Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Part One of a series
12/31/00 by Sherman H. Skolnick
In the year 2000 Presidential alleged "Election", upwards of 51 million voters nationwide voted for Albert Gore, Jr. He won the national popular vote by some 500,000 votes. In their heart of hearts, some of those voters will always consider Gore as "President De Facto" and pronounce the name of his opponent as George W. BushFRAUD, as an illegitimate occupier of the Oval Office.
In previous stories, I pointed out how the presidential alleged "election" played out strangely similar to that of 1876, when Samuel Tilden ran against Rutherford B. Hayes. Tilden won the popular vote and for the rest of his life, considered himself as having been the actual elected President. Winning by one Electoral College vote, approved by a Congressional Electoral Commission, the tie vote of which was bribed, Hayes served in the White House as a one-term President. Some called him names similar to RutherFRAUD or bitterly toasted him as "To His Fraudulency".
There are strange coincidences when you compare the events in Gore Vidal's book "1876". First published in 1976, the book was re-issued in softcover just prior to the year 2000 alleged "election". Bribery and fraud of the State Election overseers in FLORIDA was an instrumental part of Hayes seizure of power. And some persist in claiming the same as to George W. Bush. In his Texas home, Bush has bookshelves in his dining room with---you guessed it!---historical novels by Gore Vidal. [Time Magazine, 12/25/00, page 64.] Coincidence?
Some contend in dark and sinister tones that the year 2000 alleged "election" was orchestrated by the super computers using a marketing formula, called "hypothesis averaging". This done, under the supervision of the former head of America's secret political police, the Elder Bush. Were these secret methods used to disenfranchise, nationwide, some two million black voters whose ballots were tossed out by machines as supposedly "defective"? And were these mechanisms, using undisclosed proprietary codes, hooked clandestinely to satellites under the control of the super-secret National Reconnaissance Office, NRO? A high percentage of the supposedly "not valid" Afro-American ballots would have been for Gore.
As the propaganda horn for the Establishment, how would the oil-soaked monopoly press explain away THAT large of a plurality in the national popular vote for Gore as President? So the black vote had to be scrapped.[On the TV networks, by unwritten policy, IF a black reads you the news, they have to be light-skinned and/or look like a doll and resemble a store mannequin.]
One of those turning down an offer by Bush of a Cabinet position was Montana Governor Marc Racicot [(406)444-3111]. Some believe he had too much dirty baggage that even the highly corrupt FBI could not whitewash. Perhaps Bush sought to explain away the shadows. "In an interview with TIME last week, Bush singled out one Governor in particular for praise Racicot of Montana, who emerged during the Florida fiasco as a take-no-prisoners surrogate for the Governor. Racicot's accusation that Gore had declared war on U.S. troops by trying to toss out their absentee ballots has already made him a target among some Democrats on Capitol Hill. But Bush is unbowed and is considering the former state attorney general for Justice or Interior.'He's a genuinely good person', said Bush, 'a genuine guy. I promise you that whatever position he's in, he'll be a star--in a very quiet and humble way. He'll be a great success' " [Time Magazine, 12/25/00-1/1/2001, pp.91-92.]
Whatever election fraud may have occurred in Florida favoring Bush, some contend Racicot was the orchestra leader thereof. Investigators and journalists in upper Montana have claimed that high-level Montana State officials are implicated in the growing dope traffic from Canada through Montana. AND, that Governor Racicot is himself directly involved in a cover up of this criminality. Canadian authorities have sought to reportedly apprehend an FBI official charging him with being a kingpin in the cross-border narcotics. Is it just another coincidence that this U.S. secret police official has been stationed in FLORIDA but has links to the Montana/Canada border area in question?
As we showed in previous website stories, the Elder Bush and his sons have 25 secret bank accounts, worldwide. [See "Greenspan Reportedly Aids and Bribes George Bush and Family", with attached Federal Reserve secret wire transfer records by which the Bush family launders billions and billions of dollars from illicit proceeds from dope and weapons smuggling.]
Perhaps some have forgotten how the Bush gang committed treason. The Elder Bush, Richard Cheney, James Baker 3rd, and General Colin Powell were implicated in secretly arming Iraq even with nuclear weapons items and ingredients for poison gas. See the book, "Spider's Web---The Secret History of How the White House Illegally Armed Iraq" by Alan Friedman. Bantam Books, December, 1993.
One of the most explosive situations reportedly implicates Governor Tommy Thompson, appointed by alleged President Bush as the Secretary of Health and Human Services to replace out-going Clinton appointee Donna E. Shalala. It all revolves around a huge reputed CIA espionage slush fund, from Switzerland reportedly operating without legal authority in Wisconsin through the criminality of Governor Tommy Thompson. The billions and billions of dollars has been called by an innocent-sounding name, Childrens' Defense Fund. Playing a key role in the dirty business reportedly was Donna E. Shalala, starting when she was Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin at Madison and continuing when she was Secretary of Health and Human Services, HHS.
The Foundation/Trust specializes in illegally skimming funds off the Medicare Program and funneling the proceeds through hospitals and health programs that disregard legalities. Part of it operates through Rockefeller's University of Chicago Hospitals. [See our website series about the Red Chinese Secret Police in the United States. And how these hospitals reportedly buy and sell human body parts---hearts, kidneys, lungs, and such---harvested from Red Chinese dissidents condemned to death as the orders for these body parts come in.]
Some of the billions of dollars of the Childrens' Defense Fund are secretly used to margin soybean speculations by Red Chinese and others, through five commodity brokers [we intend to name names later in this series], Chicago and New York; specializing in illegal "no-due-diligence" secret Red Chinese accounts. Also the assets of the Childrens' Defense Fund are reportedly skimmed off and laundered through so-called "segregated accounts", more or less guaranteed quietly, dollar for dollar in the billions of dollars, by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. [Long time maestro of the "Merc" as it is called, has been once-Chairman Leo Melamed, raised in China and reportedly speaks fluent Chinese.]
Another key player reportedly in these Medicare/hospitals/Red Chinese/Chicago Mercantile Exchange swindles has been Rahm Emanuel, reputed deputy North American Director of Israeli intelligence, the Mossad. Off and on for six years, he was Clinton White House Senior Advisor. An expert reportedly in extortion and blackmail, Rahm has been a major election campaign fund-raiser by arm-twisting. He went on to a top position in Chicago with a supposed "investment banker", Wasserstein Perella, now merged with a German bank.
An official of the Childrens' Defense Fund has been Hillary Rodham Clinton, elected from New York to the U.S. Senate. Her reputed lover and law partner, in the Rose Law Firm, Little Rock, was Vincent W. Foster, Jr., for a few months in 1993 being Clinton White House Deputy Counsel. Foster was the courier and "bagman" for the Fund, traveling widely, prior to the White House job, Little Rock, Wisconsin, Chicago, Switzerland, Russia. He started in July, 1993, to turn over incriminating records of the Childrens' Defense Fund as a huge money laundry, to the then FBI Director, William Sessions. The day before Foster's body was found in Fort Marcy Park, Virginia, Sessions was unceremoniously sacked on ridiculous charges that he defrauded the government by taking his wife along on one of his FBI office plane flights. Some of those original records did get into Sessions possession and he formed elite units to investigate, for criminality, both George Herbert Walker Bush and his sons as well as the Bush Family cronies Bill and Hillary Clinton. Foster was murdered because of the massive Medicare/hospital/State Government/commodity markets fraud as well as for other reasons. [See other details of the Foster murder on our website, "Greenspan Reportedly Aids and Bribes the George Bush Family", Part Four of the series.]
For safe-keeping, Sessions parked the original records documenting massive fraud of the Fund, in the Alfred Murrah Federal Office Building in Oklahoma City. The records were destroyed in the multiple bombings, internal and external, of the building, on April 19, 1995. There is substantial reason to believe the FBI and the U.S. Treasury's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Fire-Arms, BATF, allowed a foreign unit, tied to Iraq with American surrogates as dupes, to bomb the building. Not only to destroy the records but to be used by Clinton as an excuse to restore his power following the 1994 Congressional Election debacle and clamp down on American dissidents falsely blamed for the disaster.
Naive people do not understand the overlap between the reputed crimes by Bill and Hillary Clinton and those supposedly investigating them. For over four years as the supposed "Independent Counsel", Kenneth W. Starr pursued the Clintons. The only items that Starr saw fit to publicize were the sex episodes of Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. Hemmed in by numerous conflicts of interest, Independent Counsel Starr was not about to open up a real can of worms. And who was the attorney for the infamous Childrens' Defense Fund, acting as supervisor and strategist? Why, none other than Kenneth W. Starr. You can understand why Starr committed a fraud upon the American people by stating that Vincent W. Foster, Jr., died as a "suicide", when there are substantial contradictions, showing Foster, and his role with the Childrens' Defense fund, was more likely murdered.
So the role of Tommy Thompson reportedly is quite simple to continue the cover up of the massive fraud implicating the Childrens' Defense Fund, continuing the same of his confederate, Donna E. Shalala. As head, like she was, of the Department of Health and Human Services, Thompson is in a perfect position to perpetuate a fraud on the American people. Was George W. Bush simply incompetent in having as his surrogate reputed dope trafficker Marc Racicot? And appointing Tommy Thompson to keep the lid on the CIA money laundering swindles, like Childrens' Defense Fund? Or did George W. with his father supervising him, know quite well what he was doing.

If the Liars and Whores of the Press had all along publicized these crimes, most common Americans, regardless of political party, would most likely agree to be taxed for a new, large jail to house this New/Old White House Gang. Stay tuned.



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WASHINGTON — A witness at a congressional hearing today on IRS targeting of conservative organizations claims he has proof the agency illegally leaked confidential information.
“I would call the disclosure of our donor lists by the IRS a felony,” charged John Eastman, chairman of the National Organization for Marriage, or NOM, in Washington, D.C., in emotionally charged testimony Tuesday before the House Ways and Means Committee .
Eastman testified that the organization’s IRS Form 990 tax return, which lists its donors, was published on the website of the Human Rights Campaign, a “gay-rights” advocacy group.
He claimed to have proof the IRS leaked his organization’s confidential donor list under questioning by Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis.
Eastman said “forensic” specialists within his organization had stripped layers from the document posted on the HRC website to identify “meta-data,” or unseen embedded code, that identified the document as having originated from within the IRS.
Eastman testified the “internal IRS stamps” in the meta-data of the NOM donor list provide  “proof” the document originated from within the IRS and was leaked to HRC to embarrass and “chill” NOM donors opposed to same-sex marriage.
“You can imagine our shock and disgust over this disclosure,” Eastman told the panel. “We jealously guard our donors.”
Eastman alleged the IRS leak of his organization’s non-public donor list was “a deliberate act” undertaken in a manner to avoid detection, a charge he said he was prepared to substantiate with evidence.
“This just smells and I hope this committee gets to the bottom of it,” he concluded.
According to the Daily Caller, NOM has forwarded allegations to the Treasury inspector general for tax administration, demanding to know whether or not the IRS was responsible for leaking to the HRC confidential donor information regarding a $10,000 contribution Mitt Romney made to NOM in 2008.
Rep. Dave Camp, R-Mich., chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, called the hearing to have six conservative groups detail the IRS bias they allegedly experienced in their application for tax-exempt status.
“They are Americans who did what we ask people to do every day, add their voice to the dialogue that defines our country,” Camp said.
“And for pursuing that passion, for simply exercising their First Amendment rights , the freedoms of association, expression and religion , the IRS singled them out,” he added.
Ryan added to his earlier fireworks when he objected to a statement by Rep. Jim McDermott, D–Wash., that the IRS delays could be explained by administrative errors and that there would have been no allegations that First Amendment rights had been compromised by the IRS had the groups not chosen to apply for tax-exempt status.
“The charge here is that these groups were targeted for the political beliefs,” Ryan stated for the record, directly countering McDermott’s statement.
Witnesses vividly described abuse at the hands of their own government.
“It was frightening to have the IRS inquire about the details of our protests in front of Planned Parenthood offices,” testified Sue Martinek of the Coalition for Life of Iowa of Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
“As Christians, we know we needed to pray for better solutions for unplanned pregnancies,” she said.
A particularly poignant moment came when Becky Gerritson, president of the Wetumpka Tea Party in Alabama, was unable to hold back tears and told lawmakers, “I’m a born-free American woman.”
Her voice cracking but firm, she continued, “I’m telling my government, you’ve forgotten your place.”
Dianne Belsom, president of the Laurens County Tea Party in South Carolina described the long delays her group endured.
“Nearly three years in waiting for an answer is totally unacceptable,” she said.
“I’d like to note that our group is a small-time operation with very little money and this represents a complete waste of time by the IRS in terms of any money they would collect if we were not tax-exempt,” said Belsom.
Among the other allegations made by the witnesses in their opening statements were that IRS questionnaires asked to self-report details of prayer meetings, required them to disclose the political activities of family members of the group founders, probed the political beliefs of the organizations’ founders, requested membership and donor lists, asked to see copies of internal communications and demanded detailed statements of the groups’ advocacy goals and political objectives.
“We have found a cancer in the office of the IRS in Cincinnati,” admitted Charles Rangel, D–N.Y., noting the investigation could lead to a grand jury examining criminal charges.
“What is intolerable is to have one set of rules for one political organization and another set of rules for another,” Eastman responded, rejecting the suggestion by Democrats on the committee that release of the NOM donor list could be explained by the inadvertent acts of a few rogue agents in the IRS Cincinnati office.
“We must protect the confidentiality that the law provides donors in order to prevent a chilling effect to their political participation,” he said.
The committee’s top Democrat, Rep. Sander Levin, said it was time to correct the IRS’s problems.
“You are owed an apology,” he told the witnesses in his opening statement.
“We say to you that each of us is committed to doing our part to ensure this does not happen again,” Levin promised.
However, he went on to advance a common Democratic Party theme, insisting the IRS scandal was being resolved now that acting IRS commissioner Steve Miller has been replaced by Obama administration appointee Dan Werfel and Treasury Secretary Lew has ordered a 30-day review to implement the recommendations in the inspector general’s report.
Counting the suggestion the IRS scandal would be resolved by these measures, several Republican members of the committee asked witnesses for the names of IRS agents who handled their applications for tax-exempt status. The intent is to call the IRS agents to Washington to testify before the committee.
House Ways and Means is one of three congressional committees investigating the IRS targeting of conservative groups. The Justice Department has begun a criminal investigation.
An audit by the inspector general of the Treasury Department found IRS agents in Cincinnati improperly targeted and gave extra scrutiny to conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status between 2010 and 2012.
As WND has reported, the targeting actually happened at IRS offices in a number of cities with guidance coming from Washington. And National Review has reported the IRS is still targeting conservative groups.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/06/tea-party-groups-testify-on-capitol-hill/#0XWdHqx2yJfAEi1D.99 

Brief Videotaped Response of "OPPT Eleven" in "Ethiopia" to Drake/Fulford

5:48am Jun 4

Singing like canaries IRS agents tell Issa their marching orders came from Washington

Singing like canaries

IRS agents tell Issa their marching orders came from Washington

By Dan Calabrese (Bio and Archives) Monday, June 3, 2013
This all reminds me of Benghazi. Remember the initial story - horrible guy who put a Mohammed video on YouTube - and how it soon became, er, inoperable as the real truth became obvious? The original story of the two rogue IRS agents in Cincinnati is starting to seem a little like that. Did they really try to tell that one? Eh, just forget they ever said it.

Especially now, when IRS agents are singing like a canary to Darrell Issa and his congressional investigators, and it’s clear the initial story was absurd and impossible. CBS News reports:
House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., citing the testimony of IRS employees who spoke to his committee behind closed doors, argued Sunday that the tax agency’s targeting of conservative groups was not the result of a few “rogue agents” in the Cincinnati field office, as the IRS and the Obama administration have insisted, but the product of a direct order from IRS headquarters in Washington.

“As late as last week, the administration’s still trying to say there’s a few rogue agents in Cincinnati,” Issa said on CNN. “When in fact the indication is they were directly being ordered from Washington.”

As evidence, Issa pointed to the testimony of IRS employees from the Cincinnati office who spoke to his committee and indicated that IRS headquarters in Washington requested a sample of applications from conservative groups for tax exempt status.

As to whether a couple of rogue agents could have pulled off such a stunt if they had wanted to, one IRS agent told Issa’s committee it would have been impossible:
“It’s impossible,” the employee explained. “As an agent we are controlled by many, many people. We have to submit many, many reports. So the chance of two agents being rogue and doing things like that could never happen.”

The interrogator followed up, asking, “With respect to the particular scrutiny that was given to Tea Party applications, those directions emanated from Washington, is that right?”
“I believe so,” replied the IRS employee.

So the administration’s story is falling apart by the day. On Saturday, Hot Air’s Ed Morrissey noted that the IRS locked down computers that might have information about the scandal. Just those couple of rogue agents, right? Uh, not exactly, as Ed notes that no less than 88 IRS employees had their computers locked down:

The IRS says that the number simply reflects their desire to be responsive, which would be a first, but that doesn’t pass the laugh test. If the practice was contained to just “a few” people working on their own without orders, there is no way that you’d haveeighty-eight peopleconnected to it. Unless the IRS wants to argue that it’s supervision is so poor and ineffective that 88 employees can conspire to target people for their political beliefs and no one in authority would have the first clue about it, that’s an absurd posture to take. Don’t bet against that argument getting rolled out at some point, though.

The attempt to blame low-level employees is classic Obama, and the quick collapse of the cover story is just as classic. The information Issa is getting from employees testifying under oath is going to become public eventually. The media will focus on whether there is evidence of direct involvement by Obama, but such evidence is not needed for this to be a huge scandal. It shows that an agency with a frightening degree of power over the lives of individual Americans is completely out of control, and abusing its power to serve the political interests of its bosses.

Whether Obama is directing this or is merely failing to prevent it, he is culpable either way. Rather than serving the people, under Obama the government is serving itself at the expense of the people. He is responsible for that, by definition.

Why Some People Gain Weight & Others Don't

Why Some People Gain Weight & Others Don't

Why is it that one person can eat whatever they want whenever they
want, yet another seems to put on 5 pounds just LOOKING at a doughnut?

The answer can be summed up in one word: Metabolism.
Although metabolism collectively refers to all of the chemical processes that occur in your body, the biggest concern for most is the part of metabolism that determines how your body produces and uses energy.
Because of course, this is a big factor in determining your "girth" and your level of energy (or lack thereof) during the day.
Let's take a closer look at what metabolism really is, as well as some ways that you can beef yours up and reap the benefits.

Metabolism 101 -- it's like a symphony
ALL your body's processes and functions, including digestion, circulation, breathing, thinking and even reading this email are the result of a "symphony" of chemical reactions, collectively known as metabolism.
This symphony has two main parts -- anabolism and catabolism.
Anabolism is the process where little parts are put together to make something bigger, such as new tissue growth. Anabolism uses up energy.
Catabolism, on the other hand, is where bigger things are broken down into smaller pieces, like your foods being digested and nutrients being absorbed. Catabolism creates and releases energy.
And functioning as the main "orchestra conductor" making sure everything is coordinated and carried out like it should be is the job of your body's 3,000+ enzymes.

Burn baby, burn
Before your body can use energy, it must be created and released...and a key player in this formula is ATP (adenosine triphosphate).
What happens is this: Following digestion of your food, your cells take in the nutrients that have been absorbed through the intestinal tract.
Inside the cells, the nutrients are sorted and assembled into molecules of ATP. Energy is stored in the bonds between the atoms of ATP in your cells.
When energy is needed, enzymes come on the scene, break apart the ATP bonds and release the stored energy.

How much do you need?
Most people think of energy needs in terms of what they need for exercise, running errands or doing their job.
That's true, but your body also uses up energy when you're doing NOTHING at all!
You see, your body is also burning energy when you are sitting still or sleeping. Because even when you're not moving, your body is still keeping your heart beating, your lungs breathing and your cells in good repair, for example, and all of these processes require energy.
The primary measure of basic bodily energy needs--what you need just to carry out bodily functions while you are not moving--is your basal metabolic rate, or BMR.
It's expressed in terms of calories per hour and it's determined as follows:
Men: The hourly BMR is their weight in kilograms. To convert pounds to kilograms, divide weight in pounds by 2.2.
For example, let's say Bill weighs 195 pounds. His weight in kilograms is about 89 kg. (195 / 2.2). So Bill burns about 89 calories an hour just staying alive.
Women: We're a bit different, ladies. Our BMR is calculated by multiplying our weight in kilograms by 0.9.
For example, Susan weighs 130 pounds. Her weight in kilograms is 59 kg (130 / 2.2). 59 X 0.9 = 53. So Susan burns about 53 calories an hour being alive.

Burn baby, burn
As you can probably surmise, any excess energy that you consume over your daily needs that is not burned up in other activities becomes and stays a part of YOU. (And you get larger as a result.)
Note that ANY type of movement--walking across the room, typing on a keyboard or scratching an itch--increases your daily energy expenditure. The more effort required, the more energy you burn.
Even a few seconds of very intense activity can greatly shoot up your energy output. The reason for this is that your muscles make up nearly half of your body's mass--so when they get moving, they consume a good proportion of energy.
That's why exercise is so vital and creates so many health benefits. And get this--the benefits continue long after your workout is over!
That's right--exercise raises your metabolic rate, not just during your workout but for several hours afterwards!
How many more calories you burn is a reflection of the type of activity you do--the more intense your chosen form of exercise, the longer the burn will continue.
For example, a light workout may help you burn another 10 calories after you're done. But a more moderate workout can use up another 35 calories, and a strenuous one can keep you burning up to 180 more calories!
Here are some examples of energy expenditures for different activities in terms of calories per hour burned:
Man (150 lbs.)
Woman (120 lbs.)
Jogging  (4-5 mph)
Running  (6-7 mph)
So clearly, the more intense activities like swimming and jogging are more likely to keep your furnace burning longer afterward.

How to fine-tune your metabolism
Many things can affect your metabolism including the following:
- Your proportion of muscle vs. fat (muscle burns more energy)
- Age (as we age, our metabolism slows)
- Genetics (slower metabolism can run in some families)
- Illness
- Medications

But far and away, the three single biggest factors affecting your metabolism are:
1- Your diet
2- Your enzyme level
3- Your B12 level

Here's how you can fine-tune those three important factors in your metabolism to keep it strong and healthy (and YOU energized and at a normal body weight):
Metabolism Strategy #1: Get nutrients in & digest properly
First of all, your primary source of nutrients should be FOOD--not supplements. Your body is designed to metabolize whole foods in their natural form--not concentrated powders in a capsule.
It's also important to eat REAL foods--not processed food. Your food should not come with a bar code and ingredients you can't pronounce. Trust me, if you don't know what an ingredient on a label is, neither does your body.
And the last important piece of this puzzle is good digestion.
If you don't have good digestion, you don't stand a snowball's chance in you-know-where of absorbing the nutrients your body needs.
And the key to having good digestion is to eat meals that your body can easily digest.
The Great Taste No Pain system can make all of this a breeze for you!
The GTNP manuals show you how to structure high-energy, easy to digest meals made from REAL, nutritious foods that taste positively fantastic!
When you eat combinations of real foods that can be broken down efficiently by your stomach and intestines, your body gets the nutrients it needs and you get fewer tummy troubles!
And the dishes in the recipe book are the bomb! You'll be shocked and delighted at how delicious and enjoyable eating for high energy (and great health!) can be.
Note: If you've got gluten challenges, Great Taste No Gluten is for you instead.

Metabolism Strategy #2: Have the enzymes for the job
Like I mentioned above, your metabolism is dependent on enzymes. Every single one of your body's processes needs them.
But if you've had a typical diet of processed or fast food for a while, chances are excellent that you've expended WAY more enzymes on digestion than Nature intended.
And your body's ability to produce enzymes for ALL of your processes may be hampered as a result.
That's why supplementation with a quality enzyme formula like Digestizol Max can be so helpful for SO many reasons!
Many people supplementing with digestive enzymes not only see tremendous relief in their digestion, but also have reported feeling more energy as a result!
Digestizol Max's super-potent blend of 14 plant-derived enzymes targets a broad range of proteins, carbohydrates, sugars, fats and fibers in your diet.
Digestizol Max will help you digest every single kind of food you could possibly eat...while helping to conserve your body's ability to produce the enzymes you so desperately need from head to toe.

Metabolism Strategy #3: Check your B12
Vitamin B12 is an important catalyst in your metabolism that generates your body's energy (ATP) from fats and sugars.
Unfortunately, it's also a very common deficiency--especially with vegetarians, people who use antacids, people who have had gastric surgery and the elderly.
Your doctor can do a simple test to see if you're low in B12. If you are and changes to your diet aren't enough, don't just think that pills or shots are your only options. B12 pills have been shown to have limited absorbency rates...as low as 1/2 of 1%.  So you're getting barely anything for your money.  And shots are painful and very expensive.
Instead there is another very effective option for B12 supplementation that costs far less than shots, is convenient and has far better absorbency than pills.
It's Hydroxaden 2.5.
Hydroxaden 2.5 is a convenient vitamin B12 nano spray that gives you the 2.5 mg of B12 (in the form of hydroxocobalamin) suggested by many nutrition experts. Just five quick sprays under your tongue each day is all it takes.
Studies show that B12 taken sublingually can be quickly and efficiently absorbed right into your bloodstream from the mucus membranes in your mouth.
And from there it can "get busy" boosting your metabolism and energy level!

Remember, when you take care of your body on the inside, it will be far more likely to take care of you well into your golden years!
When you take the proper measures to enhance your metabolism, a whole new world full of energy, great health and maintaining a normal body weight can open up for you.
Start now and see what a difference it can make for you.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS:  We're now on Facebook! Like us here:
- https://www.facebook.com/GreatTasteNoPain.HolisticBlendsInc

PPS:  Donald's heading back to his 33 inch waist again!
Your Great Taste No Pain plan is awesome.
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Hopefully they heed your advice and try your Great Taste No Pain plan
Donald M.
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(c) copyright 2013 Holistic Blends  
- http://www.greattastenopain.com/great.asp
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**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**
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JFK: Who pulled the trigger and why

Subject: JFK: Who pulled the trigger and why

It's clear that security for JFK
was "rearranged" to make
him an easy target in Dallas.

It's also clear that evidence
was tampered with and
destroyed - massively -
after the fact.

But who pulled the trigger
- and why?



- Brasscheck

P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV e-mails and
videos with friends and colleagues.

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A Pendleton man says he’s flying the U.S. flag upside down to protest the presidency of Barack Obama

File photo of a person holding the American flag upside down in protest. (credit: Edward Linsmier/Getty Images)
PENDLETON, Ore. (AP) — A Pendleton man says he’s flying the U.S. flag upside down to protest the presidency of Barack Obama, but some of his neighbors aren’t happy with the display.
The East Oregonian reports 71-year-old Larry Taylor considers the country in trouble. To signal his dissatisfaction, he’s using the international sign for distress — an upside down flag.
Taylor says he began flying the flag upside down about one month ago, and has no plans to change it until Obama is no longer president.
Taylor says he’s received phone calls and complaints from neighbors.
Brad Wahl was one of them. Wahl says the flag is “sacred,” and that while he might agree with Taylor’s politics, he doesn’t agree with the display.


U.S. publishes details of missile base Israel wanted kept secret

U.S. publishes details of missile base Israel wanted kept secret

By Sheera Frenkel | McClatchy Foreign Staff
TEL AVIV, Israel — Israel’s military fumed Monday over the discovery that the U.S. government had revealed details of a top-secret Israeli military installation in published bid requests.
The Obama administration had promised to build Israel a state-of-the-art facility to house a new ballistic-missile defense system, the Arrow 3. As with all Defense Department projects, detailed specifications were made public so that contractors could bid on the $25 million project. The specifications included more than 1,000 pages of details on the facility, ranging from the heating and cooling systems to the thickness of the walls.
"If an enemy of Israel wanted to launch an attack against a facility, this would give him an easy how-to guide. This type of information is closely guarded and its release can jeopardize the entire facility," said an Israeli military official who commented on the publication of the proposal but declined to be named because he wasn’t authorized to discuss the facility. He declined to say whether plans for the facility have been altered as a result of the disclosure.
"This is more than worrying, it is shocking," he said.
Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Wesley Miller said he couldn’t comment on the specifics of the Arrow 3 base, but he said the United States routinely published the details of its construction plans on a federal business opportunities website so that contractors could estimate the costs of jobs. He said such postings often might be revised after contracts were approved.
Israeli officials appear to have been well aware of the danger of outsourcing building projects to the United States. In an interview with the Reuters news agency in March, Lt. Col. Peleg Zeevi, the head of the bidding process at Israel’s Defense Ministry, justified Israel’s long history of relying on the United States to help build military installations by saying that Israel needed "a player that has the knowledge, ability and experience."
"We are aware of the security issues that arise in deals with foreign firms, but because we want real competition and expertise, we will create conditions that will allow and encourage their participation," Zeevi said.
It appears, however, that Israeli officials were caught by surprise that details of the facility at Tel Shahar, classified so top secret that Israel’s military won’t officially confirm its location between Jerusalem and Ashdod, would be made so public.
Jane’s Defence Weekly first wrote about the bidding documents, citing them in a story in which it recounted details of the Arrow 3, a defense system designed to intercept ballistic missiles outside the Earth’s atmosphere that’s expected to become operational in 2015.
According to the bid requests, the Arrow 3 system will include six interceptors in vertical launch positions to be placed in the facility, and a gantry crane would need to be erected for further missiles. The structures encasing the interceptor system are to be constructed from high-grade concrete reinforced with steel mesh grids. They’ll have steel blast doors and a system to protect electrical wiring from the pressure created by a launch.
Israeli officials had announced that they were fast-tracking the Arrow 3 system because of their fear that Iran is developing a nuclear weapon.
“We want to reach a situation in which Israel has a ready defense for any threat, present or future,” said Col. Aviram Hasson, the head of the Defense Ministry department that’s charged with developing the system.
The Arrow 3 is capable of intercepting missiles at a range of up to 1,500 miles and can maneuver in midair to chase them. Last February, Israel conducted the first test of the Arrow 3 in space. That test was overseen by the United States.
The new facility won’t be the first military installation the U.S. government has built in Israel. Since 1998, when Israel and the Palestinian Authority signed the Wye River memorandum, the U.S. has constructed about $500 million in military facilities for the Israeli army. In addition to bases in southern Israel, including the Nevatim air base, the U.S. has built command centers, intelligence offices and underground hangars to protect Israel’s jet aircraft.
Last year, U.S. defense contractors began constructing an air force base just outside Tel Aviv – known as the "site 911" – that will cost up to $100 million. Israel’s military hasn’t revealed the purpose of the site, but it’s widely thought that Israel is trying to move some of its military headquarters from high-value real estate in Tel Aviv to the outskirts of the bustling city.
Frenkel is a McClatchy special correspondent. Twitter: @sheeraf