Sunday, January 28, 2018

Pre-print release — “America: Some Assembly Required” — by Anna von Reitz

This book needs to be published immediately!  Desperate times call for desperate measures!  Many successful free-energy inventors have been killed.  Many books have been burned.  Open the link in the browser tab to print.

Links are updated to the not-doctored version. Everyone who downloaded the version with black print on the front page please delete it and get the correct version. Thanks.



Here is the source of the doctored and butchered version of Anna's book.

nesaranews did not release a doctored version. nesaranews was given a doctored version.

Black Ops Operator Comes Forward And Tells All:Cody Snodgres

1 Hr. X22 Video: Long Term Black Ops Operator Comes Out After The Bush/Clinton Cartel Has Declined.... EXPLOSIVE Release Of Names And Dates
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Sunday, 28-Jan-2018 11:52:31
Black ops operator comes forward and tells all
Cody was offered the job of blowing up the Murrah Federal Building in OKC and turned it down [Hillary's records and Gulf War Syndrome records were stored there]. Many attempts on his life and the Clintons were hip deep in all of it. Cody is coming forward now that the Clintion's and Bush's are out of power.
He names names, dates and places and times. Goes into Mena Arkansas and shows how Bill Clinton along with George Bush were hip deep in drug running for the CIA, ect. Whitewater, Rose law firm with Hillary, Saddam Hussein CIA asset, weaponized anthrax, Gulf War syndrome, goes into what happened at Waco and who was on scene and how different events weave together, ect.
Anyone who has already taken the 'red pill' won't be shocked but anyone who hasn't, well this is another truth bomb that will be too much for many.

Warning Dream about attempts to murder President Trump


Prayer Alert - Warning Dream!

I had a dream this morning that something was being put in the President of The United State's food. I saw just as in Old Testament times that someone was tasting everything before he could eat. The taster was a young man and was moving the items in the salad and saw what looked like a vegetable that had not been cut up, so he took a bite and said "Don't eat it." The taster passed out.

In my dream I saw 2 dark skinned leaders (not black) lean over and say something to each other when they saw what happened to the taster. They got up from the table and left the dinner.

This dinner is one of many world leaders.

Next, in my dream I saw the team that is with the President of The United States going to their rooms. In the hallway was a cleaning cart with what appeared to be fresh towels, sheets, etc. However, the rooms appeared to have already been prepared for each one upon their arrivals.

Again, a young man began to search each room and in each room found that everything had been tampered with. Whatever anyone touched it had a substance on it that could cause death. It was as if the rooms had been coated from the top to the very fiber of the carpet. NOTHING was left untouched by this substance.

The team had to exit the area and go to another place and no one was told where they were going. Once they arrived, they were rushed to a secure floor of safety.

I am not sure where this dinner is but when I got up I could still see the dream. I believe it is a warning dream. Pray that anyone that tries any of these things that it turns on them.

I pray that GOD's protection is upon our President, his family and the teams that go with him all over the world. 

I ask the Holy Spirit to fill every room, just as HE did on the day of Pentecost, with flamming fire on the shoulders of everyone with our President. 

I declare that NO harm will come to any of them.

I speak to the atmosphere and say 'you will be calm'. 

I ask that the eyes of any enemy be opened into the realm of the spirit and see the angels that are standing with each one on the team and the angels with the President of The United States. May they see the warring angels standing with swords of fire.

I pray that the FEAR of the LORD will fall on each one that even had a thought to bring harm.

I thank you Lord for uncovering the things of the past and for showing us things of the future so that we can pray and that our President of The United States, family and team will not become any man's prey.

Lord, I ask that YOU help each one of us not to ever take lightly the things that YOU show us at any time but that we take it very seriously.

I rejoice that this plot and plan of wickedness has been stopped and will not happen because we agree that NO harm shall come upon the President of The United States, his family and team.

In Jesus Name...AMEN
Dr. Patricia Beesley-Riggs   
Jan 27 2018

Global Currency Reset Comment for January 2018

By Anna Von Reitz

Everyone wants me to comment on this, but what is there to say?  It's like orphans waiting for Father Christmas.  All these good people who have invested their life's savings in junk bonds without realizing that they are junk bonds.... waiting patiently day after day and week after week and month after month for "the RV".  

When the RV comes, it's all going to be peaches and cream. When the RV comes, miracles will abound.  Peace will reign.  The humble will be raised up.  The evil will be cast down. We will all dance and sing.  It will be a great, great day when the RV comes..... okay, well.....

All fiat currencies are bonds and bonds are I.O.U.'s issued by specific governments.  If the government goes down, how much do you think their I.O.U.'s are worth? 

Maybe, just maybe, the successor governments will honor (and be ABLE to honor) the promises of their predecessors.  I don't think so.  Those promises were never realistic to begin with and nothing is going to make them so now.  At least, nothing that I know of.  Zadok from Planet Xeon - B might show up and change the balance of things, that's true, but I am not betting on it.  

Remember that I am a flat-footed little Midwestern girl who grew up dodging cow patties out in the back pasture and having my Uncles ask me funny questions like "Who's on first?"  I am not, it is true, the one to take things on faith; I hang back and wait for deeds to prove words and for facts to be verified.  I long ago learned that the devil uses our virtues just as expertly as he plays our vices and that tends to keep my head firmly screwed on at all times.....  

And in the case of Dinar and Zim and all the rest, what I see is a Devil's Playpen, where he can play the script either way---- appeal to the egalitarian instincts of the Good to want to have money to do good, and appeal to the crass instincts of the Greedy not caring about the people in places like Iraq and Zimbabwe, who together with their country's natural resources, would be the ones paying off these huge debts----get them going and coming both ways, you see?   The Good and the Greedy, both equally motivated to buy, buy, buy, creating a feeding frenzy.... and "giving value" to promises that are essentially either (a) immoral or (b) worthless----- and frankly, I can't see any good coming out of either one of those options. 

But, you are asking the wrong person for a number of reasons--- first, I don't believe in money.  To me, it's all just different kinds and colors of casino chips. Second, if I believe in a real, true, honest "redistribution of wealth" --- I know it has to happen via a different process. First and foremost, it has to happen by debt forgiveness and reinvestment. 

You can't take a bunch of sharks from different countries, throw them in a small swimming pool, and expect harmony and agreement and constructive work to be accomplished, and that is pretty much my take on what really goes on in the GCR Committee.  Everyone talks the talk, nobody walks the walk.  Not really. 

The Elephant in the Room is America.  The real America.  The one revealed in "America:Some Assembly Required"--- the nation-states and people.  Why?  

We are/were the primary source (not the only source, but the primary source)  of all that wealth that was supposed to be distributed. You know---  the "missing" holders of all the world's debts, the value of all Territorial and Municipal Governments on Earth, plus all the wealth of their franchises..... all belongs, technically, to the actual government of this country because we had very able crooks working here and they used our "abandoned" accounts to stash their loot for decades and they set up all their franchises under our delegated authority, because that is what they abused to build their whole empire. 

Imagine the situation..... you come home and find your entire hometown stuffed full to bursting with gold and silver and receipts for gold and silver and emeralds and diamonds and fine art and Lord Only Knows.  And part of that is legitimately yours, legitimately your inheritance, fair and square. 

But certain other people --- in order to get control and distribute all the rest of it, decided to just cut you out of the picture, and pretend that you never came home.  Yeah, it was more convenient that way, left more for everyone else, and besides, everyone else in the world was trained to hate your guts and blame you for all the atrocities and wars for profit and violence and pollution and criminality, the drugs and the booze and the whores--- it was all racked up and blamed on you, at the same time you were being lied to and used and abused and worked and taxed to death by the same crowd that was lying to the whole rest of the world about you. 


Well, well, well..... turns out that the British Monarchs and the Popes are the ones actually responsible for all this rot, with an "Also Culpable Award" going to the members of the Territorial and Municipal United States Congresses since 1860.  

So where does that leave us?  With a whole lot of spider-web trails of accounts and mirrored accounts, with hoards of "historical assets" that belong to actual people being illegally seized upon by banks, with land claims that are completely specious, with bogus trusts and bogus transmitting utilities and bogus foreign situs trusts as far as the eye can see, and (almost) every government on Earth knee deep in the Kim Chee.  

That's the Good News and the Bad News, because if you stop and think about it--- good people wound up in control of the situation, and they will forgive all the bogus debts and share out the profits and not according to a shark fest, but according to the simple fact that there was never any reason or need for anyone to suffer or go without, there has always been far more than enough for everyone on Earth to have good food and water and homes and electricity and indoor plumbing and hospitals and schools and beautiful parks and farms and public buildings and everything else we could want or need.  

Always. There has NEVER been any real reason for all this suffering.  Ever. 

And there is no need for anyone to take a bath on Zim and Dinar investments nor is there any need for those poor countries to have to pay off on these investments. It's all just the stuff that dreams----or nightmares----are made of, and at the end of the day, those who invested for good reasons will have their ability to do good in full measure abounding, and those who invested for the sake of greed--- they will have their just reward, too.  I have no doubt that a greater Hand is at work, making sure that a true and just redistribution of wealth will take place, and an end to all the grief and lies.  

I just don't expect it to happen by an arbitrary Global Reset of the value of casino chips. I expect it to happen by the entire world waking up, looking around, and realizing that yes, Virginia, there is enough, more than enough, for everyone to have what we need, and more than enough to build good dreams. 

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:

BOOM! Trump Just THREATENED Them ALL! The Feds are Going in!

Why Equity Law is Evil

By Anna Von Reitz

I have been asked, "Why do I attack British Equity Law so vehemently?"

Here's the short answer--- It's not British and it's not Equity and it's not Law. 

In the 1750's a great hue and cry began in England because of the arbitrary and unjust effects of imposing outdated written "one-size fits all" laws without consideration of mitigating circumstances. 

For example, the sentence for murder is death. 

But what about unintentional, accidental murder?  What we now call "manslaughter"?   And what about murder committed by children by accident?  Or by the mentally incompetent, who couldn't possibly know what they were doing?  How about murder in self-defense? The young woman being choked by a would-be rapist and thief, who finds a loaded gun and fires?  Or crimes of passion? The betrayed husband who finds his wife in the arms of another man and snaps?

There was a good deal of well-founded discontent with the hoary and Draconian Common Law of England, which had ceased to be determined on a case by case basis as intended, and devolved--- especially in large cities, to a reliance on sentences established by the "case law".  This over-reliance on the pure written law of record in similar cases (and who is to say what is "similar"?) and the gradual replacement of true jury trial by one's peers to judgment by rule and by whatever jury was summoned (quite often not actual peers of the accused) led to massive controversy about the true nature of justice and the ability of the Common Law to provide it. 

Not, I think, coincidental to the times, the BBC is advertising a series called, "Garrow's Law" which is supposedly based on actual cases tried by William Garrow, a young Barrister who stood on the forefront of this entire movement to bring a more considered and considerate justice into the courts, and the development of a system of law that could see beyond the black and white words on a page clearly stating things like, "the sentence for murder is death by hanging...." (no matter what).  

Sounds wonderful, doesn't it?  A better law.....a more just law....a more considerate law....a more fair law..... 

But, unfortunately, just as the pendulum moved in the 1750's  to create the shades of grey we all now know and agree to be just, such as the provisions for manslaughter and juvenile court, the same forward and redeeming motion carried too far in the other direction, muddying the virtuous and sure, if sometimes dreadful and Puritanical English Common Law with international Admiralty Law, to create British Equity Law. 

The primary proponent of this "mocking marriage" of English Common Law with  Admiralty Law was Lord Mansfield, a former Scottish Admiralty Attorney who rose to favor and crafted the basis of British Equity Law in the years immediately before the American Revolution. 

The problem with British Equity Law is that is allows the judge to sit in place of the King, which displaces the traditional place and power of the Jury of One's Peers. 

Suddenly, a Barrister is King....  He can use "his discretion" to inflict the harshest sentence available under the written law, or he can soften the sentence as he sees fit, or dismiss the case entirely.  Just like the King of England might. 

Of course, this power is entirely seductive to the members of the Bar Association, and, as it turns out, seductive for the King as well: his minions can use their discretion to benefit him and his friends and the ruling class in general, and if by chance they go too far in their toady behavior, he, the King, can emerge as the savior from these abuses, his hands immaculately clean.  

So the idealists who sought to create a more perfect justice than the English Common Law provided, wound up creating something that was more varied, more precise, more mutable---more "sophisticated" in the bad sense of that word, but also far more prone to manipulation, abuse, and the currying of favor. 

Also, it must be said, that this new Equity Law totally violated another safeguard provided to individual people by the honestly executed Common Law--- judgment by one's own peers. 

England then as now is a culture dominated by culture. A man does not have to speak to be known in England.  Who and what he is, his education, his social station is worn like an armband or -- famously--- a "funny hat".   So the tradition of trial by jury of one's peers is a literal reflection of the fact that different strata of society have different standards, different knowledge, and different values. 

What is justice to a chimney sweep or a fisherman is not necessarily the same as the justice of a lord----or, and this is my point entirely---- a barrister. 

What one man regards are gross impropriety is commonplace to another.  So those of the same social class and profession and nation are unavoidably the "peers" that can most rightly judge the actions of another of their brethren.  

And, ultimately, this tradition of judgment by peers also yields the most accurate judges of the law itself, by testing a law against all social strata, all professions, all religions, all races---- to judge if it is truly fair and right in all their many eyes. 

When a jury of one's true peers is replaced by a judge, the power and purpose of jury nullification is also lost.  The Common Law of England and the Common Law of America both provide(d) for the additional safeguard of jury nullification.  Quite aside from judging the particulars of an individual case, true common law juries can judge the law itself, and if they find it unfair, unreasonable, or unjust--- they can throw it out.  

The legislature does not rule the people it serves, so long as the people have access to the power of jury nullification.  

This safeguard of the Common Law prevents oppressive, insane, arbitrary, or unfair laws from standing on the books and plaguing entire generations of people. 

So from the standpoint of preventing abuse of power by judges exercising their "personal discretion" for personal or social gain, and from the standpoint of ensuring that people are judged by their peers and not by someone alien to the realities of their lives, and from the standpoint of truly refining the law itself--- the Common Law stands superior in every respect, despite the occasions when Equity Law has provided true equity and justice via the good heart and wisdom of individual judges. 

With a clear insight now into the ways and means used by the British Territorial United States of America subsidiary to gain secretive control of American land and labor assets, and to also insinuate British Equity Law on American soil, it is thunderously apparent how "Equity Law" has been used to oppress the people and gild the "kings"---- those in Westminster and in Congress.  

If the object of law is justice and order, then Equity Law is the open door to feudalism, class strife, cronyism, and ultimately---though not in every case---- injustice, because by adopting British Equity Law, we adopt coercive power and place it in the hands of one man or woman, operating only according to his or her "discretion" --- which ultimately too often means "what I can get away with".  

It also leads to a perverse rewards system, in which those judges who make the most money for the court get the richest pensions and favors, and who are preened and petted for the choicest professional favors.  He who feeds the king---whoever and whatever the "king" may be--- gets fed in return, so in such a system, the natural affinities a man might have for justice too often get set aside in favor of his new vacation home, a college education for his grandson, or a new job promotion for his wife.  

The justice provided by one man can be bought or sold; it is only a question of --- at what price?   Therein lies another potent reason that British Equity Law fails the cause of justice--- it's relatively easy to buy, bully, or kill one man, but the bulwark of a thousand years of Common Law?  That is not so easily swayed! 

Also, finally, and this is most telling, too---- without Jury Nullification doing its after-the-fact pruning and proving of the Legislature's work, laws proliferate like dandelions in spring.  

It seems to be a universal plague of nature that men who are elected to the legislature think that it is their business to pass laws for other men to live by, and if at least ten such mandates do not carry their names and approvals each session, they think they aren't doing their jobs.  

I did a random study here in Alaska some years ago and found that the legislature was passing between two and three hundred new laws per year.....3000 new laws, give or take, per decade. 

What, ho?  Are we really creating so many brand new point sources of evil and mayhem that it takes 200-300 new laws every year to keep things in order?  And who is going to learn all these new laws?  And who is going to pay for their enforcement? 

Without the operation of Jury Nullification operating in the background, these laws just burgeon and accumulate, like a cancer growing in the dark.  This is why at last count, the federal government and its agencies were busy trying to enforce 80 million laws.  

Think about it.  Seriously.  Eighty million laws.  

This is yet another dangerous and undesirable result of adopting British Equity Law and allowing it to run rampant on our shores.  It denies jury nullification and results in this unbridled growth and proliferation of laws that simply stay on the books and appear to breed ten new volumes every year.    

Somebody has to pay for enforcing all those laws, and plainly, it has already reached the point where any attempt at fair, competent, and universal application of such laws is impossible. Nobody has the ability to know and obey 80 million laws, so they are (a) meaningless or (b) arbitrarily and sporadically enforced, which gives rise to more injustice and more police incompetence and other social evils and costs too numerous to contemplate. 

I once estimated that if the current Alaska legislature did nothing but review and repeal laws already on the books, it would take them ten years to arrive at a reasonable number of laws that could be provided a reasonable amount of enforcement.  Ten years of legislative sessions, just to clean up the mess that would have been taken care of by jury nullification otherwise? 

Prone to corruption and difficult to correct is a recipe for failure no matter what idealistic goals might otherwise be espoused, and all that is quite aside from the fact that the American people are owed the American Common Law.  

American Common Law, unlike its British Cousin, didn't suffer the disadvantages of the British Equity system.  At worst, it was simply elbowed out of the way and left in relative disuse by the quiet, improper proliferation of British courts on our shores.  

Wrapping up with my first comment-- it's not British, it's not Equity, and it's not Law--- 

British Equity Law isn't British in the same way that a mixed breed dog is neither this breed nor that; the English Common Law is what it is, but Admiralty Law comes from the far corners of the Earth, an ancient amalgam that belongs everywhere and nowhere, with roots in the trading practices of Sumeria, Babylon, Egypt, Mycenae, Crete, Africa, India, China..... 

It isn't equitable, either.  What is equitable about men submitting themselves "in trust" to another man who is not impartial, not likely to be their peer, and who has profit motive to sheer them both? 

And as for being Law---  Law is based on timeless religious and ethical principles, not the opinions and individual pet peeves and petty concerns of men caught up in the exercise of their own spleens and the commerce of political power. 

So, no, it's not British.  It's not Equity.  And it most certainly is not Law. 

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:

Mike Pence Treason - satanist. murderer and pedophile

Mike Pence Treason - A Snitch for Mueller 

Published on Jan 26, 2018

BREAKING: WATCH THE REPORT. We have always been a fan of Mike and Karen Pence but over time the words and actions of the Vice President have caused us to question his ultimate loyalty to our Commander in Chief. 

This special in depth report concerning Mike Pence is not a dark news tabloid fabrication. Some black list news channels up here have falsely slandered Mike Pence with unfair innuendo with zero empirical evidence to back their sensational and salacious claims. But there is, in reality, enough evidence to show duplicity in the hearts of the Pence's toward this President. 

Frankly, Donald J.Trump is the greatest President since the founding of this Republic. Our loyalty is to the US Constitution and to President Trump alone - NOT Mike Pence. We believe he has leaked to Bob Mueller as well as to members of his team of GOP RINOs and DNC globalist legal hacks.

Being an Islamic sympathizer, Pence was instrumental in convincing Rex Tillerson at State and others to allow for more Muslims to enter the US than ever before - even higher numbers than under the George Soros "Open Society" mandates of the Obama administration.  Pence called the President's Islam migration policy "dumb" and worked to get the thousands of Middle Eastern, Syrian Muslim men and ISIS "refugees" that Australia did not want - brought to the USA - against the President's desires. A VERY BAD DEAL for the safety of the American people.  

Pence betrayed the closest ally of the President and intelligence expert General Mike Flynn and, along with Susan Rice and Bob Mueller, entrapped the nationalist General on a technicality, opening the door for Mueller to be picked by Rod Rosenstein. 

Andy McCabe, Hillary and Comeys whole impeach Trump strategy was always the " F Flynn and F Trump" MO. 

General Flynn would have totally protected the President from any fake Mueller probe. He is a MAGA nationalist and loyalist in the DOD for the President. Flynn had to be removed so Mike Pence fired him on a mere "process" violation - failing to answer 2 questions on a security clearance form totally by omission and mistake. 

Yet it was Mike Pence who thrust the knife into Flynn and this opened the door for the entire Mueller Investigation. Horrendous. 

Add to this Karen Pence's holier than thou and condescending private despising of Donald and Melania Trump and there was already a natural propensity to work privately against our fine POTUS any way.  Mike Pence's allegiances go deep in Washington - long before he met President Trump. 

This incessant inside attack by New World Order (NWO), GOP regulars and DNC hacks is ongoing and represents an underlying difference between the politics and world views of the patriots and the globalists. The President has bravely walked a lonely road in his "America First "nationalist agenda", surrounded by "know it all" elitist GOP RINO - Bushites and trans-nationalists like Mike Pence. But Mike has manged rather well to blend into the background of the West Wing scenery - working his treachery with stealth and alacrity. He only met the President 2 years ago. We always believed his long term decadal friendship with Senators John McCain, Lindsay Graham, Marco Rubio, the Bushes and Romney's would eventually become problematic for the President. 

We are here not to wrongfully attack the VP personally but to investigate his POLITICAL views and actions - domestic and foreign -  as compared to the Make America Great Again strategy of PDJT world views. No other President since John F. Kennedy has been more unjustly maligned and betrayed by 'friends' and 'confidants' in the West Wing than this President but - with our prayers and efforts - this God sent President will totally prevail.

We hope this report has constructive results and sends a warning shot over the bow of Mike and Karen Pence's ambitions, We hope that they would choose loyalty to MAGA "We the People" and PDJT.  That is our prayer. But, if not, in 2020 true conservative nationalists like Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas, Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio, etc. or even Don, Jr. would be a far better choice as VP than the closet NEOCON Bush and McCain loving trans-nationalists Karen and Mike Pence.
We know it will be difficult for some to believe this about Mike because he is such a winsome guy and a devout pro-lifer (reported to have murdered a young boy, a sacrifice to satan), Christian and wonderful family man (??!! - a superficial illusion and deception.  Reports from others state that Pence is a KNOWN pedophile and satan worshipper, and has murdered a young boy in a satanic sacrifice ceremony. Indiana  played a significant part in pedophilia and human slavery trade during Pence's time as governor. Refer to videos below for initial info on this matter):

Please stay tuned as we at InspoNews continue to research for further updates regarding these and other undercurrents that the MSM and even Fox will fail to report to you on this matter. Desire by Federico Cardella


EXCLUSIVE: Infowars Releases Secret FISA Memo

Here’s the reported memo leaked to Infowars

The Tenth Leper.... A Call to Conscience

By Anna Von Reitz

So it begins... 

It was not my intention that America: Some Assembly Required be published on the web.  Within hours of releasing a few copies to trusted friends of the cause, the word came back--- "OMG!  This has to go viral!  Now!!!"  

So the decision was taken, early this morning, in the pre-dawn hours, to release the text and pray to God.... 

Already, Nesara News has released a "doctored" version of it, which you can identify because it mis-spells my name on the title page.  Their version has my name as "Reizinger"----- it's "Riezinger".  It is spelled the opposite of the more common name for a reason.  

Another way you can tell the Nesara version apart from mine is that my address always is properly sent "in care of" a Post Office Box.  I am not a Post Office Box, thank you, very much.  

There are numerous other changes throughout the text, as someone edited it without my permission and released it without my permission.  

So let's be clear---- the "official" version is available on my website:, and if you have a doctored version, I suggest you dump it and get the right one ASAP. 

This is only the beginning of what I fear will be a major attack and attempted piracy of my work online, so be forewarned and forearmed.  There are a lot of people who won't want you to know the truth, and if they can fool you by giving you a doctored copy of something under my name, they will.

I just got off the phone with Anna Von Reitz about this issue and have chased down where the Doctored version of the  book came from. She now knows where the source if the fraud copy came from.

Nesara News did not release a doctored version It came from here:

I am correcting the alternate download to the good one. ~Freewill

Apparently there are old Cabal agents wandering around trying to make use of my name, too.  Just because someone comes to you in my name or gives you something written that appears to be my work---- take care.  Write to me. Call me. Ask.  

The same charlatans that  created this giant sting against our lawful government will be out in full force trying to steal in my name, trying to discredit me, trying to doctor my words, trying to ride on my coat-tails and associate themselves with me, but be forewarned. 

What these people always do, is pretend to be their enemy.  Always. 

Throughout the Gospels there are accounts of Jesus healing whole groups of people, and although they all received the same gift of health and healing, only a few returned to thank him in each group, usually about one in ten was reported as coming back. 

If you are thankful for the information you have received, then be sure to pass on ONLY the actual text of America: Some Assembly Required as I wrote it, warts and all.

And if you want to continue to benefit from the work that I and the members of The Living Law Firm have done and are doing, then lend a hand and make a donation.  America:Some Assembly Required is a small book, but it took two and a half weeks of my life to condense forty-plus years of study into sound-bites, and it took similar chunks our of other's lives as well to deliver this little book into your hands. Men and women have suffered and died to bring this book to you, true Americans, who brought forward their bits and pieces so that it could all be put together at last. 

We could have done as so many others have done before.  We could have chickened out and saved our knowledge for ourselves and just our families and our chosen friends.  We could have left you out and never told you the truth about what has happened to this country and why.   

We could have.  We didn't.  As always, we gave it away, so that it could go viral, so that it could be read by as many people as possible, as quickly as possible. 

How much is this little book worth?  If you are an American, the knowledge is beyond diamonds and pearls.  If you aspire to freedom, if you care about this country--- it is the key to unlocking the chains that bind you, the key to recognizing who is responsible for the malaise that has held our country in thrall for six generations. 

If you live elsewhere in the world, it is the key to understanding what has been done to you and your countries, too, for the same masterminds implemented this same fraud scheme on a worldwide basis--- stealing your identity, voiding your constitutions by deceit, misdirecting your own employees to enslave you, taking title to your land, impersonating you, and on and on. 

It wasn't "America" doing all these bad things all around the world. 

It was Britain and the European hegemony left over from the Holy Roman Empire, working together in collusion and Breach of Trust, secretly controlling and siphoning off the wealth and manpower of this country and using us to enrich themselves and be their gun fodder in endless wars for profit.  

So if you want to blame someone for what has gone on here, blame us for being confused and misled by charlatans operating in Breach of Trust, but blame them for being evil and self-serving and the cause of it all. 

And now, I want to stuff something down the throats of all those whining and crying about my "support" for Trump: he's the first President since JFK that wasn't bought off.  He's the first real American to hold the office of President since 1963. He's the first competent businessman to be elected to the one Office in this country that is supposed to be about business, first, last, and always----in my lifetime.  

Now that you have read America: Some Assembly Required and have the Big Picture firmly in mind, take ten minutes and watch this campaign speech that you probably never heard before and maybe didn't really think about, either, if you did hear it.   President Trump clearly saw the basics of the problem long before I explained the history of it to him.   And now that he has the history, he's the one American in place, able and ready, to put an end to 150 years of European lies and deceit, betrayal by the Church and infamous betrayal and Breach of Trust by the British Monarch who would now be speaking German without us.  

Watch and see why I support Donald J. Trump:

And if you support the gargantuan efforts of unsung heroes laboring all over this country to nail this down, here's my laundry list this week:

1. The single wife of a patriot in jail, sick, losing her home, her husband under false arrest by these cretins, her light bill hasn't been paid.  His research has put the guilty American Bar Association under worldwide lien for $279 trillion dollars. They are trying to kill him as we speak, just as they tried their best to do away with the Bundys and others who had guts enough to speak up.
2. The wife and two small children of a man similarly under false arrest, a researcher who cracked the code and history of the Postal Districts and how they are supposed to operate---and don't.
3. The man who is singularly responsible for proving the continuance of our government is sitting in a little cabin so far out in the woods you couldn't find him with a flashlight, counting pennies to send out the letters that are saving your lives.  His wife and child are suffering with him.
4. A former Bar Attorney who realized what the rats were doing to this country and who immediately tore up his bar card and came to do what's right, lost his home because of it to the illegal foreclosure mill, can't pay for the basics of his life without help from his children.  It's for all of us that he is suffering.
5. A dedicated Paralegal who has devoted her life to informing the Provost Marshals of their liability and charge to guard the American People and deliver their exemptions and guarantee that The Law of Peace is what the American People receive----- her car broke down and she can't do her mission without a $2000 repair.
6. The man who has researched the worst-of-the-worst-of-the-worst mechanized money laundering machine that has been delivering the value of your lives and your labor to the Pope and the Queen and the cretins who have faithlessly operated your government---- it's because of him that we can prove where the money went----take your hats off! --- he is struggling to pay a medical bill and there's no help available for him, his wife, his daughter--- only what I can send.

And yes, I COULD go on.  Every day, as the Paymaster for this operation, I have to make HARD choices about where the pennies and nickles go.  Every day I have to look at and hear the suffering of good people, the groaning of their voices under the scourge of this injustice---- and continue to make those hard choices.  Should a child go without Christmas because a widow needs heat in her house?  

What would you do?  

It's time for the actual enemies of this country and its people to be held to account, and for the "mistaken identity" and Breach of Trust to end, right now. 

If Mr. Trump is a "cowboy" --- then so am I.  

If Cliven Bundy is a "cowboy" ---- then so am I.  

I ride for the brand, and I know what brand it is---- which is a good deal more than a lot of brainless yuppies in L.A. and NYC and the entire National Press Club seem to know.  

So--- it's up to all of you.  

The people who made America: Some Assembly Required both living and dead need your help now.  They need you to wake up.  They need to you take action.  They need you to spread the correct word.  They need you to tackle the Bar Associations.  They need you to help President Trump carry through on his campaign promises.  And yes, some of them need your help to pay the light bill. 

Send emergency donations to: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Post Office Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652 or send via PayPal to: --- and I will do my best to spread whatever butter there is to those who have done the most and those who are in most desperate straits.