Saturday, April 15, 2017

I Moved to Linux and It’s Even Better Than I Expected

Saying goodbye to Apple and Microsoft has never been easier, or so satisfying

Image Credit: Ian Burt via Flickr | CC BY 2.0

On a spring day in 2012, I shut down my MacBook Air for the last time. From then on, my primary computing environment — at least on a laptop computer — was GNU/Linux. I was abandoning, as much as possible, the proprietary, control-freakish environments that Apple and Microsoft have increasingly foisted on users of personal computers.
Almost four years later, here I am, writing this piece on a laptop computer running the Linux* operating system and LibreOffice Writer, not on a Mac or Windows machine using Microsoft Word. All is well.
No, better than that — everything’s terrific.
I’d recommend this move to lots of folks — not everyone, by any means, but to anyone who isn’t afraid to ask some occasional questions, and especially anyone who gives some thought to the trajectory of technology and communications in the 21st Century. Most of all, to people who care about freedom.
Personal computing dates back to the late 1970s. It defined an era of technology when users could adapt what they’d purchased in all kinds of ways. When mobile computing came along in the form of smart phones, the balance shifted; the sellers, especially Apple, retained significantly more control. They’ve given us more convenience, and we’ve collectively said, “Great!”
A few months ago, when Apple introduced its iPad Pro, a large tablet with a keyboard, CEO Tim Cook called it the “clearest expression of our vision of the future of personal computing.” That was an uh-oh moment for me. Among other things, in the iOS ecosystem users are obliged to get all their software from Apple’s store, and developers are obliged to sell it in the company store. This may be Apple’s definition of personal computing, but it’s not mine.
Meanwhile, Microsoft’s Windows 10 — by almost all accounts a huge usability improvement over Windows 8 — looks more and more like spyware masquerading as an operating system (a characterization that may be unfair, but not by much). Yes, the upgrade from widely installed earlier versions is “free” (as in beer), but it takes some amazing liberties with users’ data and control, according to people who’ve analyzed its inner workings.
It’s not quite a commercial duopoly. Google’s Chrome operating system is powering a relatively new entrant: the Chromebook sold by various manufacturers. But it comes with more limitations, and requires users to be totally comfortable — I’m not — in the embrace of a company that relies on surveillance to support its advertising-based business model.
So for anyone who’s even slightly interested in retaining significant independence in desktop and laptop computing, Linux is looking like the last refuge. (On an assortment of other devices, from supercomputers to servers to mobile phones to embedded systems, Linux is already a powerhouse.) I’m glad I made this move.

Before I explain how, it’s vital to recognize the overall context of my small rebellion. Re-centralization is the new normal in technology and communications, a trend I worried about here some time ago, when I described in a more general way how I was trying to wean myself off services and products from companies like Apple (done), Microsoft (mostly done) and Google (still difficult). Convenience, I said at the time, wasn’t worth the tradeoffs we’re making.
As I’ll discuss later, I also have to wonder how much it matters to declare independence on a personal computer, since computing is moving more and more onto mobile devices. Like it or not, Apple and Google have pretty much taken charge of those with the iOS and Android. Apple, as noted, is a relentless control freak. Even though Google gives away an open version of Android, more and more of the most essential pieces of that operating system are part of a highly proprietary software blob that still ties users into Google’s advertising-driven world. Can you say mobile “duopoly?”
The re-centralization is particularly scary given the growing power of the telecommunications industry, which is fighting tooth and nail to control what you and I can do with the connections we pay for, despite the FCC’s welcome ruling in favor of “network neutrality” in 2015. Comcast is a monopoly for true broadband service in most of its territories, though you can spot a few competitors here and there. The cable ISPs are moving swiftly to impose usage caps that have nothing to do with capacity and everything to do with extending their power and profits, as Susan Crawford has explained in detail. And mobile carriers are outright defying network neutrality with “zero-rated” services the FCC inexplicably calls innovative.
Meanwhile, because users so often prefer convenience and hidden subsidies to their own long-term liberties, centralized players like Facebook are assembling unprecedented monopolies. Like Google in search, they are reaping the expanding benefits of network effects that competitors will find difficult if not impossible to challenge.
Let’s not forget government, which absolutely loathes decentralization. Centralized services create choke points, and make life easier for law enforcement, spies, regulators and tax collectors. The surveillance state loves data-collection choke points that ultimately put everyone’s communications, and liberty, at risk.
Choke points also make it easier to help prop up corporate business models in ways that generate lots of campaign cash for the politicians. Hollywood is a prime example; the copyright cartel’s near-ownership of Congress has led to absurd and deeply restrictive laws like our current copyright system.
Copyright is key to what my friend Cory Doctorow has called the “coming civil war over general purpose computing,” a campaign, sometimes overt, to prevent the people who buy gear — you and me, individually and in our schools, businesses, and other organizations — from actually owning it. Copyright law is the control freaks’ leverage, because it allows them to legally prevent us from tinkering (they’d say tampering) with what they sell.
The trends aren’t all bad. The “maker” movement of the past few years is one of the antidotes to this control freakery. So are key components of many maker projects: free (as in freedom) and open-source software projects where users are specifically entitled to modify and copy the code.
That’s where Linux comes in. Even though we’re doing more on mobile devices, hundreds of millions of us still do a lot with desktops and laptops. Linux and other community-built software may be just a partial solution, but they’re definitely a useful one. Better to start somewhere, and work beyond that, than to give up.

I’ve installed Linux a number of times over the years since it first became a real operating system. But I always went back either to Windows or the Mac, depending on which was my main system at the moment. Why? There were too many rough edges, and for a long time Linux didn’t have enough applications to do what I needed. The complications were too much for my limited patience in everyday use.

My Ubuntu Desktop

But it got better and better, and in 2012, I decided it was time. I asked Cory which version of Linux he was using. This was a key question, because Linux comes in a lot of different flavors. Developers have taken the core code and created different versions tailored to various needs, tastes and computing styles. While all use the essential, free-software base components, some add on proprietary code, such as Flash, to be more compatible with what users are likely to encounter in their computing. The hardware was also a key question, because not all computers have robust Linux support due to hardware incompatibilities.
Cory told me he was using Ubuntu, on a Lenovo ThinkPad. I was already sold on ThinkPads, due to the hardware’s sturdiness and solid service from the manufacturer, not to mention the ability to upgrade the internal hardware. Because I tend to buy newer models, I sometimes run into issues with support for Lenovo’s latest hardware. I’ve tricked out my current model, a T450s, in any number of ways, such as replacing the mechanical hard disk with a fast SSD drive and adding as much RAM memory as I can fit into the device.
I was also leaning toward Ubuntu, a Linux version created by a company called Canonical, which is headed by a former software entrepreneur named Mark Shuttleworth, whom I’ve also known for some time. Ubuntu is known for its excellent support of ThinkPads, especially if they’re not brand new. I’ve run Ubuntu on four different ThinkPads since switching. Ubuntu is also an acquired taste because Canonical has a distinct vision of how things should work.
So you might want to try a different Linux “distribution,” as the various flavors are called. There are too many to mention, which is simultaneously one of the best and worst features of the Linux ecosystem. New users should almost certainly try one of the more popular distributions, which will have been more thoroughly tested and will have better support from the community and/or company that created it.

Linux Mint desktop

One of those is Linux Mint. It’s based on Ubuntu (which in turn is based on Debian, an even more core version of Linux). Mint strikes me and many others as perhaps the best Linux for people who’ve been using proprietary systems and want the easiest possible transition. I’m sometimes tempted to switch myself, but will stick with Ubuntu unless Canonical totally screws it up, which I don’t expect.
Before I made the jump I asked a number of people for advice on how best to migrate my computing from proprietary to open-source programs. Several suggested what turned out to be a helpful move: I ditched Apple Mail and installed Mozilla’s Thunderbird email software on my Mac, and over a month or so got fully accustomed to its different, yet not too different, way of handling my mail. (No, I don’t use Gmail except as a spare account.) I also installed LibreOffice, an open semi-clone of Microsoft Office, which was quirkier but adequate for most purposes.
Like most people using personal computers, my time is spent almost entirely in just a few applications: web browser, email, word processor. For Linux browsers I installed Firefox and Chromium, an open-source variant on Google’s Chrome. As noted, Thunderbird served nicely for email, and LibreOffice was okay for word processing.
But I still needed to run Windows for several purposes. In particular, the online-course software I was using at my university refused to work with Linux in any browser. So I installed Windows in a “virtual machine,” a way of running Windows and its programs from inside Linux. (I also loaded Windows on a separate internal solid-state drive for the even more rare occasions when I’d need to run it natively, as opposed to in a virtual machine that reduces performance.)
Today I almost never need Windows. LibreOffice has improved a great deal. For cloud-based editing Google Docs (cough; I did say leaving Google is difficult) is hard to beat, but LibreOffice is making progress there. The software my university uses for online courses now supports Linux in the browser. The one program I still occasionally need to run in Windows is Camtasia, for “screencasting” — recording what’s on the screen, plus audio. Several Linux screencasting programs work for bare-bones jobs. And once in a while, I’m obliged to load Microsoft PowerPoint to read slide decks that bork in the LibreOffice presentation software.
Oddly, the most difficult early part of the transition was adjusting to new keyboard conventions: unlearning the Apple style and re-learning the Windows combinations that are, for the most part, common to Linux. After a couple of months it all came naturally.
One of the things I like best about Linux is the frequency of software updates. Ubuntu and many other versions regularly offer upgrades, though I tend to stick with what Ubuntu calls “long term support” or LTS versions. And they are very quick to update when security flaws are found. Hardly a week goes by without security fixes for the operating system or accompanying software applications— much more timely than I was used to seeing from Apple.

What I like least about Linux is the occasional need to do something that would be downright daunting to a new user. No one should ever have to open a command-line window and type “sudo apt-get update” or other such instructions. No one should be confronted with a warning that space on a disk partition is too low to permit an operating system update, requiring the not-simple-for-novices removal of out-of-date OS components. No one should discover, after an update, that a piece of hardware has stopped working, as was the case for me when my computer’s trackpad went south until I found a fix in an online forum. (Yes, this can happen with Windows, but manufacturers go to much greater lengths to ensure that their hardware works with Microsoft software. Apple, too, has external hardware issues, but its elegant marriage of hardware and software remains a compelling advantage.)
When problems occur, the communities that have emerged around free and open-source software are incredibly helpful. Because I tend to push the edges somewhat in my adoption of this stuff, I’m often asking for help. I always get it. Some super-experts in these forums can be condescending or even rude if one asks something they consider trivial or, more reasonably, a question that could have been answered with a bit more research. Helpfulness and occasional intemperance are also part of Windows, Mac and mobile ecosystems — hardcore Apple devotees can be astonishingly abusive to the non-faithful — but there’s a special spirit among open-tech folks who are working for the common good.
If you’re interested in trying desktop Linux, it’s likely easy enough with your current computer. Ubuntu and some other distributions let you create a DVD or USB drive with the full operating system and many applications, and boot from the external disk into a test-drive mode. That’s a good way to find out if your hardware will work right. It probably will if you’re not using a brand-new computer. In fact, one of the best things about Linux is how well it works on older computers.
One solution to the Linux-installation dilemma is to buy a computer that comes with the operating system pre-installed, and gets regular updates tuned for the hardware. I’ve been pondering models from companies such as Dell, System76 and ZaReason, among others. I just visited with a company called Purism, which is selling laptops built entirely with non-proprietary hardware and software, or as much as can be done at this point; their Librem 13 model is very, very impressive. Purism has adapted Linux for its own user-friendly hardware, and I’m looking forward to trying it soon.
I travel a lot, which works in favor of a hardware company that has service depots around the world and — this always costs extra — will dispatch a technician to my home, office or hotel if my machine breaks. If I give up on Lenovo (and some of its recent behavior has given me qualms), I’ll probably look first at Dell’s Linux machines.
You may have noticed that I’ve scarcely mentioned cost. With desktop operating systems, I don’t need to anymore, because Microsoft and Apple have effectively lowered the visible price of their OSes to zero. You still pay for them when you buy the computer, of course, but even major upgrades have become free of charge — a big change from earlier times. In Microsoft’s case, however, “free” seems to be at the non-trivial cost of invasive data gathering.
Application software is a different story. You can still save a lot using free and open source software. Next to LibreOffice, Microsoft Office still looks expensive even though the basic “student-family” versions are quite affordable, and lots of people use MS Office provided by their schools or businesses.
Here’s the thing, though. I like to pay for software, because I want to ensure, as much as possible, a) that if I need help I’ll be able to get it, and b) that the developers will have an incentive to keep fixing and improving it. I’d gladly pay for well-supported Linux versions of Camtasia and Scrivener, for instance (the latter does have community-supported Linux version). Meanwhile, I donate to projects, whether created by companies or entirely by volunteers, whose software I use regularly. Ubuntu may be a company making money on providing services — a popular and proven approach in the free and open source software worlds — but I still donate. LibreOffice gets more than my use; it gets money. Ditto other projects.
Linux is still a second-class citizen, at least officially, when it comes to playing DVDs. You have to install software that the entertainment cartel calls illegal in order to play the disks you’ve purchased. (Hollywood makes Apple look like a paragon of freedom.) Using streaming video from companies like Netflix and Amazon can also be a hassle, though that’s gotten easier thanks to the — uh oh — addition of digital restrictions in some browsers.
Is all this tweaking worth the trouble? I say yes. Anything that enhances or preserves our ability to use technology as we wish, as opposed to the constrained ways the centralized powers want, is worth trying — and if more of us don’t try we may assure the eventual victory of the control freaks.

It’s almost certainly too late for Linux to be a hugely popular desktop/laptop operating system, at least in the developed world. But it’s not too late for enough of us to use it that we ensure some level of computing liberty for those who want it.
What we can do about the mobile ecosystems, beyond allowing them to capture all personal computing, is more problematic. Third-party versions of Android have emerged via vibrant communities of people, such as XDA Developers, who want more freedom. Ubuntu is among many in the open-source world working on mobile operating systems; it’s spent years moving toward an OS that can transcend devices. But the mobile dominance of Apple and Google is daunting.
I’m trying as many of these mobile options as possible, with the hope that I’ll find something good enough for daily use even if it’s not as convenient as the big players’ walled gardens. (One of my current phones runs an OS called Cyanogenmod.) I’ll tell you more about how this is going soon.
Meanwhile, please remember: We do have choices — we can make decisions that push the boundaries of tech freedom. My choices lately have been to opt out of the control-freaks’ grip wherever possible. I hope you’ll give some thought to doing the same. Depending on how we choose, we have much to gain, and lose.

*Although it will make some people unhappy, I’m nonetheless referring to GNU/Linux by the far more commonly used name — just plain “Linux” — after the first reference. For more on this issue, Wikipedians have compiled a host of relevant sources.

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Battle intensifies between Trump’s CIA, WikiLeaks

Battle intensifies between Trump’s CIA, WikiLeaks
© Greg Nash
The battle between the CIA and WikiLeaks is intensifying.
CIA Director Mike Pompeo used his first major public remarks on Thursday to skewer WikiLeaks as a “non-state hostile intelligence service” willing to work with Russia and other foreign actors to promote their interests.
He blasted Julian Assange as a “fraud” interested in his own fame, seeking to undermine efforts by the WikiLeaks founder to be viewed as a legitimate ally of civil libertarians.
“It is time to call out WikiLeaks for what it really is, a non-state hostile intelligence service often abetted by state actors like Russia,” Pompeo said.“Assange is a narcissist who has created nothing of value,” the former Republican congressman charged. “He relies on the dirty work of others to make himself famous. He is a fraud—a coward hiding behind a screen.”
WikiLeaks was quick to respond, sending out a series of messages on Twitter claiming that Pompeo vowed to “silence” the organization over its purported disclosures of CIA hacking tools and using his remarks to promote an op-ed written by Assange in the Washington Post.
In the op-ed, Assange wrote that WikiLeaks had the same mission as news outlets such as the Post and The New York Times.
The organization also mocked Pompeo by sending out a since-deleted tweet he wrote last July, when the former Kansas lawmaker cited stolen Democratic National Committee emails released by WikiLeaks as proof that the presidential nomination had been “fixed” for Hillary Clinton.
Pompeo’s speech was a wide departure from President Trump’s praise of WikiLeaks on the campaign trail. Trump and his administration have taken a much more hostile approach to WikiLeaks since taking office.
U.S. national security experts welcomed Pompeo’s comments as a signal that the new director was taking a hard line on an organization that has leaked information damaging to American interests.
“I think what [Pompeo] did was putting him on notice, which I think is exactly the right thing to do,” James Carafano, a national security expert at the conservative Heritage Foundation, said. “I think he’s throwing down the gauntlet.”
But the speech was not warmly embraced by all. Journalist Glenn Greenwald, who published documents leaked by Edward Snowden, slammed Pompeo for his remarks, accusing him of "explicitly" threatening free speech and press freedoms.
"WikiLeaks now has few friends in Washington," Greenwald wrote in The Intercept. "But the level of affection for WikiLeaks should have no bearing on how one responds to these press freedom threats from Donald Trump’s CIA Director. Criminalizing the publication of classified documents is wrong in itself, and has the obvious potential to spread far beyond their initial target."
WikiLeaks for weeks has needled the CIA by releasing troves of leaked documents allegedly revealing the agency’s hacking programs.
The releases, called “Vault 7,” contain documents describing hacking techniques used by the CIA, such as tools to breach mobile devices and hack into smart televisions, as well as other internal communications.
Hours after Pompeo’s speech, WikiLeaks leaked yet another trove of documents that claimed to reveal information about a top-secret CIA hacking program called Hive.
Experts have largely described the contents of the periodic document releases as unsurprising, and evidence that the CIA is doing its job. Nevertheless, they have renewed the debate around privacy and intelligence community spying and also raised questions about the source of the leaks.
“Obviously, this hurts when other people know where you have been, what you have been thinking,” said former CIA Director Michael Hayden, who said that the documents show no abuse of the agency’s powers.
“There is the danger that even though these things might reflect appropriate activities that Americans don’t object to, the fact that you can’t keep the tools secret, the fact that you can’t keep the data you collect from other prying eyes, that creates a real big, strong argument for, ‘then I don’t want you doing it in the first place,’” Hayden said.
Some note that the leaks underscore the persisting problem of insider threats, which has been a major cause for concern since the leaks by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden and former soldier Chelsea Manning.
Pompeo acknowledged Thursday that the agency needs to strengthen its own systems to prevent leaks.
Adam Klein, a senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security, said that a major concern about WikiLeaks is that the organization provides an “outlet” for insider threats and encourages them.
“Insider threats are our intelligence agencies’ biggest security threat,” Klein told The Hill.
WikiLeaks has appeared to target CIA interns as potential sources of information. “CIA advertises internships. Whistleblowing opportunity?” the organized wrote on Twitter in mid-March.
“To the extent that there’s any news here, it’s that we have not gotten a handle on insider threats,” Klein said of the latest releases, noting that Congress should be concerned about the CIA leaks.
“I think it’s good news, frankly, that the CIA us thinking creatively about collecting information from foreign intelligence targets in the digital age,” Klein said.
The CIA has not confirmed the authenticity of any of the documents released, which Pompeo mentioned briefly on Thursday.
“As a policy, we at CIA do not comment on the accuracy of purported intelligence documents posted online,” Pompeo said. “In keeping with that policy, I will not specifically comment on the authenticity or provenance of recent disclosures.”
“But the false narratives that increasingly define our public discourse cannot be ignored,” he said.

Outrage After Judge Calls Convicted Rapist 'Extraordinarily Good Man'...

In this Thursday, March 30, 2017, photo, Keith Vallejo leaves the courtroom, in Provo, Utah. A Utah... Read more
PROVO, Utah (AP) — A Utah judge is facing a deluge of complaints after calling a former Mormon bishop convicted of rape an "extraordinarily good man" who did something wrong, a judicial oversight organization said Friday.
The criticism began around the time Judge Thomas Low let Keith Robert Vallejo out of custody after a jury found him guilty of 10 counts of forcible sexual abuse and one count of object rape, said Jennifer Yim, executive director of the Utah Judicial Performance Evaluation Commission.
But Yim said most of the roughly 40 emails, six voicemails and some Facebook messages received since late March came after Low sentenced Vallejo to up to life in prison and seemed to get emotional during the hearing.
Julia Kirby, 23, one of Vallejo's victims, said she was shocked by the judge's sympathy.
"That judge didn't care about me," she said Friday. "He only cared about the person he was convicting, and I think that is really kind of despicable."
Kirby agreed to have her name published to show the judge that she will not let him get away with these comments.
Kirby said she was 19 when she said Vallejo, a relative, groped her multiple times when she stayed at his house while attending Brigham Young University in 2013.
Ryan McBride, the prosecutor on the case, said Low's comments were inappropriate and said it may have come in response to more than 50 character letters about Vallejo, most of them detailing the good things he has done. The defendant's brother spoke at the hearing and compared Vallejo to Jesus in making the argument that he was wrongly convicted, McBride said.
"I don't think it's wrong to acknowledge the good things that someone has done in their lives," the prosecutor said. "But I think whenever you do that in a case like this, you've also got to say, 'But it doesn't excuse what you've done.' "
Low declined comment through a court spokesman.
"I maintain my innocence," Vallejo said during the hearing after a brief comment on how the justice system bullies people into confessing.
The abuse occurred in Provo, a Mormon stronghold that is home to Brigham Young University. Low attended the school, where almost all students are Mormon, but it is not clear whether he is a member of the faith.
There was no indication that the judge had any prior relationship with Vallejo, McBride said. Low would have to disclose something like that, he said.
In the faith, bishops are regular church members who lead their congregations for four to five years. The position is unpaid and part of the religion's lay clergy structure that makes it different from many other religions.
Low's comments also sparked outrage Friday from advocates for sexual assault victims.
"The signal that it sends to sexual violence survivors is that if you choose to disclose, that we're still going to treat your perpetrator as if they're a good person," Turner Bitton, executive director of the Utah Coalition Against Sexual Assault.

U.S. Insurers Sue Saudis For $4.2 Billion Over 9/11

Authored by Jason Ditz via,
Last year’s Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA), a bill which allowed Americans to sue Saudi Arabia in US court over their involvement in 9/11, has yielded another major lawsuit yesterday, a $4.2 billion suit filed by over two dozen US insurers related to losses sustained because of the 2001 attack.

The lawsuit is targeting a pair of Saudi banks, and a number of Saudi companies with ties to the bin Laden family, accusing them of various activities in support of al-Qaeda in the years ahead of 9/11, and subsequently having “aided and abetted” the attack.
"But for the assistance provided by defendants," the lawsuit said, "al Qaeda could not have successfully planned, coordinated, and carried out the September 11th attacks, which were a foreseeable and intended result of their material support and sponsorship of al Qaeda."
The 10 defendants in the lawsuit include Al Rajhi Bank, aviation contractor Dallah Avco, the Mohamed Binladin Co, the Muslim World League, and other charities, but the biggest target is the Saudi National Commercial Bank, which is majority state-owned. The Saudi government heavily pressured the Obama Administration to block the JASTA last year, threatening to crash the US treasury market if it led to lawsuits, but overwhelming Congressional support still got it passed into law.

While there were more than a few lawsuits already filed in the past several weeks related to JASTA, this is by far the biggest, and most previous lawsuits are still in limbo as the court and lawyers try to combine them into various class action groups.

Historically, US sovereign immunity laws have prevented suits against the Saudi government related to overseas terrorism. With the release of the Saudi-related portions of the 9/11 Report last year, however, such suits were inevitable, and the federal government could no longer protect the Saudis from litigation.

Linda Moulton Howe - Alien Binary Code Messages

New Linda Moulton Howe Lecture
Stunning Alien Binary Code Messages

Friday, April 14, 2017



Executive Order on the Second Amendment

DEAR AMERICA: Should Donald Trump ACCEPT This Executive Order on the Second Amendment?

April 14, 2017
By guest contributor Chris Wagoner

This is a proposal for an executive order to clarify the second Amendment that we can certainly get behind…

In light of the outcry of many these days over President Trump’s executive orders, and as much as people are protesting President Trump’s immigration order (even without reading it or understanding it), I have a suggestion for the president.

I would like to see him write and sign yet another executive order. This one would be so HUGE that even the media would have a hard time with it.

It would be the biggest step forward in citizens’ rights—maybe the most important thing he could do during his presidency, since this executive order would protect the country and its citizens as long as our country exists.

I even wrote it out for him, and I give him and the administration permission to plagiarize and use it all they want!


Clarification of the Second Amendment in Relation to the Militia, Designation of Firearms for Militia Use

By the authority vested in me as president and commander in chief of the Armed Forces and militia of the United States, by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to ensure the ability of citizens of the United States to perform the duties of the militia; defend themselves and fellow citizens, their communities, and their states; and ensure the safety and security of our nation, I hereby order as follows:

Section 1. Purpose. National, state, and local community security are paramount to a secure and free society. With the increased threat of terrorism attacks on American soil, the potential threat of attacks by foreign nationals or nations, and the increase in radicalized terrorist attacks, the right of the citizens of the United States must be protected.

Section 2. Policy. As the Executive Branch, Office of the President, it is my duty and policy to:
  • Support and defend the Constitution of the United States, including the Second Amendment right of the people to keep and bear arms for self-defense and the defense of the United States, its states, and local communities. 
  • Support the right of the citizens to possess and bear military-style arms that allow them to perform their duties, if needed, as part of the national militia to defend their communities, states, and (if needed) nation. As stated in the Constitution, the executive branch is responsible for ensuring the common defense of the nation and its citizens.
  • Order that the states and political subdivisions therein do not restrict the possession of suitable firearms that may be used for defense of the states, communities, or nation, and that any restrictions would be in direct conflict with this executive order. 
Section 3. Definitions. As used in this order, the following definitions will apply:
  • The term “militia” is as defined in Title 10, Section 311 United States Code. Inclusive of State Statute definitions.
  • The term “bear arms” is to include the physical possession and carrying, both concealed and openly, of firearms of the type defined herein.
  • The term “self-defense” shall include actions taken by citizens to defend themselves and fellow citizens from physical attack.
  • The term “military-style arms” will include those types of firearms that would serve well for use in the military defense of the nation, to include firearms that have been used in the past and present in the United States’ active military forces and fully functional replicas of said weapons, both semi-automatic and fully automatic. This includes both pistols and rifles.
Section 5.  This order will preempt all laws of the states or political subdivisions that infringe on the rights of citizens under the Second Amendment and this order.

Section 6. This section is to serve as judicial notice to the judges of all federal and state courts that possession of the designated firearms by lawful citizens of the United States and required accessories shall not be infringed upon by state or federal laws.

Any actions brought before the courts concerning these issues should be reviewed under strict scrutiny to determine if they are a violation of the Constitution of the United States or this order.

Donald J. Trump
President of the United States of America
Chris Wagoner is a Senior OpsLens Contributor and U.S. Army Veteran. He has been in law enforcement the last 35+ years. He specializes in LE Firearms Instruction, and is in charge of a large Police Academy in North Florida. In his spare time Chris is a freelance Military Reporter and owner/founder of the Largest Military Videos Channel on YouTube “3rdID8487”.

TRUMP IS SHOCKED! Right After Trump’s Bombing, Syria Did The UNIMAGINABLE!

Krunch Time for Korean Krackpot Despot, Kim Jong-Un: Missile Crisis Countdown Has Begun

The Korean missile crisis has never been hotter. Trump is turning the screws on everyone to force action. China, Japan, and South Korea join in threatening Kim Jong-un with imminent war, but North Korea’s crackpot despot isn’t backing down.
Trump has dispatched war ships, including the USS Carl Vinson, to North Korea as North Korea continues to show signs that it is preparing to do another nuclear test on Saturday (known as ‘Day of the Sun,’ which celebrates the birth of the present dictator’s grandfather, who was North Korea’s founding president). Voice of America has reported that North Korea “has apparently placed a nuclear device in a tunnel, and it could be detonated Saturday AM Korea time.”
By that time (Friday in the US), I suppose, those American ships will all be in place to do whatever it is they’re going there to do — maybe blow up the facilities around the test site. ...
A US pre-emptive strike is said to be on the table….

—David Haggith

Are You?

Good Friday and the Kingdom of Heaven

By Anna Von Reitz
This post is for the Christians in the group, a rumination on where we have gone wrong for so long.  All my other friends may wish to read and think about these things also, for the Christian faith is not the only one subject to corruption.... 

So here's what I am thinking this Good Friday: 

Jesus, a Nazorean, paid for all sins with one horrendous sacrifice to end all sacrifices.  We remember Him and that supreme act of unselfish love for all of us and for the world and for the Earth and for all of Creation--- on this day.  

For a Christian, this is the most solemn, most thought-provoking, most painful day in the entire year.  We once again confront our sins in the shadow cast by His cross and must ask ourselves---- could I pick up my cross and follow Him?  

Could I, for the cause of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, do what has to be done even now?  Sight unseen? Job description and extent of suffering unknown?  
On faith?  

A friend sent me a greeting early this morning, wishing me "peace"--- and I realized that despite many, many sacrifices and much suffering at every hand, I do have peace---peace which does indeed defy all understanding.  I sleep like a rock and do not stir.  I rise up refreshed.  No anxiety troubles me.  

I know that I am doing all I can to guard and feed His sheep and His goats, and to keep the peace, and see to the fruition of His Mission which started so long ago---- to wrest the world from the jaws of Satan, and finally see the literal establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. 

It may come as a Big Surprise (the word "apocalypse" implies exactly this sort of denouement) but the incorporated churches have not only failed to help bring about this result, they have actively promoted the opposite outcome.  They have been buying and selling Baptismal Certificates and conscripting the new "souls" as chattel owned by their organizations, pledged to pay for their debts. 

If you can imagine anything more repugnant than this betrayal of the very meaning of Christian baptism--- I can't.  I am sitting here this Good Friday afternoon, communing with my Lord and I am horrified.  My very blood runs cold.  

All these fancy church houses made of stone and all these people running to them for guidance and help, all betrayed, all for nothing, white-washed tombs and dens of iniquities built by gangs intent on serving themselves. 

I want you all to understand that when Jesus told you to remember him when you ate bread and drank wine, He meant it literally.  He wanted to be part of your day to day lives, not some figurine on a mantelpiece, not some remote "Christ" veiled by mysteries and recalled once or twice a year.  He was giving up His life for you. That's why it was important and is important, that you make Him part of yours. 

Mahatma Gandhi once said ---and I paraphrase--- that he loved our Jesus but not our Christians.   It was a telling point, that what has come forth from these churches has been a rotten fruit, a mockery, an endless parade of men who have done anything and everything but sincerely devote themselves to the imitation of Jesus and the realization of Heaven on Earth.  

They've been far too busy robbing and cheating and defrauding and setting themselves up in positions of authority over others, doing precisely what He accused the lawyers of-----not entering the Kingdom themselves, and not allowing others to enter, either.  

And so we find the money changers and the Synagogue of Satan alive and well snagging down billions of dollars and harnessing billions of souls to pay their bills---- not for the glory of our Father, not for the salvation of the Earth, not for the good of Mankind---but for their own glory, that they might parade around and palm themselves off as righteous men and pillars of the community. 

They stand up on Sunday morning instead of teaching us to obey the Sabbath our Father commanded, and exhort us to do good works while they wallow in every kind of evil themselves, even to perverting the meaning of baptism and making it into a commercial contract, even to obscuring the meaning of communion and making it into something to buy and sell-- and for them to arbitrate who can and cannot commune with our Lord?  

 Are we so deluded?  So afraid?  

Truly, I say to you this day, that whoever keeps Jesus close in their hearts and who remembers Him day to day in their most homely moments, and who does the work He commanded us to do, they are His brothers and His sisters and they will not be forgotten.  Truly, those who love Him, have His presence and His power in their lives---- a power to transform themselves and to transform this world into a paradise: the Kingdom of Heaven. 

Rise up, all of you who hear my Voice, and do justice, kindness, and make yourselves a living sacrifice to serve Him truly and love Him dearly.  Let it no longer be words mumbled in the dark, or guilt or fear spurring you on.  Come out of the tombs of Babylon and into the fresh wind and light of Heaven. 

Antarctica - Whistle Blower Explains!

Game Changer!!
Antarctica Ancient Alien Undergound City Discovered!?
Whistle Blower Explains! 2017
Corey Goode
Published on Mar 21, 2017

Antarctica EXPLOSION of INFO Just Discovered! Ancient Alien Atlantis City!
Keep Your Eyes on the Skies! We are not Alone!

Life Inside The Secret Space Program! A truly remarkable insider and whistleblower, Corey Goode comes forward to give accurate information about what is going on behind the scenes of the secret military space program, the secret government and their development of the industrialization of our solar system.

In a narrative that to some might read like fiction, Corey reveals the true story of humanity’s celestial presence and the details of an extraterrestrial message which conveys details of the coming collective ascension for humankind.

The Sphere Being Alliance is here to guide us through the ascension process, but it is up to us to enact the changes that will lead to full disclosure.

Corey Goode relays the spiritual message from the Blue Avians which details the spiritual advancement that we are to make.

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Thursday, April 13, 2017

Syria : The TRUTH is Coming Out! Americans have been LIED TO!!

Trump In SHOCK At What This Syrian Ambassador
Just Told To Him Seconds Ago…
There was NO chemical attack - the video they showed is from 2013 - it never happened. This is just more propaganda to get Assad out of Syria.
It's Over!
Trump Shaking at what Syrian President Assad
Told Him Seconds Ago

Right After Trump’s Bombing


Public Notice to the United States/UNITED STATES

By Anna Von Reitz

We, the American states and people, are not dead, not slaves, and not donating our estates, our names, our copyrights, our land, or anything else to you and your corporations.  We are not standing as sureties for the debts of the United States (Territorial United States) nor the UNITED STATES (Municipal United States) and we are giving full, fair, and public Notice of the facts. 
We are disgusted by and estranged from the Territorial United States and the Municipal United States and the members of Congress representing these foreign entities which have encroached and usurped upon us by means of fraud, hypothecation of debt, and unlawful conversion of assets. 
With respect to us and as commercial corporations the Territorial United States and Municipal United States have no sovereignty, no immunity, no delegated authorization to seize upon the American states nor the American people nor any asset rightfully belonging to us.  
The Territorial United States and the Municipal United States must cease and desist all presumptions against the American states and people and must observe and obey the limitations stated in the contracts and treaties allowing your existence on our shores.  
Failure to respect our paramount claim to our lives, souls, bodies, land, names, copyrights, trademarks, all other intellectual property and  material rights, free will and all else that rightfully and naturally belongs to us, will result in the international liquidation of your corporations, the removal of your officials from our shores, and the international prosecution of the offenders. 
The United States of America and all member land jurisdiction states are alive and well.  The people of this country have reclaimed the land jurisdiction and returned to their native domicile on the land.  This is your Notice that we have done so and that we first made this announcement and these claims in 1998. 

We are posting this Public Notice via email on Bulletin Boards, Blogs, Chat Rooms, News Services, and Cyber Publications worldwide.  
See this article and over 500 others on Anna's website

A lick'n for Hillary

Stop me if you’ve heard this joke before…

The United States Postal Service just had to recall a stamp they created with a photo of former Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. It was to honor her time as First Lady and her service to America.

From The Political Insider
The problem was discovered when claims were made that  
*  The stamp wasn’t sticking to envelopes 
 When people were using the “Hillary” postage, letters were not being delivered 
Hillary and Bill Clinton demanded a full investigation into the allegations.
After a multi-million dollar Postal Service investigation team spent months looking into the problem, they discovered this: 
* The stamp was manufactured correctly 
* The adhesive works normally 
* People were just spitting on the wrong side!
HA HA HA! That is priceless.  
The most corrupt politician in the history of America deserves to be laughed at.  
I thank God every day that she isn’t in the White House.

Just When You Thought It Couldn't Get Any Worse

By Anna Von Reitz

Did you get baptized in an incorporated church?

If so, you received a Baptismal Certificate --- just like you received a Birth Certificate,

And just like the Birth Certificate, your Baptismal Certificate was monetized and sold to investors.

Read that as: your new soul--- which was created the moment you rose up from the water of your baptism--- is being bought and sold by the "church" corporation that baptized you and interpreted your baptism as a commercial contract,

Obviously, they had a different "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost" in mind than you did. Theirs was the Marduk, Satan, and Lucifer trinity.  They just didn't bother to tell you that.  

So, here we are, it's 2017 and your soul is literally being bought and sold by the bastards responsible for this.  And who are they?  

First and foremost, the Roman Curia of the Holy See and the Roman Pontiff. 

Secondly, all the dumb cluck church organizations that agreed to incorporate themselves as franchises of the United States in order to avoid taxes they never owed in the first place.  

It's like having thieves and demons at both elbows, ready to catch crumbs and attach adhesion contracts every moment of every day, so that they can feed off your life energy more efficiently--- and then justify their evil works by misrepresenting you and your intentions. 

Catholics---- your money and political strength is going to support the buying and selling of souls?  Really?  Are you aware of this profoundly dirty business going on under your noses?  

Lutherans--- you, too?  You think that this is the reasonable cost of doing business, that you should profit from selling souls?  Fleecing the flock, instead of caring for it? 

Methodists?  Church of Christ?  Jehovah's Witnesses?  Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints?  Pentacostals?  Baptists?  Episcopals?  Anglicans?  ALL of you that incorporated your churches as franchises of the UNITED STATES and fell into the practice of issuing baptismal "certificates"?   

Can you imagine a greater betrayal of trust than this?  

I can't. 

Folks, if you are not flabbergasted, you ought to be.  If nothing else wakes you up to the evil in our midst, this must.  Get on your feet and start marching. Start talking, too.   It's not just your bodies and your homes and your businesses at risk, your immortal soul has been trespassed upon by these vermin, sold for profit and declared "dead".  

We must destroy these corporations and the nest of vipers giving rise to them without further ado and without apology, by all means political and practical. There can be no tolerance for this abomination, now or ever.  

Tell your priests and ministers and pastors to pull the plug and cancel all applications and articles of incorporation related to your churches.  Cease these repugnant practices or hear the giant sucking sound of millions of betrayed and defrauded Christians shaking the dust off their sandals and finding a new and honest and unincorporated church to attend. 

Arrests of foreigners a staggering percentage of federal total

Arrests of Foreigners Are Now A STAGGERING Percentage of the                       Federal Total


Our federal government’s law enforcement has had a dramatic shift in focus with President Donald Trump taking the oath of office in January 2017.

Andrew West
April 11, 2017

Trump’s no-nonsense plan to make America great again included a massive refocusing of resources on illegal immigration.  Not only did Trump and his team’s attitude regarding the situation help to deter some of the more casual border hoppers from making the trip, federal agents have been tasked with increasing their diligence as it pertains to the threats posed by these immigrants.

As it turns out, this new focus has made an enormous impact on the total workload of the federal law enforcement agencies, with more than half of all arrests now involving foreigners.
“Pew cited a report released last month by the Bureau of Justice Statistics to show that immigration offenses accounted for fully half of federal arrests in 2014, up from only 28% a decade earlier.  
Consequently, the Department of Homeland Security, which includes Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), now makes more arrests than the FBI, DEA, BATFE, U.S. Marshal’s Service, and all other branches of the Justice Department combined. 
“Driven by this massive increase in immigration arrests, a staggering 61% of federal arrests are now of non-U.S. citizens. These arrests, mostly for immigration offenses, but including thousands for other crimes, do not include the hundreds of thousands of non-criminal apprehensions of illegal aliens each year. 
Illegal aliens made up an equally shocking 37% of all criminal defendants in federal district courts in 2014. 
“Most illegal aliens arrested for immigration offenses are referred to administrative hearings before immigration courts. The increase in this type of arrests has placed tremendous strain on that system. The resulting backlog raises concerns of a  ‘virtual amnesty’ from the inability to process these cases.”
Now, if we could only extrapolate this data to include the thousands of illegal immigrants who have been deterred by the mere attitude of President Trump, then we would find an even more shocking piece of evidence pointing to the Commander in Chief’s success.