Friday, December 16, 2011


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Friday, 16-Dec-2011 04:30:41

It is no secret I'm having a difficult period with my vision..
But! I would like to take this moment to thank all of you professionals, non professionals, researchers.. and those of a particular group of people with whom I find myself delighted to hear from i.e. The SILVER FOX's.. more commonly called THE OVER THE HILL GANG.
Then, there are the OATH KEEPERS, Marines, U.S. Coast Guard, USN, U.S. Air Force.. Old Agents with whom I have enjoyed the reminising of days gone by and things of different administrations during our time, there are some of our Law Enforcement and D.O.J who still stand by and keep their Oath, and then there are those across the land who call me thanking me for exposing what really happened during the days of the 80/s and 90s when America lost over 4 million family owned farms and 30,000 + or - American Families averaging 2.5 members per house hold lost their properties MONTHLY as the INSURANCES which they had paid to protect these hapless Americans never paid off.. which left these hapless, jobless Americans to lay their heads any where they could find a resting place such as cardboard box's in alley ways, under free way bridges, empty buildings, underground facilities, in shacks and huts where ever something resembling a "roof" to keep the elements off their heads could be found.
We all who have been through these years know this is not the American Way or American Dream we fought for, died for and blindly supported.
It is believed by me the battle we fought was well fought and from the looks of things THE ONES WHO CAUSED THIS HARM TO AMERICANS AND AMERICA will soon be brought to Justice.
Each and every single one of you has been a light in my old heart giving me the courage and will to continue helping in my small way.
So.. keep the good research coming in.. I am always glad to receive good materials and you can count on Rayelan and the others being happy these great articles are coming in so we can post them for others.
I salute you one and all. Thank you for just being you.

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - 16 / December / 2011

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - 16 / December / 2011
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 16-Dec-2011 03:37:01

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - 16 / December / 2011
Faith can really move mountains if sufficient of you get together, and as you progress through the final year to Ascension, it will become more powerful and way beyond your present ability. Yes, Dear Ones you are in for quite a ride, but one that is very desirable and will fulfil your wishes to ascend. There will be a total mix of surprises, so be prepared to reconsider any long held beliefs. Some experiences will involve the Earth changes and depending upon where you reside, will determine how much you become involved. Most likely the known earthquake areas will be at the center of such activities, but as you know the repercussions are usually felt some way from it. Whatever happens precautions will be taken to protect you, but it is your responsibility to look ahead and also be prepared.
At a conscious level there is a separation taking place as those of the Light are continually increasing their vibrations, while those held in the lower vibrations are often oblivious to the opportunity that is presenting itself. It would be true to say that if they are subconsciously trying to achieve a greater understanding of the purpose of life, they will be helped. There will certainly be many announcements that will make it clear as to what is taking place, and our involvement in it. Our intervention is needed, and will give the answers to your immediate problems that are to be solved. We are speeding up the final moves that our allies are taking, to present us with the ideal opportunity to press ahead with our plan to reveal the truth about us.
Use your coming celebrations to give yourself a deserved break from the everyday problems that occupy your minds. Think positive and live in the Light that you have created around yourself. Be of cheer and feel the joy that comes with the realization that after what seems a long arduous experience, you are looking past the door that is opening to the year 2012. There you see scintillating Light that shows the path to completion in all its glory, and you will be riding on the crest of that wave. All is prepared and the Galactic Federation has taken up its positions, so as to carry out the final stage of what has been a remarkable mission so far. For us with our extended life cycle, we have followed your progress for thousands of years, and share your excitement at what is soon to be revealed to you. You are to get to know us in a true relationship as your Brothers and Sisters of Light. To that end we will commence showing ourselves to you, and meeting with those who have a main role to play with us in the near future.
The dark Ones continue to be a nuisance but their power is very much reduced, and without their many underground bases have little to fall back on. We shall continue to take out those that pose a threat to the Earth and its people. Before long they will have to admit to supporting a lost cause, as the structure and command has been severely impaired. Be assured we are well aware who is behind the attempts to cause us problems, and they will not delay our plan that will soon manifest into your lives. Now time is so short we will be looking to fully start our mission within the next month, as we are being urged to commence as soon as possible. Be assured that it will be underway once the bits and pieces are in place.
Nothing that you have experienced so far is going to measure up to the coming period. You are entering a new era where many of the labors of life will no longer be handled by Man. Those that can be carried out by automation will be given to robotic or computer programs. Only special needs will be carried out by Man, and even then they will be assisted by Automatons. Your place is to oversee the functions, ensuring that the goals are met within the time frame involved. The larger projects will be monitored from our ships, and some of you will come aboard for that purpose. Your time will eventually be taken up by creative work rather than the old ways of occupying yourself, and will be more productive. Working for the good of all people will become commonplace, as they realize the Oneness that brings them together is dependant of the sharing of Love and Light.
That feeling of desiring to come together will get stronger as time goes by, and there is already evidence of it as you act as one voice to overcome the denial of your rights. The impetus will continue to grow and there is no way anyone can stop it from achieving its aims. It is all part of the natural changes that result from the intense energies that encircle your Earth. None of you can avoid some reaction to them, and the Lightworkers will normally take them into their Being without any problems. However, those who have yet to awaken are becoming uncomfortable because of them, and confusion is likely to result.
Everything is about energy, because that it is ultimately what it is about, and it helps to understand what is happening now if you view it that way. The higher your vibrations the more you become a Being of energy, and lose that heavy feeling that exists with the lower vibrations. It also allows a greater freedom of movement through your creative powers of thought. You can for example change the appearance of your body at will, and appear to anyone exactly as you wish. It can be useful when you want to show yourself in such a way that you can be recognized. You have to bear in mind that you have been known in various guises through hundreds of lives. As we have recently mentioned, you will eventually have no need for form as you understand it for you will be a Being of Light.
The more you understand about existence in the higher realms, the more you will realise that your experience on Mother Gaia is far removed from whence you came. However, it has proved a most beneficial experience, and you knew that it would give you a most wonderful opportunity to advance your spiritual evolution, more quickly than you could otherwise have achieved. You have all faced the challenge of duality, and now so to say it is time to put your feet up and take a rest. Your experiences are now to be more in line with your expressed desires, and you choose what they are to be.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased that we are so near to Disclosure, as it will allow so much information about us to be released. God Bless you All.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

I was one of David's Source's for the Information on the Philippine Gold Treaty

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

David Wilcock Mentioned David Guyatt - I was one of David's Source's for the Information on the Philippine Gold Treaty
Posted By: Rayelan
Date: Thursday, 15-Dec-2011 19:06:48

We have many new readers, and now I realize that even people I considered friends never took the time to learn about what Gunther and I did in 1994 when we transferred 500,000 metric tonnes of gold from where it had been hidden since 1955, back to the Austria and the former countries that made up the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
I have been telling people since 1994 about the 50+ year plan to bankrupt ALL the member banks that make up the Federal Reserve Banking System.
You can read about this plan in this article:
In 1994 Gunther and I, along with many other people, successfully concluded the largest gold transfer in history.
If you want to read about this, here is the link to David Guyatt's page: THE SECRET GOLD TREATY
The documents you see are ones that I faxed to Guyatt for inclusion in his book.
Letter from Gunther Russbacher to Gabriel Singson of the Philippine Central Bank
OFFER TO SELL - Letter to Dr. Werner Metz of the Austrian Central Bank from the Philippine Central Bank offering to sell a vast amount of gold...
From Deep Black Lies -- THE SECRET GOLD TREATY
Russbacher told the BBC journalist that huge quantities of Nazi gold had been shipped to South America, via Spain, just prior to the close of World War II. The loot had sat in South America for a number of years, but as soon as its existence became known to Israeli intelligence the plunder was immediately transferred to the Philippines and hidden, Russbacher said.
Over a year after my interview with Russbacher, I was put in contact with Ken Krohn, who I was told was a business associate of Russbacher's. I telephoned Krohn in California on 27 February 1998, telling him I was conducting research into black market gold deals. He immediately asked if I had been speaking to Russbacher. At that time, I had not, and I told him so. Krohn then stated that he was a member of "Gunther's Team" and had acted in the role of "Stateside Anchor." Krohn then asked me to call him back the following Tuesday so that he could, in the meantime, refresh his memory from his files. He had, he said "names, dates, files. It'll make your hair curl."
The gold from these transfers is going to be used to BACK currency... WORLDWIDE. The first currency to be backed in the Euro. The Dinar has been gold backed for some time. The ONE major currency that is NOT gold backed is the DOLLAR. The dollar will become WORTHLESS unless the United States returns to a gold backed currency.
These are the links containing the information that I faxed to Guyatt in 1996 and 97. I have tonnes more of this information on the gold that is stored in the Philippines and around the rest of the world. The one thing David is right about is that there is more gold in the world than anyone can imagine.
The thing he has wrong is who owns the gold and who hid it.
The sovereign leaders of the nations that the illuminati raped and pillaged are the ones who joined together to hid their gold. The HID it from the illuminati who would have stolen it.
It was hidden so that at one day in the future the vanished nations of the world could rise again and restore the wealth of their people to their people.
These families are all related by blood. It started with King Solomon's daughter by the Queen of Sheba. Her children intermarried... as did their children until a time came that all the ruling families of the world were related by blood. These families were murdered and their kingdoms were destroyed.
When I married Gunther, it took me a long time to for me to grasp what was really going on. The people with whom Gunther and I worked, were from the Philippines, to China to all of the countries in Europe... and off world.
If you have read the Obergon Chronicles, you know that some of our gold has always been taken back to the home world to keep the atmosphere in tact so that the original bodies can continue to live until the time that everyone is here on earth.
There is so much more to this story that David Wilcock can imagine. it would take me weeks to bring him up to speed. If any of you who know my version of this story would like to try to bring him up to speed, you are welcome. IMO he would have to read the Obergon Chronicles, read all the articles Gunther wrote on the gold transfer... and then listen to all 9 hours of David Sales interviews.
There's not much more I can do. I have been telling this story since 1994. It appears that David Wilcock was not familiar with this part of my story.
Here are some of the links to the documents I faxed to David Guyatt. Most of the information I gave to Guyatt was over the telephone.
I typed this letter
The handwriting on this one that names Imelda Marcos... is my handwriting
This document was handwritten by a colleague with whom I am still working.
Here's the page where I am mentioned
Rayelan Russbacher, tells a tale that is identical to Krohn's account in all material respects, except as to the quantities of gold involved. In early May 2000, Rayelan Russbacher faxed me copies of about 30 documents relating to her former husband’s gold deal as described above. The code name for the transaction was “White Robe/150-920-458." The documents she faxed show that the intended transaction was, in fact, a series of between ten and 50 transactions, each involving a quantity of 2,500 metric tonnes of gold negotiated at a discount rate of 10% (rather than the 11.6% rate described by Krohn). Additionally, the commitments for these transactions could be “rolled over” and “extended” up to a total of 500,000 metric tonnes.
A first “test” tranche of 2,500 tonnes with a face value of approximately US$30 billion was called for (giving a price of about $370 per ounce). This staggering deal, if consummated in full, had a price tag of US$6 trillion – equivalent to the current US national debt!
At today's price, the 500,000 metric tonnes equals
500,000 metric tonnes = 551,155.655 t(US)
OR 551.155 t(US) and 13.10 cwt(US)
1 short ton = 29 166.6667 troy ounce
$1575.80 gold closes today
Someone else can do the math and figure out how much money the $500,000 metric tonnes would be worth today.
BTW... the Scottish Irishman who was talking to David is the same Shamus who worked with me for over ten years and then married me off to Gunther. Shamus is a starship captain. He is Gunther's higher self and now that I have heard his again, I know where Gunther is these days! And I hope to hell those of you who know what he is capable of are shaking in your Texan boots!

Health - Take This Fun Health Quiz Now

Take This Fun Health Quiz Now 

I don't watch much TV (except for NFL football!) but sometimes I'll watch DVDs of funny shows.

One I like is "Boston Legal." William Shatner's character (Denny Crane) is an egotistical attorney who drinks lots of expensive scotch, is a skirt chaser and a gun-slinging, die-hard Republican who is out of control in every sense of the word.
He's an absolute hoot, played brilliantly by Shatner.
When Denny starts having lapses in memory and judgment, he sees that those symptoms are consistent with Mad Cow Disease, and decides that's what he has.
And any time after that when he screws up, he says "Mad Cow!"
VERY funny.
But what's never funny is when someone has horrible physical symptoms due to gluten sensitivity. And over half the population today has some level of gluten sensitivity, so it's a major problem.
And because the wrath of gluten can take SO many forms, people with gluten sensitivity don't make the connection to gluten, although that's changing slowly.
I mean, would you possibly connect depression, acne, joint pain, fatigue, allergy symptoms, headaches, abdominal cramping, diarrhea and difficulty concentrating to the SAME cause?!
I was shocked back when we did the research for Great Taste No Gluten
and I saw the wide array of documented gluten-related physical (and mental) problems. It was far beyond my wildest imagination.

Now, if you have symptoms that you can't quite pinpoint and the prescription drugs your doctor gave you aren't doing any good, chances are excellent that you too may be suffering the wrath of gluten and don't even know it.
Here's a self-reflection quiz that you can take to see.
If you answer yes to any of these questions, you too may have a degree of gluten sensitivity:
1) Is there anyone in your family who had been diagnosed with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease?
(Gluten sensitivity tends to run in families.)

2) Have you or anyone in your family been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease such as Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, Addison's disease, thyroid disease or insulin dependent diabetes?
(Gluten sensitivity is commonly seen with, or mimics symptoms of, autoimmune diseases.)

3) Do you crave carbs?
(The hard-to-digest proteins from gluten containing foods such as bread and pasta can be highly addictive. A craving for them is a signal that these proteins have been absorbed into your circulation and may be causing physical problems.)

4) Have you ever had one or more very severe bouts of abdominal cramping, with or without diarrhea?

5) Do you frequently have gas or bloating after meals? Is the bloating often associated with an unexplained gain of two to five pounds within 24 hours?

6) Are you a smoker?
(A smoking addiction can also be suggestive of gluten sensitivity.)

7) Are you anxious or depressed for no apparent reason?

8) Do you often feel tired, fatigued, "out of it," or have trouble remembering or concentrating?

9) Do you have trouble falling asleep, or fail to feel refreshed after sleeping, no matter how long you've slept?

10) Do you have to get up frequently during the night to urinate?

11) Do you have strange or addictive reactions to alcohol?

12) Do you have low blood pressure? (Low blood pressure is defined as a systolic (upper number) pressure under 90 and a diastolic (lower number) pressure under 60.)

13) Do you frequently have heartburn and/or regularly take antacids?

14) Do you have a stubborn cough that won't go away or experience wheezing, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing?

15) Do you frequently get canker sores in or around your mouth?

16) Are your nails brittle?

17) Are your pinkie fingers much shorter than your other digits and/or your palms frequently orange (without having eaten a lot of carrots!)?

18) For females: Have you had one or more miscarriages, trouble conceiving or a difficult pregnancy?

19) Have you been told you have vitamin and/or mineral deficiencies?

20) Have you had unexplained elevations in your liver enzymes?

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, then chances are excellent gluten may be affecting YOU.
You may be wondering, "OK, great, what do I do now?"
Glad you asked.
Because to see if and how gluten is affecting you, you can start with one very simple test:
Go without it and see how you feel.
There is no better proof than results.
And if that sounds about as easy as walking a tightrope over the Grand Canyon, don't worry.
Because I'm here to help you with Great Taste No Gluten.
The manual "Unraveling The Gluten Free Mystery" explains why gluten is the health demon that it is today and all the different symptoms gluten sensitivity can give. It will make perfect sense to you and you'll likely have many "ah-ha" moments.
"Your Gluten Free Kitchen" will help you easily set up a gluten free household, while "Gluten Free Substitutions" and "Gluten Free Grain Guide" will make the conversion to gluten-free options in your current favorite recipes a snap.
And of course, the shining star of the Great Taste No Gluten system: The recipe book.
Chock full of 160 mouth-watering, yet easy to make gluten free dishes that will make you scratch your head and say, "This is gluten free? Really?"
We spent 2 full years researching, developing and testing recipes and I've got to tell you, these recipes are the BOMB! Most gluten-free foods in stores are terrible. ALL other gluten-free recipe books are so bad, I wonder how any of then get past the first printing. But not this one. Every recipe is unbelievably delicious.
Don't wait another second to start counteracting the effects that gluten is having on YOUR health.
Remember--even one YES answer above suggests that gluten may be affecting your health.
Great Taste No Gluten is your ticket to a healthy life free of all the problems gluten causes...and full of fantastic food.
Get it here now.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS: Kat thinks it's easy to be gluten free:
I have to tell you I bought your Great Taste No Pain program and then Great Taste No Gluten, and had reservations at first. Not about it working, but about me being able to stick to it.
My eating has been pretty good most of my life as my mother taught us to eat without all the extra gooey things such as dressing poured all over salad.
All I can say is you are right and thank you for being smart enough to be there for those of us who do not have your years of nutritional education.
I now seem to crave good foods that I didn't before. Raw veggies are a staple in my diet now.
I try to stick with eating what I cook and do my best to stay away from quick and non-nutritional meals that can be POPPED in the microwave or toaster. This is not easy as my husband loves to eat every bad thing he can find!
The fight has gotten easier and I can only imagine it will get easier as more time passes.
Oh, here is a kicker! While at my nephew's birthday party last month the conversation somehow got on age, health or something of that nature and several guests were stunned to find that my little sister was not my older sister. They were sure I was many years younger than her. She is about 34 and I am 45.
I was very pleased for me but a bit sad for my little sis!
PPS: Got low energy? Brain fog? CRS disease? You just may be low in in just one vitamin. One out of four people are. Read more about this deficiency and how you can help turn that around FAST.
PPPS: Many people with IBS and incomplete digestion also suffer from harmful bacteria overgrowth. This can make your digestion even worse and greatly compromise your immune system. But Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula can help turn that around for you. Learn more about Super Shield here.

Want case studies?  Here are a few thousand health turnarounds for you to marvel at.

Haven't taken the Great Taste No Pain test drive?  Well, now's the time! You have nothing to lose except your pain and some excess pounds too!

Want to read past articles? Here they are.
* Forward this email to the people you care about the most!
(c) copyright 2011 Holistic Blends

Orders: 1-315-295-1236
**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**
Pain-Free Living is a permission-based newsletter. The only way to receive it is to request it here  

Bluwolf post in GET forum Thur morning 12/15/2011

Bluwolf post in GET forum Thur morning 12/15/2011

[bluwolf] Good morning; A lot of things in the air both political and economic occurring in our world which state that this blessing is over.

Our banks are on high gear just waiting on the permission to start all cashouts of all currencies. The speeches from all important people both of governments and agencies specify that Iraq has a valuable currency. That just one piece of the puzzle (RV) has to appear within hours time.

Today is the 15th operational rates are listed (UN), the WTO meets today, topic is the IQD, our troops will be airlifted today heading home safe, that was my main concern so that is why I have been silent all these days.

Maliki is back in Iraq just getting all done ASAP and there should be a great celebration in this new sovereign country as of today. I know that this ride has taken a toll on each and every one of us but within a few days time our dreams will be fulfilled, period.

I must state for each and everyone of you to please be careful and prudent, start your brainstorming on all things to do after it RVs. All Christians keep in mind that this is a blessing from our Lord and be a good steward of His plans for your communities. I feel as of now that my time with you all is just about over and I do wish you all the best in the future as of today.
Read More Link on Right

I have so many friends now that it will be impossible for me to forget you, you will always be in my heart and in my mind forever. I wish to inform you that you have been my blessing and that it has been my privilege in serving you.

But with that said I do encourage each and everyone to do right by your monies and blessings, to pay it forward, get rid of all debts start in zero with your new life, buy your new home cash, get that fine car that you always wanted, take a very good vacation with your love ones, enjoy yourselves, be wise on all investments get all the legal and secure help that you may need.

This email was just sent to others by me and its for you all.  Good day

[Cougar13] bluwolf thank you and bless you
[bluwolf] yw read it well for between the lines is what is important[

bluwolf] But most important get down on your knees and give thanks to our heavenly Father for he is the creator of all these things that you are about to feel and receive, He is number one in our lives and that is the way I see it. So relax now and let this blessing in.

As of now there are no delays or holdups, all is positive and flowing well, and should be seen shortly, the bus has left the station folks and it ain't coming back, so are you on or are you not it's your choice but please decide now where you are in this, believing is faith 100%. I believe now do you?

Dios los bendiga siempre, which means May God bless you always, with that said Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to all from me and the rest of my family, for in the Lord's name I declare you all MILLIONAIRES, with or without you all are for me, you are the best. Adios Bluwolf

[bluwolf] there are things that I cannot share at this time, but what I will share is that all my informants are stating that all is definitely done and should be out shortly., and you can take that to the bank

[yabba dabba] bluwolf which bank
[rbhrt] bluwolf All Praise be to God!!!!
[firecarl] start the IQD clock
[firecarl] let the games begin

Dinar Bulldog --- 12/15/11


Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2011 10:27 AM
BULLDOG – Posted in the PTR Forum 12/15/2011




cjswest: amen Bulldog75 you and Okie are the wingmen are guiding the train into the final stages of the RV process. Coachmen are ready for helping the dock stop & IQD unload.

mvg1222: Someone said Glenn Beck of Fox news announced a windfall of tax revenue to come into the government from new investment millionaires.

In Ponzi World it is Who You Know and Who You Don't 2/2

BREAKING NEWS: In Ponzi World it is Who You Know and Who You Don't 2/2

P. P. S. We can also reveal that the alleged self-regulatory financial agencies, the CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission)
, as well as the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission), and the banking puppet National Futures Association (NFA) have been fingered by U. S. Treasury agents as being aware from day one of this financial criminal conspiracy and money laundry and looking the other way.

We can also report that these three alleged financial regulatory agencies have been recipients of massive bribes and pay offs from none other than J. P. Morgan to look the other way when it comes to a massive financial criminal conspiracy, and, instead, try to frame ma and pa retail brokers who actually understand how to trade in this current environment of massive volatility for charging maybe 1% above an allegedcommission ratio distribution.

The compliance officers at these criminal banking giants actually conspire with the alleged self-regulatory agencies to destroy these ma and pa retail brokers for the benefit of these criminal banking money laundries.

Note: We are gathering names of these allegedcompliance officers.

This self-regulatory body also uses UN-Constitutional entrapment calls aka Nazi gestapo tactics to try to further frame ma and pa retail brokers for using the wrong word in a conversation with the allegedgovernment regulatory representative.

Warning to this filth: Your days are numbered. You either obey the Constitution of the United States or else.

In closing stay tuned for our next intelligence briefing in which we will further deal directly with the Nazi German blood line that is going to be eradicated and removed from American soil.