– Rebel with a Cause
Thursday, March
28th, 2013
With the crowning of a new pope this
Easter within a morally disintegrating Catholic Church, which is torn by sexual
abuse and corruption, it’s time for a new look at the very human and unchained
Jesus, the populist rebel with a timeless cause ~ love one another or perish
by Allen L Roland
“All great truths
begin as blasphemies” George Bernard ShawAs I wrote last Easter, I personally do not think of Jesus as meek and mild but instead as a determined and compassionate revolutionary ~ an evolutionary forerunner for a state of love and soul consciousness which is also deepest within each one of us. Only the church as an institution stands in the way of this common innate connection and empowering knowledge.
To many devout Catholics or far right Christians, a very human and unchained (from the church) Jesus would be the ultimate blasphemy ~ but I maintain that it is a great truth which has long been sensed by millions throughout the world.
To discover the real Jesus ~ one must completely surrender to love ~ for only then will you be seeing through the heart; for only then will you sense and begin to understand that Jesus was the ultimate rebel ~ an evolutionary forerunner and spokesperson for a state of love and soul consciousness that lies deepest within us all. A state of consciousness that he surrendered to and found during his undocumented years from 12 to 30 years old and most probably during his travels to India.
But what about the resurrection myth and the millions of people who base their faith on the resurrection stories and other myths?
Is it possible that Jesus was still alive when taken into the tomb and was stolen away by his followers and later appeared. BBC explores that possibility in this excellent 9 minute video entitled Jesus in Kashmir, India ~
Gallup has revealed that nearly half of all Americans believe that they have been in contact with someone who has died ~ usually a dead spouse or sibling who they had a deep loving connection. Another important point in Gallup’s study was that the major factor associated with contacting and experiencing the dead was a belief in a loving God, rather than a judgmental one.
In that sense, Jesus represents the transition from an externalized old testament God of wrath and judgment to an internalized new testament god of love and a state of soul consciousness.
My own mother appeared to me the night she suddenly and unexpectedly died in 1987 ~ some 3000 miles away. Not only did she tell me how deeply she loved me but she also said that she knew what I knew ~ Allen, I Know, Allen, I Know ..
I had sent her a copy of my Unified Field Theory some months prior to her death which can best be summed up in this one statement ~ The basic underlying and uniting force of the Universe is a psychic energy field of love and soul consciousness ( The Unified Field ) which lies not only beyond time and space but ALSO beneath our deepest fears and whose principle property is the universal urge to unite.
So my mother appeared to me, much like Jesus did with his followers, and told me that she was now in that same state of unconditional love and soul consciousness which I call The Unified Field, thus ~ Allen, I Know, Allen, I Know ..
Did Jesus not do the very same thing when he appeared to his followers after his death ~ proving to them that the kingdom of heaven was within them and a state of consciousness that exists beyond time and space.
It makes sense that Jesus as a young child sensed his destiny and traveled elsewhere in a quest to not only find himself but to get in sync with his destiny. Several authors have claimed to have found proof of the existence of manuscripts in India and Tibet that support the belief that Jesus was in India during this time in his life. Some assert that Jesus lived the life of a Buddhist and taught Buddhist ideals to his disciples. Their work follows in the footsteps of the Oxford New Testament scholar Barnett Hillman Streeter, who established in the 1930s that the moral teaching of the Buddha has four remarkable resemblances to the Sermon on the Mount.
So let’s say that Jesus, like many of us, was originally looking outside for God and true meaning in his life and towards the end of those 18 years realized that what he was externally looking for was instead deepest within him ~ a love, a state of soul consciousness and a kingdom of heaven so deep that it existed beyond time and space and it was calling him to service.
Imagine him returning home armed with this burning cause ~ a heartfelt knowledge and eager to share this truth with friends, neighbors and disciples and then also imagine his shock of witnessing the decadent Roman culture and externalized world that existed at that time ~ which eventually became threatened by his teachings and rebelled against his message of love, inner freedom and individual power.
It was then that Jesus became Jesus, the unorthodox revolutionary, spreading his message of love and touching a loving chord that has never been forgotten because it also exists deepest within each one of us ~ regardless of how well hidden it is under blankets of unworthiness and self-doubt.
Today, Jesus would be considered not only a rebel, if not a terrorist, and most certainly a threat to the establishment and the status quo ~ as he most certainly was 2000 years ago.
Indeed, Jesus was a rebel with a cause but Jesus has been misused and misinterpreted for thousands of years and is still being misunderstood under the current banner of Christianity.
Substitute the word emperor with the Pope and you get the current big picture of how Christianity has been misused and with 80% of the American military being Christian ~ are we not still fighting the crusades against the media labeled primitive, fanatically religious, hateful Middle East Terrorists ~ when in reality they are our brothers and sisters barely surviving in illegally occupied and economically ravaged countries.
So much for Christianity, let’s get back to Jesus ~ the ultimate rebel for love who still calls to us from deep within to open our hearts and find ‘ The Way of the heart ‘.
It is my contention that Jesus did not die for us (contrary to the Catholic church) but, instead he lived for us for he was indeed a determined revolutionary and an evolutionary forerunner for a state of love and soul consciousness which is also deepest within each one of us ( the Unified Field ) ~ a state of love and soul consciousness that exists beyond time and space and is one in the same with the experience of an after death and near death experience.
Dr. Eben Alexander, in his bestselling book Proof of Heaven writes about his near death experience and says the same thing ~ it’s all about love;
Proof of Heaven, p. 71 ~ “If I had to boil this entire message down to one sentence, it would run this way:“You are loved.” And if I had to boil it down further, to just one word, it would (of course) be simply: Love.
Love is without doubt, the basis of everything. Not some abstract, hard-to-fathom kind of love, but the day-to-day kind that everyone knows – the kind of love we feel when we look at our spouse and our children, or even our animals. In its purest and most powerful form, this love is not jealous or selfish, but unconditional. This is the reality of realities, the incomprehensibly glorious truth of truths that lives and breathes at the core of everything that exists or that ever will exist, and no remotely accurate understanding of who and what we are can be achieved by anyone who does not know it, and embody it in all of their actions. Not much of a scientific insight? Well, I beg to differ. I’m back from that place, and nothing could convince me that this is not only the single most important scientific truth as well.”
3 Minute video ~ How Dr. Eben Alexander’s near death experience affected his life (Oprah)

Jesus was a definitive threat to the establishment and they, in essence, eventually killed the messenger ~ just like they did with Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.
For those of you who are waiting for Christ’s return, I will tell you to look within, for it is there that he resides in our deepest propensity to unite with and love one another ~ and we all have a part to play in that loving plan.
Jesus wasn’t just a rebel. He was the ultimate rebel. And now his call, “Follow me,” seems a whole lot more radical because what he really means is go inside, open your heart and find and travel the path or WAY of your heart.
81% of Americans say they are Christians which is now the world’s largest faith ~ with 2 billion believers or roughly 33% of the earth’s population. Newsweek reveals that 75% of them say that Jesus was sent to earth to absolve mankind of its sins.
Let’s get something straight. Jesus was not sent from anywhere for Jesus was divinely human ~ no different than you or myself at birth ~ and the humanizing of Jesus is an essential step in the journey towards taking responsibility for that same love deepest within each one of us.
As such, the natural birth of Jesus and the loving relationship of Jesus and Mary Magdalene completely humanizes Jesus, takes him off the unreachable pedestal the Catholic Church and others have put him on ~ and makes him finally accessible to the world through love and Relationship.
As such it also places women, ( the divine feminine ) as symbolized by Mary Magdalene, in their rightful place at the right of Jesus ~ and certainly on more than equal footing with men.
Teilhard de Chardin said it beautifully ~ The only right love is that between couples whose passion leads them both, one through the other, to a higher possession of their being….. Union, the true upward union in the spirit, ends by establishing the elements it dominates in their own perfection.
We all have a personal covenant with Jesus in our capacity to unconditionally love one another as he manifested that love in his life. It is my potential to love as Jesus loved that fills me with faith ~ not the immaculate conception, resurrection story and other myths.
And it is the fuel for my heart centered transformational work as a therapist with all my clients.
When you walk in love, you walk with Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Gandhi, King and all the other great souls of our planet ~ Happy Easter.
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