Thursday, November 15, 2018

OOM2: California fires new one in San more


OOM2: Paradise Victim Interview

OOM2: Operation Torch California

OOM2: Firegeddon: An open Letter to people of California

Surely you folks get it by now.
Your once Golden State is being charred black by one ‘wildfire’ season after another.
Each successive year brings firestorms that are worse than the previous.
Have you folks even taken time to look at the evidence?
Have you even once questioned the official narrative or considered the true causes of these engineered fire calamities?
If not, please, PLEASE, check out the photographs in this photo-documentary.
Photos of Catastrophic Damage Caused by the California Wildfires
If those pics resonate in any way, we highly recommend you take some time to read the article featured below...Continue article here

See more Photo's here

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This was also part of the NWO the 10 regions in the US. Agenda 21, Agenda 2030.There is a video with all heads of country's seated at round table and a Map Of world in the air. Like glass pads but projected above the table. It has circles and when You see the world map on the wall behind it the circles are where the regions to be made are. Obama was there in the video.