Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Former IRS Agent Sherry Peel Jackson - June 2013 Newsletter

Former IRS Agent Sherry Peel Jackson - June 2013 Newsletter
June 17, 2013

“Are you really surprised that IRS employees think they are above the law?

Are you really surprised that IRS employees that are atheists are abusing their power by targeting pastors and other Christian organizations?

As long as they keep raping the American people via the income tax they will continue to have almost unlimited resources to stifle liberty, cause poverty and ruin lives and families”
                                               IRS – Why Am I Not Surprised?
Within the last few weeks accounts of IRS abuse and harassment has been prominent on television and on the Internet.
First, the story of non-profit status denials to Tea Party and other conservative groups angered conservatives nationwide. Next we heard that thousands of your hard earned dollars were spent by the IRS to purchase a movie studio and make silly movies (one of them actually maligning my all-time favorite show – Star Trek).
Then we heard that they spent $50 million on employee conferences and retreats in just two years!
Here are some of the stories if you missed them:
Crowd Erupts in Thunderous Applause When Leno Says Obama Should Close IRS Instead of Gitmo

“You’ve Forgotten Your Place” – IRS Targeted Tea Party Leader Tears Up During Passionate Testimony

Bombshell: ‘Proof’ IRS committed felony

IRS exempts terror front group over tea party

Congress Probes IRS Tax Dollars Spent Making Star Trek Video – Forbes

Lerner’s Practices Predate IRS

I heard one of the hearing panel members ask the question, “What was the IRS thinking?” I can easily answer that one.
Being that I am a former IRS agent I know what they were thinking.
IRS employees are taught that they have the full backing of the United States Government and that whatever happens comes down from the director’s office (from on high) or is sanctioned by someone else or is okay just because they want to do it.
Many of them think they can do anything without negative consequence because it’s true.
They have literally gotten away with murder (destroying homes and families).
Look at Ms. Lois Lerner still drawing a paycheck while she is suspended. Look at all of the prior abuse that has been proven and nobody got fired.
Look at Timothy Geithner, who was the top dog. He had not paid taxes and as opposed to being prosecuted got a slap on the hand and was allowed to pay the taxes and still become Treasury Secretary.
This man KNEW that he was supposed to pay those taxes and he was even given the funds to pay the taxes. However, his nonpayment was disclosed when he was being vetted by Obama. As “smart” as he is he got away with saying it was an “honest mistake”. For him, ignorance of the law WAS an excuse.

Timothy Geithner’s Tax Problems – Washington Post

Geithner’s Tax History Muddles Confirmation – WSJ.com

Now this is a blast – Congressman Charles Rangel, who was the head of the House Ways and Means Committee was also caught not paying taxes and was only stripped of his chairmanship of that committee. There was no prosecution for him either. He has the nerve to chime in on this current situation:
“We have found a cancer in the office of the IRS in Cincinnati,” admitted Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., noting the investigation could lead to a grand jury examining criminal charges.
How about the pot calling the kettle black!

Rangel under tax evasion investigations while promoting income surtax – WSJ.com

Charlie Rangel accused of being tax cheat

By the way, now I will reveal to you that the IRS is attempting to extract $350,000 from me, the little lady from Georgia convicted of a misdemeanor, the one that has already served 3 full years in prison while these guys are out there still making millions and raping YOU!
Are you really surprised that IRS employees think they are above the law? Are you really surprised that IRS employees that are atheists are abusing their power by targeting pastors and other Christian organizations? Are you surprised that these employees regularly leak information to their friends about people and groups that they chose not to like? I’m not!
As long as they keep raping the American people via the income tax they will continue to have almost unlimited resources to stifle liberty, cause poverty and ruin lives and families while they enrich their handlers.
As long as congress lets the abuse go on people will suffer. As long as WE THE PEOPLE sit back and complain about what our slave handlers do without some definitive action it will continue to happen. Selah, pause and think about that!
“You cannot correct what you are unwilling to confront. What you permit will always continue. Behavior permitted is behavior perpetuated.”
- Mike Murdock.

Poofness & ZAP Research Information about their Five Star Trust

Hi John!
Hope all is well.  Thought you might like this new twist with Poofness and ZAP.  Lots of interesting information including a previous top secret FBI document that was directed to Senator Kennedy.

Monday, June 17, 2013

06/17/2013 Jester Part 1 of 2

06/17/2013   Part 1 of 2

[Jester] hi castle mods, peeps, lurkers, and critters... how is everyone this afternoon?

Robertprofessor] Jester Hi Thanks gobs for coming in. We were out of chat material.

[Jester] gobs... a load of pile of whatever you happen to be talking about... lol

[kuu] I read where currency investers are having a problem with extreme volatility due to the fact that strategies normally given by central banks are no longer available. I wonder why this is so?

[Jester] kuu we been reporting that they have been moving much more than normal lately... postulated the answer as to why they were moving so much...

[snowwolfsdee] Jester do you agree with Okie things can happen anytime?

[Jester] snowwolfsdee absolutely... i was the third one he told and i know the rest of the story... lol

[KajunRedBull] Jester hi ...I don't know how much longer I can hold this ship together...They are wanting to jump! :superlachen: :superlachen:

[Jester] KajunRedBull just throw them a life preserver and reel them back in... lol
[mountainman] Robertprofessor I got a text from Firecrackerman 56 saying we should see a live rate by the 27th , what's your take on that ?

[Robertprofessor] mountainman Sounds good to me, but I'm hopeful that we'll be on a beach jus' chillin' by that date.

[DiddyKong] kuu going to assest backed currecies means no more carp fiat money pumped into markets

 [mountainman] Robertprofessor me too

Jester] DiddyKong exactly...

[Robertprofessor] Jester So, can you answer one of the gobs of questions we've been debating? Like did the oil workers in Iraq get paid in revalued dinars, a big pile of non rv'd dinars, skr or some other manner?

[sandytob] Jester There was talk about article by Tom Heeneghan that says that banks are not actually safe now. Can you comment? I can send you link if you like.

[Jester] sandytob well... don't need to see it... the banks are safe...

[Jester] Robertprofessor sure... that is what happened..

Robertprofessor] Jester Oh, I see. One of those. Hm. Narrows it all considerably. roflmao

[sandytob] Robertprofessor lol


kuu] DiddyKong , They would be stimulating,which is controlling, unless something has occured to prevent that from happening.

[DiddyKong] kuu thats just it. Assest backed for preparation for global RV so currencies can actually be valued at the assets they have in reserve

[pat] Jester so are they cashing out the whales

[Jester] pat if you use cashing out as a euphemism for getting money in their account yes... but they cannot touch it until rv... no one is getting cash money...

[mountainman] Jester what do you think you'll be doing on the 27th ?

 [Jester] mountainman i think i will be at the beach far far away... lol

 [Robertprofessor] Jester If the oil workers were paid in dinar that they can't spend, I hope they don't get too hungry before those funds become useable. Nope ... not a date question at all.

[mountainman] Jester that sounds like a winner

[kelbell] Jester You can come visit me in NC. Beaches are beautiful!

 [Robertprofessor] Jester Some may prefer you be on a galaxy far, far away.

 [Jester] kelbell got a certain beach in mind... lol

[kuu] Jester , I know that Redhead1 has asked but, do you have ,eyes on,or personal aquaintence, that whales have funds, untouchable, in their accounts??

[Jester] kuu when a freind or an aquaintance of yours tells you something do you believe it or ask them to see their bank statement... or even better... would you show your bank statement to me to prove a point?

[book2] Jester please tell us what if anything has been accomplished since Saturday

[Jester] book2 oh yeah... so remember when i would be telling you guys that certain things had to be happening in order for to move other things along? and that we are waiting for those data points to show up and populate to the process?

[Robertprofessor] Jester So we're at a point where book2 can now turn the page?

 [book2] Jester so...have those data points showed up?

 [kuu] Jester , I stated that personal aquaintence would be fine. If you are stating that a personal aquaintence has verified this to you , that is good enough for me and good to know.

 [Jester] Robertprofessor you can turn that page...


[Robertprofessor] Jester Ready and ready ... and ready some more.

 [bigbear] Jester So are they in place NOW

[Jester] bigbear the people are moving to where they need to go to get the things they need to do done...

[Waiting] Jester Great News

SolarKing] Jester -Yes, I believe in this situation whereas everyonje wants proof, if one of my friends was a whale and did their exchange already, I don't think I have any friends who would object to a little proof.JMO

[Jester] SolarKing well good luck with that... i trust my friends... simple as that...

[Robertprofessor] Jester Can you tell us anything about Okie's overall mood?

[Jester] Robertprofessor well when i talked to him i would say happy camper came to mind considering what he is going through there...

[Jester] SolarKing also tracked many private planes in and out this weekend...

[nolaspice.] Jester Ben is a dear friend. If you make them RV today I'll buy you a viper!

[Jester] nolaspice. ok... i will go with that bet since it has no downside for me... ha!

 [Jester] you guys are all my witnesses... lol

 [nolaspice.] BUT IT HAS TO RV TODAY bliss bliss no downside for me either

[Jester] nolaspice. i got witnesses... i

 [Jester] i'll fly down to pick it up and take you out to dinner in it... lol

 [nolaspice.] Jester so do I - it RVs today you can have a darn Viper!

[tyler7] Jester for the first time Hi. Do you have any particular advice for exchanging outside the US, I am in the UK

[Jester] tyler7 i am sorry i do not... but i am sure there are some good banks there... but if you get the email and the 800 number why not take a vaction to the states and get the better rate?

[tyler7] Jester it had crossed my mind. Maybe help you guys rebuild your country for a bit!

[Jester] tyler7 we could sure use the help there!

[blessedinohio] Jester There's not much more to ask except for date and rate and you won't play in that sandbox!!

[wingnaprayer] Jester we need to hear the scuttlebut of your Okie conversation grin

[Jester] wingnaprayer he put most of it out there you just have to read between the lines a little...

[mbillions] Jester Rate? ____________ Date? _______________ How about that one? roflmao

  [Jester] mbillions that is unkown and very close...

 [blessedinohio] Jester Can you even hint that the 27th might be a 'latest date'? Not asking for which day between now and then...!

[Jester] blessedinohio i don't think that has anything to do with it...

[kuu] Jester , Are central banks working together to discourage long hold currency investers to short in preperation for some global reset date? Most currency volatility dates have occured Friday-Monday. July 1st happens on a Monday...coincidence?

[Jester] kuu i doubt it is a coincidence... i don't think that has anything to do with the reset... they will curtail the ability of being able to do that to a certain extent by using the new symbols...

cheeny] Jester Papa Bear said that we would CE when the treasury was ready for us. Agreed?

 [Jester] cheeny well that is part of it... but i believe it will happen when all things are aligned not just that part... much more to it than just that....

[jblb] Jester had family member verify everything you told us about republic yesterday hes home on leave from navy says military is aware of it and is divided on issue what you think, says your spot on though

[SolarKing] jblb -Does he know this as first hand knowledge or is it just his belief from the rumors going around within the military????

[jblb] SolarKing says his superiors talk to them about it

06/17/2013 Jester Part 2 of 2

06/17/2013   Part 2 of 2

[SolarKing] Jester -From what you know, is there a real shot at this possibly going down today????? or not likely???

[Jester] SolarKing it is possible... lot's of things are lining up in a good way right now... but i cannot verify that it will... no one can... we have watching for certain things to happen and st least some of them are underway...

[Jester] jblb thank you... nice to have additional people out there confirming things...

 [Robertprofessor] We had a bit of disagreement this morning about the rv's connection to the Republic. Some think it's just an excuse for why the R V has not happened. Some worry if the R V is tied to the Republic now, we're in for a delay of unknown length. Any help on this?

[Jester] Robertprofessor it is all one thing... if you were putting a bazillion dollars into the country wouldn't you want to make sure that your investment would be safe?

 [Jester] Robertprofessor it is all one thing... if you were putting a bazillion dollars into the country wouldn't you want to make sure that your investment would be safe?
Robertprofessor] Jester That's the only thing that makes any sense to me.

 [Jester] Robertprofessor exactly... they are pretty smart... and they have the long view... and the humanitarian side as well to make sure we are not ripped off some more...

[Robertprofessor] Jester Many like myself are just becoming aware of the return of the Republic. I've heard these things wafting in the air, but have not focused on it. However, if we're just becoming aware, it's natural to think that much work remains on the Republic, ergo, the rv must not be soon.

[SolarKing] Robertprofessor -Bite your tongue.HAHAHAHA

[Robertprofessor] SolarKing Actually, I think the rv is this week ... could even "pop" while we're chatting here now.

[Jester] Robertprofessor they have been work on this for more years than you think... it is ready...

[Robertprofessor] Jester I am seeing that now, but I think it maybe helpful for people to see that statement from you.

 [Jester] Robertprofessor this goes back so far that when it all comes out it will amaze you...

[book2] Jester do you think the RV could be held up past the UN meeting on the 27th?

 [Jester] book2 i really do not see that happening... and i will tell you that it does not have to wait that long either... they can do what they need to do by writing a big check...


 [Pearlnoir] Jester will all the ammenments to the Constitution will be erased with the new Republic?

[Pearlnoir] Jester after the 13th...

[Robertprofessor] Pearlnoir I'm wondering about all the Executive Orders!

[cheeny] Jester I believe it has been in action for a very long time, considering the magnitude of the job that needed to be done.

 [jblb] Jester i must say im a little slower than most but you and some others finally got most of us to see big picture know it is going to be awesome

 [Jester] Pearlnoir everything unconstitutional will be put right from what i here...

[buckwheat] Jester That will take a while, there are a lot of unconstitutional laws

[Robertprofessor] Jester The sheer amount of court decisions coming to undo all that is unconstitutional! I can't imagine it. Some will probably be done in Congress too. Are you hearing anything regarding federalism vs. state's rights?

[Jester] hold on... looking for something for you guys...

[SolarKing] I personally think that it would make the most sense to RV this week giving the banks, here in the US, time to set appointments without dealing with the actual CE procedure at the same time. This, IMO would make for a smooth transition and less kaos

[DiddyKong] SolarKing thanks. that was my question earlier when i was looking for you for ur opinion. a friend asked me that and i couldn disagree

 [sonnayhwh] Jester If the Supreme Court is lax on constitutional issues, who is going to determine constitutionality, if you can say?

[Jester] sonnayhwh i think they are on board to fixing it... it is their job to do so...

[Jester] ok.. go here and look how the corporation was formed over the republic   http://www.usavsus.info/

[Jester] that will answer a lot of your questions on how it was done and how you were fooled...

[Iank1978] All laws or statutes after 1871 will be null and void IMO

[SolarKing] DiddyKong -I trully think we look great at this stage in the process. Exciting times. Hard not to be on edge.

 [cheeny] SolarKing Sure agree

[Robertprofessor] Jester The sheer amount of court decisions coming to undo all that is unconstitutional! I can't imagine it. Some will probably be done in Congress too. Are you hearing anything regarding federalism vs. state's rights?

[Jester] Robertprofessor the republic is based on state law for the people... we are supposed to be citizens of the states not the corporation of washington dc...

[sonnayhwh] Jester thx for the response...perhaps integrity and sanity is returning! grin

[DiddyKong] SolarKing very exciting times

[Robertprofessor] Jester And you ain't just whistling Dixie.

Jester] the government is for the common defense... not the rule of the states and the people...

[book2] Jester Was the Supreme Court out to lunch that last 50 years?

[Jester] book2 the whole ruling and yes i wrote that right... was set to take advantage and had the control to do so for many years... that is coming to an end...

 [Robertprofessor] Jester What many don't understand is that state's rights are rooted in the rights of the individual. Much of it goes back to Magna Carta.

 [Jester] Robertprofessor exactly...

[kuu] Jester , The original government,corperate, system was set up by a shadow covert cabal. This new Republic Restoration is being pioneered by a covert organization,organizations, to reset the constitutional law. By what are we to know that they are any more trustworthy than the original?

[Jester] kuu what makes you believe that is the case? are you forgetting the patriots that do exist from within?

[cheeny] kuu How do you suppose they could have acomplished this overtly?

[Iank1978] Kuu-people will be awake and cautious now and must keep them in check and make sure transparency is a requirement

[Jester] cheeny there is plenty of information out there.. it just does not garner the full support of the media because they are controlled by those in charge.... there are plenty of people trying to get the word out...

[Jester] like to see who is in charge of the media?   

 [cheeny] Jester Thanks Yes I follow it and see it, but I have been looking for a long time also. Many have not and are beginning to.

[Robertprofessor] Jester I recall you saying last week that needed funding for the Republic has already taken place. True? If true, shouldn't that help us realize that the rv and Republic are linked and the rv cannot be far from showing itself to us?

[Jester] Robertprofessor from what i understand they are ready to go...

 [Jester] i put all of this info on a facebook page so anyone can access the links... if you are interested it is JesterTn... go look for yourself... you do not have to friend... it is public...


[pat] Jester whats the holdup

[Jester] pat i have said many times... there is no hold up... they are are continuously working to get it done...

[pat] Jester so there is` more to do and we are not just waiting on emails`

[sonnayhwh] Jester Okie posted of an Iraqi contact being paid in Dinars on the 15th (I assume revalued.) Are your contacts seeing similar?

[Jester] sonnayhwh we are aware that it has happened...

 [Jester] the hold ups you guys keep hearing about are mostly excuses from people that continue to call dates that do not happen... they have to have an excuse for why they were wrong again...

[kuu] Jester ,My question is ...if they are unknown by what ruler are we to judge them? Are we to take them by deeds alone? Will we be given face to face facts about who they are in total,perhaps after the fact? Most people will not know what has happened even after completion. How can they trust?

[Jester] kuu you will know... this will not go under the radar...

[Jester] ok... i have calls in a few minutes... so i need to wrap this up...

[Iank1978] Jester-there will be new elections too correct? That would give people comfort

[Jester] just keep watching... they are working on the whole thing as fast as they can... everyone is tired of waiting and the time it has taken... including those doing it...

[xfilesfan2013] Jester so if OKIE knows an Iraqi was paid in RV dinars...why dont we see it...ty for everthing

[Jester] xfilesfan2013 because we are not over there... lol

[SolarKing] I just had a thought while out smoking my stogie. Not only would it make for a smooth transition for the banks for appointments with an RV this week, those of us who nhave VND would be able to go directly to the bank for the CE of the VND, provided they go at the same time as speculated.

[Jester] with some of the last pieces of the puzzle falling into place this could literally happen at any time... you are seeing the pieces start to fit together... keep the faith in what you are seeing happen around you...

 [Robertprofessor] SolarKing There is a chance that the VND will also have a group rate, and possibly exchanging some VND first might mean no group rate on the IQD. I plan to read my email very carefully and look for this.

[Readynow] Jester ty that sounds very good

 [nolaspice.] Jester an RV today = Viper. Just sayin

[greasee5] Jester only one thing bothering me, the recent rulings of the SCOTUS, whats up with them?

[weimar] Robertprofessor yes, would prefer no group rate on VND for that reason

[SolarKing] Robertprofessor -Not sure I believe that line of thinking. Two seperate currencies.

[oxglove] weimar very good point

[Jester] ok... need to get back to the phone and return all the calls that came in while i was here...

[Jester] you guys take care... and don't forget... take care of each other...

[Jester] seeylaterbye....

[oxglove] Jester Have a great day for the balance! and Thanks!




     Years ago I studied mechanical engineering with an engineering school and did well with my studies. Separately I also informally studied parts of other fields of engineering as well. I have always been intrigued with smart angles to construction methods that work well and are reasonable in cost. I have decided to release this week a report showing some surprise angles of construction principles that work well and yet the public is generally not familiar with these principles. Also, I show how I once bought a small office building for $1. Separately I once bought half of a small apartment building for free. As I had once been a finance consultant, I show you a few tricks of finance I used years ago as a finance consultant. Also, I lightly touch on a few trick tactics other smart people used to greatly magnify their money in real estate investments fast. 
     In my report I am releasing at the end of this week Sunday evening, I will also tell where you can get an old budget construction course not available now in America and used to sell for $350 with one piece of equipment with the course. The course can be picked up but minus the equipment that used to come with it. However, the plans are included how to cheaply build the equipment that could enable you to build your home, etc. much cheaper or go into business with the construction technology easy to do and shown with the course. A lot of people back then praised it for unorthodox but smart ways to get good results with construction work but at a fraction of the usual cost. I show you 7 very different methods in my report how to build homes, stores, churches, small factories, etc. for a fraction of the cost at even 10% to 25% of usual cost, and maybe with a bit of other information supplied in my report, you can at the least build your own home if living in an apartment, build a weekend home if living already in a house, build a store, church, offices, small factory, etc. for yourself at a fraction of the usual cost of construction yet still good construction and be made very attractive based upon your design. All these methods understand that you own the land to build upon and the savings are in construction costs, not buying of land to build upon. I had a couple I knew years ago that for less than $500 built a nice house and a swimming pool on their land. I was intrigued when they told me how they did it and I tell you in my unique bonus report given for free to those now joining my NIFI OMNI LAW LOAN PROGRAM or else my 15% NIFI CLUB LOAN PROGRAM. As for those already members of either, send me an email saying you want a copy of the bonus report of "7 WAYS TO CHEAPLY BUILD YOUR OWN HOUSE FOR EVEN 10% TO 25% OF USUAL COST" BY ERASMUS OF AMERICA. WITH YOUR EMAIL, I CAN SEND THIS BONUS BOOK TO YOU FOR FREE. IF YOU NEED IT SENT BY MAIL, GIVE ME YOUR MAILING ADDRESS IN AMERICA AND $2.00 TO HELP COVER HANDLING AND MAILING TO YOU.  
      My report "MY VISION FOR AMERICA" BY ERASMUS OF AMERICA POSTED ON NESARA NEWS ON JUNE 14, 2013 SHOWS THE BACKGROUND AND GENERAL OFFER TO EITHER LOAN PROGRAM I HAVE SET UP IN ORDER TO CHANGE THE DIRECTION AMERICA IS GOING NOW. You can read it by going to Nesara News and looking down the side column for recently posted reports with Nesara News and mine being "My Vision For America." Or put my pen name of Erasmus of America in their search box on the front cover of their website and this report will show right away for you to link to. But in capsule form, here is a quick outline. The Omni Law Loan Program is you pay through our website or else send us by mail loan money in units or multiple units of $25 for the Omni Law Loan Program. The $25 units is purely arbitrary and just makes easy figuring in bookkeeping how much money you are to receive back from us later on through the Omni Law Loan Program.  When the Omni Law is passed, first we repay you back your principal in loan money. Second, we divide pro-rata between all our loan backers based upon number of $25 credits you have in our loan program as your share of the loan pool total 10% of the cash we anticipate collecting from Wash., D.C. for damages owed us for criminally interfering with large business deals we had lined with in the past but Wash., D.C. did not want us to establish in America our Vatican endorsed trade secret food industry based upon the secret discovery made by my father and which Pope Pius XII endorsed as potentially the greatest news for mankind since the coming of Christ since it could potentially solve the twin problems of malnutrition and malnutrition in the world. A few friends know already why legally I say Wash., D.C. already owes us trillions of dollars in damages. We have a surprise for Wash., D.C. as we can document how huge are the financial damages really owed us already by Wash., D.C. As we will also sue individually all in the federal government who violated our legal rights in this affair, some federal officials and employees are going to be brutally shocked when they are individually sued for trillions of dollars each in personal damages to us. The money is not the issue, but to teach federal officials and employees to respect the legal rights of American citizens which they do not respect nor uphold at this time. 
     When I began my drive to reestablish my father's Vatican endorsed food process and discovery in America, I stated I did this under authority of the Genocide Treaty legally signed into law by President Ronald Reagan. Under terms of the Genocide Treaty, when government leaders engage in a conspiracy of genocide, then no laws of theirs are authority to stop the drive to end the conspiracy of genocide in the nation. As I am known to successfully engineer legal upsets before, Wash., D.C. is going to get a brutal legal lesson when they see how I play the legal hand against them. I am going to legally hang them symbolically speaking if they even try to raise a finger to try and stop me now. I am their worst legal nightmare become reality in America now. After legal settlement of the financial damage claims which I will have witnesses and documentation for, then all backers of the Omni Law Loan Program will get for 30 years 10% of net profits before taxes divided pro-rated between them for their number of $25 loan credits in our loan pool for this Omni Law Drive. I anticipate we will pass this Omni Law and soon enough. It shouldn't take years. I am targeting we either win this year or else in 2014. I spent eleven calendar years in military academies and know how to set up deadly strategies to defeat an enemy when necessary. Our method is legal, not warefare, but strategy works just as well in law as in warfare. 
      As for the 15% NIFI CLUB LOAN PROGRAM, we have tested since the end of January, 2013 through the middle of June, 2013 a trade secret marketing maneuver in a large market the wealthy like to put huge funds into. Every month we do well and frankly far beyond 15% return on your money monthly which is a royalty of 15% return per month for letting us use your loan money with our own funds in our own private fund. Any return beyond a 15% return monthly is our money for letting you piggyback your loan money with our own private trading fund and is our management fee for letting you partake in our trade secret trading system that has even surprised us how regular it is each month so far. Actually we started trying this system a few years ago when the U.S. Justice Dept. illegally wiretapping our phones illegally blocked a legal deal with trucking industries that would have ended up paying us even as much as $27 billion for starters. Boy, Wash., D.C. has desperately been trying to block me from reestablishing my father's Vatican endorsed food process in America which Pope Pius XII endorsed as potentially the most important news for mankind since the coming of Christ since it was potentially the answer to stop starvation and malnutrition in the world. Separately, from the Vatican, university tests and medical lab reports from all over the world predict the end of the human race on earth if this great food discovery of my father is not added to the diet of America and all other races on earth before it is too late to save mankind from biological collapse on earth and end of the human race on earth like the extinct dinosaurs. 
     In an earlier report on this 15% Loan Program, it was stated that the loan money had to clear and be posted into our trading account before the beginning of the 15% obligation of our fund to transfer this to our NIFI Club members. Due to technicalities once the funds clear on our end, it takes so far basically 4 days until the funds are cleared for use in our market trading system. From then on, we can move rapidly every day in our trade secret marketing system. So that this fund serves our goals of passing the Omni Law, setting up of our Camelot Project to greatly increase the creation of industry and jobs in America and across the world, and of course setting up of the world food industry we intend to set up in America if we can keep Wash., D.C. from being totally jackass in trying to keep this industry out of America as they don't want America to have the biggest world industry located in America and don't want America to have the millions of new, good paying jobs our world industry in America would  lead to. 
     Walking it through in simple details. We keep all returns made in the first two months we receive the loan money for.  Starting at the end of the 3rd month, we start transferring to the loan backers 15% return on their money each month so long as the American economy doesn't collapse due to Obama, etc. Based upon our total secret study of the market we are using for this, we could have paid 15% monthly return as a royalty payment for close to a decade back in time, so based upon the record of the market we deal with, maybe this system can enable us to pay you a 15% royalty on profits each month for even the rest of your life. Starting with the end of the third month from when we have posted your loan money with our trading fund to piggyback off of our private trading fund, so long as the market pays us the profit which has proved reliable so far, we can give you two options. Get your 15% royalty check on your share of profits made by our trade secret trading system (Hint! Takes three computers at present to operate simultaneously!) and receive it monthly. Or let it compound a while until you tell us to send you monthly checks equal to the total 15% monthly return in royalty on profits for either the total 15% monthly return now which should be much larger than the original 15% monthly royalty payment on profits which would be paid to you each month. Or tell us how much of the enlarged royalty payment each month you want to receive and how much which remains to go back to your loan account to keep building up your share of the loan money you left with us to piggyback on our private loan fund we originally set up. When you have received 12 payments from us or else used that time fror compounding your loan fund into a much larger fund, then you can say to return your loan principal to you and leave the fund. Or else continue and there won't be a second time a two month where we earn the first profits on returns instead of you. But how do we finance the victory of the Omni Law Drive and the reestablishment of the Vatican endorsed food process to give America a giant world industry if not by producing or raising the money to do this? Reality folks! This is how you win when playing for big stakes! The loan money always remains your money, not ours. That is why this is not a security offer. Though for our tongue-in-cheek legal double-talk con artists in either federal or state circles, James Madison, "Father of the U.S. Constitution," explained in "The Federalist Papers" that the U.S. Constitution outlawed the federal government and state governments from ever being legally authorized to license, register, or regulate stock and bond offers and sales in America. Only common law courts could handle civil suits or criminal charges after the fact, not before, of claimed wrongs if any claimed by any plaintiffs. But silence please! No one in law obeys the U.S. Constitution or U.S. Bill of Rights any longer in America! They just make up the law as they go along and lie their way along to the next corruption and perversion of constitutional law in America. Even a monarch was never such a legal tyranny as the total corruption and overthrow of constitutional law by our con artists in legal circles in America. As Patrick Henry said to the South when opposing ratification of the U.S. Constitution, he said America was safer under a constitutional monarchy than the proposed U.S. Constitution.  If the monarch broke the constitution, you could just chop his head off for treason against the constitution. But when officials under the proposed constitution decided to evade the terms of the U.S. Constitution, they claimed a vague authority to do anything under the U.S. Constitution and there was no one to hold accountable and execute for treason if those inside the government who decided to overthrow the constitutional government from within. Sorry Wash., D.C. I read the first writings at the time and immediately after of the American Revolution of 1776 and know what they really said, not the claimed lies you said they stood for which they did not. Now my proposed Omni Law is more moderate than the suggestion of Patrick Henry to chop off the head of any leader in government refusing to obey the legal terms of the U.S. Constitution, but in the end either you obey the U.S. Constitution or else you do not! Wash., D.C. has zero legal integrity towards the U.S. Constitution is why I wrote up the OMNI LAW to restore legal integrity to Wash., D.C. 
     I understand that Obama had the NSA blackmail our Chief Justice of the U.S. Justice Dept. to vote for Obamacare when he judged it unconstitutional. It used to be under American law that no contract was valid in America made under duress meaning the force of threats to get the victim to sign away his or her legal rights. And any court decisions made under deadly threats of others in government was automatically null and void and not a valid legal court decision. Sounds to me that Obamacare has not yet validly been ruled upon by the U.S. Supreme Court. How I step on legal toes by knowing how constitutional law really works! 
     Obama didn't realize the consequences but about two years before he ran for the White House the first time, he was publicly recorded in meeting with voters and telling them why he thought foreigners coming to America should automatically have all the same legal rights as native born America, he gave himself as an example as he was born in Kenya, not America. Sorry Obama! Pretty bad slip of the tongue here! Never thought it would catch up to you! O
     Obama is an amazing person. He is a clever con artist, but if I take his words at face value, he is an utter moron in office in the White House. For example, he said we must lower the content of carbon dioxide to prevent global warming in America. NASA recently concluded that carbon dioxide is the only thing protecting our atmosphere from excessive heat from the sun or else the earth would burn up under solar heat. But Obama wants to decrease our carbon dioxide to protect us from global warming. I think burning up the earth by Carbon taxes and other proposals of Obama is not too bright of an idea. He wants to lower our carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. One scientific report concluded that we were already so low in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that if it went lower, we risk the collapse of all farm crops in the world as they would not have enough carbon dioxide to survive on and so the human race could potentially starve to death on earth with the collapse on agriculture on earth. Boy, Obama, you are a genius in science and engineering! 90% of all oxygen comes from the ocean, not the forests, according to NASA. The plankton converts carbon dioxide to oxygen and releases it from the oceans to give us breathing air on earth. Protect the oceans from toxic poisoning makes sense. Protect the land of the earth from carbon dioxide being present there is the highest level of being a moron and claiming you are so smart in science and engineering. 
      Obama, your genius in technical fields amazes me! For example, you have gone to great lengths to protect Monsanto Chemical Co. and allies from being sued or investigated for their GMO food and insecticide which is apparently mass killing off all the honeybees in America. Professional beekeepers in America predict that the bees will no longer exist in America in three years from now if nothing is done to stop this. If the bees are gone, one-third of our crops are no longer pollinated and potentially America has mass starvation and famine hit America and too late to maybe save the lives of a large portion of Americans from dying due to starvation. But don't worry! With Obama in control, he will be mystified and not understand how Americans are dropping like flies and mass dying across America three years from now if this happens. 
     I spent eleven calendar years in military academies and a heavy background in military intelligence. From my sources, I would say that Obama is so stupid in military policy, America will be very lucky if it does not end up in a nuclear World War III maybe as soon as one to three years from now. Russia is better prepared for world war than the Pentagon gives them credit for. Iran coached by outside sources has her secret plans how she is going to annihilate America once she tricks America into trusting her with Iranian made nuclear bombs. America is the "Great Satan" according to Iran. If I were President, I would come down on Iran like the Wrath of God and require international inspection of her nuclear installations or else  crush her so totally as a lesson to other would-be enemies of America. Like Pres. Reagan, I would require verification, not blind trust. 
      I have no fight with Putin of Russia who is trying to save Russia from the insane ideas of Obama in the White House. I am not afraid of Putin as I know how he would fight if forced to, but it is ridiculous that a world war could occur at any time because we have an idiot in the White House and Putin is not going to allow Obama to destroy Russia as a nation. Just as an example, if I were President, soon Putin and I would get along fine and no threat of war between us. I would even suggest bold economic plans that would benefit both Russia and America at the same time and a win-win situation for all sides instead of a lose-lose for all sides. 
     Folks, better pass my Omni Law not only to reform Wash., D.C. back to honest and intelligent national government, but also frankly to save the neck of America before it is too late to save America.
     Just to show I have an endless archives of scandals of Wash., D.C. I will release one more and not release the large number I was earlier going to release with this report. The message is received loud and clear. Wash., D.C. is as corrupt as all hell, so I don't like releasing endless scandals of Wash., D.C. any more than you love seeing nothing but endless evil scandals of Wash., D.C. Just to show you that I can deliver, an engineer who served there in World War II as well as others involved building a military air base in Florida saw Eleanor Roosevelt show up there often and she would go off with the man owning the land and they had a running affair there as everyone knew. Due to her, the federal government built the military airbase over swampland and it sink into the swamp maybe five or six times before finally they could make it stay up above water. Oh, F.D.R., was a kind hearted soul in the White House and was plastered drunk while others at the White House were having a big sex orgy at the White House. Perry Cannon who was a research engineer who testified before Congress at times told me how a good friend of his came shocked from the White House and told Perry and Polly Cannon what was going on at the White House which he had just left. 
     Well, will sneak in one more to show you how Wash., D.C. without the Omni Law cannot be trusted in major national issues. A friend of mine in Salt Lake City, Utah was a finance consultant like me and invited me to be his guest. We went to a federal research center out West and the engineers there were frank and told us the truth. Congress set up a con on the American people so they would think Wash., D.C. was trying to do something to solve the energy crisis of America. The engineers told them that they could produce a process to use coal and water to create a substitute for gasoline but it would never be cheaper than $50 a gallon so could never be used by America. That is exactly what Congress wanted. A fake research project that would never solve the energy crisis of America, but look good to the gullible public Congress intended to con with this bogus research project out West.
      Sorry I gave you three federal scandals instead of the one I originally intended to share with you! Well, really not that sorry as I lost respect for Wash., D.C. long ago which is much of the reason why I went on the warpath to pass the Omni Law to make Wash., D.C. an honest national government again which it is not at this time!
      Okay folks, points to remember here. Join either the Omni Law Loan Program or else the 15% NIFI Club Loan Program and you get this bonus report as we start sending them out after this coming Sunday of 7 ways to cheaply build your house for as little as 10% to 25% of usual costs. This may help you personally, a family member, a friend, your church, business, etc. and may give you angles how you can make yourself a rich man or woman off of knowledge of these budget methods of construction. These tactics normal intelligent people can do and you don't need an engineering degree to get the idea how these  construction methods work. And I was reading the other evening an old technical reference of mine showing how Wash., D.C. had the energy crisis solved decades ago and so as a Washington hoax engineered the oil shortage and energy crisis when this was unnecessary for America to ever have. Two Army mechanics from World War II testified that Wash., D.C. used a secret tank technology to defeat Gen. Rommel in Northern Africa. They sent in Sherman Tanks that could get 70 Miles Per Gallon. Sherman Tanks are a lot heavier than your cars of today! Gen. Rommel could not understand how American tanks just kept running and this drove Rommel out of Northern Africa. They did not use these tanks in the invasion of France as the Nazis might have captured them and learned this trick of technology from the Americans. I know what the trick technology was, but even today I do not think I should say in print in this report how this was done. The Army mechanics swore this story was true and I assume they told the truth about this.
      Now my website is www.fastboomamercianeconomy.com  My email is fastboomamericaneconomy.com@gmail.com Or you want to order by mail instead of through my website,  send orders by mail to NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 USA. Make checks out to NIFI and tell us what the order is for. Also, for the free bonus report on 7 cheap ways to build homes, etc., include your email and we can send it to you at no cost. If you don't have an email address you can use, then enclose $2.00 to help cover our cost of mailing this to you. Technically this offer ends on June 23, 2013 at midnight, but we will allow mail orders to be dated early June 24 and you still get credited for this offer. 
    Show this report around America and let's get this Omni Law passed. If you let Obama have his way and not be forced out of the White House as he is illegally in the White House among many things wrong with him, then if America gets bankrupted or nuclear bombed or collapses in national famine, don't blame me! I fairly warned you before it was too late to save America! The only reason why I am available to help you out as one of the coming 10 Civil Tribunes under the terms of the Omni Law is I know you are stuck and need someone who has the professional knowledge to help unjam America from the deadly problems facing it now. I much prefer working on my Camelot Project than wasting time on cesspool Wash., D.C. But I will compromise and give time to Wash., D.C. as needed and give time to the building and setup of the Camelot Project as needed.
     There are enough people in Wash., D.C. who know at least some of the needed answers I have. The big difference is I am willing to be honest in engineering and economics in big national issues and either they are corrupt or else too cowardly to stand up honestly for the real answers the American people need to hear instead of the usual cons and major deceptions of Wash., D.C. on the American people.
     Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for one willing to be honest on key national issues where others maybe also with smart answers are either too corrupt or else too cowardly to dare stand up openly for the truth in America.) P.S. I am not opposed to Obama due to race, but the man totally fails to be what is required to be President of America. There is a Black economist in Virginia who writes for conservative newspapers. He is very smart and if he had been President, I probably would have been a strong supporter and even friend of his. I will support a good man, but not an evil man as the leader of America! And Obama has none of the technical qualifications needed to supply the right answers needed by America today. So let's kick him out and put in someone either Republican or Democrat who will stand for America instead of for party or corrupt reasons as to why he is in office!


Randy Phillips needs help

Subject: Randy Phillips

Hi all, Most of you are familiar with Randy's situation in caring for his son, so I wont address it now. Randy called me around 1:30 PM today and told me the Real Estate Agency would be placing his house on the open market tomorrow. The cash sale price will be less than half of what the house is appraised at, and they expect it to be purchased as soon as it is listed. If someone buys the house, Randy will have only 7 days to relocate. This means that Randy would lose his son, by having to turn his care over to the state. This young man would find it very difficult to survive under these conditions, let alone what it would do to Randy himself. If there is someone out there, who can find a way for Randy to get around this situation until the Programs are delivered and the Dinar RV's, Please call Randy asap at 301-745-3231. Thanks and God Bless. Jim Lucot 

God's End Time Army


God's End Time Army 
June 13, 2013
The bible speaks of King David's mighty army in 1 Chronicles 12:8. Some of them were Gadites who the bible describes as men of valor, men trained for battle, who could handle shield and spear, whose faces were like the faces of lions, and were as swift as gazelles on the mountains. The Lord showed me this scripture as an analogy of His end time army. His end time army is called to great exploits and will march together as one.

The Lord says, I am raising up an end time Army who are strong and very courageous. I am looking for men and women of valor. They are those who are bold, and defiant in battle. As you stand immovable and refuse to be intimidated, I will cause your enemies who rise up against you to be defeated before you; and they will come out against you one way and will flee before you seven. I am calling forth the warriors who will never retreat when the adversary comes against them because I have trained their hands for war and their fingers for battle. To those who I place on the front lines are those who are able to stand against the warfare, and to them I will reveal the secrets from the kingdom of darkness and expose their strategies. My warriors will recognize that it is not flesh and blood that they are battling against but of powers, principalities, rulers of darkness and wickedness in high places. They are highly experienced and proficient in the performance of their duties and they know their mission. They are those who understand the significance of wearing the full armor of God. They know their rank and are submitted to their authority therefore they stay in the position to which they were assigned.

I am looking for those who are bold and ready to face challenges, tenacious in spiritual warfare, alert and watchful of the enemy. They are those whose faces are like the faces of lions. Those who see them recognize the strength and determination that they carry. Their enemies see the tenacity inside of them, therefore they cower back in fear. They do not become discouraged and will never compromise. They are as fierce lions against the kingdom of darkness and they will stand immovable in the face of adversity. They are as swift as gazelles on the mountains, mobile, active men and women, ready to fight wherever and whenever they were needed. They will watch out for one another and be careful to avoid friendly fire. Those who enlist in My end time army will never have to be concerned with the wiles of the evil one because they know that I am standing with them at all times. As My end time army emerges, I will give them the wisdom, discernment and understanding as I reveal and My strategies for the days ahead says the Lord.

Deuteronomy 28:7 The Lord will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before your face; they shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways.

1 Chronicles 12:8 Some Gadites defected to David at his stronghold in the wilderness. They were brave warriors, ready for battle and able to handle the shield and spear. Their faces were the faces of lions, and they were as swift as gazelles in the mountains.

Psalm 144:1 Blessed be the Lord my Rock,Who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle

2 Timothy 2:4 No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier.

Warning: Contents Under Pressure
June 6, 2013
The Lord gave me this word yesterday after taking notice of several signs throughout the day. One sign read: "Warning, contents under pressure". As I looked closer it also said "Highly Flammable". Later on in the day I had seen several other signs which read "Shock Hazard" and another read "High Voltage". These signs caught my attention as the Holy Spirit gave me this word. There are so many people who are living under extreme much pressure due to challenging situations which they are facing. For some of you the pressures in your lives are overwhelming. Jesus has a plan for you no matter how things appear in the natural.

The Lord says, no matter what the situation is that you are facing, do not be overwhelmed with distress. Give no place to worry or disturbing thoughts. I will release you from torment and confusion as you set your mind on things above. I will once again come through for you in every area. I will lead you to the correct choices in every dilemma. As you quiet yourself before Me, and allow Me to take up total residence in your life, your decisions will be made through peace. Trust in Me to provide all your needs. Take your eyes off the circumstances and allow Me to lead your life. Trust in me when all else fails. Don't be consumed with anxiety which will also bring turmoil into your home. This is the time to position yourself to be bold, be strong, and follow My leading. I will never bring harm to you for My Word will prove true as it is forever settled in heaven. When your problems seems to be overwhelming, place them in My hands and refuse to submit to the pressure that is coming against you.

In the natural the things in your life may seem out of control but trust Me to bring you out. That very thing that is coming against you will be your greatest testimony and you will come out stronger as you endure and resist the temptation to give in to fear. Do not be swayed the wrong way and do not allow the tension to take you in a different direction from My plans and the abundant life that I have for you. As you stand steadfast in these trying times, you will come forth as gold. Do not submit to the lies of the enemy who will try to give you a fear of your future. I Am your healer, I Am your deliverer, I Am the God of your destiny and I Am with you in the fire of affliction. Although it may look seem as if the waves of adversity are pulling you in a vortex, be at peace. Rejoice at all times and know that all that I have promised to you will come to pass. As you release everything and trust Me, your victory is assured says the Lord.

Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

2 Corinthians 4:17-18 For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.

Colossians 3:2 Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.

Partakers of His Divine Nature
May 30, 2013
The Lord says, I have created you to be partakers of My divine nature. You have been called and set apart for My purposes and plans. My kingdom shall be manifested on this earth as it is in heaven through those of you who understand this spiritual reality. As you value My word, you will walk in a new authority. It is those who know Me, spend time with Me, and have developed a personal relationship with Me which others can not comprehend. Those who are partakers of My divine nature are those who receive what I have given to them and release it to others. They position themselves and are always ready to receive a fresh revelation. My presence will once again be evident in your life as you walk in a manner worthy of your calling. I am about to release My Shekinah glory once again on this earth and I am seeking those whom I could trust to be carriers. The spiritual realm will become just as real to you as the natural realm and you will begin to discern the mysteries of heaven.

As you rely on Me in all things, you will see the kingdom advance in your life as well as those around you. As you understand what it is to partake of My divine nature you will begin to bring this reality into your homes and will see your families change. You will contend in intercession to have it brought back into your schools as well as your countries. You will always defend the faith no matter what the cost. A new voice will arise from My people as they begin to walk in a different way than the world walks. They are those who are not conformed to the pattern of this world. As you empty yourselves of everything concerning the carnal nature, you will learn what it is to walk in the divine nature. As you submit yourselves to righteousness you will being to walk in a new way. As you conform your lives to My word, your mind will be transformed. Allow My kingdom to begin on the inside of you. You have been called to advance My kingdom on this earth and those who are partakers of My divine nature will do so says the Lord.

Romans 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

2 Peter 1:2-4 Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

1 John 2:6 He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked.


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 17-Jun-2013 15:11:07

The Secret War
Inside Fort Meade, Maryland, a top-secret city bustles. Tens of thousands of people move through more than 50 buildings—the city has its own post office, fire department, and police force. But as if designed by Kafka, it sits among a forest of trees, surrounded by electrified fences and heavily armed guards, protected by antitank barriers, monitored by sensitive motion detectors, and watched by rotating cameras. To block any telltale electromagnetic signals from escaping, the inner walls of the buildings are wrapped in protective copper shielding and the one-way windows are embedded with a fine copper mesh.
This is the undisputed domain of General Keith Alexander, a man few even in Washington would likely recognize. Never before has anyone in America’s intelligence sphere come close to his degree of power, the number of people under his command, the expanse of his rule, the length of his reign, or the depth of his secrecy. A four-star Army general, his authority extends across three domains: He is director of the world’s largest intelligence service, the National Security Agency; chief of the Central Security Service; and commander of the US Cyber Command. As such, he has his own secret military, presiding over the Navy’s 10th Fleet, the 24th Air Force, and the Second Army.
Alexander runs the nation’s cyberwar efforts, an empire he has built over the past eight years by insisting that the US’s inherent vulnerability to digital attacks requires him to amass more and more authority over the data zipping around the globe. In his telling, the threat is so mind-bogglingly huge that the nation has little option but to eventually put the entire civilian Internet under his protection, requiring tweets and emails to pass through his filters, and putting the kill switch under the government’s forefinger. “What we see is an increasing level of activity on the networks,” he said at a recent security conference in Canada. “I am concerned that this is going to break a threshold where the private sector can no longer handle it and the government is going to have to step in.”
In its tightly controlled public relations, the NSA has focused attention on the threat of cyberattack against the US—the vulnerability of critical infrastructure like power plants and water systems, the susceptibility of the military’s command and control structure, the dependence of the economy on the Internet’s smooth functioning. Defense against these threats was the paramount mission trumpeted by NSA brass at congressional hearings and hashed over at security conferences.
But there is a flip side to this equation that is rarely mentioned: The military has for years been developing offensive capabilities, giving it the power not just to defend the US but to assail its foes. Using so-called cyber-kinetic attacks, Alexander and his forces now have the capability to physically destroy an adversary’s equipment and infrastructure, and potentially even to kill. Alexander—who declined to be interviewed for this article—has concluded that such cyberweapons are as crucial to 21st-century warfare as nuclear arms were in the 20th.
And he and his cyberwarriors have already launched their first attack. The cyberweapon that came to be known as Stuxnet was created and built by the NSA in partnership with the CIA and Israeli intelligence in the mid-2000s. The first known piece of malware designed to destroy physical equipment, Stuxnet was aimed at Iran’s nuclear facility in Natanz. By surreptitiously taking control of an industrial control link known as a Scada (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system, the sophisticated worm was able to damage about a thousand centrifuges used to enrich nuclear material.
The success of this sabotage came to light only in June 2010, when the malware spread to outside computers. It was spotted by independent security researchers, who identified telltale signs that the worm was the work of thousands of hours of professional development. Despite headlines around the globe, officials in Washington have never openly acknowledged that the US was behind the attack. It wasn’t until 2012 that anonymous sources within the Obama administration took credit for it in interviews with The New York Times.
But Stuxnet is only the beginning. Alexander’s agency has recruited thousands of computer experts, hackers, and engineering PhDs to expand US offensive capabilities in the digital realm. The Pentagon has requested $4.7 billion for “cyberspace operations,” even as the budget of the CIA and other intelligence agencies could fall by $4.4 billion. It is pouring millions into cyberdefense contractors. And more attacks may be planned.
“We jokingly referred to him as Emperor Alexander, because whatever Keith wants, Keith gets.”
Inside the government, the general is regarded with a mixture of respect and fear, not unlike J. Edgar Hoover, another security figure whose tenure spanned multiple presidencies. “We jokingly referred to him as Emperor Alexander—with good cause, because whatever Keith wants, Keith gets,” says one former senior CIA official who agreed to speak on condition of anonymity. “We would sit back literally in awe of what he was able to get from Congress, from the White House, and at the expense of everybody else.”
Now 61, Alexander has said he plans to retire in 2014; when he does step down he will leave behind an enduring legacy—a position of far-reaching authority and potentially Strangelovian powers at a time when the distinction between cyberwarfare and conventional warfare is beginning to blur. A recent Pentagon report made that point in dramatic terms. It recommended possible deterrents to a cyberattack on the US. Among the options: launching nuclear weapons.


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 17-Jun-2013 14:26:50

Posted by Vatic Master
Vatic Note: We, here, at Vatic Project, have been saying this for a very long time now. We also said the same thing about Bush Jr. What we have been saying is that neither Obama or Bush Jr. have had a say in anything. They do not nor did they ever run the country. It has always been the men behind the curtain. I refer to them as the foreign occupiers of our government. Remember, Bush Jr, was really the son of Senator Lieberscum, a khazar.
Do NOT even start this blog if you are only interested in fast food information. This is dense stuff of which "REAL HISTORY" is made. Its all documented, so take the time if you really want "to know". This was awesome, with some comments about his lack of connection between the khazars and the horrors visited upon many in WW II by the satanic Fascists both German and Khazarian.
These khazars are the people who have murdered more Americans than all Muslim countries put together. They are also the ones that occupy key positions within defense and the Pentagon, who, by virtue of their ownership of major international corporations, are the real FASCISTS of this world, along with the royalty of Europe, including the british crown, and these khazars have sold our secrets to China and other potential enemies in this next fabricated third world war, that we keep saying "Do not, under any circumstances, agree to fight in this third world war".
These Zionists have designated the USA and Israel as the designated losers of this next bogus phoney war for control and profit. Remember, they are not real Jews, they are khazar satanists and fascists, under the guise of Communism.
They are also the same ones who have complete control over our Homeland security (MOSSAD RUN ADL, AND SPLC) and use that position, to launch their HATE propoganda initiative to set up the massacre and slaughter of Americans who they call "CHRISTIANS, PATRIOTS, GUN OWNERS, CONSTITUTIONALISTS, and finally, RON PAUL SUPPORTERS.
This is what they did in 1917 when the zionists satanists went after Russia's Christians. They murdered 63 million of them and suffered no consequences for their actions... so now we have to go through it all over again. That act alone created the first fully satanic nation with brutality that exceeded all other such attempts in other countries, in the past. We can see the parallel beginning here with their propoganda using their MSM to spread the hate and fear and preparing the ground work for massacring millions of Americans, since 97% of the country has admitted in surveys that they believe in God.
Now when have we in 230 years every done anything like that? Never. But now, they have control over our President through their connections with Dr. Mengeles. This is the most comprehensive and detailed and documented presentation of this theory that I have ever seen. Both parts 1 and 2 , have enormous foot notes and links to back up so much of what he writes and he connects the dots very well. A major housecleaning has to be done to stop this before it gets too far along. NEVER GIVE UP YOUR GUNS. Don't get into fear over this, GET DAMN GOOD AND MAD.

Out of Control!: IRS Arming Themselves; U.S. Arming Syrian Rebels; and Citizens Face Gun Control by Executive Action

Out of Control!: IRS Arming Themselves; U.S. Arming Syrian Rebels; and Citizens Face Gun Control by Executive Action


For anyone who may be curious as to how the IRS intends to enforce Obamacare there is a good article to read here. I think it is kind of interesting that the IRS needs to arm itself with the kind of weapons our government is trying to vilify us for owning. What are they going to do? Force us to buy health care from one of the Presidents exchanges at gun point? What are they afraid of? If what they are doing is honorable, truthful and in line with the ideals of a constitutional republic then surely they would have nothing to fear. Why does the IRS need these high powered rifles?

I spent the day asking various people this question and the responses I got varied depending on the age of the person. The younger the person, a glossy eyed stare was the response. The older the person was the more concerned their expression became. This is the perfect example of a situation where many people will assume that just because they did nothing wrong they do not mind the IRS arming themselves just months away from having the power to force you and I to purchase health care we don’t want. Therein lays the issue, because many, many people are still waiting on all the wonderful benefits they will be receiving under Obamacare. So far what we know is that it will cost trillions more than projected, as admitted by the Congressional Budget Office. They have already admitted that people are being cut from the “preexisting condition program,” and finally some major teeth had to be pulled in order to get a little ten year old girl the lung transplant she needed. In other words a bureaucrat had to decide if she could have the transplant. But hey the Independent Advisory Payment Board isn’t a death panel! No wonder the IRS is arming themselves, they know that if they had to put up with this crap they would be pissed too.

From what I have been able to put together just from connecting a few of the dots available to do so is that we will be paying higher taxes to implement Obamacare. We will be forced to buy a plan that at the moment is projected to be no cheaper than $20,000 while watching the cost of our own plan go up to pay for the preexisting condition program that the government freely admitted it can no longer afford while also paying for the means in which this forced happiness and equality is to be administered. So in essence we are paying for something we don’t want three times. Sounds like a great plan and I can’t wait to see if it works.

How does this rub your goat? The senate, the so called representatives of the people, decided to go home for the weekend instead of attending a classified briefing over the NSA spying scandal! Folks I think it is time to start a recall effort of the whole damn senate, yes even the ones we like too because they are getting old and senile (Coburn) and susceptible to bribes and payoffs. I think each and every senator needs to get a phone call from their constituents explaining to them how under a constitutional republic people are under no mandate to follow unconstitutional laws. Especially those passed by senators who opt to go home instead of fighting for the rights of their voters, the people that gave them their job!

Folks, these people have become so delusional that they actually think they are going to pass gun control via executive order amidst the spying, the lying, the IRS arming themselves and the shipment of weapons to Syrian rebels who pledged allegiance to Al-Qaida. They will probably get away with it too as many of our fellow Americans are still glued to MTV and Entertainment Tonight.

White House “Strongly Objects” to NDAA Amendment Protecting Religious Freedom in Military

White House “Strongly Objects” to NDAA Amendment Protecting Religious Freedom in Military

The Obama Administration has released a statement saying that it “strongly objects” to an amendment in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would protect the religious freedoms of men and women in the armed forces. The amendment (Section 530), offered by U.S. Representative John Fleming (R-La.), would specifically expand the “protection of rights of conscience of members of the Armed Forces and chaplains,” according to language in the amendment.
In its statement of objection the Obama Administration noted that the amendment “would require the Armed Forces to accommodate, except in cases of military necessity, ‘actions and speech’ reflecting the ‘conscience, moral principles, or religious beliefs of the member.’” The White House complained that by “limiting the discretion of commanders to address potentially problematic speech and actions within their units, this provision would have a significant adverse effect on good order, discipline, morale, and mission accomplishment.”
Fleming insisted that the amendment is necessary to counter the increasing animosity toward religious freedom among military personnel. “The men and women who put their lives on the line to defend our freedoms should not have their own religious freedom jeopardized during their military service,” the congressman said in a statement when he introduced the measure June 5. He emphasized that the amendment would help “ensure that men and women of faith will not be discriminated against in the Armed Forces and will be free to exercise their religious beliefs.”
He noted that some armed forces personnel, “particularly chaplains, feel like their ability to execute their duties is being greatly limited by some of the policies and actions in the Pentagon.” While “steps to protect the religious liberties of our Armed Forces were taken in last year’s NDAA,” Fleming recalled, “troubling reports indicate that the military may be focused only on protecting beliefs of service members, and not the exercise or expression of those beliefs.”
Read More: http://thenewamerican.com