Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Just another 'legacy' brought to America by Obama??

Doctor describes horrors in German hospital overrun by Muslim migrants -  Doctors stabbed, no arrests, no media, demands and temper tantrums with knives, rapes, babies and children tossed like garbage

Anonymous Will there be Accountability in 2017

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

This Is It "Hillary Clinton" YOU'RE GOING TO JAIL & MAybe Barack Obama T...

Here is the FBI email dump:

'Legacy' of outgoing traitor - a parting shot at our 1st Amendment

Obama’s New Law Tramples Every American’s 1st Amendment Rights

In George Orwell’s classic book “1982,” Big Brother, another word for the government, has the ability to monitor and track just about everyone. It also had the ability to swoop in and remove someone who might say or even write something against the government.

This book has long been something that anti- establishment and anti-government people have pointed to as where our current government is headed.

With what Obama just did we, as a country, are one step closer to living out the events of Orwell’s novel.

In a Friday Night secret signing, Obama signed into law something called the “Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act.” Now, the term “Foreign Propaganda” is tossed in here to fight off foreign fake news. After all, according to the liberals, Russia hacked the Presidential Election (despite the fact that nobody anywhere has released any sort of proof behind this. It’s most likely that Democrats and the left leaning main stream media was caught supporting Hillary and needed to quickly counter the Trump win).

The bigger issue with this is the “Disinformation” aspect. Essentially, the government can shut down anything it states is “disinformation.” AKA, anything that does not align with what it states and thinks. There is nothing wrong with questioning authority in order to find out the truth. But now, it is potentially against the law.

Obama signed this new law right before Christmas so it would be swept under the rug.  

Find out more about exactly how this may ultimately destroy every American’s 1st Amendment Rights by watching the video.

 Obama's Last Bill Just Ended America 
Donald Trump Can't Stop It ??!! 

This is WORSE than what everyone feared Obama would do!  
You better get ready because the world is following suit.

The united States needs to take back its original Republic government and Constitution
The united States needs to resign from the NWO / NATO/ United Nations
The united States needs to give official notice to the UN to remove itself from our land
The united States needs to bring its military HOME to guard our homeland
The united States needs to arrest all traitors and prosecute accordingly ASAP.
replacing with the election of, by and for the people of the Republic
The 'laws' of the crime syndicate apply solely to the crime syndicate and NOT to the people
Any and all EOs of the clown presidents can and should be removed, as well as all

RV delays? More storms to strike West Coast

Weather Alert       More storms to strike West Coast

Northern California and Nevada braced for another powerful storm after getting lashed by downpours that flooded roads, homes and vineyards and toppled a storied giant sequoia.

Parts of Northern California were soaked by more than a foot of rain over a 72-hour period that ended early Monday, forcing hundreds of people to evacuate and leaving thousands without power. The heavy rains forced rivers out of their banks and toppled trees, among them the famed “Pioneer Cabin” in Calaveras Big Trees State Park that had a drive-thru tunnel carved into its base more than a century ago.

Another strong storm was bearing down on the region and expected to hit Tuesday.

Emergency crews in rescue boats and helicopters took advantage of a one-day respite from the rains later Monday to rescue stranded people and assess damage after a weekend of stormy weather that authorities called the heaviest rain in a decade.

In the Sierra Nevada mountains, a winter storm warning was in effect until Thursday morning with the potential for blizzard and white-out conditions, said Scott McGuire, a forecaster for the National Weather Service based in Reno, Nevada.

 The Truckee Taking Over!

Four to 8 feet of snow are forecast through Thursday above 7,000 feet, and the Lake Tahoe area could get between 2 to 5 feet of snow, he said.

1-8-17 Reno, Nevada - Dry Creek Flooding - Interview 

“People need to avoid traveling if at all possible,” said McGuire. Avalanche concerns kept some California ski areas closed for a second day Monday in the Sierra Nevada.

In the San Francisco Bay Area, a coastal flood advisory was in effect from Tuesday through Friday, with a forecast for up to 7-foot “king tides” that could pose a flooding risk for coastal roadways, said Steve Anderson, a National Weather Service forecaster in Monterey, California.

Flood warnings and a high-wind watch was also in effect Tuesday for the Russian River, which rose to its highest level since 2006 and spilled over its banks early Monday, flooding roads and vineyards and forcing schools to close across the area.

“It’s been about 10 years since we’ve experienced this kind of rainfall,” Anderson said Monday. He said the storm system arriving Tuesday was not as potent as over weekend but could still cause problems. “The big concern is flash flooding, rapid rises on creeks and the Russian River coming out of its banks again.”

Parts of California’s wine country in Sonoma County were among the hardest hit, with up to 13 inches of rain from Friday-early Monday. Rolling hills and vineyards along the scenic route known as River Road were submerged Monday with just the tips of the vines visible in completely flooded fields.

Melba Martinelli, who lives in the Russian River town of Guerneville, was wading through her yard Monday in knee-high rain boots, surrounded by flooded streets.
“I’m watching the water come up higher and higher, and my boots are almost going underwater now,” Martinelli said. “The river is coming up the street now. It’s pretty scary.”

In nearby Forestville, rescuers launched rafts and used a helicopter to search for people cut off by rising water. Authorities said the mostly dry conditions Monday were a relief.

Such gaps between storms are “what saves us from the big water,” Forestville Fire Chief Max Ming said. “People hunker down and wait for it to get past.”

To the south near Los Angeles, commuters were warned of possible highway flooding and mudslides in hilly areas.

The back-to-back storms that hit California and Nevada since last week are part of an “atmospheric river” weather system that draws precipitation from the Pacific Ocean as far west as Hawaii. That kind of system, also known as the “pineapple express,” poses catastrophic risks for areas hit by the heaviest rain.

Despite the bad weather in some parts, Yosemite National Park was forecasting a return to normal. The park planned to reopen the valley floor to visitors Tuesday morning after it was closed through the weekend and Monday because of a storm-swollen river, park spokesman Scott Gediman said. He said guests will be allowed back in starting at 8 a.m. for day visitors. Park workers were checking the extent of damage from the storm to water and sewer systems, he said.

Sacramento River levels swelled so much that state officials planned to open the weir located upstream from Sacramento’s Tower Bridge for the first time in more than a decade. The weir is a barrier of 48 gates that must be opened manually to protect the city of Sacramento from floodwaters.

 January 2017 Truckee River Flood Event: 24 Hour Time Lapse

Emergency workers in Nevada voluntarily evacuated about 1,300 people from 400 homes in a Reno neighborhood as the Truckee River overflowed and drainage ditches backed up.

Schools were canceled Monday in Reno and Sparks, and Gov. Brian Sandoval told all nonessential state government workers to stay home Monday after he declared a state of emergency.

 1-8-17 Reno, Nevada Night Time Flooding 
 Hydroplane Accident

After touring the two cities, Sandoval said no serious injuries were reported during the flooding, which authorities had feared might be the worst in a decade.
“It’s bittersweet because it wasn’t as bad as it could have been,” Sandoval said. “But to those people affected, it was really hard on them.”

The Associated Press contributed to this article.

America's NATO Ally Is Persecuting Christians

Why America's NATO Ally Is Persecuting Christians


Many experts say religious persecution isn't just "a" problem, rather it's "the" problem in the world. One example is the Christians in Turkey who face ongoing persecution.

American Pastor Andrew Brunson sits in a Turkish prison, facing trumped up charges of terrorism. He's a Christian who lives and preaches in Turkey and experts say that's enough to put him at risk.

"So today, I would argue, that Turkey's Christians and Jews are going through a very difficult period," Aykan Erdemir with Foundation for the Defense of Democracies told CBN News.
Erdemir is a Muslim Turk who has dedicated his career to helping Christians, Jews and other religious minorities gain full religious freedom in his country.

It was his core mission as a member of Turkey's Parliament but he faced roadblocks. Now he advocates from Washington, D.C. working with the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies.

"I think Christians have learned to live under constant threat of physical or symbolic violence. They're used to constant messages of hate, they're used to Turkey's culture of impunity meaning that they know that there will be very lenient sentencing to the assailants," Erdemir said.
 What Are The Worst Countries For Christians?

Things got worse last summer, he told CBN News, after a coup attempted to topple Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Turkish authorities were already suspicious of Protestants, especially missionaries.

"When we talk about Turkey we are talking about basically the biblical lands, this is the country that hosts a lot of the Jewish and Christian sites so there is a very rich heritage," Erdemir said. "And it's so sad to see how Turkey's Islamists systematically, not only marginalize them, but also portray them as being foreign."

 Christians Persecuted : Censored in America

In the coming months, Erdemir fears other Protestant pastors and missionaries could be framed, like Pastor Brunson, by security forces. He says following the coup, it's hard to find Turks willing to speak out for their Christian neighbors.

"The majority of citizens are afraid to talk," says Erdemir.

 Christians: The MOST persecuted people in the world

That's because since July 15, reports indicate 83,045 civil servants have been fired from their jobs and 40,000 people have been arrested. Also, Erdemir says hundreds of news outlets including magazines, newspapers, radio and TV stations have been closed.

It's an issue President-elect Trump will have to confront. As Erdemir and others fear, America's NATO ally increasingly resembles an authoritarian regime.

 Get ready for Christian persecution in America

'Terror Teams' Are Waiting To Attack US Cities Simultaneously

'Open Door To Terrorists' Policy May Soon Blow Up In Our Faces - According To US Law Enforcement Sources, 'Terror Teams' Are Waiting To Attack US Cities Simultaneously


ISIS And Mexican Drug Cartels 'Just Waiting For The Order' - Who's Giving The Order? Disturbing Report

ISIS militants like these in Syria are filing into Mexico. 
(Credit Image: © Medyan Dairieh/ZUMA Wire/

January 6, 2017
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

The new stories from across the internet outlined in this ANP story help show why we are so concerned about the health and well being of America and liberty so late in the game only two weeks before Donald Trump is supposed to be inaugurated. With George Soros and the globalists pushing 'Trump is a Nazi' rather than taking a good hard look into the mirror, we see in these stories the globalists end game explained and why America is still in such danger.  

From Eric Zuesse over at Strategic Culture we learn that according to the only independent newspaper in Germany, Germany's government is controlled by the US government, simply another 'outpost' of the 'US Empire'. The flow of information in Germany controlled by the same 'fake news purveyors' who've been working diligently for decades to 'dumb down' Americans, the destruction they seek of 'nation states' to institute a 'luciferian new world order' is being carried out across the world stage, in front of the world's eyes, for all to see yet still so many do not see it.  

According to Zuesse's story, Germany, as an outpost of the 'US Empire', is seeking to crush 'independent media', just as we see here in America here in 2017 with an all-out attack upon independent news. As recently exemplified by the Washington Post publishing a shameful story listing a number of websites that should be 'blacklisted', websites including  Infowars, King World News, SHTFPlan and All News Pipeline among them, we see in these two new stories from WND WHY they don't want the American people to pay attention to what's really happening in the world.

In the first quite concerning story from Leo Hohmann at WND he reports that according to Judicial Watch and confidential US and Mexican law enforcement sources, Islamic terror cells have shifted from the Middle East to the US border with Mexico and are teaming up with Mexican drug cartels, preparing to carry out precision attacks in US cities. Reporting that these 'terror teams' are just 'waiting for the order', law enforcement sources report "they expect 'simultaneous attacks' in different ports of entry or cities of the United States of America".

Why hasn't the MSM been reporting upon this disturbing development? With Judicial Watch warning us that drug cartels in Mexico have a 'working agreement' with ISIS terrorists intent upon slaughtering Americans we have to ask, who are they 'waiting the attack order' from? This 2nd story from WND might give us the answer to that question.

Warning us of 'enemies within' America who don't have Americans best interests in mind, WND reports upon the blockbuster links that Hillary Clinton has to the Muslim Brotherhood that go well beyond her ties to Huma Abedin, with an expert on national security warning of a 'master plan' and 'forces dedicated to the destruction' of America.:

A blockbuster new documentary asserts there is a master plan to create a permanent liberal majority in American by flooding it with millions of voters hostile to conservatism.

But “The Enemies Within” also claims forces dedicated to the destruction of this country have even penetrated the national security bureaucracy, endangering Americans and the entire system of constitutional government.

Warning us that there are a huge number of proven cases of terrorists who've gotten into this country to put Americans at risk that have been 'disappeared', are we now watching a very real attempt to 'overthrow America' by 'enemies within' playing out before our eyes? According to Philip Haney, a counter-terrorism analyst who was widely praised and commended by his superiors throughout his distinguished career, there are 'enemies of America within America' and they sit in very high places. As Haney tells us, their actions, and inactions, are putting each and every one of us and our families in danger.:

He recounts in “The Enemies Within:” “I finished a case up, I put it in the system. There were 67 records related to the case, individuals and organizations. But then about two weeks after I put the case into the system, I went on vacation and received a call from my colleague. He said they had removed the records from the system. They didn’t just modify them, they completely obliterated them, took all of them out.”

Haney argues this dramatic action had devastating consequences for the American people. The specific records the government deleted turned out to be directly relevant to terrorist attacks that took place later.

“Those are the records related to the network of mosques and organizations operating in the United States that is linked to the San Bernardino shooting and to the Orlando shooting,” he recalled.

Indeed, Haney states in the video the federal government not only removed the records but actually investigated him for simply doing his job.
“They said essentially that I did not have the authority to put those records into the system, even though I had been commended by the National Targeting Center for finding 300 terrorists,” Haney says in the film. “So, essentially, the last three years of my career, I was under investigation by three different government agencies, all at the same time. They essentially determined that I was more of a threat than these terrorist groups.”

With those in Washington DC who are supposed to be protecting Americans more interested in protecting the rights of terrorists than the safety of Americans, will we soon witness 'an event' here in America that brings our nation crashing to a halt, a massive series of terror attacks in many places at the same time across the country, carried out by terrorists that the current administration has seemingly allowed into the nation for the sole purpose of committing jihad?

As Steve Quayle stated on an SQnote he left on his link to the previously mentioned Strategic Culture story claiming that Germany is 'owned' by the US, "THIS EXPLAINS EVERYTHING IN LIGHT OF MUSLIM TAKEOVER OF GERMANY, AS FRANCE SHOULD ALSO BE CONSIDERED IN THE U.S. BACK POCKET!"

As Susan Duclos reported on ANP back on December 24th after Germany's Angela Merkel set up a modern day 'ministry of propaganda', "Adolf Hitler is back in Germany and her name is Angela." As Susan reported then, rather than changing her 'open doors to terrorists' policy in Germany, Merkel instead decided to attack 'the truth'. From that story.:

This is perhaps the most bone-chilling report for anyone that has studied history and "The Censorship of Nazi Germany."

Flashback - Censorship was rampant throughout Nazi Germany. Censorship ensured that Germans could only see what the Nazi hierarchy wanted people to see, hear what they wanted them to hear and read only what the Nazis deemed acceptable. The Nazi police dealt with anyone who went outside of these boundaries. Censorship dominated the lives of the ordinary citizen in Nazi Germany. (Citation: C N Trueman)


Once they succeeded in ending democracy and turning Germany into a one-party dictatorship, the Nazis orchestrated a massive propaganda campaign to win the loyalty and cooperation of Germans. The Nazi Propaganda Ministry, directed by Dr. Joseph Goebbels, took control of all forms of communication in Germany: newspapers, magazines, books, public meetings, and rallies, art, music, movies, and radio. Viewpoints in any way threatening to Nazi beliefs or to the regime were censored or eliminated from all media.

Present Day - Back then they didn't have the Internet, so Merkel's new censorship campaign has been updated to include threats of "legal consequences" for internet giants that do not remove any content that Germany deems unacceptable or labels as "fake." Justice Minister Heiko Maas states outright that "We expect clear improvements in Facebook's removal practice. The standard must be German law."

Compare the censorship information above about Nazi Germany, to the present day report below:

The Federal Press Office in the Chancellery, which has a staff of over 500 professionals, will take the leading role in establishing the fake news defense center, Der Spiegel reported quoting a note from an anonymous Interior Ministry staff member.

Social Democratic Party parliamentary chairman Thomas Oppermann called for social media outlets to be prosecuted for their role in validating fake news.

“If, after the relevant checks, Facebook does not immediately, within 24 hours, delete the offending post then [it] must reckon with severe penalties of up to 500,000 euros,” Oppermann told Der Spiegel

We're also not the least bit surprised that the large majority of websites listed to be 'blacklisted' here in America were pro-Trump websites during the buildup to the election, many of them getting on board the 'Trump Train' back when the mainstream media was still saying he had a 0% chance of winning and was a 'joke' candidate.

And we're not the least bit surprised that the majority of those websites listed to be blacklisted in America have no problem calling 'Islamic terror' what it is rather than attempting to sugar coat it as 'a religion of peace'. And meanwhile, much of Europe, and especially Germany, have already fallen.
In the first two videos below, videographer Hard News TV breaks down for us the two recent stories from WND discussed earlier in this story, from ISIS terror cells teaming with Mexican drug cartels to attack US cities simultaneously to the reports coming out of Hillary Clinton's close ties to terrorists and the Muslim Brotherhood.

In the 3rd video below we hear from Infowars that known liars and ISIS collaborators are joining forces to attack president-elect Donald Trump while in the final video below, our videographer breaks down for us the importance of the attack we're witnessing upon the 1st Amendment here in America by 'enemies of freedom within', warning that he believes there is a very real attempt being made right now to stamp out the 1st Amendment here, turning us all officially into modern day slaves of a system intent upon extinguishing Christianity and our liberties here in America.

And while many years ago, we might call such a warning 'fake news', the fact that Christianity is under attack, even here in America like never before, proves to us that those doing the attacking have nothing but bad intentions.

Something Very Strange Happening Worldwide

Something Very Strange Happening Worldwide - The Earth Is Literally Shaking

- Earthquakes, Volcanoes And Deadly Weather Events Are All Getting Worse -

(CT State Police - 20+ Car Pile Up On Interstate 91, January 7, 2017)

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

From one end of the U.S. to the other, Winter Storm Helena has caused deadly crashes, power outages, flooding, reports of empty grocery shelves and more, and as Helena leaves damage strewn across her path, Winter Storm Ira comes up behind her to add to the misery, but it isn't just winter storms that we should be looking at, but the rise in volcanic activity and massive increase in intensity and frequency of large earthquakes, indicates that something very strange is happening worldwide and it is only going to get worse.

Normally I would start with what is affecting only America first, but to understand the scope of this issue, we will present a set of graphs created by Gary Walton of The Big Wobble, using information from the USGS, which show major earthquakes this century in comparison with major earthquakes in the first 17 years of last century from January 1900 through January 1917.


The images speak for themselves.



While the visual is shocking, the actual numbers show the scope of the extremely dramatic increase, as Walton explains:
But it’s the earthquakes statistics which I find jaw-dropping, this century, from January the 1st in the year 2,000 until January 2017 a total of 2,697 major quakes have been recorded. In the same period, January the 1st 1900 to January 1917 only 97 major quakes were recorded.....
More can be seen at The Big Wobble.

According to the USGS, Monday, January 9, 2017 at 10:00am ET, we see the activity listed for the last 30 days, listed as "Significant Earthquakes," includes the 7.9 magnitude EQ that hit Papua New Guinea on 12/17/16, the 7.6 mag. that hit Chile on 12/25/16, multiple magnitude 6 EQ's in New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Brazil, East Timor, Indonesia and Fiji, with three "significant EQ's listed for Hawthorne Nevada, all on the same day 12/28/16, two of them mag. 5.6 and one 5.5, just to name a few.

Just using Hawthorne, Nevada as an example of what is being noted in just one area, while the USGS had the ones above listed as "significant," a look at how many earthquakes of any size they have suffered over the last 30 days, according to Earthquake, Hawthorne, Nevada has had 2 earthquakes in the past 24 hours, 66 earthquakes in the past 7 days and 389 earthquakes in the past 30 days.

They list 691 earthquakes in the past 365 days, meaning that over half the earthquakes they have had in a one year period, all occurred in the last 30 days alone.



We'll start here with the big one. Reports from late December 2016 indicate that scientists issued a report in the journal Nature Communications, that Italy's Campi Flegrei, considered "one of Earth's most dangerous Supervolcanoes" is rumbling and may be reawakening. It is important to note that these aren't "fringe" scientist and in fact their warnings were taken so seriously by Italy's government, that they raised the volcano's threat level from green to yellow.

Why should Americans or the rest of the world be disturbed about a volcano in Italy, other than be concerned for the 500,000 people in Italy that live above it?

Via National Geographic:
Campi Flegrei is thought to have formed hundreds of thousands of years ago. A massive eruption 200,000 years ago spewed so much ash that it darkened the skies around the planet, triggering a "volcanic winter." That event is thought to have been the largest volcanic episode in the history of Europe over that time.
While Campi Flegrei has been "slumbering" for the past 500 years, the report indicate scientists believe it "may be waking up and approaching a 'critical state'."

"We propose that magma could be approaching the critical degassing pressure at Campi Flegrei, a volcano in the metropolitan area of Naples, one of the most densely inhabited areas in the world, and where accelerating deformation and heating are currently being observed," the authors wrote.

By January 7, 2016, a report by StrangeSoundsOrg, states that Hydrogen sulfide has killed hundreds of fish at Lake Averno, which is situated in the Campi Flegrei volcanic field. While this type of event has happened there before, on the heels of the news the Supervolcano may be awakening and is rumbling, leads the article linked above to ask "Is that a natural and cyclical phenomenon or are these signs of an imminent eruption of Campi Flegrei?"

The Smithsonian Institute, Global Volcanism Program shows  "new" activity has occurred at six volcanoes from December 28, 2016, to January 3, 2017, three in Russia, one in the U.S., Ecuador and Peru.  They list 10 more as "ongoing."

They offer the following caveat: This is not a comprehensive list of all of Earth's volcanoes erupting during the week, but rather a summary of activity at volcanoes that meet criteria discussed in detail in the "Criteria and Disclaimers."

According to the Criteria and Disclaimers page, their weekly reports does "not necessarily include all volcanic activity that occurred on Earth during the week."

More than a dozen volcanoes globally have displayed more-or-less continuous eruptive activity for decades or longer, and such routine activity is typically not reported here. Moreover, Earth's sea-floor volcanism is seldom reported even though in theory it represents the single most prolific source of erupted material. The Weekly Volcanic Activity Report summarizes volcanic activity that meets one or more of the following criteria:

- A volcano observatory raises or lowers the alert level at the volcano.; - A volcanic ash advisory has been released by a volcanic ash advisory center (VAAC) stating that an ash cloud has been produced from the volcano.; - A verifiable news report of new activity or a change in activity at the volcano has been issued.; - Observers have reported a significant change in volcanic activity. Such activity can include, but is not restricted to, pyroclastic flows, lahars, lava flows, dome collapse, or increased unrest.


For a more comprehensive list of all the volcanoes across the globe and earthquake activity, either showing signs of unrest (yellow), have a warning/minor activity (orange) or are actively erupting (red), that is provided with details at Volcano Discovery, which provides the following graph of active volcanoes and recent earthquakes worldwide.



Winter has not only brought Winter Storm Helena to the U.S., causing 700 traffic crashes in North Carolina alone  and a 25 car pile-up in Connecticut, and caused at least five dead in her path, but it has brought power outages for tens of thousands from California to North Carolina. Equipment failure in Seattle left more than 20,000 people in the dark, outages and downed power lines left 3,000 in the cold and dark in Colorado.  Another 5,500 in Idaho were also affected.

The West Coast is now being pummeled by heavy rain that is expected to cause flooding and landslides.

That is just the tip of the iceberg of what is being seen across the U.S. from Winter Storm Helena, and according to CBN News, "Forecasters now warn that Winter Storm Ira is not too far behind. So far, Ira's is impacting the West with snow and ice but could make its way to the Midwest and Northeast by early next week."

It isn't just the U.S. that is seeing increasingly unstable weather as dozens of deaths throughout Europe are being blamed on "plunging temperatures," with Russia seeing temperatures as cold as minus 50C/minus 58F. In Thailand heavy rain and flash floods are being blamed for displacing 15o,000 people and killing 8, with authorities warning "worse to come."


Hungry, freezing truck drivers trapped by Europe's deadly winter snow 

Snow and Ice Covered the Ground in 49 of 50 States This Weekend

Cold brings chaos to Europe


Inevitable we see people claim, "it is just winter, happens every year!," but those same people can never explain why each year sees multiple reports using terms like "record breaking," or "historic," and we see them with increasing frequency, which indicates that things are getting worse, more deadly each and every year.

Hurricanes have broken "longevity records," cold-snaps described as "record breaking, storms called "record breaking,"  Blizzards... yes, "record breaking," Cyclones called "most powerful on record," and those are just a few of the headlines from the year 2016.

When something is called historic or breaks records, weather-wise, that means it is worse that anything seen before, hence, not just "normal" events, but getting worse and we are seeing those types of descriptors more and more frequently over the years.

It is not just winter storms and those unprepared no matter how much warning they receive beforehand, it is the constant increasing strengthened hurricanes, cyclones, the amount of active volcanoes with scientists warning of an awakening Supervolcano, the increasing frequency and intensity of earthquakes, captured visually by the graphs at the top showing how many more we are now seeing compared to what was seen last century..... it is everything together that leads to the conclusion that something strange is happening worldwide and it is getting worse.


A doctor questions VACCINE SAFETY and all hell breaks loose.

proof not to trust the lame stream ever

Sent: Sunday, January 8, 2017 11:40 PM
Subject: A doctor questions VACCINE SAFETY and all hell breaks loose.

Inge's Added Comment:
The consistency with which questioning-professional-opinions are being silenced in medicine and in science is extremely alarming.
It really means that "no one is permitted to question” any agenda that "those in authority" are determined to unjustifiablyimpose.

None are more dangerous than the present "medical dictated mandates", especially "Public Health Policy Mandates" - with Infant Vaccinations and Psychotropic drugging of children leading the list.
If there is not a constant and honest monitoring, review and evaluation of these medical practices and their consequences, then citizens become nothing more than unwitting guinea pigs at the mercy of agendas of "mass experimentation"- by "an industry" which has a business agenda that no longer bears any resemblance to "the healing arts". Medical Dictatorship is the most insidiously dangerous dictatorship possible. It usurps jurisdiction (ownership) over the individual's body.

Many years ago, when the demands for more "Government Protection" became the "societal cry", I warned that "Those who Protect you Completely, also OWN you Completely." Sadly, that warning has now become "the REALITY" as we flounder in a "Medically imposed Prison".
For decades we have witnessed the destruction of the lives of hundreds of thousands of infants after being subjected to a prescribed "vaccine schedule" in infancy.
No "pretesting" for this "infant age group” was ever done prior to the implementation of this "Public Health Mandate" for infants.
No one is monitoring. In fact, the Mantra of the Vaccination Religion is so entrenched that no "honest" monitoring is permitted.
It is the epitome of the ultimate heresy! How dare one challenge "an established mantra"! Science be damned.
No one seems to give a dam, as these children are simply discounted as coincidental "unfortunate collateral damage” -"for the Greater Good".

Not only are thousands upon thousands of children being sacrificed on the Vaccine Altar.
But now the courageous scientists and medical professionals who are whistle-blowing are also being "sacrificed" with impunity.

Why is this outrageous corruption possible?
Because WE, the public, have failed to educate ourselves in basic scientific principles; have permitted ourselves to be media-brainwashed into accepting fabricated pseudoscience; and WE have failed to DEMAND Scientific, Academic , Political and Media Integrity.

"The Price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance".
If good people remain silent, Corruption will abound unabated, with impunity.

Alarmingly, this is now the REALITY as the protectors of "the Sickness Industry" occupy the "seats of authority" in government, academia and the"professional policing agencies".
And a fearful, brainwashed public not only tolerates it, but protects it.

If we do not protect the professionals who are "courageously speaking out" to protect us, then soon there will be no professionals left to speak out - since they will continue to be silenced and "professionally eradicated".-
- unless WE stand in cohesive solidarity on their behalf.
We cannot afford to let them flounder in the winds of injustice under these assaults.

Note: I have added bold highlights and have changed the font of some quotes.
For the original article, go to


A Doctor Wants Safer Vaccines and All Hell Breaks Loose
by Dr. Brownstein

A doctor writes about wanting vaccines free of toxic agents and you would think he was a mass murderer by the way other doctors and the media are beating him up.
This firestorm should convince everyone that something is terribly wrong with conventional medicine and the media.
Are we not allowed to question the wisdom and safety of any medical therapy?
Shouldn’t all medical therapies be held to a high standard of care?

Dr. Daniel Neides, a family doctor and the director and chief operating officer of the Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute wrote a blog post about his concerns with childhood vaccines.

( in the news site

He wrote, Does the vaccine burden – as has been debated for years – cause autism? I don’t know and will not debate that here. What I will stand up and scream is that newborns without intact immune systems and detoxification systems are being over-burdened with PRESERVATIVES AND ADJUVANTS IN THE VACCINES.”
(Note: Dr. Neides’ post was removed shortly after the firestorm began and put back up a few hours later.)
Adjuvants are items added to a vaccine to stimulate the immune system. Aluminum, a known neurotoxin, is one such adjuvant commonly added to many childhood and adult vaccines. Mercury, one of the most toxic substances known to mankind, is a preservative for many vaccines.
Dr. Neides continued his line of thought by writing, “Some of the vaccines have helped reduce the incidence of childhood communicable diseases, like meningitis and pneumonia. That is great news. But not at the expense of neurologic diseases like autism and ADHD increasing at alarming rates.”
When I read Dr. Neides comments, I was shocked that a physician employed by a large hospital organization would write something like that. I knew what would come next and it did.
Physicians chastised him and the Cleveland Clinic immediately distanced itself from Dr. Neides and his post.
He wrote this opinion piece on his own and it does not reflect the position of the Cleveland Clinic whatsoever, and we strongly support vaccinations and the protection of patients and employees,” said Eileen Sheil, executive director of corporate communications for the medical center.
Here are some comments that appeared after Dr. Neides’ post:
Dr. Vinay Prasad, a hematologist-oncologist at the Oregon Health and Sciences University, expressed disbelief on Twitter: Wow, this quack is the head of an institute of an actual medical center? Entire article empty rhetoric & harmful jenny McCarthy myths..
In an email to STAT, Prasad added, “That article … contains many of the tired, unsupported, irrational concerns about pediatric vaccines, as well as generally unsupported thoughts on ‘toxin’ exposure. Frankly, it is a little surprising it is written by a doctor, and not someone on the fringe, who lacks basic science and medical training.”
Dr. Jeffrey Matthews, chair of the University of Chicago’s Department of Surgery, tweeted:
Scientists and doctors were horrified about the misinformation contained in the article, especially given that the source is affiliated with such a prestigious medical institution. A spokesperson for Cleveland Clinic told STAT on Saturday that Neides “will not be doing an interview.”
Dr. Benjamin Mazer, a resident physician in pathology at Yale-New Haven Hospital who tweeted that the article was “one of the most vile, false things I have ever read by a doctor”, said in an interview that it wasn’t an isolated event.
This is really part of a larger movement that distrusts mainstream medicine, distrusts mainstream public health, and really trades in conspiracy theories,” he told STAT. “This article is a really prime example of that. It’s just a shame that it’s a physician spreading these conspiracy theories because people naturally trust physicians.”
He was especially appalled at the misinformation that Neides was spreading about hepatitis B vaccines, which, Mazer said, “have prevented thousands of deaths.
Wow. Maybe doctors should never question the prevailing opinions in medicine. Perhaps doctors should not have questioned whether cigarettes caused lung cancer because it took a massive campaign for the cigarette-lung cancer connection to come out.
Perhaps the above doctors need to recall the story of Dr. Semmelweis, who is probably rolling in his grave right now. In the 1800’s, before the germ theory was discovered, a Hungarian phsycian1 questioned whether the lack of handwashing by doctors while delivering babies was responsible for transmitting something to the mothers that resulted in a higher mortality rate than women delivered by midwives. You see, back then, midwives washed their hands before delivering a baby while a doctor did not.
Dr. Semmelweis performed a study where physicians washed their hands before delivery and the mortality rate fell nearly 9x—to the same rate as the midwives. Then, he started to wash the medical instruments before use and the mortality rate fell further.
After his study was completed, Dr. Semmelweis published his results and suffered the wrath of his peers. They simply could not accept that hand washing would improve mortality rates. In fact, it took nearly 20 years for his work to be accepted.
So, let’s move forward over 150 years to present-day time when a Cleveland Clinic doctor voices concern that vaccines should be safer by not containing carcinogens and neurotoxins. For that grievous (said with sarcasm) error, a resident physician claims this is one of the most vile, false things I have ever read by a doctor”.
Give me a break. Our children are vaccinated with more vaccines than any children on the planet.
Do we have healthier children for all these vaccinations?
We have the sickest children on the face of the earth. We have more children dying, more with autism, asthma, autoimmune disorders, cancer and chronic illness than nearly every other major Western country.
Show me where the pediatric vaccine schedule has been appropriately studied.
It hasn’t.
Show me where it is safe to inject mercury, aluminum, or formaldehyde into any living being?
It isn’t.
Show me where vaccinated children are healthier than non-vaccinated children?
You can’t because the CDC refuses to do the proper studies.
A whistle blower has come forth from the depths of the CDC stating that there is malfeasance at the CDC when it comes to the vaccine-autism connection. This whistle blower came out over two years ago—29 months ago. Why hasn’t he been called to testify, under oath, in front of Congress about his claims?
Dr. Neides is doing what any caring, intelligent physician should do when he/she recognizes something is wrong with a standard-of-care therapyin this case, he is questioning whether vaccines may be causing health problems in our children.
For that crime, he is made to apologize the very next day and the Cleveland Clinic promised that there will be appropriate discipline”


The very next day he stated,I apologize and regret publishing a blog that has caused so much concern and confusion for the public and medical community. I fully support vaccinations and my concern was meant to be positive around the safety of them.”
I don’t think Dr. Neides has anything to apologize for. In fact, I think he should be applauded.
If physicians never question anything in medicine, then how does anything change?
I think the Cleveland Clinic owes Dr. Neides an apology for not supporting him in voicing his opinion and starting a discussion about the safety of vaccines.