Saturday, June 22, 2013

Old MacBoehner

Subject: Cartoon: Old MacBoehner


2013-06-21 18:03:36-04
2013-06-22 11:54:17-04
WASHINGTON — Edward Snowden, the former government contractor who says he revealed that the National Security Agency collects Americans’ phone records and Internet data from U.S. communication companies, now faces charges of espionage and theft of government property. Snowden is… Continue to Post
2013-06-22 11:59:15-04
HONG KONG — Hong Kong was silent Saturday on whether a former National Security Agency contractor should be extradited to the United States now that he has been charged with espionage, but some legislators said the decision should be up… Continue to Post
2013-06-22 12:01:10-04
It’s about jobs.” That was how then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi described ObamaCare shortly before President Obama signed it into law. Turns out she was right, although not in the way she meant. Pelosi was, after all, promising that ObamaCare would create… Continue to Post
2013-06-22 12:03:56-04
The Internal Revenue Service sent 23,994 tax refunds worth a combined $46,378,040 to “unauthorized” alien workers who all used the same address in Atlanta, Ga., in 2011, according to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA). That was not… Continue to Post
2013-06-22 12:07:06-04

2013-06-22 12:08:15-04

2013-06-22 12:09:39-04

2013-06-22 12:15:35-04

2013-06-22 12:17:06-04

2013-06-22 12:20:24-04

2013-06-22 12:39:01-04
Recent scandals of the past few months are an indication of how the Obama Administration and their loyal minions are targeting American citizens in order to create a permanent majority. Readers familiar with Obama’s political history know he has a… Continue to Post
2013-06-22 12:46:12-04
Earlier this month, President Obama traveled to California to tout the state’s progress implementing ObamaCare as a model; but a look behind the curtain finds it is a model for corruption and cronyism. While other states that have accepted ObamaCare… Continue to Post
2013-06-22 12:49:16-04
Though many Americans are opposed to it, some still defend the NSA surveillance program as being necessary. I thought it would be worthwhile to visit quotes from someone who commands the respect of conservatives, liberals, and libertarians alike: Thomas Jefferson.… Continue to Post
2013-06-22 13:02:37-04
“Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants.”– William Penn 1668 “We ought to obey God rather than men.”– Acts 5:29 This last week, my ministry team made national news (again) as we came under… Continue to Post
2013-06-22 13:14:43-04
It was my mother’s ambition to give my two brothers and I as many opportunities to see the world as she possibly could.  Though we were dirt poor, Mom saved every year so we could go on vacation in the… Continue to Post
Western Journalism, 42104 N Venture Drive, Suite B-122, Anthem, AZ 85086, USA

SMART METERS - "Take Back Your Power"

from Brasscheck TV
be sure to go to their website - lots of info there
I was aware of the radiation issues and had heard something about possible overcharging of electricity instead of savings.  However, even more is revealed, e.g. they catch on fire and have been found connected with lots of house fires.  And more.....

"Smart" Meters.

They're coming...unless we stop

Here's why you might want to do


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What you can do to prevent a "Smart" Meter installation

Subject: Re: Gas company told me they'll be installing a Smart Meter

The most effective way to deal with this issue is to submit a "Notice of Non-Consent, Notice of Liability" to the utility company in the form of an affidavit.  The link below is a form letter than can be used for this purpose.  You would need to modify it, of course, to include your own address and the address of the utility in question. 

Then, before you mail it to them, go to a notary public and have the letter notarized.   This officially makes an affidavit out of the notice.  An affidavit is a legal document that remains in full legal effect until countermanded in a court of law, by a judge.  In other words, the utility would have to sue you in order to override the notice.   And they are not going to go to the expense of doing that.  Meanwhile, if they ignore the notice and install the thing anyway, you would be in a position to sue the dog-shit out of them

Find out the name address of the legal department of the company you are notifying and send it there.

Find out what the name and address of the company doing the installations is and send them a copy of this notice as well.

I sent one of these to Edison about two years ago and they quit bugging me right away.  I'm probably the only house on my block that still doesn't have a Smart Meter installed.....

Sent: Friday, June 21, 2013 1:21 PM

Subject: Re: Gas company told me they'll be installing a Smart Meter
I haven't noticed anything on my bill, but they can do that if they want to, I think. (he’s in the Victorville area).

The city council of the City of Big Bear voted to force removal of all the Smart Meters in the city.  That's in process up there.  I think there are some other cities that have done this....  It's a war, and it's not over yet....
Then there is this approach too which I just did.

Sent: Friday, June 21, 2013 1:34 PM
Subject: Re: Gas company told me they'll be installing a Smart Meter

If you want to be proactive, call your power company and ask which dept. to contact to be on the opt-out list. That should take care of it.  If not, email me back as I have a letter you could send them.

After getting xxxx email I called the Gas Co. and opted out. I then asked if there will be a monthly fee and she said (very nicely) there will be but it hasn’t been determined yet.
What they’ve proposed to the California Public Utilities Commission is a $126 “out-out fee” for having an “Advanced Meter” installed and a $24 a month charge!!! Whoa Nellie!



My how things have changed!
Remember when Nikita Kruschev was the "BOOGY MAN"?
Talk about a pole shift!
Putin throws down Obama

Not so fast Mr. Hope and Change. Haven't you heard? There's a new Sheriff in town in the Middle East . President Putin reminded Barry that he's in charge. He already reminded Netanyahu recently after Israel fired into Damascus in early May. Afterward, Bibi sang a different tune. Putin's talent as a Judo expert is always useful in these situations. When Obama was continually arming Syrian rebels; declaring no fly zones and moving his Marines into Jordan Putin took quick action. Obama sang a different tune as well and even said, "and finally we compared notes on President Putin's expertise in Judo and my declining skills in basketball". The following video is in English and Russian:

The weak eyed Obama went on further to say, "And we both agree as you get older it takes more time to recover. " He unbelievably even talked about the removal of the Jackson-Vanik Act. Obama nervously looked over his notes as Putin spoke clearly from his memory and intelligence. At meetings end Obama then went on to try and slap a handshake. It was met with President Putin's stone hand which withered Obama's smile away. Putin's firm grip declared who's top dog in this world.
Obama got the message. Russia has a naval base in Tartus and Russia's fleet is continually growing in the Mediterranean. I'm sure all the loose change and hope fell out of Mr. Hope and Change during one of Putin's judo throws. Obama has now become aware of Putin's arms race While Obama was having his many expensive vacations Putin had no choice but to increase military spending to halt US aggression. A Russian military having already an edge over the US as seen in this video (in Russian)
The US is broke and Russia is the world's largest oil producer with a growing economy Russia is not backing down and they have China to back them up. Who will back the US? Tiny Britain? Americans are turning gay and Russian men are looking more like the Klitschko brothers. The US is the modern day Sodom and Gomorrah while Christianity triumphs in Russia & No ACLU in Russia suing Christians to be sure. The largest country in the world shows only contempt at the US Bomb & Missile Diplomacy .
The western media will warp the truth as usual. They will not show the entire video of Putin and Obama fearing that Americans will see things as they are and wise up. No mention of Christianity under attack in the Middle East and North Africa. Loud music and commanding voices will tell American citizens what to think and who to hate as they become mesmerized by their idiot boxes . Little is mentioned of Christians or priests murdered in Syria or the Christian Bishops that were kidnapped. Again the western cry is here reiterated, "What difference does it make! Assad must go!" Amerikan Demonocracy foaming at the mouth rabid with hate.
Standing firmly against these maniacs is Putin with Christian Russia solidly behind him. There has been finger pointing between the West and Russia but the political rhetoric is ignored by President Vladimir Putin as he calmly directs stability in the Middle East. Obama said, "By working together we... also help lead the world to a better place." We know your record Obama and it stinks of death. The only leading going on is Vladimir leading you by the nose. Putin made sure there will be a follow up to this meeting in Geneva. Lest O'bomber forgets.
Xavier Lerma
Contact Xavier Lerma at
Hyperlink to Pravda is mandatory if you republish this article.
As originally found at:

20 Signs That The Pharmaceutical Companies Are Running A 280 Billion Dollar Money Making Scam

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

20 Signs That The Pharmaceutical Companies Are Running A 280 Billion Dollar Money Making Scam
Posted By: esu333
Date: Saturday, 22-Jun-2013 10:49:08

Michael Snyder
American Dream
If you could get 70 percent of Americans addicted to your drugs and rake in $280 billion a year in the process, would you do it? If you could come up with a “pill for every problem” and charge Americans twice as much for those pills as people in other countries pay, would you do it? If you could make more money than you ever dreamed possible by turning the American people into the most doped up people in the history of the planet, would you do it? In America today, the number of people hooked on legal drugs absolutely dwarfs the number of people hooked on illegal drugs. And sadly, the number of people killed by legal drugs absolutely dwarfs the number of people killed by illegal drugs. But most Americans assume that if a drug is “legal” that it must be safe. After all, the big pharmaceutical companies and the federal government would never allow us to take anything that would hurt us, right? Sadly, the truth is that they don’t really care about us. They don’t really care that prescription painkillers are some of the most addictive drugs on the entire planet and that they kill more Americans each year than heroin and cocaine combined. They don’t care that antidepressants are turning tens of millions of Americans into zombies and can significantly increase the chance of suicide (just look at the warning label). All the big pharmaceutical companies really care about is making as much money as they possibly can. The following are 20 signs that the pharmaceutical companies are running a $280 billion money making scam…
#1 According to a study conducted by the Mayo Clinic, 70 percent of Americans are on at least one prescription drug. An astounding 20 percent of all Americans are on at least five prescription drugs.
#2 According to the CDC, approximately 9 out of every 10 Americans that are at least 60 years of age say that they have taken at least one prescription drug within the last month.
#3 The 11 largest pharmaceutical companies combined to rake inapproximately $85,000,000,000 in profits in 2012.
#4 During 2013, Americans will spend more than 280 billion dollars on prescription drugs.
#5 According to Alternet, last year “11 of the 12 new-to-market drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration were priced above $100,000 per-patient per-year”.
#6 The CDC says that spending on prescription drugs more than doubledbetween 1999 and 2008.
#7 Many prescription drugs cost about twice as much in the United States as they do in other countries.
#8 One study found that more than 20 percent of all American adults are taking at least one drug for “psychiatric” or “behavioral” disorders.
#9 The percentage of women taking antidepressants in America is higher than in any other country in the world.
#10 Children in the United States are three times more likely to be prescribed antidepressants than children in Europe are.
#11 A shocking Government Accountability Office report discovered thatapproximately one-third of all foster children in the United States are on at least one psychiatric drug. In fact, the report found that many states seem to be doping up foster children as a matter of course. Just check out these stunning statistics…
In Texas, foster children were 53 times more likely to be prescribed five or more psychiatric medications at the same time than non-foster children. In Massachusetts, they were 19 times more likely. In Michigan, the number was 15 times. It was 13 times in Oregon. And in Florida, foster children were nearly four times as likely to be given five or more psychotropic medications at the same time compared to non-foster children.
#12 In 2010, the average teen in the U.S. was taking 1.2 central nervous system drugs. Those are the kinds of drugs which treat conditions such as ADHD and depression.
#13 The total number of Americans taking antidepressants doubled between 1996 and 2005.
#14 All of those antidepressants don’t seem to be working too well. The suicide rate for Americans between the ages of 35 and 64 rose by close to 30 percent between 1999 and 2010. The number of Americans that are killed by suicide now exceeds the number of Americans that die as a result of car accidents.
#15 According to the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, 36 millionAmericans have abused prescription drugs at some point in their lives.
#16 A survey conducted for the National Institute on Drug Abuse found that more than 15 percent of all U.S. high school seniors abuse prescription drugs.
#17 According to the CDC, approximately three quarters of a million people a year are rushed to emergency rooms in the United States because of adverse reactions to pharmaceutical drugs.
#18 According to the Los Angeles Times, drug deaths (mostly caused by prescription drugs) are climbing at an astounding rate….
Drug fatalities more than doubled among teens and young adults between 2000 and 2008, years for which more detailed data are available. Deaths more than tripled among people aged 50 to 69, the Times analysis found. In terms of sheer numbers, the death toll is highest among people in their 40s.
#19 In the United States today, prescription painkillers kill more Americans than heroin and cocaine combined.
#20 Each year, tens of billions of dollars is spent on pharmaceutical marketing in the United States alone.
The American people deserve better than that. Every year, the United Statesspends more on health care than Japan, Germany, France, China, the U.K., Italy, Canada, Brazil, Spain and Australia combined. In fact, if the U.S. health care system was a separate nation it would be the 6th largest economy on the entire planet.
For all the money that we spend, we should be the healthiest people in the world by a wide margin. Instead, life expectancy is higher in dozens of other countries and we have very high rates of cancer, heart disease and diabetes. For much more on the colossal failure of our health care system, please see my previous article entitled “50 Signs That The U.S. Health Care System Is A Gigantic Money Making Scam“.
So what do you think about the pharmaceutical companies that are making billions of dollars by getting the American people addicted to their super-expensive legal drugs? 
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Rio de Janeiro Brazil has more than 300,000 protesters 20-06-2013

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Rio de Janeiro Brazil has more than 300,000 protesters 20-06-2013
Posted By: esu333
Date: Saturday, 22-Jun-2013 10:44:04

US Senate to Retroactively Punish Runaway Tax Slaves

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

US Senate to Retroactively Punish Runaway Tax Slaves
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 22-Jun-2013 07:57:26

Sovereign Man
Notes From The Field
June 21, 2013
Bio Bio Region, Chile
Years ago, it was virtually unheard of for someone to give up his/her US citizenship.
Then, one by one, a handful of famous cases surfaced... like Sir John Templeton, who renounced his US citizenship in 1964 and moved to the Bahamas.
At the time, Templeton was able to save $100 million that he would have otherwise had to pay in taxes to the US government.
But anyone view Templeton poorly for his lack of patriotism, it's important to note that the man was one of the greatest philanthropists in history.
And, rather than finance more bombs, guns, and military folly at the height of the Vietnam War, he chose to channel his wealth into improving the lives of millions of people around the globe.
There have been dozens of other notable cases, both before and since... from the writer Henry James (who renounced in 1915 to protest America's refusal to join Great War) to Tina Tuner.
Not to mention thousands of people that no one has ever heard of.
679 individuals renounced their US citizenship in the first quarter of 2013. This was 47.6% more than during the first quarter of 2012... certainly a significant growth rate.
And it's almost as many as renounced for the entire year in 2009.
For certain people, the stranglehold of the US tax system is simply too much to bear.
After all, the United States is almost alone in the world in terms of countries that tax non-resident citizens on their worldwide income.
In other words, if you're a US citizen, yet never set foot on US soil, you're subject to paying a huge portion of your earnings to Uncle Sam forever.
For some people, this becomes a major breaking point. They weigh their obligations to their families against against the morality of financing a corrupt, dysfunctional government... and the decision to renounce becomes clear.
In 2008, the United States government passed a rule governing the procedure of renunciations.
They deemed that a 'covered expatriate', i.e. a person of some wealth, would have to pay an exit tax before renouncing on the mark-to-market gains across his/her entire estate.
This exit tax is basically the same thing as an estate tax... or death tax. So to the US government, renouncing citizenship is a bit like dying. It's a bit strange.
"Covered expatriates" are individuals whose annual income tax liability (i.e. what you owe the IRS) exceeds $155,000 on average over the preceding five years, and/or someone whose net worth exceeds $2 million.
Despite these existing rules, however, some US Senators are now working to reintroduce legislation that would bar covered expatriates from entering the United States.
And, it would retroactively apply to covered expatriates who renounced ten years ago (when the term 'covered expatriate' didn't even exist.
This may end up being problematic for some people who have renounced over the last ten years. But more importantly, consider what it says about the Land of the Free.
Most US citizens are born on US soil or to US parents completely by accident. And what the government is telling us is that our accident of birth obliges us to lifelong service to the state, even though we never signed up for any of it.
If they say we must pay, we must pay. If they reinstitute a draft and say we must go die, we must go die. If they say they need to steal our Social Security, seize our IRAs, or inflate our currency away, then we must yield.
And if at any point we stand up and say, "Wait a sec, I never signed up for any of this, you can have your citizenship back," then they bar us for life as a penalty.
This all seems rather curious for a nation that was founded by foreigner settlers in search of a better life.
Yet we must either gleefully accept being born into state slavery... or they'll treat us as if we are dead. It's hardly seems an appropriate way for an enlightened civilization to treat people.
Until tomorrow,
Simon Black
Senior Editor,

Putin throws down Obama

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Putin throws down Obama
Posted By: pax [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 22-Jun-2013 04:00:39

My how things have changed!
Remember when Nikita Kruschev was the "BOOGY MAN"?
Talk about a pole shift!
Putin throws down Obama
Not so fast Mr. Hope and Change. Haven't you heard? There's a new Sheriff in town in the Middle East . President Putin reminded Barry that he's in charge. He already reminded Netanyahu recently after Israel fired into Damascus in early May. Afterward, Bibi sang a different tune. Putin's talent as a Judo expert is always useful in these situations. When Obama was continually arming Syrian rebels; declaring no fly zones and moving his Marines into Jordan Putin took quick action. Obama sang a different tune as well and even said, "and finally we compared notes on President Putin's expertise in Judo and my declining skills in basketball". The following video is in English and Russian:
The weak eyed Obama went on further to say, "And we both agree as you get older it takes more time to recover. " He unbelievably even talked about the removal of the Jackson-Vanik Act. Obama nervously looked over his notes as Putin spoke clearly from his memory and intelligence. At meetings end Obama then went on to try and slap a handshake. It was met with President Putin's stone hand which withered Obama's smile away. Putin's firm grip declared who's top dog in this world.
Obama got the message. Russia has a naval base in Tartus and Russia's fleet is continually growing in the Mediterranean. I'm sure all the loose change and hope fell out of Mr. Hope and Change during one of Putin's judo throws. Obama has now become aware of Putin's arms race While Obama was having his many expensive vacations Putin had no choice but to increase military spending to halt US aggression. A Russian military having already an edge over the US as seen in this video (in Russian)
The US is broke and Russia is the world's largest oil producer with a growing economy Russia is not backing down and they have China to back them up. Who will back the US? Tiny Britain? Americans are turning gay and Russian men are looking more like the Klitschko brothers. The US is the modern day Sodom and Gomorrah while Christianity triumphs in Russia & No ACLU in Russia suing Christians to be sure. The largest country in the world shows only contempt at the US Bomb & Missile Diplomacy .
The western media will warp the truth as usual. They will not show the entire video of Putin and Obama fearing that Americans will see things as they are and wise up. No mention of Christianity under attack in the Middle East and North Africa. Loud music and commanding voices will tell American citizens what to think and who to hate as they become mesmerized by their idiot boxes . Little is mentioned of Christians or priests murdered in Syria or the Christian Bishops that were kidnapped. Again the western cry is here reiterated, "What difference does it make! Assad must go!" Amerikan Demonocracy foaming at the mouth rabid with hate.
Standing firmly against these maniacs is Putin with Christian Russia solidly behind him. There has been finger pointing between the West and Russia but the political rhetoric is ignored by President Vladimir Putin as he calmly directs stability in the Middle East. Obama said, "By working together we... also help lead the world to a better place." We know your record Obama and it stinks of death. The only leading going on is Vladimir leading you by the nose. Putin made sure there will be a follow up to this meeting in Geneva. Lest O'bomber forgets.
Xavier Lerma
Contact Xavier Lerma at
Hyperlink to Pravda is mandatory if you republish this article.
As originally found at:

Fact Or Fiction: Financial Sector Thinks It’s About Ready To Ruin World Again

Subject: Fact Or Fiction: Financial Sector Thinks It’s About Ready To Ruin World Again
To: Ralph Faulk <>

Fact Or Fiction: Financial Sector Thinks It’s About Ready To Ruin World Again

Tyler Durden's picture
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/22/2013 09:34 -0400

Claiming that enough time had surely passed since they last caused a global economic meltdown, top executives from the U.S. financial sector told reporters Monday that they are just about ready to completely destroy the world again.
Representatives from all major banking and investment institutions cited recent increases in consumer spending, rebounding home prices, and a stabilizing unemployment rate as confirmation that the time had once again come to inflict another round of catastrophic financial losses on individuals and businesses worldwide.
“It’s been about five or six years since we last crippled every major market on the planet, so it seems like the time is right for us to get back out there and start ruining the lives of billions of people again,” said Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein. “We gave it some time and let everyone get a little comfortable, and now we’re looking to get back on the old horse, shatter some consumer confidence, and flat-out kill any optimism for a stable global economy for years to come.”
“People are beginning to feel at ease spending money and investing in their futures again,” Blankfein continued. “That’s the perfect time to step in and do what we do best: rip the heart right out of the world’s economy.”
According to sources, the overwhelming majority of investment bankers are “ready to get the ball rolling” by approving a host of complex and poorly understood debt-backed securities that are doomed to quickly default, as well as issuing startlingly high-risk loans certain to drive thousands of companies into insolvency.
Top-level executives also told reporters that when it comes to depleting the life savings of millions of people and sending every major national economy into a tailspin, they feel “refreshed and raring to go.”
“The other day I actually overheard someone on the sidewalk utter the words ‘I’m saving up for retirement,’ and right away I thought to myself, ‘Well, time to get down to work,’” said Morgan Stanley chairman James P. Gorman, adding that the increasing number of individuals entertaining ideas of starting their own businesses or buying houses was the financial sector’s cue to set off another devastating global recession. “We’re definitely thinking on a huge scale again, because we all really enjoy toying with the livelihoods of millions of people overseas and forcing them to wonder why reckless, split-second decisions made thousands of miles away dictate their whole country’s socioeconomic future.”
“Plus, it’ll be nice to finally wipe out the Euro once and for all this time,” Gorman added.
While most private equity firms, investment banks, and hedge funds are reportedly still undecided on the precise route to take in order to torpedo the job market and crash all international stock exchanges, sources confirmed they are nearly in position to resume gambling away trillions of dollars belonging to the American populace.
“We’ve got a lot of options on the table; it’s just a matter of picking which one we want to use to paralyze every single sector of the world economy,” said Capital One executive vice president Peter Schnall. “We already burst the dot-com and housing bubbles, so this time we can maybe mix it up by popping the education bubble and shattering the lives of everyone with outstanding student loans. Or maybe we’ll artificially inflate prices of stocks in social media companies and then pull the rug out, bankrupting every investor tied to companies like Facebook and Twitter. Or do both.”
“On second thought, maybe we’ll wipe out the housing market again too, just for the hell of it,” Schnall quickly added. “Might as well, right?”
According to a recent survey of Wall Street officials, 82 percent said they were “excited to shake off the rust” and send the Dow and NASDAQ into another freefall. Additionally, 75 percent of respondents admitted they have been “champing at the bit” for months to wholly undermine the nation’s local banks and money market accounts, leaving Americans too terrified to leave their savings anywhere.
Moreover, the chief financial officers from Bank of America, Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, and Wells Fargo unanimously told reporters that it has been “way too long” since they last saw the utterly dejected faces of American families whose homes had just been foreclosed on due to circumstances totally beyond their control.
“Now that the public’s efforts to curtail questionable Wall Street trading practices have all but ceased, it’s time for us to bring the world to its knees again,” said AIG CEO Robert Benmosche. “There are still plenty of opaque financial derivatives, high-frequency trading operations, and off-balance sheet transactions out there, all with virtually no federal regulation. Trust me, we can definitely work with that. And if anything, we can always just lobby for further concessions and deregulation in Washington—which, by the way, is so, so easy to do—and then we can cause as much damage as we want.”
Added Benmosche, “And while we’re at it, we’ll make sure we once again come away from this whole thing scot-free and far wealthier.”
(Source: the Onion)

It's clear that the PURPOSE of all this NSA spying was NOT "terrorism". It's BLACKMAIL!

NOTE:  It's clear that the PURPOSE of all this NSA spying was NOT "terrorism".  It's BLACKMAIL!


une 20, 2013

NSA Whistleblower: NSA Spying On—and Blackmailing—Top Government Officials and Military Officers

The whistleblowers are coming out of the woodwork, just as we had hoped. Snowden may have set off a chain reaction that will be the undoing of the U.S. shadow government.

Whistleblower Says Spy Agency Targeting Top American Leaders

NSA whistleblower Russel Tice told Peter B. Collins on Boiling Frog Post News (the website of high-level FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds):

Tice: Okay. They went after–and I know this because I had my hands literally on the paperwork for these sort of things–they went after high-ranking military officers; they went after members of Congress, both Senate and the House, especially on the intelligence committees and on the armed services committees and some of the–and judicial. But they went after other ones, too. They went after lawyers and law firms. All kinds of–heaps of lawyers and law firms. They went after judges. One of the judges is now sitting on the Supreme Court that I had his wiretap information in my hand. Two are former FISA court judges. They went after State Department officials. They went after people in the executive service that were part of the White House–their own people. They went after antiwar groups.

They went after U.S. international–U.S. companies that that do international business, you know, business around the world. They went after U.S. banking firms and financial firms that do international business. They went after NGOs that–like the Red Cross, people like that that go overseas and do humanitarian work. They went after a few antiwar civil rights groups. So, you know, don’t tell me that there’s no abuse, because I’ve had this stuff in my hand and looked at it. And in some cases, I literally was involved in the technology that was going after this stuff.

And you know, when I said to [former MSNBC show host Keith] Olbermann, I said, my particular thing is high tech and you know, what’s going on is the other thing, which is the dragnet. The dragnet is what Mark Klein is talking about, the terrestrial dragnet. Well my specialty is outer space. I deal with satellites, and everything that goes in and out of space. I did my spying via space. So that’s how I found out about this.

Collins: Now Russ, the targeting of the people that you just mentioned, top military leaders, members of Congress, intelligence community leaders and the–oh, I’m sorry, it was intelligence committees, let me correct that–not intelligence community, and then executive branch appointees. This creates the basis, and the potential for massive blackmail.

Tice: Absolutely! And remember we talked about that before, that I was worried that the intelligence community now has sway over what is going on. Now here’s the big one. I haven’t given you any names. This was is summer of 2004. One of the papers that I held in my hand was to wiretap a bunch of numbers associated with, with a 40-something-year-old wannabe senator from Illinois. You wouldn’t happen to know where that guy lives right now, would you? It’s a big white house in Washington, DC. That’s who they went after. And that’s the President of the United States now.

Other whistleblowers say the same thing.  When the former head of the NSA’s digital spying program – William Binney – disclosed the fact that the U.S. was spying on everyone in the U.S. and storing the data forever, and that the U.S. was quickly becoming a totalitarian state, the Feds tried to scare him into shutting up:
[Numerous] FBI officers held a gun to Binney’s head as he stepped naked from the shower. He watched with his wife and youngest son as the FBI ransacked their home. Later Binney was separated from the rest of his family, and FBI officials pressured him to implicate one of the other complainants in criminal activity. During the raid, Binney attempted to report to FBI officials the crimes he had witnessed at NSA, in particular the NSA’s violation of the constitutional rights of all Americans. However, the FBI wasn’t interested in these disclosures. Instead, FBI officials seized Binney’s private computer, which to this day has not been returned despite the fact that he has not been charged with a crime.
Other NSA whistleblowers have also been subjected to armed raids and criminal prosecution.
After high-level CIA officer John Kiriakou blew the whistle on illegal CIA torture, the government prosecuted him for espionage.
Even the head of the CIA was targeted with extra-constitutional spying and driven out of office.  Indeed, Binney makes it very clear that the government will use information gained from its all-pervasive spying program to frame anyone it doesn’t like.
(More examples here.)
Retired high-level CIA analyst Ray McGovern – the top CIA briefer to numerous presidents – said this a few weeks ago on a radio program:
Which leads to the question, why would [Obama] do all these things? Why would he be afraid for example, to take the drones away from the CIA? Well, I’ve come to the conclusion that he’s afraid. Number one, he’s afraid of what happened to Martin Luther King Jr. And I know from a good friend who was there when it happened, that at a small dinner with progressive supporters – after these progressive supporters were banging on Obama before the election, “Why don’t you do the things we thought you stood for?” Obama turned sharply and said, “Don’t you remember what happened to Martin Luther King Jr.?” That’s a quote, and that’s a very revealing quote.
McGovern also said:
In a speech on March 21, second-term Obama gave us a big clue regarding his concept of leadership – one that is marked primarily by political risk-avoidance and a penchant for “leading from behind”: “Speaking as a politician, I can promise you this: political leaders will not take risks if the people do not demand that they do. You must create the change that you want to see.”
John Kennedy was willing to take huge risks in reaching out to the USSR and ending the war in Vietnam. That willingness to take risks may have gotten him assassinated, as James Douglass argues in his masterful JFK and the Unspeakable.
Martin Luther King, Jr., also took great risks and met the same end. There is more than just surmise that this weighs heavily on Barack Obama’s mind. Last year, pressed by progressive donors at a dinner party to act more like the progressive they thought he was, Obama responded sharply, “Don’t you remember what happened to Dr. King?”
We’re agnostic about McGovern’s theory. We don’t know whether Obama is a total corrupt sell-out … or a chicken. We don’t think it matters … as the effect is the same.

New Edward Snowden leak - NSA, Britain's GCHQ, eavesdropped on foreign leaders - TEMPORA

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

New Edward Snowden leak - NSA, Britain's GCHQ, eavesdropped on foreign leaders - TEMPORA
Posted By: FreePlanet
Date: Saturday, 22-Jun-2013 04:23:25

Britain's spy agency GCHQ has secretly gained access to the network of cables which carry the world's phone calls and internet traffic and has started to process vast streams of sensitive personal information which it is sharing with its American partner, the National Security Agency (NSA).
The sheer scale of the agency's ambition is reflected in the titles of its two principal components: Mastering the Internet and Global Telecoms Exploitation, aimed at scooping up as much online and telephone traffic as possible. This is all being carried out without any form of public acknowledgement or debate.
One key innovation has been GCHQ's ability to tap into and store huge volumes of data drawn from fibre-optic cables for up to 30 days so that it can be sifted and analysed. That operation, codenamed Tempora, has been running for some 18 months.
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haunting history of the CIA exposed by former agents

   haunting history of the CIA exposed by former agents .

Five courageous former CIA agents reveal deep secrets of the CIA (45 min)

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