Friday, November 1, 2013

Google, Facebook back NSA curbs

Google, Facebook back NSA curbs

By Kate Tummarello
Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Yahoo, Apple and AOL are backing legislation to end the NSA's bulk collection of phone records. 
The six tech giants announced their support Thursday for legislation introduced by Rep. James Sensenbrenner Jr. (R-Wis.), the author of the Patriot Act, to end the phone program.
In letters to the bill’s authors and supporters, the companies said they support Sensenbrenner's bill because they want to be able to tell users about government requests for user data.
“Allowing companies to be transparent about the number and nature of requests will help the public better understand the facts about the government’s authority to compel technology companies to disclose user data and how technology companies respond to the targeted legal demands we receive,” the companies wrote. 
“Transparency in this regard will also help to counter erroneous reports that we permit intelligence agencies 'direct access' to our companies’ servers or that we are participants in a bulk Internet records collection program.”
Sensenbrenner's bill, titled the USA Freedom Act, would also establish a constitutional advocate to challenge NSA proposals at the surveillance court. It would increase transparency of the NSA  by allowing tech companies to release information about the surveillance requests they receive.
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) has introduced a Senate version of the bill.  
The letter also encourages the Obama administration “to increase its transparency efforts and allow us to release more information about the number and types of requests that we receive.”
The group said increased transparency is “a critical first step” but called for “substantial enhancements to privacy protections and appropriate oversight and accountability mechanisms” for surveillance programs.

Two House Dems call for firings over healthcare rollout

Two House Dems call for firings over healthcare rollout

By Mario Trujillo
"I think the president needs to man up, find out who was responsible and fire them," Nolan told The Associated Press after a briefing with a White House official Wednesday about the law’s implementation.
The freshman Democrat was one of 10 vulnerable House Democrats targeted earlier this month by the National Republican Congressional Committee in ads accusing them of protecting ObamaCare at the expense of the government shutdown.
Nolan ousted Tea Party incumbent Rep. Chip Cravaack (R-Minn.) with 54 percent of the vote in 2012.
Rep. Sean Maloney (D-N.Y.) similarly said he would "like to see somebody lose their job over” the implementation. Maloney, who previously ran his own software company, said he knows what it takes to meet deadlines.
“The success of this program and the ability of folks to navigate these exchanges is more important than protecting anyone who failed to do their job,” Maloney said, according to a transcript provided by his office.
He continued: “I can assure you that I won’t be sugarcoating it. We need to be very honest with people about the fact that there have been real problems with helping people sign up particularly on the website. And that can’t happen – that just can’t happen. I’m glad the administration has been getting in the game on this a little more recently. I think they were slow off the dime. I’d like to see somebody lose their job over this. I think it’s outrageous.”
Maloney won a competitive race against former Rep. Nan Hayworth (R-N.Y.) in 2012 to capture his seat.
Former White House press secretary Robert Gibbs was the first high-profile Democrat to call for heads to roll earlier this month.
The ObamaCare website has been plagued by technical issues that have caused delays and prevented many individuals from enrolling in a healthcare plan.
A number of GOP lawmakers have called for Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to resign as well.
Neither Democrat called for Sebelius to step down.

A positive development in Internet privacy

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Sovereign Man
November 1, 2013
Bangkok, Thailand

"Yes, I believe it is in the nation's best interest to put all the phone records into a lockbox that we could search."

-- General Keith B. Alexander, Director of the NSA, September 2013

These government chimpanzees are truly amazing.

Despite an interminable series of embarrassing scandals, they just dig their heels in further.

If they get caught spying on world leaders, they say it was for national security. If they get caught spying on citizens, they say it's good for the nation. If they get hauled in front of Congress, they reject any idea of limiting their power.

There's not a single bit of remorse.

Just like central bankers who keep printing money at all costs, these security spooks truly believe that their actions are righteous... and effective.

(Ironically, this out of touch, overzealous commitment to their cause is not dissimilar to the 'terrorists' they claim to be fighting.)

And their actions only suggest a continued assault on our privacy.

But here's the thing-- and this is good news. They're not terribly competent.

Sure, some of the smartest people in the world work at the NSA. But anytime you take smart guys and roll them into a government agency, you end up with a debilitating bureaucracy and humiliating blunders.

Case in point-- they didn't properly design their new Utah data center, which is supposed to have enough storage capacity to archive decades worth of Internet traffic.

But it turned out to be too much computing power for one building. So the facility has been suffering a series of electrical fires and explosions, culminating in arcs of flame shooting across the server rooms.

(They still don't understand the cause. But who cares, it's just taxpayer money that's being wasted...)

The NSA's actions... and incompetence... is creating a sort of new war that will be waged online.

It's a war pitting an authoritative, out-of-control government against savvy tech rebels who believe that privacy is a fundamental right. 

And it's playing out like the radar detector electronic warfare did several decades ago.

You remember when cops started using radar guns to check motorists' speed. Then other companies created radar detectors to alert drivers if there was a radar gun in the vicinity.

Then the cops started using radar detector detectors. The technology kept improving, with each side trying to stay ahead of the other.

Then, of course, governments stepped in and passed laws prohibiting radar detectors.

But ultimately the private sector won. The ubiquity of smart phones and GPS devices means that motorists can alert each other to police activity through apps like Waze.

The private sector is always going to win. The profit motive is very powerful. And now there are strong ethical reasons for doing so as well.

The NSA's entire spy apparatus can be taken down by a handful of smart, nimble 20-year old kids and a killer software idea.

You don't need much in the way of capital or resources to get started in software... which means the private sector can afford to be much more nimble than the government, which is enslaved by its slow-moving bureaucracy and committees.

This already appears to be in the works.

Just a few days ago, the founders of SilentMail and LavaBit, two secure email providers that voluntarily discontinued their operations rather than submit to becoming NSA stooges, announced a new partnership called the Dark Mail Alliance.

Their aim is to create a universal, secure, open source email platform with robust defenses against spying. And it will be cross-functional with just about ANY email provider, automatically creating peer-to-peer encryption via ephemeral secret keys.

This is a great development in online privacy. And my bet is that the Dark Mail Alliance will be launched before the NSA can put the fires out at their new facility in Utah.

In the meantime, if you want to learn more about email encryption options, voice calls, chat, and cloud storage, check out our free report to digital privacy-- How to Give the NSA the Finger (without them ever knowing).

Have a great weekend,
Simon Black
Senior Editor,
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*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / Okie_Oil_Man, Loechin

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / Okie_Oil_Man, Loechin
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 1-Nov-2013 00:35:02

Hi, Folks -
Found at :
10-31-2013 Intel Guru Loechin As of 10:30 PM all is well and Iam being told that the next 36 hours could be an incredible time ...I trust that you guys have your plans in place as we wait for the last few ticks of the clock to tick off. Also hearing things are gearing up for a huge Party from Iraq.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

De jure Grand Jury's forming across America

Hi John,

Thought you might like to post this. It is We the People who must ACT to restore our Republic and America. We must step up and do our part. Become a grand juror!

Obamacare - fantastic success

ObamaCare is a raving, rollicking, fantastic success. Stop calling it a failure. Here is what it was created to do. It is succeeding on all counts:
1. ObamaCare was intended to bring about the Marxist dream -- redistribution of wealth.
Rich people, small business owners, and the middle class are being robbed, so that the money can be redistributed to poor people (who vote for Democrats).
Think about it. If you’re rich or middle class, you now have to pay for your own health care costs (at much higher rates) AND 40 million other people’s costs too (through massive tax increases).
So you’re stuck paying for both bills. You are left broke. Brilliant.

2. ObamaCare was intended to wipe out the middle class and make them dependent on government.
Think about it. Even Obama’s IRS predicts that health insurance for a typical American family by 2016 will be $20,000 per year. But how would middle class Americans pay that bill and have anything left for food or housing or living? People that make $40K, or $50K, or $60K can’t possibly hope to spend $20K on health insurance without becoming homeless.
Bingo. That’s how you make middle class people dependent on government. That’s how you make everyone addicted to government checks. Brilliant.

3. As a bonus, ObamaCare is intended to kill every decent paying job in the economy, creating only crummy, crappy part-time jobs.
Why? Just to make sure the middle class is trapped, with no way out. Just to make sure no one has the $20,000 per year to pay for health insurance, thereby guaranteeing they become wards of the state. Brilliant.

4. ObamaCare is intended to bankrupt small business, and therefore starve donations to the GOP.
Think about it. Do you know a small business owner? I know hundreds of them. Their rates are being doubled, tripled and quadrupled by ObamaCare.
Guess who writes 75% of the checks to Republican candidates and conservative causes? Small Business.
Even if a small business owner manages to survive, he or she certainly can’t write a big check to the GOP anymore. Money is the “mother’s milk” of politics. Without donations, a political party ceases to exist. Bingo. That’s the point of ObamaCare. Obama is bankrupting his political opposition and drying up donations to the GOP. Brilliant.

5. ObamaCare is intended to make the IRS all-powerful.
It adds thousands of new IRS agents. It puts the IRS in charge of overseeing 15% of the U.S. economy. The IRS has the right because of ObamaCare to snoop into every aspect of your life, to go into your bank accounts, to fine you, to frighten you, to intimidate you. And Obama and his socialist cabal have access to your deepest medical secrets.
By law your doctor has to ask your sexual history. That information is now in the hands of Obama and the IRS to blackmail GOP candidates into either not running, or supporting bigger government, or leaking the info and ruining your campaign.
Or have you forgotten the IRS harassed, intimidated and persecuted critics of Obama and conservative groups? Now Obama hands the IRS even more power. Big Brother rules our lives. Brilliant.

6. ObamaCare is intended to unionize 15 million healthcare workers.
That produces $15 billion in new union dues. That money goes to fund Democratic candidates and socialist causes -- thereby guaranteeing Obama’s friends never lose another election, and Obama’s policies keep ruining capitalism and bankrupting business owners long after he’s out of office.
Message to the GOP: This isn’t a game. This isn’t tiddly-winks. This is a serious, purposeful attempt to highjack America and destroy capitalism.
This isn’t a trainwreck. It's purposeful suicide.

It's not failing, it's working exactly according to plan. Obama knows what he’s doing. Stop apologizing and start fighting.

Oh and one more thing…Conservatives aren’t “terrorists.” We are patriots and saviors. We represent the Constitution and the Founding Fathers. We are the heroes and good guys. Unless you get all this through your thick skulls, America is lost…forever.

Wayne Allyn Root is capitalist evangelist, entrepreneur, and Libertarian-conservative Republican. He is a former Libertarian vice presidential nominee. Wayne's latest book is "The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide: Secrets to Protecting Your Family, Your Finances, and Your Freedom." For more, visit his website: Follow him on

It's not failing, it's working exactly according to plan. Obama knows what he’s doing. Stop apologizing and start fighting.



[loechin] Guys there are some things going on right now at this moment that are great for us but better left alone

loechin: Look over your plan and make sure you don't fall for traps. And let's see what today and tonight holds for us.

[curiousdinarian] loechin darn you got a hush order too?? Well thats a good sign i suppose

 [edify] loechin Amen! brother. Leave it alone and recieve it.

[Pam D.] loechin ....... silence is a virtue, right?

 [TxIslandGirl] loechin but are those things in our favor and to expect today?

[loechin] Guys I won't comment on that

[TxIslandGirl] loechin Guess like bluwolf is saying... "silence is of the essence"!

[free4flight] loechin not asking for formal announcement from you just your honest feeling about a time frame

[loechin] free4flight I am looking for my text any moment

 [curiousdinarian] loechin crossing my fingers!

[Mya] Cant help but be encouraged. ... Spguru, loechin, mt goat, plus tony are quite today. Maybe wishful thinking but it's a bit of encouragement to me.

[flybaby777] lightspirit spguru did a note in chat yesterday saying his goodbyes said he wasn't really needed here now for us just to hang on and bad guys gone and good guys won..

OfCourse13] HEY! NSA, UST, IMF, Homeland Security! Are you watching? We'll sign the NDA; where's the pen? We are not criminals! We behave like adults; where are the 800#s? We'll spend and give; where's the RV? Just DO IT ALREADY!



We have a powderkeg situation where America, Canada, and Mexico could all potentially die due to the environmentalists and our idiot in the White House Obama. The report on Nesara News on Oct. 30, 2013  was on the Fukushima Nuclear Accident which is Ten Times The Cesium 137 of Chernoby and if it turns into a runaway nuclear chain reaction might wipe out North America or maybe even most of the world.   This report was titled Fukushima and the End of Humanity (?)? and should be read by all Americans. Following a major earthquake, a 15-metre tsunami disabled the power supply and cooling of three Fukushima Daiichi reactors, causing a nuclear accident on March 11, 2011. All three cores largely melted in the first three days. Scientific estimates are up to billions of people on earth might die if this nuclear accident goes all the way as it has not been stopped since the accident occurred on March 11, 2011. Remember that date because our do nothing Obama in the White House has done nothing in 2 1/2 years to protect America from Japanese nuclear radiation poisoning but instead censored the news that radiation poisoning is apparently beginning to heavily show up in food raised on the West coast such as in California. The environmentalists pushed that nuclear powered electrical plants were the safe way to go to protect the environment which common sense would say that this was an enormous gamble if a nuclear accident occurred anywhere in the world. And Obama is a do nothing  in the White House letting this nuclear accident go unchecked since it started 2 1/2 years ago.
     And this situation also is a deadly comment on the U.S. Congress acting unconcerned for 2 1/2 years while this situation begins to inject  American food with high amounts of radiation poisoning as some reports have indicated. So with a do nothing in the White House and an unconcerned U.S. Congress, we had better do something before maybe this goes all the way and kills off the American people, Canadians and Mexicans, or maybe even most of mankind on earth.
      We need to immediately pass the Omni Law posted on my website and once passed, we will set up a smart scientific-engineering team to tackle this situation and we will aggressively help Japan to solve this problem before maybe it ends up threatening all of mankind on earth. I have a good technical backgrounnd in science and engineering. Through authority of the Omni Law, I and others of the legal oversight committee over Wash., D.C. set up by this Omni Law  will aim to pick smart, practical people for this team so we fast produce the practical smart answers to end this deadly nuclear threat from Japan. As the Japanese have not been successful in stopping this nuclear threat either to Japan or to other parts of the world, we have to help them get out of this jam and solve this problem fast is the right answer! I admit I have some ideas how to maybe defuse this situation and how to counter radiation poisoning of many of the American people if certain information I had access to is correct on counters to radiation poisoning of human beings. But nothing will happen until we pass the Omni Law since we have a do nothing in the White House and an unconcerned U.S. Congress which acts like they are blind about this deadly threat to the future and survival of America as a nation. Also, prior experiences with heavy radiation poisoning included people could no longer have children or had mutated children that were terrible to the sight! And heavy radiation poisoning also caused many to die of such as cancer.   

Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Victim              Fallujah - Birth Defect


     My report “Yes, God Exists!” can turn the tide for Christianity if pushed by the Christians and their churches. The atheists do not know how to answer the scientific proofs I use showing that God exists for real and only the fool remains an atheist in the face of such overwhelming evidence from science. The people vote too often for evil leaders for public office because the churches failed either to win them to serious belief in God or else failed to win their hearts from loving evil and corruption instead of good and honesty in society.
     What difference does moral values make in the American economy? A 1987 national economic study concluded it cost the American workers a lost income of likely $1 trillion or more annually in lower wages by having had prayer and the Bible outlawed from the public schools of America. And American business had a national market $1 trillion or more smaller in size to sell to annually because of outlawing prayer and the Bible from the public schools of America. As Thomas Jefferson when President of America pushed that the Bible and Watt’s Christian Hymnal be the two required textbooks used in all schools of America, the original intent of the 1st Bill of Rights did not mean that prayer and the Bible should be outlawed from the public schools of America. As early U.S. Supreme Court decisions said, Bible reading and prayer were encouraged in the schools of America under the intent of the 1st Bill of Rights.. The intent of the 1st U.S. Bill of Rights was just that no one national Christian denomination should be made the national church of America and that Christian church rights should not be subordinated or cancelled due to other religions being allowed in America such as listed by the U.S. Supreme Court as Islam, Judaism, infidelism (one without faith) meaning according to the U.S. Supreme Court atheists and pagans in America. Our later U.S. Supreme Court lied like all hell itself in reinterpreting the meaning of the 1st Bill of rights into a version not approved of by the American people who ratified the original 10 U.S. Bill of Rights.
This is an Awareness Blog to consider the future of your world. Actions are being done now to restore our world. Watch and become AWARE! Send comments/news to 23 MILLION +++ VISITS Use CTRL & MOUSE WHEEL to widen view
On 2013/04/11 15:47, wrote:
     “James Madison Father of the U.S. Constitution, stated that the U.S. Constitution and all other law in America must obey the supreme authority of the national compact (American Declaration of Independence) founding America in 1776 or else not be valid law or even government in America. Therefore, the American people always retain final legal authority over all government in America whether to leave it intact, amend it, or abolish it altogether replacing it with approved new government created by authority of the American people.
     We therefore authorize the creation of ten civil tribunes for America with the same basic tested legal powers as possessed by the wisely created ancient civil tribunes of Rome. They will protect the people from tyranny in law whether legislative, judicial, or executive. They will be elected for four years instead of the one year under Roman law. They will hold referendums to create national law by states instead of by the original tribes of Rome. The first 10 civil tribunes will be appointed for four years by the National Institute For Inventors to keep any corrupt leaders from undermining and sabotaging the beginning of this new branch of government. These civil tribunes will propose a national plan for referendum on how to swiftly make fuel cheap again in America, restore our common law rights and 1776 declared “God-given rights” to contract and to property which were the foundation to the founding of the powerful American version of free enterprise, and break the power of corrupt interests to control politicians by making deals with them or else cannot probably be elected to public offices without their finances. And address other national issues needed for the future of America. And by national referendum will propose the plan to be approved for honest future tribune elections so the people elect and control these elections, not corrupt interests. Money cannot be allowed to dominate our elections instead of the will of the American people. And the tribunes are to establish a tribune controlled national newspaper to print the truth to break the corrupt hold of many corrupt news sources censoring the truth and lying about the truth in important issues to the American people. The civil tribunes will be assigned to keep the federal government honest, fair in law in courts and agencies, and serving the American people rather than any corrupt interests.”
     – End of proposed Omni Law. One President once signed into law a 37 word law. As the Bill of Rights show, you don’t have to write massive laws to deliver powerful legal messages.
     The civil tribune angle kept the Roman Republic basically honest for several hundred years. This office had to be subverted and overthrown to return the Roman Republic to corrupt government such as Wash., D.C. dearly loves today! This Omni Law is written in the spirit of Thomas Jefferson who during the American Revolution of 1776 declared, “Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God!" President Abraham Lincoln, also an inventor (Patent #6,469!), gave wise advice to America that members of Congress and officials of federal agencies should remember today, “You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by encouraging class hatred. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn. You cannot build character by taking away man’s initiative and independence. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves.” – Omni Law is written by a voice crying in the wilderness for sanity, freedom, and prosperity in America   
     – Erasmus of America (pen name for one who believes in peaceful reform rather than violent revolution to solve the problems of a nation) By the way, large bills are written in Congress to hide the hundreds of pages of con in them. This is simple, short, deadly, and to the point. The American people are given back control of their national government which they have now lost control of to corrupt and radical elements which have the money and pressure to control Wash., D.C. instead of the American people. The moment of truth for America has now come! The American people will now decide the future of America. Action wins victory. “The answer to a problem is to solve it!”
     Erasmus calls for a return to the “Natural Law” which is Bible Law which gave America freedom and its dynamic free enterprise system starting in 1776. The booklet "Law Of Nature And Liberty" by Bob Hallstrom printed around 1990 quotes the founding fathers of America of 1776 that America was founded upon the Bible and our national laws are only valid when based upon the laws, teachings and authority of the Bible. This has been censored from American education once Communist educators captured control and set up "politically correct" education for our schools teaching a Marxist version of American history instead of the Christian based true history how and why America was founded as a nation. The American Revolution of 1776 as declared by the Continental Congress leading the Revolution was a Christian revolution, Christian government, and Christian laws.
     Under Obama unless stopped, the American economy will be apparently smashed with Marxist socialism taking over all of America and apparently Obama wants to establish Islam to rule over America and outlaw all Christianity in the process in America. The Omni Law stands for the founding principles of America in 1776. Americans, do you stand for true freedom and true prosperity under God or else true slavery and a truly destroyed economy under Obama Communism and Islam over America? Support the Omni Law and we wisely return to our roots of 1776!
     Okay, descendant heroes or spiritual descendant heroes of those who fought the American Revolution in 1776. Let’s storm the enemies of God and America and make America once more “One Nation Under God” truly in meaning and not just in empty words! Once the Omni Law is passed, I can give a colossal industry potentially as big as the oil cartel to America to skyrocket the American economy. Wash., D.C. under Obama did not want me to give America this colossal national wealth and potentially millions of new, high paying jobs!
     “If each person contacts a minimum of twenty people, it will only take three days for most people in the US to receive the message. Maybe it is time. THIS IS HOW YOU FIX CONGRESS!!!!!” Page 8, December 2011, The Sovereign (National Newspaper, New York)
     Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America –
     Financial Support For Passage Of The Omni Law Can Be Provided By Using The Omni Law Loan Program On The Home Page Of Our Website, Or By Sending A Check, Etc. To NIFI At Our Mailing Address Of : NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Memo With Check, Etc. “For Omni Law Drive.”
Posted by John MacHaffie at 1:11 PM 0 comments

P.S.   The Omni Law is shown above. Send copies of this Omni Law report to people across America and also to elected officials or those running for public office. Common sense is you show them the potential benefits to occur for America if the Omni Law is passed and then it will be much easier to convince candidates for public office or those in office that they should back passage of the Omni Law. Give them this entire report on The Omni Law which includes the Omni Law you just read above. And then you ask them by email, phone, mailed letter, personal visit to their offices whether they are for or against passage of the Omni Law. Political leaders often try to evade being asked their stand if they are against the proposed law. And their tricks to wiggle out of backing a proposed law they oppose such as restoring prayer and the Bible to the public schools of America is to bury it in committee and then say the con line, “We can’t get the proposed bill out of committee so we can vote on it.” As you the American people are supposed to be the bosses of the elected politicians in Wash., D.C., give them their marching orders and tell them that you require they pass the Omni Law and now! "Will All AMERICANS DIE!" Not if all Americans see this report and now!

Is Social Security Really Secure?

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Is Social Security Really Secure?
Posted By: Liberty_Lady [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 31-Oct-2013 07:55:44

Significant cuts to entitlement programs is being discussed again and is one of the carrots that Obama held out when they were dancing around the fiscal cliff earlier this month.
Gee, another one of those campaign promises not kept. Did Obama really think that once he was elected, everyone would just forget about the things he promised to do? It's no doubt what his handlers told him but the American people are starting to wake up.
Once again cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are on the table. I wonder how his supporters feel about him now? It doesn't surprise me that some Republicans leaders are salivating over these cuts. They'd rather rob from the poor and give to the rich. The truth is so would some of the Democratic leaders. They are just not as honest about it.
But there seems to be a disconnect even among Republicans. According to the most recent polling by Lake Research, 82% - a clear majority of Republican voters - are opposed to these cuts. You know that the majority of Democratic voters are opposed. So why is this even on the table?
The 1% and the large corporations don't want to see their billions cut into. After all, they feel 'entitled' to most of the pie. Like Richard Eskow said in his Campaign For America's Future/OPED, "Apparently it's just easier to take the money from the middle class." I would add, it's much easier rather than to make the necessary changes that would really fix the economy. Instead they scream about the entitlements being a broken system.
Medicare and Medicaid aren't broken, they're overburdened thanks to our wonderful leaders, but they're far more efficient than private health insurance companies are. They have been operating just fine for many years. And I know since this is my field to deal with them on a regular basis. They would continue to operate just fine if this administration and Congress would leave them alone.
I was under the impression that in a democracy, the people were the ones who were supposed to make the decisions, not corporations or private billionaires. But that isn't true. He who has the money makes the rules. And changes them to suit themselves. So you can expect some serious cuts to Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid, probably next year.
Let's take a look at Social Security and Medicare as they were created. The Economic Security Act, later renamed Social Security Act was signed into law by FDR in 1935. Medicare was signed into law in 1965. Over the years changes were made to social security. In 1939 survivor benefits for retiree's spouse and children was added. In 1956 disability benefits were added. In 1935 taxes were collected for social security benefits called FCIA or Federal Insurance Contributions Act. This was code for the IRS.
The social security program, as designed in 1934, was different than Welfare in that it was a contributing program in which workers and their employers paid for the costs of the benefits - with government acting as the funds administrator. FDR directed that it was always to be 'self supporting'. It took a little tweaking but finally the system projected a $47 billion surplus by 1980 - with no general fund financing.
FDR wanted this 'insurance' program enacted after the crash of 29 and the following Great Depression of the 1930's when poverty rates among seniors rose to above 50%. The crash of 29 had wiped out retirement savings and the following bank failures added to the pain.
The Act was to provide benefits to retirees, and the unemployed, pay a lump sum benefit at death, to help widows and under-aged children. Money was also funneled to states as assistance to individuals, the unemployed, ADC - Aid to Dependent Children, Maternal and Child Welfare, public health services and the blind.
There have been some changes to Social Security over the years, but I am unable to verify a rumor that it was never supposed to be a put part of the General Fund. It has always been part of the GF for purposes of accounting.
But every time we are faced with a financial crisis due to political overspending and Federal Reserve manipulation, the fat cats in Washington (both parties behind closed doors) begin salivating over the money in Social Security, as well as significant cuts to Medicare and Medicaid. And don't think for one minute they aren't casting a hungry eye at private pensions.
Those of you who still have private pensions will be a dying breed before long if those pensions are even allowed to continue. Very few companies offer them anymore and public pensions, like police, firemen's and other civil servant pension funds, are in serious jeopardy. Keep that in mind, America's law enforcement. You are not part of the 1%. You are just the lackey's they want to use to police the rest of us. Make an intelligent choice when the time comes.
Remember when Baby Bush wanted to privitize Social Security retirement funds to become part of Wall Street Investments where it could disappear with no accountability? The average voter nixed that idea loudly and it went away - for a while. But make no mistake about it when our government is as broke as it is and slated for worse, a fund with that amount of money is like catnip to felines.
Sooner or later Congress will find some excuse or worse crisis than we are in now, to justify the robbing of Social Security and probably private pensions as well. Medicare and Medicaid will be significantly cut or eliminated too. It will be couched in patriotic terms the way turning your gold in was. But there will be no penalty for noncompliance since the government is already the administrator of the funding. You won't have an option. Doesn't it make you feel all warm and fuzzy to know that the same people who brought you the 2008 financial disaster are in charge of your Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare funds?
And don't think for one second that this government, as far in debt as we are, isn't casting a lascivious eye on the 19 trillion in private pensions. Since those pensions, for the most part, come from corporations, how long do you think they'll hold out against a government they're already in bed with?
I just heard that the average Social Security recipient was due to get a COLA - Cost of living raise this year. The smallest on record, 1.5%. I think I'll go schedule my European vacation now.

Power Of Love



Limited in scope/ideology, yet an excellent article....and the old, so called ''cliché'' to know your past in order to know your present is ever so true.........




Was it the underground Teslar group that caused the disappearance after promising to fight those creating the typhoons? Read this and see.

by Senior Editor, Gordon Duff
Majestic Super Typhoon LEKIMA. SW-IR satellite image recorded at 14:30UTC on October 24, 2013.

Temperature of the patch located to the right of the typhoon’s eye measures about 150ºK (< minus 123ºC) making it the coldest place on or near planet Earth. Image sourced from: CIMSS/SSEC/WISC.
Mysterious Energy Pulse Threatens Typhoon “Business”  This week, one typhoon and one tropical storm simply vanished while heading toward Japan.  They were abruptly turned northward, sparing Japan and then simply vanished.
The MSM has responded with a news blackout.  There are no explanations.

Days before, the events were predicted in an article on Veterans Today, citing plans by a defense group to use a Tesla based energy system to disrupt the storms.
The website announced in advance when they were beginning operations and reported results as things transpired.
As to whether they were successful or that the two storms mysteriously disappeared, a freak of nature, will never be proven.
The group announced they are willing and able to cause another mysterious freak of nature when needed.
Vatic Note:  Well, lets hope these are good guys who were able to succeed in stopping this and will continue and lets hope and pray that Mossad with all their spies all over the place, does not find them and do away with them, as they have others in the past. 

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Per conversation with banking contacts the currency catalogs are updated
online and are typically in a 3 ringed binder. Some use the physical
catalog and others use the online version. Technically they do not have to
wait for a physical book. That is solely at the discretion of the banking
institution. The material with the lower denominations is now
available to all major U.S.A banks as of TODAY. Every branch in the
United States will not be an exchange location and it is based on
demographics. The UST in conjunction with FINCEN already has
reports of regional IQD holdings based on city,state & zip which ties
into 1800 that has been implemented for the exchnage

Visit stage2omega at:

Eagle 1

Subject: Eagle 1

To: Since I stopped doing the private intel calls and have just focused on our ministry calls, my inbox has been flooded with requests for updates, and my phone has been ringing off the hook again. That said, let’s see if I can bring you all up to date with what I have at the moment.

The past 48 hours have brought some lengthy and detailed information as to the developments going on behind the scenes.

Two calls in particular with folks inside the present administration in DC brought a wealth of information and – unfortunately – a lot that I cannot share, so let me at least give you a brief synopsis of what is taking place.

We had fully expected to see the GCR released for today (Wednesday) and there was a significant amount of information in the days leading up to today that seemed to indicate that.
Yesterday, as most of you already know, Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki arrived in DC. An eyewitness to the event said that he was given quite the limousine treatment for his entourage as they were all escorted into the city.

For a long time it has been my consistent stand that the GCR has ceased to be an Iraqi event and that it was now fully in the hands of the IMF. That position has not changed.

However, it appears that because of some politics and diplomacy between DC and Iraq, the IMF has been persuaded to delay the release for a few days in order to allow the Iraqi PM an opportunity to put on a celebratory event coordinated with DC.

Iraq, after all, is the pivot currency for the entire Global Currency Reset and they play a major role in the events unfolding.

I do not, for a moment, expect to see any kind of public announcement concerning the GCR release; and it would be sheer insanity for anyone to publicly announce this event prior to the rates already being on the screens.

According to information which I have been given, Maliki is due to return to Iraq on Saturday, the 2nd, following the signing of a new SOFA (Status of Forces Agreement) with Obama.

The purpose of this new SOFA is to provide U.S. Military assistance in restoring security within the country. It is possible (although I have no specific intel to back this up) that he and Obama may make some kind of statement prior to his boarding a flight back to Baghdad.

The statement would be something of an acknowledgement that Iraq’s currency has returned to international tradeability and value lost to the Dinar (following Saddam Hussein’s “adventures”) restored.

That, of course, would be a remarkable stand-alone event all by itself. I do not expect there to ever be a specific announcement concerning the Global Currency Reset. Any follow-up commentary by the administration or the news media would only serve to quiet any fears and to allay any concerns of a “Cyprus-style haircut.”

At this point it is possible that there will be a GCR release to FOREX screens on Thursday night/Friday morning. The two Nasdaq outages or glitches that occurred on Tuesday were caused (according to information I have) as a result of reloading the new rates to the exchanges in preparation for the release.

If there is success in loading the GCR for a Thursday night/Friday morning event, we should be able to go to the banks on Friday. If, as I suspect, it waits until sometime Friday, we are far more likely to be waiting until Tuesday, the 4th, before we will be able to begin our exchanges.

That, of course, is an opinion based on past experience in international banking protocols. That date is also consistent with information Frank has received and shared on the KTFAlways forum and CC’s.

Banks have reported some significant fluctuations in the IQN rates over the past few days on their administrative screens, and those fluctuations make it very difficult to flat out state that we are going to see the long-projected $3.44 rate for the Dinar.

With statements, however, from IMF sources indicating that there is a real desire to see the IQN closely mirror Kuwait, and the fact that Kuwait’s Dinar is expected to climb by as much as 10% against the USD in the coming days, Frank’s “reciprocal” $3.86 has become a very real possibility – whether we see that rate immediately or in the near-term days or weeks.

I know this is a worn-out cliché, but to repeat Frank’s oft-quoted comment, “No one knows the date or the rate.”

OK, we think we do, and we hope we do, but if we are wrong, we will continue to stand and wait patiently as the Lord brings this blessing to fruition.

** Iraqi dinar, recently being said ** / TNT Tony et al.

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

** Iraqi dinar, recently being said ** / TNT Tony et al.
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 30-Oct-2013 18:16:53

Hi, Folks -
Found at
10-30-2013   Intel Guru Bluwolf   just so you know, bank rates super high, bank personnel on highest alert, Iraqi dignitaries completed all tasks in US.  All smaller denoms on catalog ( rv imminent ), we now await the international release of all currencies (announcement, 800 # ). This has a specific date and time to appear, all sources indicate it to be close. No cashouts or skr'$ rollovers yet ( its illegal before the fact, there's a 72 hour window left ) all will be simultaneously. And there is pressure on Washington to get on with it.
10-30-2013   Intel Guru TNT Tony   [via FlPatriot59]   The majority of people with good sources know that Maliki and Barzani are both here. They are still having discussions today. They have had meetings with the state department here in the US for the past 3-4 days. He will be here thru Friday.  Everything is set for the RV.  At the last minute, more negotiations. They are trying to do what's right on a global scale for everybody so that the effect is a lasting one. They're trying to get the greatest benefit for everybody, which is why the rates keep going up.   [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
10-30-2013   Intel Guru TNT Tony   Yesterday everybody was in agreement. There was a set time yesterday for this to happen. But they're still talking this morning.  I'm still looking at 11/1 as the back wall. Today, tomorrow, or the next hour.  The new NDA coming out is 19 pages as of yesterday. They are trying to get it down to 11 pages.   [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
10-30-2013   Intel Guru TNT Tony   BREAKING NEWS.... just got this text: on Iraqi TV it is scrolling telling them "soon" their IQD will increase in value even greater than recent increases. This is very positive and good for us. I still believe Nov. 1 is the back wall. You should be excited.  [post 3 of 3]

a musical diddy with a violin in back grnd.

The Price Of Freedom

Subject:  The Price Of Freedom

In many parts of the country... it's hot. In fact, it's more than hot...

it's sweltering. Yet, despite the heat and the generally somber mood of the

country, there were 4th of July celebrations all across this country. Its a

day of flag waving, barbeques, family gatherings, street parades, and picnic

lunches. Each of them will commemorate the founding of this country, and

each will remember the sacrifice of those brave patriots and every solder

that has come after them who has fought for liberty and freedom.

However, ten years before America actually declared her independence,

revolution had begun. And that revolution began under a 100-year-old elm

tree in Boston, when on September 10, 1765, a copper plate with large gold

letters was hung in its branches, declaring the tree "The Tree of Liberty."

To understand the inscription, we need to realize what was happening at the

time. The British had accumulated a massive war debt during the French and

Indian War and they needed a way to pay it off. Much like today, the first

and most obvious means of raising revenue was through a tax. And on March

22, 1765, the Stamp Act was passed by the British Parliament.

This tax had an effect the British were NOT expecting... it enraged the

colonists like no other tax had up to that point.

You see, the Stamp Act required a tax be paid on ALL documents: legal

documents, permits, commercial contracts, newspapers, pamphlets, and even

playing cards! The colonists viewed the tax not only as an onerous financial

burden, but as a form of censorship since it would limit the colonists'

ability to read and write freely.

The colonists' anger would not be abated, and one hot summer day, August

14th, 1765, a crowd gathered around this large elm tree in Boston to protest

this onerous tax. In the tree they hung an effigy of Andrew Oliver, the man

charged with collecting the Stamp Tax. There was also a British cavalry

jackboot hanging from the branches. An imp-like devil poked its head out of

the boot. In its hands was a scroll that said "Stamp Tax."

This was the first blatant act of defiance against the British Empire. This

is why the great elm tree became known as "The Tree of Liberty." And this

was just the beginning! As 1766 rolled around, the tree became a rallying

point for the Sons of Liberty, men who were to become the leaders and

champions of the forthcoming American Revolution.

Even after the Stamp Act was repealed, the revolutionary movement continued

to gather steam. And with the siege of Boston, the first phase of the

American Revolution began. British Loyalists cut down the Tree of Liberty in

a spiteful act of retaliation against the liberty-minded colonists. But the

memories and values that tree represented continued to live on in the hearts

of the colonists. Soon flags began to appear with the Liberty Tree image

emblazoned on them and were flown in many battles during the Revolutionary


And yet, for all that the Liberty Tree stood for, few Americans today know

about this important chapter in American history. We have lost our way...

we have forgotten where we came from. Our national memory of these events

have been all but left in the dustbin of history. Children today can't even

tell us who the Founding Fathers were. They can't tell us why this great

experiment in liberty was even begun. And they don't understand the basis of

what Americans have inherently believed through the years and why.

Perhaps this is why Thomas Jefferson cautioned:

"Yes, we did produce a near perfect Republic, but will they keep it? Or will

they in their enjoyment of plenty, lose the memory of their freedom?

Material abundance without character is the surest way to destruction. I

tremble for my country when I realize that God is just."

Look around you. What we have today is exactly what Jefferson described:

"Material abundance without character." And that lack of character brings us

lack of morals and integrity in the political process, with elected

officials who are more worried about the money they can squirrel away in

their freezers and offshore accounts than they are about keeping the

Republic. We live in a time when avarice and illusions of power compel men

and women to enslave their constituents in onerous tax burdens and to

deprive them of their inherent rights under God.

We need to remember. We need to remember how our liberty was won. We need to

remember the virtues of faith, love, and self-discipline. We need to

remember the values and morals that made this country great.