Tuesday, April 30, 2013

If you believe in God, send this message on.

Good Morning,

Sorry to disturb you!  

My name is Jesus Christ; 
You hardly have enough time for Me. 
I love you and always bless you. 
I am always with you.

Today I want this message to go across the world before midnight. 

Will you help?  
Please do not delete it, and I will help you with something that you are in need of. 
Seek Me for one thing.  God says it is over. 
A blessing is coming your way.

If you believe in God, send this message on.
Please don't ignore it. 
You are being tested. 
God is going to fix two things (BIG) tonight in your favor. 
If you believe in God, DROP EVERYTHING AND PASS IT ON. 


NOTE: This does NOT have a tracker attached. This message was completely re-composed in a new email so there is nothing following the original email.

Join AMAC today --- Conservative alternative to AARP

Western Journalism
  Please give your attention to this important announcement from AMAC. From time to time, we send you content on behalf of third parties we believe may be of interest to you and we believe this one deserves your attention.

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AMAC vs. AARP – Battling for the Hearts and Minds of Seniors
The Conservative Alternative - Join AMAC Today - Click HereIf you haven't chosen AMAC over AARP yet, here's why you should.

During the first debate, President Obama touted the support of AARP for ObamaCare several times, clearly tying them together.

Further proof that they were working in concert can be found in recently released emails between the White House and AARP operatives. As the emails show, AARP threw their tremendous power behind the legislation despite the fact they were getting calls overwhelmingly against it.
In fact, on September 20, 2012, Kimberley A. Strassel of the Wall Street Journal wrote:
"Thanks to just-released emails from the House Energy and Commerce Committee, we now know that AARP worked through 2009-2010 as an extension of a Democratic White House, toiling daily to pass a health bill that slashes $716 billion from Medicare, strips seniors of choice, and sets the stage for rationing. We know that despite AARP's awareness that its seniors overwhelmingly opposed the bill, the ‘nonpartisan membership organization' chose to serve the president's agenda.
The 71 pages of emails show an AARP management taking orders from the White House, scripting the president's talking points, working to keep its board ‘in line,' and pledging fealty to ‘the cause.' Seniors deserve to know all this, as AARP seeks to present itself as neutral in this presidential election."
AARP refuses to take a formal position on the Independent Payment Advisory Board ("rationing board") portion of ObamaCare and even defends some aspects of the board. Given the negative impact that the IPAB will have on seniors, this is unbelievable (but sadly, not unexpected).
AMAC is against the harsh provisions in ObamaCare that give the Federal government complete control of our healthcare. It destroys the best healthcare system in the world, takes 716 billion dollars out of Medicare, and has the power to restrict and ration our medical treatment.
AMAC is fighting to keep our right to receive treatment from our doctors without the interference of Federal bureaucrats.
Big government experiments like the "stimulus" and ObamaCare have only increased the uncertainty and instability, and are core reasons for the persistently high unemployment rate and why the household incomes of Mature Americans have declined so much. Still, your government continues its spending spree.
AMAC, The Association of Mature American Citizens, believes we can do much better. As a steadily growing alternative to groups like AARP, and with an expanding influence in the nation's capital, we aim to champion the interests of Mature Americans, seniors, and prospective retirees. We believe in religious freedom, free enterprise, and we support common sense solutions to our nation's largest challenges.
Bottom line – Our livelihoods, our families' future prosperity and our standards of living should not be threatened by bad policies emanating from Washington, DC.
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AMAC Fights for You!
Dan Weber, President and Founder of AMAC, delivers remarks with the House GOP Doctors Caucus the day the Supreme Court decided to uphold ObamaCare. Standing with Dan are (from left to right) Representatives, Paul Broun (GA-10th), John Fleming (LA-4th), Phil Gingrey GA-11th), Joe Heck (NV-3rd), Ann Marie Buerkle (NY-25th), and Tim Murphy (PA-18th).
As AMAC continues to grow and build a presence in DC, we're able to stand up to the tremendous lobbying power of AARP on behalf of concerned conservative Americans like you.
A senator told us, "You have got to grow AMAC!" When we asked him why, he said, "You don't understand, when AARP comes to our committees they say they represent older Americans. We know at times they really don't, but because of their numbers we have got to listen to them. When AMAC has one million members we can tell them they are not the only one we will listen to."
AMAC can do something AARP will not do – we'll help replace the horror of big government "solutions" with common sense solutions. Now, more then ever, we need your help! 600,000 patriots have already joined AMAC. Please help us reach our goal of 1,000,000 card-carrying AMAC Members!
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Day 1 of the Citizens Hearing and more.

Day 1 of the Citizens Hearing and more...

In This Update...

Day 1 of the Citizens Hearing

Posted by Steve Beckow
hearing 22It’s thrilling to watch the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure and realize that this discussion, which follows on from the 2001 press conference that Dr. Steven Greer held, is actually establishing the conversation, a sociologist might prefer to say, “the discourse” on extraterrestrial contact.
The discussion is ground-breaking and, like all ground-breaking conversations, goes on in the language of discourse accepted by the larger population but also by the target opposition – some in the space industry, the military, government, and the secret government. It does not step outside existing paradigms and it’s probably wise that it doesn’t.
It establishes in the language of common acceptance to the players what the historical record is. And if this be not enough to break the public’s conviction that we’re alone in the universe, then only the fabled landing on the White House lawn may convince remaining skeptics.
At the same time, I have to say, at the risk of being considered somehow ungrateful, that I’m also wistful. I’m wistful because our knowledge of matters goes beyond existing discourse.  But our discussion goes on outside existing paradigms and so would not be accepted by many parties to the discussion. So I don’t hear there what we know here. And I hunger for the day when we do.
For instance, I’ve just heard Linda Moulton Howe explain how 1945 is important for the study of contact because the nuclear explosions of that year made the subject one of importance to national security for our governments. So those explosions tell us why our governments’ interest in the subject began with such focus around that time and why we don’t see interest from them before that time.
Our good friends disclosing, at possible peril to their lives, may not have the galactic perspective on the matter or else they’re not sharing it. But that too is available, besides sightings, and available on our own Internet.
So perhaps, without intending any disrespect, we can add that here.
According to the galactics, nuclear explosions in space cause incredible damage to planets and souls, even on other dimensions. And that was part of the reason why the galactics came in numbers – to prevent explosions of those kinds again.  Matthew Ward explains:
“Creator’s one exception to honoring free will choices [is that] there will be no more nuclear detonations in space. Why only ‘in space’? Myriad souls live as free spirits or travel astrally, and some have been extensively damaged due to nuclear warring in other civilizations. There is an incomparable difference between damage to a soul and damage to a body. Your bodies are but the temporary housing you designed prior to birth, with genetic inheritances that would best enable you to experience what you chose to fill gaps in other lifetimes, with the goal of achieving overall balance. Those choices become your soul contract for this lifetime. How a body dies may be a provision of that contract, and whether the death is by heart failure or being blown to bits or radiation poisoning, the soul is unscathed. The soul is eternal!
“When a soul is in the area of a nuclear explosion in space, it is shattered and the parts are scattered, and for healing to occur, all parts must be retrieved and reintegrated so that all experiencing once again is intact. For the largest portion of a soul to locate all of its parts is extremely difficult, and when it does, the reintegration process is complex and lengthy. The scattered parts may have ramifications for other souls. Soul parts may enter bodies, where the resultant change may either enhance or impede the resident soul’s chosen pathway, or they may be captured by dark ones and cry out weakly for rescue.
“Way-showers and healers throughout the universe, including on Earth, are aiding the damaged souls. This is not yet within your ability to comprehend.” (1)
One might say, well, Matthew is not an extraterrestrial. What do the extraterrestrials say? Atmos of Sirius, speaking through Mike Quinsey, is an extraterrestrial and says the same as Matthew.

“Nuclear weapons are an abomination that is so destructive, even to the point of damaging the souls of those in their path. Fortunately, in the past where you have let off nuclear devices, we have placed a protective shield around your Earth to prevent damage to the outer planets, and life forces in Space. Do you still wonder why Man is considered such a danger to other forms of life?” (2)
Or the Arcturians:
“These energies affect those of other planets as well as yours, dear ones. You are not isolated as you have been led to believe. Nuclear devices sent into space by your military, affect more than just earth and will not be allowed. The personal agenda of an unawakened military mentality will not be allowed to function as it has in the past.” (3)
There’s more to the discussion. The galactics have prevented the destruction of Earth as well by causing nuclear bombs and missiles to fail to go off. But that discussion can be left for another occasion.
I said a few days ago that I didn’t agree with all that Foster Gamble was saying. For the same reason. Missing from Foster’s discussion are all the factors available only from considering what the actual galactics and other even more contentious members of the Company of Heaven say. Spending an hour with an angel?  Uhh, we’re not ready for that yet.
And more’s the pity.  Without following that discussion, a lot of matters that have been handled are presented as if they’re a clear and present danger. What has been done about the situation remains unsaid.
We have access to the galactic perspective but that perspective is, just like the UFOlogists’ in their turn, not accepted by the wider community, even including those in the UFO community. That day lies out in front of us. So discussions like Foster’s or like Linda Moulton Howe’s, and especially like Leslie Keen’s, stop short of introducing into the record what the galactics themselves are saying or have said.
But that does not detract from the fact that listening to the discourse as far as it has been taken is thrilling.
A lot of what is being said is well known to readers here. It isn’t for me so much the newness of what I’m learning as hearing it said in a concentrated fashion in a public setting.  Steven Greer, Richard Dolan, the Brentwaters people, Capt. Salas, etc. We aren’t hearing anything ground-breakingly new.
But it’s being said to former representatives and senators, in a room resembling a hearing room, before the press, if they’re listening. And the news cannot but leak out: we are not alone. The great embargo of truth is ended.
So even though there’s impatience here that the fuller story be known, there’s also relief and a victory dance. We who listen to channeled messages don’t know the full story either. Probably we could not even understand the full story, as Matthew says. So much more of it awaits us. But the people in that hearing room are courageously opening the door for all of us to that further truth being known.


(1) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 5, 2005, at http://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm
(2) Atmos, Dec. 17, 2008, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm
(3) The Arcturian Group, Oct. 7, 2012, at http://www.onenessofall.com/

"Federal government" BUSTED for forcing American nuclear industry to become a ticking time bomb


"Federal government" BUSTED for forcing American nuclear industry to become a ticking time bomb

You have been told the nuclear waste must go somewhere. You have been told it needed to be stored inside a mountain in the desert, where it will sit as a threat and menace to the world for millions of years. You have been told there is nothing we can do about it. But what if you have been told a lie? What if that "spent fuel" was not spent at all? What if a technology existed which allowed the same fuel to be used over and over, twenty times in fact, and expended so fully that fuel rods would be safe enough to handle directly straight out of the reactor? Think any "spent fuel pools" would be full? And even if this never happened,
What if foreign nations, (France was one) offered us hundreds of billions of dollars for our "spent fuel" only to have the U.S. Government refuse the offer for no reason at all? Would that not solve the problem of getting rid of it? And the final question, WHY would the Fed want so much nuclear material sitting around the country, only to become a menace? Could it be that we do not have a government, and instead have a band of usurpers in power who have intentionally set us up for a fall? After reading this report, I believe you will be inclined to think so.
This report consists of hard scientific fact, and even harder answers.
In my journey of discovery in my investigation into the Fukushima disaster, I interviewed an 85 year old nuclear engineer who worked in the nuclear industry during America's glory days, and earned GE over 100 patents. He was one of the engineers who designed Fukushima, so naturally when conducting a real investigation into such a disaster a responsible journalist would want that type of reference. I was surprised when my prior study of the reactor systems there was so thorough that he had no information about Fukushima I did not already dig up, and he was very surprised when I told him details about the inner workings of the reactor he never expected anyone in the media to know.
When I started to think I was going to walk away with nothing, he dropped a bombshell on a totally different subject. He opened his new direction of the discussion with the phrase "My team succeeded in closing the nuclear loop, and Carter banned our miracle with an executive order

Here is what followed that introductory line, and the reason why we need to oust the FED and start over.

The following is what he said in the interview:
"I started in the American nuclear program all the way back at the time of the Manhattan project, and have been involved in reactor design and nuclear engineering my whole life. There was one answer we all searched for, and it was how to close the nuclear loop.
"When a reactor such as a boiling water reactor uses fuel, the waste products, which are highly radioactive isotopes that have a different fission characteristic than the fuel, build up in the fuel and poison the nuclear reaction. A reactor such as a boiling water reactor can only use the fuel until it gets contaminated by these isotopes enough to change the nature of the nuclear reactions taking place. The reaction environment inside a boiling water reactor is only one such environment that will work to trigger a chain reaction, and if that spent fuel is put into a reactor made from different materials, those materials can favor the burning of the poisonous isotopes, and use the isotopes as fuel until the fuel is purified of them, and therefore had it's original radiological characteristics restored. Once that is accomplished, the fuel can go back into the boiling water reactor, and used as new.

He specifically stated that the burn down was so complete that the spent fuel was safe to handle directly with bare hands, and needed no special care or maintenance at all.
He then went on to lament about what a waste of money it was, because the fuel is expensive, and they were only using it to about five percent of its total potential. He lamented the fact that his life's greatest accomplishment got banned for no good reason, and it was a tremendous waste of money to not use the technology his team developed. Electricity would have been cheap. REAL CHEAP. So cheap that homes would not have been heated with oil or natural gas, electricity would have been the only sensible choice. Furthermore, with a reduction in the price of electricity by at least 10X, electric cars would have been a no brainer.
This would have been America's free energy future, with the only real cost being maintenance of infrastructure.
His take on it was that we were now paying too much for electricitong>So now, 40 years down the road, we have fuel pools around the country that are so full that they have exceeded even the extremely generous safety margins they were originally designed to have, and even modest pools often have over 400 tons of highly active isotope ridden "spent" fuel in them.
Nuclear reactors are HUGE. They have an enormous amount of nuclear material in them. One boiling water reactor core the size of the ones at Fukushima can easily hold enough fissionable material to make countless atomic bombs. And with the technology that makes re-using that fuel illegal, it builds up at a rate of 25 tons per gigawatt YEAR. This means that even small facilities like Fort Calhoun have approximately a million pounds of highly radioactive "poisoned" fuel sitting in their pools waiting for the right combination of problems to cause a disaster.
When GE and others designed the nuclear facilities both here and abroad, they had calculated that they would indeed succeed in closing the nuclear loop. So they designed the nuclear facilities with approximately a 20X safety margin in the fuel pools, because they did not have a clear date on when the technology would be perfected. It was my impression from this engineer that they got it sooner than expected. So fortunately the fuel pools were over built. But they were never built to withstand the fuel burdens that would result from a political decision to destroy the technology altogether.
So now, 40 years down the road, we have fuel pools around the country that are so full that they have exceeded even the extremely generous safety margins they were originally designed to have, and even modest pools often have over 400 tons of highly active isotope ridden "spent" fuel in them.
Having functional fuel pool cooling systems was never intended to be necessary. GE and others wanted one or two cores worth of fuel sitting in a pool at any one time. This would make it so that even if all cooling failed, there would be no boiling of the water in the pool, no pending disaster possible from equipment failure no matter how severe. But the way it is now, if there is any sort of attack or disaster which prevents fuel pool maintenance at any of the facilities around the country for a period exceeding three days, all hell will break loose and a nuclear disaster of unimaginable magnitude just like Fukushima will take place. And it never needed to be this way, in fact, the situation is criminal.
Upon recognizing the lunacy of America's Federally mandated nuclear sabotage, countries like France and Germany stepped up to the plate offering to buy our 5% spent fuel for billions of dollars. Heck, they were not held political hostage by a hostile government, and could certainly use a "freebie". But instead our government mandated NO transport of the fuel to foreign nations, NO FURTHER USE WHATSOEVER. Use it 5 percent, leaving 95 percent of the radiological hazard remaining, and please let it build up in a pool that needs maintenance. Shills have said it was the import/export restrictions which caused this, but since those are written by the same government that banned the closing of the "nuclear loop", the restrictions are only a further indictment of the FED for causing this problem.
Simultaneous with the intentional building of the threat from having so much nuclear material sitting around came all the government scandals and lies about needing to put the fuel somewhere. Inside a mountain in the desert. Inside a dry cask. Maybe in the ocean, all the while the general american public was kept oblivious to the obvious answer: If we are not allowed to use it because of a nonsensical piece of legislation, why not let someone else have it, when they are willing to EVEN PAY FOR IT?
Here is what I believe is the answer. And this answer needs to be spread far and wide.
Whatever you think of Kennedy, on the day of his death he was our last hope. No one since has been anything other than an enemy infiltrator, The enemy is not only inside the gates, it was getting a paycheck from you 40 years ago.Consider this. Our government intentionally put in place policies that de-industrialized America. That's an act of war. Our government put in place policies that intentionally destroyed our schools. That's an act of war. And I consider FORCING VIA MANDATE the buildup of hundreds of thousands, if not millions of nuclear warheads worth of perfectly good reactor fuel just waiting for a disaster around the country to be an act of war as well - Only an enemy would intentionally mandate the creation of such a threat, who on earth would, other than someone who hated this country? Not only did we lose a marvelous clean virtually free energy future, that future got converted into a threat that could very easily destroy us. All it would take to kill America, with our nuclear facilities drastically overloaded with spent fuel, is 150 smart bombs. ONE BOMBING RUN AND IT IS OVER.
Here is something I posted in response to a shill, who is trolling the internet looking for any place my article on Fukushima and talk on this subject is posted, in an effort to back stab it out of the public eye. This was a tasty response, good enough to put here.
Dear Shillery
This is where I am going on this topic,
Our nation, after Kennedy has not had a true representative government, especially starting with Carter. We got over-run by outsiders who hated our guts. Up until 1973, America was going NO WHERE but UP, and anyone who wanted to see us destroyed would NEVER permit us to get virtually free energy.
So once enough legs of the "vampire squid" writhed and squirmed down our hallowed halls and meeting rooms, the death squeeze was on.
The enemy from outside COULD NOT allow us to have a technology such as this, so they HAD TO shkle, the awe in the old man's voice when he said they closed the "nuclear loop", and the sadness, despair and anger expressed at it's being banned; I feel it was an ACT OF WAR AGAINST AMERICA. There were never any accidents associated with this technology. NONE NADA ZIP. you can take that story and stuff it. If a problem occurred it was not related to this, and how can you prove said problem was not a "wag the dog"?
This enemy wy, now blocked from a dream come true technology, could be used as a weapon.
There is plenty of proof. No shill can stop people from checking out the history of other nations, such as Germany, France and Russia offering us BILLIONS for our not so "spent" fuel, which really needs to be gotten rid of after a political decision banning technologies which allow for it's purification. It has been building up now, unnecessarily for years. To the tune of 25 tons of spent fuel per gigawatt year generated. That's a lot of "waste", and it's nasty stuff. It's the equivalent of keeping a 5,000 gallon gas tank in your bedroom. Better hope all is well with it.
I honestly feel that banning this miracle technology; you should have heard the sparkle, the awe in the old man's voice when he said they closed the "nuclear loopG FROM A TREE, I will carry that baton, I will not stop with this, I got a solid dose of light from America's great past; Oh what a nation we were. Only after the likes of you are adequately flushed will we ever have hope for a future, I truly hope there is a chance;
I am spreading the word, will do it quickly, and make good and sure that if anything doeanted this fuel building up. 25 tons a gigawatt year. WOW. That means that lowly little Fort Calhoun must have no less than 400 tons of "SPENT" fuel sitting in it's little pool by now. OUCH. Just what an enemy would want; you see -
Now, all it will take is a smart bomb, a societal breakdown, a natural disaster and POOF, fuel pool goes up in smoke and AMERICA IS FINISHED. Multiply that by Browns Ferry, Prairie Island, and over 100 others all across America. Tyranny's dream come true. Just what the enemy would want, and it NEVER NEEDED TO HAPPEN.
The problem was not scientific, IT WAS POLITICAL.
I feel that man opened up and passed me the baton because he knew I would "get it" and believe me pal, SHILL, HATE AMERICA SELLOUT TO BE HUNG FROM A TREE, I will carry that baton, I will not stop with this, I got a solid dose of light from America's great past; Oh what a nation we were. Only after the likes of you are adequately flushed will we ever have hope for a future, I truly hope there is a chance;
I am spreading the word, will do it quickly, and make good and sure that if anything does blow up the blame will land squarely ON YOU.
The following text, which was posted on the Nuclear Engineering web site out at the University of Berkely California, led to the rip from a shill which follows it. They posted the picture Reference with the quote "Jim Stone - STILL STUNNING THE WORLD"
This starts where I stepped into the conversation after finding them in my site stats.
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 2011-06-21 08:15.
Hi, I found you in my site stats. Thanks for the support! Btw, 85 year old nuclear engineers with over 100 patents filed for GE does not constitute "teenager" let alone the (several) others in their 50's who have sent me info that is going to blow you away in the next report.
Thanks guys, I really appreciate this post.
Jim Stone
» * reply Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 2011-06-21 20:05.
Thanks Jim, looking forward to the next report. Will we be seeing it soon?
» * reply Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 2011-06-21 08:30.
Jim, it's starting to click. Thinking this scenario could be the path of least resistance.
» * reply Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 2011-06-22 05:19.
I am going to release a preliminary version of the report tomorrow before I go on the air, for people to look at for reference.
I interviewed an 85 year old nuclear engineer who worked for GE and designed the reactors at Fukushima. He had nothing new to contribute about the reactor design, ect (not that the public would understand) but after answering my questions he went on to tell me something very interesting.
You guys probably might find this hard to believe, but I am going to tell you exactly what he told me.
He said that the team he was on at GE succeeded in closing the "nuclear loop". I did not know what that was, and he went on to explain -
When fuel is consumed in a boiling water or other water cooled reactor it produces isotopes which poison the chain reaction and produce unfavorable conditions. Once the isotopes build up to a certain level - he said about 5 percent depletion of fuel, their presence becomes dominant and it interferes with proper reactor operation. So the fuel has to be pulled out.
GE was working on a technology to do away with this problem, and here is exactly how he described it. He said NOTHING about re-processing, NOTHING AT ALL. HE SAID IT JUST LIKE THIS:
You take the fuel out of the water cooled reactor and put it in a sodium cooled breeder reactor. Because the materials used in the breeder reactor favor the burning of the isotopes, (one of which was liquid sodium for cooling) and also because the reactor runs much hotter(1100 farenheit vs 550 in a BWR (I filled that in, I studied them well enough) ONLY the isotopes are burned off in the breeder reactor, and once their interfering characteristics are removed from the reaction, the fuel, at 5 percent depleted works perfect when put back into the boiling water reactor, with NO REPROCESSING NEEDED AT ALL. He said that this process could draw the fuel almost all the way down. He said it was good for 20 cycles. I don't know if 1 BWR cycle and 1 breeder cycle equals 2 cycles, it would make sense, but he was also adamant that you get a LOT of performance out of the breeder reactor, which can produce substantial power by vaporizing water in a heat exchanger during the isotope burn out. The impression he left indicated that the fuel was almost completely dead at the end of the process, though I don't know how you could get any performance out of it once it was used past 50 percent. I would expect reprocessing to be needed at that point, but that is not how he phrased it.
Carter banned this technology by executive order on his third day in office, and as a result, 25 tons per gigawatt per year have been building up in fuel pools across the country. GE never intended to have the fuel pools filled, they expected to have the technology fully perfected by the mid 70's and succeeded in this goal, only to have a political decision shut it all down.
He lamented the buidup of so much fuel at American nuclear facilities, mostly from an economic standpoint. I lamented the buildup because it is a FREAKING HAZARD. The fuel pools were NEVER designed to have so much fuel in them, GE's original intention was to have maybe TWO reactor core's worth of fuel in a pool, not 40. So the fuel pools are overloaded now, and if ANYTHING happens, a war, a collapse, ect, and the nuclear facilities are not maintained, these fuel pools will go ballistic and wreck the country.
My main focus will be to try to convince people to do something about it - to overturn that executive order and allow the miracle GE created to be used to burn this fuel off, which absent selling so much fuel would require America to run on ONLY nuclear power for at least 80 years. My fear is that the legislation was put in place to weaponize America's nuclear program to be used against us in the future. It's a little hard to argue with because:
1. This technology would have extended the life of the fuel by 20X according to this engineer, which would mean that after all these years AT MOST there would be two cores sitting in each fuel pool as opposed to sometimes 40,
2. France offered to pay us billions for our "spent" fuel which is in fact very valuable, while our government instead opted to just let it build up and then pump the nuclear waste propaganda endlessly, to make people fear and hate nuclear power. There was never a need for this; with reprocessing and the "closed loop" cycle, there should not be ANY nuclear "waste" ANYWHERE. It's all a scam and hoax. According to this engineer, the reprocessing he spoke of is NOT what the French are doing now. It was a better solution.
I will be back to see if this passes muster on this forum, if anyone has any comments, NOW IS THE TIME FOR THEM, I will discuss this on THRUSDAY.
Jim Stone
The post got a real venomous shill response, which follows
* reply this is a fantasy
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 2011-06-22 05:49.
Like Dr. Chivers, R. Cromack and at least one other person who has posted here, I am a former U.S. Navy 'bubblehead' (submariner) who served aboard nuclear boats. I'm no longer in the service but my civilian profession keeps me "in the loop" and I deal with Electric Boat on a weekly basis, as well as techreps from GE and other defense contractors. I've heard this sort of rumor before, and it is b.s.
I've also heard scuttlebutt about some sort of "nuclear inhibitor" technology that was supposedly developed by DoD and which is now being deliberately withheld by the Navy from TEPCO and he IAEA as part of some vaguely defined U.S. power play or blackmail or the like. This is also bullshit. This sort of cockamamie nonsense always seems to follow disaster, always has, ever since JFK was shot in Dallas I've been listening to some damn fool or other spout off about the Mafia or the CIA or little green men. Hard times bring the nuts falling right out of the trees.
Problem is, these idiots used to always be relegated to their bar stools or their soup kitchens or their own family's kitchen tables, and now the Internet allows them to spin their crap for all the world to see, and there are always a few fools who'll listen to them and encourage them to keep spreading lies, fallacies and hysteria. Just look at this bunch here: HAARP. That European conference. Gaia ascending whatever the hell that means. And now Jimmy Carter! Give me a break.
If I were BRAWM I'd shut this forum down and tell everyone to go screw themselves. They've been nothing but upfront with you people and all you can do is bitch and piss and moan, and question their motives and undermine them. You people are ungrateful, pathetic asses.
For the record, NO fuel cycle exists without the production of undesireable by-products. Might as well.wish for a difference engine, for all the good it'll do you. But, then, I suppose you think that big, bad private enterprise or the military or the government covered up that invention, too, right? Maybe that was President Peanut's FOURTH executive order - the first being outlawing the tooth fairy, and the second ordering an assassination of Kris Kringle.
This is the typical shillage you expect. Lots of insults, little substance.
It is important to note that President Carter was a reactor operator on a nuclear submarine. The fact that the only people shilling this "nuclear loop" are reactor operators from nuclear submarines makes their efforts reek of a psy op. Perhaps Carter himself posted to this blog, for a payoff, I am being closely watched now by powerful political figures, I have recieved notice that the Pentgon, Russia's military, India and China, those four countries are taking my Fukushima report to heart at an official level. The Pentagon probably is a threat, they have GOT to know Fukushima was a set up. I think Russia was suspicious and India and China learned from me.
My response to sub guy follows
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 2011-06-22 18:40.
So now I know what the lying opposition is. This nuclear engineer was a friend of the family, positively identified, and not some scammer. You are a bold faced liar, a psy op shill sent to shoot this story down.
Go lie elsewhere, I do not pump garbage and my facts are verified back to original sources, not second hand scoops.
You might believe the lies you have been told via an SCI level clearance, but lies are lies and that is that.
This man did not lie.
If there are any REAL nuclear engineers willing to come forward and fill in REAL details rather than be a scamming shill, I am still open to response.
Jim stone
» * reply
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 2011-06-22 19:04.
Jim, ignore the shill. It might be Cromack actually.
Keep posting please. Keep posting please. All discussions are allowed.
» * reply
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 2011-06-22 18:56.
It is my worry that this technology did indeed get swept under the rug, and only his team knew about it. If so, it is the job of those who work for the corrupted government to keep the truth buried.
He was very clear about it - the fuel was safe to handle directly after being burned down to virtually zero. This does make sense, because before being put in a reactor to begin with, it is not all that dangerous.
And, as a shill, it would be your job to rip me for this report. Go ahead, I am now in a position now to ram it down your throat anyway. It got back to me this morning that the Chinese DOD, Russian Defense forces, Indian defense forces and the Pentagon picked up my story and are analyzing it as I write this. So the French, Saudis and even the Island of St Lucia will be onto it soon. I figured that would happen after page views hit about 50,000 which happened LONG LONG AGO.
Update, forget that number, it's into the 7 digit range now

Expansion of Gaia-Connection Portals Occurs at this Time…

Expansion of Gaia-Connection Portals Occurs at this Time…

Expansion of Gaia-connection portals occurs at this time. Potentials for consciousness increase in individuals are at the highest level since the 12-12-12.
Gaia Devics and Faerie type Beings are fully engaged in this process, which is moment to moment, but process is projected four completion by the 6-6-2013.
Await Guidance for further instructions.
ÉirePort | April 30, 2013 at 18:02 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/p2sFUY-lg

Driven off the headlines

Subject: Driven off the headlines


We're focusing on stories that were taken
out of the headlines by the Boston bombing.

One story: The Department f Homeland
Security stockpiling more ammunition
- for domestic use - than the US Army
needed in YEARS of combat in Iraq.

So what else got driven off the front

Another, Department of Homeland
Security story. Do you remember it?



- Brasscheck

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Avoid fish from China

Thought this should be shared


I read several articles on Google about this, and even one that was defending the eating of talapia said to avoid the fish that came from China. Also, I had just returned home from buying Albertson's 4-day special of 4 bags of frozen talapia for the price of one. Sure enough, on the top of the bags, it read "farm raised", and on the bottom in small print it said, "China". Read all the way down....

I recently saw a Food inspector on TV.... He said he had lived overseas and he had seen the filthy conditions their foods are raised and processed in. It is enough to make you throw up. Some foreign workers have to wear masks as they work in these places, because the food is so rotten and filthy, it makes them want to throw up. Many of their Fish on Fish Farms are fed Raw sewage daily. He said he has seen so much filth throughout their food growing and processing that he would "never" eat any of it. They raise this filth , put some food coloring and some flavorings on it, then they ship it to the USA for YOU to consume and feed to YOUR families. They have no Food & Safety Inspectors. They ship it to you to buy and poison your families and friends.'

Imported food we eat and the junk we buy

Green Giant frozen vegetables are from China , and so are most of Europe 's Best.

Arctic Gardens are Okay. So is Birdseye.

Never buy the grocery store garlic unless it is clearly marked from USA or Canada, the other stuff is grown in people poop (even worse than chicken poop).

China is the largest producer of garlic in the world. U.S. is next.

Buy only local honey, much honey is shipped in huge containers from China and re-packed here.

Cold-FX is grown and packed in China and is full of fecal bacteria. Doesn't work anyway, big scam. If the country of origin is not clearly marked beware.

If produce, ask an employee.

Watch out for packages which state "prepared for", "packed by" or "imported by". I don't understand the lack of mandatory labeling, especially the produce. The country of origin should be clearly shown on the item in the store. I go to the local farmers' markets in season and keep a wary eye open the rest of the year.

Please read this very carefully, and read to the very bottom. It's important for all of us

How is it possible to ship food from China cheaper than having it produced in the U.S. or Canada? FOR EXAMPLE THE "OUR FAMILY" BRAND OF MANDARIN ORANGES SAYS RIGHT ON THE CAN 'FROM CHINA '. SO, FOR A FEW MORE CENTS, BUY THE LIBERTY BRAND. GOLD BRAND OR THE DOLE IS FROM CALIFORNIA. Beware, Costco sells canned peaches and pears in a plastic jar that come from China.


Recently The Montreal Gazette had an article by the Canadian Government on how Chinese feed the fish: They suspend chicken wire crates over the fish ponds, and the fish feed on chicken s--t. If you search the Internet about what the Chinese feed their fish, you'll be alarmed; e.g., growth hormones, expired anti-biotic from humans. Never buy any type of fish or shellfish that comes from these countries: Vietnam , China , Philippines. Check this out personally. I did. Steinfeld's Pickles are made in India - just as bad! Another example is in canned mushrooms. No-Name brand came from Indonesia. Also check those little fruit cups. They used to be made in Canada in the Niagara region until about 2 years ago. They are now packaged in China! ( I have first-hand knowledge of this. I bought a case of Georgio's canned mushrooms from Sam's Club. Sure enough-on the bottom of the case read "product of China.")

While the Chinese export inferior and even toxic products, dangerous toys, and goods to be sold in North American markets, the media wrings its hands! Yet, 70% of North Americans believe that the trading privileges afforded to the Chinese should be suspended. Well, duh!

Why do you need the government to suspend trading privileges? SIMPLY DO IT YOURSELF, CANADA AND THE U.S.! Simply look on the bottom of every product you buy, and if it says 'Made in China ' or 'PRC' (People’s Republic of China, and that now includes Hong Kong), simply choose another product, or none at all. You will be amazed at how dependent you are on Chinese products, and you will be equally amazed at what you can do without.

THINK ABOUT THIS: If 200 million North Americans refuse to buy just $20 each of Chinese goods, that's a billion dollar trade imbalance resolved in our favor...fast!! The downside? Some Canadian/American businesses will feel a temporary pinch from having foreign stockpiles of inventory. Just one month of trading losses will hit the Chinese for 8% of their North American exports. Then they will at least have to ask themselves if the benefits of their arrogance and lawlessness are worth it.

START NOW and don't stop.

Send this to everybody you know. Let's show them that we are intelligent, and NOBODY can take us for granted .