Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Baptist Cowboy

The Baptist Cowboy,

A cowboy, who just moved to Wyoming from Texas , walks into a bar and orders
three mugs of Bud. He sits in the back of the room, drinking a sip out of
each one in turn. When he finishes them, he comes back to the bar and orders
three more.

The bartender approaches and tells the cowboy, "You know, a mug goes flat
after I draw it. It would taste better if you bought one at a time."

The cowboy replies, "Well, you see, I have two brothers. One is in Arizona ,
the other is in Colorado . When we all left our home in Texas, we promised
that we'd drink this way to remember the days when we drank together. So I'm
drinking one beer for each of my brothers and one for myself."

The bartender admits that this is a nice custom, and leaves it there.

The cowboy becomes a regular in the bar, and always drinks the same way.
He orders three mugs and drinks them in turn.

One day, he comes in and only orders two mugs. All the regulars take notice
and fall silent. When he comes back to the bar for the second round, the
bartender says, "I don't want to intrude on your grief, but I wanted to
offer my condolences on your loss."

The cowboy looks quite puzzled for a moment, then a light dawns in his eyes
and he laughs.

"Oh, no, everybody's just fine," he explains, "It's just that my wife and I
joined the Baptist Church and I had to quit drinking."

"Hasn't affected my brothers though."

Former drone operator says he's haunted by his part in more than 1,600


by Sherman H. Skolnick 5/23/02
Chandra Levy disappeared about May, 2001, About a year later, her body was found in a park near her apartment in the District of Columbia. But the spy-riddled, oil-soaked monopoly press, now or ever, is in no position to tell you what may be helpful to understand what happened. Such places had been searched in the past with no results. Did someone just dump her body there recently?
From all the best sources and notebooks of private and government investigators, the following details appear to be quite correct
[1] Like Monica Lewinsky, Chandra Levy made herself available to be used by the American CIA, certain officials of which, informally and formally, act jointly with Israeli intelligence, The Mossad, as well as other spy agencies of purported friendly powers. Both Monica and Chandra were both good looking. Some subjectively contend that Chandra was moreso. Both apparently wanted to be used as a latter day Mata Hari, the World War One spy who infiltrated the highest level of certain military command structures.
Even as a child, Chandra liked to volunteer to assist the local police in her home town. Those who knew her, contend she wanted, when she grew up, to be a covert operative with the American CIA.
[2] After graduating with a University Master's Decree, specializing in criminal justice and journalism, she somehow wiggled her way into the Washington, D.C. Public Affairs, or Press Office, of the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Was it all actually prior arranged by her espionage handlers, foreign and domestic? Among other things, she helped arrange the media coverage at the prison death house for the execution of the alleged Oklahoma City bomber, Timothy McVeigh. A reporter, viewing the alleged execution, stated McVeigh was still breathing when he was supposedly pronounced "dead". [Visit Part Two of this website series.]
[3] Chandra somehow became a sexmate of Congressman Gary Condit (D., Ca.], Representing her home District. Was it a mere concidence that he sat on several committees in respect to espionage agencies, including as overseer of the American CIA, namely, on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence??In that capacity, Condit had top security clearance to be privy to closed door sessions dealing with covert operations of the spy community. As earlier stated by us, Chandra was repeatedly pumping Condit, in return for sexual favors, on details on McVeigh and other hot items. She used her position, as we have earlier stated, to find out why and how co-founder of the Colombia Medellin Drug Cartel, Carlos Lehder, somehow disappeared from U.S. Federal Prison. WIth her computer and other expertise, in a key office of the prison system, Chandra was in a perfect position to find out key details. Such matters were good for blackmail purposes against Lehder's business partners, the Bush Crime Family.
[4] According to the secret reports of highly-skilled private and government investigators, Chandra was compiling data, for The Mossad jointly with the French CIA,on wealthy Arab businessmen, such as in the beltway. The foreign spy agencies were interested to find out, apparently for blackmail purposes, the business links to the Bush Family and others of that circle. The foreign intelligence agencies contended that the Arab makers and shakers in the District of Columbia area, used a group of beltway bedmates, some of whom, separate from Chandra, were also snuffed out.
Chandra's task was plainly dangerous and she was clever and bright enough to know it.
Through Chandra's knowledge of kinky sex tricks required reportedly by Condit, with or through as well the Arab hotshots, many of whom were Saudis, was Condit compromised? For example, Chandra had the task of finding out details of members of the bin Laden Family residing in the U.S., some of whom reportedly had national security contracts with the U.S. Government. AND, OSAMA bin LADEN, contrary to fake stories in the monopoly press, was not on the outs with his family that secretly funded him. Right after Black Tuesday, while all civilian aircraft were grounded, the FBI arranged by plane to whisk some 24 bin Laden Family members out of the U.S. Chandra was exploring the clandestine business arrangements of the Bush Crime Family with the bin Laden Family, as residents in the U.S. and elsewhere.
[5] For some time, The Mossad jointly with the French CIA, wanted to know what, if anything, was known by the Saudi Ambassador to the U.S. and his staff, as to the murder of Clinton White House Deputy Counsel Vincent W. Foster, Jr., the most major political assassination of a U.S. Government official since the wipe-out of President Kennedy. The Saudi Ambassador's mansion is located right across the road from Fort Marcy Park, Virginia, where Foster's body was found in July, 1993. What, if anything, did the Saudi diplomat and his staff see, observe, or know about how Foster was murdered elsewhere and his body transported to that Civil War Memorial Park where it was parked as if Foster committed "suicide" there. [For Foster murder background, visit our website item "Greenspan Aids and Bribes Bush", Part 4.]
[6] The lead FBI investigator in the Chandra Levy case was Special Agent Bradley J. Garrett. Notice a few details from his past Some assert he is a cover-up expert.
===Garrett was a key federal prosecution witness in the murder case against Mir Aimal Kasi. The Pakistan national was accused of murdering several CIA officials in their car, as they were waiting to enter the driveway leading into the Langley, Virginia, headquarters of the American CIA. Kasi fled the U.S. and took up refuge with his prominent family in Pakistan who reside right next to the CIA offices there, the largest CIA facility outside the U.S. Subject of a multi-million dollar "reward", Kasi was handed over to American authorities Kasi was accused as if he committed the murders at random, when, in fact, he knew and had dealings with the victims and claimed he was double-crossed by them and they were implicated in treason against the U.S. Some of the suppressed details incriminated Daddy Bush as former Director of the secret political police.
===Garrett was as well the lead FBI investigator in the strange death of Clinton White House Deputy Counsel Vincent W. Foster, Jr. Garrett reportedly sought to cover-up Foster's role, jointly with Hillary Rodham Clinton and their pal Webster Hubbell, at one time a top Clinton Justice Department official who was later sent to federal prison. Foster and these former law partners at the Rose Law Firm, were part of a worldwide espionage operation, spying on banks, friend and foe alike, through "trap doors" in bank computer services software. Garrett also covered up Foster's secret role with the super-duper signals intelligence agency, National Security Agency, N.S.A.
===Garrett was the lead FBI investigator in the murder of Clinton White House intern, Mary Caitrin Mahoney. She was shot to death at a Starbucks Coffee Shop, right in the heart of the District of Colombia, in what some described as an intelligence agency "hit". The investigation of her death did not really begin until a year later after we and others publicly complained that the federal authorities were dragging their feet while asserting they do not have enough staff to investigate the homicide. Garrett reportedly arranged to blame the crime later on a vulnerable nobody. When Monica Lewinsky was persuaded to visit Clinton hotshot lawyer, Vernon Jordan (accused of being himself implicated in Clinton's criminality), she was quoted as telling the lawyer she did not want to end up "like Caity Mahoney". Ms Mahoney was privy to serious criminality by then First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton.[A U.S. Secret Service Agent, assigned to checking doors, some supposed to be closed, some opened at night, contends he opened a door and found Hillary in a compromising sexual position with Ms Mahoney, a known lesbian since her high school days. He asserts that Hillary whacked him in the head with a metal ashtray. His supervisor, . the agent states, warned him he is to take care of the bleeding wound at a distant medical clinic, nowhere near the District of Colombia. A doctor heading up a medical clinic, described for us, how he stitched up and x-rayed the Secret Service agent who showed his credentials and told the doctor what had happened and that the Secret Service supervisor warned the agent to find distant medical help so as not to cause embarrassment to the First Lady. Was Ms Mahoney privy to too much Clinton White House criminality? Who all had a motive to wipe out Ms Mahoney and apparently falsely blame it on a nobody after apparently delaying a proper investigation for a year?]
So, is it a mere coincidence, that the selfsame FBI Special Agent Bradley J. Garrett was the lead investigator on the Chandra Levy matter? Ms Levy had apparently been pressed into service as a penetration agent on behalf of at least two foreign intelligence agencies, The Mossad (The Institute) and the French CIA. Note in part two of this series how on her computer she apparently clicked on a website which was an apparent b front for the French CIA. AND, THE FBI CLAIMED IN EXAMINING HER COMPUTER, that nothing important was shown there! Was Chandra compiling data for blackmail by The Mossad and the French? As stated in other of our website items, the French CIA was disgruntled about the cover up of the missile attack on TWA Flight 800. Sixty French nationals died on that flight scheduled to go to Paris, of these, eight were part of an elite section of the French CIA. AND, the Justice Department has been threatening to prosecute 14 French nationals in the U.S. on allegations of theft of U.S. industrial and financial secrets. On the other hand, the State of Israel occupies a tiny sliver of land. The British arranged in 1948 for the Jews to be there as part of Divide and Conquer, to have the Jews perpetually irritate the tens of millions of Arabs in surrounding countries. And the Arabs, for religious and other reasons, want the Jews obliterated. To defend themselves and have enough funds for their military, the Israelis may have no choice but, in a real world, to blackmail Uncle Sugar for huge grants. The British, jointly with Big Oil, including the Bush Crime Family as their stooges, use the Mid-East explosive situation to control the oilfields. How many years will it take until the details are more widely known, why, how, and when, Chandra Levy was murdered?

More coming. Stay tuned


by Sherman H. Skolnick 7/25/02
THE GREAT CRASH 2002-2003 and Beyond
Did you ever talk to the elders of your family? About how they or others came to financial ruin in the bad old days of the Great Depression?
If you did, what could you have found out? Following the Crash of October, 1929, the stock market by April, 1930, recovered by fifty per cent, typical of horrendous bear markets. This was among talk that a fresh prosperity was just around the corner. And that now was the time to invest in American business for "the long haul".
BUT, who ever mentions there was an even worse, faster-developing Crash in 1937? Stock prices did not return to 1929 levels until 36 years later. Did all the victims of 1929 live that long?
The accepted pundits did not and do not bother to point out some key facts.
[1] The gap between the ultra rich and the common folks had become the greatest ever(like now). The income and assets of the aristocracy in the 1920s had gone UP AND UP. The wages of the ordinary people, however, had become stagnant if not declining (like now). Farm prices, if anything, had leveled off or had gone down in the 1920s
and into the 1930s (like now). [2] Ordinary workers and small business people were urged to own their own home. In good times, that would seem to be a great idea. In many city communities, there sprung up block after block of individual residences. As you looked down some streets, you could see row after row also of two-flats and three-flats, supposedly income producing buildings.
The properties had five-year, so-called Canadian-style mortgages, typical of the era. Who bothered to think about what would happen if the mortgage had to be rolled over or renewed in bad times? Who realized how would-be owners would be pressured to pay up the mortgage if the bank or mortgage company went under?
[3] There were plenty of newspapers supposedly competing with one another. But, they all relied for their existence on advertisers. The small amount paid by readers could not, by itself, keep the publications going. One subject was generally taboo. They did NOT publish pictures, if they had any, of the very wealthy, or if they did, were obligated to show them in a good light, smiling. And, they did NOT condemn the Establishment, the elite, for taking financial advantage of ordinary workers, small business folks, and yeoman farmers.
[4] There were plenty of community banks. And the big banks were "downtown". In some cities, you could see three different banks on the same street corners. The banks took deposits at the same time they sold corporate securities and mortgage bonds(after years of being prohibited, banks through their holdings firms or even directly, now sell such).. Chicago, for example, was a center to banks selling "Gold Bonds". That is, mortgage paper, the interest on which was payable in gold per month or per quarter. Some workers because they worked on several jobs were able to save up enough to buy such bonds and used the proceeds toward their rent on their flat.
[5] For investing in American business, some workers and small business folks found it convenient to buy shares in Investment Trusts. That was the name for the middle-men who, in turn, bought shares in stock. Few bothered to read the contracts which had a lot of technical legal details.
Here are some of the consequences and follow up details
===Some common folks put their family money into Wall Street as a result of the market "recovery" of the Spring of 1930. With a background as an engineer and developer for the super rich worldwide, President Herbert Hoover made statements he ought to have known were most likely mere puffing and false. He said words to the effect that, following the 1929 Crash, the American economy was on a sound and solid basis. Perhaps the present generation does not like to study history. Too many young folks think this Hoover was "the head of the FBI". This nonsense and lack of knowledge just causes the gap between the generations to be wider than usual.
===Those who re-invested in the "market recovery" of 1930, or failed to get the Hell out of Wall Street, as time went on, saw their stocks lose 90 per cent or more of their value or become entirely worthless. Unlike the direct purchase of stock, those who bought shares in Investment Trusts most often lost everything. The fine print of the contracts (if they were even shown or given a contract) stated there is a redemption clause. That meant, if too many investors tried to redeem their shares in the Investment Trust, the entity was frozen up. Thereafter, any investors left in the investment pool got zero; they could not transact in, out, or redeem. The Investment Trusts went into all manner of legal snarls for years and years, and receiverships, and some just plain disappeared.
If you listened carefully to the family elders, you heard them curse the "downtown banks". And even worse hollaring was against the "stinking Investment Trusts". When President Franklin Delano Roosevelt declared a Bank Holiday in 1933, he ended up ruining the community banks in favor of the "downtown banks" which survived. After World War Two, what sprung up as middlemen in stock purchasing were called MUTUAL FUNDS.. The term Investment Trust had become a dirty word.
By the 1990s, the Mutual Funds had multiplied like locusts, tens of thousands of them. Like the infamous Investment Trusts, their alter ego and ghosts arisen from the dead, Mutual Funds had the rotten redemption clause. Like in the 1920s and early 1930s, who bothered in the 1990s and thereafter, to read the contract about what could cause the Mutual Funds, formerly Investment Trusts, to be frozen up? Certainly the oil-soaked, spy-riddled monopoly press are not about to discuss this aspect of Mutual Funds, which are heavy advertisers and financially interwoven with the print and electronic media.
===Who in the press tells you about the supposed brokerage insurance, SIPC, not having sufficient reserves if a bunch of stockbrokers go bust in a bad downturn in business. And so you think the U.S. Treasury stands behind SIPC? Oh yeah?
==="Gold Bonds" became a great scandal of the 1930s. Who corruptly covered it all up? Why, Joseph P. Kennedy, first boss of the newly-then-formed U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and "Founding Father" of the Kennedy clan. Gold Bonds were based on mortgages. Real estate, being the only free market in America, went down in price when the bubble burst. Nowadays there are shares on the Big Board of Fannie Mae, a huge mortgage pool (sort of like "Gold Bonds" though not paying in the precious metral). Some have the false impression that Fannie Mae is a Federal Government agency and supposedly in a mortgage foreclosure crisis, would be bailed out by the U.S. Treasury. Not so.
===In the 1930s, when real estate prices collapsed, the market price of many properties was lower than the mortgage. So, some would-be owners of individual residences, or apartment buildings, left a note inside their abandoned property for the mortgage company. "Goodbye, mortgage company, nice knowing you. Here is the key." The would-be owner could most often at the time purchase a similar property nearby, for cash, if they still had any, at much less than the mortgage on their then current item. The press whores now cannot discuss such things. After all, the Sunday edition of most newspapers have a large real estate section. Telling the truth about real estate, then as now, is bad for business.
===In recent years, a swarm of mortgage companies have shown up from No Where. They urge owners to suck all the equity out of their property through re-doing the mortgage or adding another pile of bricks on their head through a second mortgage. The liars and whores of the press advertising these mortgage peddlers, do not bother to inquire who they are. Some of them (certainly not all of them) are purveyors of criminal offshore loot, proceeds of gangster enterprises too often jointly with corrupt tax collectors, plain old-fashioned mobsters some in bed (as we have shown in other situations) with judges and other public office holders. The dirty money is being laundered as "mortgage lending".
===In the 1930s, the enterprising tenant could live in an apartment for a time without paying. So many apartment buildings were partly vacant, that the landlords offered three-month concessions. That meant, you could live there for the first three months for free. There were plenty unemployed to move you elsewhere, in the dark of night, when the rent freebie expired. (Is more of that coming back, such as with the overbuilding of condominium buildings?).
===When banks collapsed in the 1930s, some of the bank presidents opened the Safe Deposit Box vault and looted the contents of some of the deposit boxes. After all, the Deposit Box Companies were then, and are now, completely separate entities housed within the bank building. Few, if any, know this. The vault companies generally carry no theft insurance. And what box holders wants to report to the police or the FBI that some jewels, some gold coins, and other valuables are missing from their deposit box? And can you PROVE what was in the box? Do husbands really want their estranged or legally separated or divorced wives or ex-wives to know what was kept in that deposit box? Do corrupt politicians want tax collectors to know what the public office holder has siphoned off some public agency's funds? Hey, do you think highly corrupt IRS officials want to divulge what is in THEIR safe deposit box?
Two examples. A top Illinois state official was criminally prosecuted when his estranged wife blew the whistle on fifty thousand dollars kept in his safe deposit box apparently embezzled from his state office. A Mayor of Chicago took bribes in the hundreds of thousands of dollars in the form of diamonds. This loot somehow disappeared from his deposit box when he croaked. Who could prove what?
===Gotten rich during the Great Depression era from the looted deposit boxes, some banker's families after World War Two used these funds to establish a form of competitors to banks, called Savings and Loan Associations, appealing to home ownership and such.
Good references "The Rich and The Super Rich" by Ferdinand Lundberg, Lyle Stuart Publishers, 1968, reprinted in paperback in later years. "The Great Crash- 1929" by Kenneth Galbraith.
Can America's secretive PRIVATE central bank, the Federal Reserve, keep pumping up the stock market? Are they actually now reversing position, and selling short against the unsuspecting American common people? That is, having made the market go up, secretly profitting from making it go down? Is the Federal Reserve technically bankrupt? What is the treasonous history of J.P. Morgan & Company? Study also Part One of this series.
More coming. Stay tuned.


Part Three
by Sherman H. Skolnick 10/3/02
What is it that they do not teach at the most supposedly prestigious business schools, such as at Harvard or Rockefeller's University of Chicago?
Not part of the curriculum are the ways in which "the powers that be", the Establishment, the Ultra Rich, the Ruling Class---whatever is labeled as THEM---further enrich themselves on the backs of the common people.
How, then, do the sons and daughters of the Aristocracy learn how to do such things? Simple. It rubs off on them just by growing up among their elders. It becomes second nature to them. Since the more ordinary people do not grow up in such an environment, they do not ever understand the mindset of plutocrats..
The Ultra Rich felt endangered by their creation, the Soviet Union. So the oligarchs in the U.S. and England financed the rise of Adolf Hitler, as a bulwark against the Moscow government.
For examples, refer to "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution" by Antony C. Sutton and also his opus, "How the Order Creates War and Revolution"(the Order being such as the Skull & Bones Secret Society) and his book, "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler".
The very wealthy Americans such as the Rockefellers, shared profits with Nazi big business even in the midst of World War 2. "Trading With the Enemy" by Charles Higham.
The British Monarchy, secretly pro-Nazi, through their ownership of Prudential Insurance Company of Newark, New Jersey, controlled and selected what targets, if any, in wartime Germany were bombed by the Allies. Knowing the value and insurance of corporate properties in Nazi Germany, Prudential was in charge of the Strategic Bombing Survey. (A well-equipped library has books on the S.B.S.) for example, the Nazi chemical octopus, I.G. Farben, was NOT bombed and was 93 per cent intact at the end of the conflict. (See "I.G. Farben" by Richard Sasuly, a book by a U.S. military officer in charge of the end of the war survey of Farben.).
Because of the business tie-in with General Electric of the U.S., their facilities in Nazi Germany were not bombed. [See, Sutton's documented work, "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler".]
The pundits for the super rich pushed the high tech wreckage onto the ordinary people. So, mouth-pieces for the major brokerage houses promoted the telecoms, the computer wonders, and the energy shysters, onto ordinary people, as a "good investment". More and more of those dot.coms are into bankruptcy or soon there.
That is sort of like the crowd rushing from one side to another. An analogy from history might be useful. Early in the 20th Century, a major Chicago-based company arranged an outing for their employees. Over a thousand persons gathered, like for a party, on a boat in the river in Chicago. To watch some other event, all those on the vessel ran to the other side of the ship, which, thus unbalanced, capsized. Nine hundred ordinary employees were drowned. Of course, that was an accident.
NOT an accident is the way the suckers fleeced in the equity markets are being shoved into BONDS. Cynics purposely mispronounce it as BOMBS. The innocents are thus made to run from one side of the financial ship to the other. Will the financial markets vessel capsize?
Various types of bonds are vulnerable, so are so-called "money market funds". By the time you see, if at all, the periodic prospectus of a money market fund, the data is stale. You do NOT find out what the fund is into NOW. Are they trying to temporarily boost the return by hocus-pocus book-keeping, called derivatives? Are they using highly hazardous hedging tricks? Are they invested in commercial paper of companies on the verge of bankruptcy? Brokers pushing clients into "money market" funds are not about to tell you.
A typical conversation of a broker to a client. "So, you do not like stocks? Fine. We'll put you into Municipal Bonds". Not identified are the municipal bonds actually issued for private and non-governmental purposes. In a bad recession, will the purposes generate enough funds to pay the municipal bondholders? And get this. Municipal bond GUARANTEE FUNDS are considered by savvy sorts as a bad joke. Do they have enough reserves to make good possible widespread municipal bond defaults?
Then there are the so-called "Federal Agency" securities. These are known in the financial trade as GSE, "government-sponsored enterprises". Fannie Mae, Ginnie Mae, Freddie Mac. These securities and mutual funds supposedly investing in them as a go-between for mutual fund holders, are peddled by brokers and others as if they are securities actually guaranteed by the Full Faith and Credit of the U.S. Treasury.
Sponsored by Vanguard Funds is Bob Brinker, a long-time pusher on the radio who urges listeners to invest in mutual funds holding Ginnie Mae securities. He tells the listeners that such securities are backed by the U.S. Treasury. Some, however, have substantial doubts.
Not much publicized was the Dow Jones wire service item, dated 8/5/02, datelined New Orleans. "Government officials and investment experts worried about the impact on stock prices of alleged corporate accounting fraud are paying too little attention to risks inherent in other securities widely regarded as being safe, according to William Poole, president of the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank.
"Speaking at the Council of State Governments' Southern Legislative Conference, Poole said that certain government-sponsored private agencies, including Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Federal Home Loan Bank System, are undercapitalized relative to their debt load.
"He said if the imbalances of these and other so-called government-sponsored enterprises go undressed, they could lead eventually to a capital crisis that would send a shock through the U.S. housing market."
Further referring to Poole, "Similarly, he said, 'no one should underestimate the potential importance of the ambiguity over the financial status of the GSEs.'
"A serious problem, he said, is 'the market prices GSE debt as if there is a FEDERAL GUARANTEE, or a high probability of a guarantee, standing behind the debt. YET, THERE IS NO EXPLICIT GUARANTEE IN THE LAW'.
"Poole recommended that the federal government act to dispel the notion THAT FANNIE MAE, FREDDIE MAC and some other GSEs ARE FULLY BACKED BY THE GOVERNMENT." (Emphasis added.)
Typical of their method of operation, the Ultra Rich, having taken themselves ouf of so-called "Federal Agency" securities, have pushed them onto the suckers who sooner or later will get clipped.
Seldom mentioned is the history of U.S. Treasury securities.
Starting about the fall of 1979, was a U.S. Ruling Class liquidity crisis, falsely referred to by the press-fakers as a "U.S. Government" emergency.
To try to calm know-nothings, the head of the private central bank, the Federal Reserve, held a rare joint press conference with then President Jimmy Carter. The commotion revolved in part around gold, considered by some as "independent money".
Tending to undermine the validity of paper money, gold prices by 1980 peaked temporarily at over 800 dollars per ounce. By 1981, U.S. Treasury securities were priced in the market to yield 16 and one-half per cent. The yield goes up as the price of the bonds go down. Some U.S. Treasury paper was priced near 75 cents to the dollar face value of the bond. The best corporate business risks paid a minimum of 21 and one-half per cent for capital transfusions.
In all the commotion, never discussed in the oil-soaked, spy-riddled monopoly press, was the way some foreign investors were protected. Since the fake embargo/oil crisis of 1973, major buyers of U.S. Treasury paper in Japan and Saudi Arabia have had THEIR purchases backed by U.S. Gold. Of course, there is no such guarantee for U.S. residents. And the alternative press in the 1970s forced a partial audit of Fort Knox. The opening of just one vault there showed the supposed depository of U.S. gold did not have it. All that was found was some orangish-looking, poor quality gold-like stuff, apparently melted down gold coins from the 1934 seizure of gold by the Roosevelt White House. Forcing even this partial audit was the Chicago-based tabloid "National Tattler", (now defunct), in which a key role was played by crusading journalist Tom Valentine. According to a published statement of a U.S. General, he led a convoy of trucks taking away most all the gold of Fort Knox about 1968 to New York. It was shipped to London, to try to stem a run on the gold in the Bank of England.
Currently, Japan owns about forty per cent of U.S. Treasury Securities. Japan needs to bail-out their greatly insolvent banks, many of which are the largest in the world. On a pre-arrangement with the American aristocracy, the Japanese may suddenly dump their U.S. Treasury paper which may suddenly, like in 1980-81, decline to 75 cents per dollar face value, or even lower. Thus in part renouncing the U.S. debt and impoverishing ordinary folks but further enriching the oligarchs.
This would be joined at the same time with an attack or "run" on the so-called "U.S. Dollar", actually hot-air Federal Reserve notes. In simple terms, the Establishment considers ordinary Americans as the enemy, to be plundered. Attention was diverted for many years by the press whores, on behalf of the Ultra Rich, leading ordinary folks to believe the "enemy" was the Moscow government, now becoming more and more a trading partner with U.S. Big Business and Big Oil.
Who dares mention an historical truism? That is, that sooner or later, every sovereignty repudiates their debt which they knew all along they could not pay back. A very astute observer on international finance, forty years ago and more, was Franz Pik. He would impart his wisdom to a select, small cricle in closed meetings. Each listener paid one thousand dollars to sit there and hear him, at a time when that amount of money was considered huge.
Who dares mention that the watering down of the paper money and the renouncing of the debt, led, in part, to the French Revolution and the chopping off of the heads of the King, Queen, and the French aristocracy. Refer to the book, "Fiat Money Inflation in France" by Andrew Dickson White, written in the 19th Century but still true now.
Studying the class structure is not a popular subject in American education. Some contend it is a feel-it-in their-bones known subject in England and elsewhere. So common Americans are generally completely blank on this, when it come to understanding Class.
Special note to the naive and poorly-informed We are NOT shills for some type of investment house or brokerage. Hence, do NOT bombard us with requests as to WHAT we recommend to put your paper money into, to save yourself. Our upcoming follow-up story, about the impending Real Estate Crash might nevertheless be helpful.

More coming.... Stay tuned.

Video: Early James Casbolt Interview - Nazi 4th Reich Training From Birth - Bush Senior and Queen Direct Participants

Video: Early James Casbolt Interview - Nazi 4th Reich Training From Birth - Bush Senior and Queen Direct Participants
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 4-Jun-2013 21:11:11
Bases 9 James Casbolt Part One
Uploaded on Apr 1, 2011
In this 1st Videointerview in 6 years James Casbolt tells of the SS Nazi connection with the creation of Cyborgized Human babies for use as Supersoldiers of the 4th Reich, in the modern world, and how his batch of programmed babies was intercepted when enroute from a Canadian Nazi SS Base, in Nelson, British Columbia.
The inclusion of his mission as an assassin to terminate one of these Cyborg-Supersoldiers, who had stolen a "Pearl",or suitcase Nuke.
See Bases 1,2,4,5 and 7 for previous data on this.
I once again state Casbolt, or birth name Michael Prince has not yet offered PHYSICAL evidence of these claims.
The SS Nazi connection also connects Energy 106 Pirate station in Monaghan Ireland, as being part of this programme, as being a Military operation, which explains why it was not raided for years.
The viewer must take all claims in context and understand the extremly dangerous ramifications.
Prince states we can expect Alien actions in the public domain.
His task with his colleagues will be to "herd" us away from such dangers.
Bases 9 James Casbolt Part One
Thanks To: megawatts1066


Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 4-Jun-2013 20:21:58
(Thanks, p. :)
(The Dick Act was passed in 1902. Corp. US entered our lives, looking like the government, around 1913.)
Reader pj writes and sends us:
Hi Hobie,
This is not a joke - it is an actual piece of legislation which invalidates all of the gun control laws and can NOT be repealed; in order to protect us against the very tyrannical type of government which now confronts us!!
DICK ACT of 1902... CAN'T BE REPEALED (GUN CONTROL FORBIDDEN) - Protection Against Tyrannical Government.
The Dick Act of 1902 also known as the Efficiency of Militia Bill H.R. 11654, of June 28, 1902 invalidates all so-called gun-control laws. It also divides the militia into three distinct and separate entities.
The three classes H.R. 11654 provides for are the organized militia, henceforth known as the National Guard of the State, Territory and District of Columbia, the unorganized militia and the regular army. The militia encompasses every able-bodied male between the ages of 18 and 45. All members of the unorganized militia have the absolute personal right and 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms of any type, and as many as they can afford to buy.
The Dick Act of 1902 cannot be repealed; to do so would violate bills of attainder and ex post facto laws which would be yet another gross violation of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The President of the United States has zero authority without violating the Constitution to call the National Guard to serve outside of their State borders.
The National Guard Militia can only be required by the National Government for limited purposes specified in the Constitution (to uphold the laws of the Union; to suppress insurrection and repel invasion). These are the only purposes for which the General Government can call upon the National Guard. BIG SNIP

A New Trend of Secret Meetings Aside From Bilderberg

A New Trend of Secret Meetings Aside From Bilderberg

In a noticeable new trend of secret meetings, diabolic greed-driven globalists could be planning your demise.

CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA – MAY 28: Microsoft co-founder, Bill Gates speaks to Parliament on May 28, 2013 in Canberra, Australia. Bill Gates is in Canberra today to lobby the government for increased spending on foreign aid. The Labor government announced it will slow it’s growth in foreign aid spending after a $19.4AUD billion budget deficit was revealed in May. (Photo by Stefan Postles/Getty Images)


by Shepard Ambellas

June 5, 2013
HERTFORDSHIRE, ENGLAND — Around noon time Thursday at The Grove luxury hotel, 138 presumed elite members of society, protected by the local police at the expense of millions of taxpayer dollars, will began massing on site to later meet behind closed doors in total secrecy.
Likely the agendas on the table at the meeting do not include the best interests of the general public. In fact, in previous years, Bilderberg agendas tended to encompass bold power moves, the surveillance of society, and just plain fascistic behaviors brought forth by a legacies thought up by powerful figureheads.
However, are recent Bilderberg meetings a (publicized) distraction for a new, more powerful cabal? One must question why this years list was publicly released in advance, and why the trend of secret meetings amongst the elite is growing as others, not just Bilderberger’s, are indulging.
Recently Bill Gates and other dominant globalists met at a sanctuary on Kiawah Island in secret. A local news agency, WBTW13, reported on May 10, 2013, “Suspicion was raised when nearly 20 very expensive jets were seen lined up at the Charleston International Airport on Johns Island.
Officials with the Beach Company confirmed to WCBD that other big names such as New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, TV host Oprah Winfrey and Billionaire Warren Buffet flew into the Charleston Executive airport on Johns Island Wednesday night.
Other prominent people said to also be staying there this weekend are  Jeb Bush and Dan Gilbert, owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers.
 The famous guests were attending a two day long conference led by Microsoft founder Bill Gates. Officials say the meeting was about the foundation Gates and his wife Linda run.
The meeting rented out the entire Sanctuary Hotel on the gated island. Security has been high throughout the entire week, keeping the public away from the hotel.”
The last time such people of this caliber met in secret, an article arose by Servando Gonzalez titeled Billionaires For Eugenics exposing the diabolic cabal of groupies including people to the likes of Bill Gates and Oprah Winfrey as traitors against humanity.
The article documented how, “On May 5th, 2009, some of the most notorious members of the “billionaires club” — David Rockefeller, Bill Gates, Ted Turner, Oprah Winfrey, Warren Buffett, George Soros, Eli Broad, Peter G. Peterson, Patty Stonesifer, John Morgridge, Michael Bloomberg and a few other billionaires –, secretly met at the Manhattan residence of Sir Paul Nurse, president of Rockefeller University.
The meeting was eerily similar to another meeting that took place on January 20, 1942, in Wansee, a Berlin suburb.
In the Wansee Conference, some high ranking Nazi officials, led by SS-Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich, dispassionately discussed the more efficient methods to carry out the “Final solution to the Jewish question.”
Though European Jews were the main targets for elimination, other groups, especially Slavs, Romany and mentally and/or physically disabled Germans, were also persecuted and murdered. The total death toll is estimated at between 12 and 26 million.
As expected, the U.S. mainstream media was very careful not to inform the American people about the billionaires meeting in Manhattan, but some details eventually were known.
Quoting an anonymous person who attended the meeting, a major U.K. newspaper reported that “a consensus emerged that they would back a strategy in which population growth would be tackled as a potentially disastrous environmental, social and industrial threat.”
According to other sources, billionaires who attended the secret meeting convened on the initiative of Bill Gates. Giving credibility to this is the fact that Gates had made similar points at a conference he attended on February 18, 2010, in Long Beach, California.
“Official projections say the world’s population will peak at 9.3 billion [up from 6.6 billion today] but with charitable initiatives, such as better reproductive healthcare, we think we can cap that at 8.3 billion,” Gates said. Translated into plain English, this means that Mr. gates is planning to participate in the killing of more than a billion human beings.
Also present at the meeting in Manhattan was media czar Ted Turner, billionaire founder of CNN who stated in a 1996 interview for the Audubon nature magazine, where he said that a 95% reduction of world population to between 225-300 million would be “ideal.” In a 2008 interview at Philadelphia’s Temple University, Turner fine-tuned the number to 2 billion, a cut of more than 70% from today’s population.
The Rockefeller family is known for their generosity in contributing, through their non-profit, “philanthropic” foundations, to all causes whose goal is population control. Actually they were instrumental in the creation of the eugenics movement in the U.S., which later was exported to Germany where the Nazis brought it to its highest development.
Since the early 1920’s the Rockefeller Foundation began funding the eugenics research in Germany through the Kaiser-Wilhelm Institutes in Berlin and Munich. Beginning in the 1950’s, John D. Rockefeller III, used his foundation money to create a population reduction neo-Malthusian program through his private Population Council in New York.
It is not a coincidence that all of the billionaires who attended the Manhattan meeting are strong supporters of the creation of a New World Order. The NWO they envision is the global, communo-fascist totalitarian regime that will be implemented after they have killed 70% of the current world’s population and reduced the survivors to pre-industrial level of consumption.
This will be a techno-fascist medieval society with no middle class, with only the dirty poor serfs confined to decaying cities and the billionaire masters living in fortified castles, enjoying the beauty of a depopulated Gaia.
Some naïve people see this as another unfounded conspiracy theory. Their rationale is based on the belief that they would not want to kill us, when they need us as consumers to further engross their fortunes. We must remember that, when news spread that the Nazis were killing the Jews, some people, including some Jews, didn’t believe it.
The Nazis, they reasoned, needed them to exploit as slave labor in the war factories. Unfortunately, the ones who thought that ended up in the extermination camps. Trying to find logic in the minds of mass murderers is a perilous exercise in frustration.”
The overshadowing topic of the most recent meeting was the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which likely means vaccinations are a main focus of the eugenics group. Could they be looking or planning for the next crisis, that can be used to their advantage?



RV Chat 6-5-13



firenice] I have a little hopium for you guys.I received a call at 3:50pm est from a friend who is a group leader and has been in Reno for quite awhile.This person has been privy to a lot of the comings and goings of key people at Wells Fargo.I was told that JL, Madame Wu, four Chinese elders are there.

[honeybelle] firenice ty for sharing are they excited?

[firenice] Treat as rumor, but to supposedly to do the Global Reset

firenice] it is just what i was told, i have no way to verify. just thought i would share


[Robertprofessor] lightman1 I'll give you a non technical, non banker explanation. It's just a number that looks like a rate, but it's not. Sometimes those place holder is a code that bankers (at top levels) understand. For a long time 5.25 showed on screens and that was a code.

[Robertprofessor] lightman1 11.68 and 2.20 maybe the rates, but that seems crazy high for both. They maybe two numbers that are used in place of real rates to run various system checks or maybe code that means something to someone, and not us. Likely scenario ...

[lightman1] Robertprofessor was that a random number they come up with

[spiritfilled] Robertprofessor diverdown oh no!!!!...the Iraqis have been watching chat and now are using the word soon!!!!....they will never get to Chapt VI......hahahahaha

[Robertprofessor] lightman1 ... the real rates will drop into place just before the rv is seen by everyone ... meaning before it hits the currency teller screens. Hope that helps. I think I'm right or darn close.

 [ezmuny] lightman1 only the banks know that

 [diverdown] spiritfilled so soon is closer lol

[spiritfilled] yes ...we THINK so !!!...hahahaha

[Robertprofessor] spiritfilled Moving from Chapter 7 to 6 sounds like reading a book backwards. No wonder nothing's made sense in this craziness.

justaguy] To whomever is holding this up I have one word for you. letitgo!

[spiritfilled] Robertprofessor Thank God we do not have to be concerned since Iraq has already signed off..seriously....but on the other hand they are now in "SOON" limbo...hahahaha

 [Robertprofessor] lightman1 Maybe or it could be code. In the past 5.25 was a code, but I don't remember what it meant ... maybe, "Not this year."

 [lightman1] Robertprofessor very interesting.... thanks

[Robertprofessor] spiritfilled I'm prepared for the Iraqis to pull many rabbits from an inverted top hat.

[spiritfilled] oucrazy yes we operate by faith not like the PTB who only believe in themselves

 [burk50] Robert be interesting to see if Eagle1 comes on Franks call tonight ,think Delta is to come with some news ,I did enjoy Eagle1 last night ,can't believe he isn't aware of the all together senerio. Maybe he will be on too imo

[okrocks] ♪♫•*¨*•.•*¨•*♫♪ Stop, Hey Whats that Sound? Its an RV Coming Round ♪♫•*¨*•.•*¨•*♫♪

[treasure4e] Robertprofessor I wish Mary Poppins was here she could help ..........she had everything in that bag of hers rofl

[Robertprofessor] lightman1 More likely is a rate of $4ish for the IQD. Reason is agreements between Kuwait, Iraq and the IMF that the IQD will be within 50 cents of the Kuwaiti dinar. KWD is about $4 now. It jumped about 50 cents a few months ago ... like they were getting ready for something big.

[Robertprofessor] burk50 I think Jester is several days ahead of Eagle1, but overall E1 is worth studying.

 [ezmuny] Robertprofessor thats what i have been reading too suppose to be close to kuwait dinar.

 [burk50] Robert I pray the way ahead means RV very soon ,since Eagle1 thought the basket be this week imo

 [Robertprofessor] ezmuny That information seems solid. The group rate is supposed to be a mulitiple of the street rate. So, a $4ish IQD rate makes sense with that too. I asked Papa Bear and he agrees with me that the IQD will be around $4 for street.

[Robertprofessor] burk50 It seems that enough is done that must preceed the RV that we can look forward to seeing it anytime. I don't think that's hype either. I think it's logical based on the limited information we bottom feeders get.

 [spiritfilled] Robertprofessor and there is the ultimate truth ...we are the bottom feeders...hahaha

xyz thud are we there yet? zAsked thud

 [Robertprofessor] xyz Yes, we are. The rv button is under your head, but you're not hitting it hard enough!!! Come on, GO FOR IT!!

[Robertprofessor] Eagle1 reported that WF has said as long as customers deposit the foreign currency equivalent of US$250,000 or more, the deposit can be kept in the foreign currency (example: Deposit enough IQD or VND to equal US$250K, the bank deposit will remain in IQD or VND); the foreign currency can be easily e

 [Robertprofessor] the foreign currency can be easily exchanged to into US$; Bluestar commented how huge this is; very good news

[Jeff] Hey I hear if you call a 800 number to a bank that you get a recording of someone laughing, then the phone smokes and then you find yourself awake on your floor having lost an hour of time in your day...not to mention having to clean yourself up afterwards....LOL Hi everyone.

deb2blessed] Jeff I thought the phone would just blow up if you called them!!!

siskhyder] CBI down and not auctioned in a few days or updated. Wf screens clear Iraq posts today is the



[morethanready] Hey everyoneeee … How is everyone today?

[morethanready] We are approaching the point of no return

 [morethanready] We are there …We are there

[cjswest] morethanready prayin you are right and we see this now today

 [morethanready] These are the most exciting times ever

[ARMYVET] yall read what Christine Austin said today..

 [ARMYVET] want me to post it or can I?

 [cjswest] ARMYVET what is it in regard?

[ARMYVET] the gold standard and world alignments

[ARMYVET] Investment banker Catherine Austin Fitts sums up the historic global financial problems by saying, “We have a group of people who have the power to act with impunity. They are above the law.

They are centralizing and consolidating economic and political power. We have a political problem. We don’t have an economic problem.” Fitts’ analysis shows, “We’ve been on a debt model, and now we’ve got to get the planet on an equity model. . . .

You are going to do everything you can do to get people into equities. Slamming precious metals down helps do that.” But Fitts says that won’t stop the gold bull because China and the rest of the world are buying the yellow metal.

Fitts contends, “What that means is there is going to be a much more broad-based bull market in gold. . . I think it’s going to more of a sound money system, and gold is going to be a part of that.”

[ARMYVET] Not everybody wants to be brought into the so-called new world order. Fitts predicts, “Remember, to come out with a one world currency, you need everybody. There can be no leakage.

There can be no exceptions. The Russians are determined to be the stinker at the party is what I think.” Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Catherine Austin Fitts, founder of The Solari Report.

[noah] ARMYVET thanks for bringing this report.

[cjswest] ARMYVET thanks, i agree not all the bad peeps want this


[xyz] ... US Federal Reserve would cut back on its stimulus programme

[xyz] A bipartisan group of senators on Wednesday introduced legislation to give the United States new tools to fight currency manipulation, an effort aimed mainly at China, just days before President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping will meet for an informal retreat. ...Obama and Xi are to meet at a luxury resort near Palm Springs this weekend for an informal meeting aimed at easing mistrust between the world's two biggest economies.           




Yesterday I was amaze to see how many people are now confused by certain statements of a certain few. I can see to the why of there confusion for I saw preaching and it wasn't gospel.  I saw how a certain few motivated maybe by greed have now misinformed and have created havoc in the minds of there followers, are these leaders thinking only about there pockets or are they really thinking about there people or followers.

 I will choose the first for it was so obvious to read. Now folks these guys have spreaded seeds over rocks, be careful for they are misleading and if you follow into them you will become that seed over rocks that simple will not prosper. I sent out two messages yesterday to try to calm the storms but they never reach there objective.

But I did see a certain devilish fool trying to pedal in one of my messages with a negative motivation ( conflict ), but see that is foolish a thing to do because it didn't and will never prosper, because my message was guide by God and it was truthful just as truthful as this one is, and the truth cannot be twisted no matter what.
Since I am not bonded by any monetary institution I will speak freely as always for it feels so good not have any tides ( libertad ). I must say that all of you are adults so please follow your gut feelings on where to go. I stay firm on  Wells Fargo, they will furnish you there 800 #, you will be getting the best rates of any institution out there, and you will be treated like you already are VIP'S PERIOD. NOW NOTICE that I have not mention any other institution out there, I don't have to, I don't need to, I don't want to and you do not see me criticising them correct, that is called respect so please respect my insights for they are no matter what some say true and correct.

The bible says that one should be firm like the rock, I know I am, now ask yourselves seriously are you ? One last thing don't let the devil and his advocates rig you to fall and fail on the richness bestowed to you by our Almighty Jehova, guard His blessings well. Good day, be blessed and Happy Journeys.Bluwolf 6-5-13 10:07 am est.

Research: Gulf Shrimp Widely Contaminated With Carcinogens

Research: Gulf Shrimp Widely Contaminated With Carcinogens
Posted By: Dquixote1217 [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 5-Jun-2013 21:27:45
by Sayer Ji
(The Best Years in Life) Conservative estimates indicate that the 2010 BP oil disaster released over 200 million gallons of oil into the Gulf, followed by at least 1.8 million gallons of dispersants. While the use of dispersants helped mitigate the public relations disaster by preventing the persistent formation of surface oil, as well as keeping many beaches visibly untouched, they also drove the oil deeper into the water column (and food chain) rendering a 2-dimensional problem (surface oil) into a 3-dimensional one. Additionally, research indicates that dispersants prevent the biodegradation of toxic oil components, as well as increasing dispersant absorption into fish from between 6 to 1100 fold higher levels.
Read More:
See also:
Natural Help for Removing Benzene and Other Gulf Spill Toxins
If you live near the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, think "house plants"

The Reason Liberals Want To Brainwash Children

The Reason Liberals Want To Brainwash Children
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Wednesday, 5-Jun-2013 20:51:59
If you start with a cage containing five monkeys and inside the cage, hang a banana on a string from the top and then you place a set of stairs under the banana, before long a monkey will go to the stairs and climb toward the banana.
As soon as he touches the stairs, you spray all the other monkeys with cold water.
After a while another monkey makes an attempt with same result... all the other monkeys are sprayed with cold water. Pretty soon when another monkey tries to climb the stairs, the other monkeys will try to prevent it.
Now, put the cold water away.
Remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new one.
The new monkey sees the banana and attempts to climb the stairs. To his shock, all of the other monkeys beat the crap out of him. After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs he will be assaulted.
Next, remove another of the original five monkeys, replacing it with a new one.
The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer takes part in the punishment...... with enthusiasm, because he is now part of the "team".
Then, replace a third original monkey with a new one, followed by the fourth, then the fifth. Every time the newest monkey takes to the stairs, he is attacked.
Now, the monkeys that are beating him up have no idea why they were not permitted to climb the stairs. Neither do they know why they are participating in the beating of the newest monkey.
Finally, having replaced all of the original monkeys, none of the remaining monkeys will have ever been sprayed with cold water. Nevertheless, not one of the monkeys will try to climb the stairway for the banana.
Why, you ask? Because in their minds...that is the way it has always been!
This, my friends, is how Congress operates... and this is why, from time to time:
ALL of the monkeys need to be REPLACED AT THE SAME TIME.


Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 5-Jun-2013 22:31:45
Rush: Obama appointments a big 'F. you'
'These people are just the epitome of danger'

BY Joe Kovacs
Radio powerhouse Rush Limbaugh says President Obama is basically telling Americans “F. You” with his two latest appointments in his administration.
Reports indicate Susan Rice, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, will become a national security adviser, and her replacement at the U.N. will be Samantha Power, a foreign-policy expert who is married to Obama’s former regulatory “czar” Cass Sunstein.
“I’m gonna tell you what these two appointments are. They are ‘F. You,’ and he’s saying that to us,” Limbaugh said Wednesday on his national broadcast.
Limbaugh called the situation a “Star Wars scene going on right now at the White House.”
“I have no respect for these people at all. None,” he said. “I respect the offices they hold, but to me, these people are just the epitome of danger.”
He continued: “It doesn’t matter who’s in these positions. They’re all him (Obama). Every one of them is as true a believer as Obama is, and that’s why they are there. And it’s been that way since he first started naming people to his regime, naming his czars. And I totally believe that these people have secret email addresses and I totally believe they’re working to undermine the way this country was founded. I’ve no doubt in my mind that’s what they’re doing. They don’t like it. They don’t like the Constitution.”
Susan Rice has come under fire for claiming the Sept. 11, 2012, onslaught at the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya, was the result of an anti-Islamic online video. The Obama administration has since backed off that claim to note that it was an orchestrated act of terrorism.
“The fact that this woman lied to the country and lied to the Republicans about Benghazi and he promotes her is exactly what he wants,” Limbaugh said.
These people are who they are. My point in all of this, there better be some stand-up push-back to some of this at some point, rather than just expressing outrage.”

SGT Report - UNBOUND: 9/11 Bond Fraud, COT & CFTC Fraud, Cantor Fitzgerald, Gold & Silver Fraud

SGT Report - UNBOUND: 9/11 Bond Fraud, COT & CFTC Fraud, Cantor Fitzgerald, Gold & Silver Fraud
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 5-Jun-2013 20:35:54
Published on Jun 5, 2013
Today we talk with Rob Kirby about the false narratives coming from the U.S. government and fascist mockingbird media. How can average Americans break their conditioning when they can barely tie their shoes or tell you the name of the Governor of their own state? 9/11 Bond fraud, the questionable COT report, the CFTC fraud and the endless gold and silver fraud by way of paper and leasing - we cover it all. Thanks for listening.
Rob's website:

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Music: "Without You" used with expressed permission under license from Video Blocks:
The content in my videos and on the SGTbull07 channel are provided for informational purposes only. Use the information found in my videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence (DD) BEFORE making any significant investing decisions. SGTbull07 assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, I cannot and do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of this information. Thank you.
SGTreport UNBOUND: 9/11 Bond Fraud, COT & CFTC Fraud, Gold & Silver Fraud