Thursday, November 15, 2018

Anonymous post to Q: Paradise Camp Fire was a pre-planned event! 11/13/18

G. Griffin report: The Koch Brothers Are Spending Millions to Push DACA Amnesty through Congress Before the End of the more

US: The Koch brothers, who back immigration and cheap labor, are working aggressively to push amnesty for 3.5-million illegal aliens who are enrolled and eligible for President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.  In addition to DACA, they also are pushing for prison release and so-called free trade during the lame duck session of Congress before House Democrats are handed the majority in the new year.  The Koch brothers have said they oppose President Trump’s plan to end chain migration that allows newly naturalized citizens are allowed to bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the country.  The Koch brothers also support the anchor baby policy of birthright citizenship. -GEG...Continue article here

New Amazon Facility to Be Built Near Congress in Order to Influence Lawmakers and Keep Its Monopoly

Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, which is worth $200 billion, made two deals that will net $2 billion in taxpayer-funded subsidies: New York will extend tax breaks of $1.525 billion in exchange for building a large facility and providing 25,000 jobs high-paying jobs, and Virginia offered Amazon $573 million in exchange for a guarantee of 25,000 jobs.  In n 2017, Amazon made $5.6 billion in profit and paid zero in federal income tax, and received a $137 million tax refund!
Brian Brenberg, associate professor of business and economics at The King’s College says that Bezos chose Virginia to cozy up to the rule makers in Congress so that they will give him huge tax breaks, which will put Amazon in a position where it can fend off competition for years to come.  Bezos has already invested $13 million with 100 lobbyists, and he will have 25,000 new employees in Virginia available as boots on the ground to wield influence in the halls of power.  Professor Brenberg says that Bezos’ goal is to stave off competition by writing the regulations, as Amazon depends on political favoritism to stay on top...Continue article here

Trump’s New Restrictions on Asylum Seekers that Requires Them to Wait in Line Is Challenged by ACLU and SPLC

Last week, in an effort to stop the flood of migrants seeking economic benefit, President Trump signed an order to halt asylum claims made by people who illegally cross the US border with Mexico.  In the past fiscal year, 140,000 migrants from Central and South America have entered the US illegally!  Trump’s new rule requires migrants to make asylum claims at official points of entry where “they would be processed in a controlled, orderly, and lawful manner.”   The migrants will be funneled into the crowded entry points, with the hope that the long waits will discourage them, and they will apply for asylum in Mexico instead.  Mark Krikorian from the Center for Immigration Studies says that migrants who are unable to get the asylum hearing that they seek, will likely be processed and released into the US, which is their goal.
As expected, Trump’s order has been challenged.  The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) is violating immigration law as well as the federal statute that governs the way administrative agencies can issue rules.
Trump has ordered thousands of additional troops to the US-Mexico border to offer support for border patrol agents in addition to more national guard troops who were dispatched to the border earlier in the year...Continue article here

Greece: NGO Is Caught On Camera Admitting It Teaches Migrants to Lie and “Pretend to Be Christian” to Enter Europe Under False Pretenses

Greece:  Ariel Ricker, CEO and founder of Advocates Abroad, a pro-immigration NGO that helps migrants enter Europe by providing legal aid and preparing (coaching) the migrants to lie in their asylum interviews.  In the shocking undercover video, Ricker says that the asylum process is simply theater.  She admits to teaching the migrants how to cry, to “act the part” of the refugee in trauma and even vomit to show extreme emotion.  She revealed that she teaches the migrants to pretend to be Christian — and how to pretend to pray. Ricker even admitted that her NGO is involved with human smugglers!  Advocates Abroad is linked with the international lawyers’ Bar Association, and has 380 staff members who worked with over 15,000 refugees in 2017. ..Continue article here

Corey Goode reveals Deep State’s Biggest Nemesis | Above Majestic Producers Exclusive Interview...and more

Edge of Wonder

The Latest From ECETI & James Gilliland

Radio Show Update, Vaccinations & Deep State’s Biggest Nemesis

BBS Radio and CA Fires
As most people know the BBS Radio headquarters was in Paradise CA. It was lost in the fire. As You Wish Talk Radio, my show has been one of the longest standing and highest rated show and there are many other great hosts on BBS Radio. . It would be a shame not to make sure it continues along with the long standing service Don, Doug families and staff have given to the awakening and healing process.  Please help BBS and their families get back on their feet and back on the air. They have already begun getting some of the equipment together lets all chip in to insure these great shows continue.

We have a paypal donation link and a gofundme link (provided below).

 PAYPAL link:

Government research confirms measles outbreaks

UFOs spotted off Irish coast under investigation

SGTreport: SPACE WEATHER, ROTHSCHILD & AGENDA 21, California fires


OOM2: California fires new one in San more


OOM2: Paradise Victim Interview

OOM2: Operation Torch California

OOM2: Firegeddon: An open Letter to people of California

Surely you folks get it by now.
Your once Golden State is being charred black by one ‘wildfire’ season after another.
Each successive year brings firestorms that are worse than the previous.
Have you folks even taken time to look at the evidence?
Have you even once questioned the official narrative or considered the true causes of these engineered fire calamities?
If not, please, PLEASE, check out the photographs in this photo-documentary.
Photos of Catastrophic Damage Caused by the California Wildfires
If those pics resonate in any way, we highly recommend you take some time to read the article featured below...Continue article here

See more Photo's here

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Ep. 850 The Secret Fight the Left Wants to Keep Hidden. The Dan Bongino Show 11/14/2018

Dan Bongino

You Are Free TV: #DEWFIRES: Agenda 21 Deep State VS Life-Loving Patriots! #PG&ROTHSCHILD

You Are Free TV

You Are Free TV

BREAKING: Trump FURIOUS! Caravan Hits US Border! LOOK What They’re Doing to the Fence!

The Next News Network

Ep#9 - Mini Maga Update - Jim Jordan, Grassley, Election Fraud, Mattis, Whitaker and much more.

Citizens Investigative Report

Roman Catholic Bishops take no action on abuse scandal

One America News network

NOBODY Saw It Coming.. Ireland Mass Sighting Continues


Israel Is at a Crossroads..A necessary partner in case of war in middle east

The Common Sense Show

[11.14] QAnon Panel Cancelled / Cali Fires (DEW?) / Voter Fraud / Ireland UFO / Space Force

Destroying the Illusion

James & Joanne Moriarty Share the Truth About Hillary Clinton's War In Libya

Jason Goodman

Hold the Presses! This Is Incredible---- 1.0

By Anna Von Reitz

Hold the Presses!  This is incredible ---

I have a statement on my desk attributed to former Democratic Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa.  He retired in 2015 after twenty years service in the U.S. Congress, ten years in the House, ten years in the Senate.  So he should know what he is talking about, right?  

He is still alive so far as I can discover, so maybe someone in Iowa can track him down and ask if he actually said the things that have been reported to me and ask him to make additional comment, because what I am about to discuss is nothing less than astounding.  

According to these statements sitting here on my desk this morning, Senator Harkin believes the following quotes.  My explanatory notes and answers appear in brackets [ ]: 

1. Senator Harkin:  [The Internal Revenue Code] "or any other constitutional or federal provision [is/are  null and void because] "those authorities fell with the loss of our national money standard in 1933."  ----that is, because the (Territorial) United States went off the gold standard.  

[Obviously not, Senator, because the Municipal United States continued to function and the Internal Revenue Service continued to click along. Changing from the gold standard to the silver standard in commerce in 1933 could not possibly have any such international treaty consequence. Both forms of money, gold and silver, are actual money and they both pay debts which the American States and People continued to pay for stipulated services under conditions of contract assumption. 

Federal Codes established by the old service corporation may have been vacated, but if so, the members of the U.S. Congress failed to serve Public Notice of those facts, and continued to publish and use those same Federal Codes--- which means that just as the American  People were "assumed" to bind themselves to the new service providers by process of assumption, the U.S. Congress is "assumed" to bind themselves to the provisions of the Federal Code they have published and used as a basis for suing people in courts all over this country.  Anything less results in institutionalized constructive fraud on the part of the members of the U.S. Congress in 1933 and every year since then.] 

2.  Senator Harkin: "Since 1933, the people have formed a new unincorporated United States in trust by their silence in accepting the loss of their ability for paying their debts at law." 

[We must immediately ask --- "Which 'people'?  The actual living people of this country, or the invisible fictional "persons" of the Territorial United States?  Because the States and People who actually own this country continued to pay their debts all along and have no reason to believe in the existence of any unwritten or implied "United States" trust. 

The bankruptcy in 1933 ruptured the assumed service contract with 
"United States of America, Incorporated" and ultimately led to the demise of that corporation in 1999, but so what?  If a subcontractor goes bankrupt the only affect on the Principal is to hire new subcontractors or extend additional duties to already existing subcontractors --- which in this case meant, historically, the UNITED STATES, INC. taking over.

 Also, there is no such thing as a totally "unincorporated" trust.  Trusts may be corporate or incorporated, but they have to have substance and form and a written indenture in order to exist.   There are no Zombie Apocalypse States or States of States or Commonwealths in our country or anywhere else. 

Senator Harkin's belief ----if indeed he said all this -- that some kind of un-stipulated public trust exists then or now is straight out of the realm of fantasy and has no basis in law or fact. 

There are unincorporated state trusts, but they are not some airy-fairy merely "presumed to exist" construct.  Our unincorporated state trusts are formed by declarations, not constitutions.  Those declarations may take different forms -- they may be compacts, they may be sovereign letters patent, they may be commonwealth treatises --- but they all have definite written hold-in-your-hand provisions that include public trust indentures.  All of them.  

Stop a moment and think about what this purported statement by Senator Harkin implies --- the members of the U.S. Congress think that our States don't really exist or have substance, because they are not incorporated?  That's like denying the existence of chickens because you broke an egg. Our States are the authorities that charter all their States of States and if the members of the U.S. Congress missed that fact in Grammar School, we are all in a heap of trouble.  You cannot ever have a "State of Florida" without first having a "Florida" --- does everyone grasp that fact?] 

3. Senator Harkin then quotes Russell v. Allen, 107 U.S. 163, 27 L.Ed. 397: "The United States Government may be the trustee of a charitable trust."  

[Well, I "may" act as a fan dancer, too, Senator.  But in the absence of evidence, we cannot presume that I occupied that capacity, can we? Or any other "potential" capacity --- dog catcher, soothsayer, or rocket scientist.  I might act as the trustee of a charitable trust, too. Might. Or might not.  This is crazy stuff, right out of Loony-Tunes Central.... The Trust to which the delegated powers return by Operation of Law is and has always been  The United States of America, Unincorporated, which was formed and announced to the public by The Continental Congress, September 9, 1776, and to all the State Trusts functioning under their statehood compacts, letters patent, commonwealth treatises, etc.  If this is not perfectly obvious to the members of the "U.S. Congress" it is still perfectly obvious to the rest of us.] 

I literally can't believe what I just read.  If this two-page statement by Senator Harkin is legitimate, and if this is representative of the level of understanding among members of Congress, our Ship of State has been lost at sea for over a hundred years, captained by pirates and crewed by imbeciles. 

And that discussion was just the first paragraph of this statement.  There's more.  Unfortunately.  But I must stop and draw breath.... 

Dear Mr. President Trump: there is no need for any vacuous supposition.  The occasion of any service provider going bankrupt results in the delegated powers returning to The United States of America, Unincorporated.  We were not given Notice by the International Trustees that they were unable to make provisions for new service providers (or were incompetent to do so) and in fact, new service providers readily came forward and assumed the service obligations and have been paid for those services since 1868. 

You can see that the obligations of contract by assumption swing both ways, and that any failure by the U.S. Congress to recognize this fact (such as their obligation to honor the entire Federal Code so long as they continue to publish and reference it ) results in constructive fraud against the sovereign States and People of this country and is in fact, treason.  

On this occasion with the failures of both the corporate Territorial and corporate Municipal service corporations, we have said --- "Enough." and have made public our non-assumption of contract and have also published our acknowledgement and acceptance of the returned Delegated Powers. 

It is now your turn to educate the members of Congress about life in the actual world and tell them that there is no implied United States trust charitable or otherwise available for the United States Government to (possibly) administer.  Andrew Jackson sold off the unincorporated United States as a business in 1836 and used the proceeds to pay off all debts owed by The United States of America, Unincorporated. 

All variations of "United States" incorporation(s) since that time have been completely foreign operations acting under assumed contracts, both Municipal and Territorial --- and aside from being responsible to obey and execute the constitutional agreements they were assuming, never had any authority, business connections, or any other rights, titles, or interests related to this country or its people. 

We are now calling for the "Internal Revenue Service" to vacate our shores for lack of valid contract and lack of evidence that any valid Municipal or Territorial PERSONS exist.  We also remind the American Armed Forces that if they want to work for us, they need a new contract.  And as for the "United States" meaning the British Territorial United States and Municipal United States -- we are your Priority Creditors, and that is set in cement.  

Finally, as for the Office of the "US Attorney General" ---that whole mess needs to be straightened out along with dismissal of any claims that Americans "voluntarily" donated their babies as chattel "alien property" --- ASAP.  Thank you, very much. 

Nationalism not Globalism: OPERATION TORCH CALIFORNIA: A Massive False Flag Operation Designed as Next Phase of Agenda 21?..and more



I am a Voluntarist Libertarian, and now I am fully red-pilled, I have discovered pretty much the essence of global politics and the deeply concerning political trends that are now happening now globally. It is now obvious what is happening. I am going to red-pill you too in this article.
The main problem with Libertarians/Anarchists/Voluntarists is that they always talk about principles but never about strategy. Being a principled person is very noble, but it’s pretty much a losing strategy, since most people are not. I don’t think we have the luxury now to be fully principled when the tyranny now is strangling us...Continue article here

Trump On Nationalism Vs Globalism

Nationalism vs. globalism: the new political divide | Yuval Noah Harari

The Propaganda Machine Targets Whitaker

Tracy Beanz

Exposing corruption: The DHS 2-Election Trap Method

Please feel free to share these newsletters. They are a product of Global Genius Trust

Enlarge map here

Field McConnell - "Treasonous Acts" - Operation Classified

Derrick Broze Educates City of Houston on 5G Tech #2


WEBINAR: Aurora Light & William Alek – Introduction to Golden Age Technology for a Golden Age on Earth

PART I - Aurora Light & William Alek - Introduction to Golden Age Technology for a Golden Age on Earth from Alfred Webre on Vimeo.

Physicist Bill Alek, in a referenced scientific paper, explains a breakthrough understanding of Perpendicular Universes [not parallel universes], in which Time is running backward in one universe, whereas future Time exists in a perpendicular universe – A zero point of free energy is available at the intersection of these 2 Perpendicular Universes.
Continue article here

Obama utterly dismantled the U.S. military as part of deliberate plan to leave America vulnerable to invasion and war


In recent days, former first lady Michelle Obama launched a book tour that, of course, the Left-wing “establishment media” is eager to promote. 
In her book, “Becoming,” she writes that she will “never forgive” POTUS Donald Trump for pushing the “birther” issue regarding former President Obama. 
“What if someone with an unstable mind loaded a gun and drove to Washington? What if that person went looking for our girls?,” she wrote in reference to the president’s questioning, at one point, whether Obama’s birth certificate indicating he was born in Hawaii was real. 
“Donald Trump, with his loud and reckless innuendos, was putting my family’s safety at risk. And for this I’d never forgive him.”
Whether you believe the president actually put the Obama’s at risk or not, he has plenty of things to hold over her husband’s head — like Spygate, the concerted effort the former president led to steal the 2016 election for Hillary Clinton or destroy POTUS Trump in the process.
That said, the president responded to the former first lady thusly: That he would never forgive her husband “for what he did to our U.S. military.”
“I’ll never forgive him for what he did in many other ways,” Trump continued. “What he did to our military made this country very unsafe for you, and you, and you,” he told reporters last week.
That’s not hyperbole. The president is spot-on regarding the manner in which the commander-in-chief he relieved left the armed forces.
The first budget President Trump signed contained significant increases in funding for the Pentagon, meant to rehabilitate a badly worn U.S. military. But according to a lengthy analysis published at South Front, the Defense Department has a long way to go in order to ensure victory on the battlefield against a future near-peer competitor like revisionist powers Russia and China.

‘This must change’...Continue article here

California forced vaccinations a blatant violation of the Nuremberg Code that outlawed medical experiments on humans

International Covenants 

Article 7
No one shall Ъе subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation. 

Image: California forced vaccinations a blatant violation of the Nuremberg Code that outlawed medical experiments on humans

(Natural News) As California’s forests are going up in flames, you might wonder whether the bureaucrats of California actually care about children at all. If they did, they wouldn’t be forcing dangerous, deadly vaccinations onto the children of the state, in total violation of the Nuremberg Code that was created to halt the Nazi practice of using human beings for cruel medical experiments.
Roger Landry from explains the real story. See the full article here.

California’s Forced Vaccinations A Violation Of Nuremberg Code

by Roger Landry
Concerns are mounting among scientists that the recent implementation of SB277 making vaccinations mandatory law in California for men, women and children is a chilling step towards universal compulsory vaccination.
Coupled with the fact governments and multi-national pharmaceutical companies are being prosecuted and convicted over poorly-tested and administered vaccines, suggests a crisis is coming.
Vaccine activists are citing the notorious post Second World War Nuremberg Trials in which Nazi doctors were convicted of forced experiments on humans. Fears are that seemingly once benign governments are now resorting to forcing medication into the bodies of the unwilling masses and their children without their consent.
A little recent history …Continue article here

Democrat Dreams: Their Unattainable Future & SerialBrain2 Election Strategy & Declass [videos]

StarShip Earth...See article and video's here

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The Has a Time Machine! President Reagan Sent Marty Back To The Future To Make Sure Trump Would Win! How Do U Think He Knows Everything, Just Like Santa? Happy 11-12 Posted 10:04 PM! Will See! ...See this tweet here

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Justinformed Talk

Field McConnell - "Treasonous Acts" - Operation Classified

John B. Wells

Ah-ha Moment Regarding Health and the DOD

By Anna Von Reitz

Ah-ha Moment Regarding Health and the DOD

Now, I know that my Readers are not coming to this page for health advice. They want to know what-the is wrong with the government and what to do about it.  This article only obliquely addresses a problem with the government, which is the over-protection of  Aluminum Industry profits by the Defense Department at the expense of public health ----but read it anyway, because it could save your life and improve the quality of your life and the lives of those you love. 

I've thought for years that there is an obvious link between the proliferation of aluminum cookware and the vast "mysterious" increase in Alzheimer's Disease which involves plaque deposits in the brain containing --- what?  Aluminum. 

The Aluminum Industry has a very shady history of pollution and self-interest going back many decades.  It got its big boost (not with Reynold's Wrap) with the use of Aluminum in air craft sheet metal during World War II.  Because it was a necessary "war material" the industry as a whole got all sorts of perks and open doors.  After the war, the growth of the commercial airlines and the need for new commercial transport planes continued to guarantee the demand for aluminum.  

Almost as an afterthought a burgeoning business in aluminum cookware and disposable bake ware sprang up after the Second World War as aluminum manufacturers sought to increase demand for new aluminum-containing products.  Aluminum has several properties that are good for cookware -- it is light weight, fairly rigid, and a good even heat conductor.  

Unfortunately, it is also quite poisonous when ingested. That's hardly a concern for airplane fuselages but is a concern when you are boiling water in an aluminum tea kettle day after day.  While the amount of aluminum ingested as part of a cake baked in an aluminum pan is truly minute, aluminum is very hard for our bodies to get rid of once ingested, and builds up causing an anti-poison inflammatory reaction.  The body tries to save itself by insulating the aluminum in a blanket of fatty acids ---- plaque. 

When you consider the exact correlation between the increase in the use of aluminum cookware and the increase in Alzheimer's in the adult population --- it does not take rocket science to figure this out, even if it does take aluminum to make rockets. 

Another way that the Aluminum Industry harms our health is the addition of Fluoride to toothpaste and to our community water systems.  Fluoride is touted  (ironically enough) for its anti-bacterial and plaque-fighting abilities without any disclosure of why Fluoride has these properties.  Fluoride is a low-level poison, just like the aluminum ore it comes from, and while it "kills" the kind of bacterial plaque that forms in our mouths, once ingested, it forms the other kind of plaque that gunks up our vascular systems and brain synapses. 

The Aluminum Industry thus found a highly profitable market for its poisonous waste products at our expense, and it was allowed to promote this because aluminum is a protected "Defense Material" and the mining and manufacturing related to aluminum has been a protected industry ever since WWII. 

Now, I have nothing against the use of aluminum in conjunction with aerospace and the airplane industry generally, and I see nothing wrong with the government protecting the Aluminum Industry in regard to its importance to the military --- but I draw the line when the known ill-health affects of aluminum are ignored and people's lives are ruined and truncated because aluminum is being used in inappropriate ways (such as cookware and bake ware) and its poisonous by-products are being marketed (and even mandated!) for use in toothpaste and added to municipal water supplies. 

I count myself extremely lucky that my Mother stuck to black cast iron and stainless steel and I highly recommend that everyone else do the same.  

There are other cookware dangers from non-stick and ceramic surfaces, too.  A friend forwarded this little gem to me from Buzz Video this morning:  Four Types of Toxic Cookware to Avoid and Four Safe Alternatives:

So to help my Readers have healthier and happier lives, here is a piece of Ancient Chinese Wisdom passed on from my Mother, LaVera, to all of you: 

"Hot pan, cold oil, food won't stick." 

That is, you don't need non-stick cookware to enjoy non-stick food.  You just heat your pan up BEFORE you add the cooking oil.  This causes the cooking oil to form a protective layer of natural non-stick between the food and the pan, and you can have fuss-free scrambled eggs and pork chops to your heart's delight. 

Buy cast iron and stainless steel and the other safe alternatives and use this little trick to make your own safe "non-stick" cookware. 

Also, you can get all the benefits of Fluoride-containing toothpaste with none of the nasty risks and side effect by buying Flouride-free toothpaste and simply rinsing your mouth with a couple tablespoons of coconut oil mixed with a couple drops of cinnamon or clove essential oil.  Just swish the oil around like you would use any mouthwash, then hold in your mouth for 30 seconds.  

This oil combination is naturally anti-bacterial and anti-plaque and gets under your gums more efficiently than any toothpaste --- and unlike Fluoride-containing toothpaste, this option continues to fight plaque-forming bacterial for many hours afterward. 

You can also lobby for the end of adding Fluoride to municipal water treatment programs and expose the Dirty Little Secret of the DOD connect via its protection of the the Aluminum Industry and therefore, Aluminum Industry profits.  They are, afterall, supposed to be protecting us, not poisoning us.  

Headlines With A Voice: Now What?



You Are Free TV

PrayingMedic: Qanon Nov 13 - Preparing for Future Comms

Qanon Nov 13 - Preparing for Future Comms from Praying Medic on Vimeo.

The real truth with Ami Horowitz: The Truth Behind the Caravan 11/12/18

The Daily Wire