Sunday, January 1, 2017

Trump Is Exactly Where The Elites Want Him

Brandon Smith

Cognitive dissonance is a powerful drug. It makes otherwise-very-intelligent people goofy and incoherent in their thinking and blinds them to certain realities that they should normally see right in front of their noses. I witness it all the time in the field of economics — a key piece of logic, a key fact that certain people absolutely refuse to take into account simply because they have a singular idea of how the world works and they cannot allow that idea to ever come into question. They would rather leap into a mental gymnastics routine worthy of an Olympic gold medal than examine the truth. And if you confront them on it, they’ll accuse YOU of being the one in denial.

This is how we ended up with the credit crisis and market crash of 2008/2009. This is how very few people saw the writing on the wall with Syria and ISIS and the fact that the funding and training of Islamic extremists by Western governments for the purpose of proxy insurgency might not be such a great concept. It is the reason why it took years for the mainstream to acknowledge the advent of the East/West paradigm, the same paradigm that alternative analysts warned about years in advance. This is why most mainstream AND alternative analysts completely discounted a successful Brexit referendum.  And, it is why the vast majority of pundits could not even conceive of a Trump victory in 2016.  I could write a list 20 pages long on all the geopolitical and fiscal developments most people missed because they were clinging to assumptions rather than evidence.

Unfortunately, the liberty movement is also sometimes vulnerable to such assumptions. The most dangerous of which revolve around the rise of President-elect Donald Trump.

I have seen endless theories over the past several months on all the ways in which the global elites would sabotage the Trump campaign. I believe the phrase “they will never allow him to win” was repeated in nearly every discussion on the election. The assumption in this instance was that Trump is “anti-establishment” and, therefore, a threat to the globalists. These are the same globalists that people also claimed would “rig the election,” or initiate a “coup” in the electoral college to stop a Trump presidency.

Of course, this never happened. So, a large percentage of the movement needs to question — why didn’t it happen? How did Trump win within a system we know has been rigged for decades?

You’ll hear hundreds of theories and rationalizations on Trump’s miraculous victory, but a reason you will almost never hear is also the most likely one: Trump won the election because he serves the interests of the establishment. Trump won because he is a fake.

This is not an idea that many liberty activists want to entertain. They were so repulsed by the proposition of Hillary Clinton taking the helm at the White House that they would have invested themselves in almost ANYONE running against her, even if they thought that candidate might be controlled opposition. However, not just anyone was fielded as a candidate; Trump was fielded, and for good reason.  I predicted before the Republican and Democratic primaries that the final election would be between Trump and Clinton in my article Will A Trump Presidency Really Change Anything For The Better?, published in March, and here is a quote on why:

"The other ingenious aspect of the Trump campaign is really who he is running against — Hillary Clinton, a rabidly liberal candidate even more hated than Barack Obama. A candidate with a potentially serious criminal record and a penchant for an outright communistic world view far beyond that of Bernie Sanders. Those of us who have been in the writing field for a long time and have dabbled in fiction know that in order to create a fantastic hero, you must first put even more work into creating a fantastic villain. The hero is nothing without the villain.

The unmitigated horror inherent in the prospect of a Hillary Clinton presidency is like adding jet fuel to the Trump campaign. (And yes, I am assuming according to the results of the primaries so far that the final election will be between Trump and Clinton)."

My point back then as well as now is that without Clinton as the counter-party, Trump would not have garnered the political following he did.  Any other Democratic candidate would not have galvanized conservatives so fervently. As I continued in my pre-primaries article:

“Donald Trump appears to be the perfect antithesis to Hillary Clinton. … the real question is, is Trump a reflection of the frustration and defiance of the conservative population, or, is he a clever ruse by the establishment to co-opt and placate the conservative population before we rebel?”

The staging of the 2016 election might have appeared to some people to be absolute chaos, but to me, it could not have been more perfectly scripted. In later articles covering the election I went on to give Trump a chance.  I stated that I had little doubt that he would win the election and that this would be followed by an economic crisis, probably triggered early in his first term.  Conservative movements would be set up as scapegoats for a crash the globalists had created. However, I believed it (marginally) possible that Trump was not aware of this strategy on the part of the elites. Today, I no longer hold this view.

The first and worst sign that Trump is not anywhere near “anti-establishment” has been his complete reversal of his original “drain the swamp” rhetoric. Trump is not only NOT draining the swamp that is the Washington D.C. and corporate elitist revolving door, he is adding even more creatures of varying ghoulishness.  As Newt Gingrich, who describes himself as an outside adviser to Trump, recently stated:

“I’m told he now just disclaims that…” [Draining the swamp] “He now says it was cute, but he doesn’t want to use it anymore…”

There is a good reason why Trump no longer wants to use that particular slogan — his cabinet is now filled with the exact same elitists he used to slam along with the Washington establishment.

Trump first placed former Goldman Sachs partner Steven Mnuchin as Treasury Secretary. Goldman Sachs has a long history of insinuating its alumni into vital positions within government bodies dealing directly with the economy.  Mnuchin is particularly troubling because of his ties to George Soros; Mnuchin used to work directly for George Soros at Soros Fund Management up until 2004.

Then, for those people that thought maybe Mnuchin was just an anomaly, Trump added Gary Cohn, president of Goldman Sachs, as the director of the National Economic Council.

Trump’s chief strategist and Breitbart executive Steve Bannon is also a former Goldman Sachs investment banker.

It is interesting to note that over a quarter of the gains in the delusional Dow Jones spike after Trump’s election was tied to a rise in Goldman Sachs stock value.  Imagine that…

Trump is also now “advised” on economic matters by the likes of JP Morgan’s Jamie Dimon. Are we starting to get the picture here?

If that is not enough, then how about the fact that Trump is being closely advised by long time globalist Henry Kissinger (just as Vladimir Putin is advised by Kissinger)?  I'm not sure why so many people are surprised by this arrangement; Trump was meeting with Kissinger months before the election. No matter the administration, there is ALWAYS a high level globalist behind the curtain.  Barack Obama had Zbigniew Brzezinski, and Trump and Putin have Kissinger.

I won’t go into the numerous establishment Republicans that Trump has tapped for his administration, I will save that can of worms for another article, but anyone in the Liberty Movement that is not at least generally suspicious of Trump at this point is probably kidding themselves.  The bottom line is, Trump has already LIED to his political base.  He has surrounded himself with globalists and financial gatekeepers when he originally criticized Clinton for the same behavior.  At this point, as long as he working in close proximity with such parasites there is no way for us to know if he is calling the shots, or if his handlers are making decisions for him.

I have heard it argued that Trump “has no choices” outside of D.C. insiders, which is why his cabinet is loaded with bottom feeders from Goldman Sachs. I find this argument rather naive. I would argue that there are thousands of brilliant professionals and people far more trustworthy outside of the beltway that could populate Trump’s cabinet and “make America great again.”  I would even argue that ANY person with little experience inside the D.C. corruption chamber would be better suited to the job.

It seems to me that there are some activists that just can’t let go of the notion that Trump was the candidate the elites wanted all along.  After all, didn’t the powers-that-be do everything in their power to try and stop him from winning the election?

Well, not really.  The media firestorm surrounding Trump, though highly negative in tone, only boosted Trump’s exposure throughout the election. In fact, Trump received more coverage from outlets like CNN than all the other candidates combined.

This was the exact opposite tactic that the elitist controlled media used against true liberty candidate Ron Paul in 2012. With Paul, the media went out of their way to ignore him; they even refused to show a single Ron Paul campaign sign in a crowd if they could avoid it. This was a concerted systematic effort on the part of left AND right wing media outlets to ensure that no one outside of the internet heard about Ron Paul.

So what happened with Trump? Why did the mainstream media abandon a strategy that was very effective against Ron Paul, and why did they give Trump endless free coverage?

The elites also did not take very stringent measures to disrupt Trump’s candidacy early in the race. The Republican National Convention undertook a campaign of disinformation and rule changes in order to ensure that Ron Paul would have no chance of organizing an upset against establishment choice Mitt Romney. The same exact kind of treachery was used by the DNC in 2016 to sabotage Bernie Sanders — arguably a far more popular and effective candidate than Hillary Clinton. The party elites have numerous tools at their disposal to kill a candidate’s chances before he or she ever makes it on the national stage, yet, we are supposed to believe that Trump just slipped through the cracks, or beat them at their own game?  I think not.

The election itself was riddled with email leaks and data dumps showcasing the corruption of the Clinton campaign, and yes, this did help to ensure a Trump win. The accusations of “Russian hacking” is clearly a sideshow, but the question remains, who did feed that information to Wikileaks? Some theorize that “disgruntled employees” within the U.S. intelligence apparatus may have leaked the data. I think they were not disgruntled. I think that most of the leaks were part of the election theater from the very beginning. In light of Trump’s clear goal to entrench banking vampires within his administration, I think that the elites always intended for him to “win” the election.

Of course, for some in the liberty movement this claim is sacrilegious. They don’t want to hear it, they’ll hate me for saying it, and that’s fine.  I started my work in 2006 during the Bush years, and I remember quite well what it was like.  I have little doubt that some people will be accusing me of being a "liberal" before they even finish this article, just as people called me a "Neo-Con" during the Obama administration.  People who held fast to "conspiracy theories" surrounding the election and how Clinton was the "chosen one" will now hypocritically call me a "conspiracy theorist" for pointing out that NO ONE gets into the White House without being vetted by the elites, even Trump.

Working in alternative media means not caring if people like you or dislike you. I’ve been able to make numerous correct predictions because I do not concern myself with the pressures of conforming to group-think. My only hope is that many in the movement realize sooner rather than later that their faith in Trump has been ill invested. The great danger is that the liberty movement, the best last chance for saving this nation, will sit on its collective hands idle, centralizing all their hopes and eggs into the Trump basket, waiting for him to gallop in on his white horse and save us all from oblivion. And when that time comes, I suspect that he will do nothing, and the movement will be neutralized by its own desperate desire for a hero and an idol.
This article was originally published at Alt-Market

Obama spending another $300 million in Kenya

Obama spending another $300 million in Kenya

Funding HIV/AIDS project pushes U.S. dollars there to new heights - Question is:  Is that REALLY WHAT THE MONEY IS BEING USED FOR???  Or simply MORE thievery by Obama for his personal bank accounts? Or to fund the gangs of men murdering the                                               innocents, especially Christians?

Jan 1 2017 
WMD Exclusive

The Obama administration is seeking to infuse another $306 million into HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention programs solely for the African nation of Kenya, where men who have sex with men, female sex workers and people who inject drugs “are considered key populations for intervention.”

The U.S. Agency for International Development, or USAID, citing government of Kenya statistics, says an estimated 1.5 million Kenyans are HIV-positive, the majority of whom transmitted the disease “heterosexually.”

The administration plans to award contracts to separately deliver services in distinct clusters of Kenyan counties, according to the USAID procurement document, which WND located via routine database research.

The agency, which released Solicitation No. SOL-615-17-000002 on Dec. 27, has served at the forefront of expanding Kenyan health-care services. 

Indeed, as WND has reported, one of Obama’s long-term goals has been “to establish a social health insurance system to enable equitable provision of health care to all Kenyan citizens.”

The administration likewise has simultaneously assisted, through USAID, in the decentralization of Kenya’s notoriously corrupt national government – despite the agency’s admitted risk of creating 47 equally corrupt county governments.

The primary aim of the HIV Service Delivery Support Activity, as the new endeavor is known, is to improve HIV detection and treatment, while strengthening “institutional accountability” for community, facility and county HIV responses.

“Contractors are expected to collaborate with and support county leadership and other implementing agencies and partners across the system regardless of agency or funding source to ensure HIV services are integrated and complementary,” USAID said in the solicitation.

The contractors also are expected to serve on behalf of the Obama administration as a “lead agency” at the Kenyan county level, contributing to the capacity of each county to “operationalize and oversee clinical HIV services.”

Though Congress did not specifically recommend providing such services to Kenya or to any particular nation, the House and Senate Appropriations committees overall have offered their full support for Obama’s USAID Global Health Programs agenda and related HIV/AIDS treatment. (But they are NOT taking care of American citizens - only illegals and 'immigrants')

“The committee recognizes the significant achievements of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) through the support of anti-retroviral treatment, testing, counseling, and other prevention measures,” according to House Report 114-693, which accompanied the FY2017 State Department, Foreign Operations and Related Appropriations bill, H.R. 5912.

The committee in July had reported the measure, which recommended $6 billion toward global HIV/AIDS initiatives. The panel additionally offered “continued support for a United States contribution to the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS.”

It recommended $8.9 billion for overall Global Health Programs – $340 million more than the president’s request.

The Senate report No. 114-290 on a companion spending bill, S. 3117, includes similar language and an identical amount for global HIV/AIDS, but recommends about $8.7 billion for overall Global Health Programs.

The bills remain on the congressional calendar.

WND has documented during Obama’s residency in the White House the hundreds of millions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer funds he’s spend in Kenya.

See all the reports about Obama’s spending in Kenya. While the total remains unknown because not all information has been released by the government, there are references to multiple hundreds of millions of dollars:
Other global ventures

The following foreign operations-related contracting actions offer a snapshot of recent global-affairs initiatives of the Obama administration. They are not intended to serve as a comprehensive examination of foreign-policy contracting actions.

Improving Arabic reading instruction for children is the goal of a new initiative that USAID is proposing in support of the Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education.

The tentative program, which would target early grade reading in the West Bank, could provide literacy instruction training to Palestinian teachers and administrators.

The endeavor likewise would “encourage community engagement and participation to support increased student reading outcomes and school accountability,” according to the pre-solicitation notice.

The agency anticipates the possible release of a Request for Proposals in February, depending upon internal approvals and the availability of funds.

Encouraging public support of administration policies on refugees and dispersed-persons assistance will be a core task of a “diaspora specialist” that USAID’s Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance is seeking to hire.

Engaging university students in dialogue about U.S. policy – while recruiting those students as campus ambassadors to further spread the administration’s message – are some of the functions of this personal-services contractor position.

The selected individual will serve on a Public-Private Engagement Team, collaborating with other USAID strategic-communications personnel in sharing information and photographs via social media.

Among other duties, the specialist will establish relationships with – and encourage socially responsible and effective donations from – diaspora communities and organizations.

The Washington, D.C.-based position pays $64,650-$84,044.  The agency likewise is recruiting a senior diaspora adviser to supervise the aforementioned activities. That position pays $92,145-$119,794.

Separately, USAID is concealing the identity of an individual private contractor it has brought on board as a temporary manager within its Bureau of Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance, or DCHA.

The secret recipient of contract No. SOL-OTI-17-000015, who was hired on a sole-source, noncompetitive basis, will receive a minimum of $97,000 as acting program manager for six months of work in DCHA’s Office of Transition Initiatives.

Based in Washington, D.C., the unidentified contractor will manage USAID programs in Ukraine and Macedonia while helping to train incoming program managers. The agency in a Justification for Other Than Full and Open Competition, or JOFOC, document claimed it had a critical need to swiftly hire someone with specialized experience, citing federal law allowing this exemption from competitive procurement.

The JOFOC did not offer, however, an explanation for redacting the contractor’s name.  ????? 

Latest 'intel' states there are 4 obama clones currently operating worldwide. Republic and Dunford should take out Camp David and other known cloning facilities once and for all, or all the look alikes and their traitorous actions will continue.


Auld Lang Syne by Sissel

The New Year lies before you, like a spotless tract of snow.
Be careful how you tread on it, for every mark will show.

New Year's Prayer by Charlotte Anselmo

Thank you Lord for giving me
The brand new year ahead
Help me live the way I should
As each new day I tread.

Give me gentle wisdom
That I might help a friend
Give me strength and courage
So a shoulder I might lend.

The year ahead is empty
Help me fill it with good things
Each new day filled with joy
And the happiness it brings.

Please give the leaders of our world
A courage born of peace
That they might lead us gently
And all the fighting cease.

Please give to all upon this earth
A heart that's filled with love
A gentle happy way to live
 With Your blessings from above.

Appropriate pic of soros

'Policing For Profit' Goes To The Next Level

Source: Eric Peters via EricPetersAutos

It’s bad enough getting arrested – especially when you didn’t do anything to warrant it. This happens all the time, because the the threshold for arresting someone is very low. It can be done by any cop, pretty much anytime – without much in the way of legal justification. He has the gun – and the handcuffs, after all. If he wants to arrest you, he will arrest you. Maybe the courts will sort it out later; eventually you are released, your record “cleared.”
This isn’t new – or news.

What is new – and ought to be news – is that several states have begun charging people “processing” and “incarceration” fees for their bogus arrest and subsequent just-as-bogus caging.

Minnesota and Kentucky are among the states that levy fees on people who are merely arrested and taken to the clink… even if they are never convicted of anything. In some cases, the people being charged for “services” rendered are never formally charged with any crime (which is something a prosecutor must do; a cop hasn’t got the power to do more than arrest you on suspicion of violating a statute).

It’s policing for profit taken to the next (entirely predictable) level.

Why not, after all?
Most states already have “just take it” laws on the books that empower cops to simply seize cash and other property prior to any judicial proceeding  – and to keep it, even if there never is a judicial proceeding.

The mere fact that you have “excessive” cash on your person is sufficient legal justification in many states to result in its forfeiture – until you prove to their satisfaction it wasn’t “drug” money.

It is not their burden to establish… anything.
Franz Kafka, phone home.
We also have the equally egregious precedent of for-profit enforcement of traffic laws – coincident with the suspension (or at least, the watering down) of any semblance of procedural innocent-until-proved guilty. Cities and counties contract with a private company (the notorious Redflex being the chief profiteer) to install automated red light and speed cameras that chuck tickets to offenders automatically, via the mail – with the offender presumed guilty until he proves himself innocent.

The ticket is sent to the registered owner of the vehicle – who is not necessarily the person who was driving when the camera snapped the photo of the car’s plates and chucked a ticket to the owner. But the owner must prove it wasn’t him – as opposed to the former necessity of the state/county having to prove it was.

Meanwhile, pay up.
So it’s not surprising that states have decided to begin charging people for charging them – that is, accusing them of something. There’s even more potential profit in this since a cop can arrest anyone at any time – just about.
The evidentiary bar has been set extremely low – and whole categories of “crime” have been confected or defined so loosely (e.g., “disorderly conduct,” “interfering” with a law enforcer) as to make an arrest almost a matter of whim.

Now add a profit motive to the mix.
In economic terms, hanging a dollar sign on every citizen within handcuffing range of a cop is an incentive to handcuff as many citizens as possible. They are, after all, paying customers.

Can arrest quotas be far behind? Remember, many state/county cops already have ticket quotas, precisely because of the profit motive. And note that, in some states, even if you successfully fight a traffic ticket, you are still hit with a “processing” fee which you must pay – or else.

So it’s no surprise that Colorado doesn’t give money (fines and restitution levied) back to people whose convictions have been overturned.
Soon, the Unelected Nine (the Supreme Court) will weigh in on the “constitutionality” of this business.  A case headed their way involves a man named Corey Statham, who was arrested in Ramsey County, MN and charged with “disorderly conduct.” He was taken to the clink but released after the charges against him were dropped.
His money, however, was not released.

He was charged a $25 “booking fee” and other assorted “processing” fees by his gaolers. He is contesting this theft under color of law on the basis that he wasn’t convicted of any crime, hence why should he be punished?

The Unelected Nine are not likely to be sympathetic, having previously legitimated assault and battery upon the Fourth and Fifth as well as other amendments.

For example, the ex-constitutional requirement that the accused be presumed innocent until proved guilty (in a court of law) has been gotten rid of by declaring things like automated red light/speeding tickets to be mere administrative affairs. Since there’s no prospect of jail time, you (the accused) lose the right to your day in court, including your ex-right to confront your accuser. Instead, you may be allowed to file some kind of written appeal, which may or may not be read by anyone – who may or may not be interested in anything you have to say.
And – naturlich – you must pay first and regardless. Red Queen style. Maybe they’ll give you your money back. Probably not.

It’s dirty pool, old man.

And the game is getting more serious.

But there is an upside. The fools have showed us their hand. It is clear now to all but the terminally stupid what’s up – and why. We see behind the curtain and know what the man is up to.

It isn’t coincidental that contempt for law enforcement is no longer a feeling felt only by the criminal class. The working and middle classes understand that it’s not about their “safety.”

Or the “safety” of the cops, either.

It’s about separating them from their money using any means necessary. About abusing them as badly as any Redcoat, those many years ago. Which brings up the line in the Declaration about sending hither “swarms of officers” to “eat out their substance.”

Rings a bell, doesn’t it?

Putin's New Year Address to the Nation


New Year Address to the Nation

President of Russia Vladimir Putin:

Citizens of Russia, friends,

The year 2016 is coming to a close. It was a challenging year, but the difficulties we faced have brought us together and allowed us to reveal enormous resources for our movement forward.
The main thing is that we believe in ourselves, in our strengths and in our country. We are working, and working successfully, and we are achieving much. I would like to thank you for the victories and achievements, for your understanding and trust, and for your true, sincere care for Russia.
We have a vast, unique and wonderful country! We are united by common concerns and common joys, by our long-standing good tradition of meeting the New Year with our families and with hope for the best.
But not everyone is at the holiday table today. Many of our citizens are away from home, ensuring Russia’s security, working at enterprises, on duty in hospitals, ad operating trains and aircraft. I would like to convey my very best wishes for the New Year to all those who are now fulfilling their labour and military duties.
Dear friends,
We are excitedly awaiting the sound of the chimes of the Moscow Kremlin, and we feel the march of time and the approaching future more clearly than ever before. We experience this only during these moments, during this wonderful and beloved holiday.
Meanwhile, New Year has its own secrets. For instance, each of us may become something of a magician on the night of the New Year. To do this we simply need to treat our parents with love and gratitude, take care of our children and families, respect our colleagues at work, nurture our friendships, defend truth and justice, be merciful and help those who are in need of support. This is the whole secret.
May our dreams, heavenly thoughts and good intentions come true. May joy and love reign in every home. May our beloved streets, cities and villages become even more beautiful.
Peace and prosperity to our common, great homeland, Russia. Happiness, health and wellbeing to each of you.
Happy New Year 2017!

Alex Jones Historic NYE 2016 Broadcast

SMOKED! Washington Post Retracts Its "Fake News" On Russia Hacking Power...

Murdoch V. Pennsylvania 319 U.S. 106

Murdoch V. Pennsylvania 319 U.S. 106 says no state may convert a secure liberty into a privilege and then issue a license and a fee for it.

CRUDEN v. NEALE 2N.C. (1796) 2 SE 70

CRUDEN v. NEALE 2N.C. (1796) 2 SE 70 "Every man is independent of all laws, except those prescribed by nature. He is not bound by any institutions formed by his fellowmen without his consent"

10-year-old girl used as human bomb in Nigeria New Year's Eve attack


New Year Address to the Nation

President of Russia Vladimir Putin:

Citizens of Russia, friends,

The year 2016 is coming to a close. It was a challenging year, but the difficulties we faced have brought us together and allowed us to reveal enormous resources for our movement forward.
The main thing is that we believe in ourselves, in our strengths and in our country. We are working, and working successfully, and we are achieving much. I would like to thank you for the victories and achievements, for your understanding and trust, and for your true, sincere care for Russia.
We have a vast, unique and wonderful country! We are united by common concerns and common joys, by our long-standing good tradition of meeting the New Year with our families and with hope for the best.
But not everyone is at the holiday table today. Many of our citizens are away from home, ensuring Russia’s security, working at enterprises, on duty in hospitals, ad operating trains and aircraft. I would like to convey my very best wishes for the New Year to all those who are now fulfilling their labour and military duties.
Dear friends,
We are excitedly awaiting the sound of the chimes of the Moscow Kremlin, and we feel the march of time and the approaching future more clearly than ever before. We experience this only during these moments, during this wonderful and beloved holiday.
Meanwhile, New Year has its own secrets. For instance, each of us may become something of a magician on the night of the New Year. To do this we simply need to treat our parents with love and gratitude, take care of our children and families, respect our colleagues at work, nurture our friendships, defend truth and justice, be merciful and help those who are in need of support. This is the whole secret.
May our dreams, heavenly thoughts and good intentions come true. May joy and love reign in every home. May our beloved streets, cities and villages become even more beautiful.
Peace and prosperity to our common, great homeland, Russia. Happiness, health and wellbeing to each of you.
Happy New Year 2017!

New Year's Eve 2016 Greeting




By Anna Von Reitz

It's New Year's Eve.  Where I am, the skies are leaden grey, the temperatures cold, and the days are dark.  I am holed up like some small furry animal in a burrow watching the swirling snow and everything is very quiet.  The day has been spent making whatever progress could be made in a mountain of correspondence and on house cleaning----getting ready to greet 2017 and make a clean start.  
I suppose people don't remember this, but besides being "Judge Anna" I am also a woman with a house to keep, dust bunnies to chase, and an endless fight against dog hair that has been ongoing since 1956.
Many great things have happened in 2016.  Jural assemblies have been re-established in many counties and American Common Law courts have begun functioning again throughout these fifty states.  A great many people have awakened and they are now engaged in awakening others. 
The Living Law Firm has made great strides in unraveling the mechanisms of the Great Fraud and its many symptomatic results---- unlawful foreclosures, corrupt banking practices, kidnapping, unlawful taxation and more.  I feel more encouraged than ever that we shall soon have the keys to unlock the central identity theft upon which these evils depend. 
Gallant research groups all over this country and abroad have made stunning progress.  Thanks to researchers in Australia we now know for sure exactly what the All Capitals Name is and how it is being used to defraud us.  Thanks to researchers in Canada we now know how the Queen and the Vatican have siphoned and laundered American assets through Canadian banks.  Thanks to researchers in this country we now know for sure that the "American Civil War" wasn't actually a war at all, but was instead an illegal mercenary conflict staged on our soil-----and an international crime.
We have come to understand the depths of British perfidy and depravity.  While obligated by most solemn international treaty to act as our Trustee on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways, the British Monarchs from George III onward have steadily and secretively acted in Breach of Trust against the American people and have sought the overthrow of our lawful government and  sought to replace our lawful government with a system of commercial feudalism similar to the Raj in India.
We know for sure that the American Bar Association has acted in breach of the Bar Association Treaty of 1947 and that they have been instrumental in the effort to mischaracterize, defraud, and enslave the American people. Researchers in New England, Georgia, Texas, and California have proven without a doubt that Bar Members have been barred from holding any office in our government since the early 1800's and that they have finagled the British-controlled "federal government" to create a system of "federated states" called "States of States" to usurp upon our lawful government.
Indeed, the process of defining "The Problem" is well-advanced and the secretive enemies of the peace and the people are now clearly in view.  These undeclared foreign agents, members of the Bar Associations,  have been wrecking havoc and pillaging and causing trouble on our shores for a hundred and fifty years.  For this, we have the Lord Mayor of London, the Lords of the Admiralty, the Queen, and the Pope to thank. 
As we bring 2016 to a close, it's time for Americans to stop "shooting ourselves in the foot" and apply ourselves to creating remedy for this circumstance. 
Donald Trump has been elected to serve as President of the federal corporation(s) and he clearly has a new policy agenda, but that is what it is--- a policy agenda of a CEO.  While it is to be sincerely hoped that he will bring the so-called United States Congress to its senses and clean up the mess in Washington, DC, we must realize that reform of the federal government is only one part of the solution we need.
We are called upon to self-govern in this country, and it is axiomatic that if we fail to govern ourselves, someone else has to do the job for us.  The permanent solution requires declaring our proper political status as American state nationals, forming our lawful county jural assemblies, forming our lawful state jural assemblies, and finally, choosing fiduciary deputies to convene an actual Continental Congress to act in behalf of the states on the land. 
There's a lot of work in front of us and the members of the Bar Associations will be trying to gainsay and discourage and disparage our efforts to keep us from doing it every step of the way.  The ascendancy of the people's government will spell the doom of their own hegemony, for while they have been claiming to be our stewards, we have been defrauded of our rights and our sovereignty, our land and our labor.
When we appear in our true capacities, their claims against us fail--- and they are revealed to be faithless, dishonest, self-interested servants of the British Monarch and British Crown engaged in illegally pillaging American public trusts.  It is completely understandable that the members of the Bar Associations would try to portray us as "Tin Hats" and seek to hide from these facts to avoid their own guilt and culpability, but the facts are nonetheless the facts.
Whatever government they are running on our shores, it isn't our government.  It has nothing to do with us and it has no right whatsoever to make any claims against us or our assets, no ability to regulate us, no public delegation of authority to rule over us and no valid private contract to do so, either.   
The American Bar Association is running the biggest racketeering scheme in history on our shores and getting away with it, simply because millions of Americans are still asleep, still waiting for "George" to do it all for them.
This is your 2017 wake up call. 
A dozen times a day I have people asking me --- what's going on?  And I turn to the culprit and say, "I dunno.  What are you making happen?" 
George Washington has been dead over 200 years.  There's nobody here but us chickens. 
If you want to see things change for the better in 2017, get busy and make them change. 
Declare and record your lawful political status.  Expatriate from any presumption of federal citizenship.  Rescind all voter registrations and powers of attorney issued effective with your first birthday.  Create a witnessed record of your action and establish it either by publication in the local newspapers or recording with the county land recorder's office.
You and like-minded people in your county are now ready to convene your actual county jural assembly and to choose among yourselves a county sheriff to enforce the organic and public law, justices of the peace to run your American Common Law courts, and all the other county offices you may need or see fit to create. 
Having restored your county government, it is time to do the outreach and gather together the other counties to restore the lawful and actual state government. 
It's a lot of thankless work, but it has to be done.
The other thing that you can do is to support those who support you.  The Living Law Firm and the Research Groups need ongoing funding to continue their vital work.  Some of our best people are men in their 30's and 40's with young families to support and they have given up lucrative careers as attorneys  to do the right thing.  Others are retirees on fixed incomes who are traveling many miles on research assignments and having to pay for certified copies of documents out of their own pockets.
All of these people are continuing the work despite being attacked on every side by paid agents of these rogue federal corporations and harassed by their hired mercenaries acting under color of law.  If all you can do is send these guys $5 and a prayer, at least do what you can do. 
I want to thank all those who have taken the plunge and made the commitment to take action in their own behalf and in behalf of their country in 2016.  I want to thank all those who have taken the time to read and think for themselves. I am deeply grateful to fellow researchers near and far---from Queensland and Alberta, from Glasgow and Mombasa, from New York and Shreveport and many other states and places throughout the world where men still cherish freedom.

Happy 2017 to you all! 
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website

Some just don't know when their time is 'UP' !

President ObamaObama: "I'm not leaving after Jan 20th !"  REALLY ?!




Uses final weekly address of 2016 to signal continued activism; however, the court system may have other plans for the traitors to our nation

Dec 31 2016

America’s not losing a president – it’s gaining a national community organizer. (or so this traitorous idiot thinks)

Obama used his last weekly address of 2016 to both praise his achievements and signal his intention to actively protect his legacy. (while most are labeling bozo as the absolute WORST 'president' EVER in this nation!)

“And as I prepare to take on the even more important role of 'citizen', know that I will be there with you every step of the way to ensure that this country forever strives to live up to the incredible promise of our founding – that all of us are created equal, and all of us deserve every chance to live out our dreams,” he said.
(this idiots most notable trait is that he is an outright LIAR)

It’s not the first time Obama has indicated he will remain actively involved in the nation’s politics.  In March, he announced he and his family would remain in Washington “a couple of years so Sasha can finish [school]. Transferring someone in the middle of high school — tough.” Indeed, the Obamas have already arranged for housing in Washington’s upscale Kalorama neighborhood.

Following the November election, Obama reassured disheartened supporters he intended to use his time in D.C. defending the Democrats’ agenda. (Just what America wants to hear - more NAZISM, persecution of Christians and others, war mongering, outright lying and traitorous actions, muslim immigration, and other plans hell bent on the total destruction of this nation)

“I promise you that next year Michelle (he means Michael or Mikie) and I are going to be right there with you (oh joy!), and the clouds are going to start parting and the sun is going to come back out, and we’re going to be busy involved in the amazing stuff that we’ve been doing all these years before,” he said. (this idiot is totally delusional - the party is OVER and he REFUSES TO GO HOME - he is no longer wanted)

If Obama follows through, he could end up very busy.
President-elect Trump has already gathered an impressive team of advisers and potential cabinet officials who are targeting federal regulations that have proved a drag on economic growth, reported The Hill. Much of the post-election stock-market jump has been attributed to manufacturers and other industries anticipating a more favorable business climate.

Obamacare and Obama’s climate policies will be primary targets for reduction and elimination. (Inside intel reports state that nearly EVERY THING 'obama' is targeted for extinction and will, hopefully, be accomplished - and quickly)

In early December rumors swirled that Obama was also considering a digital-media career when he left office – something the White House denied.  It fed into Obama’s own criticism of so-called “fake news” made in a November speech at the University of Pittsburgh. (bozo will fit right in to the 'fake news' programs - lies, lies and more lies IF he is 'around' to do any more lying)

“It used to be there were three television stations and Walter Cronkite is on there and not everybody agreed, and there were always outliers who thought that it was all propaganda, and we didn’t really land on the Moon, and Elvis is still alive, and so forth,” Obama said. “But, generally, that was in the papers that you bought at the supermarket right as you were checking out. And generally, people trusted a basic body of information …

“But there has to be, I think, some sort of way in which we can sort through information that passes some basic truthiness tests and those that we have to discard because they just don’t have any basis in anything that’s actually happening in the world,” he added. “And that’s hard to do, but I think it’s going to be necessary, it’s going to be possible. ('passing basic truth tests' means the 'news' HAS to be that which the media is instructed by him and his gang to report - all stations, all reporters, no exceptions, and any 'alternative' news reporting which will report TRUTH would be outlawed - THAT'S HIS idea of  'truthiness tests')

I think the answer is obviously not censorship (now THAT is REALLY an interesting statement - that is EXACTLY what is being done and BIG time), but it’s creating places where people can say this is reliable and I’m still able to argue about – safely – about facts and what we should do about it while still – not just making stuff up.”

If Obama is forsaking the idea of his own media venture to protect his 'legacy' (now THERES a JOKE for you!), there’s always Twitter which President Trump will most certainly be using to rally support for dismantling it.

In “Scorched Earth: Restoring the Country After Obama,” Michael Savage provides a blueprint for regaining our cherished freedoms and our national identity … before they are lost forever.

The idiot traitor has a house in Palm Springs, one in Hawaii, one in Dubai, one in Chicago, and heaven knows where else, and he just CAN'T leave the Wash DC area?!  He just CAN'T accept the fact that he and his 'democratic party' are THROUGH?!  That America wants NOTHING to do with him and his 'Michael' homosexual 'partner' by arrangement - not for love (same as the Clinton arrangement). There is something SERIOUSLY WRONG with this guy besides attracting flies, being a serial LIAR, a TRAITOR, responsible for war mongering and the murder of innocents, and a bigot. C'mon military tribunal - get on this case QUICKLY. Sunday Jan 1st begins a brand new era, and there is LOTS TO BE DONE. Get ONE with it! America waits!!!

Is Donald Trump God's Man of the Hour?

The MOST SHOCKING Prophecy About America’s Next 8 Years - Kim Clement

Published on Dec 2, 2016   23 mts
Join Zach Drew and Sasha Volz as they go over the MOST shocking prophecy that deals with the next 8 years of America’s future that was originally given in 2007.

In the second half of the program listen to Tom Horn speak about what the Rabbis in Israel are saying about the Trump election and a new “Messianic” Era.

***  ***

The Donald Trump Prophecy of 2017 with Peter Kling

Published on Dec 11, 2016   1.23 mts
Peter Kling returns to the program after a 40 month absence to discuss the implications of a Donald Trump presidency and how everything fits together from the Big Bang to the Pope. The Trump Prophecy is a damn entertaining show.

S.C.R. 1795, Penhallow v. Doane's Administrators (3 U.S. 54; 1 L.Ed. 57; 3 Dall. 54

S.C.R. 1795, Penhallow v. Doane's Administrators (3 U.S. 54; 1 L.Ed. 57; 3 Dall. 54
Government Is Foreclosed from Parity with Real People
– Supreme Court of the United States 1795

"Inasmuch as every government is an artificial person, an abstraction, and a creature of
the mind only, a government can interface only with other artificial persons. The imaginary,
having neither actuality nor substance, is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity
with the tangible. The legal manifestation of this is that no government, as well as any
law, agency, aspect, court, etc. can concern itself with anything other than corporate,
artificial persons and the contracts between them."
Supreme Court of the United States 1795
[--Not the "United States Supreme Court" –ed.]

The Facade Is Gone

The waning days of the Obama Administration have revealed what has always been evident, had the fake news media not covered it up and Democrats had not supported it: Barack Obama is a Muslim, who was elected president on the basis of a fake birth certificate. Everything he has done in office is a fraud and should be thrown out immediately upon the assumption of power by Donald Trump.

While I have always believed this, it was not too much of an issue with me, since the real problem was and is the fact that the un-American Democrats elected him, the anti-American media covered up his real agenda and the globalist Republicans refused to make it an issue. It is not the fraud of Barack Obama that is the problem, it is that there are so many enemies within the populace that allowed it, encouraged it and continue to support it.

So, I have always engaged the real problem, not the symptom of Barack Obama. George Soros is more of a threat to internal peace than Barack Obama. Obama is largely a failure on any number of issues. He did not destroy the United States of America; he did not inspire the race war he so desperately sought; he did not subjugate the United States to the United Nations. All he has done is a lot of my work for me.

He has awoken the Millennials to the dangers of globalist policies. Yes, he has created a nation wherein Special Snowflakes abound, but that is fine, they have dropped their pretense and have shown themselves for the ugly, intolerant, bigoted, hypocrites and racists they are. Even if we have always known this, it is important that those moderate Republican voters now see the evil for what it is. The media is exposed. The schools and universities are exposed. The few that may have always known the truth have now been vindicated.

It will be much tougher for the "news" to effect opinion the way it has since the invention of the radio. Of course, official news organizations, having seen their demise, have lashed out and Obama has effectively "nationalized" the news. It is all a bit of a curiosity at this point, because big changes are coming and their inevitable self-destruction is already written.

Now, protecting the "nationalist" voice is still important. It is vital that we continue to hammer the fake news media for their irrational and hypocritical stances on the public stage; to humiliate them with their own failures. But, Trump will do a lot of the heavy lifting, because they are his natural and insistent enemy and while they continue to attack him, they will become more ridiculous every day.

Make no mistake, Barack Obama is not done with the U.S. It is my opinion that he will try and create an opposing force of militant Islamists, ex-convicts and special snowflakes to disrupt and cause chaos in society, but most of us are far from the battles to be waged in inner cities. The Community Organizer in Chief (COiC) will fail as he has at everything he has tried. He would need to "build" an organization and he is incapable of building or creating anything of substance. Of course, before this becomes apparent, he will do irreparable damage to his own cause, just as he effectively destroyed the Democrat Party. In the end, of course, he will blame all of his failures on his followers, or Russia.

We have much more to fear from our Republican Senators and House of Representatives, who will fight to maintain the globalist vision in the government against the efforts of Donald Trump. I am still not sold on Donald Trump, but, by his cabinet selections, it seems that he is striving to do away with a number of bureaucracies that have long-vexed the American public. By selecting Rick Perry for Secretary of Energy, he is signaling a likely elimination of the Department of Energy since Rick Perry, during his 2012 bid for President proposed eliminating the Department of Energy as a campaign promise. By selecting Scott Pruitt, he chose someone who, as the Oklahoma Attorney General, sued the EPA several times, challenging its authority. Pruitt might be in a position to eliminate the EPA all together. By selecting Betsy DeVos to head the Department of Education, he chose someone who is a strong believer in school choice and has fought against the Department of Education to implement her agenda. She would be in a position to eliminate the Department of Education, or gut it from within.

Granted, there is no election that solves problems, but this one, the election of Donald Trump, might just facilitate some breathing room and momentum to bring the federal bureaucracy under control. If it can be shown that his few activities work and create a better environment for people to have a greater say in their own lives, it might spark a reversal in the minds of people that many things the government does is not necessary and in fact is a great hindrance to them. I had never hoped to see that in my lifetime, at least not on this side of civil war. Whatever gains we might achieve, before we are drenched in blood and divorced from our own sense of humanity, are true gains.

Now, if any of this can be accomplished before the next economic meltdown is anyone's guess.

Russian Spethsnaz (Special Forces) are hunting for militants in Syria

Unique Footage Videos: Russian Spethsnaz (Special Forces) are hunting for militants in Syria - unique shots (VIDEO 18+)

Scary photos!

Бойня в Идлибе: неизвестные уничтожают главарей сирийских боевиков и их базы (ФОТО 18+)

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Netanyahu To Release Evidence Of Washington Pedophile Ring

by Sean Adl-Tabatabai, Your News Wire:

Benjamin Netanyahu says he is ready to release thousands of documents proving evidence of a Washington pedophile ring

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu just declassified 400,000 documents that expose child trafficking and a child sex ring in Washington.

Following Obama’s decision to abstain at the U.N. Security Council earlier in the week, Netanyahu has warned him that he is willing to release information that will potentially damage powerful people in Washington.

“From now on,” Netanyahu said, “with one touch of the keyboard everyone will have access to the documents and can trace what happened to the children.” reports

Israel on Wednesday made public for the first time some 400,000 pages of documents related to the fate of the missing Yemenite children of the 1950s, something Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said was meant to “correct the historical injustice” of hiding the fate of the children.

“It is difficult to believe that for almost 70 years, people did not know what happened to their children,” Netanyahu said. “And as difficult as the reality may be, we are not willing for this to continue.”

Netanyahu’s comments came at a ceremony in the Prime Minister’s Office, where a website was launched with the documentation about the children.
The documents are those that three inquiry committees had at their disposal over the years in investigating the case of the missing children – in 1967, 1988, and 1995.

From now on, Netanyahu said, “with one touch of the keyboard,” everyone will have access to the documents and can trace what happened to the children.
In June, Netanyahu appointed Regional Cooperation Minister Tzachi Hanegbi to reexamine the evidence in the three previous inquiries, and in November the cabinet decided to release the classified documents. This decision overturned a 2001 decision to seal the documents until 2071.

During the early days of the state, from 1948 to 1954, hundreds of babies and toddlers of families of Mizrahi descent, mostly from Yemen, mysteriously disappeared during the massive wave of immigration at that time.

In the vast majority of cases, parents were told in the hospital that their children had died, though they never received any official confirmation.

Over the years, families have claimed that their children were in fact kidnapped and given away or sold off to Ashkenazi families.

The archives opened some 3,500 case files which contained original background materials collected by the committees, including hospital records, death certificates, photos and personal testimonies.

As such, the collection includes some 1,248 documents regarding hospitalization of the missing children, 1,226 death certificates, 923 burial records, 202 records of surgery following their deaths and 358 birth certificates.

Despite the massive amount of documents released, the majority of families still did not receive closure or new information regarding the whereabouts of their lost family members. Still, the opening of the case files was hailed as a major win and a step forward toward acknowledgment of the affair.

At the ceremony on Wednesday, Hanegbi termed this a “big day to correct a big injustice.”

The reason this is happening now, he said, “is that we feel a moral need to reveal the truth.”

Hanegbi acknowledged that the matter was a trauma that haunted families for decades, and expressed hope that transparency on the matter will help people reach closure.

“Hopefully, this will give some relief to the families,” he said.
The public database will reduce “suspicion and distrust that the establishment is hiding information,” Hanegbi stated. “We’re not hiding information; there is transparency.

All the details are out there.”
Read More @

Clinton Implicated In Norway Pedo Ring

Clinton implicated in new pedophile ring scandal
Evidence has emerged that Hillary Clinton is connected to the pedophile ring recently uncovered in Norway, involving 51 people, including politicians, teachers and doctors. 

Following the arrest of 20 people connected to child abuse scandal, Clinton Foundation donors in Norway have withdrawn their support for Hillary Clinton amid rumors that Hillary has connections to the pedophile ring. reports:

Last Sunday, as reported by the Associated Press and a variety of both independent and corporate news sources, a large pedophile ring involving 51 people was busted in Norway, leading to the arrest of 20 people, three convictions and a search for the others in different parts of the country. One of the most detailed reports so far came from Turkey’s Daily Sabah, reposted below:

Norway launches probe on pedophile network involving 51 people, 20 arrested
Norwegian police said on Sunday they are investigating a grotesque pedophilia ring suspected of involvement in the abuse of at least 51 people, which includes the abuse of infants and at least one case of a suspect acknowledging abusing his own children. The latest incident is considered one of the largest child sexual abuse cases in the country’s history.
Deputy Police Chief Gunnar Floystad said that in they have arrested 20 men so far, with three convictions, in western Norway. The 31 other suspects are from other regions in Norway. Those facing charges are to receive a maximum penalty of up to 15 years in prison.

Floystad told reporters Sunday that many of the suspects are highly educated, and include lawyers and politicians. Two current or former elected officials, one teacher and a lawyer are allegedly among the accused. He said he could not reveal more details pending the conclusion of the investigation, known as “Dark Room,” which began in 2015. Prosecutors said the perpetrators met in the dark web, using encryption and anonymity to hide their tracks.

“We have the clear perception that like-minded individuals met with each other in the so-called dark net, where they could talk with one another and cultivate their interest in children in peace,” Hilde Reikrås, the head of Operation Dark Room, said at a press conference on Sunday, the Local Norway reported.

“There are several highly educated [individuals] with high IT skills. They’ve used encryption and anonymity to hide their tracks,” head police prosecutor Janne Ringset Heltne said at the Sunday press conference, adding that all of the perpetrators involved are allegedly men.

“The material shows the abuse of children of all ages, including infants,” Reikrås said. She also gave examples of the scope of the horrific abuse.

Coincidentally (or perhaps not), on the same day this story broke, another story involving Norway was widely reported among mostly independent and alternative sites. The following example is from The Daily Caller:

Norway Donations To Clinton Foundation To Fall Nearly 90% Off Peak
By Chuck Ross

The Norwegian government’s planned contribution to the Clinton Foundation next year will be nearly 90 percent off its peak, news outlets in Norway are reporting.

Norway will donate 35.9 million kroner this year — or around $5.1 million — to the Clinton Health Access Initiative, a subsidiary of the Clinton Foundation, according to the Norwegian news outlet, Hegnar.

The Scandinavian nation will slash its donations by 36 percent next year to 23 million kroner. That marks a 87 percent decline from the 2015 peak.
The drastic cut could be a signal that other longtime Clinton Foundation donors will reduce donations in the wake of Hillary Clinton’s presidential loss.

Hegnar reported that Norway gave an average of 40 million kroner each year between 2007 and 2013. That jumped to 129 million kroner in 2014 and 174 million kroner — or $25 million — last year.

Norway’s ministry of foreign affairs said that it has not renewed pledges it had with the Clinton Foundation which ended in 2015.

“Norway has signed several agreements which aimed to help reduce maternal and child mortality in countries with high mortality burden to ensure progress on the [Millennium Development Goals],” Guri Solberg, the communications adviser for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told Finansavisen.

“Most of the agreements expired in 2015, in parallel with completion of the [Millennium Development Goals]. This is why the payments were particularly high in 2014 and 2015.”

Of course the reasoning behind this decision could be based on Clinton’s defeat and fears that the Trump administration might possibly investigate the pay-to-play scandal, but the timing coinciding with the pedophile bust is suspicious. What if, rather than being an outcome of Clinton’s defeat, the recent news from Norway are late-breaking indicators of what may have caused her defeat?

It’s no longer a secret that the U.S. electoral system is highly corrupt and susceptible to tampering. Both major parties are reluctant to change the status quo because both take advantage of it in varying degrees to retain a duopoly and for greater control over primary, general and local elections. The Trump victory was an anomaly because he didn’t seem to have support from the Republican establishment while Clinton had the backing of the neocons and the majority of corporate interests. Clinton was primed to win, and the fact that she didn’t (and is not directly challenging the results) is reasonable cause to suspect she may have been forced to stand down. The fact that earlier today Trump announced he would not be investigating Clinton gives further credence to the notion she was offered a “deal” (or ultimatum) by higher-ups.

Given what we’ve learned already from the Podesta emails, it’s not beyond the realm of possibility that powerful elites in the U.S. had strong motivation to prevent four years of Clinton and Podesta in the spotlight. Any political figure connected to pedophilia, human trafficking or a host of other crimes can be easily controlled and manipulated through blackmail, but once the secret gets out they’re no longer effective salespuppets. Meanwhile, elites in Norway could be attempting to distance themselves from the Clinton Foundation for the same reasons. More information is needed to solidify this possible connection which is why the ongoing open-source investigation by multiple internet communities is essential.