Wednesday, January 26, 2011

INTEL 1/26 8:00 am

INTEL 1/26    8:00 am

WARNING - Discernment advised.

Should have already happened – except major blockage by the Dark side. The Darkside, especially the Federal Reserve bankers refuse to give up, even though they are receivership.
For an analogy – put a group of rats in a corner and see how they behave – that is what is happening now.
Keep on getting “deliveries tomorrow” from intel but the lack of any tangible proof says otherwise. The Dark Cabal has compromised many of the programs players including the trustees, military JSC and the supreme court.
My question is the White Knights up to this task? Too much genteel lawyer type who love to negotiate and negotiate! Don’t know how to get a job done!
Not going to continue the “Deliveries Tomorrow” charade promoted by the programs folks. Remember the carrot strung before the donkey, yea – that works in moving the donkey!
I don’t like carrots!  LOL!
Per the Ghosts stories --- I hope they can sleep at night with the nonsense they are paid to put out?

CMKX Program
Same blockage from the Dark Cabal, long overdue for E/R release, being lied too over and over and over. The Dark Cabal, continues to defile the people.

Same blockage from the Dark Cabal. Dinar has been close to RV 7 times but powers supported by the Dark Cabal have blocked it.

NOTE --- So – we have 3 major programs – all being Blocked by the Dark Cabal. Now do you realize how powerful they are.
Who is the Dark Cabal? Vatican, Bush & Clintons, Queen, Rothschilds, Rockerfellers, Bilderbergers, etc., etc.  

I am being challenged by the Tim Turner’s supporters and his operation per the comments which I allow to be posted on my blog.

Always attack the messengers and not the message. The Message still remains – Tim Turner DOES NOT HAVE MILITARY SUPPORT NOR FINANCIAL SUPPORT. My deep inside military intel have confirmed this to me over and over. Is TT lying again?

Now hearing “rumor” that TT could not attend a California and a Florida event because he is on a “No Fly” list.  He also did not fly to Hague as promised because the Republic Filing and Approval was already done by the military last year. Something odd about all this?

I FULLY SUPPORT the Republic and this will be the future government for our country. The Republic will be run by the Republics across our country and this is where the power lies – with the people!

Update by Shelden Nidle

Just in:Update by Shelden Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
8 Chicchan, 3 Yax, 7 Ik Tuesday, January 25th, 2011

Selamat Balik! We come again to discuss the many secret events that are preparing to go public on your world. These events were originally set to change your world many years ago; what is happening instead is a slow, drawn-out demise of the old order, due in large part to the decision of the dark (former) rulers of your world to obstruct Heaven's edicts at every turn and by every means. These denizens of the dark are now regretting much of the fallout of this decision. They are vividly aware of the baleful repercussions that their relentless obstructionism has garnered for them and are using their dwindling positions of power to try to negotiate last-minute deals with our Earth allies. These shots at reduced sentences are falling on deaf ears. Our Earth allies plan to push these transgressors to one side and render them powerless to interfere with the policies that will be introduced once the interim governments are in place. The bankster gangs and their corporate friends are wholly lacking in the moral fiber that is to be the hallmark of the new temporary regimes.

The new regimes will bring in universal sovereignty and freedom from the enslavement policies enacted by the dark Earth-minions and their former bosses, the Anunnaki. It is time for Truth and an end to the rule of lies and manipulation that has been the modus operandi of the past 13 millennia. We fully realize how difficult it has been for our Earth allies to stand up to the wealth and power of these long-entrenched dark masters; nevertheless, each of you has been given a divine dispensation to leave this nightmare realm set up by the dark. We have had to listen to these dark cabals' insolent protestations of entitlement when asked to explain to us why their old-order policies are still in play. Indeed, the past decade of futile meetings with them has demonstrated clearly that their vengeful and unrepentant stance remains rigid. Now the escalating quiet revolution is pushing them rapidly aside. The critical component in all this is of course us. We can see how much you need a committed champion and a dedicated mentor, and we are stepping forward to provide you with this.

These exigencies have morphed this first contact into something quite unprecedented: a mission that is both the herald for and the moral executive branch of the Galactic Federation. In this role, we are learning how to relate to each of you and how to best assist our Earth allies in bringing the rule of the dark to a close. This transformation of planet Earth back to the Light has been decreed by Heaven and by Lord Surea, and so we have permission to perform certain tasks not normally tolerated by our superiors. Hence we have conducted missions on your world that have required the direct insertion of our personnel into your midst, and have followed the lead of our Inner Earth cousins, the Agarthans, and placed nearly 10 million men and women from our fleet on your world, with a back up of almost 15 million more. Our fleet is huge, and since we have a wondrous group of living Beings (our Ships), this sizable contingent of our personnel on your world does not deplete our resources. These people are our eyes and ears on the planet surface and their feedback prepares us for our future tasks of mentoring

Freeing you from the oppression you live under is our prime objective, and to this end we have teamed up with the Agarthans to ensure that our plans are appropriate for your societies. We have a moral obligation to contribute our good offices to the cause of our Earth allies because getting the dark cabal to relinquish the reins of power into the hands of our Earth allies is paramount. In the same vein, we also intend to see that our Earth allies carry out those policies that we have jointly agreed to. To this end we have helped provide the precious metals needed to allow for a return to a global hard-currency system. We have also used our technology to give our Earth allies the intelligence they need to outsmart the dark's negotiators. We provide the transportation and security to whisk our Earth allies from one critical meeting to another, and are also engaged with the dark cabal to ensure its compliance with the demands of our Earth allies. This is only a small part of what we are doing.

The key element in this is our defense technology, which is far in advance of that of your secret governments. Using this superiority across a broad range of defense missions has clearly demonstrated to the cabalists the extent of our capabilities. We have neutralized nuclear weapons and shut down missile launch pads and aircraft and spacecraft bases. This necessitated the actual elimination of the occasional spacecraft and of other exotic technology bases. We have also prevented the deployment of certain secret-weapon modules against our Earth allies, which we had to do repeatedly over the past six months. We have given out clear warnings time and again that any attacks on precious-metals depositories and safe zones for our Earth allies cannot be allowed. These caveats are now starting to sink in. Our neutralizing of their combined satellite networks was the final straw that swayed them that a military solution was not an option.

Protecting and supporting our Earth allies is one thing; it is quite another to attack these shadow governments directly. Bating us into this silliness is a tactic that has taken hold among the dark's top strategists. We know of this absurdity and have let the cabalists know that the only alternative open to them is unconditional surrender. Regarding the upcoming trials, our Earth allies comprehend that capital punishment is 'off the table,' as are lengthy incarcerations for the guilty. The time remaining on the planet surface after the governmental shift has happened is no more than 16 months. The trials are not concerned with judgment or vengeance, but about allowing exposure and understanding, and then moving on. The focus is on mentoring all of you back to full consciousness, and this old game of blame and retribution is well past its sell-by date! Your reality is set for a vast change for the better.

'A shift in consciousness' is largely an expression that has little actual meaning for most of you. Yet its implications are explicit, and we are pledged to honor this responsibility. You are a people of great, untapped potential, who are to transcend the pettiness that the dark represents. The deepening nightmare of these times is to be the catalyst for your awakening, and once you emerge from the toxic pall of your present reality, you will be able, so to speak, to smell the wondrous consciousness of Heaven's rose. This exhilarating experience enlightens the soul and brings joy to your I Am Presence. It is this that lies just ahead of you, and in 'light' of this, any dwelling on the unpleasantness of the past 13 millennia would be counterproductive indeed. Focus rather on the glorious future that is about to be birthed!

You are to be awarded with great responsibilities and great things are expected of you. It is not easy to attain to a new measure of who you are, while being harassed, restricted, and derided by your present environment. Your task is to rise above the ridicule and abuse you have endured in this lifetime. You are at a pivotal point and Heaven has given you the divine Grace to succeed at your sacred tasks. We are here to provide you with the means, when necessary, to ensure your success. You are destined to become able to restore yourselves to your former glory! Ours is a supporting role, to clear the way and act as your physical mentors. Your move to Inner Earth completes the journey that you began millennia ago. The time to rejoice is now upon you!

Today, we talked about the great changes that are beginning in your reality. The moment for ending the UFO cover-up is here. Let this be the first step in our grand family reunion. We are in Joy! Our coming is to complete your return to full consciousness. Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Humor - Why did the Chicken Cross The Road?


SARAH PALIN: The chicken crossed the road because gosh-darn it, he's a maverick!

The chicken crossed the road because it was time for change! The chicken wanted change!

JOHN MC CAIN: My friends, that chicken crossed the road because he recognized the need to engage in cooperation and dialogue with all the chickens on the other side of the road.

HILARY CLINTON: When I was First Lady, I personally helped that little chicken to cross the road. This experience makes me uniquely qualified to ensure right from Day One that every chicken in this country gets the chance it deserves to cross the road. But then, this really isn't about me.

GEORGE W. BUSH: We don't really care why the chicken crossed the road. We just want to know if the chicken is on our side of the road, or not. The chicken is either against us, or for us. There is no middle ground here.

Where's my gun?

COLIN POWELL: Now to the left of the screen, you can clearly see the satellite image of the chicken crossing the road.

BILL CLINTON: I did not cross the road with that chicken.

AL GORE: I invented the chicken.

JOHN KERRY: Although I voted to let the chicken cross the road, I am now against it! It was the wrong road to cross, and I was misled about the chicken's intentions. I am not for it now, and will remain against it.

AL SHARPTON: Why are all the chickens white? We need some chickens of color.

DR. PHIL: The problem we have here is that this chicken won't realize that he must first deal with the problem on this side of the road before it goes after the problem on the other side of the road. What we need to do is help him realize how stupid he's acting by not taking on his current problems before adding new problems.

OPRAH: Well, I understand that the chicken is having problems, which is why he wants to cross this road so bad. So instead of having the chicken learn from his mistakes and take falls, which is a part of life, I'm going to give this chicken a NEW CAR so that he can just drive across the road and not live his life like the rest of the chickens.

We have reason to believe there is a chicken, but we have not yet been allowed to have access to the other side of the road.

NANCY GRACE: That chicken crossed the road because he's guilty! You can see it in his eyes and the way he walks.

PAT BUCHANAN: To steal the job of a decent, hardworking American.

MARTHA STEWART: No one called me to warn me which way that chicken was going. I had a standing order at the Farmer's Market
to sell my eggs when the price dropped to a certain level. No little bird gave me any insider information.

DR SEUSS: Did the chicken cross the road? Did he cross it with a toad? Yes, the chicken crossed the road, but why it crossed I've not been told.

ERNEST HEMINGWAY: To die in the rain, alone.

JERRY FALWELL: Because the chicken was gay! Can't you people see the plain truth? That's why they call it the 'other side.' Yes, my friends, that chicken is gay. And if you eat that chicken, you will become gay too. I say we boycott all chickens until we sort out this abomination that the Liberal media whitewashes with seemingly harmless phrases like 'the other side.' That chicken should not be crossing the road. It's as plain and as simple as that.

GRANDPA: In my day we didn't ask why the chicken crossed the road. Somebody told us the chicken crossed the road, and that was good enough.

BARBARA WALTERS: Isn't that interesting? In a few moments, we will be listening to the chicken tell, for the first time, the heart- warming story of how it experienced a serious case of molting, and went on to accomplish its lifelong dream of crossing the road.

ARISTOTLE: It is the nature of chickens to cross the road.

JOHN LENNON: Imagine all the chickens in the world crossing roads together, in peace.

BILL GATES: I have just released eChicken2011, which will not only cross roads, but will lay eggs, file your important documents, and balance your checkbook. Internet Explorer is an integral part of eChicken2011. This new platform is much more stable and will never reboot.

ALBERT EINSTEIN: Did the chicken really cross the road, or did the road move beneath the chicken?

COLONEL SANDERS: Did I miss one?

Saudi Arabia announces Flying Saucers are REAL!

        January 25, 2011

        Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

        At five thousand dollars a ticket, some business leaders got more than they bargained for when they attended the first day of the Global Competitiveness Forum (GCF) being held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. They were told flying saucers are real, and they better start thinking about the business implications of extraterrestrial life and technologies.

        Convened each year by the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority, the GCF brings together business and political leaders to discuss ways of promoting business competitiveness. For the first time at its annual conference, the GCF held a panel discussing UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Titled “Learning from Outer Space” the panel comprised five speakers who all endorsed the view that extraterrestrial life is real, and has many implications for the world as we know it.

        The panel was held on January 23, and was a “main plenary” session meaning all GCF participants were able to attend and hear what the experts had to say about UFOs and extraterrestrial life.

        Up to 1000 participants included business and political elites such as former British and Canadian Prime Ministers, Tony Blair and Jean Chretien; Jim Albaugh, President and CEO of Boeing; Andy Bird, chairman of Walt Disney International; Jared Cohen, Director of Google ideas, and many others. The advice they got was that the issue of extraterrestrial life is real, and they better start paying attention to the business implications. Here’s how the GCF summarized the panel presentations on its website.

        Read more:
[6:02:01 PM] jasmine6296: More from China:
[6:02:04 PM] jasmine6296: Ex-China Foreign Ministry Official says Extraterrestrials Live Among Us

Posted By: Jordon <Send E-Mail>
Date: Tuesday, 25-Jan-2011 17:12:12

In Response To: World Business Leaders Told Flying Saucers are Real & Extraterrestrials Exist (Jordon)

        by Paul Chen

        In the industrialized West, there evolved the prevailing Pseudo-religious dogma that human beings are at the centre of 'G-d's creation in the universe'. This dogma is the ideological motivation behind the on-going de-legitimization of the verfiable contact that people have had with Extraterrestrials (ETs).

        This apparent dogma has become the modern equivalent of the corresponding dogma, that "the world is flat", which Church and other elites centuries ago used to champion. In contrast, free of Western pseudo-religious based dogma, the Buddhist milieu of China, has freed their scientific community, with the support of government, and ofcommunity participation, to seek to explore UFO incidences and evidence of human contact with Extraterrestrials.

        What is dogma?

        'Dogma' is a system of obfuscations, propaganda and related ideology, which elites present as "truth", with the aim to maintain social control, and toexpand their own hold on power. Other examples of current operating dogma include schemes of socialization that aim to convince people that "capitalism promotes freedom and democracy", that "privatization is a good thing", and that "economic protectionism is a bad thing".

        A notable example of dogma, in the context of the so-called 'War on Terrorism', is that "the U.S. and its coalition partners are waging war in Iraq and Afghanistan not subtantively for oil, but to promote human rights;" meanwhile well-documented human destruction, suffering and oppression worsen.

        UFO research is an appreciated and duly recognized science in China

        Read more:

2 Minutes To Midnight! ALERT

A man, named Scott, contacted me on my website, needing confirmation about an experience he had. He admitted he had led a secular life, not religious, up until recently.

He has a dog that barks and hates everyone, he said. Scott was walking his dog, and a stranger approached him. The dog actually liked the stranger, which was a shock. The stranger greeted Scott and his dog and the dog wagged his tail, and wanted to stay with the stranger. This amazed Scott. The stranger then asked Scott if he knew it was already 2 minutes to midnight. Scott did not understand.

So the stranger then asked if he could pray for Scott. Scott agreed, even though he was not used to prayer. Once the man touched his shoulder, Scott felt a huge wave of heat and emotion, and cried, repented and felt he had been touched by God. The man only prayed for a moment, but Scott said it felt like the stranger had downloaded about 5 hours of information into him. Almost like a microchip was inserted into his brain.

The stranger then left, the dog didn't want him to go, but finally they parted. Scott was overwhelmed, not totally understanding what he had just gone through. So I talked with him for awhile. From his description, the stranger may have been an angel of some sort, The stranger's name was Micah. Scott was then told he must tell other people the message he was given. Some events he cannot disclose at this time, but this is the message for now.:

Store food and water for a 90 day supply. Prepare for riots, shortages, attacks, a failed country, and distress. But do not be afraid, and trust in Jesus. Take measures to be safe during this 90 period. Stay home. Try not to travel. Also, at some point in the future, there will be 3 days of darkness. No power. Stay home during that time. I do not know if the 3 days is part of the 90 days or not.

Scott said he was commanded to tell the believers and churches. So I am passing this information along to you.

As an unbeliever, who never went to church, and does not understand why this happened to him, and then made a sudden intense conversion to Christ, and now prays 2 hours a day, it seems like a credible experience. So I pass this along to you.

I love all you guys...and want you to be aware of this message, and be safe.

ps. Scott also said the hand of God would split the country in half- physically. This makes me think as we part the land of Israel, to create a Palestinian state, further removing more territory from Israel, that God will part our land also. I do not know the time frame of this event, or if it would occur this year or in a future year. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Eph 6:11-12

Improper Recording Procedures by MERS - Cause For Free Homes For Borrowers

Rumormill News 

Improper Recording Procedures by MERS - Cause For Free Homes For Borrowers
Posted By: pax
Date: Tuesday, 25-Jan-2011 10:34:37
New financial and legal questions arise as a result of the award of a title free of liens in Utah due to MERS, the property-records database system created by mortgage bankers.
This records database fails to define who the mortgagee actually is.
It is speculated that the MERS records system has been used for about 60% of the mortgages in America for the past 10 years or so.

From DinSFLA on You Tube at


Rumormill News
Posted By: watcher51445 <Send E-Mail>
Date: Tuesday, 25-Jan-2011 05:53:03
A Start-Up Comprehensive Preparatory Measures:
Tentative Date: from 11th April to 21 April, 2012
Venue: First preference - Roxas City, Capiz Province, The Philippines.
(Venue may shift to any other third world nation, if necessary).

Presenter and Convener: Mr. Eric V. Encina, Social Crediter/ Monetary Reformer, Campaigner.
Inaugural Address by Dr. Leo Rebello, World Peace Envoy, Bombay, India, who is also the Chair of the Organizing Committee of this unique first World Congress.
Aims and Objectives: To create a Holistic Development of the World by replacing the Forces of Greed as represented by the N.W.O.
Total Attendance: about 10,000 speakers and participants from all over the world consisting of Politicians, Planners, Professors, Diplomats, Judges, High Ranking Officials of various World Organisations, NGO heads, Researchers, Authors, Heads of Religious and Spiritual Organizations, Nobel Laureates, Doctoral Students and Home Makers.
List of Speakers will be underway:
Book based on the presentations made at the 10-day historic event will be brought out later.
One Time Funding required: One million US$ dollars, without strings attached.
Book publishers any philanthropic organizations may consider donating this amount.
More details will be provided on request to serious funders who share the vision of Holistic Development of the World. An idea mooted by Dr. Leo Rebello which is far better than the mercenary N.W.O.
Eric V. Encina, Filipino Social Crediter/Monetary Reformer
c/o Lito Alhambra Old House, Homesite, Km. 2, Brgy. Lawa-an,
P.O. Box 8, 5800, Roxas City, Capiz Province, Philippines.
Email: /
Mobile Contact Number Smart 09995427779

AN INVITATION Proponent: Eric V. Encina, Filipino Social Crediter/Monetary Reformer /Activist/Campaigner For Financial-Economic Justice For All People
Contact Number : 09995427779
I. Rationale: Monetary Reform, the policy of Social Credit New Economics System should be the new state or government policy to effectively address financial-economic problems and cure poverty in the country, in the world. What can be the role of the Social Credit Economic System and its Monetary Reform Policy to help the Republic of the Philippines and to all nations develop a self-reliant and independent national economy without debt? The people of the world must be educated or animated, inspired, and knowledgeable on monetary reform policy to help mobilize the work for change and justice in the financial-economic fields and ensure to build an environment or condition or pressures upon or through which an all-out war against debt-mega-usurious money system can be launched or sustained until the solution is implemented for the benefit of all people across the planet. Without full education, knowledge, mobilization, commitment, fellowship, cooperation, solidarity of poor and ordinary citizens, families, workers, various sectors and churches, monetary reform policy of Social Credit cannot successfully be launched and sustainable for the long-term. Thus, the need for 2011-2015-2010 WORLD CONFERENCE/FORUM/WORKSHOP ON SOCIAL CREDIT PHILOSOPHY AND ITS MONETARY REFORM POLICY, ITS RELATED FIELD OF STUDIES ON TECHNICAL ASPECTS FOR IMPLEMENTATION FOR THE BENEFITS FOR ALL PEOPLE IN THE IMMEDIATE 21ST CENTURY.
II. Major Goal:
Introduce the legislation and technical implementation of Social Credit Monetary Reform policy in the local governments, national governments with the cooperation of politicians, government leaders, businesspeople and private citizens and firms.
III. Major Objectives
At the end of the workshops, the global participants from various walks of life and sectors will be able to:
1. Clearly state and identify the root-cause of poverty, chronic shortage of money, the problems of poverty, and economic crisis in the world and how to prevent total economic collapse following the financial collapse.
2. See the problems of the devastating effects of interest paid by the Governments to private, commercial, foreign and international banks and the self-aggrandizement of multinational corporations over the wealth of the earth.
3. Knowledgeable on how money system operates and controls money.
4. Appreciate the methods, proposals, policies of Monetary Reform policy of Social Credit and its related public banking debt free money creation schemes and proposals.
5. Assess the feasibility , pitfalls, risks, weaknesses of, opportunities for debt free money creation public banking facilities and implementation, and or the threats of those who are opposed among the powers-that-be.
6. Take initiatives for individuals or family, families for action or campaign, mission for monetary reform in their respective places, towns, villages, cities or provinces, countries, regions, continents.
7. Present their comments, suggestions, proposals, criticism or correction about the policy of Social Credit Monetary Reform and or about debt free money creation proposals.
8. Explain some legal implications and the roles of the supreme courts of lands on money creation.
9. Explain some economic inter-relations with other nations under the hegemony of IMF and WB.
Illustrate the need for campaigning, networking and activism for monetary reform and debt free money creation all over the world for global success for all people.
.IV. Workshops Components/Contents
1. Topic 1: Presentation of Debt Money System and its adverse/deadly effects to social, economic and moral life of the peoples across the planet. Evidences are indispensable for presentation.
2. Topic 2: The problems of interest, inflation, deficit and devaluation of currencies to all nations.
3. Topic 3: The problems of poverty, debt, hunger, unemployment, bankruptcies, calamities as the result of the present financial-economic system and usury to most nations.
4. Topic 4: The problems of taxation as the tool of debt finance and usury.
5. Topic 5: Analysis of the present financial-economic system and situation and what is the best approach to correct it.
6. Topic 6: Campaigning, Networking for Social Credit Monetary Reform in the villages, towns and provinces, countries, regions and continents.
7. Topic 7: Film-showing on how money is created, etc. and the the effects to humanity at large.
8. Topic 8: Workshops: Training Programs for the New Social Crediters, Campaign Conceptualization and Policy Formulation For Monetary Reform and debt free money creation.
9. Topic 9: Monetary Reform lobbying to governments’ departments, leaders, politicians, parties and economists.
10. Topic 10: Opposition to private, commercial, foreign and international banks’ (IMF & WB) policies. How to deal with IMF and WB officials in a manner that they can submit for the reformation of money system from debt-based to debt-free.
V. Methodology Lecture -discussion, workshops, panel discussions, critiquing, individual reading, film-showing, open learning community, forum and focused group discussions on financial-economic-social, political issues for monetary reform for all nations.
VI. Participants/Delegates from all over the world.
(Priority Delegates )

1. Social Crediter Philosophers
2. Monetary/Money Reformers
3. Social Scientists
4. Economic/Monetary Alternative Experts
5. Economic/Monetary Justice Activists
6. Citizen’s Income/Basic Income/Supplementary Basic Income Campaigners/Activists
7. Social Credit Political Parties/Organizations/Communities
8. Money Reform/Monetary Reform Political Parties/Organizations/Communities
9. Economic/Monetary Justice Inter-Faith Organizations
10. Social Credit Institutes
11. Social Credit Schools of Studies
12. Social Credit/Money/Monetary Reform Publications
13. Writers/Journalists
(Secondary Participants/Delegates)
1. Professionals in Different Study Fields
2. Businessmen/Trade peoples/Entrepreneurs
3. Church-based Organizations and Associations
4. Educators
5. Clergymen & the Church officials
6. Government Officials, Public Servants and Politicians
7. Economists
8. Academia
9. Other Non-Governmental Organizations/Agencies/And/Or Representatives
10. Companies adopting alternative economics
11. Private firms
12. OPEN TO ALL participants from all walks of life.
13. Possible participation from the economists and world bankers from the government and private sectors and companies.
VII. International Organizers and Staff from Different Social Credit, Monetary Reform Organizations and monetary justice and economic justice advocates from all over the world. The presentation and talks shall be arranged and led by the WORLD SOCIAL CREDIT AND MONETARY REFORM EXPERTS on topics, and will come from who have specific knowledge and understanding of Social Credit Monetary Reform policy and debt free money creation.
VIII. Venue To be held if possible to any third world region or country, if possible in Capiz Province, Philippines, where debt and poverty have enormous negative and deadly impact.
IX. Duration: 10 days(Morning session: 9:00-10:30AM; afternoon session: 1:00 to 5:00PM)
X. Budget A. Needed funding more or less US$1 Million
(Please help raise US$1 Million for this World Congress)
B. Suggested Materials For Reference:
CH Douglas books:
The Big Idea of Reconstruction
The Brief for the Prosecution
The Development of World Dominion Money and Price System
The policy of a Philosophy
The « Land for the (Chosen) People » Racket The New and the Old Economics Social Credit & Christian Philosophy
Economic Democracy Monopoly of Credit
The Nature of Democracy
Social Credit Louis Even Books:
What Do We Mean By Real Social Credit?
A Sound and Effective Financial System
Geoffrey Dobbs Book: What is Social Credit?
Brian Monahan Books: Social Credit Freedom and Inflation
C. Marshall Hattersley Book: Wealth, Want and War
Eric D. Butler books: Social Dynamics
Maurice Couldborne: The Meaning of Social Credit The Web of Debt by Ellen Brown
We Hold These Truths by Richard Cook
The Lost Science of Money by Stephen Zarlenga
ILLUMINATI- The Cult that Hijacked the World by Henry Makow, Ph.D.
The Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins
The World Order by Eustace Mullins
The Reality of Money and The Federal Reserve
Fantopia by James Gibb Stuart
World Without Wars by Dr. Leo Rebello
Other References are welcome.
Tools and Materials are needed.
Outputs: Those who are trained peoples or coordinators or allies for Social Credit Monetary Reform in the campaign, mission and lobbying for monetary reform in the region, in the Philippines, in the third world nations and from all over the world.
New Social Crediters after the workshops can present their proposals and be encouraged to inform their respective Congressmen or Senators and government leaders to file a bill for legislation, in perpetuity, on monetary reform, debt-free money creation and implement it for the benefits of the present and next generations through the distribution of wealth by way of dividend to every man, woman and child.
We will need accomplished complete analysis of the subject matters-topics with all endorsement and mutual understanding and protocols.
We need the most comprehensive technical aspects of monetary reform debt-free money creation proposals according to the Social Credit Philosophy and choose the best and are presented to any government-nations and to the world inundated by debt and poverty caused by the present debt money system.
XIII. Plan of Action and Recommendation: Take action for monetary reform policy of Social Credit monetary reform debt-free money creation for all nations and for all peoples.
Proposed & Prepared by: (Subject For Amendments, Correction & Improvement – Open for All For Rectification)
Eric V. Encina
Filipino Social Crediter/Monetary Reformer
c/o Lito Alhambra Old House, Homesite,
Km2, Brgy. Lawa-an, PO Box 8, 5800 Roxas City, Capiz Province,
My contact Number 09995427779
– Eric Encina - Social Crediter/ Monetary Reformer/ Campaigner in the Philippines Of impoverished, hunger-starvation, health-disasters-stricken Capiz province, Philippines.
"Of most diagnosis, the debt money system is the nucleus of all evils in the Philippines sparing no one including the religious peoples and even those postulate themselves as Godly men. I believe that once monetary reform scheme takes effect by legislation in the country, it will be working as “self-correcting” in the process of economy and finance."- Eric V. Encina
It is the criterion of a just money system that what is both socially and physically possible should also be made financially possible.
The aim of the economic and financial system is the service of man. The goal of an economic system should be the satisfaction of human needs, the production of goods (the role of the producing system) and the distribution of goods so that they may reach the people who need them (the role of the financial system). Social Credit proposes a technique that would make the production and financial systems serve their purpose.
Eric V. Encina
Against The Banking System & The Culpable Bankers, Economists

And Politicians
By Eric V. Encina
Debt Money System remains to be a terrible sham and scam of the 21st century. The Banking System Rubrics must be destroyed before it can totally destroy us into ashes.
We have the burden of proof against the banking system.
Let’s start the rebuttal on the crimes of the banking system. I am sure anyone who reads this article has rebuttal evidences that can be enough to pronounce judgment against the Banking System and the bankers on the crime of the MONOPOLY OF CREDIT.
Whatever the Bankers’ “ratio legis” – legal reasonings or grounds in defense of their debt-based-at-compounded-usury system, it can be toppled down by the conspicuously dreadful effects and evidences of casualties of the banking crimes against the people.
While it’s impossible, under the present controlled circumstances, influences and conspiracies existing, by design, to quash the operation of the banking system by judicial body of the land or by the Supreme Court, it must be the PEOPLE who would pronounce judgment, by rights of citizenship against the bankers.
The bitter fight would be between PEOPLES VERSUS THE BANKERS. "The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks." – Lord Action.
The fight has become gradiatorial by circumstances and by events.
I am convinced that WORLD DEBTS OF NATIONS to banking system cartel are all odious by adroit conspiracy, based on “ex nihilo” creation of money. And on this premise, it is genetically criminal, and therefore must not be repaid. On the Law of Reparation, the Bankers must return what they have stolen, extorted, scammed, racketed both by legal and illegal means, and thus countries must take initiatives to establish a new financial-economic system for justice, equality and financial security for all.
The only obvious risk is that bankers might likely rest back through whatever adroit and atrocious methods and means.

Debt Moratorium is a sham and therefore, futile by principles. Debt Management is futile by its rubbish theories of voodoo economics. WHAT WE NEED IS WRITING OFF DEBTS ALTOGETHER AND CREATE MONEY DEBT-FREE BY THE PUBLIC BANKING SYSTEM BY LEGISLATION, BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE GOVERNMENT AND BACKED UP BY THE PEOPLE.
Higher percentage of citizens in those highly indebted-addicted-nations including USA and EU are already in severe “MENTAL-MORAL-EMOTIONAL-SPIRITUAL ANGUISH” other than penury, hunger, unemployment, homelessness, indebtedness and despair. All these are becoming largely unbearable as wanton as millstone at the back of everyone while crimes continue unabated by financial-economic criminals, of money manifa and devil-sold-out politicians, alas, with impunity.
The Banking System is a “malum in se” or evil by itself as its major part is a latent defect to majority of people. It has been conceived in iniquity and operating, thriving in pestiferous crimes of leeching off people’s economic life-blood, which is money.
People’s Judgment Against the Bankers is not like passing through Kangaroo Court. It’s about a judgment of facts, de facto, the voice of the people about the debt money at compounded usury system crimes, in statu qou, is already an evidence to sustain.
The time is indeed ripe to reclaim, by de jure, or by right such inalienable financial-economic bill of rights. ELIMINATE DEBT AND COMPOUNDED USURY AND REPLACE IT, de novo, by DEBT FREE MONEY SYSTEM with “dividend” to every MAN, WOMAN, CHILD from the cradle to the grave, to be valid in perpetuity for all people, by God’s will.
The illusory promises of the money-poisoned, nasty-muddy politicians must also be totally dispelled and abhorred. Their negligence other than betrayal to their constituents is inexcusable and unpardonable.
THE ONLY HIDDEN ASSET OF THE BANKING SYSTEM is the creation of money out of nothing – the fractional reserve banking system, otherwise, bankers do not have any real assets of their own at all.
The extraordinary remedy, after all our tremendous exhaustion, is to make the system collapse by its fatal course, and as such, change the ENGINE OF DESTRUCTIVE FINANCE. This must be exigible, not just by exigency, by people’s mandate and legitimate demands in the 21st century.
Eric V. Encina
Filipino Social Crediter/ Monetary Reformer
c/o Lito Alhambra Old House, Homesite, Km. 2, Brgy. Lawa-an, P.O. Box 8, 5800
Roxas City, Capiz, Philippines _,_.__,
Mobile Contact Number Smart 09995427779

Video - Seismic activity around the world

Submitted by JS - thanks
You need to watch this video clip ... it is about the seismic activity around the world ... news not reporting it which I find interesting! 
Extremely high activity at every earthquake center around the world.  "The earth is ringing like a bell."   Recd’ 1/24/11 @ 9:39pm

Republic - Awareness perTim Turner

Submitted by a Utah Convention Attendee

Utah Declaration 


The purpose of this document is to raise awareness regarding a devious and dangerous plot to subvert the Government of the United States.  A man named James Timothy (Tim) Turner, of Skipperville, Alabama, is the supposed President of a cult-like movement known as “The Republic for the united States of America”. Refer to the attached “Overview” document for a brief history of this movement.
Mr. Turner is a self-proclaimed oracle of God, and presents himself as a strong Evangelical Christian who has been appointed by God to free the nation from its bondage to the Government. Membership in the movement numbers only a few hundred confused souls who truly believe Mr. Turner’s claims, but the potential damage goes far beyond the small group of adherents. Mr. Turner intends to hand-deliver a Declaration of Sovereign Intent to the World Court in The Hague, The Netherlands, on or around the 20th of this month (December, 2010). Attached is the foundational document from which the present Declaration was developed.
The Declaration is a secret document and has not been read or viewed by anyone who has not signed it. It was finalized during a recent meeting of the movement’s delegates in Utah (see “Overview”), but one of the delegates took notes that had to be smuggled out of the facility. The note’s author states: “Please remember that this is an abbreviated version of the document that was signed in Utah. The notes were made just so the items could be remembered later. We were under strict rule to NOT take any form of this document out of the building we were being held in.”
The stated intent of the Declaration is: . . . for the abolishment of and to bar The United States Corporation and all sub corporations and agencies from any actions against members of the Republic within our borders and to give the non members a place they can go outside of our borders. The key points of the final Declaration are as follows:

1.    Adopt the King James Version of the Holy Bible as the divine law.
2.    We claim, accept, and adapt jurisdiction over all things in our jurisdiction.
3.    Adopt the Legislative, Executive, and judicial branches as lawful government structure.
4.    Accept and adopt Article 3, utilizing courts and supreme courts as the only lawful national courts.
5.    Accept the America Rangers as duly authorized law enforcement with the powers to arrest by Article 4.
6.    Accept the current Military as our Military.  
7.    Adopt the Name "The Republic For The united States Of America."
8.    Adopt the Post office as means to distribute mail.
9.    Accept and establish a National Treasury and National Banking System.
10.  Make it unlawful for any agency to collect Taxes without the permission of a 2/3 vote of congress.
11.  Unlawful for any agency or elected representative to collect an unlawful debt.
12.  Abolish the authority of The United States.

Any such document submitted to the World Court has the potential for serious repercussions.  Specific concerns are:
·         Item number 12 constitutes an open aggression against the United States Government and could be viewed as an act of corporate treason leading to the declaration of martial law.
·         They have twisted and adapted the Constitution for the United States of America to suit a hidden dictatorship.
·         The people conned into believing this man and signing this document have placed themselves at serious risk of reprisal unaware of what they have done.
·         Mr. Turner’s organization has put up a web site, created fraudulent sovereign ID’s and are selling them for $125.00 each, claiming each person needs all three ID’s being made available.  We are appalled at this scam and even more concerned for those people who in their desperation, try to use them.
·         Every person who has spoken up and questioned Mr. Turner has been publicly attacked, vilified, and in some cases threatened.
·         Mr. Turner has convinced the people that he is backed by 80 other countries and our own military joint chiefs of staff. He also claims to be using the CIA.
·         Mr. Turner has frightened the people into compliance by claiming that if they do not do as he says the Chinese will invade America and their children will die.  This is all verifiable on recordings of national conference calls.
Many who were originally involved with Mr. Turner have separated from him by filing duly witnessed and/or notarized documents rescinding their prior involvement. We believe it is imperative that the American public be made aware of Tim Tuner’s dangerous sham and that the filing of the Declaration is halted.

Attachments to this letter include:
            - Foundational Declaration of Intent
            - Photograph of the actual signature page and title of the document taken in Utah, held            in the hands of Mr. Turner.