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The people of the world have had enough - END WAR - END FEAR (Video)
![]() The people of the world have had enough - END WAR - END FEAR (Video) World Revolution Not Seen on TV Rallies Around the World An emotional & touching video. Make viral. |
...part2....(....) When Stephen Harper and Barack Obama refer to “common security border arrangements”they actually mean‘NO BORDER’.There would no longer be an international boundary between the United States and Canada, if the United States government through Homeland Security, effectively controlled the Canadian border, along with national security arrange-ments and the oversight of the implementation of domestic laws including those on privacy. The Harper government is selling-out the complete package of the remainder on Canadian sovereignty, ....(...) For Americans, the so-called North American Union would amount to the replacement of the American Constitution, with a continent-wide neo-fascist state, presided by the elites who act as the puppeteers of the Obama regime. It is apparent that both Stephen Harper and Barack Obama are students of the technique which Leo Strauss called the “Big Lie”. Leo Strauss was ironically a Jew, who was inspired by the “Big Lie”.... Stephen Harper’s claim that the legal fiction of the so-called “North American Security Perimeter” has “nothing to do with sovereignty, is laughable. The Stephen Harper government, according to Dr. John Lash’s insights on could be considered a government of ‘archons’ ....which in turn is being propped-up by opposition parties infiltrated by archons, and a mass-media under the apparent spell of archons. .(....)
MetaHistory - Gaia and Gnosis, Deeper Ecology, Planetary ...Metahistory introduces a once and future myth about humanity, the story of Sophia and Planetary Tantra, telestics, rite action, and interactive magic with Gaia. - //L’Arbre et la Source.Logo et Credo de Metahistory, John Lamb Lash, Traduction par Dominique Guillet de l'essai "Tree and Well. The Logo and Credo of Metahistory''...... - L’harmonie des sphères. Le blog de l’éveil de la conscience et de ses mystères dévoilés ... L’Arbre et la Source (extraits) Logo et Credo de Metahistory. John Lamb Lash - Metahistory: The Historical Imagination in Nineteenth-Century Europe is a historiography book by Hayden White first published in 1973, -
....(....) I characterize the teachings and practices comprised in the visionary scenario of Planetary Tantra, as a terma, a wisdom treasure. The name of this terma in Tibetan, is Dorje Namkhai Khandro Nying Thig, "Seminal Heart of the Diamond-Sky Dakinis." In plain English, the Terma of Gaia Awakening. inclined to explore and elaborate this material, which originates with me, but will not confined to my exposition. This is a serial, group-generated terma with a duration of 208 years from October 2008 when I received the secret dakini name for Gaia, the name She will answer to. - JLL, July 2009 Andalucia. // John Lash is the only scholar of comparative mythology so far known to have rewritten a classical myth, giving it a different outcome: Orpheus and Eurydice. His published works are: The Seeker's Handbook (1991),Twins and the Double/1993, The Hero - Manhood and Power (1995),Quest for the Zodiac (1999),Not in His Image(2006),
......part3.....GNOSTIQUE.The new folder named Gnostique (formerly /VIEWS) contains essays arranged in five categories: Metacritique, The Archon Files, Tar Baby Jesus, Telestics, and The Gnostic Castaneda. Each of these sections comprises a complete book of research-based interpretative material. //......./The Archon Files: The ET/Archon Navigator, Alien Dreaming: The Enigma of the Archons, is a foundation essay on the Archons featured in the Sophianic vision of the telestai, the seers who ran the Pagan Mysteries, including illustrations of the fractal generation of the alien species, and reference to the Annunaki script, the Sumerian scenario of alien intervention. The Gnostic Theory of Alien Intrusion - brief note on how alien or ET presence is treated, in the Gnostic Coptic materials surviving from Nag Hammadi and elsewhere. The ET Deception - written, following my Coast to Coast interview in 2006, focussing on the insanity of the Biblical father god, and the virus of salvationist religion attributed by Gnostics to alien mind parasites. Christianity -- Extraterrestrial Religion? - further exploration of how the Gnostic expose of Christianity as an ET-inspired religion, that alienates us from our empathic and imagination bond to Gaia-Sophia. Kundalini and the Alien Force, is one of the most important essays on this site, if I do say so myself. It describes in detail the Gnostic practices of sacred sexuality used to enforce immunity ...... against alien psychic influence. Nine Theories of Extraterrestrial Contact, is a summary of diverse views, positive and negative, on alien intrusion.A Gnostic Catechism, presents testimony on Archontic intrusion, and how to resist it from The First Apocalypse of James (NHC V, 3). The Promise of a Lonely Planet, is a three-part essay closely related to the material under Gaia-Sophia, and presents advanced commentary on it. Here is another view on the emergence of our alien cosmic cousins, the Archons, more on the teleography of the Aeon Sophia, and exploratory suggestions on the tricky issue of the human archetype/genome, the Anthropos. 1. Star Birth and Stimulation describes the "cosmic abortion" of the Archons, the birth of the sun, and the deviant factor of simulation in human reality. 2, The Passion of Sophia, more on the fall of the Aeon Sophia, the emergence of the sun and moon, and the problems posed by the capture of the earth-sun-moon in the planetary system. 3, Stalking the Anthropos, on the cosmic archetype of humanity, Star People versus intrusive aliens, and other enigmatic matters concerning how we view ourselves as a species. "You Are the Plague" -A Review of the Matrix, indicating how the concept of the Matrix fits theGnostic warning, that humanity can isolate itself in a simulated world.Who Wrote the Reptilian Agenda, offers my view that the Sumerian Annunaki scenario of extraterrestrial intrusion, the mother of all intervention myths, is a channeled text presenting fantasy material, rather than a literal account of actual events. Click here to continue the SPOKEN TOUR (part 3).
/Tar Baby Jesus: This term comes from a conversation with Jay Weidner in Amsterdam, when we discussed the diverse claims for the historical identity of Jesus. I noted that anyone who tackles that topic, comes away contaminated by it: "Jesus is the tar baby in the study of the history of religions."
...part4..... Terror is T+error,error spelled with a T-cross. Gnostics warned of a tendency to mental deviance in our species, which they called: plané, "error, going astray." In salvationist belief, they detected the evidence and agency of this deviance. The seers of the Mysteries were accomplished theologians, who opposed the Judeo-Christian idol of the divine redeemer, because it glorifies suffering, and undermines our rapturous bond with the earth, Sophia embodied. Salvationist faith, is the mainstay of global terrorism. .....(....)
METAHISTORY, S i t e G u i d e. TOPICS: Guidelines Reading Lexicon Alternative Grail Psychonautics Lydia's Well Gnostique Gaia-Sophia Magdalene Living Myth Sky Lore 2012 Shift Rite Action. .... Introduced in May 2008, this 13th and final category of, contains so far just a single essay on Contra-Violence and Warrior Ethics. In that essay, I question the notion of karma as a reward and punishment system, and I argue that accountability can only be voluntary, never imposed or enforced. I define contra-violence, as distinguished from the non-violent resistence of Gandhi and others, and suggest an approach to rite action through owning the force of transpersonal rage. ......At the moment of completing this revamped site guide, December 2009, I have no idea how or when I will resume writing on the practice of contra-violence through rite action, i.e., ritualized expression of transpersonal rage directed at specific targets, including individual persons, with intent harm, neutralize, and eliminate.
"Love didn't get the species into this mess, ........" JLL to Lydia, Sept 2009
"Truth on human terms has a half-life of five seconds." Lydia to JLL, Dec 2009 ////
Reader Robert: 'We're talking about the removal of the "entities" that have manipulated and controlled ...' Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail] Date: Sat, 10-Dec-2011 14:18:50....(...) But I do agree, there is a lot more going on than Littly Timmy, Barry, the Fed etc. Actually, it goes much higher than the Rothschilds, even the Vatican. That being said, it is good to remind others -- like Casper -- there is a lot more going on..... We all have to understand, we are in the final war, it's a battle for this planet. We're talking about the removal of the "entities" that have manipulated and controlled this reality for a very long time. I will leave it at this: I personally have encountered these entities, and I am surrounded by warriors, incl. myself, who are fighting them, OK. They are very nasty, evil, and all chips are in. You have no idea until you and your family have come under attack. We have. But... We are winning. Victory is 100% guaranteed. On that note of confidence, "the old" thinking they have 3 years, is nothing more than a superbly hilarious pipe dream or really bad disinformation. It's IMPOSSIBLE. Best, Robert ~
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