Saturday, June 8, 2013

Aluminium is NON-MAGNETIC right - Ralph Ring - UTRON aqua-marine time-travel memory-wiping transportation device

Aluminium is NON-MAGNETIC right - Ralph Ring - UTRON aqua-marine time-travel memory-wiping transportation device
Posted By: FreePlanet
Date: Saturday, 8-Jun-2013 03:20:16

this could be the most astonishing Scientific footage you'll see this year...
the UTRON is a piece of solid aluminium made of an upper and lower cone each with a 'vertex angle' of ninety degrees - there's nothing special about it, UNTIL you spin it at 30,000 revs with at power drill.
And magnetic induction seems to take place.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nothing new or amazing here, called Lenz's law.

Very standard laws of physics involved.