Thursday, October 4, 2018

Uranium One: FBI Refuses To Release Three-Dozen Secret Memos Involving Clintons, Russia And Obama

Source: Zero Hedge

The FBI has refused to declassify 37 pages of materials related to the Uranium One deal, citing national security and the privacy issues, reports The Hill's John Solomon. The documents are thought to contain information regarding then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's involvement, as well as the Obama administration's knowledge of the controversial deal.
The existence of the documents became known after a recent Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) release of related material contained an entry entitled "Uranium One Transaction." The publicly available portion includes benign material, such as public letters from members of Congress who demanded information on the Uranium One approval.
Perhaps the FBI’s unexpected “release” — and I use that word loosely, since they gave up no public information of importance — in the FOIA vault was a warning flare designed to remind America there might be evidence worth looking at.
One former U.S. official, who had access to the evidence shared with CFIUS during the Uranium One deal, said this to me: “There is definitely material that would be illuminating to the issues that have been raised. Somebody should fight to make it public.”
That somebody could be President Trump, who could add these 37 pages of now-secret documents to his declassification order he is considering in the Russia case. -The Hill
William Campbell and the FBI 
In October of 2017, John Solomon and Alison Spann broke the story of former CIA and FBI undercover agent, William D Campbell - who remained unnamed until this year. Campbell was deeply embedded in the Russian nuclear industry while Robert Mueller was the Director of the FBI - which paid him a $51,000 "thank you" award for his service.
For several years my relationship with the CIA consisted of being debriefed after foreign travel,” Campbell noted in his testimony, which was obtained by this reporter. “Gradually, the relationship evolved into the CIA tasking me to travel to specific countries to obtain specific information. In the 1990’s I developed a working relationship with Kazakhstan and Russia in their nuclear energy industries. When I told the CIA of this development, I was turned over to FBI counterintelligence agents.” 
While undercover, Campbell was forced by the Russians (with the FBI's blessing) to launder large sums of money - which allowed the FBI to uncover a massive Russian "nuclear money laundering apparatus." Campbell claims to have collected over 5,000 documents along with video evidence of money being stuffed into suitcases, Russians bragging about bribing the West, and millions of dollars routed to the Clinton foundation. 
The evidence was compiled as Secretary Clinton courted Russia for better relations, as her husband former President Clinton collected a $500,000 speech payday in Moscow, and as the Obama administration approved the sale of a U.S. mining company, Uranium One, to Rosatom. -The Hill
Campbell initially discovered that Moscow had compromised an Maryland-based uranium trucking firm, Transport Logistics International (TLI) in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act – which bribed a Russian nuclear official in exchange for a contract transport Russian-mined U.S. uranium, including "yellowcake" uranium secured in the Uranium One deal.
He delivered bribes from TLI in $50,000 increments to Russian nuclear official Vadim Mikerin of Tenex. Under orders from the FBI in order to maintain his cover, Campbell fronted hundreds of thousands of dollars he says he was never reimbursed for. As a result of Campbell's work, TLI co-president Mark Lambert was charged in an 11-count indictment in connection with the scheme, while Vadim Mikerin, who resides in Maryland, was prosecuted in 2015 and handed a four-year sentence.
Second, Campbell says that Russian nuclear officials revealed a scheme to route millions of dollars to the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) through lobbying firm ARPCO, which was expected to funnel a portion of its annual $3 million lobbying fee to the charity.
“The contract called for four payments of $750,000 over twelve months. APCO was expected to give assistance free of charge to the Clinton Global Initiative as part of their effort to create a favorable environment to ensure the Obama administration made affirmative decisions on everything from Uranium One to the U.S.-Russia Civilian Nuclear Cooperation agreement.“ -William Campbell
Campbell told Congressional investigators that the Uranium One deal along with billions in other uranium contracts inside the United States during the Obama administration was part of a "Russian uranium dominance strategy" involving Tenex and its American arm Tenem - both subsidiaries of state-owned Russian energy company Rosatom.
“The emails and documents I intercepted during 2010 made clear that Rosatom’s purchase of Uranium One – for both its Kazakh and American assets – was part of Russia’s geopolitical strategy to gain leverage in global energy markets,” he testified.  “I obtained documentary proof that Tenex was helping Rosatom win CFIUS approval, including an October 6, 2010 email …  asking me specifically to help overcome opposition to the Uranium One deal.”
“Rosatom/Tenex threw a party to celebrate, which was widely attended by American nuclear industry officials. At the request of the FBI, I attended and recorded video footage of Tenam’s new offices,” he added.
Officials with APCO - the lobbying firm accused of funneling the money to the Clinton Global Initiative, told The Hill that its support for CGI and its work for Russia were not connected in any way, and involved different divisions of the firm.
What did Obama know?
As Solomon notes, a giant question remains that may be solved by the release of the 37-pages of classified information; what did the Obama administration know about this?
Did the FBI notify then-President Obama, Hillary Clinton and other leaders on the CFIUS board about Rosatom’s dark deeds before the Uranium One sale was approved, or did the bureau drop the ball and fail to alert policymakers?
Neither outcome is particularly comforting. Either the United States, eyes wide open, approved giving uranium assets to a corrupt Russia, or the FBI failed to give the evidence of criminality to the policymakers before such a momentous decision. -The Hill
Campbell says that his FBI handlers assured him that Obama had been briefed by then-FBI Diretor Mueller on Rosatom's criminal activities as part of the president's daily briefing, however "politics" was the reason that the sale was approved anyway.
Smearing Campbell
After Solomon broke the Campbell story, Democrats viciously attacked Campbell, a cancer-stricken man showered by praise by the Obama administration at a 2016 celebration dinner in Crystal City, VA. Since his undercover work in Russia, Campbell has undergone 35 intensive radiation treatments after being diagnosed with brain cancer and leukemia.
Michael Isikoff of Yahoo News wrote an article slamming Campbell - saying he would be a "disaster" as a witness because some of his claims could not be documented, an anonymous source told Isikoff (Isikoff's Yahoo News article was used by the FBI to support the FISA spy warrant on Trump aide Carter Page, after Isikoff was fed information by Christopher Steele).
Meanwhile, in a move which can only be interpreted as an effort to protect the FBI, the Obama administration and the Clintons, AG Jeff Sessions and Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein even tried to suggest the nuclear bribery case uncovered by Campbell is not connected to the Uranium One deal.
Via John Solomon last November
Attorney General Jeff Sessions in testimony last week and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in a letter to the Senate last month tried to suggest there was no connection between Uranium One and the nuclear bribery case. Their argument was that the criminal charges weren’t filed until 2014, while the Committee of Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) approval of the Uranium One sale occurred in October 2010.” -The Hill 
This rubbed several Congressional GOP the wrong way:
“Attorney General Sessions seemed to say that the bribery, racketeering and money laundering offenses involving Tenex’s Vadim Mikerin occurred after the approval of the Uranium One deal by the Obama administration. But we know that the FBI’s confidential informant was actively compiling incriminating evidence as far back as 2009,” Rep. Ron DeSantis, (R-Fla.) told The Hill, adding "It is hard to fathom how such a transaction could have been approved without the existence of the underlying corruption being disclosed"
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) sent a similar rebuke to Rosenstein, saying the deputy attorney general’s first response to the committee “largely missed the point” of the congressional investigations.
Between the DOJ stonewalling Campbell and the MSM smear job he was subjected to after he went public, perhaps it's more important than ever that those 37 pages see the light of day.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

1936 - Bnai Brith Mocked Freemasons for 'Joining Jewish Plot' October 2, 2018

"We have blackened the Catholic Church with the most ignominious calumnies, we have stained her history and disgraced even her noblest activities.  We have imputed to her the wrongs of her enemies, and thus brought these latter to stand more closely by our side...  So much so, that we are now witnessing to our greatest satisfaction, rebellions against the Church in several countries... We have turned her clergy into objects of hatred and ridicule, we have subjected them to the contempt of the crowd... We have caused the practice of the Catholic religion to be considered out of date and a mere waste of time..

"But the Catholic Church is still alive..
"We must destroy her without the least delay and without the slightest mercy.  Most of the Press in the world is under our Control; let us therefore encourage in a still more violent way the hatred of the world against the Catholic Church.  Let us intensify our activities in poisoning the morality of the Gentiles.  Let us spread the spirit of revolution in the minds of the people.  They must be made to despise Patriotism and the love of their family, to consider their faith as a humbug, their obedience to their Church as a degrading servility, so that they may become deaf to the appeal of the Church and blind to her warnings against us. 

Judge Andrew Napolitano: How the Courts Killed Natural Law

Did You Go to Law School or Legal School?

By Anna Von Reitz

If you went to Law School you learned that Law is an outgrowth of religion and ethics. 

If you went to Law School you learned the complete History of Law in the Western World from the time of the Ancient Babylonians and Hellenistic Greeks to the present day. 

If you went to Law School you learned all the various kinds of "Common Law" and the verbiage associated with them. 

If you went to Law School you learned about Lord Mansfield and the pollution of the British Common Law with Admiralty Law in the 1750's.

If you went to Law School you also learned how that development triggered violent debate and was one of the causes of the American Revolution.

If you went to Law School you learned how this corrupt form of British Common Law now practiced as Equity Law turned judges into proxies for the British King, allowing them to arbitrarily take the property of the British People (provided the King gets his cut, of course) and give it to the King's Cronies, including themselves under Color of Law.

And that is where "Law" separates from "Legal". 

If you went to Legal School this corrupt form of "Common Law" now practiced as "Equity Law" is what you were taught. 

If you went to Legal School this system making the Judges mini-sovereigns and reducing everyone else to serfs or slaves is all you were taught.

If you went to Legal School great emphasis was placed on finding supportive case law to excuse injustice and on procedure which could be used as another excuse to the same ends.

If you went to Legal School what you learned was how to corrupt and pervert actual Law and Justice so as to better serve the economic greed and political agendas of your masters.

If you went to Legal School as 95% of you did, while paying to go to Law School, you've been cheated. 

If you went to Legal School, you are only competent to "practice" Law. 

If you went to Legal School, something less then two percent (2%) of you ever receive a Certificate to execute actual Law, and then only in Admiralty Courts.

Actual Admiralty Courts.

If you went to Legal School you know virtually nothing about your own purported profession and less about the history of the world.  You've paid thousands of dollars for an education you didn't receive.

In fact, what you've been trained to do like donkeys in a treadmill, is to act as British Shipping Clerks.  That's what journeyman "non-certificated" attorneys are.  And all the supposedly great Law Schools in this country?  Subverted to that end by British Sympathizers who glutted at the King's Table on American bread and butter.

Harvard? Useless, politicized to a point of stupor.  Yale? Even worse, the home of economic barbarism practiced as a fine art and believed in without question. Stanford?  Shall I show you how many Stanford alumni have their names blazoned across Patent Applications that do nothing but destroy this planet and the people on it? 

The very basis of Law is Ethics, yet you have been taught none.  That has been the very furthest thing from your basic curriculum.

Your minds have been honed in self-interest and tricks and sneaky ways of doing things, semantic deceits, sophistry and its brand of logic, oh, all these things you have been taught ---- and not a thing about the actual Public Law or Justice. 

And all because the Kings and Queens of England wanted you to grow up and be little cogs in their version of Commercial Feudalism. 

How does it feel to be so completely, utterly duped?  Left so pathetically ignorant after spending what? -- $300,000.00 for a "Law" School education?

Even more to the point if you are an American --- how does it feel to be part of a gang of privateers pillaging and plundering public trusts, robbing your own people for the aggrandizement and unjust enrichment of foreign governments and evil Monarchs---living your lives as traitors to America and to Justice? 

Stealing "title" to babies? 

Have you no shame, no decency at all?  Not even a regard for your own necks?  

Wake up.  Sober up.  Realize just how far behind the curve you really are.  And also realize that there are penalties for ignorance of the Law -- that is, the actual Public Law. 

If you are acting as members of the Bar Associations, if you are participating as Officers of these Courts, you had better carefully check the facts and become familiar with the American Common Law, because that is the form of Law that the people of this country are owed. 

And you have no right in Heaven or on Earth to apply any other kind of law to them.  Not Statutory Law.  Not Talmudic Law.  Not Equity Law.  None of it.

Despite falsification of the Public Records to better grease the wheels of what amounts to a National Identity Theft and a mercenary crime of genocide on paper-- there are millions of us fed up with your ignorance and your activities on our soil. You are nothing but pirates acting in violation of our Treaty with Westminster and in violation of every principle of Justice.

The fact that you are nearly all too ignorant to realize it doesn't change a thing.

The penalty for inland piracy is death by firing squad, hanging, guillotine, or lethal injection.

Are you sure you wish to continue your membership in the Bar Associations?

If not, there remains one honorable option. 

You can tear up your Bar Cards and act as Counselors at Law and you can assist the millions of Americans who have been mis-addressed by the so-called Equity Courts operating under Color of Law--- and you can do your actual duty to Justice and to America by putting these other courts out of business.   

You can realize that just as other Americans have been defrauded, so have you been the victim of this same pernicious British Bunko.  Oh, yes, Bar Association Members, this fraud scheme is so mammoth it includes you, too.

You can learn how to re-establish your own standing as an American and help others re-establish their natural political status in the public records of these fifty nation-states as people and as American Persons, not as presumed-to-be British Territorial slaves.

Start by reading Brent Winter's The Excellence of the Common Law. That will start you on the Long Road Home to sanity and justice and the country you call home.

When you look back at how arrogant and stupid you were, thinking yourself and your fellow attorneys as so superior to everyone else, you may have cause to be embarrassed, but at least you will be an honest man or woman again. You will not be living in the shadow of the gallows or mindlessly betraying your countrymen for the sake of European greed.  

And considering the penalties involved otherwise, that is not a small recompense. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Three New Yorkers suing to stop test of presidential alert system on Wednesday

Three New Yorkers are attempting to halt a scheduled test of a system that will allow President Trump and future presidents to send alert messages to the phones of all Americans.

J.B. Nicholas, Kristine Rakowsky, and Liana Nikitovich filed a lawsuit last week to a U.S. District Court in Manhattan, which argues that the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System, run by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, violates free speech rights and is an unconstitutional seizure of electronic devices, Politico reports.

A test of the system is scheduled to take place Wednesday. The first test was originally planned for Sept. 20, but it was delayed due to Hurricane Florence, which made landfall over the Carolinas in the middle of the moth.

The plaintiffs are worried that the system will turn into "government loudspeakers," which would allow presidents to send propaganda, according to the suit.

Former President Barack Obama signed a law in 2016 that says that the emergency alert system "shall not be used to transmit a message that does not relate to a natural disaster, act of terrorism, or other man-made disaster or threat to public safety."

The plaintiffs say this law is "unconstitutionally vague."

"Without more specific definitions...officials — including President Trump — are free to define 'act of terrorism' and 'threat to public safety' as they see fit, potentially broadcasting arbitrary, biased, irrational and/or content-based messages to hundreds of millions of people," the complaint claims.

The complainants also accuse Trump in their suit of putting forth "weaponized disinformation" on Twitter, and they “don’t wish to receive text messages, or messages of any kind, on any topic or subject, from Defendant Trump."

Users have the ability to opt out of most alert messages sent through this system, such as Amber Alerts, but receiving presidential alerts will be mandatory.

The lawsuit is assigned to U.S. District Court Judge Katherine Failla, an Obama appointee, but the judge has not scheduled a hearing on the motion to stop the test before Wednesday.

The "War" You Haven't Known About

By Anna Von Reitz
Every two years the Territorial United States Congress does something inexplicable.  They declare a "state of emergency" and they set aside the actual Constitution.  Then the President comes along and also declares states of emergency and declarations of "war" against this and against that --- poverty, terrorism, drugs, just to name a few.

This is all specious, almost tongue-in-cheek, done to secure a "legal" basis for unlawful acts and presumptions against us, including the misidentification and mis-characterization of millions of Americans, falsification of public records, and other crimes too numerous to mention. 

This constant state of perpetual "war" is not actually declared, because it is an illegal mercenary conflict being played out on our shores by foreign interests.

Please note that the so-called American Civil War was exactly the same thing--- an illegal mercenary conflict passed off as a "war".  This has been the stock-in-trade of the British Crown for over a hundred years and they have been using us as their "base" of operations all this while.

There are in fact no "emergency powers" granted to the Territorial Government by our Government and any such declaration of "war" on their part can only apply to them and their employees and dependents. 

This is why they have endeavored to mis-identify all American babies as belonging to the Territorial United States--- to involve us and our assets in their perpetual phony wars and "states of emergency" when in fact we are owed The Law of Peace and Good Faith Service from them.

That their false claims and falsifications of our public records are evidence of Gross Breach of Trust hardly needs to be said.  That they have continued to prosecute us and persecute us under these known false presumptions is nothing less than despicable.

A couple weeks ago we issued Notice to Westminster regarding these activities by their Bar Association members on our shores.  We have a perpetual Treaty of Peace and Amity which they have been disregarding via the convenient pretense that Americans are all "United States Citizens" and dissembling over which "United States" we are part of. 

Let's make it clear that we are part of "The United States" and so are our Armed Forces---- not "the United States" in any form.  See the difference?  "The United States" was formed under The Unanimous Declaration of Independence, but "the United States" could be any spin-off or Pretender and could refer to the Federal United States, Territorial United States, Municipal United States or maybe the United Nations United States or the South American United States.

We must be explicit and clear about which "United States" and which "United States of America" --- because there has been no end of semantic deceit and trickery and legal chicanery attached to these names.

We have recent proof that Americans who have recorded their Deeds of Re-Conveyance and who claim their American National (or more explicitly still) their National of The United States of America [Unincorporated] status, are being passed over and left alone --- as we should be. 

The best recommendation for the moment while new instructions trickle down is to clearly identify yourself as a non-combatant National of The United States of America [Unincorporated], pending the issuance of new National and State identification cards. 

If the Queen and the Pope want to engage in mercenary conflicts, they need to find new staging grounds for their games.  China has already told them --fine, so long as you remain under Chinese Law. 

And if you screw around like you did in America, that means Firing Squads in the morning. 

At last report, the Internal Revenue Service (Inquisition) has decamped from Puerto Rico after destroying as much evidence as possible of their decades of defrauding Americans, and have set up new offices in the American Marianas--clearly intending to continue their piracy from a new location.   

Mr. Trump already knows that this is not acceptable and that all traces of both the IRS and the Internal Revenue Service and any would-be Successors must be gone from our shores including our territories and municipalities, and they must stop addressing our people and must remove all liens against American-held assets. 

We are innocent Third Parties who have been embroiled in merchant "wars" that have nothing whatsoever to do with us.  We have been used as gun fodder in these phony "wars" and our assets have been used as collateral by these foreign gangs of criminals without our knowledge or consent. Those who have profited must pay for this circumstance and those who have engaged in these crimes must be set to rights.

There are a great many people who have committed crimes unaware that they were doing anything wrong -- and they must be forgiven.  Those who promoted this circumstance, who benefited themselves from it, and who knowingly participated in harming the States and People of this country while taking their paychecks from our pockets deserve our universal disgust.

Official Trump @War: Full Movie

Monday, October 1, 2018

‘Father of the Web’ Reveals Plan To Take Back Internet From Big Tech’s Centralized Control

It’s game on for Facebook, Google, Amazon

Katrina Booker | Fast Company - September 29, 2018

Last week, Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, asked me to come and see a project he has been working on almost as long as the web itself. 

It’s a crisp autumn day in Boston, where Berners-Lee works out of an office above a boxing gym. After politely offering me a cup of coffee, he leads us into a sparse conference room. At one end of a long table is a battered laptop covered with stickers. Here, on this computer, he is working on a plan to radically alter how all of us live and work on the web.

“The intent is world domination,” Berners-Lee says with a wry smile. The British-born scientist is known for his dry sense of humor. But in this case, he is not joking.

This week, Berners-Lee will launch, Inrupt, a startup that he has been building, in stealth mode, for the past nine months. Backed by Glasswing Ventures, its mission is to turbocharge a broader movement afoot, among developers around the world, to decentralize the web and take back power from the forces that have profited from centralizing it. In other words, it’s game on for Facebook, Google, Amazon.

Read more

The Ben Shapiro Election Special 9/30/18 | Breaking Fox News | September...

Remember Henry George

By Anna Von Reitz

"The main trouble now is neither any material shortage of the resources of nature nor any inadequacy in man's power to exploit them. It is all, in one form or another, a maladjustment; not an insufficient productive capacity, but a series of impediments to the full utilization of that capacity. The main obstacles to economic revival have been the hindrances opposed to the free flow of labor, capital, and goods."

This quote comes from the 1927 World Economic Conference, Geneva, conclusions provided to the League of Nations. 

It is synonymous with the findings of American Economist Henry George, whose vision smacks of clarity today as it did in the 1880's and slaps the faces of all those who have fallen into the sophistry and lop-sided pandering of Keynes.  

The Problem and the resulting Mess is entirely the fault of Big Business Interests usurping upon the rights of the living people and their national governments and seeking Unjust Enrichment via their constant official (governmental) and unofficial (private) tampering with commodity markets --- including the currency markets.  

It hit a crisis point in 1907 with the bankruptcy of the Scottish Interloper and Impostor calling itself "The United States of America" Incorporated and found its final fruition in the current hegemony of Wall Street. 

To put it simply, Big Business Interests --- Robber Barons like the Vanderbilts, Carnegies, Harrimans, and Roosevelts took over our lawful government via deceit and fraud and used the tools of government to afford political and economic advantages to themselves.  

That is, they used the Regulatory Powers of Government as private tools to ensure their market share and market dominance.  We see this in the hideously self-interested birth of the "American Conservation Movement" which we were all taught to venerate just as we were taught to venerate "The Constitution".  

The actual policy adopted by Teddy Roosevelt was supremely cynical and shrewd--- buy everyone else's natural resources for pennies on the dollar and preserve our own under the guise of "conservation", and at the same time, limit supply of natural resources coming to market and ensure the value of commodities already under the control of the plotters. 

That is, use the regulatory powers of government to ensure yourselves fat market shares and high prices for generations to come. 

Commodity price rigging and supply rigging and creation of monopolistic interests in all sectors of our economy have been the Order of the Day since the 1880's, and in many ways, it still is.  

These things must be recognized as the Evil that they are, and there must be an end of allowing the regulatory powers of government to be used as tools implementing the self-interest of private parties.  

We must come to terms with the fact that the two Roosevelts were hideous schemers, liars, and louts, the very worst of the worst kind of criminals in suits --- and that Americans were not even the primary beneficiaries of all this fraud; instead, we were set up as the Fall Guys for it, the ones who would be blamed for it even as we suffered from it.  

We need a call to political action busting monopolies and conglomerates and trusts that have functioned as crime syndicates for generations. That includes the entire water and power industry, the communications industry, the stock markets, the banks, and the SEC.  It's time, America.  

It's you or them.  Make the right choice while you have a choice left. 

And if you have any questions, read Henry George -- Progress and Poverty.  He very succinctly explains why economic models predicated on infinite and continuous growth are worse than Big Lies and why abuse of regulatory powers and manipulation of commodities and markets, including currency markets, inexorably leads to polarization of economies, stagnation, and war.  

If you would have peace, you must have free markets.  

And that requires busting up the regulatory fraud and abuses of federal agencies and the exercise of anti-trust and anti-monopoly legislation to enforce the actual Public Law ensuring competitive free markets. 

The fallacy of the thinking of the --- I shall call them pigs ---- is that there is no end to the patience of the masses; and, the arrogance that they share in thinking that their activities and abuses are not observed or not understood for what they are. 

It is as self-evident as catching six year-olds with their grubby paws in the cookie jar, but these grown men persist in thinking that their activities are "secret" and that the rest of us haven't figured it out, don't see it --- and won't take action against them.  

Prove them wrong. 

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Tech icon envisions prosperous new world 'after Google'

This is the third of a three-part, interview series with George Gilder on his new bestseller “Life After Google.” In part 1, he explains Silicon Valley’s “fundamental flaw.” In part 2, he shows why Google’s “free stuff” isn’t free. In part 3, below, Gilder describes a new internet, “after Google,” of limitless entrepreneurship and prosperity rooted in human creativity.

In “Life After Google,” George Gilder contends the age of the “Big Data” tech giants and their centralized, top-down hierarchical world is about to end, largely because their “neo-Marxist, deterministic” worldview is “fundamentally flawed.”
George Gilder
George Gilder

But what will the digital world look like “after Google”?
In an interview with WND, Gilder – whose 1981 book “Wealth and Poverty” was Ronald Reagan’s guidebook for his economic revolution and whose 1994 book “Life After Television” predicted the current digital world with astounding specificity – spoke of a frontier of free enterprise that will look more like the original internet of limitless possibilities but be bolstered by a new architecture called the “cryptocosm.”

He describes the cryptocosm, currently represented by emerging “blockchain” technologies such as bitcoin, as “a new network whose most powerful architectural imperative will be security of transactions as a property of the system rather than an afterthought.”

Blockchains are a kind of ledger that can record transactions between two parties efficiently, in a verifiable and permanent way.

The technology, Gilder believes, allows the unleashing of entrepreneurship on the internet.

“The Google dream is a supermind in the sky that knows everything,” Gilder told WND. “My dream is to distribute information as human minds are distributed.”
Gilder explained that the capabilities of the human mind, as “the ultimate thinking organism,” are distributed among people all over the world.
“So an economy works best if power is distributed in accord with the distribution of human minds,” said Gilder.

“It allows an efflorescence of human creativity in the image of their creator.”
That, he insisted, is “the real dream of a successful capitalist order.”
“It’s not the development of the supermind, a machine in the sky that knows everything,” said Gilder.

“I think what we’re going to have is the capability of a real global capitalism that can be conducted across networks in a distributed peer-to-peer fashion.”
His 2013 book “Knowledge and Power” argued that the knowledge of entrepreneurs, and their freedom to share and use that knowledge, are the sparks that light up the economy and set its gears in motion.

Gilder said the big issue of privacy, which dominates headlines today, will be addressed in the new digital world.
He’s not as concerned as many are, however, about privacy in terms of personal secrets, contending the belief that “there was a great halcyon period of the past where people had privacy and now technology has destroyed” is a “destructive myth” that enables governments to intervene.


“But privacy in terms of ownership of your own data and ownership of your identity and the ability to conduct transactions without exposing all your personal information to be used and abused – that’s another issue,” he said.

“That’s what the new cryptocosm affords.”
The technology is not easy to explain without using unfamiliar terms.
Gilder describes it as essentially “a new security architecture that allows you to keep your own personal details to yourself and transact anonymously across the network.”

“You know who you are, and you shouldn’t be dependent on some database at Google to conduct transactions,” he said.

Through complex mathematical formulas, behavior, including transactions, can be documented while personal details are concealed.

“What makes my book different,” he told WND, “is I put the rise of the cryptocosm, with bitcoin and ethereum and the blockchain, in the context of the breakdown in the existing security model in the internet and the breakup of the internet into a series of walled gardens dominated by particular internet companies, Google, Facebook, et al.”

The “walled gardens” have prompted nations such as communist China and the Iranian mullahs to create their own internets, Gilder noted.

“So you have a kind of segmentation of the internet and a breakdown in the ideal of a global communication system,” he said.

“This happened because the internet was designed by communication through copying. That’s how it works. It copies things at a tremendous pace all across the world in creating a global communicator,” Gilder explained.

“It’s succeeded tremendously as a communicator, but as soon as transactions and business began to move onto the internet … security became absolutely indispensable.”

He explained that a “porous internet with a porous perforated internet stack allows all the money and power to be sucked up to the top, to Apple, Google, Facebook and these other companies.”

“To prevent that, you need to allow people to control their own identities and control their own security, to not depend on Google dispatching a SWAT team of superhackers to remedy any breakdown,” he said.

“Rather you need to have a blockchain security style of architecture in which security is achieved through distributing information rather than by centralizing,” he said.

“As a result of the amazing feat of microchips, once again, a new global architecture is made possible.”

Prospering after Google
Gilder said the new system would allow news outlets, for example, to control their own content, selling it directly to customers through arrangements such as “micropayments,” which he described as a “hassle-free way of collecting tiny amounts of money for tiny goods and services.”

“That makes it possible for you to escape the centralization of a walled garden that collects all the money,” he said.

Gilder said it would “bring pricing to bear on many transactions that currently are avoided” while providing security.

It might look like a small, automatic payment every time someone clicks on an article.

“The blockchain allows you to assign property rights to various facets of any content, including works of art,” he explained.

To those who might be inclined to object to such an arrangement, Gilder offers perspective.

“The existing internet where everything is free or subscription-based is costly beyond expectation,” he argued, “and that polarization of payments is quite stultifying and allows all the money to be sucked up into advertising.”
Gilder, who explains why Google’s “free stuff” isn’t really free, calls ads “minuses, or even mines, across the internet,” emphasizing their obvious unpopularity.

“But micropayments allow payments that people actually consider right and appropriate for each consumption of content,” he said.

Gilder noted that even now, many proposed formulas for such payments are being “pursued by the capitalist genius of experimental creativity.”


Exclusive: Tim Berners-Lee tells us his radical new plan to upend the World Wide Web


With an ambitious decentralized platform, the father of the web hopes it’s game on for corporate tech giants like Facebook and Google.

Exclusive: Tim Berners-Lee tells us his radical new plan to upend the World Wide Web
Last week, Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, asked me to come and see a project he has been working on almost as long as the web itself. It’s a crisp autumn day in Boston, where Berners-Lee works out of an office above a boxing gym. After politely offering me a cup of coffee, he leads us into a sparse conference room. At one end of a long table is a battered laptop covered with stickers. Here, on this computer, he is working on a plan to radically alter how all of us live and work on the web.
“The intent is world domination,” Berners-Lee says with a wry smile. The British-born scientist is known for his dry sense of humor. But in this case, he is not joking.

This week, Berners-Lee will launch Inrupt, a startup that he has been building, in stealth mode, for the past nine months. Backed by Glasswing Ventures, its mission is to turbocharge a broader movement afoot, among developers around the world, to decentralize the web and take back power from the forces that have profited from centralizing it. In other words, it’s game on for Facebook, Google, Amazon. For years now, Berners-Lee and other internet activists have been dreaming of a digital utopia where individuals control their own data and the internet remains free and open. But for Berners-Lee, the time for dreaming is over.

“We have to do it now,” he says, displaying an intensity and urgency that is uncharacteristic for this soft-spoken academic. “It’s a historical moment.” Ever since revelations emerged that Facebook had allowed people’s data to be misused by political operatives, Berners-Lee has felt an imperative to get this digital idyll into the real world. In a post published this weekend, Berners-Lee explains that he is taking a sabbatical from MIT to work full time on Inrupt. The company will be the first major commercial venture built off of Solid, a decentralized web platform he and others at MIT have spent years building.

A Netscape for today’s internet

If all goes as planned, Inrupt will be to Solid what Netscape once was for many first-time users of the web: an easy way in. And like with Netscape, Berners-Lee hopes Inrupt will be just the first of many companies to emerge from Solid.
“I have been imagining this for a very long time,” says Berners-Lee. He opens up his laptop and starts tapping at his keyboard. Watching the inventor of the web work at his computer feels like what it might have been like to watch Beethoven compose a symphony: It’s riveting but hard to fully grasp. “We are in the Solid world now,” he says, his eyes lit up with excitement. He pushes the laptop toward me so I too can see.

On his screen, there is a simple-looking web page with tabs across the top: Tim’s to-do list, his calendar, chats, address book. He built this app–one of the first on Solid–for his personal use. It is simple, spare. In fact, it’s so plain that, at first glance, it’s hard to see its significance. But to Berners-Lee, this is where the revolution begins. The app, using Solid’s decentralized technology, allows Berners-Lee to access all of his data seamlessly–his calendar, his music library, videos, chat, research. It’s like a mashup of Google Drive, Microsoft Outlook, Slack, Spotify, and WhatsApp.
The difference here is that, on Solid, all the information is under his control. Every bit of data he creates or adds on Solid exists within a Solid pod–which is an acronym for personal online data store. These pods are what give Solid users control over their applications and information on the web. Anyone using the platform will get a Solid identity and Solid pod. This is how people, Berners-Lee says, will take back the power of the web from corporations.
[Image courtesy of Tim Berners-Lee]
For example, one idea Berners-Lee is currently working on is a way to create a decentralized version of Alexa, Amazon’s increasingly ubiquitous digital assistant. He calls it Charlie. Unlike with Alexa, on Charlie people would own all their data. That means they could trust Charlie with, for example, health records, children’s school events, or financial records. That is the kind of machine Berners-Lee hopes will spring up all over Solid to flip the power dynamics of the web from corporation to individuals.

A new revolution for developers?

Berners-Lee believes Solid will resonate with the global community of developers, hackers, and internet activists who bristle over corporate and government control of the web. “Developers have always had a certain amount of revolutionary spirit,” he observes. Circumventing government spies or corporate overlords may be the initial lure of Solid, but the bigger draw will be something even more appealing to hackers: freedom. In the centralized web, data is kept in silos–controlled by the companies that build them, like Facebook and Google. In the decentralized web, there are no silos.

Starting this week, developers around the world will be able to start building their own decentralized apps with tools through the Inrupt site. Berners-Lee will spend this fall crisscrossing the globe, giving tutorials and presentations to developers about Solid and Inrupt. (There will be a Solid tutorial at our Fast Company Innovation Festival on October 23.)

“What’s great about having a startup versus a research group is things get done,” he says. These days, instead of heading into his lab at MIT, Berners-Lee comes to the Inrupt offices, which are currently based out of Janeiro Digital, a company he has contracted to help work on Inrupt. For now, the company consists of Berners-Lee; his partner John Bruce, who built Resilient, a security platform bought by IBM; a handful of on-staff developers contracted to work on the project; and a community of volunteer coders.

Later this fall, Berners-Lee plans to start looking for more venture funding and grow his team. The aim, for now, is not to make billions of dollars. The man who gave the web away for free has never been motivated by money. Still, his plans could impact billion-dollar business models that profit off of control over data. It’s not likely that the big powers of the web will give up control without a fight.
When asked about this, Berners-Lee says flatly: “We are not talking to Facebook and Google about whether or not to introduce a complete change where all their business models are completely upended overnight. We are not asking their permission.”
Game on.


U.S. and Canada Reach Trade Deal to Keep Nafta Trilateral


Updated on
The U.S. and Canada have agreed on a trade deal that would save the North American Free Trade Agreement as a trilateral bloc, according to three people familiar with the matter.
President Donald Trump has approved the developments and the expectation is that an agreement will be announced on Sunday night, according to the people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Canadian officials are working on the final touches.
U.S. and Canadian negotiators have been negotiating around the clock this weekend to make a Sunday midnight deadline that would allow the countries to sign the deal as the final act before Mexico’s outgoing President Enrique Pena Nieto leaves office at the end of November.
Reaching a pact with Canada allows the 24-year-old pact to remain trilateral and for the U.S. to check another box for its legislative process in the lead up to a congressional vote.
Trump has said he wants to rename the deal the U.S.-Mexico-Canada agreement.

Smoother Path

Some people familiar with the talks credited Trump senior adviser Jared Kushner for helping smooth the path toward a deal. When it looked like negotiations had stalled or broken down due to friction between the U.S. and Canadian sides, Kushner kept talks going with aides close to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, including Gerald Butts and Katie Telford, three people said.
Lighthizer and Kushner were at the USTR office in Washington on Sunday afternoon negotiating final details by conference call with the Canadians in Ottawa. U.S. officials have been keeping Trump in the loop on every step since Friday, two people said.
U.S. lawmakers and business have urged the administration to keep Canada in the deal but the trilateral nature had been in jeopardy after Trump on Aug. 27 announced he reached a deal with Mexico that Canada could join if it’s willing to make concessions. They agreed to publish the text by the end of September.
The Canadian dollar was rallying on anticipation of a deal, strengthening 0.5 percent, while the Mexican peso gained abut 0.2 percent.

Magic Words

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

By Anna Von Reitz

Faced with Foreclosure?  Child Custody theft?  Federal taxes when you aren't a federal employee, corporation, or dependent? 

Fine.  Here's what you do. 

You immediately request a "Status Hearing".  

You walk in and when your NAME is called, you stand up right where you are -- don't go through the gate and "cross the bar" at all --- and this is what you say: 

"There has been a mistake.  I am here today in my true and natural capacity as one of the living people of ______ (your birth state) and 
I wish for this entire case to be dismissed with extreme prejudice and eliminated from the court record. (That gives the judge his Hold Harmless to act in your favor.)  

I am the priority creditor and the employer in this courtroom and I am fully indemnified against loss or damage by Indemnity Bond AMRI 00001 RA 393 427 640 US on file at the U.S. Treasury. 

I am exercising my reversionary trust right and my exemption from the jurisdiction of this court effective _____________(your actual birthday). I wish to be paid treble damages by the prosecutor in compensation for my
time,losses and inconvenience."

This is about as cut-and-dried as it gets.  Chances are they will stare at you like a talking horse and may ask you to repeat what you just said.  Repeat it. About that time, sphincters are closing.  

If the Judge (Court Administrator) asks for additional instruction, say, 

"I wish for any and all charges to be offset by mutual offset credit exchange as guaranteed by the Congressional Intent of House Joint Resolution 192 and established as Public Law 73-10 and UCC 3-104 (c). 

I wish for the Regulations to be followed to the letter by the claimant and the claimant's bank. You must obtain my signed acceptance of the billing on the face of the billing statement and the claimant's bank TTL Officer must return it directly to the Secretary of the Treasury for certified funds deposit in that amount in the claimant's account. 

When the original signed Billing Statement is received by the Treasury as indicated by the date on the green Return Receipt card used by the bank TTL Officer to send in the claim, the clock starts running according to Federal Window Regulation J and Federal Reserve Regulation Z - Truth in Lending, 12 USC 226.1.  On the sixteenth day after the green card is returned, the claimant's bank TTL Officer is enabled to credit the deposit to the claimant's account.  

And that bit of bookkeeping settles the account.  I have been greatly inconvenienced and wish for just compensation from those responsible." 

In the case of the seizure of your children, this "Billing Statement" is going to be astronomical and no judge in his right mind is going to want to present it to you, but you must insist on seeing the Billing Statement related to the case or there is no case ---- which is the logical "out" for the judge.  Simply dismiss with prejudice and beat feet.  Otherwise, the losses to The Company will result in him losing his job. 

Since you are dealing with a bankruptcy on top of everything else, you will want to bring certified copies of your BC and your Deed of Re-Conveyance and your Certificate(s) of Assumed Name to Court with you. If you are in a child custody matter, you will want to bring certified copies of your Baby Deed, too. 

If the judge wobbles, wave the Bailiff over and give the certified documents to him to deliver to the Judge for the Judge to review. 

These are very powerful Intellectual Property and Private Property issues.  If they get caught pillaging Americans they can be fined $250,000 and spend ten years in jail.  If they get caught mis-characterizing and kidnapping Americans in violation of the Geneva Conventions, they can face a firing squad. 

The more people who exercise their exemptions, the quicker we will all get court reform.  

Assuming that they decide to play ball, the Judge will return the Bill to you for your acceptance.  

Write "ACCEPTED for full and complete settlement" 
           AMRI00001 RA 393 427 640 US (Ohio) [for example]
           by:  Your First Middle Last Signature

Give it back to the Bailiff.  

The Prosecutor is required to bring his check book to Court and to be ready to write you a check.  So look at him expectantly.  If he doesn't have his checkbook, he is in critical melt-down condition.  He suddenly owes you three times what he was claiming against you.  The Judge is going to be extremely disgusted.  The Company profits just took a dump. 

Let it all roll.  If anyone says anything to you, you just bat your eyelashes and say, "I have exhausted my Administrative Remedies."  and keep saying that until the scurrying and bobbing and dodging has ended.  

Then say, "Good day, gentlemen."  -- and walk out without a backward glance and despite whatever they might say or call after you.  You are the sovereign.  They are the employees.  Whatever difficulties they have, you have done your part. 

Pernicious Claims of "Incompetency" in Conflict of Interest

By Anna Von Reitz

The latest trick of the Foreign Vermin on our shores is to call our "competency" into question using their own bought and paid for "Uniformed Officers" --- medical doctors conscripted against their will and licensed under the old Federal Title 37 provisions -- to testify against us and claim that we are not "competent".

This has been part and parcel of their deception and racketeering plan from the start.  

However, the "competency" that they are actually trying is our financial competence.  They assume that we, like them, are bankrupt and therefore "incompetent".  If so, they will gladly steal anything of value you have to underwrite their own debts.  

It's time for these criminal gangs to be (1) ignored and (2) arrested. 

The first question to the Judge should be --- "Are you a U.S. Citizen?" 

They will say, "Yes."  

And your second question should be --- "By what right then, are you addressing me, a national of The United States of America (Unincorporated)?" 

They are operating in a Foreign Jurisdiction on our shores and they have no right whatsoever to address any of us.  

Third question --- if there ever is one --- "By what right and for what reason do you question my competency?"

Fourth question --- if there ever is one -- "By what stretch of imagination do you propose to use your own employees as supposedly expert and unprejudiced third party witnesses?  Your doctors are all licensed to your State of State organization, therefore are incompetent witnesses for conflict of interest." 

Fifth question --- "Under what Treaty are you operating on our shores?" 

Sixth question --- "Are you aware that our Government, The United States of America (Unincorporated) has a permanent Treaty of Amity and Peace dated November 19, 1794 --- and that you are in violation of that Treaty right now? "

Seventh question --- "Where is your proof that the entity you are citing as DEFENDANT or Defendant exists?  I wish to see the incorporation documents, and provenance, if you please?"   

Start holding these vermin feet first to the fire.  Use questions to do it.  Give them no opportunity to gain any kind of excuse.  If summoned, don't go to their courts.  If you do know anything about a crime they are addressing, send your "Crime Report" to the District Attorney, Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested.  Otherwise, stay away from these courts and if they interfere with you, refuse to sign or say anything to them and never give them any identification.  Give them a card with your Counselor-at-Law's name and address and nothing more. 

If they seize upon you and detain you creating a charge of False Arrest, complain directly to the District Attorney. 

Who or What is [Wrongly] Holding Equitable Title to Your Name and Estate?

By Anna Von Reitz

The Territorial State of State Department of Natural Resources Commissioner is holding your Estate captive under false pretenses and benefiting the "State of ________" organization and robbing you.

So you have the Municipal Thieves acting as Gatekeepers for the Territorial Thieves and they are both complicit in the crime.

If you did not "voluntarily" and "knowingly" agree to give your Name and everything you own to these Shysters, it is time to bring pressure to bear upon the Territorial Governors of these "States of States" dry-docked improperly on our shores and tell them to get off your backs.

See attached:

Public and Private Notice II Page 2.pdf
(389.43 KiB)
Posted in the national assembly forums to host the attachments.

It's Official. Hell Has Frozen Over.

By Anna Von Reitz

Decades ago we began a journey by the narrow path full of difficulty.... and it has been a weary and long and often heart-breaking road.  But now the walls of ignorance and secrecy are falling like the walls of Jericho --- just tumbling down, one after another, as more people around the world are waking up and coming forward to help the effort.

Because what we are facing is not just of concern to America.  This has been a concerted effort by business interests to overcome the national sovereignty of all nations on Earth.  

And it has been thwarted. 

In the days to come many people will ask --- how did you do it?  

Answer: by the Maxim of Law:  "As a THING is bound, so it is unbound." and by the Holy Scriptures. 

If I am relatively quiet the next couple of weeks, it should be no cause for concern.  A huge amount of work has been done over the past several weeks, too much to even begin to describe.  I am exhausted and my offices are stuffed floor to ceiling with paperwork related to all of this. 

So I am going to be taking a few days off to "mop up" and rest and recoup and spend time with my friends and family, who have been sadly neglected the past several years. 

Until you hear otherwise, we continue to need donations. We are operating your government of the people, for the people, by the people on your prayers and Cookie Jar Money, while the government of the persons, for the persons, by the persons is being reformed.

Please do what you can to make sure our team is fully enabled to take all the actions (and pay all the fees and travel expenses, etc.).  My PayPal is: and the Snail Mail address here is:  Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652. 

It may take a couple years or more before all the issues are addressed.  Believe me, I know how anxious you all are for relief and I know how urgent many needs are.  We are dealing with vast problems that impact the whole world. I pray for your understanding --- The Living Law Firm is not able to take on individual cases and I don't have any way to respond to all the individual correspondence I receive.

Please try to understand that as much as we wish we could just wave our hands and make the worst of it disappear, the actual world takes time to heal and to re-educate. 

The corruption of the economic and monetary systems has to be addressed. 

The corruption of the legal versus lawful system has to be addressed.  

Even the corruption of our own military has to be addressed. 

And the worst of it is that many of the people most in need of correction, don't have a clue that they are doing anything wrong.  They will stand there and look me in the eye and say, "But, but.... this is the way we do it.  This is the way it has always been done...."  

The plain fact is that they have been doing it wrong for so long that almost nobody remembers how to do it right.  We face a gigantic task to re-educate not only the General Public, but the government employees. 

And a lot of the history that people learned in Grade School and High School has to be re-learned with all the actual facts revealed. 

The Split Title to your Good Name and Estate was divvied up between the Territorial State of State and the Municipal STATE OF STATE.  The Territorial State of State held the "Beneficial Interest" -- the Equitable Title, while the STATE OF STATE held the Legal Title.  

You got nothing at all.  You weren't even in the picture.  You were a "discounted entity" to use the callous words of Queen Elizabeth II--- with regard to your own Good Name and Estate. 

You were totally disinherited.  They had pulled off the ultimate identity theft and had succeeded in racketeering, plundering and pillaging on an unimaginable scale not only here, but worldwide. 

So that's how you've been treated -- as a "discounted entity", as "cargo" aboard a "derelict vessel".  An inanimate THING, subject to "salvage" and claim by any passing privateer, or otherwise as a "Thing"--- an unpaid volunteer in the Queen's Merchant Marine Service, liable to pay every debt and obey every rule under martial law which was imposed on Territorial United States Citizens in 1863 and never released. 

In 1980, Jimmy Carter transferred all your Birth Certificates to the IMF as collateral backing the debts of the Municipal United States government--- that is, the government established under Article I, Section 8, Clause 17, and which was run by the members of the Municipal CONGRESS as an international independent City State on our shores, and by their private governmental services corporation doing business as the Municipal Corporation of the District of Columbia and various related Names.  

All these atrocities have been allowed under the False Presumption that because the actual Federal level of our Federal Government was inoperative, "held in abeyance" since 1860, we were subject to whatever the Territorial and Municipal entities did to us, pending "Reconstruction" of the original States of States. 

So we have seen the depths of human depravity, greed, and most of all, Breach of Trust, because the Donor of all the Delegated Powers entrusted under the Constitutions was here all along --- simply kept in the dark, but fully enabled to operate the government in international trade and commerce, both. 

Left minding our store, so to speak, both the Popes and the British Monarchs grossly failed us and willingly joined in the feeding frenzy, racking up huge charges against us and our country's resources, then claiming bankruptcy protection for their "governmental services corporations" and leaving us to hold the bag.  

This happened in 1907 with the bankruptcy of the Scottish "ringer" calling itself "The United States of America" Incorporated. 

It happened again in 1933 with the bankruptcy of the Roman Catholic Church's deceitfully named "United States of America" Incorporated.  

And for the last several years they have been trying to execute a "Double Grand Slam" of criminality against this country and its people---- they proposed to bankrupt both the Territorial United States and Municipal United States at once, and leave this entire country at the mercy of their own creditors--- international banks that colluded with them in this horrifying prospect. 

The Municipal Government was accordingly bankrupted in 2015 and the Territorial Government was bankrupted in 2017 and with those two actions, all the remaining constitutional obligations were cancelled and overcome and vacated from the "federal" side of the agreements.  

You were to be left without a competent government operating in international jurisdiction, and at the mercy of their creditors--international banks like the BANK OF FRANCE and the BANK OF SCOTLAND. 

So they thought and so they planned and so they attempted to destroy our country via deceits and "legal presumptions" and self-interested fraud that would have left America subject to "resettlement" similar to what the British did to the Irish in the 1850's.  

What they could never win by force of arms, they proposed to take by guile and legal chicanery.  

Thank God that there were still a few Americans who hadn't fallen asleep.  

They were not paid to keep to watch.  They weren't government employees.  They were just plain old average Americans who knew that something was drastically wrong and who set out (a long time ago) to find out what it was. 

"Ask and ye shall find." 

At the end, the paperwork was reduced down like a soup stock to its barest elements.  The Heirs came forward to claim the Kingdom.  They proved their Provenance.  They claimed back their Right, Title, and Interest.  They locked down their claims in the Uniform Commercial Code system,. and then transferred everything back to the Land and Soil jurisdiction of the sovereign States.  They demanded the return of the "abeyance" and received by Operation of Law and by their acknowledgment and acceptance, the return of all their Delegated Powers. 

The Vermin vacated all three levels of Federal Government, so we invoked the Operation of Law, which requires the return of all Delegated Powers, when the Agent receiving those Powers becomes incompetent.  

Against all the odds, The United States of America [Unincorporated] still stands, and has secured the assets belonging to the American States and People.  There won't be an Irish-style re-settlement.  And instead, both the British Monarch and the Holy See are on the ropes, called to account at last. 

Now it is up to us, to the American States and People, to regroup and recoup and take control of this country and its government.  Mr. Trump has only a quid pro quo performance contract to provide the services owed under the actual Constitution. 
The members of the two Congresses still sitting in Washington, DC, are operating two bankrupt corporations, one in liquidation, one in Chapter 11, and trying to pull another "fast one" and establish new commercial service contracts by process of assumption.  

That possibility has been foreclosed by numerous facts and actions --- first, they have been served Public Notice of Non-Assumpsit via newspaper articles published all across this country.  

Secondly, no member of the Bar Association can hold any Public Office or position of trust related to our lawful Government and that has been the case since 1819. The vast majority of members of the Territorial and Municipal "Congresses" are precisely such Bar Association Members, rendering both those governments inoperative with respect to any action or claim related to us and our States and our People. 

Third, the Territorial United States has made a Big Deal of announcing to the world that they are a "Democracy" and it is absolutely just as well-known that our States are Republics.  Since its inception, the British Territorial United States has never demonstrated any Public Mandate (51% of its eligible voters or greater) allowing it to exist, much less determine any public issue whatsoever.  A more complete and demonstrable and irresponsible fraud can hardly be imagined. 

Fourth, the Municipal United States has operated as an independent, international City-State on our shores and as an oligarchy which is limited to the ten miles square of the District of Columbia.  They usurped upon that and have lost their position as a result. 

Please see attached.
Sov Let Pat AvR 2.pdf
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Sov Let Pat AvR 3.pdf
(314.69 KiB) 
Sov Let Pat AvR 4.pdf
(367.74 KiB)
Sov Let Pat AvR 5.pdf
(140.65 KiB) 
Posted in the national assembly forums to host the attachments.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Friday, September 28, 2018

Mr. Trump, What's Wrong With This Picture?

By Anna Von Reitz

The Department of Justice works for you as an "Agency" --- it's a subcontractor under your own thumb and forefinger --- unless of course, the foreign "U.S. Trustees" named by the Secondary Creditors are interfering in your Administration? 

Otherwise, why are you finding it so hard to properly direct the "Department of Justice" to do its actual job? 

Aside from the meddling of bankruptcy trustees, there seems to be no plausible explanation for how and why Department of Justice personnel are so far off course.  If this were a golf course and they were the ball, they'd be in a swamp behind the local fire station.

So here is today's mystery.  These guys who are supposed to be helping you in your executive duty to prevent, detect, suppress, and punish actual crimes, are wasting millions upon millions of dollars prosecuting you --- their Boss and the man they are directly tasked to assist.  

How is that even possible?  

I'd have an Attitude Adjustment Meeting with Jeff Sessions and tell him what his job is.  I would give him a week to straighten this entire situation out or he'd be down the road with no return bus fare. 

And we'd have a new U.S. Attorney General.  

One that didn't have any flimsy excuse to take a powder and recuse himself, one that didn't have any "Baggage" from years in Congress, who would have no problem shutting down the ridiculous Mueller witch hunt, someone with some practical common sense and grit....  

How about Brett Kavanaugh?  Withdraw his Supreme Court nomination and appoint him the new U.S. Attorney General.  

Get rid of Sessions. 

We have said it privately and now we are saying it in public.  Jeff Sessions has personal liabilities and is useless as an Attorney General. 
He provides no competent leadership for the DOJ, which is why they are wasting our time and money and contributing to the Circus that Washington, DC has become -- instead of assisting you.  

He is supposed to work for you and the rest are supposed to work for him, but if there is nobody competent at the helm and in control of things you know yourself from your own experience that things just go to Hell. 

Please put an end to the Circus.  Get rid of Sessions.  Appoint Kavanaugh. Kill two birds with one stone. 

And watch the roaches run....

Tide is turning Sen. Lindsey Graham is pissed off at Dems