Saturday, June 30, 2012

The opinion of the Supreme Court, for reading

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

The opinion of the Supreme Court, for reading
Posted By: Freedom4ever [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 30-Jun-2012 03:00:14

Thank you Joseph...
I have downloaded the opinion of the Supreme Court, for reading. In addition to the writing for the Court of Roberts, I have posted the dissenting opinion of Scalia, Ginsburg wrote the most lengthy opinion, but she is a socialist and not worthy of being read, forget her..
My blog is at
and the dissent here:

David Rockefeller Thanks Mass Media

Alcuin Bramerton Twitter .. WikiLeaks Master Mirror Sites .. #1ab archive
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Picture: The Western mainstream media at work

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during these years."

"But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."
(David Rockefeller)

Picture: My name is television. Predatory hands emerging from TV screen.

My name is Television
And I spit in your face.

The more time you spend
My calculated froth
And manipulative bubble,
The more your intelligence
Is diminished,
The more your immune systems
Are weakened,
And the more my subliminal
Control messages
Raise your fears
And remove your money.

My name is Television.
I foment fear,
I foment anxiety,
I purvey insecurity,
I huckster shifting images
Of universal bad news,
Loud images
Of angry voices,
Persistent images
Of helpless victims,
Unavoidable images
Of starvation among plenty,
Of disease among wholeness,
And of poverty among abundance.

I amplify
Your sense of unsafeness
And looming victimhood,
And the encroaching evil
Of the other.
I amplify
Your sense of the enemy.

My name is Television.

first class action lawsuit in Canadian history to name as co-defendants the Vatican, the Crown of England, Canada and its churches, and big pharmaceutical companies

Historic Lawsuit to be Filed in Federal Court Against Church and Crown Posted on June 29, 2012 by itccs

Toronto, Canada:

A joint media release by The Association of Citizen Prosecutors (ACP) and The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) is to be released on "Canada Day", July 1, 2012.

It announces the first class action lawsuit in Canadian history to name as co-defendants the Vatican, the Crown of England, Canada and its churches, and big pharmaceutical companies, all of which are accused of crimes against humanity and criminal conspiracy.

The lawsuit is brought by Jason Bowman of the ACP and Rev. Kevin Annett of the ITCCS, on behalf of a group of many others.

The lawsuit will be explained in detail at a press conference held on the date of filing at the Federal Court Building, on Wednesday, July 4 at 1 pm EST at 180 Queen Street West in Toronto.

A copy of the July 1 press statement is attached.

"Victims of church, state and big pharma are finally uniting to put an end to their terror" said Kevin Annett today.

"Among other plaintiffs in our class action will be survivors of Canada's genocide against native people, who have never had their day in court. The whitewash is over. More than 50,000 murdered children will finally be confronting Canada and the Catholic, Anglican and United Church, and placing them all on trial".

For information contact Jason Bowman at 705-250-0221 and Kevin Annett at 250-591-4573.
ACP Main Branch: 140 Victoria Street East, Alliston, ON L9R 1K6 | tel.
/ fax (705) 250-0221

July12012ACPITCCSJointPressReleaseStatement (7)

Category Association of Citizen Prosecutors, Canada, Charges Laid, Countries, Legal Background Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.



Subject: : SAVE THE DOLPHINS Everyone Send This To George Noory, He is X Navy

Just  recieved  this :

This is so scary and heartbreaking. Please sign and pass this on to as many people as you can, and post it on your facebook! We all have a network of folks, so hope you'll pass this on to them.

The Navy is required to include comments on their Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) re: the use of high frequency underwater sound for testing in Hawaii and off the coast of California. According to their estimates it will deafen 11,200 whales and dolphins and kill 1,600 more over the next 7 years. Whales and dolphins depend on sound to navigate and live. Your signature and comment will have to be included in the EIS and could stop this Naval program, potentially saving the lives of these ocean creatures. The comments must be in by July 10, 2012.

That's why I signed a petition to U.S. Navy EIS Comments, which says:

"Stop the killing of 1,600 whales and dolphins and the deafening of 11,200 more by ceasing the operation of the Navy's underwater sound system in the Hawaiian Islands and California coastline."

Will you sign this petition? Click here:


The strange new world of Nanoscience

distributed via chem trails to deposit themselves in us humans ...........

The strange new world of Nanoscience, narrated by Stephen Fry

Uploaded by CambridgeUniversity on Feb 15, 2010
Winner Best short film at the Scinema Science film festival 2010.

Where and what is nano? How will it shape our future? Nanoscience is the study of phenomena and manipulation of materials at the nanoscale, where properties differ significantly from those at a larger scale. The strange world of nanoscience - it can take you into atoms and beyond the stars.

On Green Light, The Event, and Drake

On Green Light, The Event, and Drake BY THE GOLDEN RULE  29 June 2012

On Green Light, The Event, and Drake

29 June 2012

I was having a  bit of writer’s block yesterday, actually going so far as to do a 15 minute audio recording last night that I ended up not liking. Fact is, the information seems to be coming so fast now I am just having a delay in processing time as I digest the news.  Everyone seems to feel an acceleration, a quickening of events so it’s important to step back and fit the puzzle pieces together.  Some call this the “big picture,” and we’ve been hearing some lofty claims of very positive shifts happening…SOON.  Turns out I posted an article in haste which has so many gold nuggets buried, it took a day for them to shine through.

At the bottom of this post, Drake has posted a new note regarding theGREENLIGHT he issued which has been discussed since he began giving broadcasts.  This was given officially around 8:20 EST Wednesday night, and is posted at his blog American National Militia.  Before you read it though, try and keep these key points in mind, as I think they must be telling us something critical.

It’s the economy, silly!

Yesterday I posted an article from Reuters which has been mentioned in many places but didn’t receive quite the attention I thought it should, especially for all those “aware” of the mass arrest scenario.  If you haven’t read this article, take 20 minutes and really read it over carefully.  It took me 2 or 3 read overs to fully grasp the immensity of what it was suggesting;
The article, entitled “Big banks craft ‘living wills’ in case they fail,” dives right into it immediately:
Five of the biggest banks in the United States are putting finishing touches on plans for going out of business as part of government-mandated contingency planning that could push them to untangle their complex operations.
The plans, known as living wills, are due to regulators no later thanJuly 1 under provisions of the Dodd-Frank financial reform lawdesigned to end too-big-to-fail bailouts by the government. The living wills could be as long as 4,000 pages
Did I hear that right? End too-big-to-fail bailouts by the government?  They continue…
Since the law allows regulators to go so far as to order a bank to divest subsidiaries if it cannot plan an orderly resolution in bankruptcy, the deadline is pushing even healthy institutions to start a multi-year process to untangle their complex global operations, according to industry consultants.
“The resolution process is now going to be part of the cost-benefit analysis on where banks will do business,” said Dan Ryan, leader of the financial services regulatory practice at PricewaterhouseCoopers in New York. “The complexity of the organizations will shrink.“
For those scared of the world bank and the international corporate banking institutions – well – we’ve already had that haven’t we?  This is what we want to deconstruct. That’s been the mechanism so far, and here it is in mainstream news that there is some kind of July 1 Deadline, whereby a 4,000 page document is being tendered to shrink the complexity of these organizations. Follow me?
But wait, there’s more…
JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N), Bank of America Corp (BAC.N), Citigroup Inc (C.N), Goldman Sachs & Co (GS.N) and Morgan Stanley (MS.N) are among those submitting the first liquidation scenarios to regulators at the Federal Reserve and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp, according to people familiar with the matter.
The five firms, which declined to discuss their plans for this story, have some of the biggest balance sheets, trading desks and derivatives portfolios of financial institutions in the United States.
This is a stunning statement!  The biggest banks on the planet are the first to submit 4,000 page plans for liquidation scenarios but declined to comment on them!  Why isn’t CNN, FOX, or MSNBC going crazy over this?  I believe Drake said in his broadcast that things will get so immense, “they won’t have a choice.” Alex Jones, Gerald Celente and many others have covered the derivatives mess for years.  When it comes to financial tyranny, derivatives are THE WEAPON OF CHOICE for enslavement and takeover – also known as the housing bubble and foreclosure crisis, IMF bank loans et al.  Yet in this one article this seems to be addressed:
If the extensive planning and review process works as proponents hope, big banks will become less hazardous to the public and regulators will be more confident that they can let wounded institutions die without wrecking the economy.
In congressional hearings earlier this month, JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon said that the bank’s contingency plan for going out of business would let it fail without cost to taxpayers.

Skip to 5:40 for the quote

I’m no fan of JP Morgan and certainly not Jamie Dimon, but this is a stark contrast to what we heard from similar figureheads in 2008…

The tune has changed. The tables, turned.  


Under the Dodd-Frank Act, banks and regulators must imagine liquidations in two different ways. The first is through bankruptcy courts with banks negotiating with their creditors. This is the going-out-of-business method planned in the living wills due July 1. The living wills must include how subsidiaries inforeign jurisdictions will be liquidated.
These gems keep shining through and help corroborate a lot of what Drake has been saying. More specifically, he has said they will be seizing control of the collateral accounts which are the basis upon which the whole fiat debt system has been propagated.  These accounts, which are specifically addressed in the Neil Keenan lawsuit are amounts of historic Gold and other “prosperity funds” that were stolen from we the people, and Reuters makes mention of it right here in black and white!
The second way is through a new kind of liquidation process in which the FDIC takes control of putting a financial giant down. This method has more flexibility than is allowed in bankruptcy courts, but still uses critical information collected in the banks’ living wills, such as where exactly to find collateral.
One of the other key points in “the plan” as I understand it, is that eventually the top of the pyramid would actually step forward and announce who they are, a la Nuremberg trials or as Ben Fulford puts it, a “truth and reconciliation committee” in a semi-televised manner.  Again, Reuters reports:
The rules for crafting the living wills are 74 pages long, including an explanatory supplement. The plans could even include drafts of press releases showing how the banks would announce that they are going out of business, Herring said.
Bearing all this in mind, there are so many other key economic bullet points which indicate a very bumpy next few days.
Recently Lord Christopher Monckton reported that the G20 meeting in Rio de Janeiro was focused not on humanitarian efforts, but instead how they will go about clamping down the entire planet.  This tiny group of people are struggling to maintain their suppression of a growing and rapidly awakening humanity.  Watch Monckton break it down below:
In no less dramatic fashion, Lyndon Larouche released an audio blog on June 26, entitled “Our Enemies Could End Civilization This Weekend.”  Give it a listen or continue on below for my comments.
Yes, he was referring to June 28-July 1, 2012.

to watch the video

Larouche has long been a proponent of reinstating Glass-Steagall which is specifically referenced in the aforementioned Reuters article.  This rule was the original safety mechanism which prevented the banks from becoming gambling houses, as they have become in recent years.  LaRouche writes and speaks of this particular rule as a way to sever the US monetary system from the private foreign central banking system and re-establish a national credit system.  Yet again, Reuters reports that these regulations would take ques from this exact rule!
Larouche has long been a proponent of reinstating Glass-Steagall which is specifically referenced in the aforementioned Reuters article.  This rule was the original safety mechanism which prevented the banks from becoming gambling houses, as they have become in recent years.  LaRouche writes and speaks of this particular rule as a way to sever the US monetary system from the private foreign central banking system and re-establish a national credit system.  Yet again, Reuters reports that these regulations would take ques from this exact rule!
Lyndon has some pretty strong things to say about what might be a crummy weekend, even going so far as to say “stock up on toilet paper” and cites the imminent plans between Geithner and Bernanke to seek additional printing of money to bail out Europe.   This would come in the form of a long predicted stimulus program called Quantitative Easing 3 or QE3.  His report is detailed here. This program has been LOUDLY anticipated by a whole host of extremely well respected analysts including Peter Schiff, Jim Sinclair, James Turk, Eric Sprott and others.  This “stimulus” is the only facility available to provide the funds necessary to prop up the Eurozone.  This was always the plan! Destroy Europe, and have Americans pay for it.

Geithner and Bernanke Demand New Mega-Bailout of Europe:

Capitol Hill sources have confirmed that Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke are demanding that Congress prepare emergency legislation for yet another hyperinflationary bailout of the hopelessly bankrupt trans-Atlantic financial system. For the past week, the two men have been meeting secretly with leading Congressional Democrats and Republicans, demanding that they draft new legislation to bailout the banks on an even larger scale than after the 2008 collapse.

What’s Next for the Dollar? QE3?
According to several congressional sources, Geithner and Bernanke have pledged that they will do everything in their power to flood European banks with bailout funds through the Federal Reserve, but they candidly admit that it may be impossible, and that congressional action may be required. If the crisis hits, they warn, there must be legislation already prepared, because the speed and magnitude of the crisis may require extraordinary intervention to “save the system.”Continue Reading
Last and not least – on April 22, 2012 Forbes reported China would begin purchasing oil from Iran in gold on June 28, 2012 bringing a de facto endto the US Dollar as the world’s reserve currency.  In response, world renowned Gold analyst Jim Sinclair stated:
Dear CIGAs,
The implications of China paying for Iranian oil in gold is the most important event in the modern history of gold
1. It is reasonable to assume that China has been threatened with total or at least selective exclusion from the SWIFT system if it pays in any currency for Iranian oil.
2. Gold has been decided by China as the means of making payment for massive international purchases free of the SWIFT system.
3. Other Asian and Middle Eastern nations will now see the gold they hold as money free of Western economic interference.
4. Gold now is not only money free of liability, but also free from interference regarding settlement by the long arm of Western influence.
5. The SWIFT system is becoming ever more a weapon of Western international political will.
6. In case of war anywhere, it is now demonstrated for all to see that only gold will buy the materials required. Paper currencies are under the SWIFT system’s control in settlement.
7. Far from being a barbaric relic, gold is now clearly the money of state survival in every sense.
8. It is reasonable and possible for the supply of physical gold to fall far behind the size of the massive short positions now common to algorithm and hedge fund paper shorts. That will make an effective cover at a reasonable price as compared to a certain day’s close impossible the following day on an exogenous event.
9. It may not be possible to use TA of any nature to determine a price of overvaluation for gold. Should the USA decide to take on China in full out economic war with the physical market totally illiquid, such as through isolation from the SWIFT system, consider the gold price that might result.
Make up your own mind.
All I know is that the anticipation in the air is so thick you could nearly cut it with a butter knife. Whether you are fully conscious or still very much asleep, a momentous point in time is now undeniable for the majority of people.   Ultimately 2012 will be about finding your own individual truth amidst peaceably fitting it in with the collective.  Then, we can co-create as one…
With that said, a Native American proverb seems apropo;

“It takes 1,000 voices to tell a single story.”

Breaking => Lawsuit Filed Against Convicted Felon George Soros & Donald Trump ~ Colluded In Multi $Billion Money Laundering/Bankruptcy Fraud Scheme

Breaking => Lawsuit Filed Against Convicted Felon George Soros & Donald Trump ~ Colluded In Multi $Billion Money Laundering/Bankruptcy Fraud Scheme

NEW YORK, NY – Law Offices of David H. Relkin, Esq. on behalf of Leslie Dick Worldwide Ltd. has filed a Federal RICO Complaint in theUnited States District Court for the Southern District of New York (Case No. 08-CV-7900) against George Soros, Deutsche Bank, Vornado Realty TrustFortress Investment GroupDonald J. Trump & 12 other RICO conspirators for $4.2 Billion in damages.
Excerpts from the 95 page RICO (Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act) and Bid Rigging Complaint follow:
The action seeks to recover damages arising out of an ongoing, global RICO Enterprise which engaged in predicate acts of a pattern of racketeering and conspiracy to commit RICO, through and by means of Money Laundering, Bankruptcy Fraud, and Bid Rigging. ¶1.
The RICO conspiracy of the defendants was to invest in, operate, and acquire control of various entities involved in continuing fraudulent transactions and surreptitious and conspiratorial alliances and agreements through unlawful means, including but not limited to Money Laundering, Bankruptcy Fraud, and Bid Rigging, acquired Conseco’s prime assets, including Conseco Finance and the General Motors Building in New York City, and thereafter attempted to conceal their illicit activities.
Conseco’s Purchase of The General Motors Building With Donald J. Trump
In or about May 1998, Conseco and Donald J. Trump entered into a contract to purchase the General Motors Building in New York City, located at 767 Fifth Avenue between 57th and 58th Street, across the street from the Plaza Hotel.
The unlawful Money Laundering through the sale of the General Motors Building, orchestrated and carried out by the RICO Enterprise, including George Soros, Soros Fund Management, SFM Management, Vornado Realty Trust, German American Capital, Fortress Investment Group, Donald J. Trump, and the RICO conspirators Conseco, Deutsche Bank, Lazard, Eastdil Realty, Harry Macklowe, Cerberus Capital Management, Lazard, Kirkland & Ellis, Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson, Carmel Fifth and 767 Manager, and, upon information and belief, other members of the Enterprise and co-conspirators, operated through a pattern of racketeering and forms one of the cornerstones of the defendants’ illicit activities of Money Laundering and Bankruptcy Fraud, predicate acts of RICO alleged herein and Bid Rigging.
The Orchestrated Dispute Regarding The General Motors Building Between Conseco And Donald J. Trump
Upon information and belief, this was because, at or about the beginning of March 2001, the mastermind of the RICO Enterprise, George Soros, had contacted, among others to be found in discovery, Gary C. Wendt and Donald J. Trump to contrive a Money Laundering scheme to launder money through the sale of the General Motors Building by Conseco, a co-conspirator, through a pattern of racketeering activity.
Behind The Scenes Of The General Motors Dispute Soros And Conseco Implement The RICO Activity
Upon information and belief, on June 7, 2002 Conseco retained Lazard to assist it with its grave financial difficulties. Lazard would later participate in the RICO conspiracy to analyze the value of Conseco Finance and provide such information to the RICO Enterprise including, Fortress Financial, to enable the RICO Enterprise to acquire and maintain an interest in Conseco’s affiliate Conseco Finance.
Upon information and belief, at or about this time, the head of the Enterprise, George Soros, or someone else acting on behalf of the Enterprise, began implementing the pattern of racketeering activities which could be accomplished by having Conseco file for Bankruptcy protection under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code, so as to acquire Conseco’s assets at a discount price, including Conseco Finance and the General Motors Building and launder money through these entities.
During secret negotiations that ensued between the members of the RICO Enterprise and its co-conspirators,the RICO Enterprise engaged in a pattern of racketeering activity involving interstate commerce to acquire an interest in Conseco, to invest proceeds of a pattern of racketeering activities in Conseco, and to conduct the affairs of Conseco through a pattern of racketeering, through Money Laundering, Bankruptcy Fraud and Bid Rigging.
The next maneuver in the pattern of racketeering was to use the RICO Enterprise to ensure the sale of the General Motors Building to the co-conspirator designee of the Enterprise, Harry Macklowe, so that Soros could launder money through the rigged sale of General Motors Building.
George Soros And His Pattern of Money Laundering Activities In Interstate Commerce
Upon information and belief, George Soros is the Chairman of Soros Fund Management, a private investment management firm that serves as a principal advisor to the Quantum Group of Funds, based in the tax free Caribbean Country of Curaçao, a Caribbean tax haven, and a possession of the Netherlands Antilles.¶173.
Upon information and belief, the Netherland Antilles has repeatedly been cited by the Task Force on Money Laundering of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development as one of the world’s most important centers for laundering illegal proceeds of Latin American cocaine and other drug traffic.¶174.
In August of 1990, according to Reuters News Agency, the US Drug Enforcement Agency agents claimed that Banco de Columbia and other banks were conduits for Latin American drug money.¶177.
Convicted Felon George Soros Euro Trials
In or about August 1994, according to Reuters, Soros acquired a nine percent interest in Banco de Columbia.¶178.
According to the BBC, Soros was found guilty of felony criminal insider trading in France on January 29, 2002, and from profiting from inside knowledge of a 1998 takeover bid for Societé Generale, a French Bank, and was fined 2.9 Million Dollars, which felony conviction was upheld by the French Court of Appeals, the Cour de Cassation, France’s highest Court, on June 14, 2006.¶179.
George Soros Manipulates The Conseco Bankruptcy To Maximize The Acquisitions Of the RICO Enterprise To Launder Money and To Engage In Bid Rigging
Upon information and belief, from June 2002 to December 2002, the six month period prior to the planned Bankruptcy filing of Conseco, the Enterprise engaged in a pattern of racketeering activity with Soros, SFM Management, Soros Fund Management, Fortress Investment Group, Cerberus, Conseco, Lazard, Kirkland & Ellis, Fried Frank Harris Shriver & Jacobson, to prepare the Conseco bankruptcy proceeding to allow George Soros and the RICO Enterprise to Launder Money through the Conseco Bankruptcy using the purchase of Conseco Finance and the Debtor in Possession Financing to gain complete control of the Bankruptcy proceeding, and ultimately allowing Soros and the Enterprise to purchase the General Motors Building, to launder money through its sale.¶182.
Upon information and belief, the RICO Enterprise also set up FPS DIP, LLC (“FPS DIP”) to obtain the valuable position of Debtor in Possession financier to Conseco to Launder Money in the Conseco Bankruptcy. ¶190.
Upon information and belief, FPS DIP was also controlled by Fortress Investment Group and George Soros, who had been, and, upon information and belief, remain co-conspirators in Money Laundering through partnerships they maintain in Curaçao, N.A.¶191.
The Rico Enterprise Takes Control Of The Conseco Bankruptcy
The Bankruptcy filing of Conseco was the third largest Bankruptcy proceeding, smaller only than Enron and WorldCom. ¶202.
Upon information and belief, since the members of CFN Holdings had been reviewing the assets of Conseco Finance since at least July 2002, only CFN Holdings and the RICO Enterprise, George Soros, Fortress Investment Group, Conseco and Lazard knew the true worth of Conseco Finance, which facts were never disclosed by CFN Holdings or Conseco to the third parties who attempted to bid on the purchase of Conseco Finance.¶204.
The RICO Enterprise Commences The Flood of Motions To Take Control of The Bankruptcy of Conseco
On December 19, 2002, Conseco made an emergency motion for an Order seeking to allow FPS DIP and U.S. Bank to act as the Debtor in Possession financers of Conseco to approve the Secured Super-Priority Debtor in Possession Credit Agreement dated December 19, 2002 between Conseco Finance and FPS DIP to obtain secured post-petition financing up to the principal amount of 125 Million from FPS DIP.¶208.
In connection with the aforesaid motions, Conseco, by its counsel, Kirkland & Ellis, represented that it Fortress/Flowers as the potential purchaser of Conseco Finance but that without the approval of the FPS DIP financing order, Conseco “will not be able to continue operations for more than a few days, and will not allow them to fund the completion of their restructuring process.” (See Exhibit “T” annexed to the Compendium of Exhibits.)¶210.
The Illegal Acquisition of Conseco Finance By The Soros RICO Enterprise
On January 13, 2003, Conseco, through its counsel, Kirkland & Ellis, responded to the objections of the Committee of Unsecured Creditors of Conseco Finance by, inter alia, by falsely representing that the CFN Holdings Asset Purchase Agreement was entered into “at arms’ length,” which constituted Bankruptcy Fraud.¶224.
Since CFN Holdings had assessed the true value of Conseco Finance before the Bankruptcy, and since the Bankruptcy Court had granted CFN Holdings certain protections in connection with the purchase of Conseco Finance, only CFN Holdings had a realistic chance of acquiring Conseco Finance, on behalf of the RICO Enterprise.¶235.
The Machinations of Trump And Conseco to Resolve The Ownership of the General Motors Building In Furtherance Of the RICO Enterprise
Upon information and belief, as part of the racketeering activity engineered by the RICO Enterprise, Soros or someone else on behalf on behalf of the RICO Enterprise approached Trump with a proposal to use Bankruptcy Fraud to acquire the General Motors Building and, once acquired by the Enterprise, Soros and the other individuals associated in fact with Soros, including Trump, to engage in a Money Laundering scheme through which they could launder money through the General Motors Building sale. ¶241.
[After the dispute between Conseco and Trump was resolved by the American Arbitration Association in favor of Conseco] Despite the fact that Carmel Fifth could have entered judgment upon the Arbitration Award against Donald J. Trump which would have netted Trump approximately only 15 Million Dollars, and created a massive windfall for Conseco and Carmel Fifth, on or about June 24, 2003, in furtherance of the racketeering activity of the Enterprise, Carmel Fifth and 767 Manager and Donald J. Trump instead agreed to dismiss the state court proceeding to confirm the Arbitration Award with prejudice and entered into “a confidential agreement.” (See Exhibit “JJ” annexed to the Compendium of Exhibits.) ¶331.
Upon information and belief, the confidential agreement concerned the division of the proceeds of the sale of the General Motors Building by paying Trump 275 Million Dollars. ¶332.
This confidential agreement was in furtherance of the pattern of racketeering to launder money through the sale of the General Motors Building. ¶333.
The Money Laundering Is Set In Place By The Creation Of Ephemeral Entities And Illusory Obligations
During the twenty-eight days between the announcement that Macklowe had won the bidding and the closing date, Soros with the other members of the racketeering Enterprise and conspirators therewith engineered the creation of shell entities and various illusory obligations and transactions which would make it appear that Macklowe was buying the General Motors Building instead of the actual purpose of Money Laundering. ¶374. [see foot note below]
For further information contact: David H. Relkin, Esq. Law Offices of David H. Relkin, Esq. 575 Eighth Avenue New York, NY 10018  212.244.8722