Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Health - Seniors can literally shake their way to better bone health, preventing hip and other dangerous fractures

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Seniors can literally shake their way to better bone health, preventing hip and other dangerous fractures
Posted By: Dquixote1217 [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 16-Oct-2012 17:34:39

(The Best Years in Life) It has long been known that exercise helps build bone density and prevent age-related bone loss and fractures. Now, a study has found that an age-old exercise that dates back around 200 years can help seniors literally shake their way to better bone health and prevent bone density loss, fractures, disability and death.
In the study just published in the journal Bone, researchers at the Medical College of Georgia (MCG) found that 12 weeks of daily 30-minute vibration improved bone density around the hip joint, femur and long leg bone in mature mice equal to humans aged 55 to 65. All of the improved density measurements reduce the likelihood of a hip fracture, one of the most common causes of disability in the elderly. The researchers also found a reduction in a biomarker that indicates bone breakdown and an increase in the surface area involved in bone formation in the vibrating group.
The rest of the article:
See also:
"How to Beat and Prevent Osteoporosis Naturally"
"Calcium Alone is not Enough for Healthy Bones"
"Bone Drugs: The Latest Skeletons in Big Pharma's Closet"

Write In Vote Rebuttal - What "B" doesn't realize!

We are not SURE when the change over to the Republic is coming whether it is before or after the election. The first issue is to stop Obama. When the change over does occur, we who have been in the Farm Claims/Bank Claims program for 20 years have been told that Ron Paul will be the interim President and Dennis Kucinich the VP. Therefore, they will still have Ron Paul and will have haulted Obama. Obama, Biden, Hillary, Santorum, Bachmann, Rubio, and Romney are lawyers, and under the original 13th Amendment being reinstated they all lose their citizenship and cannot hold public office. Newt and Ron Paul are NOT attorneys.  I know about all the things "B" mentions and more than just The Organic Act of 1871 which formed the corporation and why it was passed. Until the change over happens, we are working within the system with its constraints. If Obama should win, remember how it is always interpreted as a MANDATE to continue to do what they have been doing, so put it on fast track. So to defeat Obama and still get Ron Paul in the change over is having your cake and eating it too. Not enough states allow write-ins so Ron Paul cannot get the necessary electoral college votes to win. There are many skirmishes in a war with this election being the next skirmish with the final battle the change over back to the Republic.


Marine Colonel Tells It Like It Is ---- Semper Fi

Tue, 16 Oct 2012 10:15:06
The Colonel Requested We Leave His
Communication Info Intact.

    Tuesday, October 16, 2012, 1:04 PM


                His Communication Info Intact.
                The Colonel Requested We Leave His Communication Info Intact.

                More than 1,000 American soldiers have lost their lives in Afghanistan in the last 27 months. This is more than the combined total of the nine years before. Thirty have died in August.  During the last month, over 50 additional NATO and US servicemen have been murdered, inside jobs by those who are hired to be a force for good in Afghanistan .

                The commander in chief is AWOL. Not a peep, although he ordered the White House flag flown at half staff for the Sikhs that were killed.  There is a deep disgust, a fury, growing in the ranks of the military against the indifferent incompetence of this president.

                It has taken on a dangerous tone. No one knows what to do  about him, but the anger runs deep as the deaths continue with no strategic end in sight  to the idiocy of this war.

                Obama has had 4 years to end this futile insanity, during which time he has vacationed, golfed, campaigned, and generally ignored the plight of our men and women in uniform.

                But, there is now a movement afoot in the armed services to launch a massive get out the vote drive against this president.

                Not just current active duty types, but the National Guard, Reserves, the retired, and all other prior service members. This is no small special interest group, but many millions of veterans who can have an enormous impact on the outcome of the November election if they all respond.

                The million military retirees in Florida alone could mean an overwhelming victory in that state if they all show up at the polls. It might not keep another one hundred U.S. troops from dying between now and November, but a turn out to vote by the military against this heart breaking lack of leadership can make a powerful statement that hastens a change to the indifference of this shallow little man who just lets our soldiers die.

                Please Send This On To Any Military Friends, And Ask Them To Forward It On.

                Ed Schriber Col. USMC (Ret.)

                "Semper Fi"

You know you’re an Omaba voter

You Know You're An Obama Voter If...

By Don Feder

         Who are these Obama voters? They can’t all have head injuries, have been in a coma for the past 4 years, or own stock in an electric car battery company. Besides having “stupid” stamped on their forehead, here’s a handy guide identifying these clueless creatures.

         You know you’re an Obama voter if:
• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think our dismal economy is all the fault of George W. Bush, who left office 45 months ago, and whose average unemployment rate was 6.3% – almost 2 points lower than under his whiz-kid successor.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think lack of adequate regulation is responsible for the home-mortgage meltdown of 2008, rather than a Democratic Congress that (in the name of fairness) made banks to give sub-prime mortgages to unqualified lenders.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think the Muslim Brotherhood is a fraternal order. Their initiation rite is killer.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you believe Joe Biden’s claim that the intelligence community initially told the administration that our Benghazi consulate was attacked by a spontaneous mob – a spontaneous mob of al-Qaeda fighters armed with AK-47s, rocket-propelled grenades, mortars and gun trucks.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think the president has done a consummate job of keeping Iran from getting nuclear weapons – by enacting more sanctions (which have never worked before), working with our “allies” China and Russia and refusing to draw a red line which would elicit military action against Tehran-- while the mullahs spent the last four years developing fissile material.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think Barack Hussein has “got Israel’s back.” By having Israel’s back, the president means sending hundreds of millions of dollars to Palestinians committed to Israel’s annihilation, seeking to dictate Israel’s future borders (so as to make the Jewish state impossible to defend), helping the Muslim Brotherhood come to power in Egypt, and telling the former president of France how much he hates Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if, like your candidate, you think the Israeli “occupation” of Israel is the principal cause of turmoil in the Middle East, and that, before Israel’s rebirth in 1948, from time immemorial the region looked like Woodstock.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think Islam really is the religion of peace – and that al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Taliban, Ahmadinejad, the scholars of Cairo’s Al-Azhar University and the imam of Mecca’s Grand Mosque don’t understand their own religion.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think the Ft. Hood massacre (where 13 of our soldiers were murdered in cold blood by a Koran-spouting jihadist) was “workplace related violence.”

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think it doesn’t matter that this president skips more than half of his daily intelligence briefings. After all, he reads the reports at night – or on the golf course.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think the “undocumented workers” streaming across our southern border (thanks to the president’s non-deportation order) are all hard-working family folk, eager to learn English and assimilate – with nary a hardcore criminal, gang member, grifter or terrorist among them.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think Joe Biden is clever and witty, not to mention polite and respectful.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think Michelle is hot and Hillary belongs on the cover of the next Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think the oil companies, the Arab Spring or hurricanes in the Gulf states are responsible for prices at the pump more than doubling since January 19, 2009, rather than this administration’s insane environmental policies and war on energy development.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you believe that green energy is our salvation – with a wee bit of help from the unicorns, the fairies and the little people.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think drastically limiting off-shore drilling, closing coal-fired energy plants, nixing U.S. participation in the Keystone Pipeline and extreme environmental regulations will make us less dependent on foreign oil.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think the GM bailout is a shining success. At a cost of $50 billion to taxpayers, the president saved $56-an hour union jobs, while screwing bondholders and giving Washington 26.5% share of the auto giant.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think “gay marriage” strengthens the family.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you don’t care that the voters of 32 states have overwhelmingly rejected this absurdity by passing defense of marriage amendments.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think Obama and Biden care about the middle class – instead of looking at them the way Dracula views a blood bank.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think raising tax rates on businesses, in the weakest economic recovery in history, won’t devastate job creation.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if, like your candidate, you think the question of when life begins is “above your pay-grade” – that you can’t tell if an unborn child with a heartbeat and brainwaves and fingers and toes is human.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think opposition to the incumbent is motivated primarily by racism.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think that Barack Obama – who was raised by his white grandparents, spent his childhood in Indonesia and Hawaii and went on to Columbia and Harvard – was immersed in the black experience.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think Republicans want to put black people “back in chains.” That includes Allen West, Clarence Thomas, Star Parker and Thomas Sowell.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think the man who sat in a pew in Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s Church of God Damn America for 19 years never heard anything in the least controversial – that anti-American, anti-white and anti-Israel sermons were reserved for those occasions when the future president was absent.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think Mitt Romney is a liar – but Obama has told the God’s-honest truth about responsibility for the deaths of our ambassador and three other Americans in Libya, getting the unemployment rate under 7% if we passed his $832-billion stimulus bill, cutting the deficit in half in his first term, his Justice Department having no knowledge of Fast and Furious (the ATF’s gunrunning-to-Mexican-drug-lords operation) prior to February 2011 and that he’d never dream of raising taxes on the middle class. The Supreme Court says the “penalties” under Obamacare are a tax – on guess who?

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think the president is upholding the Constitution – by interim appointments while Congress is still in session, governing by executive order, refusing to defend the Defense of Marriage Act in court, sending troops to Libya without Congressional approval and not prosecuting the New Black Panther Party for a blatant case of voter intimidation in 2008.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think your candidate’s 2008 resume – law professor, community organizer, Chicago politician, less than two years in the U.S. Senate – trumps Romney’s as a job-creator (Sports Authority, Staples, Domino’s Pizza, etc.)

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think Romney would get a kick out of firing Bob Cratchit on Christmas Eve, while stealing Tiny Tim’s crutches and muttering “Bah humbug!”

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think opposition to requiring Catholic institutions to provide birth control through their health insurance plans (in violation of Catholic teaching), constitutes a Republican War on Women.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius are Catholics.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you believe that Ann Romney – who raised five sons while running a household, doing charitable work and battling MS – “never worked a day in her life,” unlike Michelle Antoinette who earned a six-figure salary for serving as “vice president of community relations” for the University of Chicago Medical Center and vacations at five-star resorts on the Spanish Riviera.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you’re blithely unconcerned about your candidate’s past associations with (communist) Frank Marshall Davis, (revolutionary communist) Bill Ayers and (Islamist) Rashid Khalidi.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think complaints about the president increasing the National Debt by $5.4 trillion (almost 50%) in less than four years is a Republican campaign gimmick to divert attention from Obama’s economic achievements – like increasing the food stamp rolls to 47 million (50%) since he took office and raising federal spending from 20.2% to 23% of GDP.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think we can provide health insurance to 10 million currently uninsured – without a plan to add a single new doctor – it won’t cost taxpayers a cent and there won’t be rationing of services.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you’re thrilled at the prospect of turning the best health care system in the world over to the same people who bankrupted Social Security and Medicare.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you don’t care that under this administration we’ll soon have a navy that can float in a bathtub and an army that can maneuver in a broom closet.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think your candidate will be carried to victory by the Big Bird vote – like fans of Public Broadcasting would ever vote Republican, without a gun to their heads.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you’re skeptical about putting God in your party’s platform because it excludes atheists, agnostics, animists and most of the president’s appointees.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think Islam is a civilizing force that’s enlightened in its treatment of women and minorities, but Christianity is repressive, patriarchal and a threat to liberty and democracy.

• You know you're an Obama voter if you think "American exceptionalism" is a ploy devised by Newt Gingrich to stigmatize people who don't think America is exceptional. Just because we have a Constitution that's been a model for emerging nations for over 200 years, we built the greatest economic engine in the world, we created a unique society, and we saved humanity from the horrors of Nazism and communism in the 20th century -- what's so special about that?

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think the Occupy Wall Street movement is composed of idealistic, humanitarian reformers but the Tea Parties are a gang of race-baiting, neo-fascist thugs.

         You know you’re an Omaba voter if you think pigs have their own air force, the moon is made of green-energy cheese and, while standing in a torrential downpour, you wonder why you’re soaked to the skin.
Don Feder is a former Boston Herald writer who is now a political/communications consultant. He also maintains his own website, DonFeder.com.

Chemtrail-Related Illnesses

(The Lord gave me a word some time back that people will be too weak from a 'respiratory illness' to fight the NWO, and it is the respiratory system in humans that is being increasingly adversely affected by these chemtrails.  Many deaths are now being diagnosed as resulting from 'respiratory illness,' and yet the public is NOT being informed about WHAT  IS CAUSING THE EVER INCREASING  INSTANCES OF 'RESPIRATORY ILLNESS."  When the subject of chemtrails is put before those who claim to be 'patriots' working to free our nation from tyranny and who claim to have close intel contacts with the US military, the subject is taboo and not allowed to be pursued whether via radio, TV, blogs, etc.  Despite the 'military's' and 'government's' and their 'representatives' continued REFUSALS to address the seriousness of this tyranny, the PEOPLE ARE WAKING UP. THEY ARE ANGRY.  THEY HAVE HAD ENOUGH!]

Polymer chemist Dr. R. Michael Castle has studied atmospheric polymers for years. He has found that some of them contain bioactive materials which can cause "serious skin lesions and diseases when absorbed into the skin."46 He has identified microscopic polymers comprised of genetically-engineered fungal forms mutated with viruses. He says that trillions of fusarium (fungus)/virus mutated spores which secrete a powerful mico-toxinare part of the air we breathe.

Chemtrail-Related Illnesses
People are reporting illnesses associated with chemtrail spraying in countries around the globe. Unexplained deaths of animals and plant life are occurring as well.
This page provides you with an overview of the illnesses that are being experienced. It also contains information that you won't hear in mainstream media.
Please take a moment and send a link to this page to a friend. You may help them by enabling them to discover the root cause of their own illnesses.

Symptoms Associated with Chemtrails

Following are symptoms commonly associated with chemtrails:
·  Fatigue
·  Headaches
·  Sinus pain
·  Muscle pain
·  Joint pain
·  Frequently cracking joints
·  Depression
·  Insomnia
·  Anxiety
·  Anger issues
·  Inability to concentrate
·  Looping thoughts or songs
·  Salty-metallic taste to the air
·  Chemical taste to the air
·  Swelling/inflammation
·  Ringing in the ears
·  Changes in eyesight
·  Near or farsightedness
·  Upper respiratory infections
·  Elevated blood pressure
·  Accelerated heart beat
·  Heart pain
·  Skipping heart beats
·  Shortness of breath
·  Loss of balance
·  Dark circles under the eyes
·  Stomach pain
·  Frequent illness
·  Difficulty achieving deep sleep
·  Vivid or restless dreams
These symptoms are being experienced by a rapidly-growing number of people around the world. They are commonly associated with the appearance of chemtrails.
Most of these symptoms are commonly associated with mercury poisoning. A few other items are associated with aluminum and barium toxicity.

Not Experiencing Symptoms?

The toxins that make up chemtrails often have health effects that are cumulative, so if you are not affected by the spraying now, you may be in the future.
It's important to think about children. Just as most symptoms of mercury poisoning do not generally appear until mercury reaches a certain level in the body, chemtrail toxicity appears to work exactly the same way.
We have spoken to many people having symptoms that increased over time as they were exposed to chemtrail spraying. This cumulative effect is all the more reason to get involved in stopping the spraying even if you're not experiencing symptoms right now.

Animals and the Environment

Chemtrails appear to be having a dramatic effect not only on humans, but on animal health and on the environment. For example:
·  We have witnessed deaths of entire ladybug colonies after 3 extremely heavy days of spraying. Others are witnessing massive die offs of ladybugs in many other areas as well.
·  There have been unexplained continuous deaths of bats and bat colonies. Over 11,000 bats died in 2008. The disease is being called "while nose syndrome" but the cause is baffling experts.
·  Nearly everyone has heard about the massive bee die-off nation wide. The U.S. And U.K. Both reported to have lost about one-third of its bee population in 2008.
·  Soils are becoming contaminated with very-high levels of aluminumIf aluminum levels elevate above 400ppm, numerous species of plants will die.
·  Brown pelicans are dying in California. The cause is "a mystery" but they have found a "residue" on the feathers of the dying animals.
·  Starlings fall from the sky without explanation"The sky was raining starlings. One of my neighbours saw them. They seemed to just fall out of the sky. About 70 were dead straight away."
·  Largest Whale Die-Off on Record: "This is the single largest die-off event in terms of numbers and in relation to population size and geographic range," said Marcela Uhart, a medical veterinarian with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). She represents an associate director in Latin America for the WCS Global Health Program.
o    Small dots appear to "burn" through leaves
o    Area affected is along Tipton and Shelby County line
o    Farmers afraid they may lose their entire crop
Numerous other environmental anomalies are occurring and we believe we know what is causing this harm, but we need to test our hypothesis and then publish our results
Finally, legal action needs to be taken to put an end to chemical spraying and to punish those who are responsible.

THRIVE - new video blog

Dear Thrive Movement,

Do you have friends or families whose homes are going into foreclosure? 

Is your government out of money and unable to balance the budget?

Millions around the world are facing these problems. Families are being forced out of their homes and governments are cutting key programs in order to balance their checkbook.

It doesn't have to be this way!

Check out my new video blog where I highlight three bold activists who are taking on these issues in South Africa, the US, and Ireland:
Click to watch.
These stories are not covered in mainstream media. Please share this video with your friends and spread the word!

Thrive on!
Foster Gamble
Creator of THRIVE

 PS -Did you know that the THRIVE DVD has 50+ minutes of bonus footage?  BUY NOW in our online store or on Amazon.

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Write In Vote Comment

Submitted by an astute reader

I do not know who D.H. is but he fits right in with all the other idiots that
believe they lose their vote if they vote for a write-in candidate. Even worse they
believe they lose their vote if they do not think their candidate could win.
They are defeated before they even get out of the bed every morning. This is idiotic,
evil, and proves they are an example of the dumbed down education system promoted
by and the result accomplished by the Secret Society Communisits. And worst is fact
they think they are actually voting a President into office. This is purely a dog and pony
show to make the Sheeple (Idiots) think they just elected their man President. No one
ever demands or even questions the voting machine counts which are illegal from the get-go.
No one ever pays any attention that George Soros owns and controls the company in Spain
that actually manipulates the counts to get their hand picked candidate selected as the
announced President. The Sheeple do not even know that this person is not the President
but a CEO of a Foreign Corporation that has the name UNITED STATES, INC. The Sheeple
do not know that the Republic our Forefathers establised was the united States of America.
Read the Constitution. It has been a fraud since 1871. Every President since then has known this
and those who tried to correct it were assissinated or attempts were made (Reagan). The Sheeple
have no idea that they fund this corruption thru their man made brainwashing that they owe a
federal income tax which is another absolute un-constitutional act the current communists
known as Congress promote cause to do otherwise they and/or their family's life is blackmailed
or commits suicide or their plane flies into a mountain in S. America on a sunshiny day (of course
their mafia media reports horrible weather for that day). As to the article below and Ross Perot,
how many Americans are even aware a little bit that Perot family was threated if he continues
his race to the White House. Just another failure and definitely a part of the brainwashing techniques
the American public has fallen into. Only a hand full of people realize what criminal activities took
place here in Tampa at the RNC Conference when the Communists and Facists Romney and the RNC
Committee changed the RNC rules the first day of the Conference (prevented busses carrying Ron
Paul supporters to get into the voting on the rule changes) to remove Ron Paul name. They fear Ron
Paul because he has integrity and has no ties to their system or Lobbyists and cannot be blackmailed
like 99.9% of the others. Paul would interrupt their MONEY MACHINE. He still made significant strives
for us and the SHEEPLE even thou they have no idea who he is. No salary , no participation in their evil
money system (pension or otherwise) and has told them for past 20-25 yrs that we were headed to where
we are today. ECONOMIC  COLLAPSE!

No my friends a "Write In" is the way to go if you want Liberty again.

I choose to make a difference with a Godly choice to go for a man with integrity and has shown he cannot
be bought and fights for the real issues (no foreign wars, defend America at home, eliminate evil pretending
agencies (FRB, IRS, there are several others), eliminate excessive spending which covers many topics and
agencies and displayed in his Presidential Plan which the Sheeple never reviewed unless they removed themselves
from the Boob Tubes, immigration, and many, many others never even mentioned in any of the debates. I
choose a man who has the real issues identified and a plan to get er done. No dog and pony shows. If you
like the dog and pony stuff, you probably better watch the one tonight called Presidential Debate. I probably
will watch cause I need to get a great laughing session in since that is good for our health.

A write-in vote or 3rd party vote is there because WTP realize the 2 established Parties are not getting the
job done and if people do not realize that by now we are definitely in trouble. If we could could get just 15-30
percent of the voters to vote 3rd party or Ron Paul, our message will be accomplished. We do not have to win
necessarily but it would sure put the Communists/Facists on their toes and take notice we are serious about our

US Military Morale Drops to New Low *August 2012*

To those who do not receive and those who have no confirmation resources

NOTE:  Several ARTICLES of Confirmation and Insight follow at the end of the following: 

The following "ARTICLE" in reference to Department of Defense
                                 the REPORT IS NOW CONFIRMED
                       ((( 2012 Re-Investigated & 100% Agreement ))))
                       and has been delivered to each member of the
                 United States Senate Committee on Armed Services

 Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.
The morale of U.S. troops and the tone set by command-level decisions is critical, said the report, which was addressed to Army Secretary John McHugh. It was written in 2010 by Col. Harry D. Tunnell IV, but a G2 Bulletin source said this week that the issues and questions raised are exactly the same today as they were two years ago.
“Leaders are willing to conduct operations at the tactical and operational levels of war to decisively defeat the enemy or they are not,” said the report.
Soldiers join the military today to protect the United States, yet they are told once in Afghanistan that we are fighting for the Afghan people – this is a rather mercenary outlook and ignores the fact that the United States was attacked September 11, 2001,” the report said. “If we have an Army led by people unwilling to defeat a disorganized illiterate adversary such as we face today, even after a despicable surprise attack on our nation, there is little hope that we can defeat a modern sophisticated enemy that we may face in the future.”
The blistering eight-page, single-spaced memorandum to McHugh, who still is the Army secretary, provides disturbing insight into an approach that has not proved to be successful in curbing Taliban advances. The strategy is complicated further by the lack of experienced military leadership and misplaced priorities, such as providing American resources “to NATO allies above the needs of American troops.”
The report contends U.S. counter-insurgency efforts in Afghanistan are contributing to “needless” American casualties because of a restrictive dogma that cannot be questioned. Any discussion about its strengths and weaknesses is discouraged, the memorandum made available to G2 explained.
“The main problem that we are having in the war today is not one of enemy capability,” the memo said. “It is a lack of professional competence” that is exposing American troops “needlessly” to increased enemy attack. In addition, Americans “suffer from unnecessary casualties, cannot secure or control the indigenous population and are not allowed to deny freedom of movement or maneuver to the Taliban.”
See the 2010 report
Counter-insurgency is action taken by a nation to either contain or stop an insurgency such as the Taliban is undertaking against the government of Afghan President Hamid Karzi, who is backed by troops of the United States and NATO.
While it is unknown if there was a response to Tunnell’s memo to McHugh, an intelligence source said that “when something like that gets made public, the response is to submit your retirement package – they’re not going to admit COIN is a loser.”
In fact, the Army released an “investigation” report months later that severely criticized Tunnell for being responsible for “lapses of discipline, misdirection and mixed signals.”
The opinions came in a “scathing 532-page report” that included a statement from Brig. Gen. Stephen Twitty: “Col. Tunnell is no longer in command. If still in command, I would recommend that Col. Tunnell be relieved of his responsibilities as brigade commander.”
The report admitted such opinion was not uniform, as one lieutenant colonel wrote, “I want to go on the record having said that Col. Tunnell is the finest leader with whom I have served in my career.”
Tunnell wrote the memorandum as he prepared to change command after having served three and a half years as commander of an intelligence group and with Task Force Stryker in southern Afghanistan.
“It is with great regret that I write this letter to you but I feel compelled as a matter of the open door policy to describe my perspective about the conduct of tactical operations in southern Afghanistan,” Tunnell wrote. “I have spoken formally and informally about many of the problems expressed herein to various members of the chain of command but there is little many of them can do to improve the situation.”
Tunnell said the COIN doctrine has become a “restrictive dogma” that cannot be questioned, and any discussion about its strengths and weaknesses “is discouraged.”
“It has reached such a crisis that those who employ other Army doctrinal concepts do so at their own professional peril because they will be subject to censure for not adhering to COIN,” Tunnell said. “This has created a dysfunctional and toxic leadership environment throughout our Army which has resulted in poor organization, unrealistic training and indecisive battlefield performance.”
Tunnell made it clear that the report is his personal assessment as a tactical commander of battalion-size or larger U.S. forces.
He attributed much of the Taliban’s freedom of movement and maneuver to what he described as “consistently poor military performance” by the head of the British contingent whom Tunnell referred to only as “MajGen Carter” and his “inadequately trained staff.”
Major General Nicholas Patrick “Nick” Carter today is deputy commander of the International Security Assistance Force, or ISAF, comprised of U.S. and other NATO troops. He was appointed to the position last month by U.S. Marine General John R. Allen, the ISAF commander.
At the time the memo was written, Carter was commander of ISAF Regional Command South, which took in Afghanistan’s Helmand province.
Allen recently was appointed as NATO’s supreme allied commander, Europe, and will assume the position next year following U.S. Senate confirmation.
It could not be determined whether Allen was made aware of this memorandum before appointing Carter to be ISAF deputy commander. However, it could become an issue when Allen appears at his Senate confirmation hearing early next year.
In his memo, Tunnell said Carter and his team did not have the ability to plan, coordinate or execute “rudimentary tasks at the division level.”
“They issue orders with nonsense tactical tasks to ‘discombobulate’ the enemy or place them ‘on the horns of a dilemma,’” Tunnell wrote. “They display a dangerous insouciance toward operation.”
                 Military Morale Drops to New Low *August 2012*
             ***and its not just the USA***
                     and if that does NOT give YOU a WAKEUP CALL:
Maybe this will:  http://www.wnd.com/2012/09/gays-in-military-reducing-morale/
RELATED INFORMATION that should disturb former Military Officers:   