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A Reading with Archangel Michael on Disclosure - Steve Beckow
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 18-Jun-2011 13:50:43
A Reading with Archangel Michael on Disclosure - Steve Beckow
2011 June 16 by Steve Beckow
Here is a transcript of part of my reading with Archangel Michael today
(June 16, 2011), through Linda Dillon.This is the portion that deals with the various considerations around
Disclosure. AAM is very careful to distinguish Disclosure from
decloaking and from First Contact. He gives the considerations that the
spiritual hierarchy and the galactics have before them over issues
relating to Disclosure.It isn't often that we have the opportunity to ask questions and get
a matter thoroughly discussed. Usually we have to accept what is said
and what is not said. So this opportunity to go over matters in detail
is one I very much appreciated.You'll note that it wasn't AAM that was reluctant to cite the
date. I'm afraid it's me. But it is coming very soon.Archangel Michael: Greetings. I am Michael.
Steve: Greetings, Lord. Thank you for coming.
AAM: It is my pleasure. It is my pleasure to be invited. And it is my
pleasure, dear heart, to join with many [meaning my guides] this day and
speak to your heart, to our mind, and to your very core and being.Yes, it is a time of dissembling and there are those who are still
choosing the chaos. [Probably referring to my conversation with Linda
Dillon, prior to starting, about hockey fans rioting in Vancouver.] But
there are many more, dear one, who are choosing the light, who are
choosing the path of love and oneness and of opening.
Very often they do not know what this choice of opening entails. But
they only know that they must do it,that they are tired of the old way
of being, that they yearn for deeper love, and that they yearn for a
deeper way of being in their lives than what they see on a day-to-day
basis.There are very few people within the collective and upon the planet who
simply feel that they are here for no apparent reason, that they are
here simply as an energetic accident.Most of them yearn to know what that reason is and to be able to
contribute in a way that is meaningful to them, to that collective
energy, so that, at the end of their life, whether that is tomorrow or
ten thousand years from now, that they can reflect and know that they
made a difference.Now not everyone gets to feel that difference at the end of their life,
but they come to know it once they are here [spirit plane or Fifth
Dimension], once they are on a different plane and dimension.Now you, dear friend, have been shaking your head and part of you is
shaking your head saying, Lord, what is going on….S: Yes indeed.
AAM: And part of you has been shaking your head as in up and down, as a
"Yes, we are ready to go." We know your feelings, and when I say
your feelings, I mean your intellect as well as what you emotionally
perceive. It can go either way. And that is something that we have not
truly been prepared to discuss in detail for it is not an issue that we
want people to grab on to.S: What do you mean, Lord, that it can go either way. What is
"it"?AAM: We don't mean that the shift or the Ascension or the arrival of
your star brothers and sisters will not occur. That is tied down, if you
will.But the promise and the agreement with the star beings and the councils
is that it will be done in a peaceful manner because otherwise it simply
is adding to the old paradigm. So we are diligently working and
attempting to keep everything on schedule – our schedule not yours
– for the bringing forth of what is necessary for humanity to make
this leap.So what I mean is not if it will happen but the question of the timing
– human timing.S: So it's possible that [the date given] will not see a disclosure.
Is that the case?AAM: It is possible. It is not our decision. We have already passed the
go-point.S: The divine deadline, Lord? Is that what you mean?
AAM: The divine deadline in terms of everything being in place for the
star brothers and sisters to arrive.S: Do you mean Disclosure, the decloaking or First Contact, Lord?
AAM: We mean First Contact and Disclosure.
S: So we've already passed the divine deadline. Alright.
AAM: Disclosure is something that is coming. I know what you are meaning
by this. But I also want you to think of Disclosure as coming in stages.
Now there has been Disclosure for a long time.S: Yes.
AAM: So what you are thinking of as public Disclosure, and that is to be
hand in hand, very closely, because of the shrinking margins with
S: I don't understand what you just said, Lord.AAM: For the powers that be to simply come forward and say, "We have
contact and communication and in fact relationship with your star
brothers and sisters" – that is Disclosure.S: Thank you.
AAM: It is the beginning of what we feel is an ongoing human
conversation with your star brothers and sisters but certainly among
yourselves about what that means.
The plan has always been, or had been, to have a Disclosure time and
then a period of adjustment and then what we call "decloaking"
which would be visible sightings and presence of ships and beings. The
reason that we had planned this timing, has been, and has always been,
that your brothers and sisters do not wish to come in a situation of
panic, or upheaval, fear, and certainly not one that would be creating
what would be attempts at prevention or retaliation. Now this you are
aware of.S: Yes.
AAM: So it had always been anticipated that there would be Disclosure
and then a period for the populace to adjust to it.S: Now there are messages from Sheldan Nidle, a message from Sananada on
lightworkers, [XX] in [YY] is saying that, Suzanne Spooner has given
that date, do you know why everyone is talking about [date]?AAM: Because that is the plan.
S: That is the plan. OK.
AAM: That is the plan.
S: And how likely is it that that plan will go ahead?
AAM: As we speak today, it is on target.
S: Alright.
AAM: Now what I had started to say to you was that normally we had
thought there would be Disclosure and then give it a couple of months or
even weeks and then there would be decloaking.S: Yes.
AAM: What we are suggesting to you today is that the time frame between
Disclosure and decloaking – in other words, the visibility of ships
– is very likely to be much closer together because we have delayed
some efforts for Disclosure Not that there has not been a lot of
conversation, because there has been, but there has not been the green
light or the choice to allow the entire populace to know.S: Alright.
AAM: Now there has been a, shall we say, an integration process of many
of your star brothers and sisters – more than normal, let us put it
that way – that has begun at the end of May. So there are many who
are already on the ground and in position. And that will help. That will
help an awful lot.It is not a question of sabotage. It is not a question of spying, or
anything that could possibly be interpreted that way. Think of them as
the people who go in and calm people down after there has been a bank
robbery. They're a therapeutic team whose purpose is to keep people
calm, encouraged, excited and open.S: So this is a team of galactics, is that correct?
AAM: That is correct.
S: Who is the green light coming from, Lord? I know that's a
difficult question to answer because there are levels and levels of
hierarchy. But is it Sanat Kumara who will give the green light or
Sananda?AAM: No, it is a combination but primarily it is the final decision of
Sanat Kumara.S: Alright. Thank you.
AAM: And he has waited an awfully long time.
S: Ha ha ha. I'm sure he has.
AAM: And so we are all very anxious this bringing of peace. That is the
entire purpose. It is the expansion of the human realm, ye, and hand in
hand of the shifting of dimensions and consciousness but it is truly a
bringing of peace, a restoration of peace. And that is why we have been
so reticent to do anything that could be interpreted in any other way.S: I see.
AAM: But insofar as the [date] marker is concerned, yes, you are correct
and so are many in feeling that this is the opening day.S: And if things don't happen on [date], what kind of…. You
remember when they didn't happen in Oct. 2008 or in Nov,/Dec 2009,
we then needed to wait a long, long time, we then needed to wait a long,
long time. Will that be the case here?AAM: No.
S: Alright, so if it doesn't happen [date], it will happen soon
after that. Is that correct?AAM: It is going to happen before the end of the year, regardless.
S: [Sigh.] Well, I'm not sure that a lot of people will be comforted
by the thought of waiting another six months. That will be a
AAM: It is highly unlikely that it will be six months.S: Right.
AAM: Not because of what is happening as we observe and get ready, but
because we see that the human populace, in their inner being, and even
in their consciousness, they are ready. They are very ready. And when
they see…. You have mentioned to this channel this day that there
are many who are disheartened [referring to my conversation with Linda
about the reasons behind the riots in Vancouver June 15, after the
Stanley Cup final game] and feel the yoke of being burdened, whether it
is by finance or circumstance of what they are doing for work, work that
does not feel meaningful in any way.When they begin to understand the openings that are being created by
this landing, by this opening and coalition, by the full participation
of Earth in the galactic forum,. Then they will buy in with their
hearts, their souls, and their bodies. So the level of information is
going to be managed in a very positive way and that is what we have been
truly working with humans on so that the fear triggers are simply not
present.S: Alright.
AAM: That is why there are the intervention teams. That is why many who
have been placed in their lifetimes on Earth, awaiting for this, such as
your beloved self….S: Yes.
AAM: So if it is not [date], which is our date, it will be very quickly
thereafter, So do not worry about it.S: Alright.
AAM: It is not a question of if but when.
S: Alright. Thank you, Lord.
"... path of love and oneness and of opening."
How about truth?
" is the final decision of
Sanat Kumara."
This person is an occult entity who is at war with Jesus Christ--and us. Why trust him?
"And so we are all very anxious this bringing of is truly a
bringing of peace, a restoration of peace."
"For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape." --1 Thessalonians 5:3
"And that is why we have been
so reticent to do anything that could be interpreted in any other way."
Truly. Much time and effort have been put into this 'good cop/bad cop' construction. Great care must be taken not to tumble the house of cards before the deception has been successful.
"And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." --2 Corinthians 11:14
"...we see that the human populace, in their inner being, and even in their consciousness, they are ready. They are very ready."
Indeed. The vast occult initiation produced by the New Age movement--and previous efforts by agents of 'the great work'--has been catastrophically successful. We have rejected our Saviour and Creator and have turned after heathen gods and the evil angels that pose behind them.
"They sacrificed unto devils, not to God; to gods whom they knew not, to new gods that came newly up, whom your fathers feared not." --Deuteronomy 32:17
"And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils..." --Revelation 9:20
"So the level of information is going to be managed in a very positive way and that is what we have been truly working with humans on so that the fear triggers are simply not present."
No kidding. Information "management". Isn't this what spin doctors are all about? Lying, deceiving, twisting the truth into a lie?
Yes, avoiding human "fear triggers" is an important consideration. Humans who will react with fear and avoidance when a demon draws near will resist and refuse them. This human state very quickly becomes a human free-will CHOICE to tell the demon to go away. The Holy Spirit and angels of God will then move in, acting on behalf of the human being, and the demon's goal has been defeated.
However...If a demon can massage away the human fear triggers, hiding it's true identity and agenda, appearing lovely, promising, and benevolent, the human can be brought to a place where they will welcome the demon's presence and activity. This requires the human's free-will co-operation in the process. Hence, the elaborations of occult rituals and new age concepts and practices.
Let's not buy it.
Why do all these GFL "light" beings never mention Jesus? Nobody has ever heard of Sanat Kumara. We live in a Christian-founded country and we do not speak Sanskrit or any eastern religion language here. So why all the Hindu names involved in all these "channelings"?
As I have personally experienced several occasions, these so-called light beings flee at the name of Jesus!
They did in the biblical records and they do still today.
In the end times there will be a great deception. Only the elect (meaning only the ones who call upon Jesus and the Father) will be saved. All others will perish according to the bible.
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