Saturday, September 29, 2012


As always, I wish ya'll (you and yours) a good day.

This email is in response to some daily postings on, and more dreams of mine. With my simple emails, I have tried for years to prevent chaos. Appears chaos we are going to have. My last dream had me in an abandoned store which had been converted to a military supply depot. We were clearing out the supplies as action had begun. Next, I was outside the store with my family and saw hundreds of WW2 planes in the air. Silver with black stripes. If I am not mistaken, one plane actually turned into a  triangular craft similar to our Aurora or ER3B. As my family and I were walking we came upon a very old mansion. Somehow we ended up scaling the roof. While on the roof, 4 young gangsters on rollerblades came flying over us and went down to look into the house to see if someone was inside and I presume to loot.

Since it appears things are going to be happening quite soon, I guess we return to Vegas and the blind dealer plays these cards.

1. As I've said several times, I think patriotic forces should take control of all TV stations. No more cabal bullshit.

2. I'm going to assume Dr. Paul (civilian) and Mr. Powell (military) will address our nation.  I would suggest the Pentagon Good Guys consider adding Mr. Schwarzkopf, Mr. Gates, Mr. Petraeus,  well as Mr. Sanders and Mr. Kucinich. I have watched videos of Mr.Kucinich and he is probably  the most emotional orator of the above. He might be able to fire our country up.

3. I would suggest that Dr. Paul and Mr. Powell start with a very positive outlook on our situation. We have not been the land of the free, but we are now with the arrests of the bankers/politicians and the release of the NESARA Funds/Prosperity Packages/Global Settlements. We are no longer debt slaves to the privately owned, unconstitutional Federal Reserve. There will be Peace on Earth and the release of technological marvels. Please be very, very positive and uplifting when addressing our nation.  

4. I would suggest our kids with their boots on the ground be told to have a very positive, up-ifting outlook when dealing with the public, at least in those areas that are not gang infested hotspots;

5. I am going to assume the WW2 airplane turning into a triangular craft is a sign that the Higher Intelligence is going to have their scout ships decloak in the form of our craft to help prevent any chaos. If this is not the case, then I would appreciate the Pentagon Good Guys telling the Higher Intelligence that is how it's going to be. My orders.

6. I can't believe there are people still working for the cabal. So I would suggest Dr. Paul and Mr. Powell tell those that work for the cabal they are making a grave mistake. Why? Because of the following:
    a. They have prevented the release of the NESARA Funds/Prosperity Packages/Global Settlements for decades. Enough money so you would not have to be doing what you are doing (losing);
    b. They have prevented the release of technology that would have prevented the destruction and pollution of our planet;
    c. They have prevented the release of technology that would have produced the Jetsons' vehicle decades ago;
    d. They have prevented the release of medical technology that would have cured all diseases and replaced lost limbs;
    e. They sent you and everyone you love to war for their profit and you have witnessed the death of your friends and maybe family members;
    f.  You have returned from their wars for profit, many with PTSD, and they do not provide you with the proper treatment so you can try to return to a normal  life without the nightmares and strain on your family because of  your behavior;
    h. They wanted the Israel-Iran War to be nuclear in nature and thus fry you and everyone you love like a piece of bacon; 
     i. To put it bluntly, they don't give a damn about you and we do as you will get whatever treatment you need;
     j.  If you do not join the patriotic forces, you will be left out of the new financial system and you and your family will starve.

I think that's it for now. I hope some of this was of some benefit. See ya'll when the dust settles.

May Father Bless and Protect All--Especially Our Kids With Their Boots On The Ground

Bill Porter
Team Earth--Teammate Stars and Stripes   

Joe Banister Interviews “Rite of Sodomy” Author Randy Engel

Joe Banister Interviews “Rite of Sodomy” Author Randy Engel

Freedom Above Fortune was founded by Joseph R. (Joe) Banister, a former IRS Criminal Investigation Division Special Agent who learned of serious constitutional questions relating to the federal income tax and the federal banking and monetary systems.
You’ll notice that the name of this organization is "Freedom Above Fortune" rather than "Freedom Without Fortune" or "Freedom Instead of Fortune". "Freedom Above Fortune" is an organization dedicated to the concept that no amount of real or perceived economic prosperity ("fortune") is worth trading for your liberty. This is not to say that pursuing economic prosperity is, in and of itself, bad. Rather, it is to say that those who are willing to put their freedom at risk for a few pieces of silver, similar to the manner in which Judas betrayed Jesus Christ, are shortsighted and foolish.
If you are willing to sell your freedom for short term financial security, real or perceived, the willingness to sell your very soul can’t be far behind.
Mr. Banister’s expertise in the fields of accounting, finance, taxation, and law enforcement enabled him to not only understand these issues but realize that he could play a role in bringing the issues into the public arena for analysis and debate.
            Randy Engel
Joe Banister’s regular Saturday morning radio show on September 28th featured an interview with Randy Engel, one of the nation’s top investigative reporters.
Earlier in her career, Ms. Engel was known for her reputation as an expert in Vietnamese history and her work with Vietnamese refugees, for which she received the Distinguished Service Medal for her service to Vietnam.
As a Catholic herself, Randy’s later work led her into the issues of the abortion-related eugenics movement, homosexuality in the Catholic Church, and previously unknown problems with the organ donation industry.
The first hour of this morning’s program was devoted to a discussion of her book “The Rite of Sodomy: Homosexuality and the Roman Catholic Church”.
She had become alarmed at the indications of the existence of conscious efforts to sexually “condition” children in Roman Catholic schools. She was able to link these efforts to specific Catholic Dioceses in which the homosexual network was dominant in the clergy.
In addition, she identified individual high-ranking prelates in the Catholic Church who were active homosexuals (including three well-known U.S. Cardinals and at least one recent Pope), and who had considerable influence in the appointment of Catholic bishops throughout the U.S.
She explained that not only is this problematic with respect to concerns for the affected children who may be exposed to molestation, but also that her research produced extensive information documenting the heavy use of pornography and drugs by homosexual clergy.
According to Ms. Engel, this behavior represents direct violation of the laws of the Church and the Christian Faith. It should be treated as unequivocally disqualifying for continued service in the Church, yet the Catholic Church has repeatedly protected those accused of such conduct, while concealing its own actions to cover up the problem.
In her words, she found evidence of “shocking depravity” that was very difficult for her to deal with personally while trying to maintain an objective journalistic perspective on the matters she was investigating.
A related concern, which exists as well for homosexuals outside the Church and in the military, is the enormous potential for blackmail of individuals who are carrying on a hidden homosexual life style. The consequences of undiscovered blackmail can be extremely serious, and can result in widespread injustice and untold harm to innocent individuals far removed from the original blackmail threats.
Ms. Engel stated emphatically that her research has led her to the firm conclusion that there is no “homosexual gene” and that homosexuality is learned behavior.   
The second hour was devoted to a discuss of the rising concerns relating to the organ donation industry.
To no one’s surprise, the industry is driven by money. There are serious conflicts of interest in the hospitals where emergency patients are treated. Many physicians now recognize that heart transplant donors are not dead, and this raises very serious ethical concerns. Once a patient with traumatic injuries arrives at the hospital, he or she is considered a possible organ donor. There are many potential transplant recipients waiting for organs, and there is big money involved in the transplantation industry. The pressures to turn the patient into an organ donor are powerful, and there is evidence that traumatized family members may be subjected to inappropriate pressure to agree to organ donation.
Physicians will certainly take issue with Ms. Engel’s conclusions, but there is a growing body of opinion in the medical community that her concerns have some merit.
Doctors opposed to 'presumed consent' for organ donations
Many doctors are opposed to proposals to "presume consent" for organ donations, warning the radical move could make patients start to fear the NHS, a new survey suggests.

For over forty years there has been a deadly code of silence pertaining to "brain death." Behind closed doors a controversy raged. Many of those in the medical field opposed this reinvention of death. The controversy continues...

"Brain death" was invented for the sole purpose of organ transplantation, living human medical experimentation and a means in which measures to sustain life could be legally withdrawn. It was the first legal form of euthanasia in the US. This deadly code of silence has been broken.

It is time to inform the Public of the Truth....
Dr Paul Byrne - Can organ transplantation respect life until its natural end?

Ms. Engel’s advice - GET OFF THE ORGAN DONOR LIST and sign an opt-out card to avoid the new “presumed consent” laws spreading across the country. This is especially important for young people who are just starting to drive, and who are being coerced in the schools to sign organ donor cards.
Randy Engel’s web site has a publication titled “Don’t Give Your Heart Away”:
Product Description
Like the abortion industry, the vital organ transplantation industry rests on the utilitarian principle that the end justifies the means. Like the abortion industry, its nexus is hard, cold cash – billions in hard cold cash. The only thing harder and colder that the cash, is the hearts of the surgeons and staff who, having come to the knowledge that they must kill a living donor in order to retrieve a healthy organ for a recipient fellow human being, continue to engage in this medical butchery, and rationalize said killing as justifiable on the grounds that that the excised organ will be used to save the life of another living human being.

Pro-lifers need to make vital organ transplantation a key right to life issue because it is a violation of the Natural Moral Law and God’s Commandment – thou shalt not kill.

New Engel Publishing
About the Author
                  Randy Engel, one of the nation’s top investigative reporters, began her journalistic career shortly after her graduation from the University of New York at Cortland , in 1961. A specialist in Vietnamese history and folklore, in 1963, she became the editor of The Vietnam Journal, the official publication of the Vietnam Refugee and Information Services, a national relief program in South Vietnam for war refugees and orphans based in Dayton, Ohio . She recorded for the Voice of America and Radio Saigon. In 1970, she received the Distinguished Service Medal for “exceptional and meritorious service to Vietnam .”
                In addition to her writings and relief work on behalf of the VRIS, in the mid-1960s, Randy Engel developed an intense interest in pro-life issues including population control, abortion and eugenics, putting her on the ground floor of the emerging Pro-Life Movement. In 1972, she founded the U.S. Coalition for Life in Pittsburgh, Pa. , an international pro-life research and investigative agency, and began editing the USCL’s official publication, the Pro-Life Reporter. Her four-year study on the eugenic policies and programs of the March of Dimes titled “Who Will Defend Michael?” quickly put the USCL on the map as the finest pro-life research agency in the U.S.
Her investigative findings documenting the rise of the federal government’s anti-life programs at home and abroad served as the basis for her testimony before Congressional hearings in the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. Randy Engel’s groundbreaking investigative findings related to US/AID abortion and sterilization programs in Latin and South America, Asia and Africa were instrumental in bringing about major pro-life changes in the Agency for International Development’s foreign assistance programs. 
         Many of her original research publications for the USCL including “A March of Dimes Primer – the A-Z of Eugenic Abortion,” and “The Pathfinder Fund – A Study of US/AID Anti-Life Funding” have become pro-life classics and continue to enjoy wide circulation. 
                In 1995, the veteran pro-life researcher exposed the long-standing eugenic abortion record of Dr. Henry Foster, President Bill Clinton’s nominee for U.S. Surgeon General, resulting in the Senate’s failure to approve the nomination.  
                Sex Education – The Final Plague, Randy Engel’s first full-length book on the sexual conditioning of Catholic school children was published by Human Life International (Baltimore, MD) in 1989 and later by Tan Publishers ( Rockville, IL ). Her second book, The McHugh Chronicles – Who Betrayed the Pro-Life Movement? was published in 1997, while she continued to gather researching material and conduct interviews for The Rite of Sodomy.
                Over the last forty years, Randy Engel’s articles, have appeared in numerous Catholic publications including Liguorian Magazine, Our Sunday Visitor, The Wanderer, Catholic Family News and the Homiletic and Pastoral Review. She has received numerous awards for excellence in investigative journalism including the prestigious Linacre Quarterly Award for Distinguished Writing by the Catholic Medical Association.
                Meticulous documentation and references and easy readability are the hallmarks of Randy Engel’s investigative writings, and The Rite of Sodomy - Homosexuality and the Roman Catholic Church is no exception to the rule. The 1,318-page text contains over 3000 endnotes, a bibliography of over 350 books, is fully indexed and reads like a top-flight mystery thriller – except that it is not fiction – it is true.

Pentagon fails to comply with law to help overseas soldiers vote, watchdog says




Pentagon fails to comply with law to help overseas soldiers vote, watchdog says




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The military services haven't created offices on all overseas bases to help soldiers cast their ballots, citing money shortages
Why It Matters: 
Congress required the Pentagon to create voting assistance offices on all overseas military bases to help deployed soldiers cast their ballots back in their home states, but military branches haven't fully complied, citing budget shortages and a difference of opinion with lawmakers. 
With another election lurking around the corner, the Pentagon is getting a bad review for its efforts to comply with a new law designed to make it easier for overseas military personnel to cast their ballots.
The Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment (MOVE) Act was passed by Congress in 2009 and signed into law by President Barack Obama and was supposed to make it easier for both soldiers deployed overseas and U.S. citizens living abroad to cast ballots back in their home states.
One of the key provisions required each military branch to create an installation voting assistance office (IVAO) for every military base outside an immediate combat zone.
But the Pentagon’s inspector general, the military’s internal watchdog, reported Tuesday it got a disappointing result when it tried to locate such voting assistance offices on each installation earlier this year.
“Results were clear. Our attempts to contact IVAOs failed about 50 percent of the time,” the inspector general reported. “We concluded the Services had not established all the IVAOs as intended by the MOVE Act because, among other issues, the funding was not available.”
The Pentagon estimates it could cost $15 million to $20 million a year to create all the offices required by the law.
In addition, Pentagon officials apparently disagree with the tactics the law recommended, preferring to use advertising and digital outreach efforts to educae overseas soldiers rather than creating the voting assistance offices.
“DoD officials also posed concerns about IVAO effectiveness,” the inspector general reported. “They noted that younger military personnel were the biggest DoD military population segment and emphasized that IVAOs were likely not the most cost effective way to reach out to them given their familiarity and general preference for communicating via on-line social media and obtaining information frominternet websites.
“They suggested assistance might be provided more effectively and efficiently by targeted advertising,” the report noted.
The inspector general recommended the Pentagon create better survey capabilities to identify the voting needs of soldiers after the 2012 election and to work with Congress to change the parts of the law that it isn’t complying with.
Pentagon officials said they agreed with both recommendations.
You can read the full report here.

America's Most Biblically-Hostile U. S. President

David Barton has come out with a list explaining why Barack Obama is possibly the most biblically hostile President of all time. While most of these stories have been seen before, seeing them all laid out in one list is pretty astonishing. See the whole list with footnotes at

1. Acts of hostility toward people of Biblical faith:
·         April 2008 – Obama speaks disrespectfully of Christians, saying they “cling to guns or religion” and have an “antipathy to people who aren’t like them.”
·         February 2009 – Obama announces plans to revoke conscience protection for health workers who refuse to participate in medical activities that go against their beliefs, and fully implements the plan in February 2011.
·         April 2009 – When speaking at Georgetown University, Obama orders that a monogram symbolizing Jesus’ name be covered when he is making his speech.
·         May 2009 – Obama declines to host services for the National Prayer Day (a day established by federal law) at the White House.
·         April 2009 – In a deliberate act of disrespect, Obama nominated three pro-abortion ambassadors to the Vatican; of course, the pro-life Vatican rejected all three.
·         October 19, 2010 – Obama begins deliberately omitting the phrase about “the Creator” when quoting the Declaration of Independence – an omission he has made on no less than seven occasions.
·         November 2010 – Obama misquotes the National Motto, saying it is “E pluribus unum” rather than “In God We Trust” as established by federal law.
·         January 2011 – After a federal law was passed to transfer a WWI Memorial in the Mojave Desert to private ownership, the U. S. Supreme Court ruled that the cross in the memorial could continue to stand, but the Obama administration refused to allow the land to be transferred as required by law, and refused to allow the cross to be re-erected as ordered by the Court.
·         February 2011 – Although he filled posts in the State Department, for more than two years Obama did not fill the post of religious freedom ambassador, an official that works against religious persecution across the world; he filled it only after heavy pressure from the public and from Congress.
·         April 2011 – For the first time in American history, Obama urges passage of a non-discrimination law that does not contain hiring protections for religious groups, forcing religious organizations to hire according to federal mandates without regard to the dictates of their own faith, thus eliminating conscience protection in hiring.
·         August 2011 – The Obama administration releases its new health care rules that override religious conscience protections for medical workers in the areas of abortion and contraception.
·         November 2011 – Obama opposes inclusion of President Franklin Roosevelt’s famous D-Day Prayer in the WWII Memorial.
·         November 2011 – Unlike previous presidents, Obama studiously avoids any religious references in his Thanksgiving speech.
·         December 2011 – The Obama administration denigrates other countries’ religious beliefs as an obstacle to radical homosexual rights.
·         January 2012 – The Obama administration argues that the First Amendment provides no protection for churches and synagogues in hiring their pastors and rabbis.
·         February 2012 – The Obama administration forgives student loans in exchange for public service, but announces it will no longer forgive student loans if the public service is related to religion.
2. Acts of hostility from the Obama-led military toward people of Biblical faith:
·         June 2011 – The Department of Veterans Affairs forbids references to God and Jesus during burial ceremonies at Houston National Cemetery.
·         August 2011 – The Air Force stops teaching the Just War theory to officers in California because the course is taught by chaplains and is based on a philosophy introduced by St. Augustine in the third century AD – a theory long taught by civilized nations across the world (except America).
·         September 2011 – Air Force Chief of Staff prohibits commanders from notifying airmen of programs and services available to them from chaplains.
·         September 2011 – The Army issues guidelines for Walter Reed Medical Center stipulating that “No religious items (i.e. Bibles, reading materials and/or facts) are allowed to be given away or used during a visit.”
·         November 2011 – The Air Force Academy rescinds support for Operation Christmas Child, a program to send holiday gifts to impoverished children across the world, because the program is run by a Christian charity.
·         November 2011 – The Air Force Academy pays $80,000 to add a Stonehenge-like worship center for pagans, druids, witches and Wiccans.
·         February 2012 – The U. S. Military Academy at West Point disinvites three star Army general and decorated war hero Lieutenant General William G. (“Jerry”) Boykin (retired) from speaking at an event because he is an outspoken Christian.
·         February 2012 – The Air Force removes “God” from the patch of Rapid Capabilities Office (the word on the patch was in Latin: Dei).
·         February 2012 – The Army orders Catholic chaplains not to read a letter to parishioners that their archbishop asked them to read


from The Noetic Digest...

St. Malachy's predictions can be googled.

Of the previous eight elected presidents of the USA who sought a second term, only two have not been returned to office: Jimmy Carter and George Bush (senior). So it should follow that President Obama has every chance of being re-elected. However according to astrologer Donal Holland, the unfolding of Barack Obama’s astrological birth-chart for the election 2012 and the inauguration 2013 shows in no uncertain terms that he will fail to win a second term.

And Holland has a good track record. He was spot on in his predictions for both the Irish and French presidential elections.
Furthermore he also predicts a new Pope in Vatican city by November 2012!
But first to Obama. According to Holland:
Obama’s office, Solar Return lord MC, Jupiter (Gemini 10.51) falls on royal fixed star Aldebaran (Gemini 10). Because Aldebaran is a first class magnitude star of Mars nature it can be deeply unpleasant. Having this unpleasantness therefore informing his significator of office in the year of an election can only bode ill for his re-election to the presidency.
He goes on to point out that:
The testimonies from the chart for the Lunar Return that governs Inauguration Day, 21 January 2013 are much more convincing. The Lunar Return’s most striking and significant testimony is lord 1, Mars (Capricorn 29.38) about to experience a major loss of dignity as it plunges from exaltation in Capricorn into a complete absence of dignity in Aquarius. For Obama to undergo such a significant drop in dignity, and from such an elevated height, and what is crucial, to experience it in the Lunar Return that presides over Inauguration Day when a change of leadership is potentially enacted, must mean he is stepping down from his exalted position as the in-coming president takes office.
And the same chart also describes a similar uncomfortable change of circumstance for his wife Michelle, represented by lord 7, Venus (Sagittarius 11.4). Venus is on the powerful and malefic fixed star Antares (Sagittarius 10) in the constellation of the Scorpion that brought down proud, boastful and worldly Orion (stinging him to death). Accordingly Antares denotes endings, especially for those in powerful worldly positions. For Michelle Obama then, holder of the worldly title, First Lady, to have Antares on her significator in the Lunar Return that covers Inauguration Day, must signal her vacating her powerful position and leaving behind her life of privilege. It is precisely this specific experience of loss by his wife in this critical month of the transfer of power that underpins the claim that President Obama will leave office, January 2013.
So interesting times ahead for Romney perhaps? Read Holland’s full analysis here

Now on to the Vatican!

Papal succession has always been of interest to fans of prediction, largely owing to the famous papal prophesies of St Malachy. According to Tom Horn and Chris Putnam, authors of Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope is Here:
For more than 800 years scholars have pointed to the dark augury having to do with “the last Pope.” The prophecy, taken from St. Malachy’s “Prophecy of the Popes,” is among a list of verses predicting each of the Roman Catholic popes from Pope Celestine II to the final pope, Petrus Romanus or “Peter the Roman,” whose reign would end in the destruction of Rome.

First published in 1595, the prophecies were attributed to St. Malachy by a Benedictine historian named Arnold de Wyon, who recorded them in his book, Lignum Vitæ. Tradition holds that Malachy had been called to Rome by Pope Innocent II, and while there, he experienced the vision of the future popes, including the last one, which he wrote down in a series of cryptic phrases.

According to the prophecy, the next pope (following Benedict XVI) is to be the final pontiff, Petrus Romanus or Peter the Roman. The idea by some Catholics that the next pope on St. Malachy’s list heralds the beginning of “great apostasy” followed by “great tribulation” sets the stage for the imminent unfolding of apocalyptic events, something many non-Catholics would agree with.

This would give rise to a false prophet, who according to the book of Revelation leads the world’s religious communities into embracing a political leader known as Antichrist.

In recent history, several Catholic priests–some deceased now–have been surprisingly outspoken on what they have seen as this inevitable danger rising from within the ranks of Catholicism as a result of secret satanic “Illuminati-Masonic” influences.

These priests claim secret knowledge of an multinational power elite and occult hierarchy operating behind supranatural and global political machinations. Among this secret society are sinister false Catholic infiltrators who understand that, as the Roman Catholic Church represents one-sixth of the world’s population and over half of all Christians, it is indispensable for controlling future global elements in matters of church and state and the fulfillment of a diabolical plan they call “Alta Vendita,” which is set to assume control of the papacy and to help the False Prophet deceive the world’s faithful (including Catholics) into worshipping Antichrist.

As stated by Dr. Michael Lake on the front cover, Catholic and evangelical scholars have dreaded this moment for centuries. Unfortunately, as readers will learn, time for avoiding Peter the Roman just ran out.
All very dramatic! However Horn and Putnam’s book is an interesting read and may have astrological validation if Holland is yet again on the money. He claims that the next conclave will be upon us in the period 17 September – 14 October 2012.
According to Holland:
The significant progressed factor in Benedict’s chart flagging up the time of his death (in broad terms) is his progressed Asc (Cancer 15.08) conjunct fixed star Canopus (Cancer 15) representing an oar in the ship, the Argo.
It is named in honour of King Menelaus’ helmsman who died of a snake bite when his ship ran aground. The church, of course, has from earliest times been symbolised by the ship which navigates over the sea of the desire nature. Subjugation to the desire nature is a necessary condition of our human existence. Hence while Jesus walks on water, Peter sinks (Matthew 14:26-31).

In order then not to drown in the desires Peter needs a boat. And this has come to be associated with the church. Even the actual building carries a reference to this because the nave in a church derives from the Latin ‘navis’ (ship).
And significantly, as they struggle with their storm tossed barque on the sea of Galilee, the first leader of the Catholic church, Peter, along with his crew, the apostles, need reminding that the ship was, and will always be, watched over (Mark 4:35-41).

So, if the church is a ship piloted by Peter, it appears ominously significant that the chart of Pope Benedict XVI, the helmsman of the church, powerfully highlights the distinguished helmsman, Canopus, notable for his death. Canopus therefore is an illuminating testimony to Benedict’s death in the near future.
So interesting times ahead maybe. To read more see Dr Holland’s full analysis here. (

The truth about "medical marijuana"

Subject: The truth about "medical marijuana"

A very important video.

Have you ever heard that
cannabis can be used to
treat illness?

It's true, but the story is much
bigger than that.

Forget the California-style
"pot clubs" where misguided
people are told that smoking
the plant will help them.

There's a much simpler
solution - and the "drug
warriors" are insuring
the needless suffering
and premature death
of tens of millions of
people by making sure
you never find out what
it is.

Share this one please.


- Brasscheck

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videos with friends and colleagues.

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UFOs Are Real, Should Be Studied

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

UFOs Are Real, Should Be Studied, Says Ex-Project Blue Book Director Col. Robert Friend
Posted By: Revel [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 29-Sep-2012 13:21:06

Retired Col. Robert Friend, a former director of the Air Force's nearly 20-year UFO study, Project Blue Book, says that science should continue looking into the mystery of flying saucers.
Friend, assigned in 1958 to direct Blue Book, was charged with trying to determine if UFOs were a threat to national security and whether they could be of scientific interest.
"When I first took over the program, I wrote two staff studies, and in both instances, I recommended that [UFOs] be put into another agency which would give them full scientific investigations and analyses," Friend told The Huffington Post over the weekend at a special lecture titled "Military UFOs: Secrets Revealed."
The event, held at the Smithsonian-affiliated National Atomic Testing Museum in Las Vegas, featured Friend, seen below, three other retired military colonels and a former United Kingdom Ministry of Defense UFO investigator.
These days, the retired 92-year-old colonel acknowledges that he's spoken to more Air Force pilots than most people will ever meet, and he's heard their stories about strange things they've encountered in the sky -- objects that have come very close to their aircraft.
Despite the roughly 700 UFO cases labeled as "unidentified" during the Air Force's investigation of more than 12,000 reports, Blue Book was closed down in 1969. The project's conclusion: UFOs posed no security threat to the nation, nor did they display any technological abilities "beyond the range of present-day scientific knowledge."
But Friend, who was Blue Book director until 1963, didn't totally agree with the official findings.
During his tenure, he unsuccessfully tried to get the UFO issue moved to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency as well as to the then-newly created space agency, NASA. He's had conversations with pilots and military officials who tossed the idea around that some UFOs might be alien in origin.
"Yes, there were some people who had those opinions. I, for one, also believe that the probability of there being life elsewhere in this big cosmos is just absolutely out of this world -- I think the probability is there."
Friend, the oldest surviving member of the famous Tuskegee Airmen of World War II, was joined on Saturday at the UFO lecture by the man who served as Friend's chief spokesman for Blue Book between 1961 and 1963, Col. William Coleman.
Watch this video of Colonels Robert Friend and William Coleman

Coleman related an encounter he had with a "classic flying saucer" over Alabama in 1955 while piloting a B-25 bomber. The 75-foot-diameter, circular disc got so close to the ground that it left a trail of dust behind it before vanishing in the sky.
When HuffPost asked Friend if the United States had any vehicle at the time that looked like or could perform the way Coleman described, he quietly said, "No."
Charles Halt, Former Air Force Colonel, Accuses U.S. Of UFO Cover-Up
LAS VEGAS -- Former Air Force Col. Charles Halt accused the federal government of a UFO cover-up that involves a secret agency to deal with what might be extraterrestrial visitations.
"I'm firmly convinced there's an agency, and there is an effort to suppress," Halt told an audience of 200 people Saturday night at the Smithsonian-affiliated National Atomic Testing Museum.
Two former Air Force officers who were part of the infamous Project Blue Book -- the military's official UFO investigation in the 1950s and '60s -- and a former investigator with Britain's Ministry of Defense were among the panel of speakers for a program entitled "Military UFOs: Secrets Revealed."
Halt, pictured below, was the deputy base commander of the RAF Bentwaters military base in England and one of numerous eyewitnesses to several UFO-related events at Rendlesham Forest in December 1980. He believes the observed UFOs were either extraterrestrial or extradimensional in origin.
"I've heard many people say that it's time for the government to appoint an agency to investigate," Halt said.
"Folks, there is an agency, a very close-held, compartmentalized agency that's been investigating this for years, and there's a very active role played by many of our intelligence agencies that probably don't even know the details of what happens once they collect the data and forward it. It's kind of scary, isn't it?
"In the last couple of years, the British have released a ton of information, but has anybody ever seen what their conclusions were or heard anything about Bentwaters officially? When the documents were released, the timeframe when I was involved in the incident is missing -- it's gone missing. Nothing else is missing," he said.
Halt added that he's never been harassed over the reports he made about the Bentwaters UFO incidents.
"Probably for a couple of good reasons. Number one, my rank and some of the jobs I've held, but also very early on, I sat down and made a very detailed tape and made several copies of everything I know about it and they're secluded away. Maybe I'm paranoid. I don't know, but I think it was time well spent when I made the tapes."
While the lecture panel members didn't always see eye-to-eye on the details of specific UFO cases, one common thread ran through them.
"We share a couple of very important things: We've all been dedicated to serving our country and been very serious about it," said museum CEO and executive director Allan Palmer, who had a distinguished career as a decorated jet fighter pilot for both the Air Force and Navy.
"These are not flaky people, who've all held very responsible positions with high-level security clearances. They're not the kind of people who tend to imagine things or go off on a wild tangent on something. They're very professional, very business-like," Palmer told The Huffington Post.
Making a rare public appearance was retired Air Force Col. Bill Coleman, the former chief spokesman for Project Blue Book between 1961 and 1963.
The controversial study ended in 1969, concluding that there was nothing about UFOs which represented "technological developments or principles beyond the range of present-day scientific knowledge."
Coleman, at left, recounted his own riveting encounter with a UFO while he piloted a B-25 bomber in 1955. The unknown circular object descended from an estimated height of 20,000 feet, heading to the ground, when Coleman attempted to pursue it.
"We were moving at maximum continuous power for the B-25, about 300 miles an hour, and we got right down to the treetops and I closed in on it very rapidly. I said I was going to overtake it -- 'Hang on and put your seat belts on' -- and I made a hard 90-degree bank to try and pull up alongside of [the UFO] and it wasn't there.
"I zoomed up about 1,500 feet, and then I could see the object right on the deck over a freshly plowed field moving at a pretty good speed, and it [was trailing] two vortexes." When Coleman dove behind the trees to try and "head him off at the pass," the UFO was gone. He said it was a typically reported flying saucer.

Highlights:Salusa9-28”Keep Focused on Actual Ascension & Prepare for Input of Powerful Energy that You will be aware of"

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Highlights:Salusa9-28”Keep Focused on Actual Ascension & Prepare for Input of Powerful Energy that You will be aware of"
Posted By: MESETA [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 29-Sep-2012 13:53:05

found at Kauilapele's Blog:
The time lines are beginning to merge into the ones that carry the most energy, and are naturally strongest where people have the intent to ascend and those who do not.
You do therefore create your own experiences, and Ascension will be your final one as you leave the cycle of duality…
…keep focused on the actual Ascension, and prepare for an input of powerful energy that you will be aware of…
The old paradigm will by then have no further influence in your lives, and you will enjoy the absolute peace and joy that comes with the new one.
We are still pushing for our allies to raise their actions, as we would like to see some major changes commence very shortly.
What you can be certain of is that those of you that came into this life having already made their choice to ascend will do so.
It is all planned and soon you will be rid of the Dark Ones, because no matter how devious they are or whatever power they can exert, they have no place in your future.
The pivotal point at present revolves around the Presidential Elections in the U.S. Our man is the one chosen to lead you out of duality…
There are others around him also ready to join up in a new Government, that will be based on new principles and truly represent the people.
Accept that what happens is part of the cleansing that must take place, before the changes can be introduced.
Mother Earth will also need to take some actions, but they will not be as severe as some people forecast.
…please do not feel that we are non-active, when in fact we
are probably more involved than ever before.
…the next few weeks are going to be very important, and you should be able to see where matters are heading.
Our main thrust is to see them [dark ones] removed, so that we are left with trustworthy and reliable people to handle the new financial arrangements.
Keep on looking ahead and do not relax your determination to see this cycle through to the very end.

Fatima Movement decodes destruction of Church and Bible Prophecy

Dear Br. John,

This is one of the Movements that I follow and keep track of, because it's one of the only sources on the net the decodes how the Catholic Church was destroyed and connects the Prophecies of the Bible into the destruction of the Church, and how this information was found is Miraculous. The Key is the Rosary, Scapular, and proper Baptism, which is the Mark of the Beast when done incorrectly. Erasmus will find this site interesting. The leader of the Fatima Movement is also the "Nobody" described on the GLP masonic forums, and the masons HATE this guy. i don't agree with everything he writes, but that is probably because I do not understand the masonic scheme completely and must pray the correct Rosary in order to have the Grace to understand the way the masons destroyed the Church. 

E-Exchanges and answers to comments from emails and message board conversations are posted below. will not publish your name or internet ID unless you want us to. Most readers have similar questions so chances are the answers you need are provided below. If not, send us a line...
Note: Reader's emails are in black text. The responses from the leader of the Fatima Movement (the Nobody) are in blue.

Once upon a time, there were four people;
Their names were Everybody, Somebody, Nobody and Anybody.
Whenever there was an important job to be done, Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.
Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.
When Nobody did it, Everybody got angry because it was Everybody's job.
Everybody thought that Somebody would do it, but Nobody realized that Nobody would do it.
So consequently Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done in the first place.

If you're curious about the phenomenon known as "The Nobody" and the developing Archetype, perhaps this explanation will suffice.

At the end of the world the Catholic Church is fully infiltrated by the Illuminati, taking its followers down into the abyss and creating what is commonly known as "the New World Order." Several groups have emerged as a false opposition to fight it, but these groups have now been exposed as Masonic disinformation agents themselves, i.e. Alex Jones of, Jesse Ventura, the Dimond Brothers of, the History Channel investigators, Fr. Malachi Martin, the SSPX and it's "Lefebvrites," the SSPV and it's false traditionalists, the Sancta Missa movement (promoting Freemasonry under the guise of a Traditional looking "Jewish Lord" Mass), and many others.

So the question becomes, will anybody emerge as a leader to fix what was broken by the Illuminati?
Since there were only false prophets and sheeple followers to be found in 2006-2009, somebody had to figure out how Luciferian Freemasonry broke the power of the Catholic Church, the only obstacle to Full New World Order control under the rule of law.

Stepping up to this monstrous task is what the Fatima Movement is all about, and this is why the Illuminati's New World Order is on hold, for now. This website uncovers over 800 years of Masonic infiltration and corruption of the Catholic Religion, providing you with the Keys to Heaven while simultaneously exposing the Keys to the Gates of Hell.

Every mystery is solved on this website: the Third Secret of Fatima, the DaVinci Code, the Opus Dei debacle, the mystery of the Seven Candlesticks, the mark of the beast, and as a result of this mind-numbing research, Our Lady's Rosary (the Stairway to Heaven) no longer "lies on the whispering wind." We have even corrected its form from 8 centuries ago because it literally turns Hell upside down.

Where this Revolution goes from here is up to you. But remember there will come a point when you will have to answer to Christ why you did nothing when they came for His Church, leaving billions in the ashes of the Apocalypse. So it's up to each and every one of you to decide what you are going to do about this. I've taken this just about as far as I can. Now it's your turn to step up to the plate. Men lead, sons of men follow. The question you must all ask yourselves is: are you going to be numbered amongst the "children of men," the meek who shall inherit the earth? Or are you going to step it up....

Lead, follow, or get the Hell out of the way.
email your questions to "The Nobody" at