Monday, June 12, 2017

10 Tips for Surviving a Terrorist Vehicle Attack


10 Tips for Surviving a Terrorist Vehicle Attack

  • Written by: Greg Ellifritz
In the event you missed it, there was an ISIS terrorist vehicle ramming attack in London last Saturday night.
This attack followed another ISIS vehicle attack on a second bridge in London, as well as previous Islamic vehicle terror attacks in France, Canada, Israel, and Germany.  The United States has not been immune from such attacks either.  In fact, one of the first Islamic terrorist vehicle attacks occurred in North Carolina in 2006.  Another occurred last year on the campus of the Ohio State University.
Why all the vehicle attacks?  The ISIS propaganda publication Rumiyah has specifically called for Muslim terrorists to use vehicles and knives as weapons against the Western world.
“The latest issue of Rumiyah, a new magazine from the terror group aimed at English-language speakers, included an article titled “Just Terror Tactics” that outlined ideal vehicles to use in terror attacks as well as ideal targets.
“Though being an essential part of modern life, very few actually comprehend the deadly and destructive capability of the motor vehicle and its capacity of reaping large numbers of casualties if used in a premeditated manner,” the article said.
The article also cited the attack in Nice, France, in July, in which a supposed ISIS supporter killed 86 people by plowing into a crowd with a truck on Bastille Day.
“Vehicles are like knives, as they are extremely easy to acquire,” the article said.”
ISIS magazine advocating vehicle attacks.
Clearly, terrorist vehicle attacks are on the rise.  What can we do to prevent being killed in such an attack?  Here are a few useful tips to keep you alive.
1) Face traffic when walking along the street.  These attacks really aren’t preventable.  Your best bet is to see the attack coming as quickly as possible and take evasive action.  If you are walking along a sidewalk with your back facing traffic, you can be run down very quickly from behind without any warning.  It’s better to face oncoming traffic.  That way, if a car hops the curb and starts barreling along the sidewalk towards you, there may be enough time to dodge it or get inside a building before you get hit.
2) If you have a choice, walk along streets that have vehicle blockades or cars parked at the curb.  Some urban areas have vehicle blockades to prevent cars from driving onto the sidewalks.  Where possible, walk on sidewalks that utilize those protective features.  If they aren’t available, use the next best thing…parked cars.  A street lined with parked vehicles will make it difficult for a terrorist to get up on the sidewalk with his car.  Take a look at the road below.  One side of the street would be much safer to walk on than the other.
Parked cars on the right hand side of the road form a natural barricade against terrorist vehicles
3) Watch for danger signs.  Be alert for speeding vehicles, sounds of collisions, revving engines, or sudden unusual vehicle movements.  If you see or hear something that is outside of the norm for your environment, don’t just blow it off.  Look around and actively figure out if you are in danger.  During attacks like these, a second or two of forewarning can be the difference between life and death.
4) Don’t rush to help the injured.  In each of the historical worldwide vehicle attacks, injured people were stacked on the sidewalk like cord wood.  Immediately after the attack, you may feel compelled to rush in and help those who have been hurt.  Take a moment and assess the scene before wading into the chaos.  Is the crashed vehicle a danger?  Are there people in the area shooting or cutting people with knives?  Is it possible that there is more than one attacker?  I’d want to know the answer to all of those questions before I become completely distracted from my environment while providing aid to the victims.
Look at this news article.  Victims in Saturday’s vehicle attack initially thought the suspects were running up to help the injured.  In reality, they were closing the distance and “finishing off” the people they had already hit with the car.  The attackers were stabbing, kicking, and striking the defenseless victims, not giving first aid.  The folks you think are coming to help may be the perpetrators instead.  Don’t fly into their spider web.
Remember, you won’t be able to help anyone if you become a casualty as well.
5) Move indoors immediately, but don’t stay there.  A sturdy structure offers a decent refuge from a vehicle driven by a terrorist intent on killing people.  Get inside quickly.  Stay away from large glass windows/doors and exterior walls.  Once you get inside, you are relatively safe against a vehicular weapon. The problem is created, however, when waiting with a large group of people indoors exposes you to risks from terrorist attacks that are conducted in the more traditional manner of shooting, bombing, and stabbing.  You don’t want to be huddled up into a tight group without an escape route.
In each of previous Islamic terrorist vehicle attacks the suspect(s) stayed outside in the area near the crash site looking for more victims to shoot or stab.  Saturday’s attack was different.  The three attackers fled the crash scene and began stabbing and slashing victims who had sought shelter inside bars, restaurants, and retail stores nearby.  Being inside a building might offer protection against a vehicle, but it won’t help you when the killers enter your hiding spot and begin cutting or shooting.
The safest course of action you can take in a terrorist vehicle attack is to get inside, off the street and sidewalks.  This safe haven you chose may soon become the next battleground.  Don’t hang out there.  Seek shelter immediately to buy yourself some time.  As soon as it is possible, flee the area from the building’s rear exit.
Victims hiding inside a bar after Saturday’s attack in London. The attackers broke through the exterior bar windows and stabbed more patrons inside.
6) Stay away from the attack vehicle and be alert for secondary attacks.  Here’s my prediction for the next evolution of this type of attack. Terrorists will place a bomb in the car they used to run people over. Explosives set to go off 10 minutes after the vehicle attack. It’s the perfect secondary device. The bomb will kill all the first responders and anyone giving aid to the victims.
After the attack, distance yourself from the suspect’s crashed car.  It’s too easy to hide additional attackers or a large bomb inside.
7) Don’t draw your firearm while you are attempting to figure out what’s happening.  Those of you who regularly carry firearms may decide that the best course of action is to shoot the attack vehicle driver or his terrorist accomplices.  That’s great.  I commend you for any assistance you are willing to provide.
Just recognize that it’s going to take you a few seconds to figure out what’s happening.  Keep your gun in your holster while you are evaluating the situation and making your hasty battle plan.
The cops will be coming quickly.  There may be other CCW carriers on the scene.  You standing around a bunch of dead bodies with a gun in your hand is a look you probably want to avoid.  Keep your weapon hidden until you need to use it.
8) Don’t loiter on unprotected sidewalks.
Use parked vehicles for cover whenever you have to stop while walking.
If you are walking on a busy street and need to stop in order to tie your shoes, write a text, or speak with a friend, stop at a spot on the sidewalk that offers you some protection from a car hopping the curb.  Look at the picture above.  The gaps between the parked cars are the likely routes the terrorists will use to get onto the sidewalk.  Don’t stand there.  You are much safer if you keep a parked car between you and the traffic lane like this group did.
Don’t loiter in any spaces that the terrorists can use as drive lanes.
9) Be able to deal with charging attackers.  Few “gun people” train empty hand defenses against a person who is attacking with a bladed weapon.  Many delusionally think “I’ll just shoot him” is an adequate response.  While I have no problem with anyone shooting an armed terrorist, it may not be quite as easy as you think it is to pull off.  Shooting bullseye targets is one thing.  Shooting as you are being slashed or stabbed is a different skill set entirely.
It’s even more difficult to deal with an attacker who is running full speed at you with an upraised knife.  You have to move!  If you stand still and draw your gun, you’ll likely get stabbed.  The sprinting attacker can move much faster than you if you try to back up in order to keep your distance.  A person moving forward is faster than a person backing up.  If you try to back off to create the distance you need to draw your gun, you will also likely be cut.
There are techniques I teach to deal with charging attackers at close range.  What is generally most effective is for the victim to move FORWARD, towards the attacker at a 45-degree angle, preferably towards the side opposite the hand your attacker is using to hold the knife.  That hard, angled movement forces the attacker to slow down and change course.  That usually buys you enough time to get your gun in play.
Try this technique for yourself.  Use a replica pistol and a partner with a training knife.  Have the partner charge at you from distances between five and twenty feet away.  As your training partner attacks, try different movement patterns to facilitate your draw.  Try not to get cut as you are drawing your gun.  You’ll find that this forward angling technique works better than any other option you may try.
10) Know how to treat knife wounds, vehicle impacts, and blast injuries.  Having the knowledge to treat battlefield injuries is absolutely critical in today’s world.  Your Red Cross First Aid/CPR course is not adequate training to prepare you for the mass casualty battlefield trauma environment.  Seek out a quality “tactical first aid” class.  If you can’t get to training, at least read my article Field Medicine for Terrorist Attacks.
Carrying medical gear like a tourniquet and hemostatic gauze while in large crowds is a smart idea.  Get some medical training and carry a tourniquet with you any time when you are in a situation that may be ripe for a terrorist attack.
I hope none of you will ever have to use this information, but my rational brain says it’s only a matter of time when attacks like this become a daily occurrence.

This being said about Chick Filet

Image: Food Review Website Suggests Patrons Avoid Chick-fil-A Due to 'Unpalatable Baggage'Food Review Website Suggests Patrons Avoid Chick-fil-A Due to 'Unpalatable Baggage' - this being said about the most popular fast food chain in the nation!            Chick Filet HAS to be doing SOMETHING RIGHT!!

Only one guess as to which group of societal misfits is putting out this garbage?!  

It's unlikely there are polls that show how many people make their fast-food dining decisions based on politics, but the restaurant review website Eater recommends  customers avoid the popular Chick-Fil-A chain because of its "unpalatable baggage" of Christian values, Twitchy reported Sunday.

The review explained Atlanta-based Chick-fil-A was aggressively expanding into new markets and had donated heavily to groups opposing same-sex marriage. 

It added the company's chief executive, Dan Cathy, had said, "We're inviting God's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at Him and say we know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage."

In its headline of the review, the website said, "The fast-food giant serves up some solid food but with a side of unpalatable baggage," and offered other options for establishments that had better quality products and also supported LGBT issues.

"It's the only top 10 quick-service restaurant that doesn't mention sexual orientation in its online equal opportunity statement, and that it holds a zero rating on LGBT benefits and worker protections from a prominent advocacy group. 

McDonald's scored 100. (When I asked Chick-fil-A about this, a rep responded with a general statement reaffirming its commitment to equal opportunity and said that it's up to local franchisees to determine benefits)" the review stated.

The reviewer also lamented Chick-fil-A on Twitter, adding, "Sometimes, on a good day, [the chicken sandwich] smells like chicken."

The review went on to explain its argument for why it was a politically-incorrect move to support the fast food establishment.

"Millions of dollars of the chain's past profits funded groups that opposed same-sex marriage during an era when millions of Americans were fighting for their civil rights; smaller donations went to a group that practiced conversion therapy, a practice that stems from the discredited belief that homosexuality is a mental illness," stated the review.

Aside from politics, Eater also criticized their product, describing Chick-Fil-A's "pretty average chicken sandwich," though admitting they had "a pretty good fast-food breakfast," and a "pretty great frozen coffee."

Eater's Facebook page describes itself as "the source for people who care about dining and drinking in the nation's most important food cities." 

While some readers agreed with the assessment, there was quite a bit of backlash from those who suggested the website stick to reviewing food.

The reviewer admitted the fast food chain "doesn't have much to worry about financially; it's currently America's favorite fast-food restaurant, according to one consumer satisfaction index," adding that "sales actually soared the year Cathy made his controversial remarks."
Chick Filet MUST BE DOING SOMETHING RIGHT!  The food is very good. The very items poorly reviewed in this article are actually the most popular at the restaurant.  The staff are very well trained, polite and go out of their way to please.  And the company supports Christian values, including supporting the military and others working to help people and to defend the nation. 
Please! Consider showing your appreciation by supporting Chick Filet for their public service to America and their observance of Christian values.  Our boycott against Target made its point, and the leadership has begun to turn around on some of its decisions.  Let's show these criticizers that practicing Christian values DOES make a positive difference to the public and that we - as customers - appreciate and will support it when businesses make a stand for them.  Thank you!

It’s His LAST Mistake! - Welcome to Texas!



In many other parts of the country inundated with liberal political correctness, 'entitled' Muslim 'immigrants' are finding it rather easy to impose their will and religion on America.

But time and again, they are learning the hard way that you don’t mess with Texas.

When a large road-raging Muslim man got out of his car to assault a Texas man near Houston, it was the last mistake he’d ever make.

The two men reportedly exchanged words before the Muslim, Ziad Abu Naim, got out of his Porsche and tried to punch Robert Craig Klimek through the window of his BMW.  (Wonder how Naim came up with the money to purchase that Porsche??)

Realizing the danger he was in, Klimek pulled out a gun and shot Naim in the face.

Unsurprisingly, the terrorist-linked Council on American–Islamic Relations (CAIR) is calling it a “hate crime” after claiming Klimek told Naim “go back to Islam” before shooting him. ('linked' is not strong enough -  financial  SUPPORTERS OF TERRORISM more adequately describes CAIR - a bunch of self-righteous idiots attempting to impose - FORCE - their way of life on Americans.)

The only problem with that is - even if Klimek said those words -  that in itself isn’t a crime.  But punching a man through his car window is. And, if that’s the way it went down, then Klimek’s plea of self defense is valid.



More Evil, Turmoil and Troble in the Making.

Chuck Schumer Dines With Alex Soros, Son Of George Soros


Sen. Chuck Schumer has been trying to ruin President Trump’s presidency since Inauguration Day. The New York senator has been lying about Trump’s record and agenda while standing in the way of progress for the American people.

This weekend Sen. Chucky sat down with Alex Soros, son of billionaire George Soros, for what looks like tea and crumpets. To see both of them sitting together should be a red flag to conservatives, warning them that Schumer may be getting his marching orders from Soros Sr.

This damning picture was posted to Instagram. It almost reminds me of a U.S. Congressman sitting with Lucky Luciano or Al Capone.

Is it just me or does this Schumer guy look extremely evil in this photo? I am surprised these two weren’t invited to Mitt Romney’s weekend retreat. 

Source: Daily Caller
Don’t let the white wine, craft cocktails, and obliterated stare fool you: Schumer has previously called for bans of powdered alcohol and college Freshman blackout sensation ‘Four Loko.’
Meanwhile, according to campaign finance records, Alex gave more than $4.5 million to Democratic campaign committees and political action committees in 2016, of which the Senate Majority PAC, the political action committee of former Senator Harry Reid, was the largest benefactor with checks totaling $3.5 million.
Of the $4.5 million, $127,800 went to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and another $133,400 to the Democratic National Committee Services Corp. Maximum campaign contributions of $5,400 were doled out by Alex to various Democratic politicians, including failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, former Senator Russ Feingold, Rep. Keith Ellison, and apparent alcohol lightweight Chuck Schumer.
Well, well, now we see where Schumer’s loyalty lies. I mean, it’s apparent his agenda is not what’s in the best interest of our country or the people he supposedly represents!

Here is the Instagram post from Alex Soros:

Look at how Alex Soros wrote this Instagram post. He says Schumer helped “preserve” the assault. I think he means “prevent.” Otherwise, Soros thinks Schumer is keeping the assault on our values alive, which is probably true, but I doubt he’d say it openly!

Also, Soros mentions “our nations values and democracy.” I think it makes more sense written as “our nation, values, and democracy.” It looks like someone had too much wine at dinner!

But it’s funny how Soros says Schumer is continuing the assault on our nation, our values, and our democracy. That is what globalists do: They destroy nations, values, and democracy.

That tells you all you need to know about why Democrats should never be elected. Yes, they’re really going to “preserve the assault on our nations values and democracy,” which means they’re going to continue to “assault” our Constitution and rule of law.

Thank you, Chuck and Alex, for your truthful admission about your real intentions for the American voter. Now it’s up to all Americans to heed this and fight back with fury!

What do you think these two were talking about and should Republicans be worried? Share you voices below in the comment section and add this article to your Facebook/Twitter timeline.

Feinstein calling for investigation of Loretta Lynch

Top Democrat Diane Feinstein Calls For Investigation Into Loretta Lynch


After hearing former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony last week, a top Senate Democrat is calling for an investigation into Loretta Lynch’s influence on the Hillary Clinton email scandal.

Dianne Feinstein, the lead Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, announced her concerns and the need for a congressional inquiry into the matter.

During his testimony, Comey confessed that Barack Obama’s attorney general had urged him to publicly refer to the scandal as a “matter” and not an “investigation,” something he claimed was ‘confusing and concerning.’

“At one point, the attorney general had directed me not to call it an investigation but instead to call it a matter, which confused me and concerned me,” Comey said.
Now, Feinstein wants to know if Lynch’s pressuring of the FBI Director, along with her famed meeting with Bill Clinton on the tarmac of a Phoenix airport, amounts to obstruction of justice.

Via the New York Post:
The top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee called Sunday for a congressional investigation into former Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s handling of the Hillary Clinton email probe.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said she’s concerned by former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony Thursday that Lynch asked him to downplay his “investigation” into the Democratic presidential nominee as merely a “matter.”
Comey said the political request called into the question the credibility of Lynch’s Department of Justice and made him “queasy.”
“I would have a queasy feeling too,” Feinstein admitted Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “I think we need to know more about that. And there’s only one way to know about it and that’s to have the Judiciary Committee take a look at that.”
Michael Mukasey, Attorney General serving under President George W. Bush, blasted Lynch for allowing the DOJ to become “an arm of the Clinton campaign.”
“What makes it egregious,” Mukasey explained, “is the fact — and I think it’s obvious that it is a fact — that the attorney general of the United States was adjusting the way the department talked about its business so as to coincide with the way the Clinton campaign talked about that business.”

“In other words, it made the Department of Justice essentially an arm of the Clinton campaign,” he added. 

“That is a betrayal of the department and of its independence to illustrate that clearly that the attorney general was essentially in the tank for Secretary Clinton.”

Feinstein added that a new probe would be the only way to answer whether or not Lynch provided improper political cover for Clinton.

She also urged her own party to put partisan politics aside and investigate the matter.

“Right now, this is [about] the total integrity of the president of the United States,” Feinstein said. “This is a very big deal. It should be all hands on deck. And everybody should welcome a second committee getting involved, particularly on the technical legal aspects of obstruction of justice.”

Can you imagine if, after everything liberals were hoping for from Comey’s testimony, that it ends up being Loretta Lynch who is charged with obstruction of justice?
Does Congress need to investigate Lynch? Share your thoughts below!

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Sam Walton, Hillary Clinton, Walmart and the U.S. Government

Sam Walton was NOT the 'good guy' family man that 'they' want you to believe
Clinton's had a close tie with Walton
Hillary was on the Board -  WHY?
Walmart struck a 'deal' with the U.S. Government
Walmart is in the back pocket of the U.S. Gov
cooperating on a variety of issues
Walmart claimed to have financial problems, yet after firing Walmart employees,
Hired 130,000 employees, a small army, to carry out 'plans' 
Various 'terrorist' attacks across the nation were planned to get the American people to cry out for protection and security - biometrics and RFID chipping, cameras to watch you, martial law, roundups, gun confiscation, internet and phone monitoring, creation of ISIS,
building a WALL to keep you in instead of keeping the 'terrorists' OUT - the cry for SECURITY - radical Islamic ties
Part 3 video particularly of interest

Walmart Does NOT Want You To See This Viral video
People targeted!

Walmart Does NOT Want You To See This Viral video
People targeted! (part 2)


Walmart Does NOT Want You To See This Viral video
People targeted! (part 3)

Published on Jun 10, 2017
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (

G4S -

There's a plot in this country

Satanists are now teaching about devil worship, openly and publicly.

On Tuesday, May 30, at 11AM, high priest Adam Daniels, a Satanist and registered sex offender who has performed several public sacrileges and black masses, staged an event at the Oklahoma State Capitol to teach the general public about devil worship!
Sign this statement to Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallain
against this public instruction in devil worship

According to a press release:

"This year we have been approved to educate folks at the State Capitol about our religion and tradition. Dastur [i.e. "high priest"] Adam Daniels will do a reading from our scriptures known as the Devil's Yasna, and also explain how our prayers and chants work differently than standard Christian and Islamic practices.


"[W]e [the Satanists] are hoping to educate our law makers, so that they can properly educate others on real Devil Worship. We will be passing out books and religious tracks."

Click here. Tell Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin
how shocked you are

Devil worship is a real and open threat to morality and the common good. This is an attack against the rights of God. Therefore:

I would like to urge you to please
sign our petition telling Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin that you oppose all such public instruction in devil worship and urge her to refuse any such sessions in the future.
Thank you.

I remain,

John Horvat
Vice-President, Tradition, Family and Property (TFP)

Comey is freaking out!!!


 June 10 2017

This week’s biggest news story was the testimony given before Congress by former FBI Director James Comey. He admitted that Trump did not “collude” with Russia, and even that he was the source of one of the biggest leaks in recent memory!

Now, thanks to this admission, Comey has received a letter from President Trump’s personal lawyer. Marc Kasowitz has filed a complaint with the Department of Justice and the Senate Judiciary Committee over Comey’s leaking of material intended to encourage that special counsel be appointed, via NBC.

Furthermore, many in the alternative media have noted that Comey likely leaked twice, and thus is guilty of perjury via Medium.

Comey’s very selfish decision to call in his Columbia law professor friend, which in turn brought The New York Times into the equation, is a very clear example of Comey’s underhanded tactics.

Mr. Comey is nothing but a political hack and a liar. Amateur sleuths on reddit have poked major holes in Comey’s claim that he decided to leak information to the media after President Trump made threats about taping their conversations.

Online posters found that The New York Times published stories about the taped conversations long before President Trump made any comments about their existence. This could mean that Comey was the source of multiple leaks, via reddit.

As a whole, the story of Comey’s treachery not only paints him in an awful light, but it makes The New York Times, a once respected institution, look like an amateur show run by lazy conspiracy theorists.

Even Comey himself chastised The Times for publishing “fake news” after his own memo leaks were distorted by writer Michael Schmidt.  This is not Schmidt’s first time in the limelight for bogus reporting. In 2015, Schmidt co-authored a story about how U.S. intelligence forces had uncovered several pro-ISIS, pro-jihad posts on the social media accounts of the San Bernardino shooter, Tashfeen Malik. No such posts ever existed via The Daily Caller.

When CNN labels you as fake news, you know you’re in trouble. That’s exactly what is happening to The Times.

The best possible outcome here would be if Comey decided to further testify on Loretta Lynch’s efforts to persuade him to change the direction of the Hillary Clinton email server investigation. Doing so would open the floodgates for more investigations into the corrupt world of the Democrats and the Obama administration.

What charges should James Comey face for leaking intelligence to the mainstream media?  Share this story on Facebook, with other alternative media and with family and friends.