Thursday, November 1, 2012

SaLuSa: Meet Us Without Fear

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

SaLuSa: Meet Us Without Fear
Posted By: MESETA [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 1-Nov-2012 01:27:50

At the end of his speech in Sedona on Wednesday at 4:00 p.m., Mike Quinsey gave an impromptu message from SaLuSa. Mike did not give it as SaLuSa speaking directly, but as Mike reporting what SaLuSa was saying to him.
Thank you, dear ones, for coming to Sedona. I’m speaking for SaLuSa who wants to say that they’re more than grateful for people coming to Sedona. You’ve created much more light than previously which will go around the Earth and help to speed up evolution around the planet.
The forces on the motherships and other craft are so near to us now. They’re monitoring everything that goes on around the Earth. The consciousness levels have never been as high as they are now and when they reach critical mass there’ll be an explosion of light on the Earth.
They want us not to make the extraterrestrials superior in any way. They come as equals and when they come we’ll have a great celebration. They’ll continue to be with us after Ascension. They want us to become part of their plans for the future and they have a lot to offer us and will lift us into the higher levels they have described.
They want us to meet them without fear. When they’ve come to the Earth, they haven’t done anything that would harm us or put people in a place of fear. But they do realize that the dark ones have always set about to bring us fear of their presence.
They want us to evolve very quickly so that they can bring us the benefits of technology. The Sirians want to meet the Sirians among us, the Pleiadians, the Pleiadians, and so forth. After Ascension some of us will get the opportunity to return to our planets. It’s a choice we’ll make. Our real families are extraterrestrial, which we left when we volunteered to come to this plant to help with Ascension.
They know us well. In the nighttime some of us go meet them on the ships but when we go back they close off our memories because the memories of experiencing their superior technologies and the warmth and comfort would distract us too much from our work on Earth.
Even now they don’t want to upset the work of the end times. They’re very proud of the work that the lightworkers have done and even now they are very present with our spirit guides. They are as available to us as our guides and if they can help us in any way they will. What they do is when they are around us they try to influence us.
They’re not very much inclined to give us dates but all will come in the very near future. They prefer that we allow things to flow and accept things as they are because all of this is in our best interests.
SaLuSa thanks us for our warm interest. He is the voice for the original group that has come from the motherships. They don’t work separately. They work as teams. This teamwork will happen to us as well in the near future.
Mankind has worked very hard in the past frew years to bring all races together and become one. SaLuSa does not want to be idolized. He does not consider himself to be anything special. But he doesappreciate that we are helped by the messages. He appreciates that many of the messages have been repetitive but that is unavoidable.
He can see us now. He can see our love, our light, our auras. He sees beautiful people merging together and creating a wonderful impact on the people of the world. The galactics appreciate our efforts and are coming nearer and nearer and appreciate our efforts.
It didn’t exist some time back that people welcomed their presence. Previously fear was more prevalent than love but that has changed. The more love that comes, the easier it is for them to come.
This is where SaLuSa wants to end his message but he wants to come back on Monday and we’ll continue. It wasn’t originally my intention to pass on a message but when they speak upstairs you have to pass it along.
Maybe another time I’ll continue with this direct messaging. I’ve never been in a situation like this. I usually type into my computer and this has been for me a very different experience.
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Judge Jeanine Pirro on Benghazi

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Judge Jeanine Pirro on Benghazi
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 1-Nov-2012 10:29:02

“... 'October surprise' meetings ... contingent on the release of the Iranian Red Crescent workers. ..."

Subject: “... 'October surprise' meetings ... contingent on the release of the Iranian Red Crescent workers. ..."

"The deaths of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans in Benghazi, Libya, demand the outing of President Barack Obama’s Iranian-born,  chief advisor Valerie Jarrett.... 
...While the creation of an October surprise of this nature could be relegated to the historical dustbin of speculation, it is here that a seemingly random series of dots - or events - come into view and the magic trick becomes exposed to those looking for the clues.
It was on July 31, 2012, about a month before the September 11 attack in Benghazi that a mortar ripped into the wall of the CIA occupied military intelligence building (research into ownership suggests a possible UK connection), now apparently designated as “the consulate in Benghazi.” The explosion did not cause any deaths or injuries and consequently, it did not make many headlines.
It is here that I rely on my well-placed intelligence source to help me understand the magic trick onstage. According to my source, our intelligence operatives noticed something unusual near that building. Seven members of the Iranian Red Crescent were milling about, almost like they were inspecting the damage. It was as if they were looking to see if the walls were reinforced, and assessing the response to that facility. The next instant, they were gone.
It was reported that the seven member contingent of the Red Crescent were inexplicably kidnapped by “armed men.”
Fast forward to October 6, 2012, about the time when Valerie Jarrett was reportedly meeting with Iranian officials in Qatar. The kidnapped Red Crescent delegation was suddenly, inexplicably and unceremoniously released unharmed in Libya after 65 days in captivity.
Rumors inside the intelligence community suggest that the Jarrett “October surprise” meetings with Iran were contingent on the release of the Iranian Red Crescent workers.”
Tuesday’s election is the reason why the Obama regime works feverishly to close the window on the tragedy in Benghazi. ..." 

ICE spokesman Brandon Montgomery with the Department of Homeland Security offered a statement explaining the importance of confidential informants to criminal investigations.    
“Confidential Informants (CI) are an extremely valuable and necessary part of law enforcement efforts to disrupt and dismantle criminal organizations. One of the most effective ways to do this is by turning insiders within these organizations and utilizing their information as CIs,” Montgomery explained. “Insiders can provide information that cannot be obtained through any other means.” ... " 

2012 Scenario Update

David Wilcock: Will 2012 Be the Year of Freedom? and more...

In This Update...

Top Ten – Only in America - By a Canadian

Top Ten – Only in America - By a Canadian

1) Only in America could politicians talk about the greed of the rich at a $35,000 a plate campaign fund-raising event.

2) Only in America could people claim that the government still discriminates against black Americans when they have a black President, a black Attorney General, and roughly 18% of the federal workforce is black while only 12% of the population is black.

3) Only in America could they have had the two people most responsible for their tax code, Timothy Geithner, the head of the Treasury Department and Charles Rangel who once ran the Ways and Means Committee, BOTH turn out to be tax cheats who are in favor of higher taxes.

4) Only in America can they have terrorists kill people in the name of Allah and have the media primarily react by fretting that Muslims might be harmed by the backlash.

5) Only in America would they make people who want to legally become American citizens wait for years in their home countries and pay tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege while we discuss letting anyone who sneaks into the country illegally just ‘magically’ become American citizens.

6) Only in America could the people who believe in balancing the budget and sticking by the country’s Constitution be thought of as “extremists.”

7) Only in America could you need to present a driver’s license to cash a check or buy alcohol, but not to vote.
8) Only in America could people demand the government investigate whether oil companies are gouging the public because the price of gas went up when the return on equity invested in a major U.S. Oil company (Marathon Oil) is less than half of a company making tennis shoes (Nike).

9) Only in America could the government collect more tax dollars from the people than any nation in recorded history, still spend a trillion dollars more than it has per year for total spending of $7 million PER MINUTE, and complain that it doesn’t have nearly enough money.

10) Only in America could the most productive people who pay 86% of all income taxes be accused of not paying their “fair share” by people who don’t pay any income taxes at all.

Obama Throws War Veterans Under The Bus: 883,949 Disability Claims Sabotaged!

Obama Throws War Veterans Under The Bus: 883,949 Disability Claims Sabotaged!

The backlog of veterans’ disability claims has jumped by 179 percent during President Barack Obama’s first term in office, reaching 883,949 outstanding claims, according to Veterans Administration (VA) statistics. (Click Oct. 1, 2012 link.)
  1. Americans Born To Be Wasted: Impeach Lieberman, Obama & McCain For Permanent War Policy!

The backlog of claims is at near-record highs, with 65.8 percent of claims being backlogged for 125 days or more.
The total claims include disability claims by veterans as well as from surviving spouses, children, or parents. As the VA explains, these claims are “based upon the effects of disabilities, diseases, or injuries incurred or aggravated during military service.” And the claims by spouses, children, or parents are based “upon the Veteran‘s death due to service-related causes.” (Click Oct. 1, 2012 link.)
When Obama took office, there were approximately 390,000 outstanding claims, of which only 22 percent had been pending for more than 180 days.
That number had been falling during the second George W. Bush administration, despite the military being heavily engaged in two wars. At the beginning of Bush’s second term, the VA had about 480,000 outstanding claims, with only 21 percent backlogged for more than 180 days.
That number fell by almost 100,000 claims by the time Obama took office.
In a speech to the American Legion in August, General Eric Shinseki, secretary of Veterans Affairs, said that the VA was working hard to try to process all the claims, noting that “no one is standing at parade rest.”
“The backlog is real, but no one is standing at parade rest,” he said. “This is a dynamic process, and as we pushed 2.9 million claims out the door, 3.5 million claims came in.”
Shinseki promised that his agency would end the backlog by 2015.
Shinseki said the VA had been carrying a backlog “for decades” and added that recent decisions to grant claims related to Gulf War Syndrome and Agent Orangeexposure had increased the backlog.
Governor Palin Visiting Wounded American Troops – Obama Snubbed American Troops In Germany – He Always Has An Excuse For Zero Patriotism.
“Three-and-a-half years ago, we were also still grappling with some unresolved issues from past wars — the Gulf War, over 20 years ago, and the Vietnam War, nearly 50 years ago now,” he said. “We didn’t take care of business when we should have decades ago, and some Veterans were dying without benefits.”
However, the backlog problem has more than doubled in the past two years alone. In January 2012, pending claims stood at about 880,000, with 64 percent backlogged for more than 125 days. That number was up approximately 116,000 over the previous year.
The claims are for veterans with some kind of service-related disability such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or some kind of physical disability caused by injury. Once processed and rated by the VA, veterans receive compensation to help offset the cost of their disability. However, so long as their claims are backlogged, they have no access to compensation.
The VA did not respond to’s request for comment before this story was posted.
CNS News
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2nd Term agenda if reelected in 8 minutes

Less than 30 days America will vote their choice for the President of the UNITED STATES.

Ladies and gentlemen, the video you are about to view is an alarm sounding forth the agenda of the one who sits in the WH. He has zero compassion for America. He will govern without our elected representatives through a series of treaties and UN Global Taxation. Stop what you are doing, Look at the nomenclature, and Listen to what is being told/ said about a second term if reelected. Of course, the current WH sitter will NOT expose his agenda before the election. NO, why expose himself and cause his own demise. 

If, and I say IF (out loud), this man is reelected then our founding forefathers spilled their blood in vain that established "the Republic for the united States of America" and we, you and me, you and your family and the entire world will call upon God, the Creator of creation to save us.

OR, you may want to look at the Restored Republic; This is the official website of the Republic for the united States link:  . This is the Tennessee Free State link:
and the historical account that won our freedom link:
Lloyd Paul Young



For quite some time now I have remained relatively quiet, watching from behind the curtain as predictable events unfold. I write now not because I wish to rub what should have been obvious in the faces of those who would not see but because so many are still determined to ignore the enemy at the gate. As was also predictable I have received numerous emails and phone calls lately from outraged individuals wanting to know “why in the hell am I getting emails from these crackpots again” and clueless innocents having recently joined RuSA who are only now attempting any kind of due diligence.
James Timothy Turner is incarcerated because his puppet masters are finished with him and no other reason. He failed miserably for the most part in his original mission mostly because of his determination to serve his own agenda on the side. Turner lacks the intelligence and the necessary connections to ever pull that off. In fact, the many little “side games” designed to line his pockets like the fake “ID’s”, seminars on everything from Secured Party Creditors, Land Patents and the latest whacked out administrative process the “EFT”, (which he attempted to run from back stage and split the take with F & N while “media boy” lined up the suckers), a fake bank scam and even an Iraqi Dinar scam have handed his puppeteers the very ammunition they needed to wrap up the mission and bury the missionary.
It is no accident or misinterpretation by the Feds that Turners arrest is linked to events he not only had nothing to do with but had nothing to do with him or with RuSA. They know full well that his so called “Ranger Program” poses no threat to anyone save those who might shoot themselves in the big toe attempting to remove a firearm from a hip holster. They certainly know that Hutz and his precious little son were murdered executioner style by parties who were never involved in any Patriot movement.  They are fully aware that Hutz was not only long removed from RuSA but was PUBLICLY exposing it and Turner along with many other “Patriot Guru’s” and idiotic “Plans for Restoration”. They know RuSA had nothing to do with the “Declarations to the Governors” written by Sam Kennedy and delivered under RAP well before Turner’s “assigned and carried out” take over. Turner was NEVER associated with Jerry Kane. It’s doubtful they ever even met and the Feds are absolutely fully aware of that too.
What I find immensely interesting is the fact that Turner’s improperly “appointed” vice president, C.W.Wright, who owns a company tied to FEMA, in fact is in the same business as FEMA and has never even attempted to deny that, suddenly resigns before Turner’s arrest and gets a “FREE PASS” from all his previous collusion. While I fully expect to see Kelby Smith under arrest soon it will not surprise me one iota to see C.W. skate off into the sunset never even looking back over his shoulder with those beady, soulless eyes.
Turner was a useful idiot, a puppet of the quintessential kind just like Barak Obama. A narcissistic court jester who will easily buy into his own BS, become enmeshed in a passionate love affair with his rose colored mirror and through his massively inflated ego, deliver all the elements needed for the puppet masters to affect his demise. History does indeed repeat itself for those who refuse to heed the lessons it reveals.
Just a few short months ago on one of Turner’s weekly self-aggrandizing “round table” calls he was heard doing the “na na na na na na” dance and literally dared the authorities to come after him. He stated that if his sheriff, the FBI or other authorities were to dare touch him they would be creating an INTERNATIONAL INCIDENT the likes of which they dare not wish to see. Hmmm wouldn’t you think that INTERNATIONAL INCIDENT might be visible by now? I’ve seen many events unfolding around the globe since the con man was nabbed but not a peep from any other country wondering what has happened to the “self-appointed president of the “Fantasy Republic”.  I would venture to warn at this point that holding your breath for that particular tsunami could be overly hazardous to your health!
In the many communications I have received after the arrest of the snake oil salesman not once have the obvious questions been raised:
        What about the funding?
        Where’s the Military protection he said he had?
        Where’s Hillary and what happened to his “Treaty” with her?
How can we get our Dinar back? (be careful holding the breath on this one too)
        Why don’t the ET’s intervene?
If the Feds are only interested in his TAX EVASION and stupid Administrative processes, why have they raided Jeanine Stewart’s home and confiscated the data base and all the RuSA records?
        Why has not one foreign dignitary stepped up in support of Turner?
        Who else should be anticipating a “friendly knock on the door”?
Instead I see half of RuSA diligently defending the criminal with their heads still firmly embedded in their nether regions and the other half scrambling to “save the Republic”, replace the clown and go on with the circus. The canvas is burning while the spectators munch on peanuts and popcorn thinking the net beneath the high wire act is real.
For any involved who have ever actually participated and filed one of the foolhardy “Administrative Processes” Turner was advocating; to continue with this farce is dangerous in the extreme. In fact they had best be spending some serious time formulating a “dumb victim” defense and get as far away from the “scene of the crime” as possible. It may even be too late for that it pains me to say. I don’t wish to see anybody harmed just because they let their desperation rule their brain cells.
RuSA, as I have pointed out, provided evidence of and shouted to the roof tops too many times to count, was a SCAM FROM THE GIT GO! It doesn’t even matter who was pulling the strings and who IS pulling the strings now. The only salient point is that what is left is rotten fruit from the poisoned tree and to insist on being served any more RuSA pie is suicidal.
How many FAILED ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSES does it take before people are hit in the head hard enough to understand why they fail? How many so called “White Hat” leaders that never deliver anything but constant rhetoric and vague references to “imminent” actions, cavalry rescue, instant fix and painless transition does it take before America finally gets off its collective ass? THERE ARE NO WHITE KNIGHTS COMING! THERE IS NO CAVALRY COMING! IT’S NOT GOD’S JOB TO CLEAN UP OUR MESS EITHER! IT’S NOT BIBLE PROPHECY COME TRUE, IT’S SIMPLE COWARDICE AND APATHY USED TO EXCUSE THE SAME.
Our country will not be saved by masses of desperate people glued to their computers, telephones, and televisions waiting for some indication that SOMEBODY ELSE has come to save the day! We will not restore our Constitutional Republic by forming a parallel shadow government with zero enforcement and seats of office held by wannabe stars elected by themselves or a handful of clueless although well intentioned individuals.
So you can sit on your butt and die on your butt or stand on your feet and MAYBE survive there. There are no guarantees. Hello, there never have been. As my Granny used to say, anything worth having is worth working for and anything worth doing is worth doing right the first time. She had a lot to say about wearing clean underwear too but I won’t bore you with that. Suffice it to say she was full of words of wisdom which at the end of the day are simple COMMON SENSE.
There is only one solution to what we face today and that is us. In February of this year a contingent of people from a majority of states delivered a NOTICE OF DECLARATION to the Office of Private International Law at the Hague (a city). The notice was just that, a notice. Not an application for recognition. Not a plea for a hearing. Not a legal filing. NO, just a simple DECLARATIVE STATEMENT that We The People in our Individual States are a FREE AND INDEPENDENT people with unalienable rights bestowed by our creator and we recognize no authority over us other than our creator. We have and recognize a Constitution and other documents duly accepted by and for the people. We need no intervention from foreign bodies nor will we accept any. Ok there you have it. The Declaration has been made. The world has been put on notice. Now what? I’ll tell you what. Now WE HAVE TO PROVE IT!
As Wayne Allen Root has pointed out, “it’s not enough to have a philosophical foundation rooted in liberty”. You can philosophize from dawn til dusk 365 days a year and never leave your chair. What is changed in that way can be nothing more than perhaps your listening audience. Theories don’t effect change, pay the bills or put food on the table. If you think attending conference calls listening to the same tired gurus tell you the answer lies in the UPU, the UN, the World Court, the Straw Man, the Common Law court (if you can find it), fighting the IRS, switching political parties in the funny shaped office or even an army of White Knights come to save the day you are doing exactly what you have been conditioned to do, NOTHING!
What if, instead, you access that blob of grey matter your creator saw fit to place between your ears and actually engage in some good old fashioned critical thinking? Turn off the “mind control machine”, start attending some city council meetings. Find out just exactly what your representatives are doing about the invasion of UN Agenda 21 in your community. Talk to your neighbors about something other than the weather like how you might start up a local campaign to educate the people and force the removal of Fluoride from your water supply. Demand the removal of Smart Meters from your homes or form a community action committee to enforce some oversight on your local elected officials. How about looking into the formation of a home schooling co-op until we can regain control of our public education system? How about community farming to ensure a sufficient and constant supply of organic vegetables fit for human consumption? How about making absolutely sure your sheriff is working for you and not the federal government or the UN? The point is solutions start at home, right where you live and what is needed there may not be the same as what is needed in my home town so how can a one size fits all national or international agenda ever benefit you,  your family or community in any cohesive way?
Elections are supposed to serve the need to appoint the most capable among us to positions of leadership in order to ensure the maximum representation of our wishes and needs. We are then supposed to supervise their performance to establish oversight on their actions. If on the other hand we engage in elections simply to appoint “somebody else” to deal with the problems so we can ship them off to the halls of government until the next election rolls around without a thought to what that “somebody else” might have in mind; well we deserve what we get. In fact that is just what we have been doing in this country for longer than any of us have been breathing. It is amazing how much griping, moaning and lamenting the general public can engage in when their elected officials are caught serving their own interests or being manipulated by an international agenda after never having lifted a finger to supervise those they place in office.
This is “mass insanity” at its finest. Would we hire a gardener and never look to see what he is doing to our lawns and flower beds? Would we engage the services of a cook and say nothing when she serves pop tarts and hot dogs on stale buns at every meal? No? Why then do we send our children to be brain washed and indoctrinated for political agenda in the public school system? Why do we continue drinking water filled with poisonous chemicals designed to both render us docile and destroy our health so we can continue to feed a massive pharmaceutical industry’s coffers? Why have we even allowed the more than 800 FEMA detention centers to be built? I could go on and on but you get the picture.
If you are saying to yourself at this moment, “well I can’t do anything about those things. I know nothing about how to do any of that or even where to start”, just knock it off. You don’t get to cop out that easy. Education is free, yes you heard me, FREE! It’s all around you and available any time you make up your mind to seek it. We have public free lending libraries, online free lending libraries like “Google Books”. There is access to a wealth of information online on every subject on earth right there at your fingertips. If you don’t have internet your library does. If you don’t have a computer, your library does. How about all those senior citizens at the local senior center? Remember they already know more than you, been there done that. Tap that resource!
A little over a year ago I began studying consumer law with an incredible group of people who were massively successful at turning the tables on the fraudulent debt collection industry, making them pay instead of the other way round. In the space of that time I have beaten tricky lawyers and learned to use the courts and the laws Congress enacted for the people to use to protect themselves and paid off all my obligations in the bargain. I have helped desperate people to dig themselves out of what they thought were hopeless situations just by introducing them to the tools already there for solutions. It’s just a matter of deciding what is important enough to make you act. Once you accept that nobody can or should do it for you, that your destiny is yours and the results of your actions or inactions are also yours the rest is relatively easy. None of us involved have gone to law school, spent money on weekend seminars, or signed up for any courses. We hold tri-weekly conference calls, study the law together, share our experiences, help new people to catch up and we belong to a web site with extensive resources. Meanwhile the debt collectors are currently in a panic trying to figure out how to staunch the bleeding from the overwhelming number of pro se law suits being filed against them daily. It’s a wonder what happens when people realize it’s 100% impossible to owe a debt collector a single penny.
Imagine just for a moment the change we the people could affect if groups like the one I belong to existed in all areas of law? How about groups of people in their own communities studying the science of reversing the damage to our soil done by the use of chem-trails, pesticides and GMO’s? Trust me I never intended to be studying law at the age of 60 and I definitely could not have imagined even two years ago how much fun I would be having doing it and all without ever stepping foot into a class room.
It’s been a long, painful and arduous learning curve since I first began to “wake up” to the level of corruption and control we are living in. But since I’ve never been an “I can’t do that” sorta gal; I find myself in possession of a massive amount of education and information I never dreamed possible in such a short time. Perhaps all you really need to begin to affect change for yourself and your country is a dose of good old fashioned block headed stubborn determination and a cocky attitude toward those who will inevitably tell you, you can’t do that.
So here we all are these many, many months after RAP became RuSA (Rule under Shadow Anarchy), Obama’s Hope and Change became Theft, Lies and Slavery, jobs have become as scarce as the South American DoDo Bird and still the people bleat like the sheep they have become. The only difference I see for the most part is that the sheep now know they have been had. What they refuse to see is that they will continue to be had so long as they allow “somebody” else to deliver their choices and then tell them WHAT TO CHOOSE!
        When is the RV coming?
        Are the mass arrests under way?
        When are they going to stop the cabal?
        Who’s going to win the election?
        Is Fulford for real? What about Wilcock?
        What do we do?

Gee, I guess when all else fails we could still try using some COMMON SENSE.



Outspoken Obama Classmate: The President Used the IRS to Punish Me Through 18-Month ‘Witch Hunt’

Outspoken Obama Classmate: The President Used the IRS to Punish Me Through 18-Month ‘Witch Hunt’

Wayne Allyn Root Claims Obama Used the IRS to Punish Him
Wayne Allyn Root (Photo Credit: FILE)
Wayne Allyn Root, the 2008 Libertarian Party’s vice-presidential nominee, is an outspoken political commentator. The politico, who recently announced that he’s rejoining the Republican Party and supporting Mitt Romney for president, also has a new purported role: An active member of President Barack Obama’s enemies list. Root is now alleging that the president is targeting him and using the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to do it.
The problems started in January 2011, when Root, who claims to have a perfect tax record, was put through a surprise audit. At the time, he claims to have received a call from an IRS agent who said that he is a fan of Root and that it would be “an honor” to audit him — sentiments that struck the commentator as odd. The agent also told Root that he has read his political columns, listened to him on radio and visited his web site, and that he agrees with his politics.
“I found that very strange, actually chilling. It did not feel right. I got a sick feeling in pit of my stomach,” Root told WND in a recent interview. “Why would an IRS agent say such personal things? Why would he disclose that he’s a fan of mine and agrees with my politics? Isn’t that a conflict of interest?”
Three months ago, the ordeal came to a close, with a tax court finding that Root owed no monies in his past filings. But just when he assumed that the situation had been resolved, something bizarre happened: Root, who was previously seeing his 2007 and 2008 filings under audit, was hit with a new IRS investigation just five days after the last one. In the new audit, the IRS began exploring his 2009 and 2010 filings. The closeness of the two audits is something that Root’s lawyer claims to have never seen or heard of before.
Click here to find out more!

Root, of course, sees this as nothing short of a plotted attempt to silence him. After all, he has been an anti-Obama crusader for years. In August, you may recall his now infamous allegations about the president’s student records — claims that were widely viewed across the media world and blogosphere. In his commentary, he called on Obama to release his college records and contended that the president was hiding something that his Columbia documentation would expose.
Wayne Allyn Root Claims Obama Used the IRS to Punish Him
Wayne Allyn Root (Photo Credit: FILE)
As for the audit, Root is certain it was politically-motivated, seeing as he has made thousands of media appearances during which he has decried the president and his policies.
“That order had to come from the highest levels of government,” Root proclaimed. ”Obama is using the power of the IRS and other government agencies to punish his political opposition and intimidate and silence his critics.”
And Root isn’t taking the alleged political persecution sitting down. He’s calling for Congress to investigate to ensure that the Obama administration is operating within its bounds. Citing his wife and four children, he lamented what he sees as a top-down, government-led “witch hunt.”
“It is time to demand an end to government witch hunts ordered by powerful politicians,” he said of the situation. “It is time to shine the light of day on government attempts to intimidate and silence political opponents. This just isn’t right, but especially to a small businessman who happens to have a media megaphone.”
As for his tax history, Root claimed that, in thirty years of filings, he had never had a problem. Prior to the 2011 audit, he was selected at random two other times and was found to owe “not a single dollar.”
“I’ve never been late with a tax bill in my life,” he told WND. “I’ve never owed money on a payment plan to the IRS. Nothing. I’m a model citizen and taxpayer for 30 years. And now this?”
What was even more odd about the entire ordeal was the way in which Root was informed about the audit. Rather than receiving a letter — the means through which his accountant claims audits are typically commenced — Root received the aforementioned cryptic phone call. The politician claims that his fears were recognized, as the “agent clearly had an agenda” and “was acting unreasonably.”
Root said every conversation with the agent was increasingly disconcerting and problematic. From his mortgage deduction to legal deductions, the agent challenged portion after portion of his tax record during the 18-month ordeal. Then, Root claims his accountant was flagged for his own IRS investigation.
After getting a tax attorney to review his case, Root said that he was found to owe no taxes and that the tactics being used by the IRS were “unusually aggressive.” The attorney appealed Root’s case to IRS tax court in California and Root inevitably won. However, the commentator claims that the experience may have cut years off of his life and that it led to sleepless nights, bills he couldn’t afford and damage to his marriage.
But the case didn’t close there. As noted, five days later, Root received notice that he was being audited again — this time for his 2009 and 2010 returns. Again, he claims to have received the same poor treatment and bizarre inquiries from a separate agent just days after winning his case against the IRS.
In the end, Root said he isn’t angry with the IRS, but that his frustration is pointed at the Obama administration.
“The IRS is filled with good people. They are just like you and me. They are just trying to do their jobs, as best they can,” he told WND. “My outrage is towards President Obama and his henchmen.”

How US cops profit from pot busts

Subject: How US cops profit from pot busts

Have an emergency and need
a cop?

Good luck.

They're revenue extraction
agents now, not peace officers.

Here's the dollars and cents of
how it works...and why they love
ruining people'e lives over small
amounts of marijuana.


- Brasscheck

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Poker Anyone? Land Grab in Hawaii causes Unintended Consequences, Greatly Benefits Kingdom

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Poker Anyone? Land Grab in Hawaii causes Unintended Consequences, Greatly Benefits Kingdom
Posted By: X_Hermes [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 31-Oct-2012 21:46:03

We reported yesterday on the escalating situation where a land grab of sacred land at Kawa Beach, Hawaii, has been made, and its guardian known as Uncle Abel had been evicted illegally, along with others. It looks as if the illegal grab may now backfire on the perpetrators. The following metaphor for what is happening is a consolidation of material sent by reader Mattie.
Poker anyone? This game is...
His Majesty King Edmund Silva Jr. and the Kupunas (Hawaii’an Elders)
Obama, Governor Neil Abercrombie, Ed Olson and Mayor Billy Kenoi.
The chips are down, the players all in and going for broke; people around the world are watching this poker match as it plays out.
The King, Edmund K. Silva Jr. represents Hawaii’an Solidarity - all Kupunas are now behind him, they are together as one Nation. This has been the highly beneficial effect of the illegal land grab reported on earlier.
Obama, the governor Neil Abercrombie, Mayor Billy Kenoi and Ed Olsen represent bondage, treachery and theft of the Hawaiian lands, culture and religions.
Everyone is sitting in anticipation, awaiting the hands to be laid down...
The King and the Kupanas place their chips in the Honey Pot
Obama and his gang of thieves raise the pot to all who are in, smiling like the Cheshire cat, licking their lips, believing no one can ‘up the anti’ - for they see themselves as all powerful.
The King sits with no emotion retaining his Poker face and places all his chips in.
The dealer says ‘now show your hands’.
Obama and gang of thieves, not only show their hands but sweep up the chips, and lay down 4 aces and 1 queen.
The people gasp. And their hearts cry out in anguish, for the people see that they will never be free of oppression.
But then the King lays down his hand. 4 Kings of each suit (representing North, East, South and West) and one Queen of hearts. The People are still in anguish, feeling their Righteous King has indeed lost.
But then the dealer announces ‘King please take your chips and rise as the winner’. People look confused wondering how the King can be the winner?
The dealer then announces ‘President Obama and team, you knew the rules before you sat at the table and the cut of the cards was made, and aces were declared low card. Both you and the King were well aware of the rules of this poker tornament, so you cannot try to deceive the people to believe you have won’.
'Now give the Rightful King his win and give back the Kingdom of Hawaii!'
You see dear people, things are not always as they seem. The Kingdom is restored.
I am told that the King traveled to Kawa Beach last night; and that the outrage at the grab of sacred land means that now, whatever differences there have been in the past, all the kupunas (elders) of each island are supporting solidarity under the Kingdom and their one King. Unexpected consequences for the perpetrators!
Uncle Abel is well, and all know that the time of the Kingdom is now - it will be restored, nothing and no one will ever cause separation of them again. The tribes of the Hawaii’an islands now stand together in One Kingdom, and nations across the globe have called in support of the Kingdom and King.
There is also a message for Mayor Billy Kenoi (a Hawaii’an native) from the Ancestors: They say
“Shame, shame, shame on you Billy: you should have known better for you have sold out your ancestors and betrayed your people.
“The voices of us, your Ancestors are calling from our much disturbed graves and we demand ‘manna to our people’. Our people will now stand as one. You, Billy, will support your people or be disavowed by us, your Ancestors”.
Not a threat a native Hawaii'an will ignore, I think!
Xavier Hermes

What If The 'October' Surprise Was To Have Been This: * Benghazi Attack Was Botched Kidnapping to Trade Blind Sheik

What If The 'October' Surprise Was To Have Been This: * Benghazi Attack Was Botched Kidnapping to Trade Blind Sheik

Dear Patriots (1,400 bcc herein w/permission to forward),

I assure YOU that I had NO knowledge of the communique herein & below (VIDEO that I am forwarding), relative to my “conjectural analysis” in my earlier communique, wherein I surmised that Ambassador Stevens’ resultant death may have been a botched Kidnapping attempt.

My ‘conjectural analysis’ has now gone Viral and has caught the attention of ‘many’.

It is NOW up to you, one and all alike, to discern and judge for yourselves what might have occurred as to WHY!!!

I think it fair to say that Obama and Company would do ANYTHING to perpetuate their Evil upon an unsuspecting American Electorate.

What is difficult for the Electorate to accept, is that his person and those with whom he is associated, can be as Bad & Worse than their contemplation might want to entertain and believe.

Sadly, Treachery and an Evil from WITHIN, has been in play & definitely present and growing for some time.

The History associated with this ‘behavior’, unfortunately, has been withheld from most and any characterization and mention of this by us has been so demonized and miss-portrayed as to keep the Truth from ever being known.

Perhaps MANY will begin to ‘Connect the Dots’ that we Confederates have been pleading with y’all to do for more years than I and we care to remember.

We have asked for NOTHING more than to research that Lost History we continually present you and PROVE us wrong.

In over 20 years in which I have been engaged in this effort, NONE have come forward to do so, as the prevailing ‘Dots of History’ are simply too overwhelming underscoring our charge that Obama was created Many long years ago but whose Person and Ideology has been galvanized & manifested in this time & day.

If he is re-elected, it is also my prediction that all hell will break lose for he will FINISH THE MISSION HE WAS DESIGNED & CREATED FOR- AMERICA’S DESTRUCTION.

In the end, each of YOU will have to judge for yourselves, but the ‘winds harken’ and the days grow bleaker… and YOUR guts are warning YOU that something is Un-Holy & MOST WRONG!

For God, Family and the Republic of the Confederation,
Craig Maus,
President, The Confederate Society of America

Deo Vindice!

From: John Rolls []
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 6:31 PM
Subject: What If The 'October' Surprise Was To Have Been This: * Benghazi Attack Was Botched Kidnapping to Trade Blind Sheik

1. What If The ‘October’ Surprise Was To Have Been This:

2. Benghazi Attack Was Botched Kidnapping to Trade Blind Sheik

Welcome to the Age of Hell: Entrenching Murder as the American Way

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Welcome to the Age of Hell: Entrenching Murder as the American Way
Posted By: Steve [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 1-Nov-2012 05:43:25

by Chris Floyd
The Washington Post has just laid out, in horrifying, soul-slaughtering detail, the Obama Administration’s ongoing effort to expand, entrench and “codify” the practice of murder and terrorism by the United States government. The avowed, deliberate intent of these sinister machinations is to embed the use of death squads and drone terror attacks into the policy apparatus of future administrations, so that the killing of human beings outside all pretense of legal process will go on, year after year after year, even when the Nobel Peace Laureate has left office.
They have even come up with a new euphemism for state murder: “disposition.” The new “counterterrorism matrix” is “designed to go beyond existing kill lists, mapping plans for the ‘disposition’ of suspects beyond the reach of American drones,” the Post reports.
In other words, it involves expanding and varying the menu of arbitrary murder, mixing the blunderbuss of drone blasts and night raids with more selective “bullet-in-the-brain,” “bomb-in-the-car-engine,” “polonium-in-the-pea-soup,” and “doping-and-defenestration” approaches. Arbitrary murder by unaccountable elites and their spies, paid for by money taken from ordinary citizens who have no say in and no knowledge of what is being done in their names (and who will be the victims of the inevitable blowback from the state terror and murder campaign): this is now being “codified,” officially, formally, as the American way.
To be fair — and by all means, let us be fair with these butchers — the term ‘disposition’ is also stretched to cover a multitude of sins: kidnapping, rendition, indefinite detention, turning captives over to proxy torturers.
more here
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