Thursday, February 1, 2018

Know Your Enemy

By Anna Von Reitz

Quite apart from the political Mess, what we are fighting throughout the world today is a profane and ancient religion called "Mystery Babylon" in the Bible, and more flatly, in the common tongue, Satanism.  

There are people who worship the Father of All Lies, and they are astonishingly common.  Once you clue into their codes and by-words, they are easy to spot and they are roaming about in broad daylight, "doing what they will".  

Lying and deceit of all kinds is a central part of their religion, along with using perverted sex as a sacrament, infanticide, tree worship, ritual cannibalism, blood-drinking, idol worship -- especially the worship of money, the use of "sacred groves" as ritual sites, the emblem of the owl --- the animal totem of their goddess Semiramis, also known as Isis, Ashtoreth, Astarte, Cybele, and Columbia, also known as the Mother of All Whores and the Great Abomination, the inventor of money and temple prostitution. 

The emblems and statues and temples of this ancient evil are scattered all over the Middle East, North Africa, the Greek Peninsula, the Italian Peninsula, Turkey, Portugal, Spain, even Scotland and the Bohemian Grove in California.  It's extremely widespread because it is a sea-going religion popular among sailors and pirates and traders who carried it world-wide.  It is a death-centered religion that preaches what many consider common sense--- "eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die." 

In their view, there is no value in virtue.  None at all.  And no logical reason to be virtuous, either.  Just get down and wallow in every sin and "enjoy" yourself by indulging in alcohol and drugs and sex and death and pollution of every kind, lie every lie, experience every perversion, serve yourself first and devil take the hindmost.  There's no heaven and no hell, just a short rope and a long jump. 

So now that you know what you are up against, it will make more sense to realize that the people you have relied upon to promote justice have promoted just the opposite.  The people you have trusted to protect you have often been your greatest threat.  The people you trusted to heal your illnesses, have often been perverted into being the purveyors and cause agents of illness.  There is a reason that the world so often appears to be upside down and backwards--- and it all comes back to the somewhat-hidden practitioners of this ancient and evil religion, who see it as their duty to their "god" to pervert and corrupt and twist and mirror and mock every virtue, destroy every truth, and promote every lie.  

As you would expect of a religion that profoundly values deceit of all kinds, even the nature of their religion is duplicitous and deceitful, wrapped up in layers of "mystery" because if they exposed the "secret" up front, nobody would attend their meetings and get sucked into their institutionalized criminality and mental illness. 

It has to be a "mystery"--- a "secret"--- "the way to power"----and they can't afford to tell you that 90% of it is old Egyptian sex magic and drugs liberally applied and the results then photographed to produce material for blackmail.  That's it.  The big "mystery" of Mystery Babylon---- sex, drugs, and blackmail. 

So, instead, this is how they work their schtick.  They recruit a broad spectrum of  idealistic young people, most of whom have been turned off by conventional religion or who have had no exposure to religion at all, and they lure these kids in and evaluate them carefully.  Those that appear to be obdurately good are placed on one path, and those that prove susceptible to their wiles, on another.  

The purpose of the Good Path is to provide cover for all the rest of what goes on. The storefront angels are tasked to do silly, innocent things and good works in their respective communities, so that everyone accepts the presence of these secret societies as something innocuous (as some fraternal organizations actually are) or arguably good.  And the beauty of it is, that those on the Good Path are never told anything different.  Their initiations are all innocent and they can go bobble about doing good works and earnestly believing that what they are involved in is perfectly nice and respectable and sane.  

Those on the other path are quickly feasted upon as sex objects and compromised on film and otherwise, in ways that they will never, ever, to their dying day tell anyone what they have done or what has been done to them, either. 

And just to make sure, they are given plenty of notice and examples of what happens to anyone who tries to leave the pirate ship to Hell. 

This bifurcation into Two Ways, or Paths, and the compartmentalization of knowledge into levels of initiation is their way of protecting their crime and sin syndicate, putting on a nice face to the public with one side of the operation, and enrolling new fodder for the sex and drug and influence peddling on the other. 

There are drugs that make people extremely horny and potent, drugs that make them feel very powerful, drugs that give them super-endurance, drugs that make them hallucinate, drugs that make them susceptible to hypnotic suggestion, drugs that turn mousy little girls into wanton vampire-like creatures and young boys into killing machines.  All this has been known since Ancient Egypt.  It's nothing new. 

It is, as they say, old as the hills---and yet, people go about their lives and duck their heads and pretend not to know anything at all about it.  Satanism?  Here? What???  Temple prostitution?  In this day and age?  Huh?  

Their "churches" dot the landscape in every hamlet and village in America and Europe, so it is high time we paid attention to their existence and their beliefs and their practices -- their modus operandi -- how they operate.  

So I just told you how they structure their basic organization, why they structure it that way, what the big "mystery" is--- drugs, sex, and blackmail--- how they work things incrementally, exposing the "mystery" only to those initiates that are susceptible, how they compartmentalize knowledge in order to keep control, and how they use fear of various kinds to keep control once they have someone hooked. 

That's the Big Picture.  Now zero down and look at some of their techniques.  If you have been following along I've been pointing out their methods all along, so that you could look and see for yourselves.  These people are utterly predictable once you know what to look for. 

1. The pot always calls the kettle black.  This old saying aptly describes their practice of accusing everyone else of what they are doing themselves, so as to keep attention focused on some other poor schmuck, and not on what they are doing.  When someone raises their hand and points out any potential danger or threat, we are hard-wired to immediately focus our attention in that direction.  It is automatic--- and in that instant while our attention is diverted looking for the non-existent evil, the real evil is playing its hand or escaping out the back door. The present tempest over Donald Trump's supposed "Russia connection" is a good example.  Who actually sold the Russians 20% of American Uranium?  Hillary Clinton.  

2. They pretend to be their enemies, so that their enemies get blamed for their wrong-doing.  For example, they pretend to be Orthodox Jews, grow beards, wear prayer shawls, join the synagogue, and use this false identity to commit crimes-- literally creating a "synagogue of Satan".  They do the same thing with the Catholics and the Muslims and the Mormons, abusing the positions of trust they gain in these communities and ultimately discrediting the host group.  This is part of their stock and trade--- and in order to pull it off, they have to be accomplished actors.  They have to appear to be more Catholic than Catholic, more Muslim than Muslim, more Republican than Republican.  So look hard and long at the most "devout" and doctrinaire and strict members of every group, the ones who are most vehement, most sanctimonious--- and what you will often find, is a Satanist hamming it up and going a little overboard in his or her role playing. 

3. They pretend that their enemies are them, so that their enemies get blamed for their wrong-doing. This is just the reciprocal of the process described above, only AFTER they have managed to defame their target group---- and we just had an example of it.  The Jesuits have lately been discredited and identified as defenders of pedophiles, so the vermin try to promote the idea that I am a Jesuit in an effort to smear me and discredit my work. 

4. The skunk always smells its own hole first --- this frontier saying is yet another reminder to look closely at the ways and means of those bringing accusations against others.  Often, though not always, people know about crimes and other ugly things because they or someone close to them was involved, so it is wise to consider those possibilities and not assume that every whistle blower is innocent. 

5. The process of "mirroring" and appearing to be someone or something other than what they are or what they are talking about is endemic and applies to far more than just their practice of assuming the identity of their victims as discussed in the Synagogue of Satan example above.  They deliberately confuse other things as well --- I just discussed a bunch of these things in my new book---deliberate semantic deceits designed to fool people into making false assumptions, like calling a private for-profit commercial corporation the "United States of America", or creating two things, one called the "Exchange Stabilization Fund" and one called the "Economic Security Fund" --- both abbreviated "ESF" --- and then carrying on "private conversations" in which one is substituted for the other, and the actual subject of the conversation is hidden in plain sight. 

6.  They also purposefully mis-state and mis-represent things in other ways as well.  One of the classic ruses used by dishonest lawyers is to take things out of context or to employ one of the semantic deceits described above to make it appear that the victim said something they didn't really say, and then disprove the deliberately falsified information.  That is, they create a lie, disprove their own lie, and then take credit for appearing to "de-bunk" their victim.  Larry Becraft has done that to my work and left the world a fine example of this on his "crackpot" website. Everything he alleges about what I supposedly said is a lie--- a deliberate "misunderstanding" resulting in falsification -- that he then disproves, and takes credit for disproving.  This is done to discredit me, but when the truth comes out and he is held to account for it, he magically disappears and won't reply.  This is also typical.  This is called "dropping the Hot Potato" in hopes of not getting burned further by the truth.  Silence is a Satanist's form of damage control. Take note of when a lawyer falls silent. 

7. The basic rules and premises of propaganda and Yellow Journalism are all taken from the Satanist religion, too.  The most enduring and favorite propaganda technique used by these Jokers is called The Big Lie.  You just choose something hugely false and hugely helpful to yourself and keep repeating it and repeating it and repeating it in as many different ways and in as many different venues as possible.  The classic is, "Sally isn't wearing underpants."  --- Pretty soon, everyone "knows" that Sally isn't wearing underpants and it makes no difference at all whether she actually is or isn't.  It's "common knowledge"--- and you can guess what such knowledge is worth.  Whatever you think you know--- start questioning how you know it?  Where did that "knowledge" come from?  Who or what does the belief in that knowledge benefit?  These hideously destructive taken-for-granted truisms are foisted off on gullible people every day and there are endless examples of it: Donald Trump is insane, black men are sex-crazed, rape victims asked for it, North Korea is a military threat, the Earth is over-populated, Global Warming is a fact, CO2 is the cause of Global Warming....   "Everyone" believes these things, right?  "Everyone" can't be wrong, can they?  Well, yes, they can be wrong and they can be downright purposeful self-interested liars, too, which is what Satanists are: Liars.  The world is full of them. They infest every newsroom I know of, endlessly churning out false, slanted "news" calculated to control and direct "public opinion".  If you don't want to be victims, wise up and take control of your own opinions. 

8. Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" is just plagiarism of "The Devil's Handbook"-- a weighty tome created in 16th century Scotland as a training manual for Admiralty Attorneys.  The only original thought Alinsky contributed was to use the same principles of evil in an organized way in political contexts.  Remember that I said Satanism was a religion popular among sailors and pirates?  Well, so, it makes sense that it infests the Law of the Sea and the traditions of the Admiralty and the Navies of the world, whose members are famous for enjoying "Liberty"---the wild sexual melee that happens when ships hit shore and sailors meet hookers, just as their land-locked brethren enjoy orgies of all kinds.  

9.  In politics, Satanism results in open, obvious, glaring falsehood.  For example, the Democratic Party has for decades positioned itself as the champion of the common man, the little guy, the underpaid workers, the poor blacks and Hispanics.  But in fact, the Democratic Party fought giving black people the vote tooth and nail, and bilked the Social Security Fund and lied through its teeth about its own actions when called to account.  Last night, President Trump announced that black and Hispanic unemployment was at an all time low--- (granted, there was no proof offered)--- yet, doesn't it strike you as strange that the Democrats weren't on their feet, cheering and clapping and smiling?  It's not about actually being the champions of the poor or the elderly or the working class.  For Satanists, it is all about appearing to be the champions while actually bilking the treasury and making sure that the "constituency" continues to be poor and downtrodden. It doesn't take rocket science to figure out why so many Democrats took increased employment for blacks and Hispanics as bad news.  

This is just a smattering of what is staring you right in the face, twisting your government, infesting your pulpits, thwarting your news organizations, ruling your "pop culture", destroying your health and in too many cases, destroying your ability and willingness to think.  

And this, no less than knowing your actual American history, is part of your wake up call.   

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:

Intel Report - Tom Heneghan, Stew Webb (2-1-18)

Intel Report - Tom Heneghan, Stew Webb
February 1 2018 

We got Obama for treason now with this memo!
He spied on Trump using a foreign power - the British!

The following article and video must be shared everywhere right NOW!  Tom goes over why this document puts Obama and others in jail.  It's beyond treason to use a foreign power to spy on a citizen much less an elected President!  

Tom and Stew have told their listeners for many months this is what happened and now we have the proof!  This changes everything!  This was done to try to keep Obama's hands clean since he was breaking the law but now it's been leaked!   

All traitor media are censoring this so we need everybody to post to their Facebook, Twitter and send to all your email lists and tell them to do the same.  This puts Obama in jail where he belongs!   Tom and Stew go over much more in this update.   

Share this harder than you've ever shared anything and people go to jail!  Tom and Stew want to thank you for all the support you have been giving them!
Intel Report - Tom Heneghan, Stew Webb (2-1-18) 

The FBI has sent 5 agents to the White House to threaten the President into not releasing this memo. This happened this morning.



With the stupidity of so many Californians that have been interviewed as of late, this could actually happen -- especially in these Sanctuary Cities. ha ha  :0) 


When southern Florida resident Nathan Radlich's house was burglarized recently, thieves ignored his wide screen plasma TV, his VCR, and even left his Rolex watch.

What they did take, however, was a white box filled with a grayish-white powder.......

(That's the way the police report described it.)

A spokesman for the Fort Lauderdale police said that it looked similar to high grade cocaine and they'd probably thought they'd hit the big time.

Later, Nathan stood in front of numerous TV cameras and pleaded with the burglars:

'Please return the cremated remains of my sister, Gertrude. She died three years ago.'

The next morning, the bullet-riddled corpse of a local drug dealer known as Hoochie Pevens was found on Nathan's doorstep. The white box was there, too.  About half of Gertrude's ashes remained. 
Scotch taped to the box was this note which said:  "Hoochie sold us the bogus blow so we wasted Hoochie. Sorry we snorted your sister. No hard feelings. Have a nice day."

And you thought California was the land of fruits and nuts.

Don't like guns?; Don't buy one! There now, wasn't that simple.

Si vis pacem, para bellum

The only difference between communism and socialism

Whether to Laugh or to Cry

By Anna Von Reitz

I suppose if I were a Jesuit tonight I would be highly amused and there is no doubt that I would be laughing--- loudly----at the apparently universal assumption among the Innocent that if anyone is familiar with such things as black magic, trust law, ecclesiastical law, canon law--- well!  They MUST be a Jesuit......

In fact, if anyone is smart and worldly at all.... they must either be a Jesuit or have been trained by Jesuits.  

That is the universal assumption--- and what an unwitting compliment to them, even if it isn't true.  

Jesuits have a well-deserved reputation as the Hit Men of the Roman Catholic Church.  Please observe, America, that I said very precisely--- "Roman Catholic Church"----- not to be confused with the "Universal Catholic Church".  

Two different things, just like "The United States of America" is not the same as "the United States of America".  

You have to --sooner or later-- develop the eyes and ears to see and to hear.... for your own sake and for the sake of the whole world.  

I released my new book, and, like magic, here's all the same old crap again.

All the Sophists and Bar Members are in full hue and cry, and well they might be, for I have exposed them and worse, have exposed their means of misleading people. 

Not only do they habitually pretend to BE their enemies, they pretend that their enemies are them. It's really kind of fun once you figure that out, like walking through a hall of mirrors and knowing that if they say one thing, it means the exact opposite.  

So now, I "must be" a Jesuit..... tell me, then, why would I expose the role and responsibility of the Popes in all the deplorable mis-administration of the American National Trust?  Call them out for being in Breach of Trust?  That's a rather chilling charge to bring against the Authors of all Trusts, is it not?  

Why would I enlighten all of you about the existence of the Unum Sanctum Trust? How many ever heard of it before I blew the cover story?  

The history of Mystery Babylon? 

Why would I reveal that the Statue of Liberty is an idol honoring the Sumerian goddess known as Ashtoreth, Semiramis, Isis, Astarte, Cybele and.... Columbia, as in District of Columbia....also known as the Great Abomination and the Mother of All Whores?    

No Jesuit in their right mind has ever told you one word about any of that, have they?  That's not their job, and if you knew anything at all about Jesuits, you would know why.  You would know the story of Ignatius Loyola and the Spanish Conquest.  And no, you would not mistake me for one of them.  

The Jesuits serve the Popes.  It's their job to go where he tells them to go, and do whatever he tells them to do.  Let's see if you have all progressed to the point where you can add two plus two..... how can we have a Jesuit Pope?  

Get your thinking caps on, people, and read my Letter to Cardinal George where I very precisely identify exactly who and what I am, for him and for you --- a member of the "Universal Catholic Church" --- not the Roman Catholic Church.  I am in fact, what you would all think of as a Protestant---- an Evangelical Lutheran. 

There are others equally skilled as the Jesuits.  There are others who have considered and learned and traveled all the paths of the Netherworld. The vaunted famous Jesuits aren't the only ones who have the records and know the past, nor are they the only ones who can reason and think, who can use logic and grammar as weapons. 

As it turns out for all of you, it's a good thing that there are people like me, who aren't Jesuits and who aren't obligated to cover up for the failures and wrong-doings of the Holy See.  Without us, your entire country would be set up for sale like a giant flea market to pay the debts of Mystery Babylon.  

If you have any sense, get on your knees and thank Our Father in Heaven that people who don't owe you a dime, who don't owe you a drop of sweat--- have spent their lives and risked their lives to protect you and yours, from the day of the Crucifixion onward. 

And whether the sheep fear the Shepherd or run for shelter while he stands in the way of the wolves, is indeed up to the sheep.  I suppose I should expect no better response from people who are confused and ignorant and in harm's way.  How do they know, but by the fruits?  And what fruits can they see, except what has been shown to them?  

Still, the next time that someone says that I am a Jesuit--- you all have my permission to cut them off at the knees and hit the delete button.

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:


Adding to the credibility of the theory they were fleeing a threat is the fact that they had family members aboard the train, including children that should have been in school.


UPDATE: CONFIRMED - They did not turn back, they continued on to the safe facility in buses, including the injured. THAT THERE ALONE SAYS IT ALL.

Here's the story, which is all now 100 percent confirmed. A majority of Republican congressmen who voted to release the Fisa memo, which exposes an enormous amount of deep state corruption, were on an escorted train when they were supposed to be in session, with all roads closed ahead of the train (for security reasons) and the train receiving helicopter escort.
Despite all the roads being closed, the train hit a garbage truck while going 70 mph. The front wheels of the front engine derailed, but the rear wheels stayed on the tracks. With all the roads closed for security reasons, the only way the garbage truck could have gotten in the way of the train would be if it was done intentionally.
Even some Congressmen are now saying the accident had to have been staged, and that it was an attempt to kill a large number of congressmen who voted to release the memo. Large numbers of deaths would have occurred if the train did derail, (as planned) but with the will of God it mostly stayed on the tracks and none of the cars or engines tipped over. If that had happened at 70 MPH the results would have been devastating.

HEADS UP: Rogue factions in the United States government are attempting a violent coup with "plausible deniability. Fortunately only minor injuries happened, but having this end up being minor defies all probability, it was supposed to be a disaster and it was definitely, without question, not an accident.

My original coverage of this topic follows:


Uh oh! "Choppers were following the train and the rail road crossings were supposed to be shut down for the senators to have priority per Rachel Campos Duffy, wife of Sean Duffy R-WI on Fox"


The photos of the accident scene are a little misleading, the train in fact hit the dump truck at the prior crossing, and carried it to the next crossing. the train did not just stop on a dime.




Most likely the train was sent into a truck that had been hijacked via remote and driven with precision straight into the train's path. UPDATE: It is now confirmed the train did not hit the brakes, which means they were probably disabled via remote.

UPDATE: It now appears that TWO trucks were involved. The initial hit was an 18 wheeler, and the second hit was a dump truck at a different crossing. That is why the dump truck is close to where the train stopped. This still needs confirmation, but it is the only thing that matches reports, senators are saying there were two impacts, and they are reporting the big hit was a semi. Two separate trucks is not yet confirmed.


UPDATE: The attack was (SORT OF) a failure. It is obvious the deep state wanted a 70 MPH derailment so the cars would flip and kill people. That did not happen, the train stayed on the tracks. UPDATE: People are speculating that the truck was electronically hijacked and shut off when it was on the tracks. I'd say that is highly plausible. Here's how that would be done: The train's location and speed is known. All the garbage trucks have chips in them to let central management know where they are. So the speed of the train and the velocity of the truck was matched (via remote) to create a collision where it looked like the truck driver was trying to beat the train. He's dead and can't speak up. Case closed.
Everyone was thrown from their seats, and there are mixed reports about injuries, people who were on the train are tweeting that many people got head injuries because the impact was severe, and that one has a broken leg. Rumor that the train engineer is dead. Confirmed the truck driver is dead. That way he can't talk.
This is an obvious setup. The train hit a very heavy truck. Since it was a fleet vehicle it overwhelmingly probably had a tracking chip, and anything less than 14 years old now can be controlled via remote. OBVIOUS: After Trump's state of the union success and memo release, a hit was put out on Republican lawmakers and someone sent the Amtrak they were on into a truck in an effort to kill as many as possible, all at once. They were on their way to a retreat on a specially chartered Amtrak, all in one place at the same time, and someone made an attempt to kill as many as possible. I am gathering details now.
Folks, this is an obvious setup. There's no way such an event happened by accident with such perfect timing, THIS IS AN OBVIOUS SETUP, someone wanted as many Republican lawmakers taken out of commission as possible, all with "plausible deniability."





State of the union comment:

After pondering exactly what happened in the state of the Union address, it is pretty obvious the Democrats are finished if we can prevent the 2018 elections from being rigged. There's no question they are out, and there is good reason to say that. Without attacking any political opponents, Trump presented situations, examples, and solutions to problems which will be acid on the Democrats that will eat them all the way through, because they are traitors to the United states, and Trump boxed them in with no escape, simply by stating realities that prove what they really are. They are doomed.
With the craftsmanship of a fine watch maker, Trump proved, without even saying it, that the Democrats don't hate him, they hate the United States and are against him only because he is trying to save America from a destruction they set up. And he did it in a way that they can't issue a rebuttal for because facts that even morons know prove Trump out. Facts that even the most limp wristed commie twisted snowflake knows prove Trump out. The dems are dead.

Here's how "bad" it was.

I learned something from this - that a lot of "trolls" on social media are not paid. Some of them are actual people. This was proven after the state of the union speech when people I recognized as "rabid trolls" against Trump FLIPPED AFTER THE STATE OF THE UNION, and were saying things like "wow, that was shocking, I never knew" and "gee, that made a lot of sense, he's right" and "I think I am a Republican now". The state of the union was a phenomenon that traitors to America will only overcome with murder and blatant theft. They lost a huge amount of their base last night. We know they are up to murder and theft, and now need to stand our guard and make sure the will of the people is realized.
Jan 30 2018

Stormy Daniels has issued a new statement saying she is denying having an affair with Trump not because of a settlement but because "it never happened."

After hammering home the greatest State of the Union in American history, the President has announced that the FISA memo will be released in it's entireity, and I assume that means NO REDACTIONS. He said this as he was walking out of the SOTU.



What Is QAnon? What Is The Storm? What Is Next?

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Most will not be able to handle what is revealed…

Sample of a Mandatory FSIA Notice

By Anna Von Reitz

I am getting a lot of frantic people who have been approached by the vermin who can't figure out how to do a simple (but mandatory) FISA Notice, so I concocted an "example" of how such a Notice might appear to give them an idea.  

Obviously, this is just an example that would need to be re-worked for each individual and each individual case.  People need to put their own names and data into such a Notice, their own addresses, etc.  This just shows the basic form of how such a Notice can be done.  

This is the first thing that needs to be put in place the moment people are approached by the hired Help, including any of the foreign municipal or territorial courts.  This is the reply to make to their services and summons.  Flag them off by making a reply (so they can't say you evaded anything or showed them contempt) and giving them proper NOTICE that you are not "acting as" or in the capacity of one of them. 

Here is the link to the document:

Train Carrying Republican Lawmakers to Retreat Crashes Into Truck

The train crashed into a garbage truck near Crozet, Va., on Wednesday. Credit Zack Wajsgrasu/The Daily Progress, via Associated Press
WASHINGTON — An Amtrak train carrying Republican lawmakers to their annual policy retreat crashed into a large truck in rural Virginia on Wednesday, killing one of the truck’s passengers.

Two other passengers from the truck were injured — one seriously — and taken to a hospital. Two members of the train’s crew and three passengers, including Representative Jason Lewis, Republican of Minnesota, were also taken to a hospital with minor injuries.

The crash occurred around 11:20 a.m. about 10 miles northwest of Charlottesville. By early afternoon, the train was on its way back to Charlottesville, where buses were waiting to finish the trip. The National Transportation Safety Board was investigating.

Republicans had chartered the train to carry them from Washington to the Greenbrier resort in West Virginia, where the party is holding its annual policy retreat through Friday. Several lawmakers who were aboard the train estimated that more than half of the Republican members of the House and Senate, including Speaker Paul D. Ryan, were on board, many with spouses.

Mr. Ryan spoke by phone with President Trump to update him after the crash, White House officials said.

The crash was a jarring start to an annual tradition that is intended to let lawmakers escape the noise of the Capitol for a few days to socialize and set priorities for the coming year. This year’s retreat is scheduled to include remarks by Mr. Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and other members of the Cabinet.

Instead, lawmakers still tired from attending Tuesday night’s State of the Union address found themselves staring out the window at a violent crash scene, wondering if anyone had been hurt as what appeared to be a large, white garbage truck lay mangled on its side. The trailer of the truck was separated from its cab during the collision and garbage was strewn in all directions around the vehicle.
“It was a pretty shocking event,” said Representative Tom Cole of Oklahoma, who was seated in the last car of the train and had a clear view through the window. Mr. Cole was standing in the aisle at the time of impact and managed to stay on his feet, but others were knocked to the floor.

Senator Bill Cassidy, a first-term Republican from Louisiana, said he was sleeping when a loud noise and jarring motion awoke him. He saw fellow lawmakers and staff members knocked over in the train’s center aisle.
“I’m a physician and when you are a physician you are aware that at any moment bad things can happen,” Mr. Cassidy said in an interview later.
A group including Mr. Cassidy, Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona and a handful of former doctors, including Representatives Brad Wenstrup of Ohio, Michael C. Burgess of Texas, Phil Roe of Tennessee, Larry Buschon of Indiana and Roger Marshall of Kansas all raced backward through the train to find an exit. Mr. Cassidy’s wife, a retired doctor, as well as a House doctor soon joined them. So did Mr. Buschon’s wife, Kathryn, an anesthesiologist; she tried unsuccessfully to intubate one of the victims.

Mr. Cole watched them stream through his car one by one and argue with Amtrak personnel to let them disembark.

“They were demanding, ‘Get me off this train,’” he said in an interview. “We weren’t going to stop them.”

“You think of them as members of Congress, but they’re trained physicians,” he added. “They really wanted off this train.”

At the crash site, Mr. Cassidy said, it was quickly clear that one of the three men who had been riding in the truck was already dead. From inside, Mr. Cole could see a tarp pulled over the man. Another was on his feet, hurt but not seriously.
Mr. Cassidy said he and the others focused on a third man in serious condition. They lifted his legs to try to get blood to his head and heart. Another performed CPR. Eventually paramedics arrived to take the man to the hospital.

“We worked on him for about 20 minutes, and then put him on a stretcher and carried him to the ambulance,” Mr. Flake said.

Authorities did not immediately identity the truck’s passengers. The mangled truck indicated that it belonged to Time Disposal, a waste and recycling collection service that operates in the area.

For lawmakers like Mr. Flake, the episode brought back memories of another still-fresh tragedy: when a lone gunman opened fire on members of the congressional baseball team last June, gravely wounding Representative Steve Scalise of Louisiana, members of the Capitol Police and a lobbyist.

“It was all too reminiscent of the baseball shooting,” Mr. Flake said. “Similar type of feeling.”

By the time the train was moving again, Mr. Cassidy said, the mood was somber.
“I don’t think anybody’s gathered their thoughts as to what to do next,” he said.

In a statement after the crash, the group putting on the conference said the retreat would proceed mostly as planned. The retreat would now include a moment of prayer for the victims, as well as a security briefing from the House sergeant-at-arms and the Capitol Police.

Franklin Graham: ‘We Are In A Coup D’etat….They Are Using The Media’

Prominent Christian leader Franklin Graham said he believes the country is already in the throes of a coup d’etat. Graham also said that those attempting to overthrow the government are using the media, not bullets, to achieve their goals.

“I believe we are in a coup d’etat,” Franklin Graham said last week on the Todd Starnes Radio Show. “There are people in this country who are wanting to destroy the president and take over the government by force.” Graham and other Christian conservatives have been targets of the bias and liberal weaponized propaganda we often refer to as “the mainstream media.”

They are not going to use bullets. They are using the media – to plant thoughts in people’s minds that he’s incompetent, that he’s dangerous, that you can’t trust him with nuclear weapons, that he is mentally unstable,” Graham said.  According to Fox News, many prominent Christians have been accused of hypocrisy for backing a man who is accused of cheating on his wife and using profanity.

“I have a very simple admonition at this point,” Michael Steele said on MSNBC’s Hardball. “Just shut the hell up and don’t ever preach to me about anything ever again. I don’t want to hear it.” Steele, the former head of the Republican National Committee, was furious at evangelicals. “After telling me how to live my life, who to love, what to believe, what not to believe, what to do and what not to do and now you sit back and the prostitutes don’t matter? The grabbing the you-know-what doesn’t matter? The outright behavior and lies don’t matter? Just shut up.”

But Graham isn’t the only person who’s made mention that the deep state is already attempting to remove Donald Trump. Roger Stone listed the steps the deep state will attempt in detail, calling them Plan A, Plan B, and Plan C.
The Deep State’s “Plan A,” is the imploding “investigation” into alleged “Russian collusion” by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, said Stone. If and when that fails, which Stone suggested was likely and soon, the establishment would move to “Plan B.” In essence, Plan B would involve trying to get a majority of Trump’s cabinet to declare him unfit for office. This would allow Trump to be removed under the U.S. Constitution’s 25th AmendmentThis scheme is also going to most likely fail, Stone said. Last but not least, though, Stone warned of “Plan C,” which is killing the president.   –SHTFPlan


Some  people left their car in the long-term parking at San Jose while away, and  someone broke into the car. Using the information on the car's  registration in the glove compartment, they drove the car to the  people's home in Pebble Beach and robbed it.  So I guess if we are going to leave the car in long-term parking, we  should NOT leave the registration/insurance cards in it, nor your remote  garage door opener. This gives us something to think about with all our  new electronic technology.  
2. GPS: 
Someone had their car broken into  while they were at a football game. Their car was parked on the  green which was adjacent to the football  stadium and specially allotted to football fans. Things stolen from the  car included a garage door remote control, some money and a GPS which had  been prominently mounted on the dashboard. When the victims got  home, they found that their house had been ransacked and just  about everything worth anything had been  stolen. The thieves had used the GPS to guide them to the house.  They then used the garage remote control  to open the garage door and gain entry to the house. The thieves  knew the owners were at the football  game, they knew what time the game was scheduled to finish and so  they
knew how much time they had to clean  out the house. It would appear that they had brought a truck to  empty
 the house of its contents. Something  to consider if you have a GPS - don't put your home address in it.  Put a nearby address (like a store or  gas station) so you can still find your way home if you need to, but no  one else would know where you live if  your GPS were stolen. 
I  never thought of this! This lady has now changed her habit of how she  lists her names on her cell phone  after her handbag was  stolen. Her handbag, which contained her cell phone, credit card, wallet,  etc., was stolen. Twenty minutes later when  she called her hubby, from a pay phone telling him what had happened,  hubby says, "I received your text asking about our Pin number and I've  replied a little while ago." When they  rushed down to the  bank, the bank staff told them all the money was already withdrawn. The  thief had actually used the stolen cell phone to text  "hubby" in the contact list and got hold of the pin number. Within 20  minutes he had withdrawn all the money from  their bank account. 
Moral lesson: 
a. Do not disclose the relationship  between you and the people in your contact list. Avoid using names  like Home, Honey, Hubby, Sweetheart, Dad,  Mom, etc.
b.. And very importantly, when  sensitive info is being asked through texts, CONFIRM by calling  back.
c. Also, when you're being texted by friends or family to meet  them somewhere, be sure to call back to
  confirm that the message came from them. If  you don't reach them, be very careful about going places to meet  "family and friends" who text  you. 
A lady went grocery-shopping at a  local mall and left her purse sitting in the children's seat of the cart  while she reached something off a shelf/ Wait  till you read the WHOLE story! Her wallet was stolen, and she reported  it to the store personnel. After  returning home, she received a phone call from the Mall Security
to  say that they
 had her wallet and that although  there was no money in it, it did still hold her personal papers. She  immediately went to pick up her wallet, only to  be told by Mall Security that they had not called her. By the time she  returned home again, her house had been  broken into and burglarized. The thieves knew that by calling and saying  they were Mall Security, they could lure  her out of her house long enough for them to burglarize it. 
Even if this does not pertain to you,  please let your family and friends know so they don't get  caught in a scam

Donald Trump's Funniest Insults and Comebacks

Donald Trump's 
Funniest Insults and Comebacks


Q Says #SONGBIRD McCabe 
Hunted by FBISS