Monday, April 1, 2013

A little-known 1996 Eucharistic miracle in which the new pope was involved

A little-known 1996 Eucharistic miracle in which the new pope was involved
Posted By: MrFusion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 28-Mar-2013 20:25:09
"You must not say that no revelation would satisfy you unless the guarantee of miracle accompanied it, and then say in the same breath that you will refuse to accept any story of miracle precisely on the ground that it is miraculous."
-Msgr. Ronald Knox, "The Belief of Catholics", quoted here.
Eucharistic Miracle in Buenos Aires
A consecrated Host becomes flesh and blood

At seven o’clock in the evening on August 18, 1996, Fr. Alejandro Pezet was saying Holy Mass at a Catholic church in the commercial center of Buenos Aires. As he was finishing distributing Holy Communion, a woman came up to tell him that she had found a discarded host on a candleholder at the back of the church. On going to the spot indicated, Fr. Alejandro saw the defiled Host. Since he was unable to consume it, he placed it in a container of water and put it away in the tabernacle of the chapel of the Blessed Sacrament.
On Monday, August 26, upon opening the tabernacle, he saw to his amazement that the Host had turned into a bloody substance. He informed Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, who gave instructions that the Host be professionally photographed. The photos were taken on September 6. They clearly show that the Host, which had become a fragment of bloodied flesh, had grown significantly in size. For several years the Host remained in the tabernacle, the whole affair being kept a strict secret. Since the Host suffered no visible decomposition, Cardinal Bergoglio decided to have it scientifically analyzed.
On October 5, 1999, in the presence of the Cardinal’s representatives, Dr. Castanon took a sample of the bloody fragment and sent it to New York for analysis. Since he did not wish to prejudice the study, he purposely did not inform the team of scientists of its provenance. One of these scientists was Dr. Frederic Zugiba, the well-known cardiologist and forensic pathologist. He determined that the analyzed substance was real flesh and blood containing human DNA. Zugiba testified that, “the analyzed material is a fragment of the heart muscle found in the wall of the left ventricle close to the valves. This muscle is responsible for the contraction of the heart. It should be borne in mind that the left cardiac ventricle pumps blood to all parts of the body. The heart muscle is in an inflammatory condition and contains a large number of white blood cells. This indicates that the heart was alive at the time the sample was taken. It is my contention that the heart was alive, since white blood cells die outside a living organism. They require a living organism to sustain them. Thus, their presence indicates that the heart was alive when the sample was taken. What is more, these white blood cells had penetrated the tissue, which further indicates that the heart had been under severe stress, as if the owner had been beaten severely about the chest.”
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James Holmes, and how the CIA hid the MKULTRA mind-control program

James Holmes, and how the CIA hid the MKULTRA mind-control program

by Jon Rappoport
March 20, 2013
Back in the early 1990s, I interviewed John Marks, author of Search for the Manchurian Candidate. This was the book that exposed the existence of the infamous CIA MKULTRA program.
I bring up this interview now, because James Holmes may well be on the receiving end of MKULTRA, as his lawyers try to navigate an insanity plea in the Aurora massacre case.
Holmes will be given “truth drugs” to “refresh his memory” about his state of mind at the time of the killings. If that sounds absurd, it is. I wrote a piece the other day detailing how such drugs are often given to produce extreme terror in patients. In other words, the drugs don’t elicit the truth. They’re used as threats to force the patient/suspect to confess to whatever his torturers want him to confess to.
John Marks related the following facts to me. He had filed many Freedom of Information (FOIA) requests to the CIA for documents relating to their mind-control program. He got nothing back.
Finally, as if to play a joke on him, someone at the CIA sent Marks 10 boxes of financial and accounting records. The attitude was, “Here, see what you can do with this.”
I’ve seen some of those records. They’re very boring reading.
But Marks went through them, and lo and behold, he found he could piece together MKULTRA projects, based on the funding data.
Eventually, he assembled enough information to begin naming names. He conducted interviews. The shape of MKULTRA swam into view. And so he wrote his book, Search for the Manchurian Candidate.
He told me that three important books had been written about MKULTRA, and they all stemmed from those 10 boxes of CIA financial records. There was his own book; The ORDfalse">Operation Mind Control by Walter Bowart; and The Mind Manipulators by Alan Scheflin and Edward Opton.
Marks continued to press the CIA for more MKULTRA information. He explained to me what then happened. A CIA official told him the following: in 1962, after ten years of mind-control experiments, the whole program had been shifted over to another internal CIA department, the Office of Research and Development (ORD).
The ORD had a hundred boxes of information on their MKULTRA work, and there was no way under the sun, Marks was told, that he was ever going to get his hands on any of that. It was over. It didn’t matter how many FOIA requests Marks filed. He was done. The door was shut. Goodbye.
The CIA went darker than it ever had before. No leaks of any kind would be permitted.
In case there is any doubt about it, the idea of relying on the CIA to admit what it has done in the mind-control area, what it is doing, and what it will do should be put to bed by John Mark’s statements. The CIA always has been, and will continue to be, a rogue agency beyond the reach of the law.
Since it is the agency with the most experience using “truth drugs,” when James Holmes is put on ice at a Colorado mental hospital, to go through what the judge has permitted—a “narcoanalytic review” to test Holmes’ state of mind—it’s probable that CIA people will be on hand to advise.
The Colorado in-house psychiatrists know nothing about the use of truth drugs. They especially don’t know how to employ those drugs to produce just enough terror in the patient to get him to admit to Anything.
To give you an idea of how far the CIA, the US military, and its allied academics will go in MKULTRA “research,” here is what I wrote in 1995 about several human experiments. My information was based on the three key books I mentioned above, as well as Martin Lee’s classic, Acid Dreams:
Dr. Robert Heath of Tulane University, as early as 1955, working for the Army, gave patients LSD while he had electrodes implanted deep inside their brains.”
In the mid-1950’s, Paul Hoch, M.D., a man who would become Commissioner of Mental Hygiene for the State of New York, then a laborer in the field for the CIA, gave a ‘pseudoneurotic schizophrenic’ patient mescaline. The patient had a not-unfamiliar heaven-and-hell journey on the compound. But Hoch followed this up with a transorbital leucotomy [aka lobotomy]… Hoch also gave a patient LSD, and a local anesthetic, and then proceeded to remove pieces of cerebral cortex, asking at various moments whether the patient’s perceptions were changing.”
People need to understand how the history of mind control and psychiatry are interwoven, and how the madmen and murderers within these “professions” are content to use torture “in the name of science.”
From a current naturalnews article by Dr. Peter Breggin (“Never again! The real history of psychiatry”) we get insight into one aspect of that history:
[Before World War 2, in America], organized psychiatry had been sterilizing tens of thousands of Americans. For a time in California, you couldn’t be discharged from a state hospital unless you were sterilized. In Virginia the retarded were targeted. American advocates of sterilization went to Berlin to help the Nazis plan their sterilization program. These Americans reassured the Germans that they would meet no opposition from America in sterilizing their mentally and physically ‘unfit’ citizens.
“While the murder of mental patients was going full swing in Germany, knowledgeable American psychiatrists and neurologists didn’t want to be left out. In 1942, the American Psychiatric Association held a debate about whether to sterilize or to murder low IQ ‘retarded’ children when they reached the age of five. Those were the only two alternatives in the debate: sterilization or death.
“After the debate, the official journal of the American Psychiatric Association published an editorial in which it chose sides in favor of murder (‘Euthanasia’ in the American Journal of Psychiatry, 1942, volume 99, pp. 141-143). It said psychiatrists would have to muster their psychological skills to keep parents from feeling guilty about agreeing to have their children killed.”
Jon Rappoport

Jesus – Rebel with a Cause

Jesus – Rebel with a Cause

With the crowning of a new pope this Easter within a morally disintegrating Catholic Church, which is torn by sexual abuse and corruption, it’s time for a new look at the very human and unchained Jesus, the populist rebel with a timeless cause ~ love one another or perish

by Allen L Roland

“All great truths begin as blasphemies” George Bernard Shaw
As I wrote last Easter, I personally do not think of Jesus as meek and mild but instead as a determined and compassionate revolutionary ~ an evolutionary forerunner for a state of love and soul consciousness which is also deepest within each one of us. Only the church as an institution stands in the way of this common innate connection and empowering knowledge.
To many devout Catholics or far right Christians, a very human and unchained (from the church) Jesus would be the ultimate blasphemy ~ but I maintain that it is a great truth which has long been sensed by millions throughout the world.
To discover the real Jesus ~ one must completely surrender to love ~ for only then will you be seeing through the heart; for only then will you sense and begin to understand that Jesus was the ultimate rebel ~ an evolutionary forerunner and spokesperson for a state of love and soul consciousness that lies deepest within us all. A state of consciousness that he surrendered to and found during his undocumented years from 12 to 30 years old and most probably during his travels to India.
But what about the resurrection myth and the millions of people who base their faith on the resurrection stories and other myths?  
Is it possible that Jesus was still alive when taken into the tomb and was stolen away by his followers and later appeared. BBC explores that possibility in this excellent 9 minute video entitled Jesus in Kashmir, India ~
Gallup has revealed that nearly half of all Americans believe that they have been in contact with someone who has died ~ usually a dead spouse or sibling who they had a deep loving connection. Another important point in Gallup’s study was that the major factor associated with contacting and experiencing the dead was a belief in a loving God, rather than a judgmental one.
In that sense, Jesus represents the transition from an externalized old testament God of wrath and judgment to an internalized new testament god of love and a state of soul consciousness.
My own mother appeared to me the night she suddenly and unexpectedly died in 1987 ~ some 3000 miles away. Not only did she tell me how deeply she loved me but she also said that she knew what I knew ~ Allen, I Know, Allen, I Know ..
I had sent her a copy of my Unified Field Theory some months prior to her death which can best be summed up in this one statement ~ The basic underlying and uniting force of the Universe is a psychic energy field of love and soul consciousness ( The Unified Field ) which lies not only beyond time and space but ALSO beneath our deepest fears and whose principle property is the universal urge to unite.
So my mother appeared to me, much like Jesus did with his followers, and told me that she was now in that same state of unconditional love and soul consciousness which I call The Unified Field, thus ~ Allen, I Know, Allen, I Know ..
Did Jesus not do the very same thing when he appeared to his followers after his death ~ proving to them that the kingdom of heaven was within them and a state of consciousness that exists beyond time and space.
It makes sense that Jesus as a young child sensed his destiny and traveled elsewhere in a quest to not only find himself but to get in sync with his destiny. Several authors have claimed to have found proof of the existence of manuscripts in India and Tibet that support the belief that Jesus was in India during this time in his life. Some assert that Jesus lived the life of a Buddhist and taught Buddhist ideals to his disciples. Their work follows in the footsteps of the Oxford New Testament scholar Barnett Hillman Streeter, who established in the 1930s that the moral teaching of the Buddha has four remarkable resemblances to the Sermon on the Mount.
So let’s say that Jesus, like many of us, was originally looking outside for God and true meaning in his life and towards the end of those 18 years realized that what he was externally looking for was instead deepest within him ~ a love, a state of soul consciousness and a kingdom of heaven so deep that it existed beyond time and space and it was calling him to service.
Imagine him returning home armed with this burning cause ~ a heartfelt knowledge and eager to share this truth with friends, neighbors and disciples and then also imagine his shock of witnessing the decadent Roman culture and externalized world that existed at that time ~ which eventually became threatened by his teachings and rebelled against his message of love, inner freedom and individual power.
It was then that Jesus became Jesus, the unorthodox revolutionary, spreading his message of love and touching a loving chord that has never been forgotten because it also exists deepest within each one of us ~ regardless of how well hidden it is under blankets of unworthiness and self-doubt.
Today, Jesus would be considered not only a rebel, if not a terrorist, and most certainly a threat to the establishment and the status quo ~ as he most certainly was 2000 years ago.
Indeed, Jesus was a rebel with a cause but Jesus has been misused and misinterpreted for thousands of years and is still being misunderstood under the current banner of Christianity.
Substitute the word emperor with the Pope and you get the current big picture of how Christianity has been misused and with 80% of the American military being Christian ~ are we not still fighting the crusades against the media labeled primitive, fanatically religious, hateful Middle East Terrorists ~ when in reality they are our brothers and sisters barely surviving in illegally occupied and economically ravaged countries.
So much for Christianity, let’s get back to Jesus ~ the ultimate rebel for love who still calls to us from deep within to open our hearts and find The Way of the heart ‘.
It is my contention that Jesus did not die for us (contrary to the Catholic church) but, instead he lived for us for he was indeed a determined revolutionary and an evolutionary forerunner for a state of love and soul consciousness which is also deepest within each one of us ( the Unified Field ) ~ a state of love and soul consciousness that exists beyond time and space and is one in the same with the experience of an after death and near death experience.
Dr. Eben Alexander, in his bestselling book Proof of Heaven writes about his near death experience and says the same thing ~ it’s all about love;
Proof of Heaven,  p. 71 ~ “If I had to boil this entire message down to one sentence, it would run this way:“You are loved.”  And if I had to boil it down further, to just one word, it would (of course) be simply: Love.
Love is without doubt, the basis of everything.  Not some abstract, hard-to-fathom kind of love, but the day-to-day kind that everyone knows – the kind of love we feel when we look at our spouse and our children, or even our animals.  In its purest and most powerful form, this love is not jealous or selfish, but unconditional.  This is the reality of realities, the incomprehensibly glorious truth of truths that lives and breathes at the core of everything that exists or that ever will exist, and no remotely accurate understanding of who and what we are can be achieved by anyone who does not know it, and embody it in all of their actions.  Not much of a scientific insight?  Well, I beg to differ.  I’m back from that place, and nothing could convince me that this is not only the single most important scientific truth as well.”

3 Minute video ~ How Dr. Eben Alexander’s near death experience affected his life (Oprah)
The controversial Catholic theologian Hans Kung in his thought provoking book  ON BEING A CHRISTIAN  has helped to demythologize the bible by attempting to rediscover the true Jesus; ” Against all tendencies to deify Jesus, it must constantly be stressed today that he was wholly and entirely man with all the consequences of this (capacity for suffering, fear, loneliness, insecurity, temptations, doubts, possibility for error ) Not merely man but true man.
Jesus was a definitive threat to the establishment and they, in essence, eventually killed the messenger ~ just like they did with Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.
For those of you who are waiting for Christ’s return, I will tell you to look within, for it is there that he resides in our deepest propensity to unite with and love one another ~ and we all have a part to play in that loving plan.
Jesus wasn’t just a rebel. He was the ultimate rebel. And now his call, “Follow me,” seems a whole lot more radical because what he really means is go inside, open your heart and find and travel the path or WAY of your heart.
81% of Americans say they are Christians which is now the world’s largest faith ~ with 2 billion believers or roughly 33% of the earth’s population. Newsweek reveals that 75% of them say that Jesus was sent to earth to absolve mankind of its sins.
Let’s get something straight. Jesus was not sent from anywhere for Jesus was divinely human ~ no different than you or myself at birth ~ and the humanizing of Jesus is an essential step in the journey towards taking responsibility for that same love deepest within each one of us.
As such, the natural birth of Jesus and the loving relationship of Jesus and Mary Magdalene completely humanizes Jesus, takes him off the unreachable pedestal the Catholic Church and others have put him on ~ and makes him finally accessible to the world through love and Relationship.
As such it also places women, ( the divine feminine ) as symbolized by Mary Magdalene, in their rightful place at the right of Jesus ~ and certainly on more than equal footing with men.
Teilhard de Chardin said it beautifully ~ The only right love is that between couples whose passion leads them both, one through the other, to a higher possession of their being….. Union, the true upward union in the spirit, ends by establishing the elements it dominates in their own perfection.
We all have a personal covenant with Jesus in our capacity to unconditionally love one another as he manifested that love in his life. It is my potential to love as Jesus loved that fills me with faith ~ not the immaculate conception, resurrection story and other myths.
And it is the fuel for my heart centered transformational work as a therapist with all my clients.
When you walk in love, you walk with Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Gandhi, King and all the other great souls of our planet ~ Happy Easter.

Oath Keepers and the Age of Treason

Oath Keepers and the Age of Treason

Glenn Beck loves them. Tea Partiers court them. Congressmen listen to them. Meet the fast-growing "patriot" group that's recruiting soldiers to resist the Obama administration.

THE .50 CALIBER Bushmaster bolt action rifle is a serious weapon. The model that Pvt. 1st Class Lee Pray is saving up for has a 2,500-yard range and comes with a Mark IV scope and an easy-load magazine. When the 25-year-old drove me to a mall in Watertown, New York, near the Fort Drum Army base, he brought me to see it in its glass case—he visits it periodically, like a kid coveting something at the toy store. It'll take plenty of military paychecks to cover the $5,600 price tag, but he considers the Bushmaster essential in his preparations to take on the US government when it declares martial law.
His belief that that day is imminent has led Pray to a group called Oath Keepers, one of the fastest-growing "patriot" organizations on the right. Founded last April by Yale-educated lawyer and ex-Ron Paul aide Stewart Rhodes, the group has established itself as a hub in the sprawling anti-Obama movement that includes Tea Partiers, Birthers, and 912ers. Glenn Beck, Lou Dobbs, and Pat Buchanan have all sung its praises, and in December, a grassroots summitit helped organize drew such prominent guests as representatives Phil Gingrey and Paul Broun, both Georgia Republicans.
There are scores of patriot groups, but what makes Oath Keepers unique is that its core membership consists of men and women in uniform, including soldiers, police, and veterans. At regular ceremonies in every state, members reaffirm their official oaths of service, pledging to protect the Constitution—but then they go a step further, vowing to disobey "unconstitutional" orders from what they view as an increasingly tyrannical government.
Pray (who asked me to use his middle name rather than his first) and five fellow soldiers based at Fort Drum take this directive very seriously. In the belief that the government is already turning on its citizens, they are recruiting military buddies, stashing weapons, running drills, and outlining a plan of action. For years, they say, police and military have trained side by side in local anti-terrorism exercises around the nation. In September 2008, the Army began training the 3rd Infantry's 1st Brigade Combat Team to provide humanitarian aid following a domestic disaster or terror attack—and to help with crowd control and civil unrest if need be. (The ACLU has expressed concern about this deployment.) And some of Pray's comrades were guinea pigs for military-grade sonic weapons, only to see them used by Pittsburgh police against protesters last fall.
Most of the men's gripes revolve around policies that began under President Bush but didn't scare them so much at the time. "Too many conservatives relied on Bush's character and didn't pay attention," founder Rhodes told me. "Only now, with Obama, do they worry and see what has been done. Maybe you said, I trusted Bush to only go after the terrorists.* But what do you think can happen down the road when they say, 'I think you are a threat to the nation?'"
In Pray's estimate, it might not be long (months, perhaps a year) before President Obama finds some pretext—a pandemic, a natural disaster, a terror attack—to impose martial law, ban interstate travel, and begin detaining citizens en masse. One of his fellow Oath Keepers, a former infantryman, advised me to prepare a "bug out" bag with 39 items including gas masks, ammo, and water purification tablets, so that I'd be ready to go "when the shit hits the fan."
When it does, Pray and his buddies plan to go AWOL and make their way to their "fortified bunker"—the home of one comrade's parents in rural Idaho—where they've stocked survival gear, generators, food, and weapons. If it becomes necessary, they say, they will turn those guns against their fellow soldiers.

PRAY AND I DRIVE through a bleak landscape of fallow winter fields and strip malls in his blue Dodge Stratus as Drowning Pool's "Bodies"—a heavy metal song once used to torment Abu Ghraib detainees—plays on the stereo. Clad in an oversize black hoodie that hides his military physique, Pray sports an Army-issue buzz cut and is seriously inked (skulls, smoke, an eagle). His father kicked him out of the house at age 14. Two years later, after working jobs from construction to plumbing—"If it's blue collar, I've done it"—he tried to enlist. It wasn't long after 9/11, and he was hell-bent on revenge. The Army turned him down. Blaming the "THOR" tattooed across his fist, Pray tried to burn it off. On September 11, 2006, he approached the Army again and was accepted.
Now Pray is both a Birther and a Truther. He believes he is following an illegitimate, foreign-born president in a war on terror launched by a government plot—9/11. He admires soldiers like Army reservist Major Stefan Frederick Cook, who volunteered for a deployment last May and then sued to avoid it—claiming that Obama is not a natural-born citizen and is thus unfit for command. Pray himself had been eager to go to Iraq when his own unit deployed last June, but he smashed both knees falling from a crane rig and the injuries kept him stateside. In September, he was demoted from specialist to private first class—he'd been written up for bullshit infractions, he claims, after seeking help for a drinking problem. His job on base involves operating and maintaining heavy machinery; the day before we met, he and his fellow "undeployables" had attached a snowplow to a Humvee, their biggest assignment in a while. He spends idle hours at the now-quiet base researching the New World Order and conspiracies about swine flu quarantine camps—and doing his best to "wake up" other soldiers.
Pray isn't sure how to do this and still cover his ass. He talks to me on the record and agrees to be photographed, even as he hints that the CIA may be listening in on his phone. Although I met him through contacts from the group's Facebook page, Pray, fearing retribution, keeps his Oath Keepers ties unofficial. (Rhodes encourages active-duty soldiers to remain anonymous, noting that a group with large numbers of anonymous members can instill in its adversaries the fear of the unknown—a "great force multiplier.") For a time, Pray insisted we communicate via Facebook (safer than regular email, he claims). Driving me from the mall back to my motel, he takes a new route. He says unmarked black cars sometimes trail him. It sounds paranoid. Then again, when you're an active-duty soldier contemplating treason, some level of paranoia is probably sensible.
The next afternoon we join Brandon, one of Pray's Army buddies, for steaks. Sitting in a pleather booth at Texas Roadhouse, the young men talk boastfully about their military capabilities and weapons caches. Role-playing the enemy in military exercises, Brandon says, has prepared him to evade and fight back against US troops. "I know their tactics," brags Pray. "I know how they do room sweeps, work their convoys—if we attack this vehicle, what the others will do."
A strapping Idahoan, Brandon (who doesn't want his full name used) enlisted as a teenager when he got his girlfriend pregnant and needed a stable job, stat. (She lost the baby and they split, but he's still glad he signed up.) Unlike his friend, he doesn't think the United Nations must be dismantled, although he does agree that it represents the New World Order, and he suspects that concentration camps are being readied in the off-limits section of Fort Drum. He sends 500 rounds of ammunition home to Idaho each month.

Pfc. Lee Pray vows he'll fight to the death if a rogue US government "forces us to engage."Pfc. Lee Pray vows he'll fight to the death if a rogue US government "forces us to engage."EVERY YEAR ON April 19, history buffs gather on the village green in Lexington, Massachusetts, to reenact the first battle of the Revolutionary War. For Stewart Rhodes, it was the ideal setting to unveil the organization his followers consider the embodiment of a second American Revolution.
Rhodes, 44, is a constitutional lawyer—his 2004 Yale Law School paper, "Solving the Puzzle of Enemy Combatant Status," won the school's award for best paper on the Bill of Rights. He's now working on a book tentatively titled We the Enemy: How Applying the Laws of War to the American People in the War on Terror Threatens to Destroy Our Constitutional Republic. Raised in the Southwest, Rhodes enlisted in the Army after high school, receiving an honorable discharge after he injured his spine during a night parachute jump. He enrolled at the University of Nevada and in 1998, after graduating, landed a job supervising interns for Congressman Ron Paul. Rhodes has also worked as a firearms instructor and a sculptor—for Vegas' MGM Grand hotel, he produced a fiberglass Minuteman statue—and has practiced law in small-town Montana ("Ivy League quality without Ivy League expense"). He writes a gun-rights column for SWAT magazine. He's a libertarian, staunch constitutionalist, and devout Christian.
It was while volunteering for Ron Paul's doomed presidential bid that Rhodes decided to abandon electoral politics in favor of grassroots organizing. As an undergrad, he had been fascinated by the notion that if German soldiers and police had refused to follow orders, Hitler could have been stopped. Then, in early 2008, SWAT received a letter from a retired colonel declaring that "the Constitution and our Bill of Rights are gravely endangered" and that service members, veterans, and police "is where they will be saved, if they are to be saved at all!"
Rhodes responded with a breathless column starring a despotic president, "Hitlery" Clinton, in her "Chairman Mao signature pantsuit." Would readers, he asked, obey orders from this "dominatrix-in-chief" to hold militia members as enemy combatants, disarm citizens, and shoot all resisters? If "a police state comes to America, it will ultimately be by your hands," he warned. You had better "resolve to not let it happen on your watch." He set up an Oath Keepers blog, asking soldiers and veterans to post testimonials. Word spread. Military officers offered assistance. A Marine Corps veteran invited Rhodes to speak at a local Tea Party event. Paul campaigners provided strategic advice. And by the time Rhodes arrived in Lexington to speak at a rally staged by a pro-militia group, a movement was afoot.
Rhodes stood on the common that day before a crowd of about 400 die-hard patriot types. He spoke their language. "You need to be alert and aware to the reality of how close we are to having our constitutional republic destroyed," he said. "Every dictatorship in the history of mankind, whether it is fascist, communist, or whatever, has always set aside normal procedures of due process under times of emergency...We can't let that happen here. We need to wake up!"
He laid out 10 orders an Oath Keeper should not obey, including conducting warrantless searches, holding American citizens as enemy combatants or subjecting them to military tribunals (a true Oath Keeper would have refused to hold José Padilla in a military brig), imposing martial law, blockading US cities, forcing citizens into detention camps ("tyrannical governments eventually and invariably put people in camps"), and cooperating with foreign troops should the government ask them to intervene on US soil. In Rhodes' view, each individual Oath Keeper must determine where to draw the line.
The crowd was full of familiar faces from patriot rallies and town hall meetings, with an impressive showing by luminaries of the rising patriot movement. There was Richard Mack, a former Arizona sheriff who had refused to enforce the Brady Law in the mid-'90s. Also present was Mike Vanderboegh, whose Three Percenter movement styles itself after the legendary 3 percent of American colonists who took up arms against the British. Rhodes singled out Marine Charles Dyer, a.k.a. July4Patriot—whose YouTube videos advocate armed resistance—as a "man of like minds." When Rhodes finished, Captain Larry Bailey, a retired Navy SEAL, Swift Boater, and founder of the anti-antiwar group Gathering of Eagles, asked the crowd to raise their right hands and retake their oath—not to the president, but to the Constitution.

World traveling Administration leaves terminally-ill veteran stranded

World traveling Administration leaves terminally-ill veteran stranded

Published on March 29, 2013 in Asheville, Hendersonville, News Stories, Roger McCredie
(Left to right) Bobby Dishon - Daughter, Marty Kretchman - Gene 

(Left to right) Dr. Kenneth Kubitschek, Master Sergeant Michael Dishon, Mike Summey – Pilot
Air Force says Sequester budget cuts prohibit military transport
By Roger McCredie -

[Asheville, NC] A private aircraft climbed into a cloudless Good Friday sky, bound for the nation’s capital.  Its mission: to fetch a local veteran back to spend his final days near his family.

The plane, which was given the call sign  HRF (for “Hero Flight”) 65, is owned and flown by Asheville businessman Mike Summey. Also on board were reserve pilot Greg Byrd, and Dr. Kenneth Kubitschek of Carolina Internal Medicine who was volunteering his own time to act as accompanying physician.

The patient is retired Master Sergeant Michael Dishon, a 20-year Air Force veteran who was recently medevaced from Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, the army’s largest hospital outside the U.S. proper, to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Washington.  Dishon suffers from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and has now been diagnosed with terminal Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, an aggressive form of cancer that invades the lymph system.  On arrival, Dishon will be transferred to a local hospice facility.

Summey said he learned of Dishon’s case when he was contacted by the Veterans Airlift Command, a small nonprofit that enlists the aid of private pilots to transport ill and wounded veterans in cases where military transport is not available or feasible and ground travel is not advisable.


Jen Salvati, VAC Operations Manager, said that Dishon’s illness had been designated as 100 percent service-connected since he contracted it while still on active duty, and that he thus would ordinarily have qualified for military air transport; however, she said, she had been informed that funding for such mercy flights has been curtailed by Sequester budget cuts and that the armed forces have been appealing to private sources for help.  “We got a call from Sgt. Dishon’s social worker,” she said.

“It’s a duty and an honor to be doing this,” Summey said.  “For me it’s an uplifting experience.  But I can’t help noticing the irony that the President of the United States can spend a million dollars’ worth of taxpayer money to have Air Force One fly him to a golf game with Tiger Woods but the Air Force can’t afford to fly a terminally ill veteran with a hundred-per-cent service related disability to his hospice.”

Salvati said the Veterans Airlift Command headquartered in Minneapolis, was started by her father, Walt Fricke, a Vietnam War helicopter pilot.  The organization, administered only by Fricke, Salvate and mission coordinator Maria Miles, now comprises some 2,200 private pilots across the U.S., such as Summey, who usually undertake their missions at their own personal expense.

“We usually deal with combat wounded, but this [Dishon’s case] was a worthy exception,” Salvati said.  She added that the fact that military transport was not available might in a way have been just as well.

“He would probably have had to wait for available space,” she said.  “That could have meant being on call for days, and even then you don’t know whether he’d be getting proper attention.  And commercial flights are just as bad.  At least this way he’ll have a doctor and oxygen with him and we know he’ll be made comfortable.”

Dishon’s daughter Samantha was due to accompany her father back to Asheville, where they would be met by another daughter.  The flight manifest listed two passengers, one weighing 150 pounds, the other 105 pounds.

The 105-pound passenger was Dishon.


Original Email Requesting Summey’s Assistance
Sent: 3/26/2013   10:25:58 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time Subj: VAC Mission from Washington, DC to Asheville, NC 3/29
We have a slightly out of the box mission opportunity this   week:
Retired 68 year old USAF MSG Michael Dishon was medivaced   from Landstuhl to Walter Reed for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.   Michael has Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and is going to be entering hospice care in   Asheville, NC.  He is 100% service connected disabled (cancer). Due to the sequester, the Air Force cannot fly him there (they   normally would have been able to accomplish this on an exception   basis).
We would like to help this veteran get to his hospice care   comfortably (doctors say driving is not ideal).  Please let me know if  you are able to help.  He will be traveling with his daughter and oxygen.
Washington, DC to Asheville, NC 3/29
2 pax-weights 103 and 152
Thanks for considering this mission.
Jen Salvati Operations
Manager Veterans Airlift Command
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"Threat Level Red" Declared? Preparedness Pro – Air Force Reserve Base In Portland On Stand-by

"Threat Level Red" Declared? Preparedness Pro – Air Force Reserve Base In Portland On Stand-by

Thursday, March 28, 2013 15:46          (Before It's News)

According to Preparedness Pro via a post on Facebook, the United States Military has gone to 'threat level red'. After this original post was made approx. 5 hours ago (approx. 1:30 pm eastern time on Thursday March 28th, 2013), confirmation HAS BEEN received from 6 different sources as outlined in comments further down in the post. 

What are they preparing for? 

North Korea has declared war upon the

United States and South Korea.

The Pentagon has deployed B-2 Stealth Nuclear bombers to South Korea. 

One could quite easily say that WW3 is now upon the horizon. 

Let's all pray that cooler heads prevail. 

The original Facebook post is here:

Preparedness Pro
BREAKING NE:--just got a heads up that the U.S. military has gone to threat level RED and the Air Force reserve base in Portland (OR) has been put on Stand-by.

This is UNCONFIRMED so far---waiting on confirmation from multiple sources. Anyone else have any input?

A screenshot of Preparedness Pro's Facebook post is below.:

Message from Montague Keen - March 31, 2013

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from Montague Keen - March 31, 2013
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 31-Mar-2013 22:40:13

Message from Montague Keen - March 31, 2013
My dear, I was delighted to be able to organize one or two surprises for you this weekend. I wanted to say thank you for your devotion to our work. It is important for you to spend time with family and special friends this holiday weekend. You need to relax and put work aside for a few hours.
Important connections are being made and the right people are being brought forward. Significant information is being shared. You were told an important connection with Canada would be made, and within hours, such a connection was made. All the sacred sites around your world were once connected, but this connection was temporarily destroyed and this left you in darkness. Now, you are hearing of good people across your world who are aware of this and are busily reconnecting these sites. This will create the energy necessary for the light to remove all the evidence of darkness, forever. We in spirit, work with these people. Their sole purpose is to restore the light.
You were given important information during your interview, last evening, regarding who are (you and I) and our soul connection. It was also confirmed that your instinct was correct regarding one of your team: he is of great importance and he will soon come to terms with what is expected of him. His soul contract with you, my dear, will be fulfilled. He will exceed expectations; so worry not, all will proceed as planned. Your eagerness to rush ahead must be controlled. Spirit decides when to proceed: not you, my dear. Leave all these decisions to us. You know in your heart that we will be successful. The right people will be at your side.
The importance of Ireland is, at last, being realized by your world. Those who make contact with you are eager to share their research. They are understandably excited that, at last, they are seeing the full picture of when the control system was put in place and how it was achieved. This knowledge will set you free. It will also expose those who were complicit in destroying your world. This was when the human race was altered to keep everyone under control. The guilty ones are now beginning to experience the fear of exposure. Their threats now fall on deaf ears as their control is ebbing away.
Ensure that you are grounded at all times as you need to protect yourself from all forms of attack. They will not go quietly. But have no fear, as you will be assisted in restoring your world. Everything is in place, and when the timing is right, all will become clear. Trust in spirit, and know without doubt, that this is the way forward.
Gradually remove yourselves from the rat race in which you were unwittingly trapped. Appreciate what you do have in your life that is pure and good and love-based. The simple things in life are the most precious. Re-evaluate your lives and ask, what is your purpose? Why are you on Earth at this time? Everyone has a role to play, so do not be found wanting. Together, you will change your world and you will take your place in the universe once more. When you learn to look with love in your eyes at all around you and appreciate the beauty of your planet, you will know that you are free at last.
Please excuse my dear wife, she needs to join her family for family celebrations. It is difficult to concentrate on our connection when family is present. Our plans are coming to fruition. This is an exciting time. Please bear with us and all will be revealed. Be assured that you are on the right track. Together, we will help to restore the light.
Enjoy your time with your family. Always, your adoring, Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation

Dennis Kucinich: US an ‘Orwellian State’, Drones, GMOs, Holding Bush Accountable

Dennis Kucinich: US an ‘Orwellian State’, Drones, GMOs, Holding Bush Accountable

Posted on by Jean
Published on Mar 21, 2013
Abby Martin talks to US Congressman, Dennis Kucinich, about the 10th anniversary of the Iraq war and other issues that set him aside from the average establishment politician.

Ex-CNN Reporter: I Received Orders to Manipulate News to Demonize Syria and Iran

Ex-CNN Reporter: I Received Orders to Manipulate News to Demonize Syria and Iran
Posted By: Maryhrt [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 31-Mar-2013 22:32:24
At least one of them admits it. They always demonize anyone that does not agree with the global elites' plan for world domination and control. Just watch if you don't believe it--veterans, patriots, home schoolers, etc.
Ex-CNN Reporter: I Received Orders to Manipulate News to Demonize Syria and Iran
PRAGUE,- Ex-CNN reporter Amber Lyon revealed that during her work for the channel she received orders to send false news and exclude some others which the US administration did not favor with the aim to create a public opinion in favor of launching an aggression on Iran and Syria.
Lyon was quoted by the Slovak main news website as saying that the mainstream US media outlets intentionally work to create a propaganda against Iran to garner public opinion's support for a military invasion against it.
She revealed that the scenario used before launching the war on Iraq is being prepared to be repeated where Iran and Syria are now being subject to constant 'demonization'.


NEIL KEENAN UPDATE: ARREST THE BANKERS – Counterfeit Notes Issued by the ECB…the Big Euro Bailouts Are Backed by Less than Air – They’re Backed by Fraud

Posted on by Jean
by Michael Henry Dunn
(NOTE: Today’s video update on Youtube was inadvertently posted prematurely, and then withdrawn by us.  It is now reposted in its entirety.)
JAKARTA, March 31, 2013:  Easter Sunday  –  When these dispatches began, I promised you hard news from Neil Keenan in Jakarta, with no teaser phony updates or well-spun tantalizing hints of major developments to come.  For those whose incomes depend on e-newsletter subscription fees and ad revenue from web-page hit totals, such temptations are difficult to avoid: it is the old journalistic imperative to attract eyeballs by whatever means necessary.  Being an itinerant bard on a quixotic quest to be useful to the man I have come to regard as the planet’s best shot at freedom from debt-slavery, I have no such temptations.  Our audience pays us no fee, and the material reward for our efforts is waiting down the road, as it is for all of us.  So, much as we itched to post an update since our last post on March 25th, we’ve held off until the situation clarified, and we had news to share.
Questions hanging in our readers’ minds:
Is Nelu Wibawa free?
Short answer: Not yet, but the delays appear to be over…we may have additional news in short order.
Is Neil Keenan kicking butt?
Short answer:  Is the Pope Catholic?  (On second thought, that old line may not work so well anymore, as there are those who would now say, no, the Pope isn’t Catholic, he’s a Jesuit….but we will leave that one for later).
The answer to the question about Keenan’s swift kicks to bankster posteriors is an emphatic ‘yes.’  The answer to other questions is a blend of high-impact hard news and frustrating delays, the sum of which is that the Alliance’s efforts, spearheaded by Keenan, have the banksters on the run, with more good guys flocking to the banner.
We thought the best way to explain all this is to let Mr. Keenan himself answer some of these questions in person.  In today’s video, look for Neil’s response on such questions as: What is the bigger picture regarding the Cyprus savings account theft by the EU?  Is the new BRICS alliance going to come to the rescue, or is it just en EU rerun?  How and when will the humanitarian projects emerge from the liberation of the Global Collateral Accounts?  Keenan’s blunt responses to these questions will be heartening to some, and frightening to others.  We know who the frightened ones are, and they have reason to fear the consequences of their actions – consequences they no doubt thought never to face.
Some additional updates from Mr. Keenan that are not included in the video:
  • As the euro is backed by counterfeit currency issued by the European Central Bank in payment for the leasing of the Global Collateral Account gold, the ECB will be offered an opportunity to buy back the many trillions in phony notes they have issued.  As they will not be able to do this, they will be shut down and/or taken over.  The euro will go away, and the eurozone nations will return to their national currencies, minus their debt.
  • All the nations currently groaning under central bank debt – Greece, Cyprus, Portugal, Spain, Ireland, Italy, et al – will be debt-free once these actions are complete, and the ECB is revealed for what it is.
  • The New World Order takeover of the assets and sovereignty of the so-called debtor nations will be stopped.  The economy-killing austerity and loss of sovereignty will end – no more Goldman Sachs cabalists will be appointed to rule your destinies.
  • Humanitarian projects will get fully underway only once this process has been completed.
(For those just arriving on the scene of this epic story, a quick overview can be found at Neil Keenan: The Changing of the Guard)
Those who are encouraged by Neil Keenan’s bluntness and his aggressive actions may at the same time feel increased anxiety for him, and for his team, given the dangers faced by others who have fought the bankster cabal, or have exposed the bloodline families, or sought to topple the dark sect at the top of that pyramid on the Federal Reserve debt note which now masquerades as America’s currency.
I won’t minimize the risk: it is real, and we are taking due precautions.  But I will share with you that we have received continued assurances from many quarters that we are being watched…and being watched over.  Yes, no doubt, there are formidable forces attempting to stop this work.  But there are many allies working with us, and many protective forces in the field on our behalf….and above it, and beyond it, if you will.   Hard core agency watch-dogs and, let’s say, more ethereal guardians as well.
Neil Keenan is, let me tell you, a very earthy guy (that really doesn’t begin to describe it).  If he weren’t a solidly grounded and sometimes downright scary fighter, he would not be where he is in the forefront of this battle.  But he’s also got a mystical Irish streak running through him.  In one moment, he will scoff at the idea of 4th Dimensional protection, or of guardian goddess spirits in his hotel room, or at above-top-secret sources that assure us of off-planet protection – and in the next minute tell me blithely that he’s seen them fairly often….but “don’t quote me, Michael – we don’t want people to think I’m nuts.”
So I won’t quote him.  (Hmmm, perhaps I just did).  I’ll just take the responsibility in my role as the “spiritual guy” in our good-cop/bad-cop routine to state that our experience has confirmed that “there are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” As to Neil’s sanity, let’s just say that he’s a combination of Genghis Kahn and Darby O’Gill: an unpredictable blend of ruthless warlord and mischievous Mick.  Genghis Kahn was a terror in the West and a hero in the East – rather like Neil Keenan.  Darby O’Gill (a fictional Disney concoction) conversed with the king of the leprechauns and was fond of high-proof poteen….well, you get the idea.  Neil Keenan (rather a teetotaler these days, truth to tell) knows he’s got help and protection on many levels, and we’re grateful to all of them. (Note: Keenan insists I reveal that he occasionally reads my thoughts: an irritating habit that I have been unable to rid him of.  I only thank God that I am not able to read his).
So rest easy, folks….well, as easy as you can.  Things are about to heat up.  The coming week should be a big one.  It appears we may have major developments in the coming days, updated in rapid fire postings.  Or, God forbid, more delays.  But today’s video from Neil Keenan is definitely not good news for the bad guys.
There’s a moment in Peter Jackson’s epic “Lord of the Rings” film trilogy, immediately after the Ring goes into the Fire, when all the hundred thousand menacing minions of the Dark Lord suddenly realize that the jig is up, and they scatter like cockroaches when the light goes on.  That sums up what is now occurring.  The thousand fraudsters who have been conning people – or whole nations – with bogus claims to either represent or control the Global Collateral Accounts, are now either on the run, or are stepping up their efforts to a frantic pace, desperate to con money out of the last few gullible marks before the new sherrif’s deputies come knocking on their door. Meanwhile, major corporations are offering to take payment in gold for enormous projects, before the illicit trading of humanity’s heritage is shut down.  And an enormous secret gold-buying scheme by a prominent European central bank is about to be exposed.  Neil Keenan has many allies, and many sources of information.  The bankster-orcs would be well advised to run like hell for the River Anduin.
Michael Henry Dunn