Saturday, June 18, 2011

A Reading with Archangel Michael on Disclosure

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum

A Reading with Archangel Michael on Disclosure - Steve Beckow

Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 18-Jun-2011 13:50:43

A Reading with Archangel Michael on Disclosure - Steve Beckow

2011 June 16 by Steve Beckow

Here is a transcript of part of my reading with Archangel Michael today
(June 16, 2011), through Linda Dillon.

This is the portion that deals with the various considerations around
Disclosure. AAM is very careful to distinguish Disclosure from
decloaking and from First Contact. He gives the considerations that the
spiritual hierarchy and the galactics have before them over issues
relating to Disclosure.

It isn't often that we have the opportunity to ask questions and get
a matter thoroughly discussed. Usually we have to accept what is said
and what is not said. So this opportunity to go over matters in detail
is one I very much appreciated.

You'll note that it wasn't AAM that was reluctant to cite the
date. I'm afraid it's me. But it is coming very soon.

Archangel Michael: Greetings. I am Michael.

Steve: Greetings, Lord. Thank you for coming.

AAM: It is my pleasure. It is my pleasure to be invited. And it is my
pleasure, dear heart, to join with many [meaning my guides] this day and
speak to your heart, to our mind, and to your very core and being.

Yes, it is a time of dissembling and there are those who are still
choosing the chaos. [Probably referring to my conversation with Linda
Dillon, prior to starting, about hockey fans rioting in Vancouver.] But
there are many more, dear one, who are choosing the light, who are
choosing the path of love and oneness and of opening.
Very often they do not know what this choice of opening entails. But
they only know that they must do it,that they are tired of the old way
of being, that they yearn for deeper love, and that they yearn for a
deeper way of being in their lives than what they see on a day-to-day

There are very few people within the collective and upon the planet who
simply feel that they are here for no apparent reason, that they are
here simply as an energetic accident.

Most of them yearn to know what that reason is and to be able to
contribute in a way that is meaningful to them, to that collective
energy, so that, at the end of their life, whether that is tomorrow or
ten thousand years from now, that they can reflect and know that they
made a difference.

Now not everyone gets to feel that difference at the end of their life,
but they come to know it once they are here [spirit plane or Fifth
Dimension], once they are on a different plane and dimension.

Now you, dear friend, have been shaking your head and part of you is
shaking your head saying, Lord, what is going on….

S: Yes indeed.

AAM: And part of you has been shaking your head as in up and down, as a
"Yes, we are ready to go." We know your feelings, and when I say
your feelings, I mean your intellect as well as what you emotionally
perceive. It can go either way. And that is something that we have not
truly been prepared to discuss in detail for it is not an issue that we
want people to grab on to.

S: What do you mean, Lord, that it can go either way. What is

AAM: We don't mean that the shift or the Ascension or the arrival of
your star brothers and sisters will not occur. That is tied down, if you

But the promise and the agreement with the star beings and the councils
is that it will be done in a peaceful manner because otherwise it simply
is adding to the old paradigm. So we are diligently working and
attempting to keep everything on schedule – our schedule not yours
– for the bringing forth of what is necessary for humanity to make
this leap.

So what I mean is not if it will happen but the question of the timing
– human timing.

S: So it's possible that [the date given] will not see a disclosure.
Is that the case?

AAM: It is possible. It is not our decision. We have already passed the

S: The divine deadline, Lord? Is that what you mean?

AAM: The divine deadline in terms of everything being in place for the
star brothers and sisters to arrive.

S: Do you mean Disclosure, the decloaking or First Contact, Lord?

AAM: We mean First Contact and Disclosure.

S: So we've already passed the divine deadline. Alright.

AAM: Disclosure is something that is coming. I know what you are meaning
by this. But I also want you to think of Disclosure as coming in stages.
Now there has been Disclosure for a long time.

S: Yes.

AAM: So what you are thinking of as public Disclosure, and that is to be
hand in hand, very closely, because of the shrinking margins with
S: I don't understand what you just said, Lord.

AAM: For the powers that be to simply come forward and say, "We have
contact and communication and in fact relationship with your star
brothers and sisters" – that is Disclosure.

S: Thank you.

AAM: It is the beginning of what we feel is an ongoing human
conversation with your star brothers and sisters but certainly among
yourselves about what that means.
The plan has always been, or had been, to have a Disclosure time and
then a period of adjustment and then what we call "decloaking"
which would be visible sightings and presence of ships and beings. The
reason that we had planned this timing, has been, and has always been,
that your brothers and sisters do not wish to come in a situation of
panic, or upheaval, fear, and certainly not one that would be creating
what would be attempts at prevention or retaliation. Now this you are
aware of.

S: Yes.

AAM: So it had always been anticipated that there would be Disclosure
and then a period for the populace to adjust to it.

S: Now there are messages from Sheldan Nidle, a message from Sananada on
lightworkers, [XX] in [YY] is saying that, Suzanne Spooner has given
that date, do you know why everyone is talking about [date]?

AAM: Because that is the plan.

S: That is the plan. OK.

AAM: That is the plan.

S: And how likely is it that that plan will go ahead?

AAM: As we speak today, it is on target.

S: Alright.

AAM: Now what I had started to say to you was that normally we had
thought there would be Disclosure and then give it a couple of months or
even weeks and then there would be decloaking.

S: Yes.

AAM: What we are suggesting to you today is that the time frame between
Disclosure and decloaking – in other words, the visibility of ships
– is very likely to be much closer together because we have delayed
some efforts for Disclosure Not that there has not been a lot of
conversation, because there has been, but there has not been the green
light or the choice to allow the entire populace to know.

S: Alright.

AAM: Now there has been a, shall we say, an integration process of many
of your star brothers and sisters – more than normal, let us put it
that way – that has begun at the end of May. So there are many who
are already on the ground and in position. And that will help. That will
help an awful lot.

It is not a question of sabotage. It is not a question of spying, or
anything that could possibly be interpreted that way. Think of them as
the people who go in and calm people down after there has been a bank
robbery. They're a therapeutic team whose purpose is to keep people
calm, encouraged, excited and open.

S: So this is a team of galactics, is that correct?

AAM: That is correct.

S: Who is the green light coming from, Lord? I know that's a
difficult question to answer because there are levels and levels of
hierarchy. But is it Sanat Kumara who will give the green light or

AAM: No, it is a combination but primarily it is the final decision of
Sanat Kumara.

S: Alright. Thank you.

AAM: And he has waited an awfully long time.

S: Ha ha ha. I'm sure he has.

AAM: And so we are all very anxious this bringing of peace. That is the
entire purpose. It is the expansion of the human realm, ye, and hand in
hand of the shifting of dimensions and consciousness but it is truly a
bringing of peace, a restoration of peace. And that is why we have been
so reticent to do anything that could be interpreted in any other way.

S: I see.

AAM: But insofar as the [date] marker is concerned, yes, you are correct
and so are many in feeling that this is the opening day.

S: And if things don't happen on [date], what kind of…. You
remember when they didn't happen in Oct. 2008 or in Nov,/Dec 2009,
we then needed to wait a long, long time, we then needed to wait a long,
long time. Will that be the case here?

AAM: No.

S: Alright, so if it doesn't happen [date], it will happen soon
after that. Is that correct?

AAM: It is going to happen before the end of the year, regardless.

S: [Sigh.] Well, I'm not sure that a lot of people will be comforted
by the thought of waiting another six months. That will be a
AAM: It is highly unlikely that it will be six months.

S: Right.

AAM: Not because of what is happening as we observe and get ready, but
because we see that the human populace, in their inner being, and even
in their consciousness, they are ready. They are very ready. And when
they see…. You have mentioned to this channel this day that there
are many who are disheartened [referring to my conversation with Linda
about the reasons behind the riots in Vancouver June 15, after the
Stanley Cup final game] and feel the yoke of being burdened, whether it
is by finance or circumstance of what they are doing for work, work that
does not feel meaningful in any way.

When they begin to understand the openings that are being created by
this landing, by this opening and coalition, by the full participation
of Earth in the galactic forum,. Then they will buy in with their
hearts, their souls, and their bodies. So the level of information is
going to be managed in a very positive way and that is what we have been
truly working with humans on so that the fear triggers are simply not

S: Alright.

AAM: That is why there are the intervention teams. That is why many who
have been placed in their lifetimes on Earth, awaiting for this, such as
your beloved self….

S: Yes.

AAM: So if it is not [date], which is our date, it will be very quickly
thereafter, So do not worry about it.

S: Alright.

AAM: It is not a question of if but when.

S: Alright. Thank you, Lord.

Golden Jackass Report

GOLDEN JACKASS (aka Jim Willie report) comment on the global settlements etc.

“This story extends from a very murky and controversial fraud role program, which many analysts call kooky. Some call it the Wanta Funds. The Jackass has avoided the topic for a long time. Yet its validity has been confirmed by my most reliable source, a gold banker. It is real, it is ugly, and it is huge, the interest payments for which total over $1 trillion over a full decade. So it is worth stealing, as Hank Paulson would attest. The fund is part of a much bigger network of fraud role programs totaling multiple $trillionS for which Fannie Mae and other trust funds (Social Security Trust) have been involved. The concept is to lock down a huge fund, steal its interest, and keep the public in the dark. The USDept Treasury (aka Goldman Sachs) has been managing the theft for close to 15 years along with the Bank of England. During the Obama visit to London, a surprise email arrived without solicition, since it was deemed very important. A second independent source confirmed the same motive for the official London visit. He has USGovt, USMilitary, and US Homeland Security connections. The two sources have dovetailed nicely in confirmation of certain stories. For instance, each source in September 2010 mentioned Papa Bush providing narcotics money aid to Bank of America in order to prevent an overnight bank default. They each mentioned the exact same $13 billion figure without my prompt.

The message from the gold banker cited how Obama had no good reason to be visiting the British bankers. He claimed Obama went there to beg the London bankers not to discontinue obstacles for release of the giant fund of money that had been highjacked. The Intl Court of the Hague has been involved, as has Interpol, to apply pressure on the criminal banker leaders in England and the United States. Upon inquiry of whether the appeal centered upon Wanta Funds, he said yes, he believes so. Something big is going on behind the curtains . Here is the detailed comment from the gold banker. He wrote, “This is nothing but the final and desperate attempt to avoid the unavoidable. The global Anglo-American dominance is coming to an end. The Bank of England has decided to pull out of the grand fund highjack game that has been so profitable to the US-Anglo bankers for over ten years. Just look at how the Europeans dealt with Obama when he visited Poland. Lech Walesa even refused to meet with Obama, by publicly stating that he was not available for photo ops. They slapped him in the face repeatedly and then told him to kiss off. His sleeveless inappropriate wife did not even accompany her husband to Poland, since the Poles refused to offer a ladies program. Last night the German Chancellor Merkel was forced to circle in Turkish air space for two hours since the Iranians canceled the over-flight permit for her to go to India. The Iran lockout conducted by the Americans is causing huge problems in Europe. Another plane with some German ministers, that had left one hour earlier, was allowed to pass without a problem. If one adds up all the little details here and there, it adds up to a lot of serious change in the wind. The writing is on the wall and it is ugly. One can sense that something profound is in the air. Like a mega thunderstorm rolling in. You know it is coming but not how many lightning strikes will happen or how hard the rain will be.”

The White Hats Team Report

The Dinar people need to see this

To show you what a crook and criminal we have in the White House.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

June 17, 2011 – The White Hats Report #21

The Kenyan in the White House will sign to release the GS provided he gets his extortion money on the IQD revaluation.

The on-going battle rages between the customary conundrums … right v. wrong, good v. evil, thugs v. the common people. Our US President Barack Obama who is both ineligible to hold the office and totally incapable of carrying out the duties of said office is again resorting to thuggery … this time extortion. The White Hats have been tracking the progress as patiently as everyone else allowing the good fellows in the international banking community to move through the process of being the meticulous mechanics they are. To find that it had stopped at Obama’s desk … again … gave us great pause as we had a feeling it meant more than waiting for a signature. True to form, Obama did it again. We never thought that our President could be so blatant in his demands. We shouldn’t be surprised as Congress allows him and his controllers, i.e. NWO gang of Bush, Clintons, Kissinger, Soros, et al to hold the American dollar hostage and threaten the world financial system … all for their own personal gain, attempting to leverage Obama’s temporary position to enrich their bank accounts, all the while financially destroying the American people.

The information contained in the attached Al Hodges letter is vital to the success of the World Global Settlements and, unfortunately, is very disturbing in its truthful content. You, the reader, needs to take the information to heart and know that this is the standard that Washington politics has come to.

This latest development, the extortion attempt by Obama, leaves us wondering how to respond.

Perhaps, we should start by apologizing for blocking his attempted extortion of $1,000 per package sent out by Federal Express to recipients of the Prosperity Packs, after all it was rude of us to do that. A quick calculation would indicate a nice “commission” for his trouble of making the phone call to allow them to go out.

Perhaps this time we should request a written contract to sign. I’m sure his legal team could put something together for a basis in which to start negotiations.

And we haven’t heard yet on how he wishes to be paid this extortion money. We’re not sure if he’d like it in cash, a cashier’s check or money order. Or perhaps he’d like it wired to one of his overseas accounts at the Vatican Bank, the Bank of Santander, a bank in Honduras or maybe the Caribbean? If so, he’ll need to provide his routing coordinates as we’d hate to wire it to the wrong account, one under the name of Bush, Clinton, Kissinger or Soros. He’d NEVER get it back then. If he wants Ackermann at Deutsche involved, he should let us know that as well. We’re also wondering where he wishes the 1099 to be sent or would this be tax free money? And don’t worry; we’ll use the Connecticut Social Security for reporting to the IRS. We know, as President, he wouldn’t want to cheat them out of their money. How he reports it on his tax return and disclosure statements would be his problem.

Many of our long time readers are actively involved in the communications process, please continue. Call Washington and let them know you’re tired of the acts of this President and his participation with the Bush/NWO Cabal. Let them know that you demand action on the World Global Settlements.

The White Hats Team

"New" Message from Wanderer of the Skies - June 17, 2011

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum

"New" Message from Wanderer of the Skies - June 17, 2011

Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 18-Jun-2011 11:08:49

Wanderer of the Skies - June 17, 2011

Greetings from the Federation:

As you have your saying, “we are jumping out of our skins” with excitement that the event of disclosure has not met with anything which would cause us to delay further or divert us, even temporarily, from our plans. There is much excitement here that we may finally, and shortly, be underway in the process towards our meeting and your movement to Ascension.

Activity here is at an all time high. Everyone has their “assignment” and everyone is busy interacting to get into place that which is needed for the floodgates to open. We await divine word for the final nod that will allow us to set into motion that for which we have long planned.

We remind you of your purpose in these coming days to keep each other calm, to discuss with those who are not “in the know” what these events really mean and how you have been “seeing this coming” for much longer than they have. You can, by your examples of Love and Compassion, teach the truth of our appearance when we reveal ourselves after Disclosure. We are counting on you to stay the course and become the teachers of love through example, unconditionally and compassionately. In this way, you can lead each other through the anxiety of First Contact and truly reveal yourselves as the Light workers that you are.

Simply put, we love you. Thank you for all your work in this effort and for a job well done.

Be at peace

Disclosure is IMMINIENT NOW! (Video)

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum

2012 Mass Global Landing - Galactic Federation of Light Documented Disclosure is IMMINIENT NOW! (Video)

Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 17-Jun-2011 19:53:19

2012 Mass Global Landing - Galactic Federation of Light Documented Disclosure is IMMINIENT NOW! (Video)

We know you are here and you are watching us..
Galactic Federation of Light Disclosure to the World is Imminent. (First Contact is under way)
2012 Marks a Year of New transition of Earth and Humanity. Earth current Quarantine will end, and the Cosmos will open up. Coming from 3rd Dimension will be entering the 5th Dimension.
Earth Solar System will meet a Inter Dimensional Portal that will fling us out of the current Photon Belt, that will take us up into the 5th Dimension, our solar system has been scheduled to meet this Inter Dimensional Portal on 21st of December, 2012. It will take our Solar System 1-2 yrs to travel through until it reaches Sirius-Star Nation. Before all this occurs the Mass Landings will take place.
The Galactic Federation of Light was founded over 4.5 million years ago to prevent inter-dimensional dark forces from dominating and exploiting this galaxy. At present, there are just over 200,000 member star nations, confederations or unions. Approximately 40% are humanoids and the rest are varied forms of sentient beings. Most members of the Galactic Federation are fully conscious beings.

YouTube - 2012 Mass Global Landing - Galactic Federation of Light Documented Disclosure is IMMINIENT NOW!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Dinar Intel Update 6-16-11

garit] just now posted in Peoples D [ctj] Treat as rumor...did you hear that treat as rumor: My brother inlaw who is a retired Lieut. Col works at the pentagon and has contact in Iraq says RV will be announced evening time EST....also saw this similar type info on another board...not likely the same source....we shall see.

[Awareness1] I called Wells Fargo yesterday, in Reno they still asured me that is was a scam, I requested the nice man to call his supervisor foriegn exchange officier to confirm, the only response was WOW! and said he would need to call be back tomorrow, "that would be Today" hope they call.

[RonTam004] [bluwolf] When faith feels like hope only then we are in business [kettle7] bluwolf Well faith and hope are holding hands! [garit] bluwolf feeling like that now...are we in business then? [bluwolf] Yes we are [mike] bluwolf do you feel we will see the rv today? [bluwolf] All info from all sources minds and yours,stateside or island says yes [cooldinar] bluwolf --any time frame? [bluwolf] Nope [bluwolf] It will just pop up period

garit] from Peoples d [toucan] From Searzy ------First of all--WOW! This is exactly the reason my home in this investment is here at PD. All this does is confirm what Steve has put together, and truly confirms the attitudes, and incredible hearts of the members here. I have to get back to vacation bible school in a short while, but wanted to share this. I was told about 5 minutes ago, that things are looking great. There has not been any bad news as of yet, and he hopes and thinks that we "should" see an announcement of the agreement between 4:00 and 9:30 today. If we don't, it does seem like they are making the correct strides, to get this agreement done. Today sounds great to I really would like to take a trip to Ohama for some "bazzzzzeball"! Have a great day eveyone, and a "thank you" from me, is not enough! Look forward to Arizona and meeting the family!

This is not rumor, this is an actual event that occurred with Chase bank.
This morning a call was made to Chase bank currency exchange division. When the young lady answered we asked if they were handling Iraqi Dinar. She said no, that it has been proven to be a bad deal and a scam.
We then asked her to transfer us to the legal dept.. She asked us why we wanted to speak to them. We told her that we had purchased Dinar from Chase bank and wanted to address the reason why they had knowingly bad dealed or scammed us.
She immediately hung up the phone. We called her back nad said I'm sorry we seemed to have been cut off, could you please connect me to the legal department.
She hesitated and then said, "I apologize, we are told to tell people this. The truth is that my screen is showing $5.25 to the Iraqi Dinar but we cannot release it yet."
We thanked her for being truthful and finished the conversation. This is not rumor! This is a fact and did happen this morning. We are there. Those people out there that are scoffing and enjoy bashing others to make them feel as miserable as they are, wil be standing with their jaws on the ground at the incredible blessing our heavenly father has given us.

Excerpt from checkmates 4 hour call at 3:00AM EST today.
Dan felt they (ME) would be back into their big meeting over there starting about 5pm their time till at least midnight, which would be 9am through 4pm CST our time. We could hear something any time within that time-frame
RV to be announced 5 pm - 7 pm EST today .. Just got intel from Iraq myself - Posted Today, 12:35 PM - PTR Forum
I have a second hand contractor contact in Iraq who has some "confidential Intel"
in Baghdad (I hate that term). Anyway, while he was on the phone, he received two text messages from separate sources and both said the RV will be announced between 5 pm and 7 pm EST, which is around midnight in Iraq.

I've heard from two sources today that Maliki has been the problem and in a power struggle and offering ridiculous levels of resistance so he doesn't lose his position. He was apparently given an ultimatum that either he sign off and agree to the conditions or he will be forcibly removed and they will have to fill his position which could take a couple weeks to a couple of months. So if it doesn't happen today, it may take a while.

From the information I just received it SOUNDS like they may have forced Maliki's hand and IF the information is correct, then we should look for the RV to be announced today between 5 pm - 7 pm EST today.
I'm cautiously and skeptically optimistic (Talk about an oxymoron!)

Hummm, now I understand how Dan and Tony feel about their Intel sources. I have no idea how to confirm this, but I know what I just heard with my own ears. I don't know if the information is accurate, but it's what just happened and the information came from Iraq from a live person who has been invested in Dinars for three years and has been waiting just like you and me. It didn't come from some post or article but from his insider sources that have apparently been privy to minute by minute information.

Wanderer of the Skies - June 15, 2011

Wanderer of the Skies - June 15, 2011

Greetings from the Federation:

These are truly exciting times. Much is happening right now that is part of the unfolding of the Disclosure process. It has begun. We find ourselves amazed at the Illuminati’s reaction to the their understanding that the time has now come for certain. They do not know which panic button to push first. They are scrambling to figure out ways to hide their tracks, cover their crimes, and position themselves for what think the Post-Disclosure world will look like. We do not mean to imply that we amuse ourselves at anyone’s tribulations. We simply point out that we monitor these actions and can tell you they are fruitless. Better to simply come over to the Light, give yourselves to Love, and find the way.

As we speak, there are many activities underway for the triggering event to occur. We are truly excited on our end that all seems to be pointing in the direction of Disclosure at this time. While we cannot say from what direction you can anticipate hearing the first “rounds” from the rifles of freedom, you can anticipate that there will be no doubt in your minds that we have orchestrated such an event.

In addition to all the planned events to ripple out from the first Disclosure volley, we stand ready to implement the introduction of the World Court for the attainment of justice against those who have hurt you. There are planned locations for these Courts and it may be sometime before we can assimilate all that must be put into place for these tribunals to operate. However, the Illuminati will not be going anywhere soon, and our technology will allow them to be found and tried no matter how much time will elapse.

In the weeks and months after Disclosure you can anticipate the free movement of all people across the globe without the need for your antiquated devices. This includes tourism on a massive scale, as everyone will now have access to discover your own race, let alone those of your Galactic Family, as never before. You will find, quite pleasantly, that you are not at all different from each other. Each of you has the same dreams, the same desires and the same goals and you can share ideas and time together as never before. These are but a few of the things which await you in the Post-Disclosure world.

Experience pure Joy, allow yourselves the freedom to feel the excitement of the coming moment, and share your Love with all your fellow kind.

Be at peace.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Long overdue collapse of Western fiat paper capitalism becomes visible in Greece.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011
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The Western revolution begins in Syntagma Square, Athens.
A photograph. Other pictures here, here, here and here.


Long overdue collapse of Western fiat paper capitalism becomes visible in Greece. Greek sovereign default now politically desirable and inevitable. Euro currency faces oblivion. Rothschild European project in tatters.
More here (14.06.11). But there is a crumb of comfort for Athens. Their financial mess is not as bad as Washington's. Universal debt forgiveness (a global debt jubilee) and the disbursement of The World Global Settlement Funds have become unavoidable. In the background, the new global, gold-backed financial system is poised to trigger. The vaults are stocked. The precious metals are audited. The new currencies are printed, minted and ready. Even the Zionists cannot delay the international financial reliefs about to break surface. More emerging global background here and here.



Make sure you read all the way down to the last sentence.

(Most importantly the last sentence)

There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His Father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the back of the fence.

The first day, the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks, as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually dwindled down. He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence. Finally the day came when the boy didn't lose his temper at all.

He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper.

The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone.

The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. He said, 'You have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one. You can put a knife in a man and draw it out. But it won't matter how many times you say I'm sorry, the wound will still be there. A verbal wound is as bad as a physical one.

Remember that friends are very rare jewels, indeed. They make you smile and encourage you to succeed. They lend an ear, they share words of praise and they always want to open their hearts to us.'

It's Always Friendship Week.

Show your friends how much you care. Send this to everyone you consider a FRIEND, even if it means sending it back to the person who sent it to you! If it comes back to you, you will then know you have a circle of friends.


Now send this to every friend you have!! And to your family (they need to know that you love them too).

Please forgive me if I have ever left a 'hole' in your fence.




At age 76 when you most need it, you are not eligible for cancer treatment

What Nancy Pelosi didn't want us to know until after the healthcare bill was passed. Remember she said, "pass it and then read it!!." Here it is! ______________________________

Obama Care Highlighted by Page Number



Judge Kithil of Marble Falls, TX - highlighted the most egregious pages of HB3200

Please read this........ especially the reference to pages 58 & 59


** Page 50/section 152: The bill will provide insurance to all non-U.S. residents, even if they are here illegally.

** Page 58 and 59: The government will have real-time access to an individual's bank account and will have the authority to make electronic fund transfers from those accounts.

** Page 65/section 164: The plan will be subsidized (by the government) for all union members, union retirees and for community organizations (such as the
Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now

** Page 203/line 14-15: The tax imposed under this section will not be treated as a tax. (How could anybody in their right mind come up with that?)

** Page 241 and 253: Doctors will all be paid the same regardless of specialty, and the government will set all doctors' fees.

** Page 272. section 1145: Cancer hospital will ration care according to the patient's age.

** Page 317 and 321: The government will impose a prohibition on hospital expansion; however, communities may petition for an exception.

** Page 425, line 4-12: The government mandates advance-care planning consultations. Those on Social Security will be required to attend an "end-of-life planning" seminar every five years. (Death counseling..)

** Page 429, line 13-25: The government will specify which doctors can write an end-of-life order.
HAD ENOUGH???? Judge Kithil then goes on to identify:

"Finally, it is specifically stated that this bill will not apply to members of Congress. Members of Congress are already exempt from the Social Security system, and have a well-funded private plan that covers their retirement needs. If they were on our Social Security plan, I believe they would find a very quick 'fix' to make the plan financially sound for their future."
Honorable David Kithil of Marble Falls, Texas
All of the above should give you the ammo you need to support your opposition to Obamacare. Please send this information on to all of your email contacts.