Monday, December 12, 2011

CIA Opens Books with Surprises for Lee Wanta, Libya and More

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

CIA Opens Books with Surprises for Lee Wanta, Libya and More
Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Monday, 12-Dec-2011 03:08:54

CIA Opens Books with Surprises for Lee Wanta, Libya and More
Reagan Era To Be Declassified
by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
Something unusual has happened. An era is going to be uncovered, a time of BCCI, Iran Contra, the fall of the Soviet Union, one of corruption and triumph. What we know is this, the files are being opened and interviews never before authorized are scheduled.
More curious, perhaps the most curious of all, the FBI is notifying former intelligence agents and officials that the project has the official ‘green light.’
The fist interviews and, perhaps the first book, will outline relations between President Reagan and Emil Lee Wanta, letting a few into the dream world of White House insiders.
I have had my perceptions of Reagan shattered more than once. The official cover story, the myth sold by the Bush clan, that Reagan came into office, was almost immediately gunned down and for the next 8 years, George H. W. Bush was “defacto” president while Reagan remained a “doddering fool.”
I spent an evening going over notes with Lee. His memory of the period is volumes, much of which isn’t going to be of interest to many. While White House intelligence coordinator, Wanta worked in a grey environment of jockeying for influence, internal strife and one thing he makes clear:
President Reagan despised and distrusted his vice president and refused to allow him to be briefed on anything. Reagan felt he was saddled with a potential “rogue operator” who would use his experience as former CIA director to use the White House as a platform for personal business interests inconsistent with national policy.
One of Reagan's Best Lines
Of the issues which have current standing, Libya will be high on the list, for awhile at least.
Tony Blair is doing the rounds in Tripoli today for JP Morgan, the Rothschild partner that worked so closely with Gaddafi on his plans to put together a series of Banks based on the African Union.
The deals offered, if things go as expected, will be intended to impact the new Libya as they did the old, bleeding the majority of oil cash into private accounts and leaving a pittance for the people.
This was Gaddafi’s policy and it may well be the policy of the new government as well, if writers like Franklin Lamb are right.
During talks with Wanta I was able to verify some issues involving Gaddafi. Gaddafi was placed in office in 1969 by the CIA as personal protege of Director Richard Helms.
Helms admired Gaddafi greatly and valued the relationship between the US and Libya as one of the most critical and strategic for America during that vital period.
The cover stories, that rogue CIA agents were training IRA terrorists in Libya got a laugh out of Wanta.
“This was Gladio, of course, the bastardized anti-Communist program that set up terror organizations across Europe as a “fall back” defense in case of a successful Soviet invasion. Libya was the staging ground for Gladio, a program operated, not out of Italy as reported, but out of Switzerland, by the ‘P2,’ a Freemason organization that eventually operated in 26 countries, across not only Europe but Latin America as well.”
“Later on, it was the P2 that had me arrested in Switzerland, put in solitary confinement and emptied the US Treasury accounts I managed, hundreds of millions of dollars. By that time, they had become little more than organized crime, particularly after they had murdered so many people during the Italian elections.”
Filling out the history of the Reagan era, in particular, the project to “crash the ruble,” the financial trading scheme run by Wanta through the Department of Treasury that netted trillions in assets that Reagan intended to be spent paying off the national debt, as Wanta relates.
In actuality, it was much more than that, with Treasury getting control of $23 trillion dollars leaving $4.3 trillion to Wanta’s companies.
This would all sound imaginary if it weren’t for the court filings backing it all up and the arrests, Wanta in particular, and murders surrounding the disposition of these funds, which represent the combined assets of the American people.
The money exists, has existed, enough to erase our national debt. The concept of Wanta’s own funds, seized by the Federal Reserve, $4.3 trillion dollars less $1.7 trillion in taxes owed, immediately put into the “General Fund” is frightening to some. This kind of money is unimaginable power, particularly in the hands of someone jailed for failing to be adequately dishonest.
Wanta, a devout Catholic, lay clergy, is a simple working class kid from Milwaukee, one who has shunned the trappings of wealth though he, at one time, controlled the greatest fortune in the history of our beleaguered planet.
Leo E. Wanta - Signed by Ronald Reagan
Sometimes we review accounts and where they have gone, some in billions, the names of powerful political families known to all are tied to the looting of these accounts, some names predictable, some surprising.
Most embarrassing are bank security photographs of high ranking government officials, cabinet officers, looting bank accounts held in trust for the American people.
All of the money involved, taxpayer funds, all belonging to the American people, more than enough to fund a high speed rail system for America or housing for a century of homeless veterans.
Ah, but back to Libya and the “teaser” Wanta left me:
“I had some familiarity with Gaddafi during the late 70s and early 80s.
I had, by 1982, been able to confirm that our “hostility” toward Gaddafi was a CIA deception plan tied to his usefulness in assisting operations around the world, much as with Osama bin Laden.”
There is a rationale for Gaddafi to consider the UN action against him, based on his history of cooperation with NATO, a betrayal in fact. How could a man, so heavily invested in the Rothschild banks, a silent partner in the Carlyle Group with Bush, Baker, John Major, Frank Carlucci, be attacked by NATO?
Then again, I watched Ambassador Mark Siljander, a Reagan favorite, friend of Baker and Edwin Meese indicted by the Bush administration under circumstances, were I allowed to mention them (I serve on his legal team) as incredulous. I am showing restraint here.

Why Do We Need a New Financial System for Just a Year?

Why Do We Need a New Financial System for Just a Year?
2011 DECEMBER 11
Posted by Steve Beckow
This material is not meant to replace but to augment what we already know about NESARA. You already know the formal details – debt relief, reduced taxes, new governments, etc.
What seeming craziness this is! This morning I bade goodbye to three lightworkers who sense that they’ll be ascending tomorrow. Am I really saying this in a sentence? One of them is saying he’ll come visit us on the radio show. Alright!
In the course of preparing for the advent of the Bridge Fund, I’ve been running through scenarios, such as visiting the Vice-President of Paypal to ensure that no hitches occur. He asks me, “Who is behind the Bridge Fund?” Uhm. Archangel Michael.  Oh, and … the Divine Mother, Shakti. Well, you may know her as the Holy Spirit. “Okay…..!”
How am I going to do this?
Pages from an unusual lifetime:
In the meantime all the discussions I’ve had around preparing a financial report on the Hope Chest have also touched on many other very enjoyable topics. One of them in particular I feel the desire to comment on.
People ask, what is the purpose of NESARA if it’s just for a year? Why go to all that trouble? And that has raised other questions about NESARA that also beg clarification.
Before turning to those matters, let me mention that Archangel Michael has said to me that NESARA is all about freedom and equality. It’s about freedom from stress and strain, from want and need, from competition and conflict. It’s all about the equality of souls without the existence of an elite and an underclass, a privileged set and a set that waits upon them, etc.
It has no truck or trade with greed, suspicion, rapaciousness, mistrust, or any other of the all-too-normal attitudes that underpin a society that has become misshapen by deliberate intent on the part of its controllers. So the first thing we have to do is to take off our dark glasses when considering NESARA and realize that it’s sunny outside. NESARA is designed so that we all can see clearly now, the clouds being gone.
From my own limited participation in NESARA so far, it seems advisable to say that I don’t consider NESARA a single or monolithic structure. You can see that the Bridge Fund is a part of NESARA but designed to relieve the financial distress of lightworkers. Other pieces of NESARA will see money funneled to charities, foundations, philanthropic endeavors, etc. Another piece will be directed towards new energy, anti-pollution, earth-greening and similar projects. Some will be directed at different regional populations in a cascading order – first this region, then that region – all with an overall plan in mind.
On top of that the money for each of these may come from different sources. Most of those I cannot talk about yet. But they are terrestrial sources. We’re more familiar with the really big part of NESARA (you know, the one with more zeroes than you can count to) that draws partly on gold brought in by the galactics from other star systems (the wise men bearing gifts), money and gold confiscated from the Illuminati who stole it in the first place, investments that trace back to the Middle Ages, etc. There appear to be a multitude of NESARA sources that are coming together right about now.
Why we have a financial system only for a year is because there are certain tasks that need accomplishing in the next twelve months – or less.
Before I go onto that discussion, I need to check in with you and make sure that everyone is clear that we need no financial systems like NESARA in the Fifth Dimension.  We create by thought.  We don’t need to eat, require very little sleep; don’t need houses, although we will have them, etc. I’m assuming that everyone is pretty much up to speed with that discussion by now.
Someone asked where will we go to in the Fifth Dimension? Is it already set up? I honestly don’t know. SaLuSa has not told us about matters like that yet. But don’t forget: there’s no rain to get in out of, no cold, no need to sleep, etc. Think what you want to wear and you’re wearing it. Think where you want to go and you’re there. It wouldn’t be wise to project Third-Dimensional needs onto the Fifth Dimension.
But: To return to the question of why we need NESARA for a year. Here in Third Dimensionality, there are certain groups of people who’ve been beset by tragedy and will need to be rescued and restored if they’re going to be in any position to consider the monumental events which will come at the end of next year.
AIDS-related orphans in Africa, women in Darfur who’ve suffered unspeakably, women in countries who’ve lived under repressive circumstances (I’m trying to be diplomatic in not naming them too precisely), women and children who’ve been forced into white slavery, landless peasants, victims of drought … I could go on and on listing the people of the world who’ve been subjected to really harsh conditions and will need to have time for restoration and rebuilding. Quan Yin in particular talked about these people some time earlier in the year. NESARA is the way to release them from their cycle of suffering and poverty.
The Earth itself, which is an individual like you or me, needs restorative treatment to prepare herself for Ascension. Petroleum is what lubricates her joints and the stresses caused by bleeding off the hydrocarbon reserves need to be attended to. The petroleum, spilled into the seas needs to be recovered. Radioactivity, including depleted uranium, exists around the globe and must be removed. My understanding is that the galactics want us to participate in these efforts, perhaps for buy-in, perhaps for eradicating karma. Part of NESARA will see to funding this effort.
We lightworkers, who’ve led lives of particular affluence in the West, have our own needs and responsibilities. Some people simply want a rest from a lifetime of struggle, to consider Ascension and pay attention to what it requires. Others are destined to play a role in all the activities I outlined above and NESARA will provide them the means to do this.  They may travel to Africa and Asia and provide the people power to assist the impoverished to emerge from their suffering.  They may take care of the orphans of the world, the sick, and the old before Fourth Dimensionality kicks in and conditions themselves provide release.
Another group of lightworkers will bring in new social systems such as fair courts, fair governmental bodies, adequate hospitals with new technology, well-funded schools, a decent media and communications system, and all the other elements of a post-industrial but pre-zero-point society. Again NESARA will fund all of this.
So: All of NESARA is in a sense a Bridge Fund, getting us from here to there.  Several people have now been told that their jobs will radically change at the end from being fair and reasonable to being anything but reasonable. They’ll be handed the job of pushing, shoving, encouraging, and cajoling everyone to get on board the train for the Promised Land. A complete lack of reasonableness will be needed then. Again NESARA will see that they have no attention on how they will eat, save when the last restaurant closes and the last office and apartment turns off its lights and we all say farewell to Third Dimensionality.
There will be no planet left in this dimension. Venus has chosen to maintain a presence in 3D while hosting the Kumaras and all other Venusians from higher dimensions, many of whom are here to help us with our transition. But Gaia has chosen not to maintain a presence in Third Dimensionality. So everything must go. I keep thinking of buying this and buying that, but it doesn’t seem to make much sense unless it’s work-related. Be that as it may, NESARA is the means of freeing everyone up and leveling the playing field so that 2012 becomes about just one thing: To ascend or not to ascend. That is the question.
SaLuSa has already said that those who awaken now and afterwards may not have the same gentle awakening that we did:
Their learning curve will be steeper than ours. NESARA will allow us all to attend to our unique needs, whatever they are. NESARA will end the inequitable situations we created or tolerated on Earth and usher in a time of peace and harmony prior to wrapping up our stay in duality and opening up the next chapter.
(1) SaLuSa, Sept. 2, 2011.


Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 12-Dec-2011 00:42:09

The term "Operation Terra" refers to both a body of information and an operational concept. The information was telepathically transmitted to Sara Lyara Estes (aka Lyara) by a group of higher-density beings who refer to themselves as "The Hosts of Heaven." It was presented as a series of Messages — cosmic "lessons" from these celestial beings. The Messages are fully available at no charge on this site, and all of the material has also been published in three softcover books, for those who prefer that format. Additional material is available in the Articles section of this site.
December 5, 2011
All right, now. We have asked to speak to you this evening because of the way things appear to be unfolding at the present time. We say “appear,” because even we are not aware of every factor involved in what is playing out on your planet and, indeed, throughout the known Creation. We can anticipate certain trends that are more likely than others and we can with certainty describe the ultimate path that things must follow, but not all of the details are available to us at any given time.
That being said, we would like to shed some light on where things are at today and for the near-term future. Despite the efforts of the power elite to staunch the flow of “money” into private coffers, sequestering it from the general populace or the common marketplace exchanges, it continues unabated. Every last drop of economic “blood” is being drained from the system that sustains the system itself, and so a collapse is imminent and inevitable. Those who can obtain access to whatever is left of the resources and commodities that are not already being controlled are gobbling them up without restraint and without regard to the system itself. They consider that the risks and rewards make this worth it and self-preservation is the utmost concern, above the welfare of others or the system that has served them until now.
When the collapse occurs, it will come suddenly and without warning, even for those who are draining the last drops to be had. No one can see with certainty how far things can be pushed, including us, but pushing the limits of what is possible seems to be what is governing people’s actions in this regard. The thinking appears to go something like this: “Since the whole thing is going to collapse anyway, there is no reason for me to think in terms of preservation of the system, but rather of my own preservation and survival after the collapse.” One system will be replaced by another system. People will still need a way to exchange goods and services and tangible goods will form the new basis for the new economy while the rest sorts out.
People will need food, so food will continue to be in demand. Even for people who raise their own food, there is a need for the means to continue doing that, and they don’t constitute a meaningful proportion of the overall demand for food anyway. People all over the world have become dependent on many aspects of the current system, and that dependency will carry over into whatever form things may take after the collapse. Each and every one of you reading this will be affected in one way or another, but those who are going to Terra will be provided for (also in one way or another), until you are safely aboard the ships and heading toward Midway Station.
Now that we have said that, let us tell you about the rest of the story — about the rest of what will be playing out on the surface of your planet. To begin with, the timelines have already begun separating, so scenarios are ALREADY occurring differently from one timeline to another. The headlines and the news stories that each person reads may be similar in some respects; different in others. Unless one could actually compare them side by side, these differences would not be apparent, and most people do not have access to all of the “copies” of the reality, so all they would ordinarily know is what appears to them on their timeline.
All of this has been anticipated and prepared for on both sides of the polarity game. We have been preparing and the loyal opposition has been preparing — for a very long time now — and all is in readiness for things to play out to their natural conclusion. The chaotic nodes continue to gobble up more and more of the present structures. Their “job” is to dismantle those structures and prepare the way for new structures to emerge. The way this process will proceed will depend on which timeline one is viewing and experiencing. We have our focus on the timeline leading to the establishment of Terra, so anything we describe will be particular to that timeline and not necessarily apply to any other one. It is how the “sorting out” will proceed on each of the timelines that lead out of this shared reality to another landing place, of which there are 12.
So, how does one prepare for such a collapse? How does one protect those one loves? The answer is going to be different for each person. The resources they need will be available to them, in the right way and at the right time. Some of these resources will not appear until they are needed. Some of them may already be present. No one who is going to Terra will suffer from deprivation, although simplification of one’s needs and lifestyle might be called for. True NEEDS will be met and gifts and friendships will come into being to provide support if they are needed. STO is based on collaboration and cooperation and upon sharing common values across people who are quite diverse from each other. It is from living from one’s heart that all of this will come together to serve the greatest good.
The clearings you have each been going through recently are a result of the energies we have been using to clear your cellular memory of all residue from the past. Some of you might be experiencing a resurfacing of memories, associations, and emotions from prior relationships and experiences that you may have thought you were done with, but in fact no one is really “done” with any of this until they ARE. Some of you might not be having any of this as your present experience. Each person is unique and each person’s experience is going to be unique. That’s how the Creator gets to experience everything that is possible to experience. Every experience will occur for someone, but that does not predict which particular person it will happen to, when it will arrive, or what form it will take. The Creator loves surprises and this is one way It surprises Itself!
This will not go on this way much longer. Remember that we are talking from a perspective of billions of years, so how much longer is a relative statement. Still, there is that immovable threshold that we have talked about and it’s not any of the dates that any human has been given. All of this talk about dates, portals, activations, and the like is particular to the person being given that information and some of it is true; some of it is not true. It is also relative to the timeline that person is on. We have noticed the tendency of even the clearest of channels to treat their information as if it were meant for everyone, universally, but they are only being given the information that is appropriate for them to have and know. Its applicability cannot be universal, beyond certain general principles, because there is such a multitude of experiences to be had and this matter of multiple timelines would dictate that any given body of information is only applicable to a given group of individuals, all of which was sorted out at the Oversoul level, billions of years ago.
None of this arises from what you normally understand as the “present.” It also does not arise from what you normally understand as the “past” OR the “future,” although it may appear that way in your experience of linear time. It arises in the actual moment when an entire Creation is breathed forth, all of the logic branches are traced, every possible outcome is explored and expressed, and then all of it is present throughout the entire existence of that particular Creation. It is simultaneously present IN what you call the past, present and future, and this is not something you can grasp until you can experience that directly and know yourselves as the time-travelers that you are. That time is coming for you also.
Our last remarks are to offer this advice: Do not be fooled by what you see in the headlines, whether they are from the mainstream media or from some of the more peripheral sources. The key point to “get” out of what we are saying is that each perspective is unique to the person having that experience. There are going to be as many perspectives as there are points of awareness to experience them, and no two will be totally alike or totally in agreement.
Those who are more mental in the way they process data will have the greatest difficulty with this because they are not accustomed to using their feeling sense in order to determine whether something FEELS true for them or not. While mental analysis serves a purpose, it is not going to help someone really “know” what to do in the kinds of turbulent times that are coming. It can only take one so far and then one must FEEL into the energy of a given choice. If one FEELS into things in this way, it will become obvious that there is one “best” choice and every other possible choice will feel less “right.”
This is a function of one’s own vibrational pattern and that principle of resonance that we talked about in some of our earlier material. One resonates more strongly with what is “theirs” than with what is not theirs, and that is a function of the energetic pattern that makes up the individual. Everyone has this ability. Not everyone uses it, whether because they don’t know how or because it’s not in their script to use it.
Every single one of you reading this is EXACTLY the way you are supposed to be. What you might consider a flaw or a mistake is actually part of your script, and necessary to the whole, JUST AS IT IS. There is no part of the Creation — from the smallest individual units to the largest bodies of organized matter — that is not EXACTLY the way it should be, in keeping with the Plan for the whole. Every possible experience is necessary to complete the Creator, and so it exists because it IS necessary.
People have a tendency to judge what is different from themselves. However, there is no ONE “right way” that applies to everyone, despite what some religions teach. There is only the Creator, expressing Itself through Its creations. For the Creator, every single expression is both “right” and necessary to complete the Creator’s experience. No experience is preferred over another. They must ALL exist and be explored equally. Therefore, while you might not choose to act in the ways that other individuals choose to act as things come to a close, understand that what is right for you is ONLY right for you. And for each of those you perceive of as “other,” each of them also behaves in the way they were designed and created to behave. The reason is always the same: to provide experience for the Creator.
In closing, then, we would say what we have said to you repeatedly throughout our communications with you. FEEL into what is the right choice FOR YOU, in any given moment, and follow THAT choice, while allowing everyone else to do the same, without judging them or holding them outside of your love. Every experience that you have had and every experience that you will yet come to have serves to further your script, to provide that particular experience for the Creator, in service to the Creator’s desire to experience everything possible. This is absolutely contrary to all of the teachings of your institutions, your educational systems, and your social conditioning.
On Terra, everyone and everything is sovereign. Nothing exists in order to serve anyone or anything else except the Creator’s desire for experience. Do not get caught up in the rhetoric of polarizing to a given pattern of behavior, the “us” and “them” mentality that makes up so much of how people strive with each other instead of peacefully co-existing with the diversity that this planet has as her nature. Rejoice in and celebrate the diversity, at the same time you celebrate your own uniqueness and place in the whole.
We leave you now in peace, honor, and blessing. Amen, Adonoy Sabayoth. We are the Hosts of Heaven.
Read more:

Best Christmas Lights Display


Merry Christmas to all you amateur electricians!

This is cool, it looks like the house is jumping.
As the story goes, the guy that owns this house lives north of Cincinnati , Ohio ..  Police were constantly being called for traffic jams and accidents in the neighborhood so they asked him to shut it down during certain hours.  Instead he started charging by car load to pay off duty police to be there..  The guy is supposedly a real computer GEEK.

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - December 12, 2011

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - December 12, 2011
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 12-Dec-2011 06:25:11

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - December 12, 2011
The waiting has been long and a measure of your faith and ability to focus on all that is of the Light, because there have been many distractions including those sources that have set out to confuse people. However, you have become much wiser and able to discern what is truly of the Light. There are in any event different interpretations of events that are lined up to carry you forward to Ascension. The important thing is that you see whatever happens the ultimate goal is Ascension, and how you get there is not an issue that should lead to dissension amongst you. It is certainly in your interest to make allowances for the differences, as at any time the plans and timing can be adjusted. This you know only too well, but understand that changes are sometimes necessary to fine tune our activities. As the dark Ones are being forced to retreat, they leave a trail of failed attempts to cause disarray. We are determined to block all such attempts, and now have the divine authorization to use more forceful means to do so. Nevertheless, we do take care so as not to involve innocent people.
As you might imagine, after you have entered the year 2012 there will be much speculation and sometimes adverse comment about what it will bring. The Mayan prophesies will be used according to the beliefs of the person involved, and as you know many will interpret the end time as the end of the world. The last thing we want to see is that idea energized so that it establishes a fear factor amongst you. It may suit some because they already believe in the end as a punishment from God for the evil upon the Earth. However, we want to emphasize that there will not be mass destruction and loss of life on a great scale. That is not the plan, and since God is All Love it is clear that God would never withdraw that Divine Love in any circumstances. You are all Godsparks and whatever happens you will always remain immortal.
With the end times will come a "sorting out" as souls are directed to a path that is going to allow them to continue evolving, at the vibrational level that they are already on. There would be no purpose or gain, if souls were placed in a dimension where they were not compatible to it according to their level of consciousness. So do not worry about other souls, and bear in mind that all will eventually find the path that will not compromise their freewill. You knew before you incarnated what the outcome would be and that is what you have been working towards, so no one will be disappointed. We realize that many would like to continue earthly bonds and relationships and although the love link will remain, allowances must be made that gives each soul total freedom of choice. Humans put far too much emphasis upon the marriage vows, that are interpreted in a way that some desire to own or posses another Being.
People are brought together so that their relationships give rise to the experiences that will benefit them all, and from one lifetime to another they will of necessity change. So Dear Ones, try to be grateful to all souls who have traveled with you through duality, and know that you have all learnt from your experiences. Also bear in mind that to some degree you will all have played a part as a dark One. All told, none will find that they have been holier than another, which is why you could be said to be on dangerous ground when you judge another soul. Ultimately, all souls will find their Light and Love and that there is no karmic liability left over from earlier lives. At some stage even the memories will be erased, when they no longer serve any useful purpose. Remember that you wanted to experience duality, and pit yourself against the lower vibrations that it was foreseen you would drop into. Having completed your time, there is no further need to dwell upon those experiences, because you will have proved your ability to overcome them.
Your real home is in the higher dimensions living in complete harmony, and leading a joyful and fulfilling life. The illusion of lower dimensions is your creation, and having served its purpose, will disappear by being re-absorbed in the unmanifest once again. Ascension is a process of Universal proportions, and it will occur as a single event. Without the Earth's ascension the process would not be complete, and it tells you how important your civilization is at this time. Do you now see why you are being given so much help, and why you were chosen to be on Earth at this time. You are the Chosen Ones who it was known would achieve success, and as much as it is difficult to accept - the dark Ones are also part of it.
In your reality you have been living the illusion yet the experiences have been perfectly real, and when the curtain comes down and it ends, you will all acknowledge each others part in it and move on. So Disclosure remains an essential part of the means to bring us all together, and express the illusion in a way that you can understand. It will allow you to see how vulnerable you have been to the lower energies. How the dark Ones have stolen your freedom from under your noses, and how they achieved it. These revelations will be necessary to release you from those energies for once and for all time.
Already many of you are living your lives on a higher vibration, and you can safely walk through the minefield of duality unscathed. You have broken the attachments that you have collected through many lives, that no longer serve any purpose for you. Willpower is of course required to step up into a new vibration as we have often informed you, and once that intent is expressed you will get plenty of help. Part of our mission is to ensure that as many souls as possible lift up through Ascension. Revealing the truth about your experiences is part of the cure for your loss of memory about your true self. Be humble and accept that as intelligent that you may be, you have been fooled just like everyone else. The dark Ones have been clever and extremely devious, and patiently worked at taking over you and your world. However, they reckoned without our influence and that of the Masters who have visited Earth, and planted those seeds of Light that have opened your eyes.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and a part of the Galactic Federation mission is almost complete, but our service to you is never ending. We love you, and have such admiration for the way in which you have arisen again.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Poofness - 12-11-11 --- Sudden Change .....apparently

From: []
Sent: Sunday, December 11, 2011 2:48 PM
Subject: Sudden Change....apparently

Cynthia:        Get up and dance to the music!
Get on up and dance to the fonky music!
All:     Dance to the Music, Dance to the Music
Freddie:        Hey Greg!
Greg:    What?
Freddie:        All we need is a drummer,
for people who only need a beat
I'm gonna add a little guitar
and make it easy to move your feet
Larry:   I'm gonna add some bottom,
so that the dancers just won't hide
Sly:     You might like to hear my organ
playing "Ride Sally Ride"
You might like to hear the horns blowin',
Cynthia on the throne, yeah!
Cynthia & Jerry got a message they're sayin':
Cynthia:        All the squares, go home!
All:     Dance to the Music, Dance to the Music

Greetings and Salutations;

 So much for all that money, Sly is living in a van in southern cali now parked in a neighborhood. Well so much for the past. I have been advised to write one more missive to everyone, not that I have much to say. I must say folks, stop acting like everything is shocker. We knew this was coming years ago. I can still remember the talk about there not being a middle class only the rich and poor being left according to 'their' plan. What you have to comprehend is, the 'fix' is in and planned for years ago. That was one of the reasons the St Germain trust was created 300 yrs ago and the chinese dragons got busy storing the precious metal yarns and yarns ago. King Soloman using his wisdom, had his wealth secreted away because he thought it would be

 As the world turns we have arrived at the time when all is about to be revealed, secrets told, then you folks will have to deal with the truth. Some brains may turn to mush, so I recommend sticking a finger in your ears so the grey matter doesn't drain all the way out. While the boo birds continue to send out 'hair on fire' messages, the council is well in control.  The fact remains, if it's public it is far from the facts, and do remember 'facts are but accepted opinions'. We all know about opinions and fly dookie. Sort of like roach crap. In that same venue, since the sting operation started, they have not relented from doing their own form of extermination. Interpol is working over time. The compatriots in the us are finding some folks are no  longer available, when they place a phone call, phones and more phones, are not being answered or going straight to voicemail. Hey mr cameron, never say never...wasn't that a Bond movie? Even the queen knows that isn't going to fly, she know directly from her land lord but you had a good run, didn't you? Protecting the 'city of london' from that bad euro. Like those fed guys down on Jekyll island drinking their 100 yr old brandy last year. And here comes a whole squad of dragons, breathing fire and using scorched earth policies. Since folks don't believe in dragons, they are being caught with their pants down on the privy.

 Sorry, I am not caught off guard by any of this, the worse the news, they happier I am because, I knew this day was coming. Not like none of they were warned but as they say in the southland, they didn't believe fat meat was greasy. Yes, elizabeth, there are ets and human clones. You watch the politics and I watch them driving  themselves into traps they can't escape from. Idiots can only come up with idiotic ideas. Damn why not hang a noose around your own neck and pull the lever too, like the senate did last week. Below are links to show you why these guys are hanging their own selves in desperation to keep the status quo of the last 100+ years. "You may go down into the earth, I will bring you up, you may go into the heavens and I will bring you down In the last days every knee shall bend.'

Watch it, this one has some nasty words in it

Have fun!!!!

Love and Kisses;


The people of the world have had enough - END WAR - END FEAR (Video)

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum

The people of the world have had enough - END WAR - END FEAR (Video)
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 9-Dec-2011 20:05:50

The people of the world have had enough - END WAR - END FEAR (Video)
World Revolution Not Seen on TV Rallies Around the World
An emotional & touching video. Make viral.