Thursday, December 19, 2013

This is an EXTREMELY important article about the Jewish assault on America.

Jim Stone, Dec 17 2013

This is an EXTREMELY important article about the Jewish assault on America.

The article linked above is a make or break for America. It´s damn near over, if it is not already. I have a question for the Jewish community - AFTER you destroy America and the rest of the free world, AFTER you poison the world with your virus inflicted nuclear disasters, destroy all the non-jewish children with brain eating vaccines which are also designed to permanently alter their DNA and make them inferior throughout all future generations, AFTER no one has any will to actually live because you have either wiped them out with the medical system or destroyed them in other ways, what kind of world will you have?
Your actions regarding the Japan disaster were inexcusable, yet it is obvious you intend to do more. And there is the level of your wisdom - you really don´t care about what the rest of us have as long as Israel is never touched by your actions, yet you forget that you live on the same planet and that you need to parasite suck on the "inferior" to even live at the quality of life the "inferior" built for themselves. When you are finished destroying the "inferior" people of this world in your quest for permanent "supremacy", you will have NO ONE to support you other than yourselves - the work of your own hands, and you will accomplish that with seeds you destroyed with GMO and a world you destroyed with nuclear disasters. THAT is not very wise, is it? Only your arrogance makes you blind to this future, your genetics give you an intelligence equal to the rest of us, it´s the arrogance that makes you short sighted and inferior.

For your information, your financial superiority gained by carefully calculated evil will do you NADA when you finish destroying the world you live in via your quest for permanent supremacy. It matters not that even the "poor" among you live very well in this moment when all of it is gained via the destruction and subjugation of others. When you finish destroying America, I am certain there will be another victim brainwashed into supporting you on time, but you are destroying ALL children in ALL places, you are sparing no one and this will lead to your downfall. Like it or not, you need to ride the backs of "inferior" people who are actually your equals to be where you are now, by destroying us you are only destroying yourself. Ignorance is a blissful road to nowhere, and unbridled arrogance will lead you to that destiny.

Don't fall for the "Fukushima reactors were poorly designed" B.S. being pushed to the forefront now

Everything being pushed to the forefront at this time is a bag of lies, and without fail omits key info, which is:
1. The Stuxnet virus was released in the facility. This is easily proven by the fact that the control room readouts remained normal while the entire facility was destroyed as well as the fact that it was found there a month earlier. It is nearly impossible to root out. It is not possible for a boiling water reactor, which operates at 550 farenheit to show normal temperature readings when it is boosted to over three thousand farenheit to melt it down. Stuxnet keeps the control room readouts normal while it receives remote commands to destroy everything, commands sent by the Israeli Defense forces over a totally unauthorized internet connection that was admitted to even in the Jerusalem Post.

Ignoring this aspect of the Fukushima disaster as ENE News and Rense do when it is so well known and was even reported in the Washington Times is an act of war by itself, because information superiority and the use of it to keep people ignorant to allow a subsequent attack is a cornerstone of warfare.

2. The generators never flooded AT ALL at reactors 5 and 6, where there were five perfectly working generators capable of feeding power to reactors 1-4, but despite having turned on automatically and never recieving an ounce of water because they were well out of reach of the tsunami, 4 out of 5 mysteriously shut off. The one that did not shut off was the ONLY ONE in the entire facility that was not connected to a Siemens Scada controller, which Stuxnet infects. But the Israelis did not need to worry about that lone generator, because it was hooked up to a transfer switch that used a Siemens scada controller, which kept it from sending power to reactors 1-4. Anyone who ignores this aspect of the Fukushima disaster the way ENE news does is a fraud, pure and simple

Off site power generators arrived at Fukushima on flat bed semi trucks within 8 hours of the tsunami,

generators totally capable of giving the facility full back up power, but once again the switch gear which routes the power did not engage even after being replaced multiple times as technicians hunted for the problem, which in the end was Stuxnet infected Siemens Scada controllers which were part of the facility infrastructure and impossible to bypass on such short notice. Ignoring the fact that off site power was brought in LONG BEFORE anything really bad happened, only to not be allowed to connect by a resident virus is a FRAUD, and ENE knows this and pushes this fraud of "ignorance" every day they ignore this fact.
In addition to this, OFF SITE POWER WAS NEVER LOST. You heard that right. Fukushima had six incoming power feeds, one of which remained live throughout the entire disaster. But once again, the switch gear that was supposed to connect that source was controlled by Siemens Scada, infected by Stuxnet, and failed to function. The lights at Fuku should never have even blinked. It was not until after the disaster that this was discovered. Technicians just figured that since the transfer of power never happened, there was no power. THERE WAS.
I am calling only ENE on the carpet over this, because they KNOW, they are not stupid. Rense and Fuku diary might just be in the dark. I sort of doubt this with Rense though.
3. And obviously, the key that proves beyond all doubt that the entire Japan scenario was a false flag act of war is NO QUAKE DAMAGE AS THE TSUNAMI COMES IN, Folks, this is not rocket science - a 9.0 is an earthquake which creates at or near total destruction at distances up to 1000 kilometers from the epicenter. Lesser damage extends outward farther. Russia should have at least felt this, as well as China. China and Korea should have had serious damage as well. The quake is a paper thin lie taped together by the trust of a gullible public and ignoring the fact that the only damage was tsunami damage, which absent a sufficient earthquake could have only been caused by a tsunami nuke is a critical fail.
Causing people to look towards and blame Tepco, Japan, and G.E. for this disaster is the job of scammers such as Arnie Gundersen and his illustrious ENE News, a fraud that was launched 3 days after the explosion at reactor 3. ENE was NOT around before the Japan disaster, it is a propaganda outlet pure and simple. Arnie Gundersen IS SASKI.
The Fukushima report documents all of this far too clearly for Arnie, ENE, Rense and Fuku diary to miss, and there is no damn way any of those have not heard about this web site, especially with the wars Rense has fought over it. Rense flips out when my name is mentioned - WHY?
I am also going to call out Mike Rivero for what he posted today about G.E. being at fault, and to him I would like to explicitly state -
You have told the truth about Stuxnet. You are not totally technically stupid. How can you believe ANYONE who blames G.E. for the explosions when you yourself know for certain it was the Israelis that did this, and why did you post this latest round of FUKU nonsense? Even Alex Jones told the truth about Stuxnet. It's not that hard. You have yet to come out and say the quake did not happen, are you blind to this? Can't you watch a youtube video, any video of the tsunami and realize that no quake damage equals tsunami nuke? The seismograms are all on this site, as part of the Fuku report. Japanese seismologists also know this quake was B.S, but with the scamming ziopress and usurping NSA, the truth about this has become extremely difficult to get mass exposure for.
I will let you slide on Magna BSP, the nuke camera, and other aspects of this. You probably are not all that up on nuclear topics so you don't really know how impossible Fukushima was outside of a willful act of war. But it takes virtually nothing to watch a few of the tsunami videos, as the tsunami is coming in and ask WHY, in locations less than 30 miles from the "epicenter" of this 9.0 is there NOT A BIT OF QUAKE DAMAGE TO BE SEEN ANYWHERE? That alone ought to get you asking the truthfully hard questions about "what really happened" to Fukushima.
Here is an illustration of what happened to Fukushima with Stuxnet not explicitly mentioned because there are now several such U.S./Israeli industrial viruses that do the same thing to other systems. Scada was simply the first.
Blaming G.E. for Fuku is the equivalent of blaming Boeing for 9/11.

This is well worth a read -

This appears to be a well researched documentation of what the NSA does to steal your data. It may be 50 pages, but it's nonstop info. Jump to page 5 or so to get the initial fluff out of the way.

Pretty good info on how the NSA hacks you, and how to have a chance of slowing them down, (you won't stop them altogether).

We are not subjects, so what do we do ?? PRAY – IT’S OUR BEST LINE OF DEFENSE AGAINST EVIL!

Subject  We are not subjects, so what do we do ??  PRAY – IT’S OUR BEST LINE OF DEFENSE AGAINST EVIL!

Great article, lays out the fraud and deception, points the finger at who is to blame and there is plenty to go around.  Obama lied and deceived the American Public, Harry Reid blocked every attempt to stop ObamaCare, Nancy Pelosi conned the House by saying just vote for it and then you will learn what is in it, and Chief Justice Roberts was the last line of defense and could have easily ruled ObamaCare Un-constitutional but failed us and caved ( wonder how they got to him).  And the Media, the newspapers and every TV station but Fox News were in on the con and sold it to the ignorant voters, most of whom have their hand out and they went to the polls, outnumbered us, and voted in this monstrosity.  A pox upon them all. 

But just remember this if you get to vote again, not one single Republican voted for ObamaCare, or the Affordable Care Act, as his minions are now instructed to call it.  And with that they have given Obama everything he wants to destroy the America I grew up in.  A castrated Congress lets the Czars of Obama and Valerie Jarrett run the country while he golfs and raises millions to defeat every Republican running for election in 2014.  He is no fool.  He knows exactly what he is doing.  He intends to punish America, to reduce us to a Third World Nation.  He has shrunk the military, fired all the Warrior Generals, killed the space program, gayed the military, forbidden Chaplains from even mentioning Jesus, and alienated all of our former allies. He has destroyed Egypt and Libya with his foolish push for democracy, knowing full well that Islam and Democracy cannot co-exist !! He has snubbed Israel as Iran gets ever closer to a deliverable nuclear bomb . The world has become a dangerous place for Americans, thanks to him and his grand plan. He celebrates every Muslim holiday with dinners in the White House, yet forbids Christian teachings.  He pushes for the advances of the gays, lesbians, transgenders and bi-sexuals, and forces Catholic universities to provide birth control materials against their teachings. He plans to put gays and lesbians front and center at Sochi's Olympics, rubbing Vladimir Putin's nose in it.  Do you ever wonder why? Just go to  and type in "Obama and Chicago Gay Mans Club" and do a little reading.  You might just find it enlightening.  Foolish voters have voted not once, but twice, for a man with no resume'.  He was no professor of Constitutional Law at Harvard.  He was a lecturer and never called upon. He was the poster boy for Affirmative Action.  He didn't grow up in America, has no interest in The Fourth of July, Mom and Apple Pie.  He is a Marxist and his mentor was Frank Marshall Davis, a card-carrying Communist. His bible is Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals", and he didn't write his two books.  The American terrorist Bill Ayers did.  He just recently confirmed it. And if you saw his selfie photos at Nelson Mandela's funeral (and for those of you who might not know, a 'selfie' is a photo you take of yourself at arm's length with your own smartphone) he looked so childish, so giddy, gaining the attention of an attractive blonde Prime Minister of Denmark, but disrespecting all around him and the memory of Mandela.  Michelle caught it all and even made him change seats.  White boy.  So we are saddled with Barack Hussein Obama and our last chance for freedom is going to be the elections of 2014. In my humble opinion, if we lose it to the Democrats, we will forever be a OnePartyNation, a dictatorship, and then watch while the 22nd Amendment is repealed.

Note the date of November 20, 2013 and it has taken almost a month to circulate.

Obamacare Should Remind Us We Are Not 'Subjects,' We Are People
Laura Hollis is a professor at the University of Notre Dame
November 20, 2013|

The unveiling of the dictatorial debacle that is Obamacare absolutely flabbergasts me. It is stunning on so many levels, but the most shocking aspect of it for me is watching millions of free Americans stand idly by while this man, his minions in Congress and his cheerleaders in the press systematically dismantle our Constitution, steal our money, and crush our freedoms.
The President, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid (with no small help from Justice John Roberts) take away our health care, and we allow it. They take away our insurance, and we allow it. They take away our doctors, and we allow it.   They charge us thousands of dollars more a year, and we allow it. They make legal products illegal, and we allow it. They cripple our businesses, and we allow it.   They announce by fiat that we must ignore our most deeply held beliefs – and we allow it.
Where is your spine, America?
Yes, I know people are complaining. I read the news on the internet. I read blogs. I have a Twitter feed. So what? People in the Soviet Union complained. People in Cuba complain. People in China complain (quietly). Complaining isn't the same thing as doing anything about it. In fact, much of the complaining that we hear sounds like resignation: Wow. This sucks. Oh well, this is the way things are. Too bad.
Perhaps you need reminding of a few important facts. Here goes:

1. The President is not a king. Barack Obama does not behave like a President, an elected official, someone who realizes that he works for us. He behaves like a king, a dictator– someone who believes that his own pronouncements have the force of law, and who thinks he can dispense with the law's enforcement when he deigns to do so. And those of us who object? How dare we? Racists!
And while he moves steadily "forward" with his plans to "fundamentally transform" the greatest country in human history, he distracts people with cheap, meaningless trivialities, like "free birth control pills"! (In fact, let's face it: this administration's odd obsession with sex in general - Birth control! Abortion! Sterilization! Gay guys who play basketball! -- is just plain weird. Since when did the leader of the free world care so much about how people have sex, who they have it with, and what meds they use when they have it? Does he have nothing more important to concern himself with?)

2. It isn't just a failed software program; it is a failed philosophy. People are marveling that was such a spectacular failure. Well, if one is only interested in it as a product launch, I've explained some of the reasons for that here. But the larger point is that it isn't a software failure, or even a product failure; it is a philosophy failure.
I have said this before: Obama is not a centrist; he is a central planner. And this – all of it: the disastrous computer program, the hundreds of millions of dollars wasted, the lies, the manipulation of public opinion, the theft of the public's money and property, and freedom (read insurance, and premiums, and doctors) -- IS what central planning looks like.
The central premise of central planning is that a handful of wunderkinds with your best interests at heart (yeah, right) know better than you what's good for you. The failure of such a premise and the misery it causes have been clear from the dawn of humanity. Kings and congressmen, dictators and Dear Leaders, potentates, princes and presidents can all fall prey to the same imperial impulses: "we know what is good for 'the people.'
And they are always wrong.
There is a reason that the only times communism has really been tried have been after wars, revolutions, or coups d'état. You have to have complete chaos for people to be willing to accept the garbage that centralized planning produces. Take the Soviet Union, for example. After two wars, famine, and the collapse of the Romanov dynasty, why wouldn't people wait in line for hours to buy size 10 shoes? Or settle for the gray matter that passed for meat in the grocery stores?
But communism's watered-down cousin, socialism, isn't much better. Ask the Venezuelans who cannot get toilet paper. Toilet paper. ¡Viva la Revolución!
Contrary to what so many who believe in a "living Constitution" say, the Founding Fathers absolutely understood this. That is why the Constitution was set up to limit government power. (Memo to the President: the drafters of the Constitution deliberately didn't say "what government had to do on your behalf.") They understood that that was the path to folly, fear, and famine.)

3. Obama is deceitful. Just as the collapse of the computer program should not surprise anyone, neither should we be shocked that the President lied about his healthcare plan. Have any of you been paying attention over the past few years? Obama has made no secret of his motivations or his methods. The philosophies which inspire him espouse deceit and other vicious tactics. (Don't take my word for it: read Saul Alinsky.) Obama infamously told reporter Richard Wolffe, "You know, I actually believe my own BS
." He has refused to be forthcoming about his past (where are his academic records?). His own pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, told author Ed Klein, that Obama said to him, "You know what your problem is? You have to tell the truth." Did Obama lie when he said dozens of times, "If you like your plan, you can keep it. Period!"? Of course he did. That's what he does.

4. The media is responsible. And had the media been doing their jobs, we would have known a lot of this much, much earlier. The press is charged with the sacred responsibility of protecting the people from the excesses of government. Our press has been complicit, incompetent, or corrupt.  Had they vetted this man in 2008, as they would have a Republican candidate, we would have known far more about him than we do, even now. Had they pressed for more details about Obamacare, Congress' feet would have been held to the fire. Had they done their jobs about Eric Holder, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the IRS scandal, NSA spying - or any of the other myriad betrayals of the public trust that this administration has committed, Obama would likely have lost his 2012 reelection campaign. (A fact that even The Washington Post has tacitly acknowledged. Well done, fellas! Happy now?)
Instead, they turned a blind eye, even when they knew he was lying, abusing power, disregarding the limits of the Constitution. It was only when he began to spy on them, and when the lies were so blatant that the lowest of low-information voters could figure it out that they realized they had to report on it. (Even in the face of blatant, deliberate and repeated lies,The New York Times has the audacity to tell us that the President "misspoke.") They have betrayed us, abandoned us, and deceived us.

5. Ted Cruz was right. So was Sarah Palin. The computer program is a disaster. The insurance exchanges are a disaster. What's left? The healthcare system itself. And this, of necessity, will be a disaster, too.
Millions of people have lost their individual insurance plans. In 2015, millions more will lose their employer-provided coverage (a fact which the Obama administration also knew, and admitted elsewhere).
The exorbitant additional costs that Obamacare has foisted on unsuspecting Americans are all part of a plan of wealth confiscation and redistribution. That is bad enough. But it will not end there.
When the numbers of people into the system and the corresponding demand for care vastly exceed the cost projections (and they will, make no mistake), then the rationing will start. Not only choice at that point, but quality and care itself will go down the tubes. And then will come the decisions made by the Independent Payment Advisory Board about what care will be covered (read "paid for") and what will not.
That's just a death panel, put politely. In fact, progressives are already greasing the wheels for acceptance of that miserable reality as well. They're spreading the lie that it will be about the ability of the dying to refuse unwanted or unhelpful care. Don't fall for that one, either. It will be about the deaths that inevitably result from decisions made by people other than the patients, their families, and their physicians. (Perhaps it's helpful to think of their assurances this way: "If you like your end-of-life care, you can keep your end-of-life-care.")

We are not SUBJECTS. (or, Nice Try, the Tea Party Isn't Going Away). We have tolerated these incursions into our lives and livelihoods too long already. There is no end to the insatiable demand "progressives" have to remake us in their image. Today it is our insurance, our businesses, our doctors, our health care. Tomorrow some new crusade will be announced that enables them to take over other aspects of our formerly free lives.
I will say it again: WE ARE NOT SUBJECTS. Not only is the Tea Party right on the fiscal issues, but it appears that they are more relevant than ever. We fought a war once to prove we did not want to be the subjects of a king, and the Boston Tea Party was just a taste of the larger conflict to come. If some people missed that lesson in history class, we can give them a refresher.
The 2014 elections are a good place to start. Call your representative, your senator, your candidate and tell them: "We are not subjects. You work for us. And if the word "REPEAL" isn't front and center in your campaign, we won't vote for you. Period."

Laura Hollis is an attorney and teaches entrepreneurship and business law at the University of Notre Dame. She resides in Indiana with her husband and two children.


You have to see this story.

36 cities in 20 states are turning their back on the U.S. dollar.

This is happening right here in America. And it's a quickly developing situation.

Recently, Warren Buffett warned that people should "fear paper money."

When you see this story you'll see why he's right.

But let me warn you. This is extremely controversial. However, you need to understand what's happening.

Click here to read this story.

Regards," />
Mike Ward
Publisher, Money Morning

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What Is The Truth About The Federal Reserve?

What Is The Truth About The Federal Reserve?
Posted By: Liberty_Lady [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 19-Dec-2013 10:00:43

I keep seeing stories about how the 100 year charter of the Federal Reserve is about to expire on December 23, 2013 and why we shouldn't renew it. I agree we shouldn't renew it, but first let's check out some facts about the Fed to try to separate fact from fiction.
According to G. Edward Griffin,author of "The Creature From Jekyll Island", Appearances can be deceiving."The Federal Reserve is one of the biggest scams in history. The Federal Reserve doesn't need to be audited,(sorry Ron and Rand Paul) it needs to be abolished." He gives seven reason why this is so.
1.It is incapable of accomplishing it's stated objectives.
2.It is a cartel operating against the public interest. (President Jackson was so right)
3.It is the supreme instrument of usury.
4.It generates our most unfair tax (inflation)
5.It encourages war.
6.It destabilizes the economy.
7.It is an instrument of totalitarianism.
How can this be? Where did the Federal Reserve come from in the first place? The Federal Reserve was conceived by an interesting group of seven men. Again to quote Mr. Griffin, "It was conceived in the mind of some interesting characters. Senator Nelson Aldrich, the Republican Whip in the Senate. He was also chairman of the National Monetary Commission, created for the purpose of 'reforming banking'. That was supposed to 'break the grip of the money trust' the few wealthy bankers who ran Wall Street in those days."
I nearly fell over laughing when I read that. Aldrich was a business partner of J.P. Morgan as well as the father-in-law of John D. Rockefeller Jr. Just how much of that money trust was he planning on breaking? I'd say little to none.
Abraham P. Andrews was the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. Frank Vanderlip was President of the National City Bank of New York, the largest and most powerful bank in the country at the time. Henry Davidson, was Senior Partner of the J.P. Morgan Company. Charles Norton was the President of the First National Bank of New York. Benjamin Strong was the head of J.P. Morgan Bankers Trust Company.(Why do bankers always use the word trust in their title while they're robbing you?) Paul Warburg, in my opinion, was the most important man on Jekyll Island. He was a partner in Coon-Logan Company, a representative of the Rothchild Banking Industry in England and France. He was brother to Max Warburg, who was the head of the banking system in Germany and the Netherlands. He was also one of the wealthiest men in the world. I'm sure protecting the common man from the ruthless bankers was top on his list of 'to do' things.
This should answer the question of why all the secrecy about this meeting on Jekyll Island. Who cares if seven men representing one quarter of the wealth on the planet at the time, meet in a club house on an island off the Georgia coast? Apparently they were worried about it because they went to great lengths to travel there by train in the darkness of night, some in disguise, not sitting with each other though they were business partners and friends.
As Vanderlip said in an interview in 1935, "If it were to be exposed publicly that our group had gotten together and written a banking bill, that bill would have no chance of passage in Congress." Because, as Mr. Griffin points out, "The purpose of the bill was to break the money trust. But it was written by the money trust." Or in other worlds, the fox was building the hen house supposedly to protect the hens. Right.
So, what exactly is a cartel and why should we be worried about one? A cartel is nothing but a monopoly. When a group of people within an area of business, say a hardware store, get together and decide they won't compete with each other but will set prices and each own a piece of the territory covered by that business, that is a cartel or monopoly. It eliminates competition, which is a healthy forcing of business to compete for your money. Remember that John D. Rockefeller said, "Competition is a sin." Yeah for the people like him. Not for us.
Those seven men came up with the name Federal Reserve System to give people the idea that it was somehow part of the government, that it had huge reserves of money or gold and that it worked for our interests. (I really like the last one) It went into partnership with the Federal government. Understand that in order for a partnership to work, both parties must benefit from the partnership. So what did the government get out of this deal? An open checkbook.
When the US government spends money like a drunken sailor in port for the first time in six months, it runs out of money and goes begging to the Fed. The Fed 'loans' them as much money as they need and WE get to pay back the interest on that loan. Most of us think that is just great, but it is nothing but a tax on us and a heavy one at that.
So where does this money come from? Surely the Fed has a huge reserve of money or gold or something else of intrinsic value to back the checks it writes to the government? Sorry, this is fiat money or money backed by thin air. The Fed has nothing but a huge checkbook. So Congress gets to spend whatever it wants without having to raise taxes which would send their butts back home at the next election. At the same time, banks are allowed to engage in fractional banking, which further depletes the value of the dollar. Banks are only required to keep 10% of their money on reserve at the bank, so they can 'loan out' the other 90% over and over and over. So who exactly profits from this? The bankers, government and their minions. We get the inflation. But it's our money to begin with. Does anyone else feel enriched and protected?
Who owns the Fed? This is the really interesting part. According to Mr. Griffin, "The Federal Reserve System is run by the Board of Directors of the National Board and it's chairmen, all of whom are appointed by the president. The stock certificate holders have no voice in that whatsoever. They can only vote for the members of the regional banks. But those chairmen and vice chairmen of those regional banks are appointed by the National Board. The Board of Directors can vote for them but the National Board has veto power over them."
In spite of the smoke and mirrors of a delusion of power, that is a lie. The power is all concentrated with the National Board. The regional bank's only power is to set the rates and even that has to have the approval of the National Board. Can anyone say, 'monopoly'? So truly, the Federal Reserve is a weird combination of private and government. Which brings me to my original question. What is the truth behind the Federal Reserve? Is it's 100 year charter about to expire on December 23rd, 2013?
From what I've been able to research, there was never a 100 year charter to begin with. The Federal Reserve was granted a 20 year charter in 1913. In 1927, Congress passed the Pepper McFadden bill, giving the banks perpetual charter. So the only way the Federal Reserve System can come to an end is by an act of Congress. And since Congress loves their open checkbook from the Fed, how likely do you think it will be that they will, 'End the Fed'?
So when I hear someone like Ron Paul calling for an audit of the Fed, yes I call him disingenuous. He's been in Congress long enough to know that would be nothing but a 'feel good' move. The Fed is operating exactly as it is supposed to act. The only question is, who benefits, the banking cartel, the US government or We The People? You know the answer to that. So can we eliminate the Fed? Not unless we vote out nearly every politician in Congress. I'd say we have our work cut out for us.
For the full interview with G. Edward griffin go to: or read "The Creature from Jekyll Island" 

Don't - Don't - Don't Believe "THE GURU HYPE"

Don't - Don't - Don't Believe "THE GURU HYPE" ---> “Blinded following the Blindfolded” 

This means that the "GURUS MAGIC" is being "HYPED!" A lot of positive stuff being said or claimed, and that most of this "GURU MAGIC" is not true. "DON'T BELIEVE THEIR HYPE" and became entangled in conflict.

The "GURUS" deal with outside influences on your judgment. "Don't believe the hype" is saying don't take the advertising at face value, don't buy, or buy into, something just because it's well-promoted; check it out and make your decision based on more reliable and disinterested judgments. "Don't get caught-up" is a warning to avoid getting carried away in the heat of the moment and/or as part of a group. For instance, don't get caught-up in the "DINAR GURU CULTURE" because your friends AND OTHERS YOU KNOW are CAUGHT-UP with GURU MANIA. 

Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. Proverb -- After being tricked once, one should be wary, so that the person cannot trick you again.

“To those who abuse: the sin is yours, the crime is yours, and the shame is yours. To those who protect the perpetrators: blaming the victims only masks the evil within, making you as guilty as those who abuse. Stand up for the innocent or go down with the rest.”

“There is beauty in truth, even if it's painful. Those who lie, twist life so that it looks tasty to the lazy, brilliant to the ignorant, and powerful to the weak. But lies only strengthen our defects. They don't teach anything, help anything, fix anything or cure anything. Nor do they develop one's character, one's mind, one's heart or one's soul.

“An unexciting truth may be eclipsed by a thrilling falsehood.”

“Truth only has one story, while a lie has a dictionary.”

“Don't Kill The Messenger.” ― Sophocles

Message from Bluwolf Wed. Night Emailed to Recaps

Wed. Night Bluwolf post emailed to Recaps




Read More Link on Right








Read More Link on Right





How you Makin it

I have added a date to the last three notes so that we can keep my thoughts in order, I have aged a little in the investment.

First if anyone is giving anything other than a rate of less than 4 dollars, He or She is crazy there will not be anything above 4... along with that most likely we will see the rate between 2 and 3 bucks it could possibly be the original rate of 3.44 but I am pretty sure the IMF has decided against that... but there could be a miracle in that rate.

Second Wells Fargo will not have 800# please stay as far away from this stuff as you can. I do have Wells Fargo contact and I have been instructed that it is not affiliated with them.

Third if anyone is giving a date for the RV they are not telling the truth because no one has a grasp on it.... there is only a window of time that the pressure is so great that Iraq would have to RV...
Read More link on Right
Fourth I have waited to see if a window would open since my last note and it has... we have about 5 days here that it could go..and if it does not then it will most likely get pushed to right at the 1st or a little after.... .

Fifth Now this window is very much dependent on Whether Iraq can get enough money to operate.... the only way for them to do this and not RV is to start trading Bonds (the IMF has vowed not to let this happen until an RV) I can only say that so far Iraq has not been able to get the bonds so if the IMF holds true then we will have an RV by the First of the Year and if the Window holds the next 5 days.....

Sixth Please pray for this window to have enough pressure on the country of Iraq to RV

Seventh I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.... IF we get an RV then I know it will be happy, If not keep your chin up because this is coming to an end.....

Eighth if you wonder if it has RV'd Check the CBI..... They cannot RV in the country without RVing out side of the Country, do not fall for the people that say this...

Ninth You will be able after the RV to go to any major bank and exchange your Dinar..... the rate is the only thing you need to check multiple banks about or dealers.

Check CBI.IQ

I am Extremely hopeful at this time.


Check every day to see if it has changed... do not take a guru or a post about incountry RV or any thing else do not be fooled just check the CBI

Do not let your emotions get to you.


Why am I still posting dinar guru's messages?

I am often asked -- why am I still posing dinar guru's messages.

It is important for future criminal investigations and charges to have a running record of what they said and when. All the messages posted on this blog are stored for future reference. 

They must be held accountable to the people for the lies that they have put out.

John MacHaffie

Intel Guru Bluwolf 12-19 Morning

12-19/Thursday-2013   Intel Guru Bluwolf 
  Nothing what so ever has changed, all is 
intact and flowing as planned, all is 
transpiring as speculated, the rates shall be
in double digits and high. There will be a 
800# and you will sign off on a NDA period. 
  We now await patiently for our notification



Tony Wed.CC Recorded Link and Notes by FlPatriot59 at I4U

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REPLAY   805-399-1500    409029#

BlogTalkRadio    RECORDED LINK

Notes by FlPatriot59 at I4U:

Tony  Good Morning TNT   - Basically, I want to split this into 2 halves. I want to tell you what's really going on, new cashout procedures, and then I'll answer a question about the real world and how it operates, even about our own country and govt.
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T - We know this has been dragging out for months. We've been told it'll happen tonight. Or tomorrow. I'm telling you that you've been hearing on a global level that it's happening. These are from meetings with directors and 3-letter agencies doing their morning briefings. That was last Thursday and we still wait. They were told last night it should have happened at 2-3AM in the morning. And it didn't. Some were fired last week, some sent to Alaska, new people were brought in.

T - On Monday the IMF forced the rates to go live. The IMF actually shocked our gov't and system by taking it live. When I say "LIVE" that means live at the central banks, not the local bank level. They still have to push it out to their street banks because it didn't go through the global system we were supposed to trigger. Because we didn't do it, the banks outside the USA have to do it themselves.

T - Those Central Banks are just like our UST. They have to wait for the rates to go live before anybody gets paid on the local level. And they have elite getting paid just like we do. But it's not at the street level. That does not mean it's not happening. So if you call your friend in another country and they say it's not happening, that doesn't mean it's not happening.

T - This morning at 2-3 AM it should've gone live around the world. Since Monday, however, the USA has a campaign of calling the other nations NOT to take it live even though the IMF did it. They are asking them not to do, even though it's their option to do so and even though the IMF pulled the trigger. Today, they (Iraq) can see their currency and their rates are live. The IMF did what they were supposed to do and said "enough is enough, you've had your opportunity."

T - As of this morning, there is a live bank rate and can be cashed out in Kuwait, Jordan, Dubai, UAE, Saudi Arabia - $3.85 in each of those countries being pushed down to the banks in those countries. We have had people cash out in those countries confirmed this morning. I do know we have had people cash out.

T - The other places where it is live at their respective Central Banks are Israel, Canada, Australia, Turkey, Chile, UK, France, Venezuela, Belgium but they responded to the US and are holding the rates from going live. It should've gone this morning but these countries  agreed to hold it. The big question is why and how long do they intend to hold it? Who is holding it? It was, in fact, the UST, lying to other agency directors in DC about it.

T - People at the agencies level are saying "we're done." But someone else is is saying it's not done.

T - It's been the IMF against the USA and each blaming each other, saying it's not them holding it up.

T - the debate is still about the rate. At some point today I hope to hear what the debate is exactly about. They know they have paid out a bunch of people and they have to fix the system accordingly with the rates. Who does that make sense to? You paid out the elite and the system was working? And now it's not? It may have been a problem but not big enough to hold off paying off the elite. So they weren't lying, just not telling the whole truth. Even last night they were still paying people. How can we have 15,000+ elite people who haven't been involved in the calls, aren't senators or congressmen, haven't been involved in this, etc. and they're paying people with less than 5M dinar? I was told if you contact the right person you can get paid.

T - That can't be the reason. Over 37,000 have actually been cashed out so far. What the real problem is the rate: there is, right now,
people are calling for a formal investigation on the abuse of power of people being paid. And the people who paid them out are trying to have an agreement in place to justify NOT paying us the $32 (not paying every single person that rate). They want to put something in place so they don't have to pay it back. I'm only hearing this from one side. The formal audit is necessary for this. I'm also hearing they're still trying to shorten the CE time, even though they say they don't want a stampede or it to be wild and crazy.

T - They say they want everybody done in 5-7 days and spend the security for that period rather than for an entire 30 days. They say they don't want panic, but they absolutely are causing. All of this can change. Monday after the call it started one way, and today it's different. It could've very easily gone today at 2-3AM like it was supposed to. Now they're putting out excuses, i.e., waiting on the budget to be signed tonight. The vote has already been taken and there is no concern there. Then they're saying Bernanke's speech and QE4. What does that have to do with the RV? Absolutely nothing! We're still going to stimulate the economy.

T - So where are we? It could through at any minute, any second, if they're protected and this new investigation means they're covered. They don't want us all to get the $32 rate.
According to the IMF they are fighting for us to all get that rate. According to the payout we may all have access but we all may not get it. If not, they're trying to get protection. I'm hearing from different agencies who are mad, frustrated, and tired of being lied to. They're relaying it to me so it'll be public right now. This is the issue and enough is enough.

T - I don't know when it will happen or when it will come to conclusion. They asked for another 48 hours to resolve some things. The countries that are live said "no" and they went with the IMF.
The others said they'll give that time but said it will run out eventually. They still all want it by Christmas, but then Christmas Eve is also before Christmas and we don't want to hear that BS. People can deal with the truth if they would just tell it. At least we would know when it is. I'd rather hear that than "everyday tomorrow, etc."

T - This is blatant, blatant at this point. The UST didn't like me saying "incompetent" because they were just following directions and doing their job. That is how they do business. Now they really know what is really going on. With this POTUS you're seeing more dysfunction that has been more public than it has ever been in the past 6 years. And we're seeing because we're involved in. You're finding out things most people will never know. If you didn't know you will today.

T - When this thing does happen, some will get $32 and others $5. The market rate is $3.85. We have a contract rate of $5.85 they want to push out to us. The $32 rate will be paid to some people for a period of time. They're trying to narrow that group and timeframe of that rate payout.

T - Here's what I have been told will be paid:
$32 to the Admiral's Group in Reno, as a contract rate. They will honor that. Because of the nonsense with the G64 group and others, including one group that ran off with a billion dinar, the playing field was leveled, but China said no. There is another number for the G64, which will get the medium amount between the high and the low. I have the exact number they will get, even though they don't even know. Their 800# is not the 800# I will be giving out. If you call their number for the Private Placement Group will get their private placement rate.

T - If you walk in off the street they'll give you a pamphlet with an 800# and they will get paid $5.85. These are those who never listened to calls or were involved.
This is only with 1 bank: there will be an 800# we will give out and for a period of time anybody going through that number will get the $32 and it will be a flex rate.

T -
This is only one bank and it could change right after this call. I will verify when I get the 800#s but I'm being told that we will get $32 initially and the rate will move down over time. We're still going to have an RV. I'm still hearing before Friday evening, and before Christmas. Who cares if it happens by Friday? They're still supposed to give the banks time before it hits Forex. But that's the reason they're holding it up. I know this is confusing.


Q - How are the other rates affected? A - They're not. They are tied together. VNN at 1.16.

Q - Was the process of using 800#s scrapped? A - That is not true. The only way they have to control everything. Why would they scrap this? And China is still very much involved in this for the oil credits through WF. China is the only country in the world given authorization to bypass the UST auction process. At least 30% of the exchanges will go for oil credits through WF.

Q - How can the rate change post-RV? A - The rates will change according to demand. It is no longer a fiat currency. It is based on supply and demand. The only thing different with us is that we have a contract rate for a period of time. When that contract runs out we will be subject to the Forex rates like everybody else.

Q - What sense does it make to hold on to VNN for a higher rate? A - I do see it going up depending on the rate it comes out at initially. The market will detemine this. People who didn't believe in this will see what's happening and will jump in. If you don't know that game, don't do it!

Q - How is it that in this country, that advertises equality for all, that the UST, an arm of our government, allows cronyism and elitism to cash out? This blatant favoritism reflects outright discrimination. The UST is making excuses to cover this. Frankly, if they can cash out one they can cash out all. When do we convey our grievances to Jack Lew? When I was in the army we pledged "no man left behind." Where is that sense of duty today?

A - First, don't go all anti-government on me. I have talked to a lot of people and they're all saying the same thing: it's not fair. It's not fair to the other countries. Not fair to us. Over 37,000 people have been paid out in this country but other countries are still waiting. I don't know who 37,000 people are who are above other countries. I don't know. Every agency is blaming the UST and they are stopping the world from moving forward. While a bunch in DC got paid, many in DC did not get paid. Nobody want this to be that public (us dinarians). Do NOT make that mistake - you will regret it for the rest of your life.

T - I'm hoping we can get the 800#s and we can go on with our business. I'm not sure it will generate another call today. I don't know.


C - Is the 800# your personal number? Or is that a TNT Group Number? T - I don't have a number. The only number is the WF group's number. As far as I know WF is the only bank paying anyone thru an 800#. The UST will issue the other banks 800#s.

[FLPatriot59] NOTICE - CALL-IN Q&A TRANSCRIPTION ENDING NOW. I have to leave so I cannot continue. Sorry!

(Note: The remainder of the call notes are available at TNT:

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

6 Secrets "They" Don't Want You to Know

6 Secrets "They" Don't Want You to Know

Even the dumbest person knows that the world is controlled by certain individuals. Some say they are the richest families, some say secret organizations with members posing as a president’s right hand, some even say aliens in disguise.

The truth is, no matter who, the 99% is controlled by the 1% and there are things that the 1% would be happy if the 99% never find out of. But, be that as it may, the Murphy ’s Law still stands even for those individuals who steer the wheel and as the law says “Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong”.

People with humanity still in their hearts leaked some information, people who see things as they really are revealed conspiracies, and some with a little logic still in the head discovered the truth hidden from the 99%. Here are some of the greatest secrets “They” don’t want you to know of:

6. They Control the Earth’s Environment

You have probably heard about the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP). It is a project funded by The US Navy and The US Air Force and its cover is technology that can allow US military to communicate with its fleet of submarines through very long distances. How this works? There is an instrument in HAARP called “Ionospheric Research Instrument” which is a facility that transmits high-power radio frequency directly into a limited area of the Ionosphere.

This instrument manipulates the Ionosphere, the place where free electrons exist, and has a potential to create radio waves that will manipulate the earth’s magnetic field. You get yourself a control of the earth’s magnetic field and you control the earth.

Even more frightening is the fact that HAARP has a potential to control emotions through wave frequencies and manipulate human minds. Who knows, maybe they are responsible for our sudden mood swings. Project HAARP was shut down in May 2013, or was it?

5. Tap Water Makes You Poor

There is absolutely no need for fluoride in tap water, well for us, but for the ones who want to control the world and make sure no one rises above them, fluoride in tap water is essential element. Why? Let me explain a little bit.

Fluoridation was recommended by Edward Bernays, nephew of Sigmund Freud. Mind manipulation is written all over their foreheads. Fluoride is a chemical that has an effect on the Pineal Gland of our brain, some call it “The Third Eye”. This gland is responsible for majority of our emotions, as well as our serotonin and melatonin level.

Fluoride damages this gland and promotes apathy, depression, and low vibrations. This results in lack of motivation, bad health and boredom. To survive in the world today we must earn money to buy the necessary things like food, water, shelter, medicine.

Instead of following our dream and escaping the system, we are depressed and unmotivated which forces us to work for someone just so we can survive. These 2 forces, The survival instinct and apathy, limit us to follow the system and never rise above it. We are scared for our survival but unmotivated to go our own way, so we let others lead our whiny ass to safety. Their safety. Just like sheep in the herd.

4. Chemtrails Spray Us With Fluoride

When you look up in the sky and say look a con trail you may be wrong, it may be a chemtrail. Don’t worry, it’s nothing, it’s just some guys spraying you with Aluminum, Arsenic, Barium, Boron, and yes Fluoride. Why? Because you ask too much. Now shut up and keep doing what “They” tell you.

Fluoride is now also being added to almost every food product made with water. Fluoride is also in insecticides and other poison products, toothpaste, mouthwash, and many psychotropic medicines, and if we are good we may even get houses made of fluoride, yay!

3. GMO is Destroying All Humanity

Genetically Modified Organisms or GMOs are plants or animals created through the gene splicing techniques of biotechnology. This experimental technology merges DNA from different species, creating unstable combinations of plant, animal, bacterial and viral genes that cannot occur in nature or in traditional crossbreeding.

In other words GMO is taking God’s dice in our own hands. It is the greatest disbalance nature has ever seen. The Universe has one divine rule and that is that whatever happens it must always keep balance, every action has its own opposite reaction. We make disbalance to nature, but as we know The Universe will always find balance, so our action will result in conflict between us and nature.

The dumbest man knows that we come from Nature and the conflict will be between ourselves resulting in us becoming something else that is not Nature or our extinction, because let’s face it, we cannot go on the opposite side of the scale with such force and expect balance.

2. Sacred Geometry is The Language of The Universe and Beauty

What is Beauty? Victoria’s Secret Angels, I know, but what is the definition of beauty? The combination of elements like shape, color, size that pleases the sense of sight. But, we know that music has a beauty too, smell also, so if you ask me I would say that beauty is a harmony between elements and forces.

Sacred geometry is found where elements meet The Golden Ratio (1.618033989...) and it exists through all The Universe between gravity of planets, Nature, design of flowers, shape of animals, proportions of land, crop circles, it also exists in many manmade objects or famous arts like the works of Leonardo DaVinci, Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony, Greek and Roman architecture... Almost everything we find harmonious, beautiful, and with that x-factor we cannot explain has The Golden Ratio shinning through it.

Why is this kept a secret? Well, it’s like a magic show. We find magic in things with The Golden Ratio but we don’t know why or how. The magician knows the trick and in order to manipulate the audience nobody else is allowed to know how it’s done.

1. The Music Makes You Competitive

Do you know that in 1955 The International Standardization Organization made 440 Hz a general tuning standard for musical pitch?Before that was 432 Hz. As you may know sounds have the biggest impact in our thinking. 432 Hz makes the sound of music more harmonious, calm, promotes happiness and deep understanding, passion. 440 Hz is more energetic, faster, it is almost like racing. It is more competitive and focusing on the details, the understanding of the things we can see. So why would someone and most importantly how, decides that 440 Hz is better than 432 Hz?

Because music touches us where nothing else can, where the essence of our Emotional Being is, and if you control what emotions/thoughts the music promotes, than your work of controlling the world is 99% done. “They” don’t want people to understandOur True Nature and Our Higher Self. They want us to be in a hurry, to believe only what we see and be competitive about material things.

This way The 99% will live in the reality The 1% will create for them. This whole article is about that, the purpose of The 1% is to shape the reality of The 99% and through various of things “They” have accomplished that, and “They” are damn good in keeping the control.

By Dejan Davchevski, | Image: unomoralez;

Dejan Davchevski is an International Marketing Manager, though his passion is sharing a way of living that he calls 'The Code Of Life.' He discovered 'the code' while he was in a dark period of his life and it helped him recover. You can contact Dejan on his Facebook page or website.
Views: 83

Replies to This Discussion

The way in which these entities have corrupted and tainted these aspects of our lives is close to unforgivable in my mind. I believe our only hope is to spread awareness of these things far and wide - one of the "prime directives" of this network.
440Hz is NON-RESONANT and unnatural, whereas 432Hz is resonant and in tune with the natural rotational frequency of the Earth (86400 seconds/day). 86400/432 = 200 whereas 86400/440 = 196.36363636363636363636363636364 (YUK!)
In the meantime, here is some properly-tuned music to help you remember what REAL music used to sound like: