Monday, June 17, 2013

The Vatic Project

The Vatic Project
And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like… if, during periods of mass arrests, … people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?
- Alexander Solzhenitsyn

You're Traveling Through Another Dimension
Is Obama a cloned Cyborg?
Part 1 of 2
at 02:00 Posted by Vatic Master

Vatic Note: This is friggin fascinating to say the least. It’s worth the read since it is a lot and long. No fast food reading information here. This is either true, or one of the most sophisticated disinfo pieces ever composed in the history of psyops warfare.

It’s amazing what we do not know and just how different our real world is from our perceptions of it.

FINALLY, we are getting real history here like nothing we have ever seen before. Of that, I am certain. But you must decide. My very first comment on this is, if it were not for the incredibly extensive footnotes on both parts of this offering, I would not have put this up as it, on the surface, was just too far out there. 

However, after taking some considerable time to ponder this issue, I decided maybe I better put this up and let you all decide. If this is true, than Zbig Brzezinski has been a full partner in this fraudulent scam, since he is the one that mentored Obama here in the states from his spot as poly sci teacher at Columbia to Obama and he is the one that got him into the CIA...Zbig in not alone, since a surprising number of others, are involved, I would bet even Kissinger is involved...and this is unprecedented in Human history. What truly evil perverted minds these are to even come up with this as a way to take over a nation.  I will document that later, rather than get off track now.

I remember about two years ago, a blogger by the name of Dick Eastman sent me not only an article but extensive writings by him supporting what he was sending and extensive photos of the subject that Obama, a clone it said, was supposedly taken from along with his wife and two children. I still could not publish it or accept it, until a year after that, I did another blog on Obama and his "SCARS" on his head and new ones that seemed to be a result of his visit to China where he traveled on US naval ships.  (As you can see they are really messing with this. Sorry, but keep reading anyway, especially that link just above this sentence. 

At the time I could not  understand why he would take 12 days one way to China by ship when he could much more comfortably travel by Air Force One and in much quicker time. And when he got back, he had the scars and I thought they had done something to him on the Navy Hospital ship, either on the way over or on the way back or both.  But I blew that off as well.  That was during the time when we still thought the evil ones had limits to the extent to which they would venture in obtaining their agenda.  If I had known then what I know now, I would have done even more on the blog than I did.

So recently I fell across this below and again, refused to put it up right away until I thought more on it. Now please reread this blog we did and look closely at the photos in the blog and then keep the blog page opened while you go ahead and read these two part series on the subject of Barack’s true condition and existence.

Travel back and forth as you read this  just to see if this is possible in your mind. Also be sure and carefully review the footnotes. If this is true, the guy who did this work, is a genius and deserves a big round of applause for his courage in putting this out there. It was an act of heroism and patriotism, greater than most would do since, if he is right, then his life would not be worth a plug nickel.

If this is proven to be true, then the S is going to HTF big time for all those involved in anyway, both directly and tangentially.  Once you read this, you can't deny the facts, it’s an amazing piece of work this author did. I am a researcher professionally and it amazes even me that he got this far.

I have only one problem with this whole thing..... Hitler had 2/3rd of his leadership at the top, as Khazar Zionists or international Jewry at the time. These are the same people being discussed here and this avoids any mention whatsoever as a disclosure, of the role the Zionists played in all of this and up until today. Remember, Obama's upbringing was eventually done at 11 years old with his maternal grandparents and one was a dual Israeli citizen and the other, from this article was a banker complicit in questionable possible illegal deals through the bank for these same Nazi cabals.

Didn't you ever wonder why the Bush's always acted around Obama as if he were their brother or son? I never understood that, but if they created him and now control him through various handlers, then it would explain their obvious connection  to him. 

Maybe Bush Sr. did the Satanic sexual ritual abuse on Obama, the same as he did on his own son.That would explain why both boys turned out gay or bisexual. Don't forget both Bushes are Khazar Zionists, fascists. Who knows, but it’s worth a thought or two.

Read the report here:
by Admin, In Search of Black Assassins

RV interesting observation from a reader

Submitted by a 'smart' reader

Dear Brother John

Thank you for the timely updates and et cetera;  just a thought,though.....with the thought that our beautiful Chinese friends owning a major portion of the stock of Wells Fargo, and handling all that news rainbow currency, the possibility of all those Arabs turning in their dinars, plus all the fat cats doing the whale thing, this way the Chinese will have a million or so tons of dinars bought with out using their currency, will put them in to any extremely unique position of strength and control  not only of the world, but of the major nations of the global community..  

Interesting,  isn't it..  Also, the fact of our mid east friends getting all those wonderful U.S. Rainbow currencies, in exchange of theirs, without have t pay a fee of sorts ???????

8th Grader Arrested Over NRA T-Shirt Now Faces $500 Fine And A Year In Jail

8th Grader Arrested Over NRA T-Shirt 

Now Faces $500 Fine And A Year In Jail

Suspended and arrested after refusing to change his NRA t-shirt after wearing it for over half a day at school!  A teacher at the school during lunch break decided to demand that Jared remove or turn the shirt inside out!!  When Jared stood up for his rights, the war began.
Today, 14-year-old Jared Marcum appeared before a judge and was officially charged with obstructing an officer!!!
A $500 fine and up to a year in jail - that’s the penalty that Jared could face now that judge Eric O'Brien has allowed the prosecution to move forward with it’s obstructing an officer charge against him!!
“Me, I’m more of a fighter and so is Jared and eventually we’re going to get through this."  -  Jared's father



Vietnam Wall - This is Amazing!

This truly is sobering.  Someone has done a tremendous amount of work on this wall.  It should by very much appreciated.
This tool available on the Internet is absolutely amazing! Some people did put a lot of hours populating this data! If you, or some you know or family member, lost someone in the Vietnam War, then you will appreciate this capability. I hope this works for you the first time. 

This is really sobering.
Click on the link and find the city you went to high school and look at the names.

Click on the name and it will give details of the death.

Vietnam Wall
First click on a state. When it opens, scroll down to the city and the names will appear.
Then click on their names. It should show you a picture of the person, or at least their bio and medals.

This really is an amazing web site. Someone spent a lot of time and effort to create it.

I hope that everyone who receives this appreciates what those who served in Vietnam sacrificed for our country.

The link below is a virtual wall of all those lost during the Vietnam war with the names, bio's and other information on our lost heroes. Those who remember that time frame, or perhaps lost friends or family can look them up on this site. 

Pass the link on to others, as many knew wonderful people whose names are listed.

Why Obama is Declaring War on Syria – by Franklin Lamb . . . good analysis

Why Obama is Declaring War on Syria – by Franklin Lamb . . . good analysis. . .~J

Posted on by Jean
I would also like to add that they are pushing, pushing this plan, because they are hoping to prevent their demise, which is clearly in sight. They are quite frantic. ~J
Source: CounterPunch

The End of Syria as We Know It?

The short answer is Iran and Hezbollah according to Congressional sources. “The Syrian army’s victory at al-Qusayr was more than the administration could accept given that town’s strategic position in the region. Its capture by the Assad forces has essentially added Syria to Iran’s list of victories starting with Afghanistan, Lebanon, Iraq, as well as its growing influence in the Gulf.”
Other sources are asserting that Obama actually did not want to invoke direct military aid the rebels fighting to topple the Assad government or even to make use of American military power in Syria for several reasons. Among these are the lack of American public support for yet another American war in the Middle East, the fact that there appears to be no acceptable alternative to the Assad government on the horizon, the position of the US intelligence community and the State Department and Pentagon that intervention in Syria would potentially turn out very badly for the US and gut what’s left of its influence in the region. It short, that the US getting involved in Syria could turn out even worse than Iraq, by intensifying a regional sectarian war without any positive outcome in sight.
Obama was apparently serious earlier about a negotiated diplomatic settlement pre-Qusayr and there were even some positives signs coming from Damascus, Moscow, and even Tehran John Kerry claimed. But that has changed partly because Russia and the US have both hardened their demands. Consequently, the Obama administration has now essentially thrown in the towel on the diplomatic track. This observer was advised by more than one Congressional staffer that Obama’s team has concluded that the Assad government was not getting their message or taking them seriously and that Assad’s recent military  gains and rising popular support  meant that a serious Geneva II initiative was not going to happen.
In addition, Obama has been weakened recently by domestic politics and a number of distractions and potential scandals not least of which is the disclosures regarding the massive NSA privacy invasion. In addition, the war lobby led by Senators McClain and Lindsay Graham is still pounding their drums and claim that Obama would be in violation of his oath of office and by jeopardizing the national security interest of the United States by allowing Iran to essentially own Syria once Assad quells the uprising.” Both Senators welcomed the chemical weapons assessment.  For months they have been saying that Obama has not been doing enough to help the rebels. “U.S. credibility is on the line,” they said in a joint statement this week. “Now is not the time to merely take the next incremental step. Now is the time for more decisive actions,” they said, such as using long-range missiles to degrade Assad’s air power and missile capabilities. Another neo-con, Sen. Robert P. Casey Jr. (D-Pa.) said the opposition forces risk defeat without heavier weapons, but he also warned that may not be enough. “The U.S. should move swiftly to shift the balance on the ground in Syria by considering grounding the Syrian air force with stand-off weapons and protecting a safe zone in northern Syria with Patriot missiles in Turkey,” Casey said.
According to some analysts, Obama could alternatively authorize the arming and training of the Syrian opposition in Jordan without a no-fly zone. That appears unlikely according to this observers Washington interlocutors because the Pentagon wants to end the Syrian crisis by summers end, the observer was advised “rather than working long term with a motley bunch of jihadists who we could never trust or rely on. The administration has come to the conclusion apparently that if they are in for a penny they are in for a pound, meaning would not allow Iran to control Syria and Hezbollah to pocket Lebanon.”
Secretary of State Kerry had meetings with more than two dozen military specialists on 5/13/13. The Washington Post is reporting that Kerry believes supplying the rebels with weapons might be too little and too late to actually flip the balance on the Syrian ground and this calls “for a military strike to paralyze Al-Assad’s military capacities.” A Pentagon source reported that  the USA, France, and Britain are considering a decisive decision to reverse the current Assad momentum and quickly construct one in favor of the rebels” within a time period not exceeding the end of this summer.
Shortly after the meetings began, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia quickly returned to Saudi Arabia from his palace at Casa Blanca, Morocco after receiving a call from his intelligence chief, Prince Bandar Bin Sultan. Bander reportedly had a representative at the White House during the meetings with President Obama’s team. King Abdullah was reportedly advised by Kerry to be prepared for a rapid expansion of the growing regional conflict.
What happens between now and the end of summer is likely to be catastrophic for the Syrian public and perhaps Lebanon.  The “chemical weapons-red line” is not taken seriously on Capitol Hill for the reason that the same “inclusive evidence” of months ago is the same that is suddenly being cited to justify what may become essentially an all-out war against the Syrian government and anyone who gets in the way.  Hand wringing over the loss of 125 lives due to chemical weapons, whoever did use them, pales in comparison to the more 50,000 additional lives that will be lost in the coming months, a figure that  Pentagon planners and the White House have “budgeted” as the price of toppling the Assad government.
“We are going to see a rapid escalation of the conflict”, a staffer on the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee emailed this observer: “The president has made a decision to give whatever humanitarian aid, as well as political and diplomatic support to the opposition that in necessary. Additionally direct support to the (Supreme Military Council), will be provided and that includes military support.” The staffer quoted the words of Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes to the media on 5/13/13 to the same effect.
A part of this “humanitarian assistance” the US is going to established in the coming weeks a “limited, humanitarian no-fly zone, that will begin along several  miles of the Jordanian and Turkish borders in certain military areas into Syrian territory, and would be set up  and presented as a limited bid  to train and equip rebel forces and protect refugees. But in reality, as we saw in Libya a Syrian no fly zone would very likely include all of Syria.
Libya’s no-fly zones made plain that there is no such thing as a “limited zone”.  Put briefly, a “no-fly zone” means essentially a declaration of all-out war.  Once the US and its allies start a no fly zone they will expand it and intensify it as they take countless other military actions to protect its zones until the Syrian government falls. “It’s breathtaking to contemplate how this in going to end and how Iran and Russia will respond,” one source concluded.
The White House is trying to assuage the few in Congress as well as a majority of the American public that it can be a limited American involved and that the no-fly zone would not require the destruction of Syrian antiaircraft batteries.  This is more nonsense.  During the no-fly zone I witnessed from Libya in the summer of 2011 the US backed it up with all manner of refueling, electronic jamming, special-ops on the ground and by mid-July a kid peddling his bike was not safe. Over the 192 days of patrolling the Libyan no-fly zones, NATO countries flew 24,682 sorties including 9,204 bomb strike sorties. NATO claimed it never missed its target but that was also not true. Hundreds of civilians were killed in Libya  by no-fly zone attack aircraft  that either missed their targets and emptied their bomb bays before returning to base  while conducting approximately 48 bombing strikes per day using a variety of bombs and missiles, including more than 350 cruise Tomahawks.
At a Congressional hearing in 2011, then US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates got it right when he explained which discussing Libya “a no-fly zone begins with an attack to destroy all the air defenses … and then you can fly planes around the country and not worry about our guys being shot down. But that’s the way it starts.”
According to the accounts published in American media, Obama could alternatively authorize the arming and training of the Syrian opposition in Jordan without a no-fly zone. That appears unlikely because the Pentagon wants to end the Syrian crisis by summers end, the observer was advised “rather than working long term with a motley bunch of jihadists who we could never trust or rely on. The administration has come to the conclusion apparently that if they are in for a penny they are in for a pound.”
In response to a question from this observer about how he thought event might unfold in this region over the coming months, a very insightful long-term congressional aid replied: “Well Franklin, maybe someone will pull a rabbit out of the hat to stop the push for war. But frankly I doubt it.  From where I sit I’d wager that Syria as we have known it may soon be no more. And perhaps some other countries in the region also.”
Franklin Lamb is doing research in Syria and Lebanon and can be reached c/o

Israel military industry uses Palestinians as Guinea pigs:

!!!!! MUST READ – PressTV: Israel military industry uses Palestinians as Guinea pigs: Analyst . . . this article is getting extraordinary coverage elsewhere. . . ~J

Posted on by Jean
Sat Jun 15, 2013 12:59PM GMT
By Gilad Atzmon
I guess that enough Palestinians in Gaza do realize by now that they have been part of an Israeli experiment. Every too often we learn from Palestinian doctors that while treating casualties of Israeli aggression they encounter new types of wounds. The Lab explains it but it isn’t Palestine alone. We also witness a growing similarity between the operational mode of police forces around the world and the IDF treatment of the Palestinians.”
Related Interviews:
The Lab is a new groundbreaking Israeli documentary film that redefines our entire understanding of the Jewish entity, its aims, its identity and its global destructive role. I honestly believe that this film is the deepest and most important commentary on Israel.
In The Lab, Director Yotam Feldman exposes the Israeli military industry and its operation. He interviews some major protagonists within Israel’s ‘security’ trade. He elaborates on the role of the industry within the Israeli society and economy – in the last few years Israeli security exports reached an unprecedented level of $7 billion a year. A full 20 percent of Israeli exports are military or military-related. Approximately 150,000 families in Israel are dependent on that industry. Israel is now the fourth biggest military exporter.
In the last decade, every Israeli military operation led to an immediate sharp increase in sales of Israeli military export around the world: weaponry, systems, intelligence, strategies, doctrines, knowledge and experience.
Feldman provides us with a glimpse into a very organized universe. We visit Israeli weapon fairs around the world but we also see arenas filled to capacity with foreign generals, public officials and diplomats. They are all shopping for Israeli military products. The message is clear, the 7 billion dollars is just part of the story. Israeli military elite is now deeply interwoven with the political and military elite of every country around the globe. This emerging Israeli business buys the Jewish entity influence and support.
The Lab makes it evidently clear that the Palestinian civilian population in the West Bank and Gaza has become test subjects for Israeli tactics, weaponry and fighting philosophy (‘Fighting Torah’, Torat Lechima – as the Israelis call it). The destruction of the Palestinians has now been transformed into a very profitable industry. We are dealing here with nothing short of highly calculated murder.
Through a set of fascinating interviews, Feldman conveys a very genuine picture of the Israeli death merchants. Feldman lets them talk, he hardly interferes. They are sharp, they are genuine, they are even funny at times, occasionally witty, and a few of them, might even be charming if you did not know who they are. But make no mistake, they are sinister, some of them are clearly psychotic, they are mass murderers and they are free. They sell destruction and havoc and do it very successfully.
Being myself an Israeli-born and raised successful musician and writer, I think I can recognize Israeli dedication … when I see it, no matter into what service it is pressed. Those Israeli death angels’ talent is driven into the amplification of human misery. The consequences are tragic.
Game Changer
It is far from being a secret that a century of Palestinian struggle led to practically nothing. The state of the Palestinian solidarity movement is even more embarrassing. Feldman’sThe Lab is a game changer, for it can explain decades of impotence.
We are immersed in flawed terminology – ‘colonialism’, ‘apartheid’, ‘conflict’, ‘solution’, ‘Zionism’ are just few examples.
Gaza is now a vast laboratory – the Israelis are the ‘scientists’ and the ‘technicians’, the Palestinians are the ‘guinea pigs’. Watching The Lab must lead all of us to fundamentally question our notions. We are dealing with a premeditated war crime. The notion of resolution (as in ‘two-state solution’), for instance, is not applicable. It is clear beyond doubt that in the real world, the ‘scientist’ does not negotiate with the ‘guinea pig’. The ‘scientist’ also doesn’t consider sharing reality with his ‘guinea pig’ in a ‘one democratic state.’ The Lab is a glimpse into the Israeli mind: you clearly do not find much compassion there.
For decades we were foolish to examine the success and failure of Israeli military operations in reference to Israeli military and political ‘objectives’, as we surmised them. We were clearly wrong.
As we learn from Feldman’s film, the real objective of Israeli operations may as well be examining new doctrines and operational systems in order to distribute them around the world soon after. Ehud Barak, for instance, wasn’t exactly the most sophisticated Israeli minister of defense; he clearly failed to defend his people or even make them feel secure. However, he was very successful in selling Israeli weapons and doctrines.
Tel Aviv being subject to a barrage of Qassam rockets may be seen by Israelis as devastating news, but from a military industrial point of view, it was a golden opportunity to examine and promote the Israeli anti-missile system Iron Dome. If I am correct here, it becomes clear that like the Palestinians, more and more Israelis are also becoming ‘guinea pigs’ in this ever-growing military laboratory.
One may wonder how and when “the Zionist dream” transformed itself into a military business. Only a few of us, writers and scholars, have attempted to answer this question. The transformation of the Jewish entity into an oppression factory is apparently a direct outcome of Israel’s supremacist ideology. If we want to understand what is happening in the Jewish entity, we must first grasp the notions of “chosen-ness,” “Jewish-ness” and Jewish identity politics.
I guess that enough Palestinians in Gaza do realize by now that they have been part of an Israeli experiment. Every too often we learn from Palestinian doctors that while treating casualties of Israeli aggression they encounter new types of wounds. The Lab explains it but it isn’t Palestine alone. We also witness a growing similarity between the operational mode of police forces around the world and the IDF treatment of the Palestinians.
Watching Yotam Feldman’s The Lab explains it all. We are all Palestinians. We are either occupied by Israel or by its proxy forces around the world – those who are trained in Israel and implement Israeli weaponry and tactics.

RT: Kerry condemns Assad for threatening peace talks as CIA ‘prepares’ to arm rebels

RT: Kerry condemns Assad for threatening peace talks as CIA ‘prepares’ to arm rebels

Posted on by Jean
Published time: June 15, 2013 20:17

Secretary of State John Kerry.(Reuters / Yuri Gripas)
The use of chemical weapons by Damascus and Hezbollah involvement in Syria risks derailing a political settlement to the conflict, John Kerry warned. His comments follow reports the CIA is preparing to funnel arms to rebel forces via Jordan and Turkey.
The US State Department issued a statement on Saturday condemning the government of Syrian President Bashar Assad for its lack of commitment to a negotiated settlement after Secretary of State John Kerry spoke with his Iraqi counterpart the previous day.
“The secretary reaffirmed that the United States continues to work aggressively for a political solution with the goal of a second Geneva meeting, but that the use of chemical weapons and increasing involvement of Hezbollah demonstrates the regime’s lack of commitment to negotiations and threatens to put a political settlement out of reach,” the department said.
The statement further noted it’s appreciation for Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, who issued a June 11 statement“discouraging Iraqis from joining the fight in Syria.”
Kerry, who expressed concern over the “increasingly sectarian nature of the Syrian conflict on both sides,” asked Zebari to take “every possible measure to help end the military resupply of the Assad regime and thereby increase the pressure that will be necessary to advance a political solution.”
On Thursday, the Obama Administration said it would reverse US policy of not providing lethal aid to rebel fighters after claiming the Syrian government had crossed a red line by allegedly deploying chemical weapons against opposition forces on four separate occasions.

Syrian rebels take position in a house during clashes with regime froces in the old city of Aleppo.(AFP Photo / Ricardo Garcia Vilanova)
Russian presidential aide Yury Ushakov characterized the evidence provided by the United States regarding the use of chemical weapons by Damascus as “unconvincing.”
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov also warned the US against sending rebel factions in Syria the “wrong signals”with promises of increased military aid, a move which would shift their focus on “escalating the fight instead of starting a dialogue.”
However, the US said the arms shipments would begin within a matter of weeks, with the CIA acting as the middleman between Washington and the opposition’s Supreme Military Council.

CIA to arm rebels via Jordan, Turkey?

On Saturday, the Washington Post reported that clandestine bases in Jordan and Turkey would serve as conduits for arms being delivered to the rebel fighters amidst fears American armaments would fall into the hands of Syria’s many Islamist factions.
Despite concerns expressed by US intelligence officials last year, Benjamin Rhodes, Obama’s deputy national security adviser, said on Friday the US is capable of delivering arms “not only into the country,” Rhodes said, but “into the right hands.”
“The Syrian puzzle has come into sharper focus in the past year, especially the makeup of various anti-regime groups,”one US official familiar with CIA assessments of the conflict told the Post on condition of anonymity. “And while the opposition remains far from monolithic, its military structures and coordination processes have improved.”
Such reassurances have had little impact on the Obama administrations reticence towards providing antitank or antiaircraft weapons to rebel groups, as the initial deliveries will include light arms and other munitions.

Syrian rebels of the Suqur Ali bin Aba Talib brigade prepare to launch a rocket from the roof of a building during ongoing clashes with regime forces.(AFP Photo / Zac Baillie)
US military leaders have previously stated that tracking heavy weaponry delivered to rebel groups such as MANPADs — man-portable air-defense systems – remained unreliable.
Obama’s decision to approve CIA weapons shipments could also signal green light to regional allies like Qatar and Saudi Arabia to provide such heavy weaponry despite concerns such armaments could be used against civilian aviation targets by terrorist groups.
US diplomats have also intonated that Washington might impose a no-fly zone “to help Assad’s opponents.”

No-fly zone looming?

The Pentagon on Saturday confirmed suspicions that F-16 fighter jets and Patriot anti-missile systems which were deployed to Jordan as part of the joint 12-day Eager Lion exercise would remain in the country once the annual training event concluded.
US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel “has approved a request from the Kingdom of Jordan for a detachment of F-16s and Patriot Missiles to remain in Jordan following the conclusion of the Eager Lion Exercise next week,” Reuters cites Pentagon spokesman George Little as saying in a statement.

“All other US personnel assigned to Jordan for Eager Lion will depart at the conclusion of the exercise,”
 the statement continued.

Two patriot missile batteries.(AFP Photo / Jack Guez)
Lavrov said that any attempt to enforce a no-fly zone over Syria using the F-16s and missile batteries would be in clear violation of international law.

“There have been leaks from Western media regarding the serious consideration to create a no-fly zone over Syria through the deployment of Patriot anti-aircraft missiles and F-16 jets in Jordan,”
 Lavrov said.

“You don’t have to be a great expert to understand that this will violate international law,” Russia’s top diplomat continued.
Washington’s willingness for more direct engagement in the Syrian conflict comes ahead of the Geneva II peace conference set for July.

Ed Snowden’s magic thumb drive and other NSA fantasies – by Jon Rappoport

Ed Snowden’s magic thumb drive and other NSA fantasies – by Jon Rappoport

Posted on by Jean
June 15, 2013
Well, they’ve solved the riddle. Ed Snowden was able to steal thousands of highly protected NSA documents because…he had a thumb drive.
This is the weapon that breached the inner sanctum of the most sophisticated information agency in the world.
This is the weapon to which the NSA, with all its resources, remains utterly vulnerable. Can’t defeat it.
NSA bans thumb drives, but certain special employees are allowed to use them.
Would Snowden have been in that elite circle? He was an outside contractor who’d been assigned to the NSA, and he was only there for four weeks, on his latest tour, when he did the infamous deed and then departed, never to return.
Not only did Snowden stroll into NSA with a thumb drive, he knew how to navigate all the security layers put in place to stop people from stealing classified documents.
Far more likely? As I described in my prior article, Snowden was really working for his former employer, the CIA. People at the CIA were able to steal those NSA documents, and they handed them to Snowden. All part of the endless turf war between the CIA, NSA, and other intelligence agencies.
Moving right along, Barbara Honegger, a former analyst at the White House during the Reagan years, makes a crucial point: US intelligence agencies can get around domestic spying laws by allowing other countries to spy on US citizens.
England, for example. This scandal is sitting there ready to explode.
NSA works out a deal whereby British agencies can access electronic communications in the US. Then, the Brits give the tons of data to NSA. Therefore, NSA didn’t directly steal.
It’s “sharing.”
“Oh no, we didn’t steal. We allowed other people to steal. Then they gave us what they stole. Of course, we are also, in fact, stealing and spying in the US, 24/7, but that’s another story for another time…”
It’s called redundancy. NSA spies on Americans, the Brits spy on Americans, and NSA stores everything, just to make sure they’ve covered all the bases. Twice.
Taking this one step further, NSA would be spying on British citizens, too. That’s “reciprocity.”
Here’s a fantasy for you. Terrorists all over the world were just shocked into a panic, because Ed Snowden “told them” the NSA has been spying on the Internet.
Therefore, all those emails, photos, and videos the terrorists have been sending to each other online for years? Spied on. Intercepted. Wow. What a revelation.
The terrorists never considered that possibility before. This is what Pentagon, NSA, CIA chiefs, and incensed Congresspeople would have us believe.
Let’s see. Terrorists just realized the Internet isn’t safe. Jack and the Beanstalk. Two fairy tales. Hold one in each hand. Weigh them. I’d believe Jack and the Beanstalk over the other fantasy, if I had to choose.
Author John Loftus, several years ago, pointed out that there already existed miles of incriminating data on the Muslim Brotherhood in US intelligence-agency files. Yet nothing was being done about it.
In other words, tons of NSA data on innocent Americans were being collected. And the valuable stuff on guilty parties was being ignored. A real laugher.
Imagine the sub voce reaction of the Muslim Brotherhood:
Brotherhood spokesman, Mr. Cash On Delivery, Jr., stated, “We in the Brotherhood have nothing to fear. We’re all proxies. We fight for Western shadow elites. They pay us to destabilize countries to advance a Globalist-controlled planet. Internet spying? Who cares? We’re doing just fine. In fact, there’s a mile of incriminating data on us in NSA computers. Nobody does anything with it. Guess why.”
Then there is China. Snowden’s most recent leak reveals the NSA has been hacking Chinese government computers. Another walloping shocker. Can you even remain standing in the face of this one? Feeling dizzy with surprise? Sit down. Drink a glass of water.
The spy-vs.-spy scenario between China and the US has been playing out for decades. By now, it’s so complicated probably no one on either side understands it fully.
Yes, major thefts of vital info have occurred. But, aware of the ongoing hacking war, China and US have undoubtedly been cooking up whole databases of false and misleading information to be stolen.
It’s basically a jobs program. And Snowden’s revelation about it is about as stunning as sunny weather in Palm Springs.
John Young, at Cryptome, correctly indicates that the overriding issue in the Snowden affair is “architecture.” The actual structure of spying, the whole machine. If Snowden comprehends that, then we’re talking about something worth revealing.
Not just the US machine, but the global apparatus. The interconnected spying system collectively employed by many nations.
Snowden seems to be saying he has this knowledge.
I have doubts. I’d bet against it. I think he’s inventing script.
Still waiting to be uncovered? NSA spying to collect elite financial data, spying on the people who have that data: the major investment banks. NSA scooping up that data to predict, manipulate, and profit from trading markets all over the world.
A trillion-dollar operation.
Snowden worked for Booz Allen, which is owned by the Carlyle Group ($170 billion in assets). Carlyle, the infamous. Their money is making money in 160 investment funds.
A few of Carlyle’s famous front men in its history: George HW Bush, James Baker (US Secretary of State), Frank Carlucci (US Secretary of Defense and CIA Deputy Director), John Major (British Prime Minister), Arthur Levitt (Chairman of the SEC).
Suppose you’re one of the princes in the NSA castle, and Ed Snowden has just gone public with your documents. You’re saying, “Let’s see, this kid worked for Booz Allen, which is owned by the Carlyle Group. We’ve been spying over Carlyle’s shoulder, stealing their proprietary financial data. What are the chances they’re getting a little revenge on us now?”
Yes, you’re thinking about that. You’re looking into it.
Scandals, and how they’re presented to the public through the press, are rarely what they seem.
The players are different, their motives are different, and they’re trading blows in a different arena.
They’re accessing the Matrix and manipulating it at levels invisible to the general public, who are trained by mass media to look in the wrong direction.
The NSA, CIA, and Carlyle would be settling their differences behind the curtain.
Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

Ron Paul blasts Obama on Syria war escalation

UPDATED: PressTV: Ron Paul blasts Obama on Syria war escalation . . . another post that needs to go viral! ~J

Posted on by Jean
Please Note that Ron Paul went to PressTV to make his statement, not the United States MSM! ~J
Click Hereto watch Ron’s 8-minute video (Sorry, it’s too new for me to pick it up elsewhere and import it. ~J)
Sat Jun 15, 2013 1:21PM
Former Congressman Ron Paul has sharply criticized the Obama administration for “escalating” the war in Syria by sending weapons to foreign-backed militants in the country.
“Today we heard from President Obama that the war in Syria will be escalated. He now has agreed to send weaponry in to assist the rebels. It’s escalation, that’s a proper word, because we’ve already been involved for quite a few months. We’ve been supporting the rebels for probably the past two years, supposedly for humanitarian reasons,” he said in a statement posted on YouTube on Friday.
“But now there is going to be a much more aggressive approach and we’re going to send weapons. There is a few problems with this, first off it’s war. Second thing is presidents are not supposed to start war without permission from the people through a congressional declaration of war,” Paul argued.
He also dismissed claims made by the White House that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons against the militants, saying the accusations are ill-founded and resemble the U.S. claims in the run-up to the Iraq war.
“The language is the same. They use the same arguments. Weapons of Mass Destruction, poison gases, hundred people died, [and] the government has done this,” he said. “To me it’s all an excuse.”
President Barack Obama is preparing to impose a no-fly zone inside Syria along with sending weapons to the militants.
The no-fly zone option came one day after White House National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes accused the Syrian government of using chemical weapons against the foreign-backed militants. Damascus denied the allegations.
On Friday, Rhodes said it would be dramatically more difficult and costly to set up a no-fly zone over Syria than it was in Libya.
U.S. officials said that the decision to arm the militants in Syria had been made weeks ago.
Meanwhile, a majority of Americans are against a military attack against Syria. A poll conducted by Gallup last month showed that 68 percent of Americans said the United States should not take any military action in Syria.      
“It’s time for the American people to wake up and let their members of Congress and their senators know: stop it. Why should you sit back and let the president do these things?” Paul asked.

Which Websites Are Under NSA surveillance?

Obviously, only a drop in a huge bucket ..........................

Which Websites Are Under NSA surveillance? 

                   This May Shock You!!!

NOTE FROM LYN: The first note I made of this has been deleted somehow..not here anymore. I made a note at the top of this originally stating that all of my websites, including this one (, are being ‘watched’ as the article describes below.  I have never had something I  added to a post miraculously disappear!  Again..this is the second note right here I am typing to tell you this!  I tested this program out and it did not play on some fellow blogger’s did not play on a bunch of sites..but it went off like crazy on all of mine! Read the below article.  Note..I did have to uninstall the program as the music would not shut off.  I am curious if this will get deleted now!  We’ll see. 
Saturday, June 15, 2013 18:00
(Before It’s News) (Be The Media) – One of BIN contributor, Ye Olde False Flag, recently posted an excellent article about a Firefox plug-in that warns computer users about potential government surveillance. Ye Old False Flag explains that a 28-year-old artist and developer from Brooklyn, NY has found a fun way to alert users of potential NSA snooping by creating the “The Dark Side of The Prism’ browser extention, which plays songs from Pink Floyd’s 1973 classic “The Dark Side of The Moon” each time a questionable website is crossed. Since I already have many plug-ins, proxies, gadgets and other goodies that keep me invisible to prying eyes online, I definitely had to give this one a try. I installed the plug-in and accessed several webpages that Ive always been a tad suspicious about. Well, the songs went off on pretty much most of the ones I suspected! Below are some of the websites where the “alarm” went off. I’ve compiled news, social media, alternative news, governement and pro-constitution websites. Now the question is if these sites are unknowingly being tracked to keep tabs on visitors or if the ones behind them are nothing but government shills feeding the masses controlled oppositon. You decide. Comments are more than welcomed so we can extend the discussion. (Constitutional Sheriffs) (People Against the NDAA)