Tuesday, April 30, 2013


This info comes from another program in which I am involved, and which I will be telling you about as soon as it lifts off the ground. This should probably be about the same time as the RV, which, according to this report (among others) should be very soon indeed....  JAN 

10, 9, 8, 7, 6…silence.
Then, the control center tower bellows that the launch has been stopped. WHAT?? All the years of planning, the infinitesimal, and the micromanaged kind were joyously viewed to be complete. There were only until seconds to go to liftoff. People who were watching with enthusiastic anticipation and hearts aglow after years of work were now holding their breath. Stopped...how that could happen, not now anyway.
It sounds like a space liftoff and in some ways it is similar. However we are taking about money. YOUR MONEY! Liftoff was stopped dead in its tracks because hackers were already trying to break into the monetary system called Basel I. Programmer’s went back to the drawing board to build a thicker larger fortress around the money castle with an alligator or two in the moat. Confidently, the beginning of Basel II was now in production to stop the hacker’s entry and also to highlight their every move with a “fingerprint” if they were able to penetrate the wall.
The battle of the good guys and the greed mongers continued like a James Bond movie. The drama was highlighted on both sides as men and women who didn’t have to die, actually did. If the money is curtailed from the greed mongers or cabal as they are known, it becomes more difficult for the battle to be won on their terms. They lack the funds necessary to pay for the misdeeds of monetary gain and world dominance also known as slavery. A clear and distinct warning shot by the good guys, was heard and echoed through the halls of Wall Street and the world of financial affairs globally.
Remember when you were a kiddo and those rules you needed to obey? Wasn’t there always someone you knew who decided the rules were not meant for them? The same thing happened in the banking system when Basel II was hacked. Those people, whose fingerprints were found, were immediately arrested and will not have access, ever again.
The stunned programmers had more hands on deck to get this done, and fast. After all, the entire world is waiting to regroup with currencies adjusting. Arduous, grueling months went on to complete the journey. Many people spent long hours and days away from their families.  Basil III was born. The recklessness recently of those who felt the rules no longer applied again or the warning shots were for “lower level personnel” got a major surprise while they liberally transferred money! While mega dollars were being sent to overseas markets after the doors closed in the states, the dollars were then sent back before the morning bell on Wall Street, thus playing the markets in Asia. Yet another way the system was circumvented at very high levels. Major banking players were escorted to “other secured locations” we hear.  Clearly a line was drawn in the sand that business as usual had much higher standards and anyone at any level in banking that was playing fast and loose was going to lose big time and feel it swiftly. Let this last group be a historic example. Look for one or two bank employees “you know names that run them” moving on, to recede from the headlines, poor guys…no more fancy white house luncheons.
Shortly you will be able to see a new system of integrity take place, the one we have all been expecting. This one is of safety and transparency. We watch ever so intently as we want to let the abundance begin!
The next part of this story, being ever watchful as our history as a country in the finance world will take place in the varied extended markets and there are many of them. Gold, silver, commodities, options, stocks and the list goes on…. It may be a bumpy ride to get there. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-04-28/gold-bears-defy-rally-as-goldman-closes-short-wager-commodities.html


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes, really interesting, helpful information. Thank you. I didn't know about Basel I and II and how they fitted in.