Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Income Tax, the Constitution, and the Supreme Court

The Income Tax, the Constitution, and the Supreme Court
- free teleconference Tuesday June 18
Many commentators on the cable news networks are talking about the income tax and what needs to be done to fix it. Yet one important consideration is never mentioned.
Nobody talks about what the United States Constitution says about taxes!
The issue of oppressive taxation by King George III set the American Revolution in motion, and the Founders incorporated two important provisions in the constitution addressing this critical issue, both set forth in Article I of the charter of the new nation.
These clauses provided for direct taxes (otherwise known as “capitations” in the language of Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations) which are subject to apportionment; and indirect taxes (“taxes, duties, excises, and imposts” in the language of Article I Section 8 of the Constitution) which are subject to the requirement of uniformity.
These fundamental principles of taxation in the United States have never been altered, repealed, modified, or changed in an any way. Moreover, the U.S. Supreme Court has re-affirmed these principles in every case brought before it in which this issue has been addressed.

Attempts to establish an income tax generated huge controversy every time they were proposed, particularly in light of the extremely restrictive clauses relating to taxes in the Constitution. A landmark Supreme Court decision in the historic Pollock case [POLLOCK v. FARMERS' LOAN & TRUST CO., 157 U.S. 429 (1895)] ruled that the income tax is unconstitutional as an unapportioned direct tax. Notwithstanding widespread misunderstanding regarding the effect of the Sixteenth Amendment (see below) , this ruling remains in effect and is the controlling interpretation of the income tax.

Yet the Congress and the IRS continue to act like they were somehow granted authority to implement a direct tax without apportionment, which is what the current income tax represents. Nothing could be further from the truth.
If you do not understand this important truth, and the devastating effect the income tax has had on our country and our fellow citizens and their families, you should consider listening in on tonight’s teleconference.
[Note: See below for significant excerpts from the Supreme Court ruling in the Pollock case. This ruling included and thorough analysis of the background and intent of the Founders in drafting the tax clauses of the U.S. Constitution.]
To join in on this teleconference call, dial the phone number shown below, then enter the pin number when directed to do so.

http://www.yourremedyisinthelaw.com/images/newrevolve.gifTuesday Night June 18, 2013    9:00pm EST / 6:00pm Pacific
Phone:  (321) 354-6946   pin: 217399#


See example below
SPEAKER: Mr. Tony Davis
Several Supreme Court cases, including Hylton v. United States, have declared that the income tax is an indirect tax.
Hylton was buried for over 200 years in the Library of Congress. Four other Supreme Court cases also support the fact that the only way that the IRS can enforce an income tax is to apportion it between the states, according to population.
This topic covers the issue of the income tax being an "indirect tax", which cannot be legally claimed by the IRS.
How do you use this issue for your own benefit?
How do you use the Rule of Stare Decisis to win?
In Hylton v. United States, 3 US 171, 176-181 (1796), the Supreme Court stated: "All taxes presently found in the Internal Revenue Code are indirect taxes” (meaning circuitous modes of reaching the income of the individual).
Thus the statutory language in the Internal Revenue Code must be strictly construed in conformity with the parameters of indirect taxation so as to not run afoul of the federal constitution's prohibition against Congress imposing a capitation tax.
What does this mean for you?
Is the tax supposed to be apportioned among the states?
Yes! The Grace Commission Report instituted by Ronald Reagan showed that all taxes are applied to the National Debt.
In 1916 the Supreme Court ruled that the income tax legislation that was enacted is constitutional because the tax that was laid was not laid as a direct tax under the 16th Amendment, but because the legislation that was actually enacted, was laid as an indirect tax.  [Stanton v. Baltic Mining Co., 240 US 103, 112-113 (1916),  Brushaber v. Union Pacific R.R. Co., 240 U.S. 1, 9 (1916)]
The court further identifies that the income tax legislation actually enacted is clearly and obviously an indirect tax because it is laid in the form of a tariff.
Sample letter to the IRS regarding letters assessing tax:
To: Internal Revenue Service From: xxxx
RE: Form letter xxxx
Account Number: xxxx
Dear Sir/Ms. I am in receipt of your letter dated xxxx regarding my previous correspondence.
You stated you are working on a reply to my inquiries and concerns. I am providing you additional information to support my position.
In 1916 the Supreme Court ruled that the income tax legislation that was enacted is constitutional because the tax that was laid was not laid as a direct tax under the 16th Amendment, but because the legislation that was actually enacted, laid an indirect tax:
"...by the previous ruling, it was settled that the provisions of the 16th Amendment conferred no new power of taxation but simply prohibited the previous complete and plenary power of income taxation possessed by Congress from the beginning from being taken out of the category of indirect taxation to which it inherently belonged." [Stanton v. Baltic Mining Co., 240 US 103, 112-113 (1916)]
The Court further identifies that the income tax legislation actually enacted is clearly and obviously an indirect tax because it is laid in the form of a tariff:
"....the appellant filed his bill to enjoin the corporation from complying with the income tax provisions of the tariff act as of October 3, 1913." [Brushaber v. Union Pacific R.R. Co., 240 U.S. 1, 9 (1916)].
This is part of an eleven page memorandum plus fourteen pages of attachments used to remove proposed assessments, proposed liens and levies, and proposed charges against your wages and social security. Much more will be discussed tonight, Tuesday, June 18, 2013.
For more information on NOT volunteering information to the IRS and how to use the information to your benefit then tune in to www.FreedomsRadio.com
Other tools are available. If you understand the law, you can win!!
Tune in for more exciting information.
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U.S. Supreme Court
POLLOCK v. FARMERS' LOAN & TRUST CO., 157 U.S. 429 (1895)
157 U.S. 429
No. 893.
April 8, 1895
The constitution provides that representatives and direct [157 U.S. 429, 556]   taxes shall be apportioned among the several states according to numbers, and that no direct tax shall be laid except according to the enumeration provided for; and also that all duties, imposts, and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States.
The men who framed and adopted that instrument had just emerged from the struggle for independence whose rallying cry had been that 'taxation and representation go together.'
The mother country had taught the colonists, in the contests waged to establish that taxes could not be imposed by the sovereign except as they were granted by the representatives of the realm, that self-taxation constituted the main security against oppression. As Burke declared, in his speech on conciliation with America, the defenders of the excellence of the English constitution 'took infinite pains to inculcate, as a fundamental principle, that, in all monarchies, the people must, in effect, themselves, mediately or immediately, possess the power of granting their own money, or no shadow of liberty could subsist.'
The principle was that the consent of those who were expected to pay it was essential to the validity of any tax.
The states were about, for all national purposes embraced in the constitution, to become one, united under the same sovereign authority, and governed by the same laws. But as they still retained their jurisdiction over all persons and things within their territorial limits, except where surrendered to the general government or restrained by the constitution, they were careful to see to it that taxation and representation should go together, so that the sovereignty reserved should not be impaired, and that when congress, and especially the house of representatives, where it was specifically provided that all revenue bills must originate, voted a tax upon property, it should be with the consciousness, and under the responsibility, that in so doing the tax so voted would proportionately fall upon the immediate constituents of those who imposed it.
More than this, by the constitution the states not only gave to the nation the concurrent power to tax persons and [157 U.S. 429, 557]   property directly, but they surrendered their own power to levy taxes on imports and to regulate commerce. All the 13 were seaboard states, but they varied in maritime importance, and differences existed between them in population, in wealth, in the character of property and of business interests. Moreover, they looked forward to the coming of new states from the great West into the vast empire of their anticipations. So when the wealthier states as between themselves and their less favored associates, and all as between themselves and those who were to come, gave up for the common good the great sources of revenue derived through commerce, they did so in reliance on the protection afforded by restrictions on the grant of power.
Thus, in the matter of taxation, the constitution recognizes the two great classes of direct and indirect taxes, and lays down two rules by which their imposition must be governed, namely, the rule of apportionment as to direct taxes, and the rule of uniformity as to duties, imposts, and excises.
The rule of uniformity was not prescribed to the exercise of the power granted by the first paragraph of section 8 to lay and collect taxes, because the rule of apportionment as to taxes had already been laid down in the third paragraph of the second section…
And although there have been, from time to time, intimations that there might be some tax which was not a direct tax, nor included under the words 'duties, imports, and excises,' such a tax, for more than 100 years of national existence, has as yet remained undiscovered, notwithstanding the stress of particular circumstances has invited thorough investigation into sources of revenue. [157 U.S. 429, 558] …
We inquire, therefore, what, at the time the constitution was framed and adopted, were recognized as direct taxes? What did those who framed and adopted it understand the terms to designate and include?
We must remember that the 55 members of the constitutional convention were men of great sagacity, fully conversant with governmental problems, deeply conscious of the nature of their task, and profoundly convinced that they were laying the foundations of a vast future empire.
'To many in the assembly the work of the great French magistrate on the 'Spirit of Laws,' of which Washington with his own hand had copied an abstract by Madison, was the favorite manual. Some of them had made an analysis of all federal governments in ancient and modern times, and a few were well versed in the best English, Swiss, and Dutch writers on government. They had immediately before them the example of Great Britain, and they had a still better school of political wisdom in the republican constitutions of their several states, which many of them had assisted to frame.' 2 Bancr. Hist. Const. 9.
The Federalist demonstrates the value attached by Hamilton, [157 U.S. 429, 559]   Madison, and Jay to historical experience, and shows that they had made a careful study of many forms of government. Many of the framers were particularly versed in the literature of the period - Franklin, Wilson, and Hamilton for example. Turgot had published in 1764 his work on taxation, and in 1766 his essay on 'The Formation and Distribution of Wealth,' while Adam Smith's 'Wealth of Nations' was published in 1776. Franklin, in 1766, had said, upon his examination before the house of commons, that:
'An external tax is a duty laid on commodities imported; that duty is added to the first cost and other charges on the commodity, and, when it is offered to sale, makes a part of the price. If the people do not like it at that price, they refuse it. They are not obliged to pay it. But an internal tax is forced from the people without their consent, if not laid by their own representatives. The stamp act says we shall have no commerce, make no exchange of property with each other, neither purchase nor grant, nor recover debts; we shall neither marry nor make our wills,-unless we pay such and such sums; and thus it is intended to extort our money from us, or ruin us by the consequences of refusing to pay.' 16 Parl. Hist. 144.
They were, of course, familiar with the modes of taxation pursued in the several states. From the report of Oliver Wolcott, when secretary of the treasury, on direct taxes, to the house of representatives, December 14, 1796,-his most important state paper (Am. St. P. 1 Finance, 431),-and the various state laws then existing, it appears that prior to the adoption of the constitution nearly all the states imposed a poll tax, taxes on land, on cattle of all kinds, and various kinds of personal property, and that, in addition, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey, Virginia, and South Carolina assessed their citizens upon their profits from professions, trades, and employments.
Congress, under the articles of confederation, had no actual operative power of taxation. It could call upon the states for their respective contributions or quotas as previously determined on; but, in case of the failure or omission of the states to furnish such contribution, there were no means of [157 U.S. 429, 560]   compulsion, as congress had no power whatever to lay any tax upon individuals.
This imperatively demanded a remedy; but the opposition to granting the power of direct taxation in addition to the substantially exclusive power of laying imposts and duties was so strong that it required the convention, in securing effective powers of taxation to the federal government, to use the utmost care and skill to so harmonize conflicting interests that the ratification of the instrument could be obtained
In the course of the debates, and after the motion of Mr. Ellsworth that the first census be taken in three years after the meeting of congress had been adopted, Mr. Madison records: 'Mr. King asked what was the precise meaning of 'direct taxation.' No one answered.' But Mr. Gerry immediately moved to amend by the insertion of the clause that 'from the first meeting of the legislature of the United States until a census shall be taken, all moneys for supplying the public treasury by direct taxation shall be raised from the several states according to the number of their representatives respectively in the first branch.' This left for the time the matter of collection to the states. Mr. Langdon objected that this would bear unreasonably hard against New Hampshire, and Mr. Martin said that direct taxation should not be used but in cases of absolute necessity, and then the states would be the best judges of the mode. 5 Elliot, Deb. 451, 453.
Thus was accomplished one of the great compromises of the constitution, resting on the doctrine that the right of representation ought to be conceded to every community on which a tax is to be imposed, but crystallizing it in such form as to allay jealousies in respect of the future balance of power; to reconcile conflicting views in respect of the enumeration of slaves; and to remove the objection that, in adjusting a system of representation between the states, regard should be had to their relative wealth, since those who were to be most heavily [157 U.S. 429, 564]   taxed ought to have a proportionate influence in the government.
The compromise, in embracing the power of direct taxation, consisted not simply in including part of the slaves in the enumeration of population, but in providing that, as between state and state, such taxation should be proportioned to representation. The establishment of the same rule for the apportionment of taxes as for regulating the proportion of representatives, observed Mr. Madison in No. 54 of the Federalist, was by no means founded on the same principle, for, as to the former, it had reference to the proportion of wealth, and, although in respect of that it was in ordinary cases a very unfit measure, it 'had too recently obtained the general sanction of America not to have found a ready preference with the convention,' while the opposite interests of the states, balancing each other, would produce impartiality in enumeration.
By prescribing this rule, Hamilton wrote (Federalist, No. 36) that the door was shut 'to partiality or oppression,' and 'the abuse of this power of taxation to have been provided against with guarded circumspection'; and obviously the operation of direct taxation on every state tended to prevent resort to that mode of supply except under pressure of necessity, and to promote prudence and economy in expenditure…
From the foregoing it is apparent (1) that the distinction between direct and indirect taxation was well understood by the framers of the constitution and those who adopted it; (2) that, under the state system of taxation, all taxes on [157 U.S. 429, 574]   real estate or personal property or the rents or income thereof were regarded as direct taxes; (3) that the rules of apportionment and of uniformity were adopted in view of that distinction and those systems; (4) that whether the tax on carriages was direct or indirect was disputed, but the tax was sustained as a tax on the use and an excise; (5) that the original expectation was that the power of direct taxation would be exercised only in extraordinary exigencies; and down to August 15, 1894, this expectation has been realized. The act of that date was passed in a time of profound peace, and if we assume that no special exigency called for unusual legislation, and that resort to this mode of taxation is to become an ordinary and usual means of supply, that fact furnishes an additional reason for circumspection and care in disposing of the case…
Nothing can be clearer than that what the constitution intended to guard against was the exercise by the general government of the power of directly taxing persons and property within any state through a majority made up from the other states.
It is true that the effect of requiring direct taxes to be apportioned among the states in proportion to their population is necessarily that the amount of taxes on the individual [157 U.S. 429, 583]   taxpayer in a state having the taxable subject-matter to a larger extent in proportion to its population than another state has, would be less than in such other state; but this inequality must be held to have been contemplated, and was manifestly designed to operate to restrain the exercise of the power of direct taxation to extraordinary emergencies, and to prevent an attack upon accumulated property by mere force of numbers.
It is not doubted that property owners ought to contribute in just measure to the expenses of the government. As to the states and their municipalities, this is reached largely through the imposition of direct taxes.
As to the federal government, it is attained in part through excises and indirect taxes upon luxuries and consumption generally, to which direct taxation may be added to the extent the rule of apportionment allows.
And through one mode or the other the entire wealth of the country, real and personal, may be made, as it should be, to contribute to the common defense and general welfare.
But the acceptance of the rule of apportionment was one of the compromises which made the adoption of the constitution possible, and secured the creation of that dual form of government, so elastic and so strong, which has thus far survived in unabated vigor.
If, by calling a tax indirect when it is essentially direct, the rule of protection could be frittered away, one of the great landmarks defining the boundary between the nation and the states of which it is composed, would have disappeared, and with it one of the bulwarks of private rights and private property.
We are of opinion that the law in question, so far as it levies a tax on the rents or income of real estate, is in violation of the constitution, and is invalid.

this link is also an “essential” for those of us that choose to be aware awake and honest – A MUST WATCH

RE: …like the CAFR AND ESF VIDEO’S this link is also an “essential” for those of us that 

choose to be aware awake and honest – A MUST WATCH

INFORMATIVE VIDEO ON Carnegie / Rockefeller conspiracy to control Americans through

 educational reforms

Comment by flagged on June 18, 2013 @ 3:17 am

> oh you can add this link to the list of MUST SEE INFORMATION – for anyone that may have

 missed it:

FBI head blows lid off of false flag ops all the way back to PEARL HAROBOR!!

Strap Yourself In

Video about how humanity will have the grand awakening.
And its due in mid 2013 - THATS NOW!
This is the benchmark EVENT I believe that everyone is talking about.
So strap yourself in, we are coming about for the ride of our lives.


Use your masterful powers of thought,
visualization and verbal intent to
Co-create a peaceful world now...

dolphins 3

Glenn to speak Wednesday, June 19th in front of the U.S. Capitol

Glenn to speak Wednesday, June 19th in front of the U.S. Capitol
click on source for announcement from Glen Beck *source
Earlier Video
June 17, 2013
Glenn to speak Wednesday in front of the U.S. Capitol
This Wednesday, June 19, in Washington D.C. there will be an open forum that will feature “border security, anti-amnesty members of Congress.” The debate is slated for 9AM to 12PM and then again from 2PM to 5PM. In between, members of Congress will join with an already-planned Tea Party rally against the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of conservative organizations. Glenn will be joining the event and speaking at noon.
“There are 70 Republicans now in congress that we sent there,” Glenn said. “They’re standing up this week and they’re about to be slaughtered.”
“I think there will be five people in Washington this week on Wednesday because it’s, you know, it’s a Wednesday. It’s in the middle of the week. Who does this? It’s costing me a fortune to be able to get the TV and everybody up there to be able to to be able to just cover it, let alone speak up there. I’m flying a few of my pastors and my priests and my rabbi friends up with me for an announcement with the BlackRobe Regiment. That’s not something I want to do. Last thing I want to do is get back on an airplane and travel up to Washington D.C. and stand there and be a part of that.”
“There are many things I don’t believe in anymore, and Washington is one of them. And I despise that city now. Because it has just become a symbol of corruption to me, a symbol of grotesque growth, where the rest of us are suffering in the rest of the country,” he said.
“But I will go and stand, and I ask you to do the same.”
Glenn has not asked people to attend an event like this in Washington, D.C. since Restoring Honor on August 28, 2010.
Later in the show, Glenn explained why he thought it was so important to be in D.C. for this event:
We’re not different. We’re not different than each other. We’re in different places. Our country is at stake. We’re not enemies of each other. We’re actually winning.
The president’s poll numbers with the youth down in a month 17%. Why? Don’t trust anyone over 30. They see through it. They see. Finally they see this guy is just as bad, if not worse than the last guy. Everything he has said to us is a lie. But time is running out because they’re also, the progressives on the Republicans and the democratic side, if we would spend less time arguing with each other on who’s better, the Republicans or the Democrats, and we would start talking about the real issues which is not conservative and liberal it is constitutionalist or progressive maybe we wouldn’t have had this problem. Maybe we wouldn’t have this problem because we’re not that far apart as people. But we have been used. By the global corporations, by the media, by those in power, by those elites, by those who think they know better, by those who look at the American people like cattle. I am not a cow. I am not a sheep. I am not on your farm. You are not my rancher. You are not, definitely not my shepherd. I do not answer to your voice. I only answer to one voice.
The American people have been betrayed and have betrayed ourselves, through our apathy and through our willingness to give other people the responsibility. I’m sorry, but the responsibility, I’ve been told a million times you can’t run faster than a man has strength. Well, God, give me strength. And when I see somebody else step up to the plate, I will so gladly go away. When I see somebody else say “I’m going to do it” and they have the opportunity to do it and the means to do it, I will so gladly give it to them. You can have my F’in’ company. You can have it. I don’t care! Show up! I don’t see anybody.
I thought of this last week. Somebody said… about Martin Luther King. And they said, what about Martin Luther King’s lifestyle? Because Martin Luther King, he was dicey with women and everything else. Yeah, he was. That shows you how desperate God gets sometimes. That shows you how weak we are sometimes. Because I know all the good guys. All the good guys were probably saying, “I don’t want all that trouble. I don’t want to give all this up. I don’t want to no, cause too much, it will cause too much of a hassle, it will cause this, it will cause that.” And so he gets down to the list and finally he’s got to go to somebody who’s a philanderer, finally he’s got to go a guy who’s an alcoholic, finally he’s got to go to somebody who doesn’t know their ass from their elbow, but they’ll stand up! Boy, you want to talk about making weak things strong, here we are, gang. Don’t tell me about how we’ve got to be positive.
I understand we have to be positive, with you we also have to be realists. “Hey, let’s be positive. Let’s make sure that everybody knows we’re all going to make it.” No. We’re on the Titanic. Not all of us are going to make it. And unless you have some urgency, we’re all going to die. We’re all gonna die. How’s that one? Play some music. Play some music once everybody’s in the boats. Play some music. If you can play some music and help people get into the boats in a rational way, great. Play some music. But if you’re playing some music just to make everybody, like, “relax, everything is good,” it’s not good. The boat’s sinking.
We’re all in this together. We’re all in this together. We really are. And we will make it as long as we have each other. As long as we don’t tear each other apart.
click on source for announcement from Glen Beck

Light show in Jerusalem June 5-13-2013

Light show in Jerusalem June 5-13-2013

The great NSA lie

Subject: The great NSA lie

The NSA is doing what is does in
response to 9/11?


The NSA's madness started LONG
before 9/11.



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3 Top Defenders Against Top Diseases

3 Top Defenders Against Top Diseases 

When someone is diagnosed with a serious disease like cancer or
heart disease, the initial reaction is usually shock or disbelief.

Because it so often seems that one day the person was "perfectly healthy" and the next day--BOOM! They've got this horrible disease.
I have news for you, my friend...
Even though disease may seem to suddenly come around the corner and hit you like a ton of bricks, that's simply not the case.  Ever.
Disease doesn't just POOF! appear out of nowhere.
Instead it's C-R-E-A-T-E-D over time.  Slowly, quietly, but ever so certainly.
With the exception of congenital illnesses (meaning you're born with a condition), disease typically goes through 5 distinct stages before it has you flat on your back (or on the operating table fighting for your life).
And paying attention to your body and recognizing the 5 stages of disease can truly make the difference between life and death.
Let's look at the 5 stages of disease and more importantly, see how YOU can help fight a disease no matter what stage it's at.

The 5 stages of disease
Stage 1: The acute phase
In stage 1, your body is challenged in some way. You might be under stress, working long hours, eating junk food, drinking too much alcohol, not getting enough sleep or a combination of those.
Your immune system is likely compromised, and you get sick -- a cold, flu or infection of some type.
Stage 1 symptoms tend to be of high intensity and short duration, such as an upset stomach, sore throat, fever, nasal congestion or headache for a few days.
Drugs are not necessarily indicated or needed. Usually the symptoms are a reflection of your body's efforts to "make itself better."
During this stage it's crucial to provide immune support with things like rest, vitamin C, antioxidants, probiotics and nutritious foods.
But if you instead ignore the problem, mask it with over-the-counter medicines or your body can't adequately heal from the acute illness, it can progress into...

Stage 2: The sub-acute phase
In this phase, symptoms are more intermittent, they come and go and are more medium in intensity. Vague complaints like headaches, back pains, muscle aches and fatigue pop up.
Immune support measures like rest and a diet of real foods are even MORE important in this stage, since illness is taking greater hold and beginning to weaken your body.
Unfortunately, what happens is most people in stage 2 simply take medications such as pain relievers or muscle relaxers, or rely on coffee or 5-hour energy drinks to alleviate the symptoms as they occur.
And if this goes on long enough, you can move on to...

Stage 3: The chronic phase
The effects of an unresolved sub-acute condition may go deeper into your body, further weaken your immune system and progress into a chronic condition.
In the chronic stage, inflammation begins popping up, and your tissues, organs and bodily systems actually begin to degenerate.
Although chronic symptoms may be less intense than sub-acute symptoms, they're usually present most or all of the time. Since inflammation is seeping deeper into your body and affecting its systems, physical impairments can begin to appear too.
Your immune system is seriously challenged at this point and cannot provide the disease-protection support that it should.
But just like in stage 2, many people ignore what is now an air horn being blown by your body, and instead just use drugs (both OTC and prescription) as well as coffee, sugar or alcohol just to get through their day.
But those "fixes" make the immune system even MORE weak and your problem MUCH bigger.
And that is the perfect invitation for the arrival of...

Stage 4: The degenerative phase
At this stage your tissues are breaking down all over. Your body is so challenged that it's chopping away at its own minerals from your muscles and bones just to survive.
Your cells die and don't regenerate as quickly as they should. This can mean anything from digestive problems to slow healing to weakness and fatigue.
You can begin having problems with your endocrine system (hormones) and nervous system. Plus your body's system of detoxification begins breaking down, which means toxins are now running rampant through your bloodstream, making you even sicker and worsening pain and inflammation.
Musculoskeletal problems can arise such as ruptured discs, bone loss and joint problems. Plus your immune system is so weak and inflammation so strong that things like autoimmune conditions, fibromyalgia and atherosclerosis can pop up.
At stage 4, a substantial overhaul of diet and lifestyle is VITAL. Your body needs serious nutrients, your immune system is waving the white flag of defeat and you're now running the risk of a life-threatening disease.
But sadly, many people who are in stage 4 go to the doctor and typically get...MORE medications. And the degenerative process going on inside of them is not addressed and unfortunately may reach the final stage...

Stage 5: This disabling phase
The final stage of disease is the disabling phase. Extensive damage has occurred to your body's organs and tissues to the extent that you can't adequately function.
You may have major trouble even walking or moving around. You can't sit for long periods. It's a major chore just to get up in the morning.
You can't do your job, so you go on disability or maybe even totally lose your income.
The damage may be permanent, or only partially reversible at this stage.
Stage 5 includes serious diseases such as stroke, heart disease, cancer and MS.
At this point, better nutrition and immune strengthening can help improve your quality of life and reverse whatever CAN be reversed, but it's typically a L-O-N-G process and the prognosis isn't always rosy.
Disabling conditions frequently progress to death.

So as you can see, disease doesn't just suddenly jump up and bite you in the derriere.
It's created through a distinct process, and the success of each stage to develop is dependent on how much you ignore the stage you're in, mask your symptoms with drugs and throw your immune system to the wind.
But the good news is you CAN make a difference in your health at ANY stage.
Even in the most serious stage 5, you can quite possibly help reverse some of the damage, feel a whole lot better and perhaps add years to your life.
Here's how--let's look at the...
3 major defenses against disease
1- Get the nutrients your body must have
There's no two ways about it -- the single most disease-preventing, health-enhancing and life-saving factor is WHAT YOU PUT IN YOUR MOUTH.
If you eat a typical "modern diet" of processed food, fast food or refined carbs that are nutrient-poor, you can count on cruising through the stages of disease--it's practically a given.
Plus, if you eat combinations of foods that don't digest well in your system, you are opening the door for inflammation-causing acid wastes to accumulate in your system and making yourself toxic.
Diseases LOVE a nice, toxic body -- they THRIVE in that environment.
You HAVE to eat the foods that give your body the nutrients it needs to fight sickness and disease, and encourage proper elimination of wastes.
Vegetables. Fruits. Lean meats and fish. Whole grains. Water. Nuts and healthy oils. All in combinations that are easy for your body to digest.
And that is what you will learn to do when you use the Great Taste No Pain system.
The Great Taste No Pain manuals will teach you the few simple principles you'll need to know to make all of your meals tasty, super nutritious and easy to digest.
When your body is armed with the nutrients it needs, it can better heal itself and stop the cycle of disease.
And when your digestion is efficient, you can eliminate toxins, viruses and other pathogens much easier, and help prevent them from taking hold on you.
Plus, eating for great health also helps nourish the friendly flora in your gut, where 70% of your precious immune system resides.

2- Help rebuild your immune system with a high-quality probiotic
The typical habits many people have are murder on their immune system.
Things like junk food, soda, smoking, not getting enough sleep and taking medications all destroy your beneficial gut flora...
...and as a result, you are greatly lacking the protection of the bulk of your immune system!
But a medical-grade, multi-strain probiotic like Super Shield can help turn that around for you.
Super Shield contains 13 strains of the world's most potent, effective beneficial bacteria found in the human digestive tract. These good guys line the walls of your intestines like an army, ready to fight off dangerous invaders.
They also compete with harmful bacteria for "parking spaces" on your gut wall, crowding the bad guys and starving them.
This will help strengthen your gut wall, so acid wastes and toxins are less likely to leak into your bloodstream and cause illness and inflammation.
Plus, Super Shield helps make your digestion more efficient...which can mean less gas, bloating, heartburn and other digestive troubles.

3- The Body Movement Factor
Exercise is virtually a natural anti-disease tonic...
Take a look at just some of the impressive benefits you can enjoy from moving your butt in ways OTHER than just from the couch to the refrigerator and back:
- Weight management: Regular physical activity helps to increase muscle mass and decrease body fat.
- High blood pressure prevention: Physical activity strengthens the heart and lungs which can help control and reduce blood pressure.
- Decreased cardiovascular disease risk: Physical activity strengthens heart muscles, lowers resting heart rate and improves blood lipids (decreasing triglycerides and LDL and increases HDL).
- Reduced cancer risk: Being overweight increases a person's risk of cancer, so physical activity can help reduce cancer risk by reducing weight.
- Decreased back pain: Exercise can increase muscle strength, endurance, flexibility and posture, all of which can help prevent back injuries and alleviate back pain.
- Lower risk of type II diabetes: Regular physical activity can lead to decreases in blood glucose, insulin resistance and other health complications associated with type II diabetes, as well as help maintain a healthy bodyweight which also helps prevent the development of type II diabetes.
- Optimized bone mass: Weight-bearing physical activity can encourage bone formation and slow the progress of bone loss.
- Enhanced sleep quality: Regular exercise is a natural stress reducer, can help improve mood and reduce depression and anxiety, and encourage more restful sleep.
Stop the excuses already. If you have time to watch TV, play on the computer or read gossip magazines, you have time to exercise.

You CAN make a difference--it's never too late
If you see yourself in any of the 5 stages of disease, know this:
You CAN make a difference and help STOP disease from taking its toll on you.
It's never too late to help your body develop better health from within...that is, as long as you're still breathing and vertical.
Give your body the help it needs to give YOU a life free of pain, disease and an endless sea of medications.
Believe me, it will make all the difference in the world for you.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS:  We're now on Facebook! Like us here:
- https://www.facebook.com/GreatTasteNoPain.HolisticBlendsInc

PPS: Janette is 68 but she feels 40 now!
Dear Sherry,
I was really interested in your email about stopping reflux drugs. I was on Losec and then Nexium for many years and when I asked my GP if I could stop it he said that if I did I would end up with a stricture.
I did a bit of research on natural therapies and I discovered the importance of keeping my body alkaline. After doing this I stopped the medications and felt okay but still had occasional reflux.
I was searching the internet because I had recurrent bladder infections and I came across your Great Taste No Pain plan. After purchasing your plan a few months ago I now have no reflux and am on no medications - and no stricture. What a con.
I also started on Super Shield and have improved out of sight. I am 68 years old and feel 40, with more energy than I have had for years, with no bloating or cramps.
I have also noted that family members who have died from cancer of the esophagus have been on reflux drugs!
Also I suffered with constipation in my twenties and the doctor told me to take a laxative. I took this and ended up having a small bowel resection in my 40's for Intussusception. I suspect this was caused by the laxatives prescribed by the doc.
I now challenge them when they offer drugs and have recently refused to take statins for high cholesterol and I hope that next time I have a test it will be a lot better. I have also lost the weight I needed to lose.
Thank you for you for sharing your findings. I tell everyone I meet about it.
God Bless You.
Check out THOUSANDS of Great Taste No Pain success stories here.
Want the best probiotic on the market today? Then learn why Super Shield outshines all the rest here. 
Got low energy? Brain fog? CRS disease? You just may be low in in just one vitamin. One out of four people are. Read more about this deficiency and how you can help turn that around FAST.
Years of junk foods, meats, alcohol and soft drinks results in a decrease in your body's ability to produce digestive enzymes. This can result in daily painful gas, bloating, heartburn and constipation no matter how otherwise healthy your diet is! Digestizol Max can help turn that around for you fast. Its effective blend of 14 plant-derived enzymes and soothing herbs will help carry out the job of digestion and keep you feeling great! Learn more about Digestizol Max here.
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Want case studies?  Here are a few THOUSAND health turnarounds for you to marvel at.

Haven't taken the Great Taste No Pain test drive?  Why not?  Get over to
- http://www.greattastenopain.com/freereports/ and feel the power of Great Taste No Pain.

Want to read past articles? Here they are.
* Forward this email to the people you care about the most!
(c) copyright 2013 Holistic Blends  
- http://www.greattastenopain.com/great.asp
- http://www.greattastenogluten.com/great.asp
- http://www.bluerockholistics.com

Orders: 1-315-295-1236
**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**
Pain-Free Living is a permission-based newsletter. The only way to receive it is to request it here   

201 IRS employees work full-time on union business....on the taxpayer’s time and you get to pay for it !

And therein lies the basic problem.... yes a FEDERAL agency can do that... BUT the IRS is no more FEDERAL than my big toe!


201 IRS employees work full-time on union business

More reason why the Federal government needs a serious haircut!!


“… In a response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request from Americans for Limited Government, the Internal Revenue Service revealed this month that 201 of its employees work full-timehttp://dailycaller.com/2013/06/13/foia-201-irs-employees-work-full-time-on-union-business/ on union activities.
“A lot of people are not aware that under federal law, a federal agency is allowed to enter into a collective bargaining agreement with a union that has provisions where employeeshttp://dailycaller.com/2013/06/13/foia-201-irs-employees-work-full-time-on-union-business/ of the agency, in this case the IRS, are allowed to do union work on the taxpayer’s time and get paid for it,” ALG president and Nathan Mehrens explained in an interview with The Daily Caller.
“As Office of Personnel Management documents explain, the performance of union duties instead of official government businesshttp://dailycaller.com/2013/06/13/foia-201-irs-employees-work-full-time-on-union-business/ is allowed, as it is a part of the government’s collective bargaining system. …

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/06/13/foia-201-irs-employees-work-full-time-on-union-business/#ixzz2WEiLqT2h


Titan The NEW NSA Supercomputer: I Have Become God, And I Know Your Innermost Thoughts. The Real Reason Behind NSA..

Titan The NEW NSA Supercomputer: I Have Become God, And I Know Your Innermost Thoughts. The Real Reason Behind NSA..
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Monday, 17-Jun-2013 09:22:18

snip from article:
The new real-life NSA supercomputer, called Titan, is named after a race of gods created from descendants of Earth and Uranus, hybrids, immortal, of great strength of body and mind and rulers of Earth; it was the Titan Prometheus who created man from clay and theft of fire.
The Titan Supercomputer, with enough computing power and infallible memory to become sentient, will come online in October, 2013 and, like “Skynet”, will it begin to learn? With the brain capacity of 41 million human minds and all of the data and information about billions of human beings - this "machine" could become quite powerful very quickly. With connections to satellites and every major power and command center on earth and the knowledge base of nearly every human mind in the written history of mankind - all written knowledge: we can only imagine the possibilities.
Human Epitaph
Kurzweil, the lead public futurist barking for the technocratic elite, predicts the next evolution on earth will be the machine. In his vision, mankind morphs into a machine, leaving his ephemeral human vessel behind, a biological consciousness welded into machine performance on a quest for immortality and a chance to become a god.
According to Kurzweil, the current human biological evolutionary path to knowledge is bottlenecked by brain speed limits and memory capacity: "The brain's weakness is the extraordinarily slow speed of its computing medium, a limitation that computers do no share with us. For this reason, DNA-based evolution will eventually have to be abandoned." *
With the arrival of Titan, the latest and greatest model of a co-evolving machine-based life, the technology now exists to eradicate all human privacy. This is a very big event in human history, one that would require a book to explore, but I am going to venture a few reasons why it will become the bifurcation point in the race of the man versus the machine.
Privacy also includes privacy of thought; technology permitting direct measure and prediction of thought is now being successfully deployed.
·  Privacy is a uniquely human idea and experience and I would argue necessary for human evolution and growth as a species of individuals seeking an individual experience with paths to personal growth, sprirtualism and self actualization.
Without privacy, what is a individual? He or she is a forgone conclusion, a worker bee, a drone or, using a Star Trek analogy, a Borg. Without privacy, human development, personality, strengths, appearance and characteristics will become uniform and monotonous. Without privacy, there will eventually be no concept of private property and its accumulation toward expressions of sudden knowledge bursts and improvement via repeated struggle of human minds seeking to solve problems benefiting the individual and species.
·  Without private property, there can be no Liberty by definition. Liberty is the freedom of will to choose and do individual things, think individual thoughts and express oneself individually, concomitantly where news and knowledge of these expressions is always derivative, never before the fact.
Without privacy, I would argue much of mankind will make his last act of individualism and choose not to live, because privacy is the oneness, the aloneness that defines the “I” in "I am alive".
Mankind 2.0
Kurzweil and other futurists, god wannabees, technocrats, and wealth-dense psychopaths all know and anticipate an end for human beings in our present form. They anticipate a grand culling where those who will not conform and 'transform' will lose the will to live in a world of intellectual and physical inferiority; in a world without the privacy necessary to trigger a far stronger, intelligent and self evolving human individual.
The technocrats expect 'standard' wetware human beings to become drones, slaves, relegated to the toy closest of wealthy gods looking for interesting gifts for their children. But I think humanity is still possessed of something the gods of the machine have failed to recognize in their haste to end the individual and build a collective hive minded, data sharing, alpha Borg.
Quantum Minds and Spiritual Entanglements
·  The human brain, impossibly slow and working with junior-sized memory, is still not fully understood and, surprisingly to the machine metaphysicians, is still able to solve problems apparently impossible within a purely analytical, algorithm-based paradigm of brain-mind operation. Many scientists and philosophers find the idea that a computer could be conscious, just by doing what they do now only faster and with more memory, wishful thinking bordering on insane.
Thinkers such as John Searle have made arguments that Artificial Intelligence is only a “ useful tool in the study of mind” and no matter how quickly, or massively parallel, these “Strong Calculators” perform algorithms and mathematical calculations - without the ability to ever ‘understand‘ they can only simulate the operation of the mind.
Summarizing Searle and others such as John McCarthy, the inventor of the term Artificial Intelligence:
mental states are biological phenomena. Consciousness, intentionality, subjectivity and mental causation are all a part of our biological life history, along with growth, reproduction, the secretion of bile, and digestion.
·  Another scientist and writer versed in multiple disciplines is Roger Penrose, English mathematical physicist, recreational mathematician and philosopher. Starting with Gödel’s incompleteness theorem and working through some advanced mathematics, Penrose concludes the human mind is not a Turing Machine because, if it were, the mind would be hobbled by Gödelian limitations.
·  Penrose postulates that since Gödelian impossible problems require an infinite number of calculations, the human mind goes around this “Gödelian Bottleneck” using quantum computing, a method of solving problems of the type requiring a large number, or even an infinite number of calculations. Quantum computers, that have been already built using human DNA as the processor, instantly distill a large number of calculations into a result by “actually turning an infinite time into a finite time”[**]
Beyond the abstract arguments couched in obscurity of abstruse mathematics is the question of life from a spiritual point of view. The idea that human beings are more than a meat sack benefiting from an evolved, 3 pound, wet-working, DNA based, sugar-powered parallel processor. Many people see the human body as the seat of a soul, a higher being condensed into a suitable shell, enjoying a spectacularly human experience as part of an immortal sequence of an infinite number of lifetimes.
The evidence of what Lawrence LeShan called the “Clairvoyant Reality” and “Transpsychic Reality” seems to indicate the human mind is also connected to a higher order of consciousness, something connecting all life, perhaps all life in the Universe. Dr. LeShan and others have used altered states of consciousness to discover information and to affect changes in our reality including healing of others through psychic connections, that cannot be explained using models based on algorithms and Turing machines.
Humans possess a DNA-based genetic blueprint capable of storing massive amounts of data, at least 700 Terabytes per gram of DNA is the current estimate. Additionally, the human brain appears to contain a light-sensitive receiver capable of detecting light even in total darkness, the Pineal gland. The Pineal gland structure and the structure of DNA suggest that both may have properties of a receiving antenna, capable of receiving and transmitting electromagnetic information.
·  These discoveries and the lack of information about how that brain/mind organ actually works, mean that the human evolution/spiritual path my have yet much to reveal. Perhaps expanded consciousness and more directed use of dormant DNA will lead to a biological human 2.0, given time.
Collectivism’s Final Frontier
Kurzweil makes the claim that machines have characteristics which make them superior to humans along a number of dimensions. One of the primary attributes of machine intelligences is their ability to quickly share and clone information (data).
Machines, according to Kurzweil would only require one working unit to populate their entire kind - a single machine life-form could then clone and copy data to others; instantly the new machines would have access to all the knowledge of their ancestor. “Machines can readily share all of their accumulated knowledge, so only one machine has to do the learning”.
·  Humans on the other hand must learn via a slow and arduous process and, at the same time, suffer the loss of memory and incorporate detriments of an aging body.
The advantages of instantly sharing, copying and cloning information among artificially intelligent entities are, however, inconsistent with individuality and novelty. Humans beings are individuals, experiencing an individual life; contributing to the collective lives of others only as required for optimum survival of the individual and hence the species. Individuals are required to produce and populate the species and distinctive characteristics evolve by natural selection and the nature of the spawned individual, which introduces novelty and unexpected consequences and the uniqueness of an individuals experience.
Data sharing, cloning and copying are schematic code for uniformity and a singular experience. Creating life based on sharing and copying are consistent with Collectivism, a paradigm used to conform and transform individuality into uniformity and consistent with the known consequences of generational incest.
Kurzweil and global elite expecting to somehow “breakaway” from their humanity and merge with the machine resulting in both immortality and access to infinite knowledge must also understand it is the nature of collectivism to reduce complexity in the pursuit uniformity. Collectivism favors the collectors; any systems involving sentient life must also include a hierarchy of interests with rules of survival dictating use of resources. Kurzweil and company may find themselves trapped in their own collective, prisoners of immortality and numbed down by monotony.
In the words of the Borg: We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile."


Posted By: IZAKOVIC [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 17-Jun-2013 08:12:44

Many US Doctors Opting Out Of All Insurance...Going To Cash, Cutting Prices In Half

Many US Doctors Opting Out Of All Insurance...Going To Cash, Cutting Prices In Half
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Monday, 17-Jun-2013 21:35:09
Doctors all over the country are opting out of accepting insurance and government subsidies as payment for healthcare and taking cash paying customers. It seems that Obamacare is forcing them to reevaluate how they provide the best healthcare to their patients. Not only does it cut out the middle man (government and insurance companies), but it also drastically reduces prices for patients; some by as much as half!
Consider these doctors. First, Dr. Robert Lamberst, a primary care physician in Martinez, Ga., has adopted a new system of billing patients. The new system charges a monthly flat fee instead of taking insurance, Medicare or Medicaid for office visits, according to local NBC 26.
According to Lambert’s site, the fee ranges from $30 to $60 a month depending on a patient’s age and covers all primary-care services. However, he points out that this only covers his services and that insurance may be necessary for other care.
“My fee covers only my services, not the cost of visits to specialists or many of the tests I may order,” the website states. “This means that insurance may still be needed for much of the care I may order.”
He is hopeful that the system will be an alternative and help to be a solution to skyrocketing health care costs.
Then there’s Dr. Michael Ciampi, a Maine physician who stopped accepting all forms of health insurance, both private and government sponsored. His new plan took effect April 1, 2013. His prices are posted at his site.
“It’s been almost unanimous that patients have expressed understanding at why I’m doing what I’m doing, although I’ve had many people leave the practice because they want to be covered by insurance, which is understandable,” Ciampi said.
“I’m freed up to do what I think is right for the patients,” Ciampi said. “If I’m providing them a service that they value, they can pay me, and we cut the insurance out as the middleman and cut out a lot of the expense.”
Ciampi had about 2,000 patients before the move and lost several hundred. However, he believes he will gain new patients to replace those. He’s offering discounts for those struggling with medical bills and even making house calls.
Ciampi says, “I’ve been able to cut my prices in half because my overhead will be so much less.”
“If more doctors were able to do this, that would be real health care reform,” he said. “That’s when we’d see the cost of medicine truly go down.”
Finally, consider thirty-two year old Doctor Doug Nunamaker of Witchita, Kansas, who claims to make the same income and offers better quality care to his patients after dumping the health insurance companies. Nunamaker switched to a system where he charges a simple monthly fee plus the price of an office visit or test.
Breitbart reports,
For example, under Nunamaker’s membership plan — also known as “concierge” medicine or “direct primary care” practices — each patient pays a flat monthly fee to have unlimited access to the doctors and any medical service they can provide in the practice, such as stitches or an EKG.
For adults up to age 44, Nunamaker charges $50 a month, pediatric services are $10 a month, and for adults age 44 and older it costs $100 a month. Although Nunamaker calls the practice “cash-only,” he accepts credit and debit cards for the fees and services.
Nunamaker and his partner negotiated deals for services outside the office. A cholesterol test costs the patient for $3, versus the $90 or more billed to insurance companies; an MRI can cost $400, compared with $2,000 or more billed to insurance companies.
Read more: http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/06/us-doctors-drop-private-govt-insurance-provide-better-healthcare-lower-prices/#ixzz2WWlLv0eY