Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Interesting Prophecies

             Hello All:
                     Here is some interesting Prophecies about what is to come. Some have already started to come true.      God Bless  Love to all Smile Red rose Red heart

Three Prophecies Originally posted at OOM&F and MIG 10-30

Disclaimer: These are posted due to request by many of our Recaps Readers. Dinar Recaps does not necessarily promote or endorse this post. If you do not care for this type of information - do NOT read it. Do not send emails regarding this post to the Dinar Recaps Team. Thank you -The Dinar Recaps Team

This just in from Kathie Walters Ministry -- A DAY LIKE NO OTHER – THEN COMES FREEDOM.

Ian Johnson

Because 31st October is 95 years since the ANZAC forces (Australia & New Zealand Army Corp) saw Be'ersheba in Israel freed from 400 years (to the day) of Turkish Ottoman rule. (The Turks took over on the 31st Oct 1517) I started to do a bit of research and the Lord started to speak to me about the significants of the hour. Actually the day 31st Oct.

It was on the 31st Oct 1517 that Martin Luther nailed 95 Theses to the door of the Church in Guttenberg to bring freedom. So it’s now 495 years since that event.

It was on the 31st Oct 1904 that Evan Roberts returned to his home Church in  Loughor. His purpose was to attend a series of meetings to awaken people to Christ. Within two weeks large parts of Wales were in revival.

Quite by chance I discovered that 95 on the Table of essential Elements is Am - Americium and I thought OK that's US-America.

I heard the Lord speak clearly, He said: “The God of New York has been silenced (The Stock Exchange) and the underground has been halted.(The enemies Kingdom). Now let the God of Israel be seen because there is an exchange of wealth and a release of the Kingdom of heaven on earth.”For those who have ears let them hear. 31st October is an exchange of Kingdom authority and a new season of release. Don’t fear; call out to HIM... nothing will ever be the same.
Read More Link on Right
For the USA I hear; “even in the face of the storm, don’t be afraid but call on the name of the Lord”. There is another 31st Oct event coming that will explode into a huge move of God and a transfer of wealth from the enemies’ camp and into the Kingdom of God.

The current Storm is a signal of the transfer of Kingdoms. It just so happens it’s also the 95th Storm with Barometric pressure lower than 960 to hit the East Coast of USA since 1948 when Israel became a nation. There’s that number again, 95.

My friends in the USA have told me that they are feeling the breeze of a fresh move. Hold steady my friends because the storm will try to blow you off course. The Atmosphere in the East Coast of the USA currently is quite unlike anything ever experienced. That because there is an exchange of Kingdoms occurring.

In the same way the ANZAC’s faced impossible odds in 1917 and Martin Luther in 1517 also Evan Roberts in 1904 but then came the start of a move of freedom; so too this October 31st 2012 is a day to mark the turning point in the USA. Don’t look at the circumstances hear what the Spirit is saying in the midst of the storm.



Prophesied by Chuck Pierce on Sat., July 30, 2011:
PART 1 - PART 2 From this AM below - WOW WOW

The Spirit of the Lord began to speak, "You will decree a release of one of those scrolls." I stood up and said, "The Lord would say, "Watch Washington, D.C., for there will come upon the place a physical storm. This storm will be a sign. This sign is necessary and cannot be prevented. This physical storm will rest down and when the storm descends-----the scroll for the government of this land will be unlocked.

"I will unwind a structure that has gotten intertwined with the enemy's plans. I will reinstitute law in this land that has been removed. I am sending angels in at My command based upon the revelation that is being spoken now, and from those angelic hosts, a land and its governments will be changed."

(Posted on Elijah List) Note: The name “Sandy” means: “protector of mankind, helper of humanity, defender of mankind.”


PART 2 - Now take a look at this - Chuck Pierce prophesied this JUST THIS MORNING 10-30-12

Chuck Pierce was leading the morning prayer. There were quite a few gathered. I recorded it and will transcribe and send overview later.

This storm was for a cleansing of the foundations, the original 13 colonies (even the seeds laid within the original 13 colonies that have laid dormant will now begin to sprout with this cleansing storm) and the cornerstones and power structures have been cleansed, even the statue of liberty representing the liberty of this nation has been cleansed by the storm and there will now be new liberty coming. God has given us a second chance. Redistribution of the wealth that has been held up has been released. Even the old Masonic cornerstones have been cleansed (this was the hold up).
There has been released a river of glory which has changed the old cornerstones.

WE ARE TO KEEP DECLARING: PROTECT WITH YOUR HAND BUT WE TRUST THE REARRANGEMENT OF THE ORDER OF THIS LAND. <---Is this NOT what all the intercessory prayer groups have been praying for? For GOD to heal our land? AMEN GLORY TO YOU LORD!!!

This new river will not be like the old rivers we have walked in.


My Name Is AMERICA patriotic anthem

THE OFFICIAL VIDEO- Turn it Up and Enjoy!
Written by Kurt Orning, "My Name Is America" is a powerful patriotic anthem that speaks to the hearts of Americans. "If the Statue of Liberty Could speak, what would she say?" She has seen dreamers and friends come and go in the harbor, she has watched ships sail away with our military to protect and defend, yet she sees them come back not quite as full as when they left and she has much she could say. The song says" We are challenged by tyrants who envy our power." These tyrants come in many different forms of evil and our power comes from God our creator. 
The song continues to speak to the hearts of Americans, Proof of how well it is speaking is the fact that it has climbed to number 1 on the Country Chart! Though certainly a proud American song, other countries have seen tremendous response to it also and several stations have contacted Todd for interviews. "My Name is America" has broken into other charts as well, including the majors. If you hear it on your local radio station, please call and tell them you liked it! For more information please visit andhttp:/// . Please Share This With Your Friends! Help us support and spread this message by getting your CD copy today at

I am absolutely speechless after watching this.  If you can still stand with Barack after this God help you.

Must watch !

Removing The Shackles- updates on Hurricane Sandy - Who's Lying?

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Removing The Shackles- updates on Hurricane Sandy - Who's Lying?
Posted By: Maryhrt [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 31-Oct-2012 11:45:44

Are people being set up here?? Did they find photos in the archives to use here to make things look worse than they are?? Have they mostly cut the power to these people to make things appear worse than they actually are?? In time, we will know all these answers..but we will get them before election time??
Obama declairs major disaster for New York and Long Island
NYSE is NOT flooded!
Interesting flash meteorological maps- play with the different maps and the speed of the flash- i'm not a meteorologist, but it looks to me like there is some interesting things happening at the slowed down speeds.
a few more of the same type maps to compare here:
As I posted earlier this morning, someone sent to Greenpoint subway, which apparently was being reported on the news as being flooded, and the policewoman in the station verifies to the questioner that the station was never flooded. Business Insider News has an article yesterday about Hoboken PATH station being flooded:
Frankenstorm: Is it Live, or is it Memorex?
Posted: 30 Oct 2012 06:13 AM PDT
Well.... where I am, up in Great Lakes area near Erie, we are getting hit with heavy winds with gusts that are rattling the windows. And rain, but not much of that. So I can attest that where I am the weather is definitely cold and nasty.
An anonymous commenter sent me a link to the live cam at Times Square:
I have been checking it since 6am est (sleep is my nemesis) and while it's obviously damp, a few puddles here and there, there is no water running in the streets, no flooding. The flags are not ripping in the wind, people are now walking around, calmly sauntering along- not struggling in the wind, no one's coat is flapping, no one's hat is blowing off, and it's obviously not raining at the moment.
Then there is the live feed of the storm watch on The Weather Network. I've attempted to embed the feed here, if it doesn't work here is the link:
They are showing constant clips of raging snow storms, house fires, ambulances with sirens blaring, trees down, water flooding down streets.... with a litany of reporters talking about giant waves washing ashore, and how bad it all was. Reporting electrical outages in NY. Various mayors and government officials asking for a declaration of "disaster".
This adventurous person went for a wander around Brooklyn last night around 11pm:

The new breadwinner in the family...

The new breadwinner in the

emergency room physician told me that a woman in
her late 20's came to the ER today with her
8thpregnancy.She told
the first doctor she saw: "My Mama told me that
I am the
breadwinner for the family.
" He asked
her to explain. She said that she can make
babies, and babies get money from the State for
the family. It goes like this:The Grandma calls the Department of Child &
Family Services, and states that the unemployed
daughter is not capable of caring for all of her
kids.DCFS agrees, and tells her the children will need
to go into foster care.
The Grandma then
volunteers to be the foster
and receives a check for
$1500 per child each month in
Illinois .
Total yearly income:$144,000
tax-free and nobody
has to go to work!
fact, they get more if there is
husband/father/man in the home!Not
to mention free healthcare (Medicaid), plus a
monthly card entitling them to free groceries
and a voucher for 250 free Obamaphone minutes
each month. This does not include WIC and other
welfare benefits...that they are "entitled" to.

was correct that her fertile daughter is the

for the family.

This is how the liberal
politicians spend our tax dollars. When this
generous program was invented in the '60s, the
Great Society architects forgot to craft
an end date...
and now we are hopelessly
overrun with people who vote only for those who
will continue to keep them on the dole....No wonder our country is broke!
Worse, the Muslims have been paying attention, and by mandating that each Muslim family have eleven children, they will soon replace the voting bloc above and can be running this country within 25 years. Read the above again, until it sinks in, and then ask yourself if your Children, Grandchildren, and Great Grandchildren will survive these severe changes to America !!!Are You alarmed yet?  Is anybody listening?

what...?Don't forget to payyour
are a lot of "breadwinners"
depending on

How To Know If Stress Is Changing Your Body

How To Know If Stress Is Changing Your Body 

A very good friend of mine who is pregnant recently came over to my house looking very distressed.
It seems gestational diabetes runs in her family, so her doctor had been watching her glucose levels closely. Everything had been fine, but then her glucose had spiked at one visit, then came back down on her most recent test.
She and her doctor were trying to figure out why her glucose jumped (and more importantly how to prevent it from happening again), and all my friend could think of was that she was very stressed that particular day.
"Could stress have caused my blood sugar spike?" she asked me.
My answer: Absolutely.
As a matter of fact, stress can cause a whole slew of physical effects in your body that you might not even be aware of.
Here's why that is so -- the physical effects of stress are caused by the effective work of these two "Stress Players":
Stress Player #1- The stress hormones
When your nervous system picks up signs of emotional or mental distress, it signals for the release of stress hormones (including adrenaline and cortisol).
These hormones put your body in "fight or flight" mode, and this is a reflection of our biological programming. You see, back in our caveman days our stresses were more physical in nature (fighting off saber-toothed tigers or rival tribes), so our bodies needed to generate quick energy as soon as stress occurred.
As a result, when stress hormones were released, our caveman bodies made stored glucose available for energy by dumping it into the bloodstream.
Although most of our stresses are now more emotional or mental in nature, our bodies still react the same way. That's why my friend's glucose level was high that particular day--all her body knew was that she was stressed and it was doing what it was programmed to do.
Chronic, long-term stress can be especially harmful.
Chronic, continuous stress over time causes repeated infusions of stress hormones in your system. That can eventually lead to conditions like headaches, high blood pressure and digestive disorders (like IBS).

Stress Player #2- Chemical messengers
When under stress, your body releases special chemical messengers called neurotransmitters.
These neurotransmitters speed to different areas of your body and cause various chemical and physical reactions.
That's why your heart rate increases when you're scared or you get shaky or a stomach ache when you're nervous.

Stress and the gut and then some
Stress hormones and neurotransmitters also affect your gut flora, where between 70%-80% of your immune system resides.
For example, strains of the harmful bacteria E. coli grow faster in an environment that contains the stress hormones adrenaline or norepinephrine (noradrenaline).
In addition, some scientists believe that when we're stressed, our nervous system "talks" to our gut microbes, telling certain (harmful) ones to multiply and other (beneficial) ones to limit their growth.
Having a greater concentration of harmful bacteria in your intestines makes you more susceptible to bacterial infections and viruses of all types.
This happens for two reasons:
1- You now don't have enough beneficial bacteria to fight off the dangerous pathogens you ingest.
2- The harmful bacteria have eaten away at your gut wall and made it porous, so dangerous toxins can now seep out and travel all through your body, making you ill (also known as leaky gut).
Plus, having more harmful bacteria in the gut also affects your immune system's regulatory T cells. That means your immune system will be less effective, leading to increased inflammation (and pain) all over your body.
And heaven help you if you do get sick and take antibiotics. While they will certainly help kill your infection, they'll also cause the bacterial imbalance in your gut to even further out of whack...
...which means that you're likely to get sick AGAIN very soon.

Help your body naturally fight stress
Stress can strike anyone at any time. Although classic stress-filled events include the holidays, a death in the family, college exams, loss of a job, financial difficulties or relationship problems, stresses can pop up unexpectedly for anyone.
So it's essential to keep your gut flora balanced every day, all year long, to counteract the effects of stress and keep you feeling good 24/7.
Luckily, it's very easy to do with these 2 steps:
1) Supplement with a high-quality probiotic
Like Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula.
Super Shield contains 13 strains of the world's most potent, effective beneficial bacteria found in the human digestive tract. These good guys line the walls of your intestines like an army, ready to fight off dangerous invaders.
They compete with the harmful bacteria for territory on your gut wall, crowding the bad guys and starving them.
They also help strengthen the gut wall, so toxins are less likely to leak out and cause illness.
Plus, Super Shield helps make your digestion more efficient... which can mean less gas, bloating, heartburn and other digestive troubles.

2) Support your healthy microbes with a proper diet
Nothing can undo a strong population of beneficial gut bacteria faster and easier than a diet loaded with processed or fast food, refined carbs and hard to digest meals.
Harmful bacteria nourish themselves on foods like these and multiply lightning fast--eventually crowding out the good guys and leaving you FAR more susceptible to illness.
In the Great Taste No Pain system, I explain ALL the health dangers of the typical modern diet, show you how to structure delicious meals that help nourish the friendly microbes in your gut, and even give you 112 of my most prized recipes.  Believe me, you'll see there's nothing bland or boring about eating for great health once you taste my recipes!
And here's even better news: Once you begin to enjoy the taste of real foods, you'll likely lose your taste for the fast, processed junk and refined carbs--they just won't appeal to you as much anymore.
Not only is that good news for your gut microbes, but it will likely mean you'll drop excess pounds without even TRYING!
Talk about a nice bonus!
The bottom line
The bottom line is this -- stress is everywhere in our world and it's not going away any time soon. Sooner or later stress WILL end up affecting you and your health...
It's not a matter of if, but when.
But with the winning team of Super Shield and Great Taste No Pain you can help encourage a strong intestinal flora balance and a feeling-good YOU, 365 days a year.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS: We're now on Facebook! Like us here:

This is a quick story about your Super Shield probiotics:
My husband is skeptical about all the products online including Super Shield probiotics. He always suggests saving money and buying a local probiotic now offered at the local pharmacies.
Well, our daughter had a serious sinus infection that she needed a strong antibiotic for. Her doctor suggested taking your Super Shield probiotic 2 hours after she took her antibiotic.
She forgot and suffered with diarrhea for a couple days. After she finally used it as it was suggested she had no more problems.
Proof enough for me!
She was very happy and I now always keep them in the house.

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Learn more about VitalMega-3 and all the great things it can do for you here.
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* Forward this email to the people you care about the most!
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**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**
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"It's Why We Fight"...You didn't know?

Rockefeller, Morgan, and War

Charleston Voice
"It's Why We Fight"...You didn't know?

This article is excerpted from Wall Street, Banks, and American Foreign Policy, chapter 8, "Rockefeller, Morgan, and War" (1984; 2011).

Rockefeller, Morgan, and War
Mises Daily:Tuesday, November 01, 2011 by Murray N. Rothbard
[Wall Street, Banks, and American Foreign Policy (1984)]
During the 1930s, the Rockefellers pushed hard for war against Japan, which they saw as competing with them vigorously for oil and rubber resources in Southeast Asia and as endangering the Rockefellers' cherished dreams of a mass "China market" for petroleum products. On the other hand, the Rockefellers took a noninterventionist position in Europe, where they had close financial ties with German firms such as I.G. Farben and Co., and very few close relations with Britain and France.
The Morgans, in contrast, as usual deeply committed to their financial ties with Britain and France, once again plumped early for war with Germany, while their interest in the Far East had become minimal. Indeed, US ambassador to Japan Joseph C. Grew, former Morgan partner, was one of the few officials in the Roosevelt administration genuinely interested in peace with Japan.
World War II might therefore be considered, from one point of view, as a coalition war: the Morgans got their war in Europe, the Rockefellers theirs in Asia. Such disgruntled Morgan men as Lewis W. Douglas and Dean G. Acheson (a protégé of Henry Stimson), who had left the early Roosevelt administration in disgust at its soft-money policies and economic nationalism, came happily roaring back into government service with the advent of World War II. Nelson A. Rockefeller, for his part, became head of Latin American activities during World War II, and thereby acquired his taste for government service.
After World War II, the united Rockefeller–Morgan–Kuhn, Loeb eastern Establishment was not allowed to enjoy its financial and political supremacy unchallenged for long. "Cowboy" Sun Belt firms, maverick oil men and construction men from Texas, Florida, and southern California began to challenge the eastern Establishment "Yankees" for political power. While both groups favor the Cold War, the Cowboys are more nationalistic, more hawkish, and less inclined to worry about what our European allies are thinking. They are also much less inclined to bail out the now Rockefeller-controlled Chase Manhattan Bank and other Wall Street banks that loaned recklessly to Third World and Communist countries and expect the US taxpayer — through outright taxes or the printing of US dollars — to pick up the tab.
It should be clear that the name of the political party in power is far less important than the particular regime's financial and banking connections. The foreign-policy power for so long of Nelson Rockefeller's personal foreign affairs adviser, Henry A. Kissinger, a discovery of the extraordinarily powerful Rockefeller–Chase Manhattan Bank elder statesman John J. McCloy, is testimony to the importance of financial power — as is the successful lobbying by Kissinger and Chase Manhattan's head, David Rockefeller, to induce Jimmy Carter to allow the ailing shah of Iran into the US — thus precipitating the humiliating hostage crisis.
Despite differences in nuance, it is clear that Ronald Reagan's originally proclaimed challenge to Rockefeller-Morgan power in the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) and to the Rockefeller-created Trilateral Commission has fizzled, and that the "permanent government" continues to rule regardless of the party nominally in power. As a result, the much-heralded "bipartisan-foreign-policy" consensus imposed by the Establishment since World War II seems to remain safely in place.
David Rockefeller, chairman of the board of his family's Chase Manhattan Bank from 1970 until recently, established the Trilateral Commission in 1973, with the financial backing of the CFR and the Rockefeller Foundation. Joseph Kraft, syndicated Washington columnist who himself has the distinction of being both a CFR member and a Trilateralist, has accurately described the CFR as a "school for statesmen" that "comes close to being an organ of what C. Wright Mills has called the Power Elite — a group of men, similar in interest and outlook, shaping events from invulnerable positions behind the scenes."
The idea of the Trilateral Commission was to internationalize policy formation, the commission consisting of a small group of multinational corporate leaders, politicians, and foreign-policy experts from the United States, Western Europe, and Japan, who meet to coordinate economic and foreign policy among their respective nations.
Perhaps the most powerful single figure in foreign policy since World War II, a beloved adviser to all presidents, is the octogenarian John J. McCloy. During World War II, McCloy virtually ran the War Department as assistant to aging Secretary Stimson; it was McCloy who presided over the decision to round up all Japanese Americans and place them in concentration camps in World War II, and he is virtually the only American left who still justifies that action.
Before and during the war, McCloy, a disciple of Morgan lawyer Stimson, moved in the Morgan orbit; his brother-in-law, John S. Zinsser, was on the board of directors of J.P. Morgan & Co. during the 1940s. But, reflecting the postwar power shift from Morgan to Rockefeller, McCloy moved quickly into the Rockefeller ambit. He became a partner of the Wall Street corporate law firm of Milbank, Tweed, Hope, Hadley & McCloy, which had long served the Rockefeller family and the Chase Bank as legal counsel.
From there he moved to become chairman of the board of the Chase Manhattan Bank, a director of the Rockefeller Foundation, and of Rockefeller Center, Inc., and finally, from 1953 until 1970, chairman of the board of the Council on Foreign Relations. During the Truman administration, McCloy served as president of the World Bank and then US high commissioner for Germany. He was also a special adviser to President John F. Kennedy on disarmament, and chairman of Kennedy's Coordinating Committee on the Cuban Crisis. It was McCloy who "discovered" Professor Henry A. Kissinger for the Rockefeller forces. It is no wonder that John K. Galbraith and Richard Rovere have dubbed McCloy "Mr. Establishment."
A glance at foreign-policy leaders since World War II will reveal the domination of the banker elite. Truman's first secretary of defense was James V. Forrestal, former president of the investment banking firm of Dillon, Read & Co., closely allied to the Rockefeller financial group. Forrestal had also been a board member of the Chase Securities Corporation, an affiliate of the Chase National Bank.
Another Truman defense secretary was Robert A. Lovett, a partner of the powerful New York investment banking house of Brown Brothers Harriman. At the same time that he was secretary of defense, Lovert continued to be a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation. Secretary of the Air Force Thomas K. Finletter was a top Wall Street corporate lawyer and member of the board of the CFR while serving in the cabinet. Ambassador to Soviet Russia, ambassador to Great Britain, and secretary of commerce in the Truman administration was the powerful multimillionaire W. Averell Harriman, an often-underrated but dominant force with the Democratic Party since the days of FDR. Harriman was a partner of Brown Brothers Harriman.
Also ambassador to Great Britain under Truman was Lewis W. Douglas, brother-in-law of John J. McCloy, a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation, and a board member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Following Douglas as ambassador to the Court of St. James was Walter S. Gifford, chairman of the board of AT&T, and member of the board of trustees of the Rockefeller Foundation for almost two decades. Ambassador to NATO under Truman was William H. Draper Jr., vice president of Dillon, Read & Co.
Also influential in helping the Truman administration organize the Cold War was director of the policy-planning staff of the State Department, Paul H. Nitze. Nitze, whose wife was a member of the Pratt family, associated with the Rockefeller family since the origins of Standard Oil, had been vice president of Dillon, Read & Co.
When Truman entered the Korean War, he created an Office of Defense Mobilization to run the domestic economy during the war. The first director was Charles E. ("Electric Charlie") Wilson, president of the Morgan-controlled General Electric Company, who also served as board member of the Morgans' Guaranty Trust Company. His two most influential assistants were Sidney J. Weinberg, ubiquitous senior partner in the Wall Street investment-banking firm of Goldman Sachs & Co., and former general Lucius D. Clay, chairman of the board of Continental Can Co., and a director of the Lehman Corporation.
Succeeding McCloy as president of the World Bank, and continuing in that post throughout the two terms of Dwight Eisenhower, was Eugene Black. Black had served for 14 years as vice president of the Chase National Bank, and was persuaded to take the World Bank post by the bank's chairman of the board, Winthrop W. Aldrich, brother-in-law of John D. Rockefeller, Jr.
The Eisenhower administration proved to be a field day for the Rockefeller interests. While president of Columbia University, Eisenhower was invited to high-level dinners where he met and was groomed for president by top leaders from the Rockefeller and Morgan ambits, including the chairman of the board of Rockefeller's Standard Oil of New Jersey, the presidents of six other big oil companies, including Standard of California and Socony-Vacuum, and the executive vice president of J.P. Morgan & Co.
One dinner was hosted by Clarence Dillon, the multimillionaire retired founder of Dillon, Read & Co., where the guests included Russell B. Leffingwell, chairman of the board of both J.P. Morgan & Co. and the CFR (before McCloy); John M. Schiff, a senior partner of the investment-banking house of Kuhn, Loeb & Co.; the financier Jeremiah Milbank, a director of the Chase Manhattan Bank; and John D. Rockefeller, Jr.
Even earlier, during 1949, Eisenhower had been introduced through a special study group to key figures in the CFR. The study group devised a plan to create a new organization called the American Assembly — in essence an expanded CFR study group — whose main function was reputedly to build up Eisenhower's prospects for the presidency. A leader of the "Citizens for Eisenhower" committee, who later became Ike's ambassador to Great Britain, was the multimillionaire John Hay Whitney, scion of several wealthy families, whose granduncle, Oliver H. Payne, had been one of the associates of John D. Rockefeller, Sr. in founding the Standard Oil Company. Whitney was head of his own investment concern, J.H. Whitney & Co., and later became publisher of the New York Herald Tribune.
"It should be clear that the name of the political party in power is far less important than the particular regime's financial and banking connections."
Running foreign policy during the Eisenhower administration was the Dulles family, led by Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, who had also concluded the US peace treaty with Japan under Harry Truman. Dulles had for three decades been a senior partner of the top Wall Street corporate-law firm of Sullivan & Cromwell, whose most important client was Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company of New Jersey. Dulles had been for 15 years a member of the board of the Rockefeller Foundation, and before assuming the post of Secretary of State was chairman of the board of that institution.
Most important is the little-known fact that Dulles's wife was Janet Pomeroy Avery, a first cousin of John D. Rockefeller Jr. Heading the supersecret Central Intelligence Agency during the Eisenhower years was Dulles's brother, Allen Welsh Dulles, also a partner in Sullivan & Cromwell. Allen Dulles had long been a trustee of the CFR and had served as its president from 1947 to 1951. Their sister, Eleanor Lansing Dulles, was head of the Berlin desk of the State Department during that decade.
Undersecretary of State, and the man who succeeded John Foster Dulles in the spring 1959, was former Massachusetts governor Christian A. Herter. Herter's wife, like Nitze's, was a member of the Pratt family. Indeed, his wife's uncle, Herbert L. Pratt, had been for many years president or chairman of the board of Standard Oil Company of New York. One of Mrs. Herter's cousins, Richardson Pratt, had served as assistant treasurer of Standard Oil of New Jersey up to 1945. Furthermore, one of Herter's own uncles, a physician, had been for many years treasurer of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research.
Herter was succeeded as Undersecretary of State by Eisenhower's ambassador to France, C. Douglas Dillon, son of Clarence, and himself chairman of the Board of Dillon, Read & Co. Dillon was soon to become a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation.
Perhaps to provide some balance for his banker-business coalition, Eisenhower appointed as secretary of defense three men in the Morgan rather than the Rockefeller ambit. Charles B. ("Engine Charlie") Wilson was president of General Motors, member of the board of J.P. Morgan & Co. Wilson's successor, Neil H. McElroy, was president of Proctor & Gamble Co. His board chairman, R.R. Deupree, was also a director of J.P. Morgan & Co.
The third secretary of defense, who had been undersecretary and secretary of the Navy under Eisenhower, was Thomas S. Gates Jr., who had been a partner of the Morgan-connected Philadelphia investment-banking firm of Drexel & Co. When Gates stepped down as defense secretary, he became president of the newly formed flagship commercial bank for the Morgan interests, the Morgan Guaranty Trust Co.
Serving as Secretary of the Navy and then Deputy Secretary of Defense (and later secretary of the Treasury) under Eisenhower was Texas businessman Robert B. Anderson. After leaving the Defense Department, Anderson became a board member of the Rockefeller-controlled American Overseas Investing Co., and, before becoming Secretary of the Treasury, he borrowed $84,000 from Nelson A. Rockefeller to buy stock in Nelson's International Basic Economy Corporation.
Head of the important Atomic Energy Commission during the Eisenhower years was Lewis L. Strauss. For two decades, Strauss had been a partner in the investment banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. In 1950, Strauss had become financial adviser to the Rockefeller family, soon also becoming a board member of Rockefeller Center, Inc.
A powerful force in deciding foreign policy was the National Security Council, which included on it the Dulles brothers, Strauss, and Wilson. Particularly important is the post of national-security adviser to the President. Eisenhower's first national security adviser was Robert Cutler, president of the Old Colony Trust Co., the largest trust operation outside New York City. The Old Colony was a trust affiliate of the First National Bank of Boston.
After two years in the top national-security post, Cutler returned to Boston to become chairman of the board of Old Colony Trust, returning after a while to the national-security slot for two more years. In between, Eisenhower had two successive national security advisers. The first was Dillon Anderson, a Houston corporate attorney, who did work for several oil companies. Particularly significant was Anderson's position as chairman of the board of a small but fascinating Connecticut firm called Electro-Mechanical Research, Inc. Electro-Mechanical was closely associated with certain Rockefeller financiers; thus, one of its directors was Godfrey Rockefeller, a limited partner in the investment banking firm of Clark, Dodge & Co.
After more than a year, Anderson resigned from his national security post and was replaced by William H. Jackson, a partner of the investment firm of J.H. Whitney & Co. Before assuming his powerful position, Dillon Anderson had been one of several men serving as special hush-hush consultants to the National Security Council. Another special adviser was Eugene Holman, president of Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company of New Jersey.
We may mention two important foreign-policy actions of the Eisenhower administration which seem to reflect the striking influence of personnel directly tied to bankers and financial interests. In 1951, the regime of Mohammed Mossadegh in Iran decided to nationalize the British-owned oil holdings of the Anglo-Iranian Oil company. It took no time for the newly established Eisenhower administration to intervene heavily in this situation. CIA director and former Standard Oil lawyer Allen W. Dulles flew to Switzerland to organize the covert overthrow of the Mossadegh regime, the throwing of Mossadegh into prison, and the restoration of the Shah to the throne of Iran.
After lengthy behind-the-scenes negotiations, the oil industry was put back into action as purchasers and refiners of Iranian oil. But this time the picture was significantly different. Instead of the British getting all of the oil pie, their share was reduced to 40 percent of the new oil consortium, with five top US oil companies (Standard Oil of New Jersey, Socony-Vacuum — formerly Standard Oil of NY, and now Mobil — Standard Oil of California, Gulf, and Texaco) getting another 40 percent.
It was later disclosed that Secretary of State Dulles placed a sharp upper limit on any participation in the consortium by smaller independent oil companies in the United States. In addition to the rewards to the Rockefeller interests, the CIA's man-on-the-spot directing the operation, Kermit Roosevelt, received his due by quickly becoming a vice president of Mellon's Gulf Oil Corp.
This article is excerpted from Wall Street, Banks, and American Foreign Policy, chapter 8, "Rockefeller, Morgan, and War" (1984; 2011).

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Murray N. Rothbard (1926–1995) was dean of the Austrian School. He was an economist, economic historian, and libertarian political philosopher. See Murray N. Rothbard's article archives.
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Drones Overhead

Subject: Drones Overhead
Campaign for Liberty

Dear William,

As Ben Franklin stated, "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

Sadly, the statists in Washington, D.C. keep choosing to take away more and more of our liberties for some bureaucrat's vision of so-called "safety."

In today's world, "security" really means handing over the last bits of freedom to Big Government's prying eyes.

Just recently, the Senate Armed Services Committee called for drones returning from Afghanistan to be used "freely and routinely" in U.S. airspace.

Government agencies are training drones by tracking civilian cars over American cities.

Law enforcement agencies are buying them up by the dozen – happy to let the spying begin.

The Congressional Research Service states domestic drones could be equipped "with facial recognition or soft biometric recognition, which can recognize and track individuals based on attributes such as height, age, gender, and skin color."

More than 30,000 are expected to be flying across the United States in the near future.

This isn't something out of George Orwell's 1984. It's America in 2012.

And it's all designed so politicians can line the pockets of their crony capitalist pals – while you and I pay the price with our tax dollars and our freedom.

William, I'm not telling you all this to dishearten you – although I understand it may be discouraging to look the facts straight in the face.

I'm telling you this because these are the battles you and I can't ignore if we are going to maintain our last vestiges of freedom as Americans – and regain what we've lost.

After all, in recent years, we've witnessed the passage of the so-called "Patriot" Act, which allows the government to wiretap and spy on American citizens.

We've seen the passage of the NDAA - allowing the government to lock up and detain American citizens indefinitely without so much as a warrant.

And we see the TSA routinely groping elderly women and children at airports.

Ten years after its creation, a congressional report was issued saying the TSA was "bloated and ineffective."

More than 25,000 security breaches have occurred under its watch.

Our liberties are being stolen from us daily – and for NOTHING.

So what's next? What else will the security statists demand of us in order to finally make us "safe and secure"?

"Black boxes" in every car?

Cameras on every street corner? In every house?

RFID tracking chips implanted in every man, woman, and child – all designed to ensure we're "safe"?

So government bureaucrats can ensure we don't smoke the wrong thing?

To ensure our sodas aren't too big or our cheeseburgers too greasy?

How much liberty will politicians steal before the American people wake up and say "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!"?

I believe you and I are at a tipping point.

More and more Americans ARE getting fed up.

Senator Rand Paul has already introduced legislation to get the out-of-control TSA screeners out of our airports.

And he recently introduced a bill that would stop the government from arbitrarily using drones to spy on Americans by forcing it to obey the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

But more attacks on our Fourth Amendment rights are coming at the American people full-speed ahead.

It's up to you and me to stop them.

You and I must be prepared to take on the statists and defend our freedoms.

That's exactly what Campaign for Liberty has been doing - and will continue to do - in the coming weeks and months.

Our goal is to reawaken men and women from coast to coast and rally them to defend liberty before it's too late.

Because it's not too late.

Not yet.

The free soul of America still exists.

But it's up to you and me to create a grassroots fire that no politician in his or her right mind would dare ignore.

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S. The Big Government statists are wasting no time further eroding our Fourth Amendment rights.

And with government ramping up its use of drones to spy on the American people on our own soil, it's never been more important that you and I stand up for those rights.

Campaign for Liberty has been fighting this ongoing battle for years now, and we will stay on the frontlines of the fight to STOP the invasion of our privacy by an out-of-control government.

If you can chip in with a generous contribution of $25 or even just $10 to help C4L continue the fight to defend our privacy rights, I'd greatly appreciate it.

© Campaign for Liberty, 2012. All Rights Reserved.

Paid for by Campaign for Liberty and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions to Campaign for Liberty are not tax-deductible.

Portal 2012 Phase one is starting

             Hello All:
                      Phase ONE is about to start. What we have been waiting for.
                                 God Bless  Love to all Smile Red rose Red heart   

Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2012 06:16:16 +0000
Subject: Portal 2012

Portal 2012

Posted: 30 Oct 2012 01:33 PM PDT
Important Update about Fixing the World Project

This is the immediate phase one results of the project. It has been sent to the parties in charge of releasing the funds. It needs to also be spread on the internet for the people to read.
There will be much much more to this project to come soon, but this is the immediate communication that needed to go out NOW as time is running very short:

Basic information about the project is here:

Will 'loose lips' sink Obama

Words cannot express how I feel about this investigation. This trial is about classified information being released about certain activities which our troops are engaged in now or in the past. The release of that information caused the deaths of all members of Navy Seal Team 6, killing a total of 30 Americans as well as others. This Communist Muslim Bastard in the White House is responsible for their deaths and he needs to be brought to justice and trial. He has no respect for any of our Military Members or this Country. I am so pissed off over what this administration is doing to our troops and country I can hardly control myself. These leaks on national security coming from the White House undermine the men and women who put risks on their lives for us. Please read and watch the attached Video's. This Trial will be held right here in Ocala FL. Its right up the road from me. I'm planning on attending. Ocala in 2012 will become the Philadelphia of 1776,”

Members of a “citizens’ grand jury” will meet next week in Ocala, Fla., to look at allegations that the “loose lips” of the Obama administration led to the deaths of dozens of members of the U.S. military and the imprisonment of a Pakistan physician who helped locate Osama bin Laden – all to “bolster” the “political agendas” of President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.

The part about Osama being killed by Seal Team 6 is a lie, we all know Osama died from renal kidney failure early sometime in the first part of 2000's. That being said maybe why the Helicopter they were in was shot down, so they couldn't tell they didn't get Osama bin Laden. It my belief it was shot down by CIA to keep their silence.

Will 'loose lips' sink Obama?  Are Obama's leaks killing Americans?
A grand jury is now on this astonishing case ...