Saturday, June 8, 2013

Homeland Security Turns LA into War Zone for “Counter-Terrorism” Drill

These so-called Drills are UNCALLED FOR !!!

Homeland Security Turns LA into War Zone for “Counter-Terrorism” Drill

Yesterday the Department of Homeland Security Security took part in a large scale “counter-terrorism” drill in Los Angeles with the LAPD.

By JG Vibes
June 7, 2013
The drill was planned alongside the National Homeland Security Association’s conference at the Bonaventure Hotel and was conducted by the Police Department’s Counter Terrorism and Special Operations Bureau. The drill was complete with black clad police repelling down helicopters, flash grenades and the sounds of gunfire in the streets.
Police Chief Charlie Beck said about 1,800 people from 60 major cities attended the conference and most watched the demonstration. Representatives from the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia and Canada also attended.
This expensive operation is justified with the fear mongering of a terrorist threat.
According to LAPD spokesman Cmdr. Andrew Smith said “We know that terrorists are capable of acting everywhere.  We need to maintain our vigilance. We need to maintain our edge. That’s the reason we do this training.”
About 50 officers from various units, mainly SWAT, air support and hazardous materials, participated in the drill, following months of preparing and notifying area businesses of the exercise.
“This is something we constantly worry about. The threat is always there,” Police Chief Charlie Beck said in a statement. “What happens in other regions of the world is important, but we have enough of a homegrown issue that all this needs to be practiced continuously.”
This seems more of an excuse to play with their new toys than anything, but there has been a disturbing increase of these drills in public areas, possibly to desensitize the general population to having military police in the streets.


To re-clarify Benghazi

Let's not forget the supposed trade-off of Obamas' blind sheik !!!
June 7 2013

To re-clarify Benghazi


There never was a consulate or embassy in Benghasi. There was a secret CIA hideout in a rented house that Ambassador Stevens went to. This was confirmed by the lack of a consulate or embassy, right on the U.S. government's own web site, and was further confirmed later by even mainstream media outlets. This entire charade about Bengasi is a distraction, sure, Stevens probably was murdered for political reasons, but there was no consulate there, and no Arab uprising.
Stevens simply went to a CIA hideout, walked into an ambush and was murdered by the CIA to create a big political story. Anything else about a predator drone, and all other side stories are bullshit, Stevens walked into a trap set by his own government and paid for it with his life.
Keep in mind that all of this Bengasi B.S. is being brought to you by the same "fact finding" media and investigative teams that said Obama sacked Osama Bin Laden
People in the truth movement - After seeing the damning evidence, and having a large portion of the truth movement cover the topic, it would be best to hold your ground rather than fall for the future mind bending tactic the elite are following which involves a barrage of bogus press releases to re-form what was made obvious and published earlier. THERE WAS NO CONSULATE IN BENGASI, ONLY A CIA HIDEOUT, and ANY story that does not say this explicitly is the result (often innocent) of an effort to bury the truth and create a smoke screen of news fodder to get people running around in circles chasing a bogus conspiracy story related to Obama. This will produce NOTHING other than cover for other crimes that are no doubt being committed RIGHT NOW.

This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories

This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories

Posted on by # 1 NWO Hatr
It’s judges gone wild! Plus sticky-fingered narcs, lying narcs, crooked deputies, and more! Let’s get to it:
In Philadelphia, a Philadelphia police officer was arrested May 23for stealing drugs and money from a suspected drug dealer. Officer Jeffrey Walker was arrested after an FBI sting operation in which agents recorded him bragging about how easy it was to rip off drug dealers. Walker and a federal informant concocted a scheme to plant cocaine in a suspect’s car, then rob him. Walker did just that, arresting the suspect, then entering his home and stealing $15,000. He was arrested with the cash in hand. At last report, Walker was still in federal custody.  
In Pittsburgh, a former Washington County judge was arrested May 24 on charges he stole cocaine from evidence in cases over which he presided. Paul Pozonsky abruptly resigned from the bench in 2012 and moved to Alaska after police checked evidence envelopes and found the cocaine had gone missing. Court officers said that Pozonsky had begun asking them to bring confiscated drugs into the courtroom, where they would be entered as evidence and kept by either the judge himself of members of his staff.
In Des Moines, an Iowa state narcotics agent was arrested May 26 on charges he forged the signature of a Polk County judge in a bid to shortcut an after-the-fact approval of a drug-related search warrant. Jonathan Borg, 39, allegedly forged the judge’s signature as he returned with the warrant after conducting a search in a drug investigation where the charges have now been dropped because of his actions. He is charged with one count of felonious misconduct in office and is looking at up to five years in prison if convicted.
In Belleville, Illinois, a St. Clair county judge was arrested last Friday in relation to the cocaine overdose death of another St. Clair county judge while the pair partied together at a hunting lodge in March. Judge Michael Cook, 43, who presided over the county’s drug court, was charged by federal prosecutors with possession of heroin and possession of a firearm while illegally using controlled substances. His colleague, Judge Joe Christ died of a cocaine overdose. A St. Clair County probation officer, James Fogarty, has been charged with selling cocaine to both judges. Judge Cook had handled more than 500 criminal cases since 2010; now, those found guilty can come back and seek new trials.
In Baltimore, a Baltimore police officer was arrested last Friday on multiple charges, including trying to sell heroin. Officer Ashley Roane, 25, went down in a sting operation, accepting cash payments and providing protection for a man she thought was a drug dealer, but who was actually an informant for Baltimore police and the FBI. She agreed to access law enforcement databases listing informants and other sensitive information for the drug dealer, and provided Social Security numbers to him as part of a scheme to obtain false tax refunds, prosecutors said. She’s looking at a mandatory minimum 17 years in federal prison if convicted on all counts.
In New York City, an NYPD officer was convicted last Wednesday for faking paperwork to cover up his involvement in the unlawful search and arrest of two men. Isaias Alicea had stopped and arrested two men in Harlem last year and later falsely told his supervisors he saw them in a drug transaction. But surveillance images showed no transaction occurred and the charges against the men were dropped. He was convicted of official misconduct, a felony, and will be fired based on that felony conviction. Sentencing is set for next month.
In San Antonio, five Hidalgo County narcotics officers pleaded guilty last Wednesday to federal charges in a wide-ranging drug conspiracy. The five, all members of now-defunct drug task force called the Panama Unit, including the son of the county sheriff, acknowledged roles in a scheme to steal drug loads from street-level dealers and sell them to a man alleged to be a local trafficker. Jonathan Trevino a 29-year-old former Mission police officer and the son of Hidalgo County Sheriff Lupe Trevino, pleaded guilty to one count of drug conspiracy. Three other members of the unit, including ex-Hidalgo County Sheriff’s deputies Salvador Joel Aguello, Claudio Alberto Mata, and Eric Michael Alacantar, also entered guilty pleas. The fifth man, Gerardo Mendoza Duran, is a former Hidalgo County Sheriff’s deputy but was not assigned to the Panama Unit. He admitted last Wednesday that he had aided and abetted the group’s plans to escort the drug loads. They’re all looking at 10 years to life in federal prison.
In Tuscaloosa, Alabama, the former commander of the West Alabama Narcotics Task Force agreed to plead guilty last Friday to stealing at least $125,000 from drug proceeds seized by the unit. Jeff Snyder, 55, embezzled money that the task force seized between June 2010 and June 2012, according to a release from U.S. Attorney Joyce White Vance’s office. Snyder admitted to pocketing seized cash during drug raids and failing to log it into task force ledger books and deposit it in task force bank accounts. In his plea agreement, Snyder and prosecutors agreed to an 18 month federal prison sentence. That agreement has yet to be approved by a judge.

Shooter in US rampage killed father, brother first

CGI's Dave404: Shooter in US rampage killed father, brother first
Posted By: CGI_admin [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 8-Jun-2013 00:31:43

Shooter in US rampage killed father, brother first
"She identified the gunman as 25 to 30 years old and dressed all in black, wearing what appeared to be a ballistic jacket.
The campus was searched for a second shooter, and a man dressed entirely in black, with the words "Life is a Gamble" on the back of his sweatshirt, was seen being taken into custody by law enforcement officers. He did not appear to be wounded.
Los Angeles County SWAT team members search the grounds of Santa Monica College.
"We are not convinced 100 per cent that the suspect who was killed operated in a solo or alone capacity," Seabrooks said."
Read more:


Posted By: NaturalWisdom
Date: Saturday, 8-Jun-2013 00:46:43

Confirmation of this rumored report about the President's presence very near this shooting incident is solicited.
Alert! Shooting at Santa Monica College in California! Obama was 4 Blocks from shooting
Published on Jun 7, 2013

The details of this story are already not adding up ..ill keep you guys updated! Obama was only 4 blocks away during shooting!
FWIW, there were three 2.x EQ's near Rancho Palos Verdes earlier in the day between 4 and 5am PDT. Could some type of remote energy device had a hand in the Santa Monica shooting
1 Day, Magnitude 2.5+ Worldwide - USGS

‘Reprehensible, Reckless, Illegal’: Washington Officials Slam Heroic NSA Surveillance Leaker

Obama doesn't welcome leaks but he was allowed to leak things that got our SEALS murdered and that was allowed. He needs to go to Prison BIG TIME !!!! He can also be called a WHISTLEBLOWER FOR HIS ILLEGAL LEAKS..


‘Reprehensible, Reckless, Illegal’: Washington Officials Slam Heroic NSA Surveillance Leaker

Calls to punish the whistleblower follow exposure of sweeping surveillance program

FT. MEADE, MD – UNDATED: (FILE PHOTO) This undated photo provided by the National Security Agency (NSA) shows its headquarters in Fort Meade, Maryland. (Photo by NSA via Getty Images)
By Andrea Germanos
Common Dreams
June 8, 2013
Reprehensible.” “Reckless.” “Illegal.”
These are the adjectives some officials in Washington are using to describe not the sweeping surveillance of Americans by the NSA revealed this week, but letting Americans know that such surveillance exists.
Speaking to CBS on Friday, WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange said, “Let’s ask ourselves whether the whistleblower who has revealed those, and there’s more to come, is going to be in exactly the same position as Bradley Manning is in today.”
Journalist and Guardian columnist Glenn Greenwald, part of the team that broke the stories, wrote on Friday of the courage of whistleblowers in the face of such intimidation:
Like puppets reading from a script, various Washington officials almost immediately began spouting all sorts of threats about “investigations” they intend to launch about these disclosures. This has been their playbook for several years now: they want to deter and intimidate anyone and everyone who might shed light on what they’re doing with their abusive, manipulative exploitation of the power of law to punish those who bring about transparency.
That isn’t going to work. It’s beginning completely to backfire on them. It’s precisely because such behavior reveals their true character, their propensity to abuse power, that more and more people are determined to bring about accountability and transparency for what they do.
They can threaten to investigate all they want. But as this week makes clear, and will continue to make clear, the ones who will actually be investigated are them.
Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) said the revelations proved “we are a culture of leaks” and said there should be an investigation to find the source of the leak:
“The fact of the matter is, this was a routine three-month approval that was under seal that was leaked,” Feinstein told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell, who followed up by asking if the source of the leak should be investigated.
“I think so,” Feinstein said. “I think we’ve become a culture of leaks now.”
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said the leak was “reprehensible” and could cause “irreversible harm:”
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper called the disclosure of an Internet surveillance program “reprehensible” and said it risks Americans’ security. He said a leak that revealed a program to collect phone records would affect how America’s enemies behave and make it harder to understand their intentions.
“The unauthorized disclosure of a top secret U.S. court document threatens potentially long-lasting and irreversible harm to our ability to identify and respond to the many threats facing our nation,” Clapper said in an unusual late-night statement.
An ABC News headline reads ominously: “On the Hunt for the NSA Wiretapping Leaker:”
“It’s completely reckless and illegal… It’s more than just unauthorized. He’s no hero,” one senior law enforcement source told ABC News of the unidentified leaker. The source speculated that a single person could be behind both recent leaks to the British newspaper The Guardian and to The Washington Post. [...]
“This guy’s trying to be some kind of martyr,” the law enforcement source said. [...]
If the leaker is in the government, former Deputy Director of the FBI Tim Muphy said he should be punished.
“You have an obligation when you have a clearance not to leak this kind of information,” Murphy said.
At an event in San Jose, California on Friday, President Obama offered this blunt statment:
“I don’t welcome leaks.”

Nikola Tesla: Calling All Freethinkers!

Nikola Tesla: Calling All Freethinkers!

Tesla Coil

by Rand Clifford for Veterans Today

Humanity’s horizons glowed from the brilliance of Nikola Tesla. But to our horrible misfortune, the glow was much too bright for the Power Status Quo (PSQ). Money means power, and Tesla cost tycoons a lot of money by slaying with alternating current (AC) the dead-end direct current (DC) power distribution system of Thomas Edison (financed by J.P Morgan). More than forty of Tesla’s patents from 1888 cover the entire system of “polyphase” AC that, virtually unchanged, powers civilization to this day—a monumental lifetime achievement for any man.
But polyphase AC didn’t lead directly to the PSQ’s campaign of erasing Tesla from history. It was “Tesla’s Coil”, key to unlocking “Aether” and harnessing “Radiant Electricity”. The ultimate forbidden technology, Aether and Radiant Electricity was a primary focus of Tesla’s last forty years on Earth.
By tapping the Aether, by touching “…the wheelwork of nature”, Tesla illuminated visions of humanity freed from domination by the likes of Rothschild, Morgan, Rockefeller…the entire global tyranny machine powered largely by fossil energy, private central banking, war.
One man found an antidote for pathocracy, humanity’s premier poison.
[1] His name was Nikola Tesla; that remains one of the few things about the man that has not been altered by the PSQ. The name survives, but little else about Tesla has not been violated. His crime, or “sin” was competition tycoons couldn’t control.
Tesla always knew he would triumph. In his own words, regarding tycoons such as J.P. Morgan:
“I am unwilling to accord to some small-minded and jealous individuals the satisfaction of having thwarted my efforts. These men are to me nothing more than microbes of a nasty disease. My project was retarded by laws of nature. The world was not prepared for it. It was too far ahead of time, but the same laws will prevail in the end and make it a triumphal success.”
Tesla’s “…triumphal success” has the power to unwind tyranny. All we need is for enough humans to awaken from the PSQ’s spell. Tesla obviously thought awakening was possible even while insisting that, “No free energy device will ever be allowed to reach the market.” Tesla knew that mass awakening was the wildcard. If we let him down, we let humanity down.
Tycoons throw enormous wealth at protecting people from reality by keeping them asleep. But waking up is free, the only ticket to freedom of development of the human potential.
Freedom…a gorgeous concept increasingly hollowed-out by the PSQ. Try to imagine what humanity might achieve without being kicked in the face by the psychopathic elite.
George Orwell said in his novel, 1984, “If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.”
If we have any chance at proving Orwell wrong, Tesla might be our best hope. So he gets the boot. But they haven’t stamped out Tesla’s spirit. His ultimate technology is still alive not only in Black-Ops, but in laboratories of valiant researchers cheating death-by-truth.
The PSQ’s perpetual fouling of Tesla accents his elevation of what it means to be human. That most salient testament to Tesla’s brilliance, his suppression by the PSQ—it’s all around us, hidden in plain sight.
Style of the PSQ exhibits fear of people thinking for themselves. As long as pockets of human intelligence resist brainwashing, and independent thoughts fly around uncontrolled, that means the PSQ’s choke hold on power is not “safe”.
Similar alarm flourished in America’s top Rothschild agent, J.P. Morgan.
[2] He knew monopolistic fortunes were not safe with Tesla a funded free spirit. Morgan and other tycoons stung by the “War of the Currents”
[3] went into a defensive blitz. And when Tesla denied Morgan control of Radiant Electricity, Morgan had Tesla’s laboratories burned down. Works of genius were destroyed, but not the man. Morgan also instructed the four publishers of school textbooks to never mention Nikola Tesla; ditto for the Smithsonian—Nikola Tesla was an unperson. Morgan stamped like a professional on truth about Tesla. And the money boot keeps stamping with help from public ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in “authority”….
Creativity…humans working outside “the box”—writers, inventors, scientists and researchers and free spirits soaring above dogma embody what the PSQ fears in humanity. Nikola Tesla is a stellar example of what the PSQ fears most.
Tesla revered nature, not money. That got Tesla the electrical wizard off to a bad start with the PSQ—a moral eminence compounded by Tesla’s public declaration: “Science is but a perversion of itself unless it has as its ultimate goal the betterment of humanity.”
Those were fighting words to the tycoons—especially the part about, “…betterment of humanity.” Tycoons seek “arrested human development”, conspire to fit humanity with cement overshoes. Tesla’s treasures remain difficult to fathom with the PSQ so good at not only mangling and suppressing them, but misrepresenting many as works of Edison, Marconi and others.
On his deathbed, Edison said his biggest mistake had been in trying to develop direct current, rather than the superior alternating current system that Tesla had put within his grasp.
Tesla’s reply about Marconi’s work in radio: “Marconi is a good fellow. Let him continue. He is using 17 of my patents.”
If Tesla doesn’t terrify the PSQ, why their obsession with polluting his accomplishments? Why did they ban Tesla in textbooks and at the Smithsonian, choke off his funding and conjure him into a bogeyman?
Standard indoctrination coddles third graders along in this video of an “Awesome! ‘Tesla Coil’” (don’t miss Alex Jones growling in the wings).
[4]Here’s an encouraging story of spunky third graders with a great teacher, and their letter-writing campaign focused on getting Tesla acknowledged in the Smithsonian.
[5]Among Tesla’s most noble contributions to humanity and the cause of freedom…his intimate disclosure of PSQ’s will to protect their power at the complete disregard of humanity. Tesla revealed what it means to be psychopathic, and elite, showing humanity what inhumanity we are up against. Destruction of competition is a martial situation where, as the PSQ likes to frame it: “No options are off the table”.
The Internet has made progress against common public sentiment regarding Tesla being derivatives of: “I heard Tesla was kind of a crackpot.” Big money manipulates this idea from off in the wings, but when it comes to truth about Tesla, austerity takes center stage.
A nurtured “…then how come?” variety of popular ignorance clings to the idea: “If Tesla was so great, then how come we’re not utilizing his so-called ultimate technology?” The PSQ religiously stamping out competition is “how come”. And once again, when it comes to protecting their monopolies, “…nothing is off the table”.
Accurate information about Tesla still haunts the Internet. People can even learn about Eric Dollard.
[6] But the PSQ’s “Internet problem” seems merely a speed bump, considering the PSQ’s record of successfully controlling whatever they want to control, if given enough time. Where would the PSQ be without it’s enablers, us?
A great quote from Eric Dollard:
“Tesla scared the central bankers senseless. They knew what his plan meant. Energy independence meant an almost complete loss of control of the people.”
Tesla fought in the trenches, pulling back curtains on the PSQ—on humanity versus tyranny, freedom versus slavery. Profit from death and destruction—perpetual war fueled by fossil energy. Private central banking’s “…continuous consolidation of wealth and power into higher, tighter and righter hands” (GHW Bush quote). Continuous consolidation of wealth in the fewest hands drives debt slavery, genocide, looting of the future, the “New World Order”.
“If we don’t exploit every resource with alacrity and no mercy, our competitors will”—that’s the apparent creed of the PSQ. Sugary platitudes regarding people yet to be born seem vulgar in light of the PSQ twisting future generations into competitors. First come, first served. A penny stolen is a penny earned.
Imagine “free” energy.
Imagine no contrived shortages and price gouging. No ”gas” tanks, power lines, meters, power bills, wars for oil and pipeline routes, Alberta tar and Keystone XL kinds of high-pressure DilBit arteries of death—imagine some of the PSQ’s worst nightmares. Toss in no climate-changing hydrocarbon pollution, no more churning out mountains of radioactive waste to attack the human genome for thousands of generations, no psychopathic domination by an invisible elite controlling what billions of people need to survive. Imagine modern warfare obsolete.
[7] Tesla offered salvation from survival of the wickedest.
The wicked panicked….
Truth is the antidote for diseased wealth and propaganda smothering and mangling the best of Tesla. A rare step in the right direction would be millions of people realizing that Tesla really did not dedicate the second half of his life to making bigger and ever-more-“Awesome!” sparks—but rather, he was absolutely dedicated to freedom of humanity. Tesla’s greatest invention being reduced to a toy for “…entertainment and educational displays”—that’s very potent PSQ mind venom. They even tagged Tesla the “God of Lightning”. Can’t beat lightning for “Awesome!” sparks. Can’t beat the PSQ for…perhaps W.C. Fields said it best: “There comes a time in the affairs of man, when we must take the bull by the tail, and face the situation.” The “bull” in this case is the PSQ; the situation is what blasts from under the bull’s tail to foul humanity, and our nest.
Do we still have, if we ever did have, the mettle to wake up and rub the PSQ’s nose in their foulness? The stakes have never been higher.
The Sin of Competition
A quote variously attributed to both J.D. Rockefeller and J.P. Morgan set the stage for maniacal fouling of Tesla: “Competition is a sin.”
[8]Chutzpah of these two “tycoons’” implies that monopoly is divine—especially monopoly on energy, money, food, fresh water, and war; a “royal flush” in this Earthly game of poker.
Consider our nightmare of perpetual war in terms of this quote from Aldous Huxley, author of the novel, Brave New World:
“The propagandist’s purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are human.”
Lies are the foundation of the PSQ’s reaction to Nikola Tesla. It’s paramount to humanity that freethinkers survive the elite and witness epiphany of this wisdom from Buddha:
“The lie tastes sweet at the beginning, but bitter at the end. The truth tastes bitter at the beginning, but sweet at the end.”
“Tesla’s Coil” Versus “The Tesla Coil”
The jungle of confusion and suppression of Tesla’s masterpiece might be easier to navigate if we distinguish between “Tesla’s Coil”, and the “Tesla Coil”. The former could be the epitome of human invention, the latter is its neutered caricature. For elaboration on this distinction, let’s check in with Zionist propaganda, the richest kind.
Wikipedia is hailed by Zionist Israel as “…the major source of information in the world.” They even advertise, with standard Zionist chutzpah, that Wikipedia is “…under constant, paid review of Zionist assets.”
[9]Below is Wikipedia’s first three paragraphs (underlining added) for their listing: “Tesla Coil” (as opposed to Tesla’s Coil”):
“A Tesla coil is an electrical resonant transformer circuit invented by Nikola Tesla around 1891. It is used to produce high-voltage, low-current, high frequency alternating-current electricity.
“Tesla coils can produce higher voltages than other artificial sources of high-voltage discharges, electrostatic machines. Tesla experimented with a number of different configurations consisting of two, or sometimes three, coupled resonant electric circuits.
“Tesla used these coils to conduct innovative experiments in electrical lighting, phosphorescence, x-ray generation, high frequency alternating current phenomena, electrotherapy, and the transmission of electrical energy without wires. Tesla coil circuits were used commercially in sparkgap radio transmitters for wireless telegraphy until the 1920s, and in pseudomedical equipment such as electrotherapy and violet ray devices. Today their main use is for entertainment and educational displays.”
Please note the use of “high-voltage, low-current, high frequency alternating-current electricity”, and, “high frequency alternating current phenomena”, topped off with, “Today their main use is for entertainment and educational displays.” In terms of what Tesla actually achieved—in terms of transcendent capabilities of “Tesla’s Coil”, Wikipedia’s “Tesla Coil” definition could not be more misleading if Wikipedia’s goal was to mislead.
Smell a rat? Tesla has offered to show us that rats don’t always win.
Regarding Wikipedia’s, “Today their main use is for entertainment and educational displays”…this is a naked example of Wikipedia’s Zionist-propaganda roots, and propagation of twisted truth.
Frank Zappa characterized America’s educational system as a mechanism designed to create “…functional ignorance.”
Disguised as an educational system, America’s youth indoctrination system also gets a nod in Wikipedia’s line about the “Tesla Coil” being for “…entertainment and educational displays”.
Entertainment, surely, but educational? Entertainment and indoctrination are more accurate here; the “Tesla Coil” is hailed while “Tesla’s Coil” is…what, “conspiracy theory”?
We suffer severe multi-generational distress when “education” is largely indoctrination aimed at inhibiting independent thinking. Students memorize dogma sanctioned by the PSQ so they can pass standardized tests sanctioned by the PSQ. Students learning to think for themselves, learning how to distinguish truth from dogma—this will not do. The PSQ wants young minds regurgitating hive thinking in preparation for becoming obedient workers in thrall of authority, wingless and weighed-down by leaden dogma planted in their minds by PSQ ovipositors.
Tesla’s “Wheelwork of Nature”
While the primary function of the contrived “Tesla Coil” is to disengage Tesla’s masterpiece from reality, the primary function of “Tesla’s Coil” is to disengage voltage from current—disengage “the true electricity” (Aether) from the flow of massive electrons. Only when zero current is achieved in “Tesla’s Coil” will Aether flow freely and the “Tesla Effect” be realized. Any flow of electrons chokes off the Aether. It’s no coincidence that the awesome-spark-toy “Tesla Coil” has popularly replaced “Tesla’s Coil” to choke off Tesla’s threat to the PSQ.
Tesla’s inspiration regarding the decoupling of voltage and current grew during his brief employment by Thomas Edison.
Edison’s DC power distribution system was so inefficient that power-line resistance would cause voltage to fade within several city blocks. Voltage was cranked up very high at the main generators, and “pumping stations” were required every half mile to boost sagging voltage and current.
When a main switch was thrown to hit transmission lines with cranked-up voltage right off the main generators, a blast of blue and purple spikes and stinging, shocking sensations radiated in all directions from the transmission lines before electrons (current) flowed in the lines. This instantaneous phenomenon actually killed some linesmen. Engineers considered these bursts of magnified electrostatic potential a nuisance to be eliminated. Tesla saw them as a powerful, mysterious form of energy to be explored.
In Part Two:
— Tesla and the Earth (his laboratory)
— “Tesla’s Coil” (the real thing)
— The “Tesla Effect”
— Aether’s “whitefire” fountains and “mass-free cold electricity”
— Wardenclyffe without propaganda
— Tesla allowed a cameo appearance in the Smithsonian
— Eric Dollard’s eight destroyed laboratories, and why a most profound and honorable way to help humanity, Earth, and generations to come is also the most dangerous

Rand Clifford lives in Spokane, Washington. His novels, CASTLING, TIMING, Priest Lake Cathedral, and many earlier essays are published by StarChief Press. Contact for Rand Clifford:

U.S. Has Successfull Test Of Bunker Buster As Russia Wants To Send Peacekeepers To the Golan

CGI's ftownballa: U.S. Has Successfull Test Of Bunker Buster As Russia Wants To Send Peacekeepers To the Golan
Posted By: CGI_admin [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 7-Jun-2013 17:34:01

America does a successful test of the bunker buster (MOAB) bomb. Russia says they want to station Russian peacekeepers on the Golan in place of the Austrian ones that are leaving. Hezbollah continues fighting for Syrian cities.
In an effort to show Israel and other ally states that it is capable of striking Iran’s nuclear plants, the US has recently conducted a test of its bunker buster bomb, destroying a replica of an underground nuclear facility, Hebrew daily Yediot Aharonot reported on Friday.

US Army chief in Japan suspended’

US Army chief in Japan suspended’

The US Army chief in Japan has been suspended for allegedly failing to properly report or investigate a sexual assault complaint, the Pentagon says.

The Pentagon said in a statement on Friday that Major General Michael Harrison was suspended due to allegations that he “failed in his duties as a commander to report or properly investigate an allegation of sexual assault.”

The Pentagon did not immediately provided further details on the sexual assault in question.

Harrison was suspended by Army Secretary John McHugh and Army chief General Ray Odierno, and will be replaced by Major General James Boozer, former deputy commanding general of the US Army in Europe, until the investigation is complete, the statement further read.

A newly-released report by the Pentagon on sexual assaults in the military indicates that unwanted sexual contact in the military soared by 37 percent in 2012 to reach 26,000 cases from 19,000 a year earlier.

The sharp increase in the number of sexual assault cases comes as the Pentagon is planning to integrate women into front-line combat roles.

According to a survey conducted in 2011, about one out of five military women said they had been the victims of sexual assault by another service member since joining the military.”


Sat Jun 8, 2013 8:48AM
According to a survey conducted in 2011, about one out of five military women said they had been the victims of sexual assault by another service member since joining the military.”

Aluminium is NON-MAGNETIC right - Ralph Ring - UTRON aqua-marine time-travel memory-wiping transportation device

Aluminium is NON-MAGNETIC right - Ralph Ring - UTRON aqua-marine time-travel memory-wiping transportation device
Posted By: FreePlanet
Date: Saturday, 8-Jun-2013 03:20:16

this could be the most astonishing Scientific footage you'll see this year...
the UTRON is a piece of solid aluminium made of an upper and lower cone each with a 'vertex angle' of ninety degrees - there's nothing special about it, UNTIL you spin it at 30,000 revs with at power drill.
And magnetic induction seems to take place.


Google+ isn't a social network; it's The Matrix

Google+ isn't a social network; it's The Matrix
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 7-Jun-2013 19:27:33
Google+ isn't a social network; it's The Matrix
Trying to analyse the amount of activity on Google+ in comparison to Facebook or Twitter yields little useful information - because it doesn't have the same purpose as them
Pretty much everyone (myself included) has been reading Google+wrongly. Because it bears many superficial resemblances to social networks such as Facebook or Twitter - you can "befriend" people, you can "follow" people without their following you back - we've thought that itis a social network, and judged it on that basis. By which metric, it does pretty poorly - little visible engagement, pretty much no impact on the outside world.
If Google+ were a social network, you'd have to say that for one with more than 500 million members - that's about half the size of Facebook, which is colossal - it's having next to no wider impact. You don't hear about outrage over hate speech on Google+, or violent videos not getting banned, or men posing as 14-year-old girls in order to befriend real 14-year-old girls. Do people send Google+ links all over the place, in the way that people do from LinkedIn, or Twitter, or Facebook? Not really, no.
There's a simple reason for this. Google+ isn't a social network. It's The Matrix.
Yes - you know, the one from the film. The one that knows everything you're thinking, and which guides what you see and experience.
Consider: if you create a Gmail account, you'll automatically get a Google+ account. Even if you don't ever do anything with it, the Google+ account will track you wherever you're signed in to your Google account.
If you're not signed in when you visit it, Google's front page has a "SIGN IN" button in red and white in the top right: prime colouring and location to grab your attention.
Maps? If you want to save locations, Google+ is pushed at you (for sharing too, though you can avoid it). You have to sign into your Google+ account to edit anything with its Mapmaker facility. (You have to have an account to edit OpenStreetMap too, though there are lots of accounts you can use - an OSM one, or Google, Yahoo, Wordpress, AOL.)
YouTube? You can use it without signing in (you'll get a "Sign in" label in the top) but of course you can't participate by, say, commenting. Drive? Shopping? Wallet? The soon-to-come paid music service? Google+ demands that you log in, so it can sees it all, and log it.
The reason why it doesn't seem like much of a social network is that the "friending" and "following" are just an accidental outgrowth of what it really does - being an invisible overlay between you and the web, which watches what you're doing and logs it and stores that away for future reference.
That's where the "Matrix" part come in. Next time you're searching for something, or looking on a map, or searching on YouTube, you'll see what Google has decided are the "most relevant" results (and of course the "most relevant" adverts). If you frequent climate change denial sites, a search on "climate change" will turn those up ahead of the sites run by rational scientists. Whatever your leaning, politically, sexually, philosophically, if you let Google+ see it then that will be fed back to you. It's the classic "filter bubble".
(You can, by the way, escape from the Google+ filter bubble by using its Ajax search API, which simply gives the "pure" results like you might have received back in, oh, 2007. But not for much longer. It was "deprecated" in November 2010. Although it's still working as of this writing, in future you'll need to sign in with - you guessed - a Google account.)
Of course, in the post-Google+ world, the "most relevant" results are increasingly those which also point to content on Google properties. The idea of the Matrix is that there's less and less outside the Matrix. But some people have noticed. The outcry when this version of search was switched on in the US in January 2012 was remarkable: Twitter, Facebook and MySpace developers united in writing a plugin called "Don't Be Evil", which stripped out the search biasing that Google seemed to be adding in so as to push its product in peoples' faces, and make it seem more popular than it was. Well, the Matrix doesn't really allow for things outside the Matrix; and Facebook, Twitter and (less so) MySpace all lie beyond its spidering. And in Europe, the antitrust commissioner Joaquin Almunia has said that Google has to make "more concessions" over how it presents search results - where it presently gives its properties a lot of prominence - if it's to avoid a big court battle.
Google+'s designs on our movements haven't gone unnoticed. Ben Thompson, author of the Stratechery blog, has made this point recently, as has Benedict Evans of Enders Analysis in his Google I/O impressions.
Thompson first:
Think about it: what is more valuable? [Facebook's] Inane chatter, memes, and baby photos, or every single activity you do online (and increasingly offline)? Google+ is about unifying all of Google's services under a single log-in which can be tracked across the Internet on every site that serves Google ads, uses Google sign-in, or utilizes Google analytics.
Every feature of Google+ – or of YouTube, or Maps, or GMail, or any other service – is a flytrap meant to ensure you are logged in and being logged by Google at all times.
And Evans:
Just as Microsoft cross-leveraged Windows and Office, and then Internet Explorer, Google is cross-leveraging search, Gmail, Maps, Android and everything else, tying them together with Plus.
The objective is to index not just the web but the users - to drive better understanding of the data by knowing how and where people use it. This is the point of Google Plus - it's not a social network, but a unified Google identity to tie all of your search and indeed internet use together in a Google database just like Pagerank.
If you want an alternative way to think about Google+, you could start with Horace Dediu's wonderful metaphor comparing what Google does to catching fish:
Google tries to make a business succeed through having a huge amount of _flow_ in terms of data, traffic, queries and information that is indexed. So think about this idea of them tapping into a vast stream. The more volume that is flowing through the system the more revenue they generate.
As so given this very rough analogy I try to sharpen it up by saying: imagine it more as a river. And even more than a river, as a watershed, a river basin. Perhaps a giant basin the size of a continent. The business is, let's say, capturing fish at the mouth of the biggest river, before it exits into the ocean at its delta.
And so your job (as Google) is to catch fish mostly at one point. It's the most efficient way to catch fish because you have the most flow of water at that point and building nets is not trivial.
If you use that metaphor, then Google+ puts radio tags on all the fish. It's so much easier to know where they're going. (Ignore for a moment that you're the fish. It only gets in the way.)
The question really is, now you know that, are you comfortable with it? Personally I always found the choice at the heart of The Matrix a puzzling one. The choices seemed to be: you can know that the world you live in is a blasted, awful place with a dire climate, or you can live in what seems like a fairly comfortable world (as long as you don't mess with the agents, of course).
To be honest, I always wondered whether the people whose "lives" (computer-generated or no) were upended by Neo, the hacker hero of the film, really liked having that choice made for them.
Anyhow, that's what Google+ is about. Discussing it as if it were a social network which needs activity in the way that Facebook and Twitter do misses the point. It really doesn't matter if you never use it, never fill out your profile, never fill a circle, never get added to anyone's circle. What matters to Google is that you're signed in, in order that it can form its matrix of knowledge about you.
So now that you know: red pill or blue pill? Sign in or sign out?


House votes to curb DHS ammunition purchases

House votes to curb DHS ammunition purchases
Posted By: AndiV
Date: Saturday, 8-Jun-2013 03:13:15

The House of Representatives voted late Wednesday to limit the amount of ammunition the Department of Homeland Security can purchase and stockpile.
Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., proposed the amendment to the annual DHS spending bill. The House approved the proposal by a 234-192 vote.
The amendment blocks funds from being used to buy ammunition until the department submits to Congress a comprehensive report on its ammunition usage and purchase history.
Lawmakers and Second Amendment advocates have fumed over reports that DHS and other agencies were buying millions of rounds of ammunition, thus fueling the national shortage and driving up prices.
Read more:

Friday, June 7, 2013

Jewell Robbins followup required for filing

John Please post this for everyone Please
Hello Everyone
  Okay. I don’t have the time to worry about benign correct on how I am writing this so take it as it is. Here is the law according to Kentucky. Do we have to file? That will be up to YOU. As of right now I would get all my info pertaining to Jewel Robbins together so if you decide to send it in you’ll have it together.
Sunday June 9th 2013 10:00 pm EST. I will have a call. First and foremost *6 remember that number. There is going to be a lot of people on this call and I need you to mute out so all of us can get this information so *6 when you get on the call, Thanks in advance.
Here’s the number: 712-432-6060 pin: 6959064#
This call will be recorded here’s the number: 712-432-6099 pin 6959064#
Get this out to everyone you know and get them to the call. Thanks Tugboat harry



His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber.

This needs to be said – But, first: NOTE: I do not use the Holy Writ deceitfully nor out of context. My intentions are pure. I'm not bragging (it's too sad to boast about), but I've forgotten more about the Holy Writ than most modern “ministers” will ever know. I'm not into “Hero Worship.” I do not hold “Pastor Ralph, Bob, Joe, or whoever” to any higher elevation than I do a homeless man on the street.

Now, to the center of the issue: Your beloved “gurus” have been deceiving you. I didn't say “lying” to you; I said deceiving you. First, a half-truth may be a whole lie. But, even if it is not a lie, it may be deceiving. Second, appealing to the “emotional” side of your intellect will, by “weariness of the soul,” over-ride, delete, erase, and omit the logical and active process of determining what is right-or-wrong, true-or-false, and good-or-bad. Third, by “capturing” your trust, deception is executed upon the intellect and deceptive trade practices are exercised.

I'll get right to the point; the WATCHDOG is what we've relied upon to keep us informed. Yep, I'm talking about the goo-roos on the forums. [Wonder why “recaps” won't publish my notes?]

Big interests (BANKS & GUBM'T) are like a good neighborhood burglar. They don't kill the watch-dogs; they begin making themselves known to the watch-dogs by giving them treats and tossing a ball to them on occasion. As time passes the watch-dogs become more complacent and docile. Eventually, the watch-dogs will long for the visit of the neighborhood burglar. Ahhh, sweet success. The watch-dog is now a “Lap-dog.” The burglar has conditioned them, just like Pavlov's dogs, to respond at the ring of a bell. They (the burglars) keep the “watch-dogs” on a new leash and the dog owners don't even have a clue. That's right, I'm talking about YOUR INTEL FORUMS for IQD & VND, ETC.

A real Watch-dog would not obey the thief. The more the Watch-dog is slapped down and told, “Shhhhhh,” the louder he should bark and the more ferocious he should be. You know what (and who) I'm talking about. “They” are all saying it, “I wish I could tell you more, but I've been asked to keep quiet. You know if I tell you more, it will delay the “Process,” don't “rock the boat.”

Ashtar: Focusing upon the Golden Age Lifestyle, Welcoming JFK

Ashtar: Bulletin from The Bridge - June 2, 3013   
Ashtar: Focusing upon the Golden Age Lifestyle, Welcoming JFK*

"Greetings, Beloved Family!  As we move more fully into the Golden Age, I come to offer you a help in your visualizations!  Specifically, I am recommending to you that you view an old, but de-Lightful movie, which is called Cocoon.  This is not for the observing of the relationship dramas, of which there are many, but rather for the enjoyment of the visions presented.

"Specifically, I am speaking of the ones who came from a distant planet, and who present themselves in human costumes.  However, when they feel free to do so, or see a need to reveal themselves as they really are, they unzip their costumes and fly!  This is a wondrous depiction for you to use in your visualizations and meditations, Beloved Family, so as to re-program your self-perceptions!!!

"It is that you, too, are Light Bodies in the costumes of humans, which has been necessary in order to come to Planet Earth for this lifetime.  Indeed, at this moment, it is necessary for your smooth functioning in the World, when you are out in it, to remain 'zipped up' tight!  But, as you are proceeding along your Ascension Paths, it is increasingly necessary for you to maintain the visions of Who You Really Are - Light Bodies with Loving Hearts.  It is from this perspective that you are even more effectively the Lightworkers of Planet Earth, speaking and acting from your Hearts, and leading the way into its Golden Age!

"We thank and honor you for your dedication to your Missions, and we see you as You Really Are, radiantly Divine Light Beings who are One With Us in loving service!

"Namaste and Salut!"
Given through Susan Leland, June 2, 2013.
©Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013. All Rights Reserved.

Ashtar: Focusing upon the Golden Age Lifestyle, Welcoming JFK*
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference, May 28, 2013

"Greetings, Beloved Family, and welcome aboard The New Jerusalem!  If you have not yet come in your minds' eyes, in your Hearts, do so now and be assured that there is a grand welcome here for you!  We are joyful here upon this ship, and yes, we have many, many wondrous passengers, visitors and crew.  The ship is large and it can expand to accommodate all, so please, come.  Come in to the circular room we call the bridge and greet all of us here who await your coming with such joyful anticipation!
"This is a momentous time, and we are here first and foremost to be here with you in loving service in the beaming of the Love/Light.  Together we are accomplishing exactly that which we are here to do!  We could not do it without you. This Golden Age, this Ascension, would not be possible without you, without your commitment, without your opening of your Hearts to welcome us!

"Even though there are those among you who have not seen our ships in 'real life' - you have only seen them perhaps in videos, or in pictures, or heard someone else tell you about seeing them - we are here.  I am fond of saying that we are here, we are there, we are everywhere!  Because the Truth of it is, our ships are deep in numbers, they are piled, literally, above all of Planet Earth, like your parking garages which have many, many floors.

"Not all of the ships belong to the Ashtar Command, but I will tell you this, they are all friendly.  The only ships in the sky these days which are not friendly or loving to Planet Earth are the occasional ones that go up from what little remains in the way of the facilities of the dark hats.  It’s very, very, little.  But yes, we do let them come up so as to get into our, shall we say, our atmosphere.  And it is amazing how their perception of their mission changes when they come into the loving energy fields of our ships!  Be not dismayed.

"Yes, we are allowing a bit of their playing of games, but not very much because the arrests are happening.  You have heard this from many sources; we are confirming.  We are in support of the White Knights, those you call the 'Third Faction.'  Indeed the one called KOS frequently visits the New Jerusalem and we have joyful conferences, because what is there that is not joyful, if you really stop and look at it?!!!

"Look at what this Golden Age brings.  Feel it!  Tell yourselves, look into that mirror and say, 'I AM a citizen of the Golden Age and I claim all of my Divine Birthrights!'  What we will be doing in this and our subsequent calls is anchoring that Golden Age everywhere - below, on and above Planet Earth.  In other words, we shall be creating together such powerful Exercises that they will literally radiate and permeate everywhere on this Planet! Of course, this lightens up the Planet, or we should say uplifts it, and this is noted throughout the Universe as another step forward in the Ascension process!!!

"Meanwhile, you as individuals are blessed and thanked for coming, and for lending your energies with your open Hearts and your beautiful, beautiful Love/Lights.  As we participate together, we create and we empower!  This is what you might call a substitution, in a way, because the more we focus and dwell upon these visions, the more we actually live together this Golden Age Lifestyle!  And the less and less there is of anything that is of the old 3D agenda of the ones we call the Dark Hats - you call them the Illuminaties, and yes they have been very naughty in the sense that they have created so much misery.

"As our Beloved Masters** have said, they simply were lacking, and are lacking, in what you call the Heart.  And so they have enslaved the Planet and made false gods, shall we say, of money and power.  That is all ending because that is not a part of the Golden Age lifestyle!!! So we shall speak no more of this.

"We simply want to encourage you, after leaving this sacred Gathering, to continue to dream the dreams, create the visions, and allow them to fill your days as they fill your nights.  Where do you think you are anyway when you are in your slumbers? Your body might be in your soft, warm bed, but your spirit, your presence, your Lightbody - that is someplace else.

"It may be the place you came from originally, the place you call home.  It may be on your ship, it may be on The New Jerusalem, or The Star of Bethlehem,*** or any of the ships. It is your preparation time to be with us, in that way.  Start asking to remember, if you don’t now.  Sometimes you simply call us in and we come, right there, to where you are sleeping, to have a consultation or a meeting with you!

“This will all be routine as you live the Golden Age.  It will become more and more a part of that Lifestyle, and it is not that it is about fame, it is not about hobnobbing with the famous ones - that’s not what it’s about.  It’s about the Oneness We All Are! It’s about being One together, creating together, moving forward upon the Path, because we are here to accompany you at every step, and to make it that much easier for you!!!

"It is in the way that calls for you, and absolutely commands, that you be in charge of your own life, that you be, not sitting in the back seat, but that you be in the driver’s seat consciously and fully engaged!  The more you do that, Beloved Family, the more you will have the perspective of I, Ashtar, and the others who come from beyond the veil!  You will have the same perspective.  Past and future will all be in the now; you will be fully connected with your own Divinities and with the Divine One We Are.  And oh, what grand and glorious adventures await you!

"You think that Ascension is the ultimate goal of your journey? I tell you Beloved Ones, it begins your journey!  When you ascend, the whole Universe is waiting for you and it is for you to choose what to do next.  It is for you to enjoy the celebrations, the loving greetings and the empowerment as Divine Beings, as Masters.  It’s there anyway - you are all Divine Masters! Ascension is where you really get to fly - fly in that identity and with that perception!!!

"So it is that we shall be creating more and more the Lifestyles of what we are calling the Golden Age of Peace on Earth, Abundance for all, and above all else, the Oneness, the Joy, the Bliss of Who We Really Are!!!
"Now, I know that you are in joyful anticipation of the one who has come to be our guest speaker.  He is with me, with all of us upon The New Jerusalem.  He spends a great deal of his time in this Company here on this very bridge, and I tell you this - he is more dedicated than ever!!!  He is so joyful that I cannot even express it in words.  I will invite you instead to feel the feelings of your connections with him as he speaks, and to feel his Joy, his Love and his Great Heart!  For he stepped forward to lead.  His goal was to initiate the Golden Age, and he did - even though it might seem in the history/herstory of things, that things got a bit darker.  But it was only the darkness before the great blazing sun rose in the sky!  And he is now truly, a shining, shining, shining Master who shall, when the moment is appropriate, be in evidence upon Planet Earth!!!

"Why?  To congratulate you, Beloved Ones, for you are the ones who have been inspired by him and by others, and carried forth the visions for this Age of Love, Age of Oneness, and Age of Divine Manifestation!!!  Oh yes, tomorrow is his Earth birthday, so let us all wish him the most happy and joyful of birthdays yet, and may this indeed be his year to see, all that he laid the groundwork for, come true.  Because the Truth of it is, his visions, his dreams, his hopes for the World, did not die on that day in Dallas any more than he did!

"So please join me in welcoming John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President of The United States of America. Thank you Beloved Ones, and Salut!"    We will publish the transcript of JFK's message in our next email  ** Tara And Rama
***Archangel Michael's ship
 *  Ashtar's message was preceded by Let the River Run, or as he prefers the title, Come The New Jerusalem .
Transcription by Brian Coe.
Given through Susan Leland, May 28, 2013.

© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013.All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.