Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Generals64 Notes per the Dinar VIP email

generals64: The e-mail will come through KCMANA…. She won’t turn it loose (your e-mail addresses) because I promised you guys she wouldn’t.

generals64: This is through the bank and not in a strip mall like that says. Folks, here is how simple it is.  If you are unhappy then withdraw immediately.  I really don’t care. The people I care about are the ones who have stuck it out for such a long time just like me… Okie, those people. These new wanna-bes don’t know what’s going on. Is there a better negotiable rate?  Find out on your own. Me… I have talked with the bank, with negotiators, with some of the idiots on the other sites and me, I’m going forward. I made a promise to you guys and I have NOT swayed any direction. I receive over 100 calls daily and my stories are the same.

generals64: I hope Okie is allowed to present his so-called g graduation letter. He has taken a bunch of crap over the years. Me? I’m going straight to Vegas and buy a thousand hot dogs and give ‘em away….

 generals64: Roscoe came in the room, poured himself a cup of coffee and lit up a cigarette. He said, “Hey, I want to know when the dinar is going to revalue.”  So, I said to him, “Put out the cigarette and get your feet off the table.”  That dog doesn’t smoke, so I guess its getting to him also…. and sure enough, he had his dinar stuck in his collar and seemed he was headed to Reno.

 generals64: It was a sad to see his face when he had to put out the cigarette even though he was coughing like he was trying to get rid of a hairball.

 generals64: So, I sat him down…. Got him a good chew bone and a bowl of water and explained to him how its supposed to happen. You know, he reads all the internet junk and wants to argue.

 generals64: Well, he wants to argue because Jester and Wild Duck said something so I told him to listen to what Studley and hardtorecall says because they know what is going on.  No, just like any other kid “the old man is dumb”….

DinarWishes: Generals64, I had someone call me and say someone put out some crap on recaps about the group?
generals64: DinarWishes, yeah, I don’t know who they are but I will debate any of them now… Even Winalot… oops, I get in trouble there… DinarWishes, tell them how many calls and BS stories I get daily…. they won’t believe me.

DinarWishes: Guys, let me help all of you understand. Let’s play a game. its goes like this…. Number 1…. Has anyone from this site or General’s group called to ask for your dinar?  NO.  Number 2. If anyone does ask for your dinar…. RUNNNNNNN

DinarWishes: The only one you will be dealing with is a banker, period… in a bank. If you want something different then all you have to do to leave the group is not call the number when its given. Simple enough.

generals64: Let me really explain this program… Seriously… but let me have the floor and you guys/gals, keep it together. It’ll take a minute.

generals64: This entire thing started in hopes of getting EVERYONE in Dinarville a better rate. We simply wanted maybe a better rate. You guys have to realize the banks are not required by law to cash in ANY foreign currency.

generals64: So, a few of us tried to pool our dinar numbers…. Everyone holds their own… I contacted Studley and he and I began working on it… KCmana (Drill Sargeant) came on board due to her ability to work a computer.

generals64: KCmana helped begin putting this together… Then it broke loose… everyone had their special group and they would get a better rate and so on. Studley knows people at the bank… so do others. I don’t. I bank at a small local bank…. Well, I am retired and nothing to do so I worked on it.

generals64: We got a lady from KC to put together an e-mail program that can not be broken into so no one would be trying to sell the e-mail addresses…. and folks it is stout.

Now, I have never asked for a nickle nor have I ever asked for your dinar. When this first started, we were confused like the newbies but we stay true and honest. Yes, I have been accused of so much crap but let me tell you, I really do talk with the negotiator daily and with our group members daily and I stay away from any of the BS on the internet, why? Because so far, none of it has been true….  Now, if you had been on the conference call it was the grumpy old man that said, “Okie should be the one that announces this.”  Personally, I don’t even care.

wisewarrior: How can this guy say it’s a scam? I mean, really.
DinarWishes: Because he is ignorant of how it actually is set up.

generals64: Now, it keeps getting out of control.  I have been threatened for my life. (I don’t scare real easy.)  I have been called a scammer, a pumper and a real good looking guy. None of that was true. I do have a beautiful dog.  He is my best pal but he can’t really talk.

generals64: Now, our proposal was this.  Once the politicos go in and get through, we as a group would like a shot at cashing our dinar and other currencies in. The powers-to-be agreed. That is etched in stone.  Then I was told that we have an amount of people (can’t print here, I promised) and I almost got sick at my stomach because I know these people are watching our leadership group…. and you can ask these people if I don’t yell a lot.

DinarWishes: He does

generals64: KCmana… OKCbulldog (my kid)… 4th time… Ride for the  Brand… Beachdreaming…  WileyMorgan… Jimmysmack… hardtorecall… these people have stayed in line for YOU!! Not for money, or fame but for the group.

They have helped me in every way. The bankers asked ALL of those that people were following to stop spreading information. I was called… so was Okie… so was DinarWishes (he and I talk everyday) and I stopped… No one else did.

DinarWishes: Ummmm, I did too.

generals64: But the banks are the people in charge.  So, I did as asked.  Now, the date (who knows?), the rate (who knows?) but the bankers will appreciate all we have done to stay civil.

generals64: The bank asked KCmana if she could get it organized. She told them what we had and they all but offered her a job.  We have their job done for them.

DinarWishes: With a bow.

generals64: Just so you guys know… We are the largest single group out there… and I am proud of all of you.  About me.  I am 67 years old, I have been married 50 years to the same woman, I have 2 sons and 6 grandkids… also, Roscoe the wonder dog.

generals64: I told the bank I wanted nothing extra but I wanted everyone involved in our group to be treated like the adults they are. If you act like a kid, you’ll be treated like a kid. Now, once again. NO BANK is required to cash in your foreign currency. That is a PERK.  Hello, remember that word?  No bank has a package other than what they give to their customers.

DinarWishes: Generals64, let’s make something clear. This is for the exchange and then once they deal with a private banker is when the packages come into play… right?
generals64: DinarWishes, yeah, getting a bit tired here.

generals64: If you are smart, you will find a good tax attorney and heed his/her advice. The banks offer Wealth Management prog...

URGENT Donations for registered mailings relating to a project for the wrongfully incarcerated

Subject: URGENT Donations for registered mailings relating to a project for the wrongfully incarcerated


As some of you may know, I have been working on a package for submission to various agencies on the wrongfully incarcerated. It has taken a long time and includes a collation of documents, articles and original research, that had initially started for one man currently warehoused in a TX Fed Prison not only on bogus OID charges as he never collected one, but he set off the charges as well not once but 16 times with a variety of set off instruments, any one of which has at one time or another "worked" and as it should. The fact that it does not "work" is due to IRS deceptive handiwork as it challenges and defies the CORPORATE PROFIT business, most of all, the PRISON FOR PROFIT INDUSTRY.

This project began with the pains and pleadings of one to two men and grew to 15 unlawfully incarcerated.  It has been a fruitful but time consuming venture and I am just about complete.

I am in need of donatrons, however small, to submit these packages by registered mail.  There are 17 US (maybe 18) and 3-4 international. Registerred mailing is about 35 USD, US and 70 -100 for international registered mail.  I have received some donations and for that I am grateful but the total is not nearly enough to what i need at this time.  Any denomination would help.

I could use the help with this phase of the project.

I believe my concept will open the floodgates to the wrongfully incarcerated, based on the content within,  and welcome your urgent support. Any amount will be welcomed, I want to get this out soon so all donations welcome this week.

Please email or skype if you can support this project as soon as possible

Peace and blessings  Jaby (jan)

TWA Flight 800 investigators break silence in new documentary, claim original conclusion about cause of crash is wrong

Another example of government corruption.  But why this???  What would be their motive for hiding the truth?

TWA Flight 800 investigators break silence in new documentary, claim original conclusion about cause of crash is wrong

Published June 18, 2013
  • TWA 800.jpg
    July 16, 2008: The remains of the TWA Flight 800 from New York to Paris that exploded off Long Island, New York at National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) Training Facility in Ashburn,Virginia. (REUTERS/Hyungwon Kang)
A group of whistle-blowers, including a number of aviation experts, have come forward in a new documentary to claim that the official explanation for the crash of TWA Flight 800 was wrong and a gas tank explosion did not bring down the flight off the coast of Long Island 17 years ago.
However, the six whistle-blowers, all part of the original investigation team, stopped short of saying the plane was shot down.
Flight 800, a Boeing 747, had just taken off from JFK airport with 230 people aboard on July 17, 1996, en route to Paris when it exploded and crashed off the coast of nearby East Moriches, Long Island, killing everyone on the plane.
“..This team of investigators who actually handled the wreckage and victims’ bodies, prove that the officially proposed fuel-air explosion did not cause the crash,” reads a statement by the producers of the film, which will debut on cable network EPIX next month. “They also provide radar and forensic evidence proving that one or more ordnance explosions outside the aircraft caused the crash.” However, the statement said they did not speculate about the source or sources of any ordnance explosions.
The whistle-blower team, which includes investigators -- at the time -- from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), TWA, and the Airline Pilots Association, have since retired from their positions. They claim that at the time, they were placed under a gag order by the NTSB, which they charged falsified the official conclusion of the cause of the crash. They indicated they would elaborate more in a Wednesday media briefing.
The NTSB report, the culmination of a four-year investigation, suggested the cause of the explosion was due to an explosion in the gas tank caused by a short circuit.
With conspiracy theories immediately swirling around the crash -- one being that it was caused by a terrorist missile strike -- the FBI conducted a 16-month investigation and concluded that there was no evidence to indicate that any criminal act occurred.

Read more:

Overpopulation: The Making of a Myth

Subject: Overpopulation: The Making of a Myth

A quick look at "overpopulation."

It started in England, coincidentally
when the British elite were trying
to eliminate the Irish.

Interestingly, the overpopulation
people are most enthusiastic about
reducing populations where there
are a lot of non-Anglo people
who are sitting on a lot of natural
resources they want.

They never talk about reducing
the population of government


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U.S. Constitution Declared an Absolutely Worthless Document?

Subject: U.S. Constitution Declared an Absolutely Worthless Document?
To: <>

Western Journalism
  Please give your attention to this important announcement from Capitol Hill Daily. From time to time, we send you content on behalf of third parties we believe may be of interest to you and we believe this one deserves your attention.

Dear Proud American,

Take a long, hard look above...

These are the people who represent you... who represent America.

How does that make you feel?



Personally, it makes me feel sick.

This isn't the America I know and love. This isn't the America my ancestors staked their lives for.

Today, Big Government reign is enslaving our freedoms.

It can punish you for your political affiliation...

It can listen in on your personal phone calls, read your emails, spy on your every move without court authorization...

Big Government reign decides who lives, and who dies.

It can even kill you right where you stand, without trial.

Worst of all, it's so easy to get away with.

Take another look above... think about all they've gotten away with... all the blood on their hands.

Now let me ask you one last question - will you help me do something about it?

I can't stomach our "leaders" lying through their teeth one second longer. It's time to tell Congress enough is enough!

It's time to demand that Congress impeach this pack of corrupt, degenerate thugs, before it gets any worse. Because personally, I don't want to see what "worse" looks like...

Let's take a stand in favor of America's restoration. The America our forefathers built.

Sign Capitol Hill Daily's petition to impeach Barack Obama and help us put an end to the destruction of civil liberty once and for all.

The Constitution is worthless if we don't do everything we can to enforce it.



Martin Biancuzzo
Senior Political Analyst, Capitol Hill Daily
  The Center for Western Journalism 42104 N Venture Drive Suite B-122, Anthem, AZ 85086

TWA Flight 800 Crash: Documentary Will Prompt New Probe Into Deadly Plane Explosion

TWA Flight 800 Crash: Documentary Will Prompt New Probe Into Deadly Plane Explosion
NEW YORK -- Former investigators of the TWA Flight 800 crash off Long Island are calling on the National Transportation Safety Board to re-examine the case.
The retired investigators claim that findings were "falsified." A documentary on the subject is coming out in July.
The 1996 crash of the Paris-bound flight killed 230 people.
Initial speculation ranged from maintenance problems to a bomb and even a meteorite. Some critics theorized that a Navy missile accidentally brought down the jetliner.
The NTSB concluded that Flight 800 was destroyed by a center fuel tank explosion, probably caused by a spark from a short-circuit in the wiring.
The agency said Wednesday its four-year probe remains one of its "most detailed investigations."

The board said it would review any petition it receives from the documentary's producers.

Senator Durbin to Reintroduce Supplement Bill
Call Toll Free: 877-985-2695

Senator Durbin to Reintroduce Supplement Bill

June 19, 2013

By Dr. Mercola

Make no mistake.  There is a well orchestrated campaign underway to take away your rights and access to vitamins and supplements.

You have likely witnessed the recent flurry of articles from doctors with scary headlines like "Don't Take Your Vitamins" written by Paul Offit.  Senator Dick Durbin has taken a leading role as well.
Senator Durbin was also a sponsor for the SOPA / PIPA act, which would give the government even more power to censor and control the internet. You would think it would be impossible at this point to have MORE control, considering the recent leaks regarding the NSA.
There is no satiating the hunger for more power in our federal government. Politicians will scare you about sugary beverages loaded with caffeine as examples of the dangerous and 'unregulated' supplement industry.
Meanwhile, consumers load up at Starbucks and other coffee shops - where they can easily down cups and cups of this 'dangerous' substance. You don't see Durbin beating down the door of Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts, even though coffee is the primary source where most people get their caffeine fix.
When you notice this type of hypocrisy, you can usually bet there is a serious industry influence behind the scenes. There is a campaign push assaulting the supplement industry by those hoping to gain control of it. Essentially, if supplements become regulated like drugs - only the drug companies will be manufacturing them.
By setting new regulations and gaining control of the industry, big pharma can charge higher prices and make higher profits.
Surprisingly, a newly released GAO Dietary Supplements report has recently shown just how safe dietary supplements really are. There are always bad products in every industry but, overall, supplements appear to be one of the safest of all consumable products.
Senator Durbin has been on a mission that appears, at least superficially, to stem from concern over “your health.” However, when scrutinized more closely, Durbin’s proposed legislation would have precisely the opposite effect.
If Senator Durbin is genuinely concerned about “your health,” then his focus should be on making drugs and vaccines safer, which are the real danger — not dietary supplements.

Why Should Supplement Regulation Be More Stringent Than That for Drugs?

Durbin first introduced the Dietary Supplement Labeling Act (S 1310) in 2011, a bill that threatens the supplement industry by granting FDA more power to regulate supplements as if they were drugs, potentially putting supplement companies out of business.
In fact, under this bill, supplement regulation would be even more stringent than for pharmaceutical drugs! The bill specifies the following:1
·       Requires regulators to compile a list of dietary supplement ingredients and proprietary blends of ingredients that are judged capable of causing serious adverse reactions
·       Mandates manufacturers to submit a list of all the products they make at a given facility and their ingredients; new products or reformulations would require new registrations
Despite resorting to sneaky tactics and dispersing blatant misinformation to his legislative colleagues in attempts to garner support, Senator Durbin has had a difficult time obtaining any support for his bill.
Therefore, in May 2012, Durbin tried to slide his amendment (No. 2127) through by piggybacking it onto a senate bill that was slated for a vote the very next day (S 3187, the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act).
Because the natural health community so quickly and effectively sprung into action, Durbin's amendment failed. Although his efforts to pass this ridiculous legislation have been unsuccessful thus far, his determination has not waned, misguided though it is. We must continue our efforts to thwart this bill, which if passed into law, could spell disastrous consequences for your health.

The Danger of Food Supplements Is VASTLY Overstated

Durbin and others would have you believe supplements are dangerous and need further regulation. But the truth is that supplements are already FDA-regulated and produce far fewer adverse reactions than either drugs or vaccines. The March 2013 GAO Dietary Supplements report,2 which Durbin hoped would paint supplements as dangerous, actually showed how incredibly safe they really are—particularly when compared to drugs and vaccines.
Since 2008, the supplement industry has been required to report adverse events to the FDA’s AER system, pursuant to the 2006 Act. Consider the following statistics comparing dietary supplement AERs with drug AERs (from the 2013 GAO report):
·       From 2008 to 2011, FDA received 6,307 AERs for dietary supplements, not including 1,000 AERs that were submitted to poison control centers, rather than the FDA3
·       In 2008, 1,080 dietary supplement AERs were reported to FDA
·       In 2008, 526,527 prescription drug AERs were reported
·       In 2008, 26,517 vaccine AERs were reported
When you do the math, there were 488 times as many adverse events reported from prescription drugs as from dietary supplements!
Supplement AERs increased from 400 in 2007 to 1,080 in 2008, but as the Alliance for Natural Health points out, that stems from an increase in the number of supplements on the market and more careful reporting of AERs to the FDA, especially since the implementation of required good manufacturing protocols. The number of AERs is miniscule compared to the hundreds of millions of supplement servings consumed.4 According to a 2007 National Health Interview Survey,5 more than half of Americans(157 million individuals) take nutritional supplements.
Senator Durbin and company are trying to claim AERs are underreported. However, according to the 2013 GAO report, there were only 20 AER compliance problems identified during supplement company inspections, suggesting most of these companies are compliant with mandatory AER guidelines. Adverse reactions aren’t being underreported—there just aren’t that many reactions to report. Even the GAO report itself states:
“The greatest challenge for identifying potential safety concerns from AERs is the small number of AERs that FDA receives related to dietary supplements.”

Poison Control Data Supports the Safety of Nutritional Supplements

Data from the U.S. National Poison Data System’s annual report, which tracked data from 57 U.S. poison centers, showed vitamin and mineral supplements caused zero deaths in 2010, whereas pharmaceuticals caused more than 1,100 of the total 1,366 reported fatalities. FDA-approved drugs cause 80 percent of poison control fatalities each year.6 Poison control centers report 100,000 calls, 56,000 emergency room visits, 2,600 hospitalizations and nearly 500 deaths each year from acetaminophen (Tylenol) alone.
Data from the European Union indicate that pharmaceutical drugs are 62,000 times as likely to kill you as dietary supplements. You’re actually more likely to be struck dead by lightning or drown in your bathtub than have a lethal reaction to a dietary supplement. These figures make it quite clear where the danger lies. If Senator Durbin really cared about your health, his efforts would be centered on doing something to make drugs safer, as they obviously pose a FAR greater risk to your health.

Laws Regulating Supplements Are Already in Place

According to the GAO report:
“FDA officials told us that the current regulatory framework is sufficient to identify and act on safety concerns regarding foods with added dietary ingredients.”
They are referring to the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA).7 The only deficiency, to the extent it exists, lies in the enforcement of the current law, in terms of ensuring good manufacturing practices and mandatory reporting of adverse events by supplement companies. If the FDA is already well-equipped with legislative authority to do its job, then what is Senator Durbin really trying to accomplish?
The only answer that makes sense is that the ultimate goal of Durbin’s bill is to make sure every supplement is approved by the FDA before it is sold.
The hidden problem with this is that the FDA is heavily biased in favor of drugs, as the agency is primarily funded by the pharmaceutical industry. The FDA sees supplements as competition for drugs, so not many will be approved. Durbin’s bill attempts to get supplements into the clutches of our completely dysfunctional drug approval regime, where they can be subjected to every possible legal obstacle that will keep them off store shelves. Less competition from supplements would also soften the impact of decreased revenues from expiring drug patents.

Forcing Supplement Companies Out of Business Will Not Improve Your Health

If Durbin’s bill were to pass, the FDA would demand very expensive (on the order of hundreds of millions of dollars) supplement trials just like drug trials which would eliminate the vast majority of recent supplements as most manufacturers have revenues that are only a tiny fraction of drug companies and can’t afford these expenses. More importantly, they are simply unnecessary as they provide virtually no benefit to the consumer. The current reported adverse effects are simply too low to justify this unnecessary safety requirement from a nonexistent danger. Remember, supplements don’t kill tens to hundreds of thousands of people every year; drugs do. Supplements don’t kill anyone.
Unlike drugs, supplements generally cannot be patented, so manufacturers will never see the return on investment that pharmaceutical companies see. The cost of complying with the pre-approval process will likely put many supplement companies out of business, and those who survive may do so only by drastically increasing the price of their products, making them cost prohibitive for many... particularly low-income families who need them the most. Durbin’s bill would also impose a significant burden on federal regulators, diverting these resources away from where they should be focused—i.e., on the drug industry.8

Crafty Reclassification of Products Allows Manufacturers to Dodge Regulations

There is an additional problem that appears to be completely ignored by Senator Durbin. Dietary supplements are already more rigorously regulated than food products. Taking full advantage of this, some manufacturers are migrating products previously listed as “supplements” over to the “food products” category in order to sidestep regulation. Energy drinks are a prime example. Loren Israelson, executive director of the United Natural Products Alliance, is quoted as saying:
“I think he [Senator Durbin] misunderstands the dynamics of the energy drinks market. There has been a significant shift of brands going from dietary supplement labeling to food labeling. His bill would not capture some of the products he’s concerned about.”

Caffeine—A Ridiculous Case of Selective Regulation

In related news, the FDA is now going after caffeine to protect your and your children’s health, in response to Senator Durbin’s fervent outcries. Back in November 2012, Senators Durbin and Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) sent a series of letters to the FDA9asking for energy drinks to be reviewed and potentially regulated.
While caffeine can indeed have detrimental health effects, the irony of the situation is that no attention is going toward actual coffee, which clearly would impact major multinational corporations like Starbucks. No, they’re only concerned with supplement, food and beverage makers using caffeine in their products, while the primary source of caffeine is not even part of the discussion. Supplements are just a tiny portion of caffeine consumption, so why not go after coffee?
As reported by Forbes:1011
“FDA Deputy Commissioner for Foods Michael Taylor spoke out against what he called the 'unfortunate' trend [of adding caffeine to processed foods]... Taylor specifically called out gum maker Wrigley on a new product, and stated that while formal regulation might be forthcoming, 'we hope this can be a turning point for all to prevent the irresponsible addition of caffeine to food and beverages. Together, we should be immediately looking at what voluntary restraint can be used by industry.'
..Mr. Taylor expressed concern over the 'cumulative amount' of caffeine available, particularly for children.
...[A]s long as FDA’s actions aren’t tethered to standards or science, they threaten to sweep in products that don’t merit any concern or scrutiny. During FDA’s successful effort to drive some caffeine-infused alcoholic beverages, like Four Loko, off the market, it also sent warning letters to brewers whose product line featured beers brewed with coffee. The amount of caffeine in and serving sizes of the beer paled in comparison to Four Loko, which led the head of a craft-brewing association to feel such letters were 'inadvertent.' He did add, however, 'brewers should be concerned. This could lead the FDA to question beverages that get their caffeine from natural products like coffee, chocolate or tea. Who’s to say where this will end?'”

Call to Action

Dick Durbin will be up for re-election in 2014. You can bet we will be focusing very specifically on this career politician. Durbin and others would have you believe supplements are dangerous and need further regulation. However, supplements have far fewer reported adverse reactions than either drugs or vaccines and are already FDA regulated.
Durbin is reintroducing his supplement bill in hopes of forcing dietary supplement manufacturers to pass regulations that are even stricter than those governing pharmaceutical drugs. Legislative tactics such as this represent part of a master plan by the drug industry, in partnership with its best friend FDA, to eliminate the competition by taking control of the supplement industry.
Durbin’s bill has failed miserably in the past due to lack of support and strong opposition by health-conscious consumers. We can do that again, but 
your help is needed. Please contact your representatives and urge them
 to vote NO on S 1310, Dietary Supplement Labeling Act. You can do 
this by signing the Alliance for Natural Health (ANH) petition.
If you live in Illinois, as I do, I would encourage you to contact Senator Durbin directly. Tell him (or whomever your representative is - to stop this overreach of power, and that the proposed guidelines fly in the face of the congressional intent of DSHEA. Congress never intended for the FDA to control supplements, and giving them this control jeopardizes your access to the dietary supplements you rely on, as well as further damaging the US economy. Please be courteous and respectful, and thank them for their time.

"Watch your step!" ..... stairs--spectacular photos

Subject: "Watch your step!" ..... stairs--spectacular photos



                       TEN AWESOME SETS of STAIRS!
          Scary just looking at these photos!!!

For many, stairs are something to avoid, unless you're determined to lose some weight.
But lovers of nature and spectacular views are more than used to climbing steps and yet
more steps to gain the view, though this list of steps may be a challenge for those who get a little dizzy. 

Peldaños del Cañón  (Rungs of the Canyon)
Where you are: Pailon del Diablo, Ecuador
Where are they going? Designed to descend to the bottom of one of the most
famous waterfalls in South America,  lost in the fog along the way in many cases.
It is extremely slippery and steep for several tens of metres to a lookout where you can see
the dramatic effect, accompanied by hummingbirds,gulls and other local birds

The Step-well of Chand Baori near Jaipur, Rajasthan
Where you are: India
Where are they going? These steps lead down to a huge pool, built in the tenth century to overcome
the lack of rainfall in the region and store water for long periods.
The structure has a total of 3,500 steps, down to a depth of 30 metres --- then up again with the water.

Stairs Elbe Sandstone Mountains
Where you are: Dresden, Germany
Where are they going? Stairs carved into the stone of the mountain itself.
They date from the 13th century and have been eroded by wind and water, but are still being used daily by tourists. 
487 steps, though not enough, were restored and expanded in the eighteenth century to facilitate transit.

The Rock of Guatapé
Where you are: Antioquia, Colombia
Where are they going? The rock is a stone monolith 220 metres high.
The steps are constructed with cement, directly on the rock,
making use of a natural cleavage.
702 steps must be climbed to reach the peak.
The ladder Haiku
Where you are: Oahu, Hawaii
Material: metal
Where are they going? On the small island of Oahu there is this tremendous journey of 3922 steps,
climbing, across and down a hill of 850 metres.
They were created to facilitate the installation of a satellite in 1942. 
Originally of  wood, they were modernized in the '50s, but since 1987 have been closed to the public.

The Inca Trail
Where you are: Peru
Where are they going?  An ancient trade route linking the city of Cuzco to Machu Pichu.
The rugged topography of the area forced the Inca Trail to make detours around hills and between mountains.
The result: miles and miles of stairs, in some cases very precarious, as the famous floating staircases.
Ladder Via Crucis
Where you are: Bermeo, Basque Country, Spain
Where are they going? This endless row of stairs is attached to the rocky coast where there
is a small church dating from the tenth century and seemingly of Templar origin.
To reach the hermitage of San Juan de Gaztelugatxe, one has to climb 231 steps and there are gaps
 in the steps that are identified as the footsteps of St. John himself, which are given different healing powers.
For example, you have to put your feet in them as a cure for corns, or leave hats, scarves or chapelas, to cure the headache.

Spiral staircase in the Taihang Mountains
Where you are: At the boundary between the provinces of Shanxi and Henan, China.
Where are they going? This spiral staircase of almost 100 metres was installed recently
in an attempt to attract tourists to the beautiful Taihang Mountains.
Before undertaking the ascent, visitors are asked to sign forms to ensure they do not have heart or lung problems, and are under age 60.  

Wayna Pichu
Where you are: Machu Picchu, Peru
Where are they going? Stairs carved into the rock that crowns a climb of
about 360 metres from MachuPicchu itself. 
In some parts, the ascent is complicated to pass through narrow sections,
with small step and eroded steps.
Climbing time is calculated to be between one hour and 90 minutes!
Only 400 tourists a day are allowed, and access is closed from 1pm, just in case.