Saturday, May 20, 2017

Until the New Bank Comes

By Anna Von Reitz

What can you do to help get through the transition safely and not have everything at risk in corporate banks? 

1. There are IRA/401K options that allow you to buy gold and keep it at home or wherever else you like in your own keeping.  Consider transferring your IRA/401K into physical gold and simply keeping it in a home safe.  
2. Remember--- always---- that Postal Money Orders are backed by gold and are easily exchanged for any form of currency on the planet.  A Postal Money Order is like the "cash of all cashes".  
Unlike physical gold, a PMO is as easy to transport as any paper currency.  And although it is totally fungible like a currency, you can -- if you wish -- restrict who can use it similar to a check, simply by filling out the information sections or not.  
I have always liked Postal Money Orders and often use them for my own savings, even though there is a nominal fee to convert FRNs to PMOs. The gold-backing, the freedom from confiscation, the ease of transport and storage, and the universal ability to convert into local currency is well worth it.  
But, but, but, BUT...... I hear some of you saying------what about the interest I can accrue on my savings account in a commercial bank?  
Considering that none of your PERSONAL accounts actually belong to you and that they are subject to confiscation by the bank at any time for any reason I would think that the danger posed to your savings as a whole would mitigate against leaving it for the taking in spite of the petty annual percentage of interest gained.
There is also this to be said--- the value of your savings kept as digits in a savings account is constantly being pilfered and eroded by inflation.  Inflation is an unseen tax.  At the same time as the value of your savings account in terms of buying power is being eroded, the value of asset-backed currency and gold and silver is increasing.  
So if your savings is in a bank you are continuing to lose to inflation everything and more than what you gain as interest, plus the risk of being confiscated.  
Whereas, if you go with a gold IRA/401K  you don't gain interest in the conventional sense, but the value of the actual asset increases by whatever the rate of inflation is, plus whatever the gold market will bear. 
And if you pay the fee to translate your paper "legal tender" into Postal Money Orders, the same is true.  Instead of losing value to inflation, you gain value. 
In both cases, your money is no longer in the clutches of a bank and made subject to confiscation as an account belonging to a US GOVERNMENT franchise PERSON.  
Until ASAN banks are up and running in your state, using gold IRA/401Ks is admittedly not as convenient and you can't draw conventional credit from the asset.  
Similarly, Postal Money Orders don't translate into debit or credit card accounts. 
Convenience is lost.  Safety is gained.   
Interest is lost.  Inflation is stopped and recouped. 
The choices are there and they are up to you.
If you want the advantages of gold and the convenience of a credit card, there are options available in the world.  I have recommended Karatbars for this purpose and anyone interested can investigate for themselves on the web.  The conversion is steep, but if you want the advantages of gold and the convenience of fiat--- it may well be worth it to you. 
I maintain my own savings apart from any banks (no, I don't keep it under my mattress) and keep only a running account for checking and credit card purposes in my private small business account.  
Every year I send the bank CEO a little reminder letter that my private business account is exempt for tax purposes and that all funds deposited and transferred must be denominated as lawful money. 
The banks are required to denominate your money as lawful money if you request that and doing so then forces them to recognize your account as a private account, creating an obligation on their part to set it aside from any confiscation of "public" accounts and --- whatever form of lawful money is deemed to be in your account --- they can no longer presume that you are voluntarily using the government's private FRN script and that that is what is represented by the digits in your accounts. 
So I take that precaution, too, and recommend it to all of you who have small unincorporated businesses.  It is to the bank's advantage to presume that you are operating as a PERSON and that your account is a PERSONAL account and not a private one---- left to their own, they will always make this presumption.  It is up to you to rebut it and give them other directions.  

Still, if the government sends jackboots to the bank and orders the confiscation of all accounts and safety deposit boxes---and we now know that the government is run by thugs and operated by gangs of foreign commercial mercenaries kept in check by nothing more or less than public knowledge and opinion--- what's a local bank president supposed to do?  Hire his own private army? 
See this article and over 500 others on Anna's website


Related image   
Image result for LYING BANKERS

Memories! Time for some humor! Ejnoy!

Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In:
Lily Tomlin Phone Operator
Ernestine the telephone operator
calls General Motors
Who remembers Edith Ann
Edith Ann's Sandwich - Lily Tomlin  

Friday, May 19, 2017

Judge Reveals Scalia Wiretap Bombshell

Breaking: Judge Reveals Scalia Wiretap Bombshell … Media Dead Silent


Two crucial Obamacare rulings. Gay marriage legalized nationwide — one of the most controversial rulings in recent memory. And if Obama’s White House really did have the Supreme Court under surveillance, Obama could have been inappropriately informed about all of it.
Were senators under surveillance
by Obama administration?
Top Obama Official Seeks Immunity
to Spill the Beans

And, as the judge pointed out in the segment, “the use of intelligence data for political purposes is a felony.”

Let’s not forget that President Donald Trump had also made similar accusations against the Obama administration not long ago

It’s a strange coincidence for several prominent politicians — including Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, who has recently made formal requests for information on his own possible surveillance by the Obama administration — to be claiming the same injury against a man not really known for his uprightness and honesty.

Could there be some truth to this?

At the Conservative Tribune, we’ve discussed Obama’s fascination, shall we way, with surveillance before — this is just further confirmation.

But by all means, mainstream media, go nuts about whatever conversation was had between Trump and the Russians last week.

H/T The Gateway Pundit

Trump shared intelligence with Russia

If you think that President Trump sharing intelligence information with Russia on ISIS and other terrorist organizations was wrong, let me share something with you.
The information that he shared was the following....
"We now know that ISIS had developed new ways to place explosives in laptops and other electronic devices to evade airport security screening methods.
US intelligence suggested that terrorists had obtained sophisticated airport security equipment that allowed them to test how to effectively conceal explosives in electronic devices."
In the early morning hours of April 19th, I was taken into a vision where I saw a Russian commercial plane explode in air. The Lord spoke to me to pray against a terror attack on a Russian Airline. He said, "The plans are being formed by ISIS right now. Pray for Russian intelligence to get the inside information to stop the attack."
What President Trump shared in that meeting helped the Russians to save hundreds of lives and avoid a massive tragedy in the nation.
He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying! (Rev 2:29; Rec 3:6 and 13)
Remember what individuals and nations formulated ISIS, fund and direct them - pray for them, too.  The likes of Clinton, McCain, Lindsey Graham and many others should be arrested and tried for treason, murder, etc

Land Justices, The Bundys, and Pesticide Spraying of Azure Farms, Oregon

By Anna Von Reitz

All those exercising the judicial function can be called by the generic name "judge"-- like calling it "cereal" instead of calling it "Rice Krispies". 
Land judges are more properly called "Justice" as in "Justice of the Peace" but that is  a nicety and a greater degree of specificity.  It shows that you know the difference and is certainly appropriate, but, as a practical matter Land Jurisdiction Justices have been rare as hen's teeth for a long time and it is more conducive to communication to just use the generic title.
Read that: I don't want to have to explain such details for an hour before I get down to business every day that I live, so I use the generic word "Judge".  Doesn't mean I am not functioning as a Justice.  Doesn't mean I am ignorant. 
Land Justices (since you all know the difference now) are tied to specific geographic boundaries.  A County Justice from Macon County, Georgia, can't just pack up his robes and go sit on the bench in Jackson County, Wisconsin.  Same thing at the State level. An Alaska State Justice has no authority in Utah.
Everyone needs to remember that our "States" are nation-states, just like Denmark or France.  Your nationality as an American is truly based on your state.  You are a Washingtonian or a Virginian or a Texan, etc., at birth.  
We have treaties and accords and conventions and agreements in place that allow us all to travel freely from state to state and to form a common contiguous "international border" outlining the geographically joined states of the Union, but never forget that the "nation" everyone perceives as "America" is actually fifty separate sovereign nations acting as an alliance. 
So now it should make perfect sense that our justices operate only within their stipulated geographic sphere and cannot operate outside it and why as an Alaska State Judge I can't address things happening in Idaho.
I can go to Idaho in a private capacity and I can talk to people there about their law and I can consult with them about their law so as to stimulate discussion about topics of concern to them. I can share insights and information and history galore--- but at the end of the day, it is their law and their responsibility and they have to elect their own sheriffs and justices and research their own Session Laws and history. 
They have to exercise and enforce all that for themselves. That is what "American Self-Governance" is about.
It all begins at the local level. 
In many states that means the Township or Parish where you live, but in the more sparsely populated western states the county is often the smallest unit of land jurisdiction government.
Each county is a little fiefdom ruled over by the people who live there, howbeit, within the confines of the Public Law as a whole.
For example, a county government can't pass a local law allowing murder or trespassing upon the delegated authority of the United States.  It can, however, exercise vast control over land and property issues inside its county border.
This topic has been brought to the fore in the pipeline disputes that rocked the Midwest this winter and again is in the news with threats to force chemical pesticide spraying on Azure Farms, a large organic farm in Oregon.
In both cases "the county" was supposedly the culprit, demanding that the pipeline progress and the spraying take place, but in fact, the so-called "county" was an incorporated Territorial United States franchise, not the actual land jurisdiction county at all. 
The people living there hadn't bothered to reclaim their birthright state national political status and hadn't organized and operated their unincorporated land jurisdiction county government in years.  As a result, the foreign incorporated Territorial "County" was "speaking for them" in default---- and taking actions against the actual will of the people living there and certainly against the will of the landowners being impacted.
Use your power or lose it. 
In both cases people have been beating a path to my door, all the way up in Alaska, wanting me to help them, wanting me to take action, wanting me to issue a court order.  And the answer is?
I can't do anything about Oregon.  The people of Oregon have to take action and deal with Oregon.  If they want this upside down government corrected, they have to correct it themselves.  How? 
First and foremost by correcting their own political status records.  Follow the instructions given in "How to Correct Your Political Status and Why" posted on my website: (April 2017)
Then hold your Land Jurisdiction County meetings by calling together your local Jural Assembly composed of you and all the other people who have "returned home" and corrected their political status.  The Michigan General Jural Assembly has been up and running for decades and they will help you do it right.
Now you have restored your actual County and resumed government of the people for the people and by the people; in doing so, you are now operating in your so-called "sovereign capacity".  Your County outranks the incorporated Territorial "County" and is in fact supposed to be bossing it around and telling it what to do.
The reason this country is so !@$#!@-up is that you've been letting your hirelings run rampant and haven't been operating your lawful land jurisdiction government and haven't been giving them any instructions.  So what happens?  Nature abhors a vacuum.  They suck up the power by default and "represent" you because you haven't been there "presenting" yourself.
You want to stop a pipeline from crossing your county?  You want to stop all inorganic pesticide spraying in your county?  You want to operate one room schools instead of school districts?  You want your water rights protected?  You want county parks instead of State Parks?  You want local control of waste water management? 
Wake to glory up!   The power is in your own hands. 
You've given it away by default and let incorporated Territorial Counties and incorporated Territorial States of States and foreign Municipal Governments loyal to other countries come in and do your work and make all your decisions for you so long that they have forgotten who is Boss around here, but if you want to, if you are willing to cut the cheese and make the bread and restore your own lawful government---- you rule.
You have to get up on your hind legs, take back your birthright political status, exercise your authority, do the work, and communicate with your hirelings. 
Here's how it flows downhill:  California (actual state and people) > California State (unincorporated land jurisdiction business operated by, for, and of the people) > State of California (incorporated Territorial franchise business - foreign hireling providing government services) > STATE OF CALIFORNIA (incorporated Municipal franchise business -- foreign hireling providing government services).
At the county level it is just a much shorter chain of command:  Macon County (unincorporated land jurisdiction county operated by American state nationals) > County of Macon (incorporated foreign franchise operation operated by US citizens).
Now, obviously, you cannot stand on the land and be on the sea at the same time.  You have to choose. 
If you choose to live your life as a free man, you have to take back your birthright political status, organize your lawful local county and state governments, and give a good goddam about your town, your neighbors, and your country as a whole.
If you choose to live your life identified as an unpaid government employee and to subject yourself to every whim of whatever "majority" shows up to vote and otherwise subject yourself body and soul to every whim of Congress---- and have these "US citizens" vote themselves salaries from your earnings and have them decide whether or not you have pipelines in your backyard or Round-Up on your organic farms--- well, just stand there and be dumb, driven cattle, and stay where you are. 
I've put it on the line for you all and told you the facts and now it is up to each and every one of you to make some decisions about your political status and how you want to live in your own township/parish, county, and state. 
A lot of people are scared.  They see what happened to the Bundys and to some of the State Judges in Colorado and they are wondering what happens to them if they take my word for it and do what I tell them? 
Please note, the Bundys and the State Judges in Colorado didn't listen to me, didn't do what I told them to do, and they are suffering for that reason.
The Bundys and those particular Judges didn't follow the steps to change their political status, post an indemnity bond (or use mine) at the U.S. Treasury, expatriate all their Names/NAMES back to the land jurisdiction state they were born in and do the rest of it. 
They assumed that, hey, I was born here and that's enough.  Obviously, I am an American..... and they went forth without understanding the plain ugly fact that they have been deliberately misidentified as "US citizens"--- either Territorial or Municipal or both. 
As a result, the Territorial United States and the Municipal United States still have their foreign corporate claws in them and are able to make excuses and claim that these people, the Bundys and the Colorado Judges, are subject to them and their laws, and are in fact employees of these foreign corporations dba STATE OF NEVADA and STATE OF COLORADO and COUNTY OF THIS AND THAT.
The rest of us have put in place the claims and court actions and complaints that prove that the actual American states still exist and are still running their unincorporated business, and still claiming all their land assets, thank you very much. 
Unlike the "State of......" and "STATE OF......" corporate franchises that are in business to sell "government services" and make a buck, our unincorporated state governments have an interest in protecting and preserving every one of the people. 
Get your own ducks in order.  Get your county jural assembly organized. Elect your land jurisdiction Sheriff, your Justices, your County Clerks. 
And put your power behind The Living Law Firm's team of non-Bar Attorneys and historical researchers -- the men and women who are bringing America home.
Very soon, we will engage these issues on a broader basis. Soon, there will actual bricks and mortar facilities, and people hired to staff them. Soon, there will be help to explain, to process paperwork, to right wrongs, stop foreclosures, false arrests, unlawful detainment, and so much more.
We will need your firm support, your understanding of these issues, your prayers, your local action, and whatever spare cash you can send.  Nobody pays us to defend America. It is all made possible because Aunt Jenny sent us $20 from her pension and Cousin Buck shared his Rippee winnings.  There are no deep pockets--- yet. 
We are on track with our quest to reclaim America and every man, woman, and child will benefit from our success--- even Territorial and Municipal "citizens".
Literally everyone reading this---even people in foreign countries --- we all have a dog in the fight. We must forge a far better future for us all than Corporatism and enslavement to a central government can ever offer. 
My PayPal is: and the mailing address for checks is: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Post Office Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.  

Help if you can.  I should have an update from Cookie, who is doing much better, later this week.  
See this article and over 500 others on Anna's website

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Azure Farms Update! Small Town America, Moro City Oregon in the County of Sherman, Takes on Big Corporate Monsanto in a Community Held Event.

130 Military Installations - Toxic Poisoning



130 Military Installations in EPA’s Superfund Enterprise Management System – Toxic Poisoning


I’m undergoing diagnostic tests at the University of Pennsylvania’s Penn Spinal Center and will miss this month’s meeting.

DAV members should be aware of the military installations that are listed by EPA as among the most toxic environmental sites in the US.

There are 130 military installations in EPA’s Superfund Enterprise Management System (SEMS) (see attached file) that EPA identifies as the most ACTIVE toxic and hazardous sites in the country.

This information is available to Veterans and others via the internet at Search Superfund Site Information at

EPA defines “COCs [as] the chemical substances found at the site determined [to] pose an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment.”
Order book at Amazon

With the exception of Camp Lejeune, no veteran has been informed by the government of the contaminants they may have been exposed to and their health effects. The VA and the VSOs have not published this information on their websites. I believe that this is a major disservice to those who served their country honorably, were exposed to toxic chemicals and have no clue that their medical conditions are linked to military service.   
I can understand the government’s reluctance to advertise this information to Veterans but there is no excuse for the VSOs not to publish it.

DAV members need to know that even if they served at one of these military installations (the exception is Camp Lejeune) and have medical conditions linked by EPA to toxic exposures, the VA will deny a disability compensation claim without a medical nexus opinion that states their medical condition is “at least as likely as not” due to military service.

For information of the health effects of toxins and toxic exposures, see Health Hazards of Chemicals on Military Bases at:

Bob O’Dowd609-774-7551
Robert O’Dowd, Environmental and Military Reporter

Bob O’Dowd is a former U.S. Marine with thirty years of experience on the east coast as an auditor, accountant, and financial manager with the Federal government, half of that time with the Defense Logistics Agency in Philadelphia. Originally from Pennsylvania, he enlisted in the Marine Corps at age 19, served in the 1st, 3rd, and 4th Marine Aircraft Wings in 52 months of active duty in the 1960s. He went on to graduate from Temple University. Robert O’Dowd and Tim King co-authored BETRAYAL: Toxic Exposure of U.S. Marines, Murder and Government Cover-Up. 
This book stands with the best works of New Journalism. It tells the story of the thousands of Veterans and their families, once stationed at these hazardous military installations, who have continued to be ignored by the U.S. government by denial of the effects of exposure to environmental hazards, including the highest incidence of occurrence of male breast cancer in any other demographic in the U.S.

Legislation to provide health care and compensation for Camp Lejeune Veterans and their dependents was introduced during the 111th Congress.

Reunite Field McConnell with Wife

Reunite Field McConnell with Wife Due to Forced Separation 

February 3, 2017

United States Marine Field McConnell – Global Operations Director of Abel Danger (AD) – is asking President Donald Trump and United States Secretary of Homeland Security Gen. John F. Kelly for their help to reunite him with his British wife, Denise McConnell, after a forced separation of now 47 days.

The separation appears to have been caused by the McConnells’ joint efforts to expose Serco’s allegedly-fraudulent use of 8(a)-company visas to deploy ‘talented voice actors’ in a Bin Laden war game on 9/11 and make the “first live-broadcast mass snuff film in human history” for senior bureaucrats of ICE led by Field McConnell’s sister Kristine Marcy, the founder of the all-powerful U.S. Senior Executive Service.

McConnell notes that Serco has been training ICE – a sub-agency of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) – and preceding organization such as the U.S. Customs Service, the criminal investigative, detention and deportation resources of the INS and the Federal Protective Service, at simulated crime scenes since 1986 through a mix of on-site and remote support staff and a combination of creative animation techniques, sound effects and talented voice actors playing multiple characters.

Field McConnell has now communicated a report of verbal abuse of his wife and physically threatening activity by an Agent of DHS on duty at London’s Heathrow Airport on 2 February, 2017 which was observed on surveillance cameras.

McConnell has reason to believe the continued trespass upon the marriage of Field and his British citizen wife was initiated by elements of the former presidential administration due to his exposure of linkage of Kristine Marcy and Hillary Clinton to several episodes of Treason including the events of 9/11 where the flying activities were actually planned on technical information on the remotely-controlled droning of hijacked aircraft which he verbally relayed to his sister, Kristine “Con Air” Marcy,  on 7 December, 1988, a fortnight before Pan Am 103 was destroyed over Lockerbie, United Kingdom.

AD research suggests that in 1994, Serco shareholders positioned Marcy – currently an ICE Foundation Board Director – as director of the US Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System (JPATS = Con Air) so she could transport blackmailers, victims and actors to join 8(a) snuff film crews in elite hotels.

AD claims that in 1998, Serco shareholders positioned Marcy as Chief Operating Officer of the Small Business Administration to set up the Office of SBIC Liquidation and finance the 8(a) ICE attacks with BNY Mellon as trustee and Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse and JPMorgan as underwriters for 9/11.

AD claims that Serco shareholders used 8(a) companies to link the World Trade Marriott Hotel in New York and Pentagon City Sheraton hotel in Washington with Boeing’s Chicago headquarters so donors and guests of the Clinton Foundation could produce snuff films from the safety of their hotel rooms.

AD has prioritized possible qui tam suits against Serco and its shareholders for procurement frauds on government programs especially the crisis-actor, visa and air traffic control services overseen by Kristine Marcy at the ICE Foundation and the alleged racketeering associates of the Clinton Foundation.

After discussions with his sister Kristine Marcy and research into her oversight of outsourced visa, immigration and deportation services and associated crisis-actor training programs, Field McConnell has become an original source relator for any Qui tam lawsuit in respect of Serco/ICE procurement fraud.

McConnell is now asking to meet with President Trump and Secretary Kelly to explain the significance of the research he in the United States and his wife in the United Kingdom, have done on Serco the company running Britain – and discuss his proposal for the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity to take responsibility for external intelligence away from the CIA and Senior Executive Service bureaucrats.

Field McConnell

More bad guys bite the dust


Benjamin Fulford
May 15 2017

A North Korean peace deal, a Ukrainian peace deal and a resolution of Middle Eastern problems, including the Israeli/Palestinian issue are all being negotiated behind the scenes, multiple sources agree. This is why US President Donald Trump will be going to Israel, Saudi Arabia and then Rome starting on the 24th of this month, the sources say.

Trump himself told Fox TV that after these meetings he would go to “the big conference of our countries that are going to help the world.”

The details of the peace deal with North Korea are yet to be negotiated but sources close to the talks say North Korea will be offered a guarantee of sovereignty and security in exchange for publicly giving up its nuclear weapons program. Of course this will only be a face saving gesture since, in secret, North Korea will be allowed to keep its nuclear deterrent, the sources say.

The pending North Korean peace accord is definitely related to China’s massive one belt one road (obor) infrastructure initiative since a peace accord in the Korean peninsula would allow for the construction of a tunnel linking Japan to the Eurasian mainland. Construction on this tunnel has already begun, Japanese government sources admit

The presence of delegates from the United States, South Korea, Japan, Germany, the UK and France at China’s big obor gathering this weekend shows Western resistance to this project has ended. The fact Chinese President Xi Jinping stopped in Alaska on the way back from his recent summit meeting with Trump, means it is a pretty good guess a deal has been reached to make a tunnel linking Alaska to the Eurasian landmass.

Already, freight trains are going from London and Germany to China, cutting the travel time for goods by half and lowering costs as well.

These new land freight routes are one of the reasons the Baltic Dry Index remains stuck at a very low level since overland travel is both cheaper and faster within Eurasia. It will not be too far in the future before it will be possible to take a train or ship goods by train from New York to London via China and Russia. An underground high 3000 kilometer per hour vacuum tube rail tunnel linking London and New York is also expected to go into operation, sources in the US secret space program say.

The Chinese are also hoping to once again become inventors of world changing technology like the compass, gunpowder, paper and printing. Chinese President Xi Jinping says the Chinese are investing vast sums to create breakthroughs in the areas of AI, nanotechnology, quantum computing and “smart cities.”

This massive Chinese initiative may well be dwarfed by a Western initiative being secretly negotiated that will.

After Trump's EO - ICE able to do their job

MAGA: 400 Illegal Immigrants Deported Daily by ICE Since Trump Signed EO
May 18 2017
Donald Trump was elected president on a handful of promises that he is making good on, or at least trying to.  It is not easy, given the destructive nature of the left, but he is working hard at making America great again.

One of the promises he is working on includes the deportation of illegal immigrants who are invading our country and mooching our resources. Unlike Obama, President Trump signed an executive order for U.S. Immigration and customs Enforcement (ICE) officers to actually be able to do their job. (instead of bozo's stand down orders to do NOTHING)

America is no longer a huge sanctuary city! It is no longer a “safe space”! ICE has been resting about 400 illegals a day, which means more than 41,000 have been arrested since January!

As Wayne Dupree said, “This is why America voted in President Trump and not Hillary Clinton. We are a melting pot but we are not a daycare nursery. ”
Immigration and Customs Enforcement announced Wednesday that it has arrested more than 400 individuals per day since President Trump signed executive orders calling for tougher immigration policies. 
Between Jan. 22 and April 29, the immigration enforcement agency arrested 41,318 individuals on civil immigration charges, 75 percent of whom were convicted criminals, after Trump signed immigration-related executive orders in January.  
That number represents a 37.6 percent increase from the same period in 2016.
“These statistics reflect President Trump’s commitment to enforce our immigration laws fairly and across the board,” ICE Acting Director Thomas Homan said in a statement.  
“ICE agents and officers have been given clear direction to focus on threats to public safety and national security, which has resulted in a substantial increase in the arrest of convicted criminal aliens."
Many people want to get upset about the deportations and that there are mixed ethnicities within the ICE program, but what they don’t realize is that, despite the color of our skin or culture, we are all Americans. Whether that means we were born here or came here legally, we are Americans.
Legal immigrants do not want to watch others come over illegally and enjoy all the things for free that the legal immigrants had to work for. It simply isn’t fair.

8 More Countries Are Now Accepting Their Illegal Immigrants Back

Trump Just Made 8 Anti-US Countries Change Their Mind... Art of the Deal

8 More Countries Are Now Accepting Their Illegal Immigrants Back Thanks to Trump

The Washington Times reported that, “Jessica Vaughan, policy studies director at the Center for Immigration Studies, said Mr. Trump and his Homeland Security Department should get most of the credit for the changes for ramping up pressure beyond the diplomatic ‘demarche’ letters that the Obama administration used.”

“U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials couldn’t immediately say how many people have been deported because of the changes, but Somalia has taken back 259 just seven months into the fiscal year. That is far more than the 198 it took back in all of 2016 and the 17 it took in 2015,” The Times reported.

It is amazing what can happen when a business man rather than a politician takes control of America’s highest office. This staggering reduction in what American Renaissance describes as “recalcitrant countries” is all because of Trump and the duty he feels towards protecting American citizens.

Protesters Want Obama Back - but don't know why!!!!

Hilarious Interview Has Protesters Wanting Obama Back But Not Knowing Why



The people in this video prove how silly people can be. Some of these protesters didn’t seem to know much about Obama at all. They appeared to have just bought into all the negative hype about President Donald Trump without actually looking beyond the trash that the mainstream media try to sell them.

The past