Saturday, July 15, 2017



ABSOLUTELY  GREAT !!!!!  There are some great thinking kids in Canada!!

They walked in tandem, each of the ninety-two students filing into the already crowded auditorium. With their rich maroon gowns flowing and the traditional caps, they looked almost as grown up as they felt.

Dads swallowed hard behind broad smiles, and Moms freely brushed away tears.
This class would NOT pray during the commencements, not by choice, but because of a recent court ruling prohibiting it.. 

The principal and several students were careful to stay within the guidelines allowed by the ruling. They gave inspirational and challenging speeches, but no one mentioned divine guidance and no one asked for blessings on the graduates or their families.

The speeches were nice, but they were routine until the final speech received a standing ovation.
A solitary student walked up to the microphone. He stood still and silent for just a moment, and then, it happened...

All 92 students, every single one of them, suddenly SNEEZED!!

The student on stage simply looked at the audience and said,

And he walked off the stage... 

The audienc
e exploded into applause. This graduating class had found a unique way to invoke God's blessing on their future with or without the court's approval.
Isn't this a wonderful story? Pass it on to all your friends!
This is a true story; it happened at Eastern Shore District High School in Musquodoboit Harbour, Nova Scotia.

I hope this goes around Canada ...and the USA ...and the rest of the world!!!

WHITE HOUSE Events Will Make for 'Fascinating Movie One Day'


Wanda Carruthers
Saturday, 15 Jul 2017


Jay Sekulow, an attorney for President Donald Trump, said the recent controversy over a meeting Donald Trump Jr. held with a Russian lawyer last year was part of a string of events that would make for "a fascinating movie one day," The Hill reported Saturday.

"But none of it violates the law," Sekulow told CNN Friday.

Trump Jr. released a string of emails earlier this week that revealed a meeting with a Russian attorney that took place during the 2016 presidential campaign. A lobbyist with alleged ties to the Russian government was also in attendance, as was then Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort and the president's son-in-law Jared Kushner.

The Russian lawyer provided no damning evidence on Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, as a publicist had maintained when arranging the meeting, but reportedly talked instead about Russian adoption policy and criticized a 2012 U.S. law, the Magnitsky Act, which Russian President Vladimir Putin despises.

Sekulow stressed the president was not aware of the meeting until recently.  "The president has stated very clearly that he was not aware of the meeting and did not attend the meeting," Sekulow said. "And that has been undisputed. No one has disputed that. So, he was not aware of it, did not attend it."

Critics have called the meeting a "smoking gun" of proof the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians during the 2016 presidential election. Sekulow indicated this was just one more in a long list of events that would make a good plot one day for a conspiracy movie.

As for whether there were other emails yet to be uncovered, Sekulow, who does not represent Trump Jr., said, "I've not reviewed any other documents."



Wash Post
Todd Beamon
Friday, 14 Jul 2017 

The Trump administration may expand the authority of the Department of Homeland Security to speed the deportation of some illegal immigrants, The Washington Post reported Friday.

The policy under consideration would allow Homeland Security to deport illegals arrested anywhere in country unable to prove that they have lived here continuously for more than 90 days, according to a 13-page internal memo obtained by the Post.

Since 2004, the agency could bypass federal immigration courts only for aliens who have been here illegally for less than two weeks and were arrested within 100 miles of the border.

Two administration officials told the Post Friday that the proposal was under consideration and would not require approval by Congress.

It was "circulated at the White House in May," according to the report.

"The potential changes would allow DHS to more efficiently use resources to remove persons who have been illegally present for relatively brief periods of time while still observing due-process requirements," Joanne Talbot, an agency spokeswoman, told the Post.

Talbot said she had not seen the document, though she emphasized that it was a draft and that no final decision had been made by Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly.

"Anyone who is surprised that the administration is considering lawfully expanding the use of expedited removal has not been paying attention," she said.

"The expansion you describe is explicitly allowed" under federal law.

Immigrant-rights groups slammed the proposal, arguing that more migrants would be stripped of due process and other legal protections.

"This is a radical departure from current policy and practice, which takes one giant step towards implementing Trump's deportation force across the nation," Marielena HincapiƩ, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center in Los Angeles, told the Post.

But one Trump administration official countered that the proposed change would have a "deterrent effect" those who come to the U.S. illegally or overstay their visas.

Rights groups, the official told the Post, take advantage of current laws to try to drag out court proceedings "as long as possible."

The official "spoke on condition of anonymity because no final decisions have been made," according to the report.

Congress authorized the use of expedited deportations in 1996 for illegals arrested anywhere in the U.S. who could not prove that they had been here two years beforehand, according to the Post.

In 2004, however, the George W. Bush White House specified that such removals could be used for illegals arrested within 100 miles of the border who had lived in the country fewer than 14 days.

In the two immigration executive orders he signed in January, President Donald Trump sought to expand the use of expedited deportations, the Post reports.

According to the 13-page memo, the proposal would "enhance national security and public safety" by ending the "historic backlogs" at the nation's immigration courts.

Some hearings have been delayed by as long as two years, according to the document.

In addition, the memo said that the proposed expansion would "eliminate incentives not only to enter the country unlawfully but also to attempt to quickly travel into the interior of the United States in an effort to avoid the application of expedited removal."

Michigan Just Took Their State Back From Muslims And Made Most Of Them F...

Our Education System

U.S. Federal Judge, Gerald Bruce Lee_US District Court of Virginia_Bank of America


----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta <>
To: County Executive_Scott Walker <>
Sent: Thursday, November 4, 2010 4:25 PM
Subject: U.S. Federal Judge, Gerald Bruce Lee_US District Court of Virginia_Bank of America

--- On Sun, 10/24/10, Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta <> wrote:From: Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta <>
Subject: U.S. Federal Judge, Gerald Bruce Lee_US District Court of Virginia_Bank of America
To: "POTUS_President Barack Obama" <>, "President Barack Obama" <>, "President Barack Obama" <>
, " Barack H. ObamaThe Honorable" <>
Cc: "OVP_Vice President Joe Biden" <>, "Joe BidenThe Honorable" <>, "Joseph BidenThe Honorable" <>, "Vice President Joe Biden" <>
Date: Sunday, October 24, 2010, 3:59 PM

Civil Action no. : 1 - 07 - CV 609
This is the U.S. Federal Judge, The Honorable,  Gerald Bruce Lee that issued the  ___   " Order and Memorandum of Opinion, to pursue liquidation of his corporations, recovery of their financial assets, and pay all required taxes in accordance with the law "  ....  as part of that process, in May 2006, Lee Wanta transferred $4.5 trillion to the Bank of America - Richmond, VA.
" Pursuant to Rule 12 (b)(6), Fed.R.Civ.P.,  Respondent Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond ('FRB Richmond') moves to dismiss the Petition for Writ of Mandamus and Other Extraordinary Relief (the 'Petition'). The grounds of this Motion, as amplified in the attached Brief, are as follow.
"For the purposes of this Motion only, all well pleaded facts will be taken as true."
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, October 9, 2010; 6:28 PM
A clandestine meeting in a North Carolina hot tub sparked a series of events that led a federal judge in Alexandria to reverse himself Friday, and order Bank of America into a masive real estate fraud case.
The judge previously ruled that the bank should not be a defendant.
The extraordinary ruling by U.S. District Judge Gerald Bruce Lee was a victory for dozens of Fairfax County school teachers and administrators, and hundreds of other investors who claim they were sold overpriced, vacant lots in North Carolina that later plunged in value from as much as $400,000 to about $20,000 each.
In 2006, the plaintiffs - 129 who sued in federal court in Virginia, and 285 who sued in North Carolina - bought land in two developments in North Carolina being marketed by Total Realty Management, a Woodbridge firm run by Mark Dain and Mark Jalajel. They allege that Dain assured them they could buy the lots with no money down and make no payments for two years, and in the meantime flip the properties for certain profit.
Because TRM was buying the lots for about $150,000 and reselling them immediately for $300,000 or more, the plaintiffs claimed that TRM couldn't have done it without the help of banks such as Bank of America.
They said in court papers that TRM and the banks colluded to inflate the appraised values of the properties, in part by getting second and third appraisals when original appraisals were too low for the sale prices TRM wanted.
In August 2009, Lee dismissed the banks as defendants in the Northern Virginia case, saying there was no evidence or reasons that the banks would issue overpriced loans to people who couldn't afford them.
That's where the hot tub comes in.
In March 2010, after Lee's ruling, a lawyer in the North Carolina case obtained more than 700 pages of e-mails that hadn't been turned over in the Virginia case, during a meeting held in a hot tub so no one could wear a hidden tape recorder, court records state. The e-mails showed a Bank of America loan officer discussing the "recovery appraisals" with Dain and also with Mace Watts, who represented R.A. North Development.
In one case, plaintiffs lawyer Martin C. Conway said Friday, TRM wanted to sell a lot to a Northern Virginia woman for $380,000. But the e-mails showed that Bank of America's first appraiser valued the lot at only $210,000. A second appraisal came in at $220,000. Finally, a third appraisal for the same lot came in at $385,000, and the loan was approved.
"Obviously," the judge said, "these are material to this case and should have been produced in this case, before I spent all this time doing the order."
The judge turned to Andrew J. Trask, Bank of America's lawyer, and said, "What in the world happened here? Why weren't these documents produced?"
Trask said "none of them originated out of Bank of America," and that the judge had dismissed the bank from the case before they had to turn them over.
"It's my fault," the judge said. "I was moving too fast."
Although the buyers in Northern Virginia couldn't afford the loans, and never spoke to the bank - TRM handled all the paperwork, and one of its officers has pleaded guilty to falsifying loan applications - the loan officers stood to profit personally by taking commissions on every loan that was made, Conway said. TRM also made two years worth of payments to the banks on the interest-only loans, which lawyers said came from TRM's profits.
Lee also noted that Bank of America had obtained mortgage insurance for the loans, which could have provided the bank with a safety net - except that the insurance company later canceled many of the policies because of "misrepresentation" by the bank. The judge also took notice that TRM officer Cari Deuterman, and former TRM employee Aaron Hernandez, have pleaded guilty to bank fraud.
Lee gave the plaintiffs permission to refile their case against Bank of America with the new evidence, though he said "the issue of plausibility still remains. What did the bank have to gain by entering into fraudulent loans?" The case against the TRM defendants is on hold while they are in bankruptcy proceedings.
A number of the plaintiffs were present and applauded Lee's ruling. "I'm extremely happy," said Craig Hanford of Fairfax. "All I want is my day in court and this allows us to get there."

Friday, July 14, 2017

Dr Mount: Comey and friends ratting out their buddies

Comey & Friends Now Ratting Out Their Buddies

Why you haven't seen or heard anything about all of this in the MSM!  Comey and others singing like canaries!

Why the C-130 'self-destruct' button has been set by the FBI in secret, taking the lives of military and radiation filled smoke blowing across the area.

James Comey being implicated in the air accident and in the pedophelia racket.

Hello? Campers? WAKE UP!!!

By Anna Von Reitz

I want to cut out a lot of unnecessary silliness and panic and wasted effort by driving this point home to my readers.  

Almost every government on this planet is bankrupt. 
The exceptions are North Korea, Iran, a handful of Pacific Island kingdoms, the Holy See, and the unincorporated United States of America. 
Now you know why the Big Push to make war on North Korea and Iran.  Misery loves company.  If their governments could have been added to the big Slush Pile, it would have been a clean sweep for the plotters of this monstrous enterprise. 
They always knew that the unincorporated United States of America was still alive, but as decades fled by and the Americans didn't awaken, it seemed likely that we would stay asleep until it was too late and even if we did wake up, we would be "at sea" --- all misidentified as US Vessels in commerce and unable to reclaim our standing as Paramount Security Interest Holders. 
So what happened?  The Paradigm Project happened.  
A group of DOD employees discovered something amazing--- fraud and embezzlement on a staggering scale, and from there, they discovered that all governments worldwide were incorporated and that all those governments were tied to the Holy See as the ultimate owner. 
Those of you who have followed along realize that all corporations were created by the Roman Curia, and so, you also know why that had to be. 
So after discovering this, the members of the Paradigm Project foreclosed on all these incorporated governments--- but they could only act as Secondary Creditors and they could only act in the international jurisdiction of the sea.  
The Paradigm Project could not claim to be the Paramount Security Interest Holders, because that is only owed to the land jurisdiction American states and people--- the same Rip Van Winkles that had been left adrift decades ago in leaky boats far off the coastline of North America. 
So-- all Municipal Governments worldwide (except as noted) were liquidated in Chapter 7 (involuntary) bankruptcy by Barack Obama.  The UNITED STATES (INC.) enfranchised all the other governments--- FRANCE, UNITED KINGDOM, GERMANY, and JOHN MICHAEL DOE.  
He also placed all the Territorial Governments worldwide (except as noted) in Chapter 11 Reorganizations.  The USA, Inc. enfranchised all the other governments --- France, United Kingdom...... and John Michael Doe. 
The Paradigm Project and other Secondary Creditors named Bankruptcy Trustees and created a gigantic "public trust" that they named the One People's Public Trust or OPPT, and they proceeded to create the Giant Slush Pile described.  
They claimed title to all assets presumed to belong to JOHN MICHAEL DOE and JOHN M. DOE and John M. Doe and John Michael Doe and John Doe.... all the land and all the houses, all the businesses, all the oil rigs, all the cows, all the cars and trucks,,,,,,all dumped into the OPPT and parceled out by Secondary Creditors.
All this while the actual Paramount Security Interest Holders drifted in their leaky boats, far, far out at sea, asleep, never told a word about any of this by their employees. 
I don't have a problem with the OPPT people.  They did as good as they could do given the situation without putting their own necks in a noose.  
They intended to provide people remedy within the system they had available to do that and to discharge all the bogus odious debt that had been heaped on Mom and Pop via the public bankruptcy. 
That is, I believe, what is going on with the "Treasury Direct Accounts"--- people aren't receiving money.  They are receiving discharge of debts owed by JOHN MICHAEL DOE--- debts that are naturally being discharged as part of the bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES. 
And this same blessed relief would then carry through to Mom and Pop in Portugal and Japan and Cambodia and everywhere else.  
Within its limits, it was a good enough plan--- but the problem then, is that because the Paramount Security Interest Holders were not  slated show up to retrieve their property out of the bankruptcy, all our assets would be "subsumed" as collateral owed to the Secondary Creditors and under their control.  
OPPT would own everything.  The entire notion of Private Property would be destroyed.  It would all be in one big pot under the control of the OPPT Trustees, a sort of global communism on steroids.  Nobody would own anything at all--- except in North Korea, Iran, and a handful of Pacific Islands. 
Those who set this system in motion were so sure that the Americans would not wake up and not be able to get back to land if they did wake up, that they set up their whole system using the presumptions above.  
But against all odds, in the eleventh hour of the eleventh hour, the Americans did wake up and they did pioneer the legal means to return to the land jurisdiction of the states and they did appear at the bankruptcy proceedings and they did firmly lodge their claim.  
So, all bets are off, and the American states and people are here as the Paramount Security Interest Holders in all the registered assets on Earth--- not the OPPT.   Everything rolls over into our trust instead, and private property is preserved. 
Farms in Norway will belong to Norwegians.  Factories in Germany will be the property of Germans.  The people of England can come home, just as we did.  
The unincorporated United States of America owns the United States and owns the UNITED STATES and owns the USA, Inc. and therefore also owns all the many, many, many franchises of these corporations worldwide.  This is because the American states and people paid for it all.
Having paid for it all, we have no interest in creating a gigantic Ball of Wax worldwide trust to own everything and everyone via any shady legal process and no intention of destroying private property interests worldwide--- not our own, not anyone else's.
The forgiveness of all the debts of FRANCE and JOHN MICHAEL DOE will be accomplished, but not at the cost of the loss of any rights or assets rightfully belonging to living people.  The Great Fraud is at an end. 

Meanwhile, people need  to think and think carefully about what is going on.  The governments are all in bankruptcy at both the Municipal and Territorial levels.  This means that they are being controlled by Bankruptcy Trustees, and are functioning under the laws of bankruptcy, not the "laws" established by these corporations.
See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website

Those who would label Judge Anna as cabal

“Re: Judge Anna” by Hope Ranger

Hello, all! Those who would label Judge Anna as cabal simply have not read very much of what is posted on her site. (

I just asked her about this latest thing of accessing one’s Treasury Direct Account. Let me use an analogy: If you tell your child not to play with a poisonous snake, that is not fear mongering. Likewise, fear of being hit by a bus serves a positive function when crossing a street.

By saying people were doing exactly as their parents, I think she means they are contracting with one of the US corporations. For example, we bought the constructive fraud of the IRS, that wages are income, and “everyone” must file a 1040.

So, Hope Ranger and others using this method, I hope you are not exchanging your birthright for a bowl of pottage.

Judge Anna’s answer to me, just a few minutes ago, implies that she is not finished looking into the matter, but: “…seems to me it is for FEDERAL PERSONS.”

What Judge Anna and her team have done, is to file papers with various entities, which put a stop to Americans being declared “stateless” (by the cabal banksters) due to the bankruptcy and subsequent default of “government” corporations. That’s a vast understatement and an oversimplification.

I have met cabal folks, and I have met Judge Anna. I do have a bit of discernment, and I can tell you for certain that Judge Anna is definitely NOT on the same vibrational frequency as cabal. 



Dr Mount: 11 More 'Elites' Busted

11 More 'Elites' Busted
Going to Jail
Wm Mount


The Real Agenda Concerning Our Currency Exchanges

Guest post from a reader .............

The  Real  Agenda  Concerning  Our  Currency  Exchanges

From a concerned currency holder

The Rothschilds have been in power for over three hundred years as they have plundered major moolah from some of the richest nations on earth. They take their orders from the satanic warlords of this planet and they will stop at nothing to keep their $$$ and power from getting into the hands of the people of the earth. Let's not forget that the Vatican and the Queen of England have both been working with these plunderers for hundreds of years as they, too, have taken their share of the wealth from us hard working stiffs for over 100 years in the form of income taxes.

Ok - so we know that the dark ptb are demonic in nature and refuse to change and that evil will stay on planet earth until Christ comes back to set up His kingdom here on planet earth which, according to The book Of Revelation and The Book Of Daniel, isn’t too far away from now.

And we also know that the currency exchange is very real and will soon be upon us. How does this fit in? My reasoning is this: 

Since the Rothschild Family own and OPERATE every central bank on the planet and set EVERY BANK POLICY under the sun, there has to be a method to their utter madness. If these thousands of currency exchange redemption centers exist and will be fully staffed at the time of our exchanges, one has to be smart enough to read between the lines and notice the nefarious but brilliant plan that could go into effect.

Since we were all designed by Our Father God in His spirit image and given a body and a soul, He also gave us all a brain to think with and we are expected to use it wisely.

The Rothschild Family didn't spend trillions of dollars out of the goodness of their hearts to construct thousands of redemption centers fully staffed for us to exchange our currency if they didn't believe they could confiscate the vast amounts of wealth from us. 

This is only my opinion. The Zim Gold Backed Bonds are the quintessential keys in all of this.  We have been hearing from people like Kent Dunn who says that the Zim rates are astronomically high and at face value. If we sign an NDA, we could call the shots at the available rate set at close to $125,000.00 per note. Since the funds will be in digital format, this to me isn't hard to fathom.

I understand the reasoning in accepting such a rate is that we know we will never see another opportunity to receive this vast amount of wealth ever again in our lifetime. I get it.

The point here is that I feel we are being setup by the cabal in being told about the enormously high rates so that when we have agreed to the NDA requirements, the banks will eventually confiscate them! 

My advice to all is DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES SIGN AN NDA because, if you do, you could lose it all over a short time. Once one signs the initial NDA binding document, guaranteed there will be subsequent mandated second and third part documents which bank regulators will force one to sign since the signing of the original document is legally binding. These people mean business!

Remember Cyprus a few years back when the banks froze all of the peoples accounts and stole over 60% of their funds? 

Use your brains and don't be greedy as you will have enough $$$ if you accept the street rates for your currencies. And, if at all possible, transfer your $$$ from your bank to insurance policies where your money will be safe out of the hands of the cabal.

God bless and trust God, if you belong to Christ.  Then He will protect you and your funds as you begin to help those who desperately need financial help.

Jackie Blue

Where Is My Damn Food Stamps!!


A recent unexpected administrative issue in Clayton County, Georgia resulted in some food stamp recipients from receiving their SNAP benefits on time.

As welfare queens waited in line, one mother of six complained bitterly about the glitch that caused her entitlement to be held up. Others were furiously banging on the window at the Georgia Department of Human Services demanding their taxpayer funded perks.

The director at the facility tried to explain that his department’s budget had been decreased, but that didn’t stop the angry crowd from taking out their ire on the official.


 Ratchet Female Is Pissed Off 
She Can't Get Change With Her EBT Card


 Where's My Food Stamps?


There are people who definitely are deserving of financial assistance, in particular seniors - seniors with physical disabilities and serious health issues.  Those who are young, in good health, and can do some kind of work to bring in funds to meet their needs - is there an acceptable excuse for their being able to collect EBT when many who are in serious need either are being denied or are experiencing their assistance being severely reduced or cut off to pay more and more lazy people who abuse the system.  To make matters worse, the 'government' is funding the muslim jihadis and illegals as well as the lazy ones who sit back and demand to be paid from the much needed benefits of those who are really in need of help.  Most of this crowd actually live a higher lifestyle than those who are in serious need and don't have the ability to work to meet their needs. This should not be in our country.  How sad.