew Napolitano
 Fox & Friends

On Wednesday, White House press secretary Josh Earnest stated there is “ample evidence” the Trump campaign both knew about and encouraged the actions behind the DNC hacks.  (The entire Clinton 'staff' are masters in lying and deception.)

Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s former campaign manager, blasted Earnest’s “irresponsible” statement Thursday morning.

No Russian Interference 
 Judge Napolitano 

H/T Daily Caller

Corpus Christi - received info from blogger - Corpus water tainted on Dec 14th

Corpus Christi Turns to Emergency Bottles After Chemical Taints Water Supply

Gillian Mohney  
Dec 15, 2016, 3:09 PM ET

The Gulf Coast city of Corpus Christi, Texas, will start distribution emergency supplies of bottled water a day after warning its more than 300,000 residents that a hazardous chemical has made the tap water unsafe for drinking, bathing, brushing teeth, washing dishes or washing clothes.

The city announced today that it will give out 27,000 cases of donated bottled water and will set up drive-through centers to speed the distribution process."

This is just the beginning of what we are doing to help our residents or citizens," city spokes woman Kim Womack said at an event to update the public on the contamination incident, which led to the city's warning on Wednesday about using tap water and prompted the closure of at least some city schools and a rush on bottled water at local stores. 

As Womack was finishing speaking today, some residents in the audience began to shout in protest, including some asking how those without cars would be able to get the emergency supplies. 

The problems occurred after an estimated 3 to 24 gallons of a petroleum-based chemical called Indulin AA-86 seeped into the city's water because of a backflow from an area oil refinery, city officials said. 

The city statement warning against using tap water said, "Boiling, freezing, filtering, adding chlorine or other disinfectants or letting the water stand will not make the water safe." 

The city has yet to identify the refinery, but officials said in a press conference earlier today that they are investigating the incident and working with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality on the issue. 

"Our goal is to get us out of this as soon as absolutely possible so that our residents, our businesses, our customers can go back to their way of life," Womack said. 

Residents said lines to buy bottled water have been so long that they wrap around stores. 

"It's worse than whenever we have hurricane evacuations," Noe Garcia, 28, said of the lines. 

Indulin AA-86, which is used as an asphalt emollient, is considered hazardous by the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration. It can cause burns to the eyes, skin and respiratory tract, according a safety data sheet released by its manufacturer. 

Garcia, a lifelong Texas resident who works as a landscape manager and oversees a ranch, said he was about to take a shower this morning when he saw messages from friends highlighting the city warning. 

"Right before I was about to take a shower ... I noticed [Facebook messages]," he told ABC News. "I saw that. I turned off the water immediately." 

Garcia said he spent his morning standing in line for bottled water for his family and for his mother at a nursing home. By midday, he had filled up a 1,000-gallon tank with well water from the family ranch and was going to distribute water to family and friends. 

Garcia said frequent problems with water safety have been a frustration for him and his family. 

"It's things like this that make us wonder, why do we have to pay taxes? Why do we have to pay a water bill [without getting refunded]?" he said. 

Corpus Christi's prior water problems include a boil-water advisory in May, the third in a year, which lasted two weeks and was largely a precautionary measure, officials said at the time, after nitrogen-rich rain runoff flowed into the water system. 

Boil-water notices were issued last year because of elevated levels of E. coli and low chlorine levels, The Corpus Christi Caller-Times previously reported. 

An ongoing concern in the city is an old water system with 225 miles of cast-iron pipe, more than half of which needs to be upgraded, The Associated Press reported. Many of the pipes were installed in the 1950s and when they decay, they're prone to collapse or to slow water flow allowing bacteria to fester. 

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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