Friday, June 7, 2013


ALL patriot American MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL
reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist,

extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions

Thursday  June 6, 2013


by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

UNITED STATES of America  -  It can now be reported that a major confrontation between the U.S. military and the Israeli neocon Nazi Paperclip NSA (National Security Agency) is about to occur as the future of the American Republic hangs in the balance.   

The aforementioned NSA wishes to enslave the American People, destroy the U.S. Constitution once and for all and turn the United States into a stooge nation controlled by secret criminal intelligence agencies as well as criminal banks.

P.S. At this hour the financial solvency of the world economy hangs in the balance as $16 TRILLION of ass backwards JPMorgan derivatives are still parked in the Bank of Japan threatening the very foundation of the Japanese financial system.

It was the U.S. Federal Reserve that set the course for this ponzi scheme.

In closing, we once again ask ALL Patriotic Americans to understand completely what they are dealing with.

We live in a de facto fascist state financed by crooked bank derivatives with the U.S. media completely controlled by the aforementioned treasonous NSA.

Contact your local Sheriff and your State Militia and prepare for revolutionary mode.

It is up to the American People to take their country back.

Finally, here is the road map to liberation of the United States, as the Obama and BushFRAUD Administrations have shredded the U.S. Constitution with illegal spying using a phony war on terror as its cover to destroy the U.S. Constitution and allow crooked banks to loot our Treasury.


IT IS TIME TO PIVOT with massive revolutionary mode with the U.S. military and duly elected President Albert Gore Jr. (who called the NSA-Israeli Mossad illegally spying on the American People TREASON).

Congratulations President Albert Gore.

At this hour U.S. MILITARY FLAG OFFICERS led by the State of Tennessee and the State of Michigan are ready to use brute force to eradicate the TREASONOUS U.S. NSA (National Security Agency) and repatriate the TRILLIONS of dollars stolen from the American Treasury by the Bush-Clinton-Obama-Federal Reserve Crime Syndicate.

Warrants for the arrest of NSA-Israeli Mossad stooges and enemies of the U.S. Constitution:

U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California and U.S. Senator Saxby Chambliss, Republican of Georgia, have already been issued by the U.S. Military and American President Albert Gore Jr.

. . .


Thursday, June 6, 2013


Subject: == NOTICE TO PROCEED ==

Hello Every One and Good Day, trust all is well,

Thank you for your due diligence.


I AM, hereby,





According to a major British newspaper, the Irish Republican Army, the IRA, has penetrated the American/British high government secrets.
In their internet website version, the London Telegraph, under a headline "Bush-Blair transcript 'seized by IRA spies' ", by Thomas Harding, Ireland correspondent, filed October 8, 2002, stated
"Secret documents obtained by an IRA spy network included transcripts of telephone conversations between Tony Blair and President Bush, security sources confirmed yesterday....The disclosure that terrorists gained access to confidential information is likely to provoke FURIOUS REACTION IN AMERICA. David Trimble, Northern Ireland's First Minister and leader of the Ulster Unionists, compared the republican espionage as '10 TIMES WORSE THAN WATERGATE', WHICH LED TO THE RESIGNATION OF PRESIDENT NIXON." (Emphasis added.)
The details between the lines and left out of the story, read like from an-edge-of-the-cliff spy novel. Various foreign journalists, working on the story, are aware their editors deleted revealing details reportedly contained in the secret transcripts and other documents purloined by the IRA.
Some background necessary to understand the nature of the happening..
The IRA are reportedly in a position, among other things, to blackmail certain concessions out of the London government, in respect to the long-standing Irish Catholic grievances against the British domination/occupation forces in Northern Ireland. The British contend, however, they need to be in Northern Ireland to prevent violence between the Unionists/Loyalists, that is the Orangemen the Irish Protestants, and the Irish Catholics.
Scholars of British/Irish history contend that the true rulers of Great Britain were the Royal House of Stuart, Catholics, of which Princess Diana was a direct descendent. The House of Windsor, the purported current monarchy, have been basically German and are perceived by some as usurpers and pretenders, not a genuine British monarchy. A profound understanding of this would help explain why some continue to firmly believe Diana was murdered by British Intelligence on orders of the House of Windsor.
On several of our television shows, we had experts who demonstrated documented studies showing the British Military, about 1840, conducted genocide against the Irish Catholics, falsely described by pro-British historians as merely "The Potato Famine". [On our website home page, click the red-marked portion for tv segments.] Such matters are rare, if ever, discussed on the American monopoly press which is heavily pro-British and anti-Irish.
The secret transcripts and other high-level documents grabbed by the IRA reportedly prove the following, according to those familiar with them
[1] In discussions with British Prime Minister Tony Blair, George W. Bush admits he is greatly troubled by suppressed documents of the American CIA proving there is no danger by Saddam Hussein and no basis for a pre-emptive military attack by the U.S. aided by the British on Iraq. Blair and Bush discuss the oil question. Namely, that in several years Saudi oil reserves will have passed their peak. On the other hand, Iraq has huge untapped oil reserves.
In the past, Texaco got a lof of their crude oil from Iraq. As a result of a bankruptcy situation caused by a monstrous court judgment against Texaco by Pennzoil, that Pennzoil has a great financial interest in Texaco. The Bush Family historically have been financially interwoven with the founders of Pennzoil. Texas state high court judges, beholden to the Bush Family, reportedly were corrupted to nail down the largest court judgment in U.S. history, eleven billion dollar verdict by Pennzoil against Texaco, causing Texaco to petition the bankruptcy court for protection. The U.S. Supreme Court, beholden to the Reagan/Bush Administration, refused to grant a remedy to Texaco.
[2] As apparently shown by the secret transcripts and other stolen documents, George W. Bush expressed his concern to Blair who agreed that Saddam Hussein, if left in power, and alive, is in a position to blackmail the Bush Family and the Queen of England.
In our website series, "Greenspan Aids and Bribes Bush", we attached documents of secret Federal Reserve wire transfer records, showing the Bush Family, through their investment front Martwell, have a joint account with the Queen of England at her private bank, Coutts Bank London. The documents show the secret authorization code of Alan Greenspan, Fed Chief. One of the documents, showing the secret password used, listed the ONE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS transaction, shared by the British Monarch and the Bush Family, stemming from a clandestine private partnership of Daddy Bush and Saddam Hussein. [Subject of an unpublicized federal court case. See our website story, "The Secrets of Timothy McVeigh".]
The Queen ordered a top official of her private bank to become an official of the Bush Crime Family-linked Carlyle Group where Daddy Bush has been a paid consultant to the bin Laden Family who are NOT on the outs with Osama bin Laden. "The Queen has a new bank manager, following the departure of Andrew Fisher, chief executive of Coutts, TO THE CARLYLE GROUP, the US private equity firm". Financial Times of London, December 19, 2001. (Emphasis added.)
The Bush/Blair discussions and related documents, referred to Daddy Bush, as former head of the American CIA, helping by arranging political murders, to put Saddam Hussein in as Iraqi strongman in the late 1970s.
Both George W. Bush and Tony Blair, according to the secret transcripts and related documents,are concerned that Saddam Hussein, as a living witness, can give personal direct testimony, as to the treason by Daddy Bush in setting Iraq against Iran, and Iran against Iraq, resulting in the huge bloodshed in the Iran-Iraq War, 1980-1988. Used against Iran by Iraq was poison gas from ingredients reportedly supplied by a unit of a French firm, American LaFarge, of which Daddy Bush was a substantial owner and Hillary Rodham Clinton was a Director. [Related document is on the website] One of the purposes Daddy Bush fulfilled instigating the eight year conflict was to aid his pals, American/British financial interests, continue to control Persian Gulf Oil reserves and by bombings and fires, interfering with oil production in the gulf thus keeping up the price of oil.
[3] By their discussions, Bush/Blair show they understand that a full inquiry into the Iraq matter, will be detrimental, in that it would show that the Daddy Bush Administration, aided by the London government, supplied Saddam Hussein with chemical/biological weapons and elements toward a nuclear device, that were destroyed by the U.N. Inspection teams. [See documented study in the book "Spider's Web---The secret history of how the White House illegally armed Iraq", by Alan Friedman (journalist with the Financial Times of London), Bantam Books, 1993.]
Note Daddy Bush, because of the aborted assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan, 1981; that Daddy Bush was actually acting as President for three terms, running the Presidency, 1981 to January 1993, in violation of the 22nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution
[4] As shown by the secret transcripts and stolen records, George W. Bush shared with Tony Blair, Bush's complaint that the Israeli intelligence agency, The Mossad, was blackmailing Bush by letting it be known that The Mossad gave the White House, the American CIA, and the Justice Department specific advance warning that there would be the events of Black Tuesday, September 11, 2001. Blair tells Bush that Blair was likewise put in a position of prior knowledge but was forbidden to take action by certain business interests. Both Bush and Blair, according to the secret transcripts, cursed "The Jews" for interfering with the Bush/Blair agenda.
The secret transcripts and documents and the reference to the same in the London Telegraph opens up several strange turns in the situation. On the one hand, the London Telegraph has been known all the years as the Queen of England's newspaper. For a period of years their investigative reporter, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, was stationed in the U.S. In his book he routinely refers to the newspaper as being tight with the Queen of England. "The Secret Life of Bill Clinton the unreported stories", Regnery Publishing, Inc., 1997.
British journalists familiar with the details of the secret transcripts and swiped documents show their editors/publishers have an excuse not to publish the details, whether in print, on the air, or on a website. It is called for short in British media slang, "D-Notice", a notice delivered to them from the London government having found out they are about to publish or go on the air with some highly troublesome details. The notice is a way of invoking the provisions of the British Official Secrets Act. Under that law, if the notice is violated or about to be violated, the London government can seize the printing machinery, electronic broadcasting or internet website facilities, offices, vehicles, and related items, to absolutely stop such stories from being made public.
Off the record, such journalists believe that on behalf of the Queen and her banking links to the Bush Family, that Prime Minister Tony Blair himself caused the leak of the story about IRA seizing the secret transcripts and documents of the Bush/Blair discussions, with the actual details not to be released. Blair is under extreme pressure from certain members of Parliament, labor union bosses, and business tycoons, demanding that he oppose the Bush plan to make a pre-emptive military attack on Iraq. A vote of no confidence in the British Parliament can cause a quick election and thus Blair moved out of Ten Downing Street shortly thereafter.
Blair also reportedly on behalf of the Queen and the London government, instigated the "D-Notice" to stop United Kingdom newspapers, radio, television, and websites, from circulating the actual details contained in the secret transcripts and documents of the Bush/Blair discussions. Also, the British Monarchy has been repeatedly threatened with financial cut-backs of the government subsidy to Buckingham Palace.
Although there is no Official Secrets Act in the U.S., the Bush White House nevertheless has threatened various reprisals against the monopoly press if they publish or otherwise circulate the details of the secret transcripts. Off the record American lap-dog reporters divide into two positions Some challenge the validity of the London Telegraph story about the IRA spy group having seized the secret transcripts and documents. Others more or less confirm they know the details but are not going to risk their jobs in an off year to even start working to add to the story

More coming.... Stay tuned..


Part 17
by Sherman H. Skolnick 9/11/02
White House and network reporters as well as U.S.-based foreign journalists are using national security leaks to pursue proposed stories about George W. Bush's reputed relationship with a male sex-mate since his college days up to now. So contends the Federal Bureau of Investigation, in a Justice Department request to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act secret court that met in sound-proof facilities in the Justice Department Building, Washington, D.C.
The Bush reputed male sex-mate details have enabled Red China, perceived by some as a sworn enemy of the U.S., and others reportedly to blackmail or otherwise unlawfully compromise the current occupant and resident of the White House, causing the disclosure of U.S. industrial, financial, and military secrets. Various reporters, including those of British Broadcasting Company, BBC, and Canadian Broadcasting Company, CBC, have, on their own, verified and corroborated the exclusive stories by this reporter as to the Bush relationship causing a breach itself by Bush of national security.
The FBI/Justice requests to the secret court acting as a type of U.S. District Court under FISA, included
[1] that the FBI/Justice Department be empowered and authorized to use all means necessary to surveil the reporters, foreign and domestic, working on the story;
[2] that the FBI/Justice Department be authorized and empowered as to the War Powers, or similar provisions, to forcibly or otherwise stop the publishing and electronic transmission of any stories or pictures relating to George W. Bush in a Skull & Bones Society satanic ritual coffin engaging in homosexual acts with his reputed male sex-mate.
The controller of satellites, the U.S. National Reconnaissance Office, NRO, to be ordered to block and obstruct all satellite transmissions of related news and pictures and graphics.
[3] That the FBI/Justice Department be authorized and empowered to block by forcible and other means any print or electronic news dissemination mentioning of the photo editor, Robert Stevens, of American Media, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida; of Stevens having been murdered by anthrax-by-mail, on or about September, 2001, through the aid, complicity, and connivance of U.S. Government civil/military covert operatives. And any mentioning or dissemination by news and other outlets, that the FBI by closing down the American Media, Inc. headquarters up to date, was thus blocking retrieval of reported pictures and supporting authentication as to George W. Bush in a coffin engaging as a proposed new member of the Skull & Bones Society, in a satanic ritual, in homosexual acts with his reputed male sex-mate who has numerous times visited Bush since that time; such rituals having been conducted at a building called "The Tomb", at Yale University.
[4] That the FBI/Justice Department be authorized and empowered to block phone, wire and wireless data, and other transmissions including microwave, between U.S.-based foreign journalists and their out-of-U.S. offices. And to block and obstruct, by means not disclosed to persons involved, of phone calls, data transmissions, and such, from such out-of-U.S. offices into the U.S. And to block phone calls, data transmission, and such, from outside the U.S. to U.S. phones and instruments used by reputed sources of data as to the Bush male sex-mate stories and pictures and authentications, and their national security implications.
[5] That the FBI/Justice Department, without such authorizations to be disclosed, to be authorized and empowered to shut down websites and other computer-linked and computer-generated means, used to disseminate such stories and exchanges of data, pictures, and graphics.
The secret court, as a form of U.S. District Court, under FISA, granted such requests by the FBI/Justice Department. The orders of the secret court went into effect on September 9 and 10, 2002. Thereafter, however, their Court orders were in part affirmed and in part reversed and/or vacated, by the secret Appeals Court provided for under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. The secret Appeals Court meets in sound-proof facilities in Baltimore, Maryland and their appeals decision was not publicly disclosed.
Who says there is no secret political police, no Gestapo, in the United States?
More coming.... Stay tuned.


Part 16
by Sherman H. Skolnick 9/10/02
If the American monopoly press told the truth, which they cannot do, what might the headlines be? Such as

In exclusive stories since 1995, we have told of a group of highly patriotic Admirals and Generals, in military jargon called flag officers, who opposed Commander-in-Chief Clinton. Under the Uniform Military Code, they felt authorized to arrest their Commander-in-Chief.
If Clinton arrested them for mutiny, they would, if not assassinated, defend themselves with their documented charges of treason by him. For example, that Clinton reportedly gave U.S. industrial, financial, and military secrets to the head of the Red Chinese Secret Police, Wang Jun, who met Clinton from time to time in the White House.
The U.S. Constitution, Article 3, Section 3, provides
"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort." (Emphasis added.)
As we have shown in our website series, "Red Chinese Secret Police in the United States", they are sworn enemies of the U.S. and have committed unpublicized murder and mayhem on U.S. soil and dominate the markets in Chicago while laundering the illicit proceeds of harvesting human organs from political dissidents for U.S. shipment and dope shipments through Chicago.
Of the original group of 24 such flag officers, ten have been assassinated, including some in a sabotaged military aircraft, near Alexander City, Alabama, April 17, 1995 (two days before the Clinton White House prior knowledge multiple bombings of a Federal Office building in Oklahoma City). And likewise murdered have been the Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Jeremy Boorda, highest naval officer in uniform, and Gen. David McCloud, head of the Alaska Military District. Also snuffed out was former Director of Central Intelligence, William Colby, assisting this group in their planned arrest of Commander-in-Chief Clinton.
The group, subsequently enlarged, vows to arrest Commander-in-Chief George W. Bush. If Bush has them arrested for mutiny, they intend, if not assassinated, to defend themselves with their several documented charges of his treason. Included are
[1] Bush's acts of treachery against the American people, in secret deals he made with the Red Chinese, giving them U.S. financial, industrial, and military secrets.
[2] George W. Bush and Daddy Bush profitting from secret business deals with the bin Laden Family, in the U.S. and overseas, with them not on the outs with Osama, he and his CIA-trained out-of-uniform army being at war against the United States and being a sworn enemy of the United States; within the meaning of the U.S. Constitution, Article 3, Section 3.
[3] Bush Family, including George W., Jeb, Neil, and Daddy Bush, profitting from treasonous secret business deals with some in the Saudi Royal Family, who are sworn enemies of the United States and financing secretly Osama bin Laden; within the meaning of the U.S. Constitution, Article 3, Section 3.
[4] Acts by Commander-in-Chief George W. Bush, as supervised by his father, with prior knowledge of 9-11 incidents. [5] Acts by Commander-in-Chief George W. Bush, as supervised by Daddy Bush, ordering and authorizing a military stand-down on the morning of September 11, 2001, aiding and abetting the murder of some three thousands persons, most of them U.S. citizens, within the United States of America.
[ 6] George W. Bush, as Commander-in-Chief, as supervised by Daddy Bush formerly head of the secret political police the CIA, authorizing and ordering the American CIA, in combination with other Americans and others, to allow, permit, and condone, and procure to be done, and acquiesce in the same, of the escape from being captured and brought to the U.S. for criminal trial, of Osama bin Laden, both prior to Black Tuesday and thereafter. Including but not limited to the time in the summer of 2001, when Osama was in the custody and control of an American CIA hospital in the Persian Gulf, and also in December, 2001, when the American CIA in combination with the CIA-created and subsidized Pakistan Secret Political Police permitted Osama to escape to refuge in a zone between Afghanistan and Pakistan and for a while into a moslem province of Red China.
The escape of Osama bin Laden was thus permitted and condoned, for among other purposes, as in documented charges by the top U.S. Military flag officers, to preclude the testimony of Osama in an American tribunal of he and his family's secret private business relations profitting the Bush Family.
Some top U.S. military flag officers are aware of the correctness and validity of our exclusive stories of George W. Bush and his male sex-mate since University and Skull & Bones initiation and up to date. These flag officers are gravely concerned with the national security ramifications of this relationship which is not a private and personal matter. The situation has caused the murder of a magazine photo editor as well as causing George W. Bush to be subject to blackmail and compromise of Bush resulting in his conveyance to sworn enemies of the United States, and giving them aid and comfort, of U.S. financial, industrial, and military secrets.
These flag officers are not the only ones that have confirmed that Commander-in-Chief George W. Bush, as supervised by his father, was in a position to have prior knowledge of 9-11, resulting in the murder of some three thousand persons on U.S. soil, most of them U.S. citizens. At the behest of Daddy Bush and his son George, no prior warning was given to the American people.
Two major foreign news organizations, on their own, using their own investigative journalists, have verified to their satisfaction, the validity and correctness of our stories about the Skull & Bones initiation pictures, about the national security breaches caused by George W.'s relationship with his male sex-mate, and related details. The news groups, for the moment, have not yet publicized this situation. The White House has offered the respective governments where the news organizations are located, certain financial and other geopolitical benefits to have such governments invoke Official Secrets Acts type laws to deter going on the air or publishing the details as of now. Including but not limited to Canadian Broadcasting Company and British Broadcasting Company, London.
The French CIA, on occasion jointly with The Mossad, Israeli intelligence, are using their verification of the above for geopolitical and other purposes. For example, the French for some time have been interested in deterring the U.S. Justice Department in seeking to criminally prosecute fourteen French nationals reportedly involved in the theft, on U.S. soil, of U.S. industrial and financial secrets. The French hold the same cards as to the attack by missiles that brought down TWA Flight 800 taking off from New York for Paris. Among the 60 French nationals who perished, 8 were members of a super-elite group within the French CIA. Their team leader, however, refused to get onboard Flight 800 and thus survived. Israel, on the other hand, uses this data to blackmail funds out of the Bush White House. Surviving as a small nation perceived as being surrounded by religious enemies, Israel, in a real world, does what other nations do; they use blackmail to finance their survival and existence.
These major news outlets are aware that to preclude the use of Skull & Bones and other revealing pictures of George W. Bush, the photo editor was murdered, of American Media, Inc. Since that happening in October, 2001, the American Secret Political Police, including the FBI, closed indefinitely the supermarket tabloids' building in Boca Raton, Florida, the American Gestapo thus denying access to a database which reportedly has the pictures and authentication supporting the same.
To counter the possibility of a flag officers' coup against the Bush White House, a faction in the Aristocracy that supports and installed George W. Bush as a usurper of the Presidency, has certain plans to divert attention from the items mentioned herein. Their options include to allow, permit, condone, procure to be done, and acquiesce in, the bombing of U.S. Embassies and other overseas U.S. facilities, to be falsely blamed onto so-called "Arabs".
Another violent option is the setting off of already wired-with-explosives oil wells and oil pumping machinery, to cause a U.S. oil crisis, to divert attention from George W. Bush's national security violations and treasonous acts and doings as documented by the dissident flag officers. Vying to be again a major oil pumper, the Moscow government hopes to take advantage of such situation. As a former official of their Secret Political Police, Putin has an understanding with former Secret Political Police head Daddy Bush and his son George W., the occupant and resident of the Oval Office.
So, which will it be? Coup? Or, Counter-Coup?

More coming.... Stay tuned.

Blaine Fogel (Blaino) EXPOSED by his former Webmaster Seeker – Tells All about Planet Dinar and Blaino's Corruption!! --- AN OKIE PROTEGEE!!!!








Blaine Fogel (Blaino) EXPOSED by his former Webmaster Seeker – Tells All about Planet Dinar and Blaino's Corruption!!!
Posted on April 22, 2012   HAT TIP: Dinar Vets
The following has been copied as was sent to us from an anonymous email tip!
~ Mr. IQD
I (seeker) do not approve-condone the paysite ‘Planet Dinar’ or its ownership’s actions
Most of you know me as someone who believes that we should live our lives with honesty & integrity as our priorities <> I spent several months as the site administrator for Planet Dinar when it was a ‘free site’ – working 14-16hrs per day, 7 days a week building the site membership and serving the owner Blaine Fogel, ‘Blainos’ best interests <> I recently had a falling out with Blaino because he was rushing to convert to a paysite <> I did my best to negotiate with him to ensure that people who paid would be getting a fair deal <> when the new site was announced Blaino ‘doubled’ the cost we agreed on from $3.99 per month to $6.99 per month <> he claimed and I quote “the people will gladly pay it” <> afterwards He said to me and I quote “I will sleep with the devil to make it
work” <> I knew then I was going to leave this site & soon! <> since opening his site and as of this writing, Blaino has made NO attempt to fulfill his promise of offering a benefits package and continues to promote things in order to expand the paying membership <> this ploy is obvious – its called PROFITEERING!
When so many are hurting in one way or another this PARASITE decides to attack what little money most investors have to live on and put it in his pocket! <> I have been in contact with many people who paid to join and then had numerous problems with the site <> for the most part Blaino ignored them <> now many have filed complaints with ‘Alertpay’ which is the service Blaino uses to collect his fee’s off your credit cards so they are aware of his scheme <> Other people are contacting their credit card companies and filing complaints too, asking for refunds <> why is this happening? because all Blaino is really offering is intel that he and the mods copy from other sites and re-post in his chat room and people are realizing it <> as the site administrator I was 110% aware of this and complained vigorously but IMO, all Blaino was interested in was counting money!
For my efforts, Blaino blocked me out of the backroom skype chats that he controlled <> I guess having to read the truth from me constantly will drive a person crazy! lol!
Recently there were several claims of ‘hacking’ on the planet dinar site… shortly after okie made some insensitive comments in chat <> the hacker was in fact Blaino himself who in turn told me he was blaming an administrator who had left the site – chaosmite <> in fact every devious move on the site was masterminded by Blaino and he continued to blame chaosmite for all issues of this nature (how convenient) <> Blaino would sign in as okie or pilot (okie’s alter ego) and raise havoc <> this was designed to make okie look bad to the membership because Blaino was upset okie had moved to his own site <> as much as I think okie is somewhat confused about ‘Religion’ I harbor NO ill feelings toward him, in fact made repeated posts regarding prayers that I had offered up in his name after he left the site, regardless of his opinion of me.
The final straw for me came last Monday when Blaino told me over the phone that if he didn’t see a huge increase in paid memberships he was (quote) “going to close down the site and go find a job” <> I asked what he planned to do with all the members, many who had opted to pay for a full year of membership at $59.00 and he said ‘too bad, nothing I can do to help that. I need to deal with my own crap and can’t worry about anyone else’s”
If any of you out there feel that you may have been tricked by this person or if you know of anyone please let me know <> I will be more than glad to assist with obtaining refunds or implementing legal action against this schemer! <> I’ve kept excellent records of all communications between him & I and believe it would help greatly in bringing resolve to those adversely affected. Please feel free to share my opinions and personal experiences I’ve listed here <> my main goal in sending this email is to officially disassociate myself altogether from Blaine Fogel (Blaino) and his website.
God Bless
One thought on “Blaine Fogel (Blaino) EXPOSED by his former Webmaster Seeker – Tells All about Planet Dinar and Blaino's Corruption!!!”
  1. Heisourvindicator on May 1, 2012 at 2:44 am said:
Wow, this is great to expose darkness into the light Here’s a little icing on the cake.. had a Gag Order, black out and gag ordered back in May 2011.  
Here’s is a statement: 5-13-2011 Guru Athena  I hear they agreed on a rate and it is very high…I do believe we will be seeing a rv soon…the rate it will be tied to BP it seems…7.02 USD…I WANT TO LET YOU ALL KNOW THAT WE HAVE BEEN ASKED TO HAVE A BLACK OUT BY SOME BULLSHIT SOURCE, WE WILL NOT HAVE A BLACK OUT ANYONE SUPPORTING A BLACK OUT WILL ANSWER TO ME  PERIOD Read more:
Any one for a ride:) That’s where you’ll be going believing everything you hear.. Trust in the Lord and acknowledge Him in all ways and He will Order Your Steps!!!


Posted By: IZAKOVIC [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 6-Jun-2013 07:42:51

Michelle Obama 'snubs' China's first lady
China's hopes that their first lady would dazzle the American public during this week’s summit between her husband, Xi Jinping, and Barack Obama have been dashed after it was announced that Michelle Obama would not attend.

Posted By: IZAKOVIC [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 6-Jun-2013 07:57:54
Caught on camera: The moment Michelle Obama 'got right in' face of lesbian activist after being heckled during a fundraiser
It is a hard time realizing you are not the/a next Queen.

Underwater Extraterrestrial Bases Discovered in Florida [FULL VIDEO] - YouTube

Underwater Extraterrestrial Bases Discovered in Florida [FULL VIDEO] - YouTube

Just think of all the other things the lamestream media and government don't tell us. Life is about to get very interesting.


by Sherman H. Skolnick 4/18/02
It is okay to mention efforts to overthrow an overseas government. The American monopoly press is not bashful to discuss that. Such as efforts by the military for a while to take over the Pakistan government.
Pakistan-born Chicagoans as cab-drivers, some of them who I talked to, for a while praised the overthrow by the military of the regime in their home country. One of the apparently good features? For the the first time in living memory there, the ultra-rich folks were forced to pay taxes. But it did not last.
We, by the way, on our public access Cable TV Program, cablecast within the city limits of Chicago, from time to time, have had guests as candidates for high state office. Guess what I as moderator dared ask them? "If you are elected Illinois Governor, would you do something about the American CIA flooding Illinois with dope, to raise funds separate from Congress for secret operations?" The candidate said, "Governor is a local office. I do not know anything about the CIA". And I stated, "Really, that is all you have to say?" Candidate, "yes".
And I also have asked, "if you are elected Governor, would you tax the ultra-rich who currently pay little if any taxes, such as the Rockefellers, the Morgans, the DuPonts, and the Marshall Fields?" The candidate usually refused to answer, or looked up at the tv studio ceiling. After the taping ended, I asked one campaign manager, why his candidate tolerates me at all. "Sherman, if they can handle your big mouth, they can handle any opponent. And you do have a big audience in this town."
Since at least 1995, we have been writing about and also mentioning on talk radio, a few details about the small U.S. Military Group vowing to arrest at the time Clinton as their Commander-in-Chief,. the second hat Bill had as President. In simple terms, it was a real life version of the fictional book and movie, "Seven Days in May". [Book by F. Knebel, HarperCollins, hardcover, 1988. Movie, 1964, with Burt Lancaster and Kirk Douglas.]
If Clinton had them arrested for mutiny, they intended, if they were not assassinated, to defend themselves, showing that the person using the name "Clinton" has committed treason, such as with the Red Chinese Secret Police. [Elsewhere, we have discussed why we call him William ROCKEFELLER Clinton. See our website series,"Wal-Mart and the Red Chinese Secret Police".]
This small group of U.S. Admirals and Generals, called in the military trade, as flag officers, had repeatedly tried, to no avail, to remove Clinton while he was Commander-in-Chief.
April 19, 1995, occurred what some have described as the multiple bombings of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. Details have come out through alternative media, that there was prior knowledge in the White House, just like Pearl Harbor, 1941. The bombings permitted "Clinton" to wrap himself in the flag and say he was going to combat the local Militias trying "to overthrow the government". This helped Clinton divert attention from the defeat in 1994, with Congress getting a GOP majority in the Election.
April 17, 1995, two days prior to the bombings, a planeload of U.S. Military brass died when the military Lear jet, exploded in the air near Alexander City, Alabama. Thus snuffed out among the reputed coup plotters, were Clark G. Fiester, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for acquisitions, since previous May, when he was former vice president and general manager for the electronic defense sector of GTE Government Systems, in Mountain View, California and he had worked at GTE 36 years before joining the Defense Department; Air Force Major General Glenn A. Profitt II of West Layayette, Indiana, director of plans and operations for the Air Education and Training Command; Major Hubert B. Fisher who researched sensitive information technologies.
They had onboard with them a person not supposed to exist. Namely, a Prisoner of War from Viet Nam, knowledgeable as to why and how the Defense Department and the White House continues to cover up the POWs from the Viet Nam War. That is, those who were pushed into becoming "mules" for the Southeast Asia dope trafficking supervised by General Colin Powell and his crony Richard Armitage, and their illicit-dealings business partner, George Herbert Walker Bush. [On alternative media has been shown the video interview of a Burmese General describing how Powell, Armitage, and Bush are his dope trafficking business partners and arranged at U.S. government expense to build a highway into the jungle to facilitate the transporting of dope headed for the U.S. trade.]
Families of the victims of the airplane explosion were not permitted to retrieve any belongings nor be given any details of what happened. A heavily-censored story was given to the pressfakers to distribute. Such as, the Associate Press report, Washington Times, 4/19/95,"High Air Force official mourned after jet crash"[Washington Times is owned and operated by the Korean CIA and Rev. Moon]. Chicago Tribune, 4/18/95 [Tribune owned in large part by the Queen of England and British Monarchy. See our items about the British Monarch in business with the Bush Crime family.] Also, Washington Post, 4/18 and 4/19/95. [The Post and their CIA pals, see our item, "The Late Dragon of the Washington Post".]
Later, we obtained exclusive details of how the U.S. Government was blocking an Alabama Federal Grand Jury probing the sabotaged crash linked to an attempt coup.
Originally, there were 24 flag officers who felt authorized under the Uniform Military Code to arrest Commander-in-Chief Clinton. If arrested on charges of mutiny, they were prepared to defend themselves with documented charges of treason against Clinton. Such as, that Clinton from time to time ate with and met with in the White House, the head of the Red Chinese Secret Police, Wang Jun. The flag officers had proof that Clinton gave him as part of a sworn enemy of the United States,financial, industrial, and MILITARY secrets of the U.S. Wang Jun has also been the head of Polytechnologies, a Red Chinese military owned business making and marketing AK-47 submachine guns intended for shipment to U.S. inner city narco-terrorist street gangs to cause havoc in shoot-em-ups with big city police.[Contending they are under-staffed, U.S. customs has been able to apprehend only SOME of these weapons into the U.S.] Kenneth W. Starr for four years as "Independent Counsel" ran after Bill and Hillary yet after expending some 50 million dollars came up only with the sex episode of Monica Lewinsky, used to amuse some on the television. Starr spent most of the time in PRIVATE law practice and who was his private law client? Why, Wang Jun. Furthermore, Starr was the UNREGISTERED foreign lobbyist for the Red Chinese Government at Bejing. So the whole situation was a joke. The Clinton Justice Department could have jailed Starr any time they wanted to. [Monica and Chandry Levy as foreign intelligence operatives, with Rahm Emanuel, visit our website two part series, "The Chandra Levy Affair".]
The 24 flag officers, out of uniform, took up residence in a Paris suburb, under the protection of the French CIA who faulted Clinton for covering up the downing in 1996 of TWA Flight 800. The plane took off from New York destined for Paris, having onboard 60 French nationals, 8 of which were members of the French spy agency. Their team official, however, refused to board Flight 800 and took a later flight. The French contend that Clinton, to avoid problems with his 1996 re-election campaign, covered up that Flight 800 was downed by missiles.
Since 1995, ten of the original 24 flag officers as coup plotters were assassinated [that does NOT include those snuffed out April 17, 1995]. One of those murdered was General David McCloud, head of the Alaska Military District. Another one was Admiral Jeremy Boorda, Chief of Naval Operations, highest naval officer in uniform. [For some historical and traditional reasons, the U.S. Navy Officers and the Office of Naval Intelligence have to be at least in part, in charge of any attempt to arrest the Commander-in-Chief for treason.]
In Part 8 of this series, we mention the Split in the American aristocracy that has to be considered. Also to be figured into the equation, is a coup for public good or one for evil.
Prior "experiments". U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff had a plan to instigate U.S. public commotions by way of instigating grounds to bomb and invade Cuba. This was in 1962, a year AFTER the CIA's debacle being the aborted invasion at the Bay of Pigs. The top U.S. military were planning to arrange to bomb U.S. commercial air flights, immediately blaming Cuba. Also there was to be other bombings and violence in the United States, instigated by the highest level of the U.S. Military, and with the co-operation of the captive U.S. media, to blame it all on Cuba. All in all, it was to be a test on how to overthrow a regime.
The scheme was called "Operation Northwoods". It is detailed in "Body of Secrets Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency---From the Cold War through the Dawn of A New Century", by James Bamford, hardcover, 2001, pages 82-91, 300, 301.
In 1972, the CIA/Military think tank, Rand Corp., came out with their little-known report, "Operation Star", at the behest of the Nixon White House. The document deals with how to persuade ordinary Americans that it is somehow okay to suspend the U.S. Constitution and call off if not terminate elections. That is, how to conduct a coup against the American Republic and the organic law, that is, the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. By the fall of 1973, after "The Saturday Night Massacre" where Nixon lopped off those probing him and Watergate, the U.S. came very close to a test if not actual imposition of martial law.
Why prior coup attempts to do public good or evil have failed. [1] Other high military officers, because they were too "chicken" or simply wanted to be around to collect their pension, did not aid or join the original 24 flag officers. [2] The newfakers kept diverting public attention from Clinton's treason. Such as, at key times when it might have been mentioned, Clinton ordered the bombing of Iraq. ]3] In 1999, Clinton's treason was not part of the House Impeachment Resolutions. AND, the Senate considering whether to remove Clinton, had key members blackmailed. Such as then Senate Judiciary Chairman, Orrin G. Hatch (R., Utah) was subject himself to be federal criminally prosecuted for bribery charges relating to the downfall of Bank of Credit and Commerce International, BCCI. Also, Hatch was subject to being prosecuted for bribery in the Salt Lake City Olympics bribery scandal. [4] Right after the Senate refused to remove Clinton on impeachment charges, Clinton ordered the bombing of Serbia. Yet, Yugoslavia never attacked or invaded another country in their history and was long-known as friendly to the U.S. In violation of the Geneva Conventions as to the international law of wars, to which the U.S. is a signatory, Clinton ordered the bombing in Yugoslavia of hospitals, schools, and churches. Clinton ordered the Red Chinese embassy in Belgrade to be bombed on the censored accusation that they were assisting the Serbs with U.S. military data. The Chinese anger was controlled, since they were part of Clinton's previously mentioned treason.
In view of the earlier unsuccessful efforts within the U.S. to conduct an overthrow, whether for the public good or for power-grabbing evil, the Pro-Bush faction in the American CIA and U.S. Military decided to conduct an experiment in Venezuela, home of what once was called Creole Petroleum, set up and owned by the Rockefellers.
>From the standpoint of the Bush Crime family, Venezuela was ideal to figure out the best way to conduct a coup. Some years ago, Daddy Bush was a major owner of Texas Commerce Bank which had a unit in Venezuela. Daddy Bush installed there to head up that branch son Jeb Bush and his latino wife. They reportedly co-ordinated the huge proceeds from the dope trafficking from neighboring Colombia. Also, corrupt top officials of the American Drug Enforcement Administration shipped planeloads of dope to the U.S. from Venezuela on the excuse they were conducting a "sting". Also to be considered is that Daddy Bush and his cronies in the American CIA spend a great deal of their efforts, worldwide, as the oilfields police, guarding the properties of the Oil Cartel.
The oil-soaked, spy-riddled monopoly press recently tried hard to explain away the coup and counter-coup experiment and testing in Venezuela. Reliable sources contend that Daddy Bush, supervising Bush, Jr., arranged for the CIA funding of military coup plotters to arrest Venezuela's properly elected President. The New York Times seemed to reveal the most, in their story headlined "Bush Officials Met With Venezuelans Who Ousted Leader", 4/16/2002. " 'We were not discouraging people', the [Defense Department] official said. 'We were sending informal, subtle signals that we don't like this guy. [Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez]. We didn't say, 'No, don't you dare', and we weren't advocating saying, 'Here's some arms; we'll help you overthrow this guy.' We were not doing that' ". And the New York Times added, "The disclosures come as rights advocates, Latin American diplomats and others accuse the administration of having turned a blind eye to coup plotting activities, or even encouraging the people who temporarily removed Mr. Chavez. Such actions would place the United States at odds with its fellow members of the Organization of American States, whose charter condemns the overthrow of democratically elected governments."
So, was the Venezuela coup and counter-coup an experiment how to do it in the United States, to Overthrow the American Republic? The coup plotters apparently started to arrest judges of the Venezuela high court, and other judicial, legislative, and executive officials.
Cynics claim many American do not know how to spell COUP. And that they would be helped by coo-coo clocks as follows
At 4 p.m., the coo-coo clock's little doors would open and out would pop George W. Bush, proclaiming "I'm the occupant and resident of the White House!". At 5 p.m., the clock doors would open on the coo-coo signal, and out would pop Jay Rockefeller [John D. Rockefeller 4th, (D., W.Va.)], a pretender to the throne waiting in the wings otherwise, stating, "I'm in charge here!". At 6 p.m. out of the coo-coo clock pops Albert Gore, Jr., hollaring, "Down With Big Oil!". [The clock has no provision to point out Gore won the popular vote in 2000; the high court in Washington, corruptly installed Bush as the resident and occupant of the White House. Hence, Gore is actually the elected president NOT INAUGURATED.]
Naturally, these coo-coo clocks are made by Coup D'Etat Manufacturing Company, in a suburb of Paris, France. Guess who owns THAT company?
[For background, visit our website item, "The American Troika".]

More coming. Stay tuned.


by Sherman H. Skolnick 4/21/02
In the worst of all worlds or even the best of all worlds, there is always a reason for censorship. At the time of the Soviets and their dreaded secret political police, a few Soviet writers occasionally made a point with a supposedly fictional tale, actually true.
In current parlance, it would be called flying below the radar, or putting a wing on the buzz. Even so, some Soviet writers had to flee the country. A great fairy tale is that America is the land of the free. But, telling the truth can cost you your job, your career, your personal happiness and security. Living in a good style is not free. Americans who do not own their own digs, still call the owner collecting the rent, the LANDLORD. To many thoughtless renters, Old English fear-provoking putdowns do not seem to refer to great negatives. Who notices? Law books have a section on MASTER and SERVANT. Considering themselves "losers", some call themselves wage slaves.
Close enough to the incandescent bulb of reality to sense both the light and the heat, an insider told us a story.
There once was a fellow with a famous father. Or was the elder, sinister and infamous? He wanted his oldest son to go in footsteps as planned by the Family. Sonny boy was selected to be the new head of the company, with worldwide business. The firm required someone to guide it who knew big business, politics, and how to be successful. How to influence if not bribe foreign potentates who were sources of company revenue---that had to be ingrained in the top executive.
Junior never was greatly interested in foreign business, the history of the world, even current affairs. But Daddy was in good health. And Daddy and his friends would tell him how to run the company, and avoid pitfalls. With the latest technology, Junior could get virtual face to face advice from Daddy, even if both were thousands of miles apart. Daddy would fill up the nearby executive offices with Daddy's advisers. And Daddy's circle would write the company statements for Junior to read.
As the designated head of the firm, Junior knew he had to play the part and be the front man. Yes, there were problems even being selected to be the head man. The Board of Directors, as Junior well knew, were Daddy's fixers. The Directors had big investments in other companies.
The convoluted connections were such, that the Directors had to make unholy deals---get this---with a competing firm. This trick cost 40 million dollars of off-the-books funds. Of all things, a competitor knew some inside details that could have prevented the Board of Directors from accepting Junior as the new head man. And who started the vicious rumors, that Junior was a misfit and would steer the company into a wreck? Did these terrible stories some from competitors or from some old-timers inside Junior's own company?
Junior took over as the head man in an off-year. Business was not good. The firm's French unit was causing all kinds of business problems. The frogs, as Daddy called the Frenchies, had their own commercial intelligence unit that was, of all things, compiling dirt on Junior. The purpose? TO get better commissions and shipping terms for the Paris branch.
To show they are serious, the frogs instigated two highly skilled investigative reporters to come out with a book detailing crooked business deals that Junior's home office had with their Mid-East affiliates. As the book pointed out, a top official in one of the company's subsidiaries, resigned. Why? As quoted in the book, he claimed that Junior and Daddy told him to stop asking questions about a certain family of Mid-East swindlers who were secretly in business with Daddy and Junior, and with Daddy's advisers and fixers.
In his first year on the job, Junior was told by Daddy's advisers that the company was in big doo-doo. The company, they said, in fact may simply melt down, its stock go to hell, and the firm go bankrupt. The advisers told Daddy that Junior was, after all, a misfit, and not capable of guiding the firm through a financial storm. The company's bankers wanted something done and Junior, they claimed, was not equipped to handle it.
Would the second in command of the firm agree to take over? The company doctor said the latest medical check-up showed a lot of negatives for that person.
The book circulated throughout Europe by the frogs was causing the company's European customers to be greatly concerned. Would some European television network program put the whole mess on the air? Their documentary makers were quietly in the U.S. for some time now.
The parent company's problems could spread throughout the subsidiaries. The various units of the firm have for some time been falsely showing huge profits by cooking their books. Junior was not interested to know about it. Problems like that, Daddy and his confidants would handle it.
Junior, after all, was not interested to study history. If he did, he would have known and understood Daddy's answer to the problem. When the founder of the infamous Standard Oil Trust, old John D. Rockefeller, had a business problem, what would HE do? Typically, he would bomb some of his own buildings and immediately blame it on his competitors who thereafter were the target of a witch hunt.
The pressfakers always accepted Rockefeller's version of what happened.
The higher ups in the government, those that knew about Rockefeller's scheme ahead of time, would not interfere. Even with prior knowledge, they allowed it to happen. It was the way of the real world. As always, if you want a well-fixed future, telling the truth would cost you everything.
As the company headed for financial ruin, Junior sensed something was happening. He wrote a letter resigning as head of the company. The letter started out, Dear Daddy. It told how sorry Junior was that he cannot save the company from bankruptcy and the Family from scandal. A copy of the letter was also scheduled to be sent to the Board of Directors.
Before the letter was ever sent, two of the company's buildings were mysteriously bombed. Lots of people died. Daddy arranged for the pressfakers to blame it on competitors of the company. Under the command of Daddy, Junior remained as head of the firm.
___________________________ This parable is circulating in the Washington, D.C. underground. Long-time capital reporters and editors understand it all, acknowledging it with a wink and a nod. "Henry, since you do not have a copy of the letter of resignation, our shop cannot go with this", was the way a network boss, with a false rejection in his voice, dealt with his savvy White House correspondent, both of whom have to remain nameless.
More coming. Stay tuned.