Saturday, January 7, 2017

Biden swears in Senate of the 115th Congress ???? What the Hell is going on?

Biden swears in Senate of the 115th Congress ???? What the hell is going on? 


Onan Coca
January 6, 2017 


Business as usual?


Biden swears in the Senate of the 115th Congress?  Weren't we told that Biden AND McCain are under house arrest?  Weren't we told that the cabal crime syndicate is no longer in existence nor functioning, and that their offices were emptied out of all personal items a few days back??

On Tuesday Vice President Joe Biden swore in 34 Senators to open the 115th Congress. ??????


The swearing in was the last real “job” left for Biden to perform before the Obama era ends in less than 3 weeks.


The mostly ceremonial proceedings went off as it usually does, but there was one important moment that spoke to the greatest fears and beliefs of many conservatives. 

The moment took place when Biden swore Senator John McCain (R-AZ) into office, as the two men briefly met for a photo-op Biden could be heard thanking McCain for running for office again. “Thank God you’re here,” Biden told McCain. “I’m so glad you ran again.”

VP Biden ceremonial swearing 
in with Senators

How good of a conservative can John McCain be if Joe Biden is breathing a sigh of relief that he’s back in the Senate?  (Vote fraud again involved in McCain's return? He should be arrested and hung as a well documented traitor.)


Mortgage Fraud, Political Status and Law, Or, Stop Being Stupid Part 15


By Anna Von Reitz

Law is not a good thing simply by its nature.  It arises out of religion, which is supposed to be a matter of freewill, but seldom is, and then it erects barriers and presumptions based on whatever system of law you are encountering.  All systems of law are essentially rules for the Game of Life, but it is up to you to choose the rules you are operating under, and that then determines how you play it.
So let's go over the basics.
In the beginning of recorded history we lived under the Noahide Laws known as the Law of the Sea.  This is the form of law that existed prior to the Flood and has existed ever afterward.  There is no evidence in the standard Bible that Noah was a lawgiver like Moses, but his name got attached to these laws anyway.
Later in firmly recorded history the international Law of the Sea was bifurcated into two functional groupings--- one called Law Merchant or Maritime or Civil Law or Commercial Law, which concerns itself with "civilians" and "civilian commerce", and one called Admiralty, which concerns itself with military or governmental commerce on the High Seas.
The Law Merchant was first codified by Hammurabi and so the whole tradition of "Federal Code" rests on a practice of codifying international commercial law that goes back thousands of years.
These law systems are all pagan and mostly Satanic in origin (Satan was--and is--- the original Lord of the Sea: a Pirates' Pirate.) and were most recently overhauled by the Romans to create "Roman Civil Law" which is the basis of 90% of what goes on in courtrooms across America today. 
Again, these are laws stemming from the beliefs and ethical practices of pagan traditions. Key to these is understanding the idea of trading and honor and contracts. 
Anyone can make any kind of "offer" no matter how outrageous it may be, and if you accept it, it becomes the law established between the parties.  You can have implied contracts (also called presumed contracts), unilateral contracts, verbal contracts, and formal written contracts.
While anyone may offer any proposal at all, such as offering to cut off your head and charge you for the pleasure of doing so, it is considered very rude to arbitrarily or absolutely refuse an offering.  Thus, you must counter-offer or you "dishonor" the offer and the one making it.
In the example given, you might reply, "I am fond of my head, and so I counter-offer to run my sword through your gizzard, instead."
This sort of trading smacks of The Three Musketeers and the bantering that still goes on in Italian and Spanish and Greek marketplaces today. 
Contracts only exist under these forms of law.  All contracts and contractual practices, which allow lying, cheating, and defrauding ---- IF you can get away with it undetected--- are pagan and Satanic in origin.
A much more common contractual offering today is when a bank (a corporation) offers your STRAWMAN persona a "home loan".  The essence of the offer is that the STRAWMAN gives the bank your money and credit, the bank then credits the STRAWMAN's account with the bank for this theft, and writes a check in HIS name for the balance which the bank misrepresents as a "loan" to you and then charges you interest equal to three to five times the total value of the "loan" and cheats you out of all the mortgage payments by claiming that the STRAWMAN "abandoned" the funds in HIS inactive escrow account, and also claims an undeserved and unearned "security interest" in your actual house as the bank's share of this contractual offer. 
It is the modern day equivalent of "Let me cut off your head and charge you for the pleasure of doing so." and yet, somehow, no matter how outrageous the offer really is, millions of people have been deceived by the bank's false advertising of a "loan" and the natural false assumption that the bank is offering to loan them money instead of offering to take their own assets and loan them back at outrageous interest.
In Roman Civil Law, all is fair so long as you don't get caught.  Note the adage, "Let him be deceived who will be deceived."
And this is completely natural to  and to be expected from any law system that stems from the worship of the Father of All Lies. 
The remedy to this is that, also under Roman Civil Law, fraud vitiates--- that is, nullifies---everything it touches once it is detected and the crime of fraud has no statute of limitations. You can go after the perpetrators and their successors and pierce the corporate veil and go after their shareholders, too, once you discover and prove that you have been defrauded.
The most basic level of fraud for Americans is that you have been "reclassified" as a "citizen" and made subject to Roman Civil Law without your knowledge or consent.  So you are left in the dark and acting under false assumptions about what game you are playing and under what rules. 
How can you win under such a circumstance?  You can't.  It's like trying to play Bridge using the rules for Poker. 
And this is why the "United States District Court" judges peer over their desks at you and tell you that the "Constitution doesn't apply" in their courts. 
It doesn't.  They aren't addressing you as a red-blooded American.  They are addressing a foreign national who freely admits to be a "US citizen" of some kind, and they are proceeding under the system of law that foreign national has chosen---- Roman Civil Law.
How is this possible?  Why, via lies and deceit, of course. 
Within hours of your birth the foreign corporations charged with providing your states with nineteen stipulated governmental services come to your Mother (still in her hospital bed) and deliberately, self-interestedly, and under "color of law"---- that is pretending that it is your law and that the requirement applies to you when it doesn't----they have you signed over as a ward of their "State" corporation. 
Now, this is not your state of the Union.  This is a federal franchise operation merely calling itself something deceptively similar.  Instead of the "California state" or even the "California State" they are operating the federal Territorial  "State of California" or the "STATE OF CALIFORNIA" which is even worse----a municipal franchise "STATE". 
Mom, dead tired, hurting, in a daze, trustingly signs the paperwork, completely unaware that she is even in a foreign jurisdiction, much less on her guard against legal chicanery leading to the enslavement of her newborn baby to the Devil and subjecting him to Roman Civil Law.
Under Roman Civil Law, the Vendor argues, well, this "Informant" came to us and said this baby was a fatherless bastard and abandoned and that it was a "US citizen" so we took the little pauper under our wing and did the decent's the paperwork, here's the Informant's name (your Mother) and the Doctor witnessed it.... 
Yeah, right.  Satan loves dealing in half-truths.
The fact is that you were never under their foreign Roman Civil Law and were never a "United States Citizen" much less a "citizen of the United States".  Your Mother was never obligated to sign any paperwork and wasn't subject to their pagan law, but by deliberate deceit and racketeering carried out under false pretenses and color of law, they defrauded her of her child and kidnapped you into their foreign jurisdiction. 
In the process, they created a false identity, a "STRAWMAN" persona named after you.  This is required so that you can operate in their system of things and play under their rules.  Living people can't form contracts, so you can only operate as a "dead man"----in other words, as a corporation---in their world. 
In token of this surreptitious change in political status, they issued a "Birth Certificate" under your name and gave it to you, memorializing the event of your "civil death".  When the PERSON was born, the man "died".  When the PERSON dies, the man lives.  Both can't exist at the same time, because it is impossible to live under two jurisdictions at once and equally impossible to play the Game of Life under two sets of rules at the same time.
So you were attacked, robbed of your birthright, defrauded in broad daylight under color of law---- by your own employees no less --- when you were between a few hours and a few days old.  You were kidnapped and transported to a foreign jurisdiction (international) and made subject to a foreign and profane system of law (international commerce) and neither you nor your Mother were ever told a thing about it.
That counts as fraud.  Big time fraud.  Capital level war crime fraud.  And it is going on all day, every day, all over America.  Why? 
Because the federal corporation that is charged with providing your states with nineteen enumerated governmental services has gone rogue. Completely insane.  And all those people you elected to Congress and who pretend to be doing your Will and acting in your best interests are instead obligated to act as Pure Profit Mongers, with no other consideration but making money for their shareholders---- who are all conveniently dead. 
This, believe it or not, is how America became the richest nation on Earth---- by enslaving and kidnapping all of us and setting up "generation skipping trusts" in our names, so that only those outside the system can access any benefit from it, ever.
Who figured all this out and implemented it?  The Holy See, the Secretary of War circa 1907, the Secretary of the Treasury circa 1924, the City of London, Lords of the Admiralty, the British Government, and the entire Franklin Delano Roosevelt Administration.  We know who "did it to us"---and we know why and we know how.
What remains is what is to be done about it, and what are the options?
Slaughtering all members of the Bar Associations for not telling us has been suggested, but I am convinced that 95% of the members of the Bar Associations (probably more) are just as stupid as we have been and haven't been taught anything different or better in the law schools, which have also been commandeered.
In the meanwhile, while all this is being sorted out, it behooves each American to record their actual political status as an American state national---- a Minnesotan, Texan, etc., and to expatriate from any presumption that you are voluntarily choosing to be a "United States Citizen" or "citizen of the United States". 
So all of that is about the pagan law system known as the Law of the Sea. 
I have filed all the paperwork necessary for everyone on this planet to be enabled to make their own informed and truly freewill choices about how they want to live and which system of law they want to live under, but so far you've only been allowed to live under the Law of the Sea in a system devoted to Satan-worship.
Some people have tried to invoke what they call "Natural Law" as a substitute for the "Law of the Sea" but a closer examination reveals that this is just the Law of the Sea transplanted onto the land---- popularly called "the law of the Jungle" or "Tooth and Claw" Law---- which enshrines whoever is biggest and strongest and most "fit" to survive and which is in fact worse than the Law of the Sea because it is less developed and remedy is limited to whatever the victims can enforce all by themselves.  You might as well give the parties to a complaint a set of clubs and call the judge a referee.
What about the Law of Moses, known as the Law of the Land, based on the Ten Commandments?
That is the law form that we are naturally owed by birthright, the simple Law of the Land embraced by the Ten Commandments and then established as secular law by the United States Statutes at Large and our local American Common Law. 
When Moses parted the Red Sea and we "crossed over" we left the Law of the Sea behind and began operating as living people operating on the dry land jurisdiction of our native country, taking responsibility for ourselves, and subjecting ourselves to the Ten Commandments as our chosen law and our Rules for the Game of Life in America. 
We don't form contracts, because we know that we can't guarantee them.  At most, we form Good Faith Agreements. These agreements, sometimes mistakenly called "contracts" have specific requirements--- they have to involve at least two separate parties who are clearly identified, have to be consensual, have to be fully-disclosed, have to signed in wet-ink and so on.  There is no such thing as a "unilateral" or "implied" or "one party" good faith agreement. 
This law, the Law of the Land, is the basis of trade among men, as opposed to the Law of the Sea, which is the basis of commerce among corporations. 
Are there any other options?
Yes, there is. 
There is the Law of the Air, the rules of the Game of Life in the Kingdom of Heaven. 
You can freely choose this option because all your debts have been pre-paid, whoever you are, whatever religion you adopted and wherever you were born.  And it doesn't matter what you believe, you can still live in the Kingdom of Heaven so long as you agree to obey its three simple laws:
1. Keep the peace.
2. Love others as you would be loved.
3. Allow everyone their freewill so long as it causes no harm.
Just as you are given a "Birth Certificate" (which is actually a form of legal Death Certificate) when you are born, you are given a "Baptismal Certificate" (which is a passport from where you are to wherever you want to go) when you repent your sins. 
Just as Moses parted the Red Sea and led people onto dry land (out of the pagan sea jurisdiction) and they became a nation of people on the land and they were given the Law of Moses to live under, Jesus parted the curtain in the temple, severing the disconnect between God and Man, and led us to the realm of the Holy Spirit, and the Law of the Air jurisdiction.
It is not our job in the jurisdiction of the air to judge anyone or separate the goats from the sheep.  Both the goats and sheep belong to our Lord, the one who paid the Devil for all of us, though the Devil keeps trying to double dip and kidnap us into his jurisdiction. 
So in the end, creating the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth is up to us. 
Choosing which law we will subject ourselves to, is up to us.  Choosing which Master we will serve is also our free choice.  But it is a choice, and it is a choice which we must consciously, knowingly, with full disclosure make. 
Law of the Sea, Law of the Land, or Law of the Air. 
Bogus Contracts, Laws, or Love. 
Satan, Kings, or Christ.
Death, Existence, or Life Abundant.
All debts of everyone on this planet have been paid in full.  They have been pre-paid before the debt is even incurred.  That is the fact.  The reality.  Your debts have already been "fore-given".  All of them, in every realm of existence.
Buddhist, Marxist, Atheist, Bahai, Lithuanian Baptist---- it doesn't matter.  Your debts in all jurisdictions have literally been prepaid in water, blood, and spirit.  You are in fact given the free choice of who you will serve, how your will play the Game of Life, and which set of rules you will live under.
So stop letting criminals subject you to the "laws" of Satan and his bogus contracts and his worship of idols (graven images) long after his rule on Earth was supposed to end.  Don't let the rats snatch your children from their cradles under color of law and subject them to the Law of the Sea.  Shame and expose those who are doing this. 
Think twice about embracing the Law of Moses as your option, either, because nobody manages to keep the Ten Commandments.  All men are Transgressors against the Law of the Land---- and that's with leaving out the rest of the 613 laws the Israelites were supposed to perform.  That's why they needed a Messiah to begin with.
And as for the Law of Love, at the present time, that's a hard one, too---- because we are being called upon to love those who are most unlovable: despicable Satan-worshipers, faithless politicians, and ignorant kin.  Indeed, it isn't easy to pick up your cross and follow Him, but when you consider the options--- where would you rather be? 
Snatching babies from their cradles and condemning them to "civil death"?  Condemning people for their circumstance and the weakness of their bodies? 
Or pouring a drink of water for the thirsty and giving rest to the weary? 

It's you life, your law, your choice to make.
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website

BREAKING – Major Threat Issued Against Donald J. Trump

Year of the Gun: 2016 Saw Record Guns Sales of 27.5 Million!


The more the threats to freedom increased over 2016, the more Americans understood the need for the right to keep and bear arms, which is protected under the Second Amendment. More than 27.5 million guns were purchased by Americans in 2016.

According to background check numbers released by the FBI, the total sales for 2016 were 27,538,673. Remember, this does not include any private sales, which would make the numbers much higher.

This figure is more than 4 million over 2015's sales.

The sales records come as concealed carry and constitutional carry are on the rise in many states.

For 19 months in a row, gun sales have been on an upwards trend. This has been largely due to Islamic terror attacks, race-related violence, an administration hell bent on attacking the Second Amendment and the possibility of a Hillary Clinton presidency, which would have been even more blood thirsty for gun owners than the Obama administration.

Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah was so effective at attacking the Second Amendment and indirectly causing gun sales to skyrocket that he was referred to in 2015 as "The Greatest Gun Salesman of All Time" and in 2016 as the "Nation's Top Gun Salesman."

This was the man who was behind his administration running guns from Benghazi to Syria before the US consulate attack. This all  came on the heels of his administration being uncovered for arming Mexican drug lords who killed hundreds of Mexicans through "Fast and Furious."

Fortunately, gun confiscation advocate Hillary Clinton took it on the chin in 2016.

Consider that America is number one in the world in gun ownership, yet she is not even in the top 100 countries when it comes to murder rates. In fact, America's numbers of gun violence would be significantly low if it were not for the highly populated metropolitan areas and strict gun control cities like Chicago, Illinois, which saw over4,300 shootings in 2016.

The year was marked by a plethora of new guns on the market, including rifles (buy a Joshua Mark 5 today!) and smart guns.

Additionally, many stories were in the news regarding armed citizens who failed to be victims of criminals.

The central government also took aim at armed citizens who protested illegal land grabs by the Bureau of Land Management. Patriots were arrested for their armed stand in Nevada and Oregon. Charges in Oregon were either dismissed or the patriots were acquitted and many were transferred to Nevada to face trumped up charges for their role at Bundy Ranch in 2014. Yet, the central government continues to try and pursue those found innocent in Oregon on more charges while they are absent.

I'd say that there are many Americans with their eyes wide open as to the need to be armed for personal protection, but we still have a way to go to get them to see the real need for the Second Amendment is to secure a free state. May God help us to that end.

Kent Dunn: In 7 Days To January 14, Choice of Choosing Ends! All Humans Divide to Light or Darkness!

Kent Dunn: In 7 Days To January 14, Choice of Choosing Ends! All Humans Divide to Light or Darkness!

Kerry, Obama and McCain Arm and Fund ISIS


BREAKING:  Deal  Between  Kerry,  Obama  And  McCain  To  Arm  And  Fund  ISIS  Exposed 

There are several key moments in history when one is forced to stop and reflect on the gravity of what has happened. One of those critical historic moments just took place, and now it’s sending shock waves through the political arena.

Let’s take a step back, and look at the timeline of events that led up to what has now happened.

In August of 2014, Obama gave a speech during a press conference where he firmly stated that he “did not have a strategy” to defeat ISIS, insinuating that they were a small “JV” force not to be concerned with. 

Then, just two months later, Josh Earnest held a press conference with major media outlets where he told journalists and reporters that, “Our ISIS strategy is dependent on something that doesn’t yet exist.”

And now, leaked audio recordings of a meeting between Secretary of State John Kerry and Barack Obama have come forward. When you listen to this audio footage (in the video below), think critically and keep in mind the timeline presented above. Policy decisions were made at a very high level, and now brutally clear evidence has come forward to reveal just why those decisions were made.

One last thing is important to note before we move forward.  This story was practically hidden by the media. It received virtually no coverage during the election cycle, and major outlets still refuse to weigh in on the bombshell news. 

Such a small reaction from government-controlled news outlets gives further evidence that the deadly decisions made by Obama were not only deceitful, but criminally treasonous.

The recording reveals:  

1. Obama wanted the removal of Bashir Assad in SyriaIn order to accomplish this goal, 

2. Obama was complacent to watch the rise of ISIS by hedging his bets on the fact that a radical jihadi force could overthrow Assad 
3. In order to make that happen, Obama and Kerry supplied weapons and ammunition to ISIS and even stopped a Syrian-led attack against ISIS that ended up killing 80 Syrian soldiers and saving thousands of radical extremists.

It’s very likely that your jaw is wide open at this point. The scope of what this means is severe. Our government gave rise to a radical Muslim militia that has not only killed American soldiers defending our freedoms in the Middle East, but has also attacked us on our own soil in multiple confirmed terror attacks.

But we can’t forget what took place in during September, October and November of this year. Hillary promised a no-fly zone in Syria (alarm bells should be going off in your head by now). And when the corrupt establishment saw that Hillary wasn’t going to win, and they wouldn’t be able to institute pro-ISIS foreign policy actions, they hastily began to attack Russia.

Obama has even used the FBI and the CIA to declare that election hacking was brought on by Russian forces, when there is zero evidence of such. Edward Snowden, Julian Assange of WikiLeaks, and even Attorney General Loretta Lynch have said there is no physical evidence of foreign intervention.

But here’s the GOLDEN TICKET: Russia is helping Assad to rid the region of ISIS. Now does it make sense why Obama, Clinton, and the entire corrupt establishment has suddenly taken up arms against Russia? Obama is even willing to go to war with Russia to save ISIS from destruction, and to protect himself from criminal prosecution—really stop and think about that.

Key points of interest within the audio file are found after the 18:30 mark.

Leaked audio of John Kerry's meeting 
with Syrian revolutionaries/UN (improved audio)

But we’re not done yet. Ready for some more shocking evidence? 

John McCain and several other “establishment Republicans” have furiously fought Trump and continue to do so. You might be wondering why they would do such a thing, even now after Trump’s victory.

Take a look at John McCain’s visit to Syria, where the entire mass media said that the men he met with were “moderate”. This was during the same time when McCain and several other key figures were focused on spreading the idea that Muslims are peaceful, and that radical Islam doesn’t exist on any major level. Those men don’t look too bad, right? WRONG. Look at their true identities, now confirmed years later.  Here is one of the iconic photos spread from his visit:

But that’s not all, Mouaz Moustafa was also seen with anti-Trump candidate Evan McMullin.

So here we have not only the President of the United States, the FBI, the CIA, both Clintons, key Rublicans, and even additional 3rd party candidates who are all part of the same operation. It makes perfect sense why the entire media and even the Republican party was against Trump—they are all in the same bed together.

We’ve had strong suspicion of Obama’s outright treason for some time, but now there’s stone cold evidence, and there’s WAY more people involved than we ever thought. News of this evil must be spread. Take to social media and make this known. We now have bold evidence, and we must act as a unified body of Patriot Americans to make it known.

Nothing has slowed down since election night—there’s wind of an uprising, and it’s aimed at one fateful day: January 20th 2016.

ISIS Cell Found In Virginia - Arrests Made

BREAKING: ISIS  Cell  Found  In  Virginia,  Arrests  Made  As  Massive  Muslim  Operation  Exposed
America - we have a problem
America's youth turning to terrorism

Senior CDP Writer Elliot Bougis
Dec 30, 2016 

“And then there were nine.”

See if you can figure out what all of these names have in common:

+ Heather Coffman
+ Ali Shukir
+ Amin Reza Niknejad
+ Joseph Hassan Farrokh
+ Mahmound Amin
+ Mohamed Elhassan
+ Mohamad Jamal Khweis
+ Mohammad Bilor
+ Jalloh Haris Qatar
+ Nicholas Young

“Heather Coffman” and “Nicholas Young” sound like run-of-the-mill “white names” which, in northern Virginia, is not much of a surprise at all.

Then there are the names “Joseph Hassan Farrokh” and “Jalloh Haris Qatar” which sound like quasi-Americanized, second-generation. Middle Eastern names, the kind of names you’d heard at a posh prep school perhaps.

And then the pattern really snaps into place: Ali, Amin, Mahmound, Mohamed, Mohamad, Mohammad.

Pay dirt. Just looking at the names you might well assume the first four belong to one or two social circles, while the last six look like a single exchange student group. And as thunder follows lightning, or smoke proves there is fire, so a cluster of names like Ali and Mohammad in one news story all but guarantee that the self-styled “religion of peace” is in the mix.

As the Washington Times recently reported, “law enforcement agencies have arrested nine Northern Virginia residents on charges of aiding the Islamic State since the terrorist group rose to power in Syria and Iraq in 2014.” The Northern Virginia Regional Intelligence Center issued profiles of the nine in a Dec. 21 report labeled “law enforcement sensitive.”

Such reports, the Washington Times explains, “are designed to help state and federal agents recognize trends in the types of individuals who are influenced by the Islamic State’s message” and how they communicate across terrorist networks. 

In other words, since law enforcement agencies aren’t allowed (by the PC Police) to officially use “ethnic” and “demographic” profiling in crime prevention, they are having to put even more emphasis on “social media profiling.”

Two decades ago, checking out or buying certain books (e.g., The Anarchist’s Cookbook, books about Charles Manson, Mein Kampf, etc.) was a commonly recognized way of putting yourself on a “government watch list.” Now, visiting certain websites or following and interacting with certain social media profiles is the new “watchdog” red flag.

For example, Somalis living in Minnesota seem to receive the most press attention in the U.S. for wanting to help or join the Islamic State. The FBI arrested six residents of Somali origin in April after they made arrangements to leave Minnesota for Syria. Last December, a 20-year-old man of Somali origin was arrested on accusations of leading a group of ethnic Somalis attempting to fight for the Islamic State.

How do authorities track people like that? They monitor their…cellphone records, email contacts, post office records and, of course, online social media activity. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube–all of these and more are the new “agora” (public square), so it makes perfect sense for the feds and cops to monitor them as seriously as they monitor any “real world” neighborhood. But to return to the Northern Virginia arrests: of the nine who were arrested, all but one were in their teens and early 20s.

Let that sink in: all but one of them perfectly fit the profile of savvy, heavy social media users. They are suspected of conducting terrorism planning through Twitter, Facebook, Skype, WhatsApp and other platforms and apps, as well as on prepaid phones. This shows once again that social media profiles are the new form of “profiling” that law enforcement officials must rely on to keep us safe.

Look at how diverse the nine suspects were in terms of more traditional demographics: they included a police officer, a Starbucks barista, Army soldiers, bankers and a cabdriver; four of the nine graduated from Northern Virginia high schools, one with honors; two attended Northern Virginia Community College.

These were not outsiders, not social outcasts, not criminals, not mentally unstable–but they were all united by a desire to spread ISIS-inspired terror. All of them appeared to have opportunities via public education to become successful Americans but instead were charged with what amounted to a devotion to violent jihad.

Like in old horror movies, cellphones and laptops are like cursed objects for the 21st century: social media platforms funnel the demons of Islamic terror into our children’s minds like Tarot cards, Ouija boards, rabbits’ feet, magical old books, found footage, and witches’ brew channeled demons in the past.

“Local police are in a particularly difficult situation,” said Robert Maginnis, a retired Army officer and researcher on Islamism who lives in Northern Virginia.  “They face a severe challenge by Islamists operating in the shadows of our open society. These mostly young male Muslims become radicalized either by Islamist imams at some of the thousands of mosques across America, at school, or over the ever-present internet sites that spew anti-West, anti-Christian hatred.”

Like all great con games, domestic jihadism is hiding in plain sight, literally planning dark ops in the light of America’s famously “open society.”

“Given our open society, detached parents and politically correct schools, local police in Northern Virginia understandably hesitate to rigorously pursue young Islamist wannabes,” Mr. Maginnis said.

+ + +

In closing, let’s look at some of the nine suspects in more detail–vigilance is our greatest weapon. These “normal Americans” would have been delighted to see you and me wounded or dead from an act of Islamic terror.

Ali Shukir Amin…
Honors student at Osbourn Park High School; wrote a pro-Islamic State blog; had a Twitter account with 7,000 tweets and instructed people on how to use bitcoin to hide money transfers and on how to travel to Syria. Pleaded guilty to providing support to the Islamic State; sentenced to 136 months in prison.

Heather Coffman…
Joined the Army but was discharged after four months; later worked as a sales clerk. Operated multiple Facebook accounts to promote the Islamic State and shared terrorism contacts with possible recruits. Pleaded guilty to making a false statement concerning involvement in international terrorism; sentenced to 54 months in prison.

Mohamed Elhassan…
Attended Northern Virginia Community College; worked for Starbucks. Spoke openly of supporting the Islamic State and its violence. Pleaded guilty in October to aiding Farrokh and lying about his involvement in international terrorism.

Mohammad Bilor Jalloh…
Served as a combat engineer in the Virginia National Guard and worked for consulting firms. Met with Islamic State members in Africa and tried to buy firearms to carry out a Fort Hood-style massacre. Pleaded guilty in October to trying to help the Islamic State.

Haris Qatar…
Attended Northern Virginia Community College; worked for Wells Fargo. Created 60 Twitter handles for Islamic State propaganda and stalked residences in Northern Virginia that were on the group’s “kill lists.” Was preparing to make a video encouraging people to carry out “lone wolf” attacks around D.C. Pleaded guilty to charges of helping the Islamic State.

Nicholas Young…
Graduated from West Potomac High School and worked as a D.C. metro police officer. Accused of stockpiling weapons at his home. Traveled to Libya and gave advice to Islamic State followers on how to avoid law enforcement monitoring. The oldest of the nine at 36, Young has not yet faced trial.


CONFIRMED: US deploys troops to Russia’s border

 Dozens of United States Special Operations forces are now in the Baltics to counter a fake threat from Russia - what could go wrong?


The Lithuanian government has confirmed the presence of US special forces in the country.
According to the Lithuanian Defence Ministry spokeswoman, Asta Galdikaite, the dozens 0f US forces training Lithuanian special forces would remain there as long as they see Russia as a ‘threat’ or however long they see fit.
“Supposedly, Vladimir Putin has been deploying nuke-ready missiles in the Russian province of Kaliningrad, an area that borders Poland, Belarus, and Lithuania. This move has prompted the neighboring Baltic states to become “highly concerned” about Russian military activity.
The mainstream media has even dubbed NATO’s recent buildup the alliance’s “biggest military buildup on Russia’s borders since the Cold War.” Even Great Britain will be sending fighter jets, as well as troops to Romania in order to counter Russia in the region.
Speaking at a conference in Sochi, Putin previously said it was “stupid and unrealistic” to think Russia would attack anyone in Europe. His American counterparts are well aware of this but press on with NATO’s expansion, anyway. Why?
Russia has intervened in the Middle East and made the U.S.’ role as both caretaker and destroyer of the Muslim world largely redundant. Russia has been a spectacular caretaker and destructive force in the United States’ place, relentlessly bombing al-Qaeda-affiliated rebels in Aleppo into submission — and killing civilians in the process. Now, there are real hopes that a lasting peace deal might actually form in Syria, a development Washington had no hand in producing.
We’ve all seen this story before, except this time it is being done more overtly as NATO desperately runs out of options.”
Russia has said it would keep short-range ballistic missiles on its border with NATO as Vladimir Putin threatened “counter-measures” against expansion of the alliance. Russia has made it clear that its deployment of missiles is a deterrent against NATO expansion along its borders.
Viktor Ozerov, head of the defence committee in Russia’s upper house of parliament, said nuclear-capable Iskander missiles deployed to Kaliningrad in October would stay there permanently as a response to a military build-up of Nato in eastern Europe.
He said the Iskander and S-400 missiles were in the exclave because of the danger posed by the US defence shield, which went operational in Romania in May and which Washington says is to counter any threat from Iran.
In an interview with Oliver Stone back in November, Putin spoke about NATO’s aggressive expansion,”Why are we reacting to NATO expansion so emotionally? We are concerned by NATO’s decision-making,” he said. “We must take counter-measures, that is, strike with our missile systems the targets that in our opinion begin to threaten us,” Putin said.
NATO will bolster it’s presence in the region even more – this spring they plan to deploy battalions of 800 to 1,200 troops to each of the three Baltic States and Poland.
How president-elect Donald Trump will treat Russia in the coming months is being watched with interest in the West and in Russia, and the latest developments in the Baltics will make his rapprochement with Russia that more difficult.


Almost There
Dr Mount

Friday, January 6, 2017

Persecution Of Christians in the U.S.A.

United States Appears For The First Time On List Of Countries To Watch For               Persecution Of Christians

According to a new report from International Christian Concern, for the first time the United States has been placed on the “Wall of Shame” for countries to watch for Christian persecution.  

While noting that what Christians experience in the USA in not at all what Christian in countries like Iraq or Nigeria experience, the report notes the fact that Christianity is being publicly marginalized by an increasingly hateful, militant secularism that is encoding their open disdain into law in the United States:
In short, Christians in the US are facing constant attacks in the media, where they are portrayed as bigoted, racist, sexist, and close minded. The characterization in the media may be translating into direct attacks as well.
The First Liberty Institute, the largest legal organization in the US dedicated exclusively to protecting religious freedom, documents such actions and reports that attacks on religion doubled between 2012 and 2015. More importantly, Christians and all religious people are being marginalized through the law.

The rise of these cases stems partly from a broad cultural shift towards secularism. The Pew Foundation found that those identifying as non-religious in the US rose by seven percent, to 23 percent of the total US adult population within just seven years (2007 to 2014).
Anti-Christian entities have been able to leverage the growing secularization of society and culture to their advantage, utilizing the courts as a preferred venue to gradually marginalize and silence Christians. Using the cudgel of “equality,” secular forces in and out of the courts have worked to create a body of law built from one bad precedent after another.
Claims of intolerance and inequality are used to fundamentally distort the clear intent of the First Amendment. The Founders carefully and deliberately placed religious freedom as the first liberty because it encompasses several fundamental rights including thought, speech, expression, and assembly. The First Amendment explicitly grants freedom of religion, not freedom from religion. The essential aim is to protect the right of citizens to practice religion in the public square.
Decades of accumulated poor judicial decisions and precedents have twisted the First Amendment so that the courts, in defiance of the Founders, are pushing religion out of the public square, and into the small space of private expression. In essence, the courts are deciding that you only have full religious freedom and expression in the church and your home. In the public domain, your religious views and thoughts must be restrained and controlled.
This trend is extremely worrying in the country that has long held the ideal of religious liberty. While there is no comparison between the life of a Christian in the US with persecuted believers overseas, ICC sees these worrying trends as an alarming indication of a decline in religious liberty in the United States. (source, page 11)
We’ve been warning you this was coming. We’ve said that Christianity in the USA has been in decline and that if things did not change, Christians would become an unwanted group subject to the same discrimination and even attack as Christians are in other countries are every day. In other words, the horrors of the old would eventually come to the new world.

If this is what 2016 brought, then what does 2017 have in store?

ernie-wayne: ter telgte Omnibus hearing January 05 2017


The secret Cold War city the US built under ice: Incredible footage reveals the hidden missile base in Greenland that would have destroyed the Soviet Union in minutes

Incredible footage has emerged showing how the US Military dug deep below Greenland's ice cap to create a hidden site for launching ballistic missiles at the height of the Cold War.
The original plan was to build 2,500 miles of tunnels which would have covered an area of 52,000 square miles – which is bigger than the size of England.
By the time it was abandoned in 1966 due to the ice cap starting to crush the camp, soldiers had already built two miles of tunnels and a facility that boasted a hospital, theatre, church and a shop for 200 of its inhabitants.   

By the time Camp Century was abandoned, soldiers had already built two miles of tunnels and a facility boasted a hospital, theatre, church and a shop for 200 of its inhabitants

By the time Camp Century was abandoned, soldiers had already built two miles of tunnels and a facility boasted a hospital, theatre, church and a shop for 200 of its inhabitants
The project was abandoned in 1966 because the unstable ice above threatened to crush the camp

The project was abandoned in 1966 because the unstable ice above threatened to crush the camp
The original plan was to build 2,500 miles of tunnels which would have covered an area of 52,000 square miles – which is bigger than the size of England

The original plan was to build 2,500 miles of tunnels which would have covered an area of 52,000 square miles – which is bigger than the size of England
The camp was given the codename Project Iceworm and troops disguised themselves as polar researchers

The camp was given the codename Project Iceworm and troops disguised themselves as polar researchers
Camp Century was built in between 1959 and 60 in northwestern Greenland, officially to test sub-ice construction techniques. 
The real plan was top secret - creating a hidden launch site for ballistic missiles that could reach the Soviet Union.
It was given the codename Project Iceworm and troops worked under the disguise of polar researchers under the ice, according to The Sun.  
A narrator in the video footage says: 'Camp Century is buried below the surface of this ice cap. 
'Beneath it, the ice descends for 6,000 feet.
'In this remote setting, less than 800 miles from the North Pole, Camp Century is a symbol of man’s unceasing goal to conquer his environment, to increase his ability to live and fight if necessary under polar conditions.
'This is the story of Camp Century: the city under ice.'
Camp Century was built in between 1959 and 60 in northwestern Greenland, officially to test sub-ice construction techniques

Camp Century was built in between 1959 and 60 in northwestern Greenland, officially to test sub-ice construction techniques
Footage has emerged of US Military picking their spot ahead of the start of the project in 1959

Footage has emerged of US Military picking their spot ahead of the start of the project in 1959
A section of the 2,000 miles of tunnels already built before the project was abandoned in 1966

A section of the 2,000 miles of tunnels already built before the project was abandoned in 1966
Military personnel busy building the underdground camp way under the ice cap in Greenland

Military personnel busy building the underdground camp way under the ice cap in Greenland
The project was abandoned in 1966 because the ice cap began to crush the camp. 
The US removed a portable nuclear reactor that had supplied heat and electricity, but left an estimated 200,000 liters of diesel oil and sewage, according to an international study published in August.
Scientists are warning that as global warming melts the ice cap, the waste could surface and pollute the environment. 

Greenland is calling on Denmark to clean up an abandoned under-ice missile project and other US military installations left to rust in the pristine landscape after the Cold War.
The 1951 deal under which NATO member Denmark allowed the US to build 33 bases and radar stations in the former Danish province doesn't specify who's responsible for any cleanup.
Tired of waiting, Greenland's local leaders are now urging Denmark to remove the junk that the Americans left behind, including Camp Century, a never-completed launch site for nuclear missiles under the surface of the massive ice cap.
'Unless Denmark has entered other agreements with the United States about Camp Century, the responsibility for investigation and cleanup lies with Denmark alone,' said Vittus Qujaukitsoq, Greenland's minister in charge of foreign affairs.
An abandoned US Air Force vehicle  outside the eastern Greenland settlement of Kulusuk where there used to be a US Air Force base as part of an early warning radar system

An abandoned US Air Force vehicle outside the eastern Greenland settlement of Kulusuk where there used to be a US Air Force base as part of an early warning radar system
In an October 24 letter to Danish Foreign Minister Kristian Jensen, obtained by The Associated Press, Qujaukitsoq asked about Denmark's plans for Camp Century, adding that an international study said the waste includes 'radioactivity, oil and PCB pollution.'
PCBs stands for polychlorinated biphenyls, a man-made chemical once widely used in paints, plastics and other products, but were banned after they were demonstrated to cause cancer and other ailments.
At a meeting on November 17 in Nuuk, the Greenland capital, to discuss the issue, Jensen said Denmark's Environment Ministry was investigating the environmental risks.
'I hope it can be done as quickly as possible,' he told a news conference, declining to give any specifics.
Jensen later told The Associated Press in an email that 'it is still too early to say who will be involved in a possible cleanup. 
A rusty container of lubricant oil for a U.S. military vehicle stands among abandoned US military material in 2005

A rusty container of lubricant oil for a U.S. military vehicle stands among abandoned US military material in 2005
The US military was interested in Greenland during the Cold War due to its strategic location in the Arctic.
Under the 1951 agreement, the US also built four radar stations as part of an early warning system to detect incoming Soviet bombers.
The US Air Force still uses the Thule Air Base, about 1,200 kilometers (745 miles) below the North Pole. 
Military airfields in Narsarsuaq, Kulusuk and Kangerlussuaq have become civilian airports.
Several other military installations have been abandoned, some in remote areas, in the hope they would be entombed forever in the thick ice cap that covers most of the vast island.
Local authorities have started clearing some of the sites, but don't have sufficient resources, said Rasmus Eisted of Danish engineering company Ramboll, which has been involved in some cleanup projects.
Eisted singled out a junkyard in Kangerlussuaq containing miscellaneous military equipment from the time it was a US Air Force Base known as Sondrestrom. 
The continuing cleanup task was larger than first anticipated, he said.
Aleqa Hammond, a former Greenland premier who now represents the mostly Inuit population of the Arctic island in the Danish Parliament, said Greenland could bring Denmark before a UN panel on indigenous issues unless it deals with the junk.
'Denmark is responsible for cleaning up after the Americans,' Hammond said. 
'I see a potential political crisis between Greenland and Denmark.'

Airport false flag shooting HOAX

Fort Lauderdale Airport false flag shooting HOAX
January 6, 2017
Psy-op by government, police & media 


Published on Jan 6, 2017

This video exposes the Fort Lauderdale false flag shooting hoax of January 6, 2017, carried on by the government, Fort Lauderdale Police, TSA, and your mainstream media. This is part of an ongoing agenda, dating back decades, that must be stopped.

Fort Lauderdale, FL airport shooting hoax of January 6, 2017:

Rainbow over Dallas, Texas Jan 6 2017

Rainbow over Dallas, Texas
January 6 2017

Anyone know anything about this
strange formation and the spiral top left?

BREAKING NEWS! Russia makes a Huge Announcement That Will Change The War

Russia's Huge Anouncement
That Will Change the War!


The Elite Are Going All Out, National Emergency & War - Episode 1170b