By Anna Von Reitz
Our military, like all major militaries of the world, has a long and
despicable history of using our soldiers and the "domestic population"----
anyone unlucky enough to be considered either a "United States Citizen" or a
"citizen of the United States" as guinea pigs for weapons tests and for drugs
and all sorts of other heinous invasive procedures.
The reason this is allowed to go on is that when you sign up and enter the
US military you become a MUNICIPAL CITIZEN---- a slave, literally, subject to
the whims of Congress and the DOD. So you have unknowingly given monsters
control of your body unto death, and they are free to cause your death in any
way they please---- send you into battle, let your freeze to death in quarters,
abandon you at Benghazi, inject you with horrible drug concoctions, expose you
to "spent uranium" artillery shells, Agent Orange----- whatever.
If more people know that, they would never sign up and join the United
States Armed Forces at all.
Also, most people who receive their DD214 and who are officially
"Discharged" from such service assume that they are out of the woods and no
longer classified as MUNICIPAL CITIZENS once they leave the Army, Air Force,
Navy, etc.
Wrong. That's the way it used to be.
Nowadays you have to write a letter to the heads of these service branches
and to the Secretary of Defense and the State Secretary of State where you live,
plainly stating that you have been honorably discharged and have "retired" from
any political status or association with the United States and are now returned
to your birthright status as an American state national. And you have to keep a
copy of this and proof of mailing, so that if anyone claims you are still under
contract and agreement to act as a "United States Citizen" and be subject to the
whims of Congress and have given up your constitutional protections---- you can
tell them, "Go blow and do it sideways.".
The same claims have been advanced against the "domestic population" of
"citizens of the United States", so that anyone on welfare, anyone who is
claiming political asylum, anyone of African American descent, anyone who is a
dependent of a military or civilian employee of the "federal corporation(s)",
anyone who is cluelessly claiming and tolerating the presumption of "MUNICIPAL
CITIZENSHIP" and accepting the labels associated with it---- can similarly be
imposed upon and killed and experimented upon like animals in a test
If you want a good example and proof that what I am saying is true---- and
also proof that weather modification exists, all in one swoop, go look up the
United Nations ENMOD Treaty from 1974. That Treaty not only addresses the use
and misuse of geo-engineering, it stipulates that any country conducting
research into such weaponry and systems can only use their own domestic
population and country to experiment on.
Let's see....1974, 1984, 1994, 2004, 2014.....I count that as 42 years that
it has been fully and officially admitted that weather modification exists and
that "weather warfare" was seen as a problem requiring international treaties,
so please, someone tell me why there is any controversy about this being "real"?
But even more interesting from my standpoint--- is the provision that
"domestic populations" could be used as guinea pigs.
So what is a "domestic" population? In this case, it means "domestic" or
"internal" population with respect to the "United States". All the rest of us,
American state nationals, exist "without" the United States and its territorial
and municipal jurisdictions. We don't "reside" here. We live here.
And the big problem for these con men and liars is that as soon as the
people wake up and stop putting up with this mis-representation, the bastards
among us don't have a leg left to stand on or a word left to say.
All those chem trails in the sky? You are being poisoned as a
population". The poison, Fluoride, being added to your water? You are
being controlled as a "domestic population". The mercury in your vaccines? The
hundreds of untested drugs flooding the market and resulting in millions of law
suits? That's all okay, because, guess what? You are all being considered
"domestic" with respect to the "United States"----and subject to every whim of
the Congress and the three Commissioners running the District of Columbia.
Oh, and all their good buddies---- Monsanto, Proctor, Pfizer, etc., etc.,
Recently, I've been receiving all sorts of piteous, terrible stories about
people being "targeted" by electromagnetic radiation devices. These stories
come primarily from immigrants to this country, who have unknowingly agreed to
serve as "citizens of the United States"----- slaves, guinea pigs---- so it is
not unlikely that yes, they are being used as targets and experimented upon by
the DOD or its subcontractors.
Why not? They are foreigners, yet they are also considered "domestic".
The guys twisting the dials are probably being fed Shinola, too, being told
that these people are dangerous "domestic" terrorists----- note the word
"domestic" again?
That sounds like a better excuse to torture innocent people than being told
that Dr. Mengele's nephew is curious about the effect of long term exposure to
concentrated ULF radiation.
What to do about it? Move to a different country until we get things
sorted out, would be my best advice.
America is no longer the sanctuary of sanity that it once was, because we
have criminals and madmen in control of the "governmental services corporations"
and their subcontractors, the "agencies" are even worse.
Look at LaVoy Finicum? Purposefully ambushed and murdered in cold blood by
"agency personnel"---- private subcontractors operating under the old "FBI"
brand name, working for the same holding company calling itself the "GOVERNMENT
OF THE UNITED STATES" that also employs the "BLM"---- the "agency"
subcontractors that have been trying to seize and sell land and other moveable
assets that actually belong to us, the American state nationals.
I haven't looked, but most likely, LaVoy was an honorably discharged former
American serviceman---- so the rats just "presumed" that he was still in the
political status of a MUNICIPAL CITIZEN, and fair game to murder without
responsibility or result.
Yeah, "make an example of him" and scare all the rest of the sheep. Keep
them from reclaiming their land and other assets, so we can steal at will, with
no danger to our bosses or our precious little selves.
Don't believe me? Have the men responsible for the purposeful
black-hearted cowardly murder of LaVoy Finicum been arrested and charged?
Have the Bundys been released, despite being found "not guilty"? No, yet
another totally bogus, foreign "State of State" corporate franchise operation is
holding them under the false presumption that they are "United States Citizens"
or "citizens of the United States", that is, good little subjects of the Queen
and the British Crown, merely "residing" here for the purpose of providing
government services, and as "domestics" subject to any outrage against their
persons or property.
Ever heard servants called "domestics" in British Regency dramas on BBC?
Wake up!
Please, America. Please, wake up. You all need to put your political
status flat on the record and reclaim your status as American state nationals.
You need to rebut the piles of paper that these monsters have created as a means
to make false claims about you-----and to "redefine" you as a territorial or
municipal "citizen" subject to them and their control.
Self-declare your political status as an American state national and make
it stick.
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website here:www.annavonreitz.com
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