DISCLAIMER:……I listened to Okie, Poppy2. Dewey, (first dinar dealer in USA), BGG, et al 6-26-11 8:30 PM…. Recorded MP3 only at present.
The link will not work after copy & paste…. I found the call on the Get Team Forum if you want futher clarifyication.
It is fresh very crutial Post RV info. you should know…. I am only posting this to help you…. This is not my personal Intel.
I took notes and do think I got the Intel/info. correct but I may not be able to convey it to you to make since….I suggest you listen to the call yourself and take control of your destiny by making sure you get the correct understanding. ….Hope this helps.
Blessings To You Guys,……..CZ….
Okie was on a live Call tonight and he said that Obama sent a tax bill to congress targeted at foreign currency exchange again. Congress turned it down. Thank You Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okie said Israel sheckles were just raised in value and Okie says, there is your RV right there.
Poppy2 sat in on a meeting with some congressmen this week and he cornered a congressman and got dinar Intel.
It was big!
To much Intel to remember and share. All factual Intel not just rumors. VERY impressive.
Dewey was on the call with Okie et al. He said we need to protect our Dinar at cash in. Trust no one period. Okie and all trust him. Here is what he says to do:
-Place a postage size sticker/adhesive backed/liftable, off currency later, without any damage to dinar later. Place on dinar.
-Copy on Arabic side showing the two sets of serial numbers.
-On the sticker put your hand written initials plus number the dinar. First dinar will be No.1 plus your signature,
second dinar will be No.2 plus your signature and so forth. This will be like your personal serial numbers in case you
would have to go to court to prove your money was good at the bank, since a judge cannot read the serial numbers in Arabic.
It is possible that the bank could take in bad dinar and if the amount is equal to yours the bank could call you days later
and say that your money was not good even after putting it thru a DeLaRue Machine. They said DeLaRue Machine will not protect us from this happening.
- Make only Black/White photo copies of each Dinar, if in color then you are considered counterfiting.
-When you cash in ask banker to be witness to these being the actual bills you are turning in, by having the banker sign his initials on each sticker beside your initials. Before putting your dinar in the DeLaRue Machine you must take the stickers off. After the dinar goes thru the machine ask them for the copy of authenticity for the dinar and put your sticker on every copy. This is total proof that your money was authentic before you left the bank.
They said post RV that we will probably be told by our US government (not Iraq) we have about 10 days to cash in (10 days is their guess). So they said just in case the rate comes in low, like a rediculous $1.17 figure, to start out here is what they suggest. For example you can, through Meryll Lynch, open a dinar account and put a 7% stoploss on it to not sell useless the value goes this low. Also you must have them put your agreement with them in writting. They said many people are cheated out of their money because they did not protect themselves. Or possibly exchange large dinar bills for the small bills and keep them in a safe until the value rises.
They said don’t cash in until many others have, so you can see how it went for them.
They suggested to give the bank your social security no. or EN (EIN) and have the IRS Wire Transfer number ready and pay your taxes first, (or you can wait until next year) then what money is left over put into only a non interest bearing account. Non interest bearing accounts are unlimited coverage. Just in case your bank fails your money is insured. When April 15th comes the IRS will demand their money even if you have lost yours due to bank failure.
They suggested if you are giving money to a church that it would be best to give them the dinar. Ask your tax person!!!
I will be making copies this week and following this advice. PROTECT YOURSELF!!!
Also, from the CC with Okie that was on today, It is also a good idea you scan every bill in black & white and make a note on the scanned bill its serial number. Below is an image of a Arabic to English 0-9 translator. Better safe than sorry, just in case you have trouble exchanging your bills in with the bank, if they get lost during the bank exchange, ect. It can only benefit you to have as much proof and documentation as possible, of your dinar notes. I hope this serves you well
~ Cheers

- Dewey, Poppy2, Okie & Others 06/25/11 Call notes
Dong didn't happen last Thurs>distributing LD's now
same as Iraq>distributing LD's seen on t.v. too: mosque announcement too
Do This: making plans, researching, interview financial strategist and tax atty
to make this a lasting blessing for years
be a good steward of the blessings received
Ask as many as possible>it's not a Walmart tax atty u want for trust atty
the best financial strategist, not a financial planner!!!
a money manager>thru banks, or individuals >ask lots of questions
have that list made>write it out
what priorities : bills, what you want
Pray on it>to God to fulfill where we can bless many
that was Poppy2
6/30 list to be completed:
Iraq in WTO as ful l mmbr; DFI funds released to CBI full access; anthr mtg cbi, imf, Paris 7/1 ; funds electricity released; imf ceo named; independence day in I; forex ofc opened last week>need tradeable currency
IT work reprted done; our UST IT dept done there;
: tested , working>zero glitches
and other things>huge exciting week>no negatives>political/paprwk, all sources all confirmed completed>timing/release of RV>waiting
BGG: guest spkrs: Jim
< Jim: good news for banks other than big 4
early as last wk>smaller banks r showing rates
one>saw rates similar to what we've been discussing
now these smaller banks are seemingly starting to see the rates; sit tight>don't be first
find out their procedures, wht they will be able to do for you
the rate seen at this one bank>no name of bank given>
YYY: owns part of this bank in TN>rate $5.25
XXX: bank Pres showed this woman the rate
owner: he asked YYY to get him the dinar; thinks it will have a de la Rue too
Jim: heard the same no. twice locally; one man>I'll bring him on if he shows up as he said he would
he saw the $5.25>not live, but on the screen
the question: is that the real rate? I have a feeling that is a marker/hold rate
sounds like a legit marker rate
similar anomoly to what we've heard since Thurs
so that's a consistent theme
I've seen it sev. X's myself
Pam: same as BGG & Poppy
$5.25 I think that's low
bank stories all saying mostly Mon, and some Tues
ust says 6/30
my fav source says this week
post where she works in LA>got email where the bank couldn't sell dinar, said stop selling but they were still selling Fri; supposed to be cashin Mon
MRMILLION: (we want chief of staff briefing intel plz says the moderator)
5/20 - 6/01 plz
notified of congrsnl mtg w/ notice that RV to take place (4 wks ago); not 48 hrs; something happened; then,
banking source allso infrmd by upper mgmnt> same as congrsnl mtg>put onnotice>nothing>next wk>nothing
back to table to make inquiries>2 X didn't happen
then anthr mtg called in w/ 24 hr notice>
2-3 am to bank>bank ready with de la rue
my contact said 24 hrs, but to be realistic >give 3-4 days
we talked>visited at her bank>dong disappeared
up till yesterday late
iqd not on screen now; dong reappeard but only has a code
bank closed today when she texted me
dong has a banking code, no rate
she says good news for us>IQD>she's watching for us
I got a txt>bkg in S LA got an email > to stop selling on Fri>customers to cash in mon>customers> then others after that
XXX: 2 congresnl staff 5/28 briefed>RV was to happen that following Mon
MrM: yes, and others too congrsmen
XXX: u on a trip> she advised u
Mr M: befr I travel to TX; we talked about that>cuz I'm to be away for 4 days
she said>bring some on ur trip
I know her sev. yrs
XXX: it's illegal to cross state lines with >$10,000
fincen form: how long you known this customer?
cash at a familiar bank
don't let her put the whole relationship
on the form
Poppy2: there was a mtg 2 wks ago>Congress>give folks a 2 min briefings fr previous wkend
yes, in a mtg with Cgsman< I cornered him
not bashful & shy>>when's RV to happen? can u push this thru?
he smiled>told his aide to tell me>he was laughing>they told P that tons of folks now asking the Cngrsman
rumors then>it was to happen Thurs; last briefg>evrythings' ready>IMF & BIS ready; political things done>Iraq has to tell them release order
nothing we were waiting for 2 wks ago
he's back : BGG=XXX
[6/26/2011 10:07:48 PM] - M: BGG: UST sent notices prior to 6/21
one big bank isnt' going to participate, only 3>then declined the memo
then anthr memo 6/01>that was to be the date
saw it from banks & UST; to back this date
angst a week later
cuz didn't happen>
people at banks working overtime, extra currency>>>
UST solid source, & govt & banks>all concurred;
UST: Poppy's contacts are spectacular
since 6/01>>>>>a few days ago looked good; Tue, w, thurs of last week looked good; this next week is huge
looking for Bob
[6/26/2011 10:10:34 PM] - M: Bob: (timeframes); source/Canada
Weds befr 5/28>bank source>evrything done told him
security tightened up by then> Canada had been put on notice
befr 6/1st> iqd had been off at that point
politicos briefed
BGG: TMoney???
TMoney: same as since Friday
on forex now
lkg forward to Tues
he's in the financial industry
Bruce: (ticker)
6/30> 5 yr plan>G20 ended balances, banking system ready
installation of sys>befr had hickup; chpt 7 to be realeased 30th
20 yr period ends > serbia?
6 mos to finish KU>ends 30th
13303 suspenede d till 30th>that ends
Malkiki end of Erbil 30th
min of fin>100K dispersed to build hses>30th
ticker>china wiped out $10 trill debt!!!!!!!!!!
govt's cash out first
Poppy?: on China>world's 3rd lrgst dinar holder
Bruce church folks going to Jacksonville w/
cuz he didn't have a Warka acct
W closed after 6 wks after I go t in there
foreign soil
won't give you ur money unless they want to
stay away fr for banks
W closed a yr ago; citibk opened them back up
many lost money
OKIE: interest in oil
tonight related intel fr that to the RV
China cnpc>oil co.>started exploration>ad hob oil field
is there a relation betwn debt pd off and this oil field
Libya> tunisia out of gas; Lib opened first time since June
othr news: Israel raise d the sheekel
there's ur RV there
Chinese PM in Europe guaranteeing loans>
European invstment to make sure euro stays as paower ful cur.
one of the 3 world's curr.
infltn in SE Asia>India 9% >ovre Russian
Basel rules raised reserve in all banks (4-7%) now (9 1/2%) wow
Obama sent his boy to Congrss Fri>congress refused him
team reprtd about>>>>>
hold infltn down worldwide
Bloomberg>> watching
Asian mkts down
most world's mkts down
money boys know
boom in stocks curr supposed to be>but diminishing
don't understand that
XX: lwr it >buying back own debt cheaper cuz they know it's coming
Okie: futures mkt> only thing strong>usd> .72 to >.80 this month>on way back
euro, gbp down
XXX:........they had to make good on futures>when they lost, they had to make that back
trading oil up ev. day
will make the same trading downward
7/15th do away w/ straight commodities
cotton, wheat rice>
going to have to have a percentage>a hand in the trade?
doing away with the fractional
frctnal metal sales
have to have certain amt of sil/gold>cant' shuffle paper on it
metals must back
< Dewey: wife follows all of this
in body building>winner
few mos. ago>idea >lay money on Arabic side>one sided copies BLK & WHITE
sticker put on middle with initials on the post it note>photocopy
4 to a page
number them
with your initials>your own pen
take to bank
ask teller>show her the bills with the serial nos.
get a receipt
take sticker off to go thru de la Rue
hunting for criminal bills
when machine says it's clear>ask for a copy
staple to your copy
cuz they are then authenticated at that moment
If they tell you yours is bad, you have proof
crook tellers now can't get away with anything either>eliminated
the only way to do it>
if they hold ur money>how can u sleep if you don't have the real full proof
PROTECT & GUARD UR MONEY>that's all - we made some money in Moroco>
we made blk & wht copies>bank held our money>showed them our copies>they coughed it up then!! comes fr Seria
you want to defend urself>have ur perfect proof & do it perfectly
* 5 yrs ago, we took money to Los Vegas
got a call"I'm gonna kill u"
he said u sold me bills with serial nos> fake?
I wasn't aware; let me look at my money>if I've done this>I'll go to ur house
I went>u can kill me or I'll call the cops
called him>I had similar lkg bills
got magnifier
wife figured it out>key on the end looks similar T
the guy was confused>
one's a 6 and one's a 7
(thick accent here)
(Martha's seen this too- rusty on this)
If we get a low number> have to turn it in if they give us a deadline, I'm going to do it 10 days before>befr deposit into acct>give wiring instructions w/SS & pay taxes on spot>put money in non interest bearing acct> if it's (CDARS called before)
do not put in interest bearing acct (if they govt goes broke...bad)
pay it now is better
* 2nd mouse gets the cheese; listen to the bad stories>then act
* if low rate; if u not happy>open an acct at Merrill Lynch>he's gonna put a stop lose on his>
try to make money>dinar digital acct>
7% stop loss
not low
I'm gonna say sell it at 7%
bring in the Pres to give you a written receipt for this
sorry doesn't work for me>I want my money that I earned
the banks will poo poo on u
if u want to go into small denoms and hold them, but need a huge truck
only taxable when it goes fr dinar to dollar>pay tax, then gold
BGG: tks Dewey
DMoney (sorry)
not there all nite
seen on the screens>IQD thurs taken off the screens, it came back on Fri
he's not here to tell u
give church dinar, no tax dollars
BGG: awesome article other day I posted in my daily email
art: out early; sev keys>cbi cmg into new categories up to 100 inferring new denoms; curr will come early cuz need purchsg pwr>to suprt P & goi
"needed" in the past
this past tense was the first time brought up>SHABS
Phoenix convinced this IS the announcement
we are hearing this fr sev sources
I always say this is from people what they're telling us
I think personally like middle of last wk>this wk is red hot>events, news, dfi art just released; too much happening>super duper excited; tonight till Thrus we can see it is my opinion
close in prayer plz
Father God: Bless all dinar holders>give them purpose wisdom and direction liberally
it is fr your Word in Rev>Babylon being rebuilt
fin mecca of the world
TU for allowing us to be in this historic even
Bless everyone's health
inthe name of Jc
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