Friday, May 2, 2014


It's been a bad week for Obama's foreign policy team. First, Secretary of State John Kerry tells world leaders that Israel is an 'Apartheid state' then has to issue a statement clarifying his offensive remarks. He claims his anti-Semitic comments were taken out of context.

Then, White House internal emails obtained by the watchdog organization Judicial Watch have finally proven what organizations like ours and many others have been saying for years - the White House lied about Benghazi.

Revealing e-mails written by Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes prove beyond any reasonable doubt that the White House has lied from the very beginning about Benghazi.
The "goal" going forward, one Rhodes email said, is "to underscore that these protests are rooted in [an] Internet video, and not a broader failure or policy."

The White House was focused on diverting the blame from themselves to a ridiculous YouTube video. When Susan Rice blamed that YouTube video on every Sunday talk show, she was knowingly lying to the American people and this is the smoking gun that proves it.

Hillary Clinton, who since resigned as Secretary of State, says "what difference does it make" why 4 Americans were killed. President Obama's last Secretary of State was a failure and the current one, Kerry, is failing just as badly. This week he called Israel an Apartheid state.

Kerry is famous for making badly damaging gaffes. In 2006 he said "You know, education, if you make the most of it, if you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq." It was extremely offensive to thousands of troops who were serving in Iraq at that time. His most recent gaffe about Israel is a serious setback to foreign relations.

Already, under the Obama administration, US-Israel relations are more strained than ever and with the recent news that Palestinian factions are once again uniting under one banner and still won't recognize Israel's right to exist, this is a very dangerous time for the Israeli people.

Kerry's Outrageous Apartheid Comments...
If there's no two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict soon, Israel risks becoming "an apartheid state," Secretary of State John Kerry told a room of influential world leaders in a closed-door meeting Friday.

...Kerry also repeated his warning that a failure of Middle East peace talks could lead to a resumption of Palestinian violence against Israeli citizens.

Kerry also said that at some point, he might unveil his own peace deal and tell both sides to "take it or leave it."
The Daily Beast
Published 4/27/2014
By Josh Rogin

These types of comments about our strongest ally in the Middle East are unacceptable! SIGN OUR PETITION DEMANDING JOHN KERRY RESIGN IMMEDIATELY!
!! Call To Action !!

Please Share With Family & Friends! 

Our organization is founded on the basis that the safety and security of Israel is inextricably tied to the national security of the United States of America and must be preserved. If the security of either of our two countries is compromised, so is the other.  Please make a donation today so that we can continue our organization and fulfill our mission of ensuring a safe and strong defense of the USA and Israel together. PLEASE REMEMBER to forward this petition to others!

NEIL KEENAN : Karen Hudes Is A Cabal Shill ... DON'T MESS WITH THE IRISH

NEIL KEENAN : Karen Hudes Is A Cabal Shill ... DON'T MESS WITH THE IRISH




The time has come to stop beating around the bush and call a spade a spade.

Karen Hudes has for too long damaged the cause of human liberty by shamelessly attacking the friends and advocates of human freedom.  She has had to walk back more bizarre, half-baked claims than anyone in her position should credibly make.  But it is her attacks on two bright luminaries of our cause of human freedom, and my friends, which leads me to conclude which master Karen serves.
Karen has attacked Kevin Annett’s International Common Law Court of Justice where Kevin risks his neck to peruse justice for the grotesque satanic activities of top echelon globalist leaders.

And Karen has very recently started to attack Laura Magdalene Eisenhower – who bravely speaks the truth as she sees it about off-world puppet masters of this world’s diabolical financial elite, all the while being excoriated by Ms. Hudes who seems to be positioning herself as a globalist shill alarmist for a false flag alien invasion as the next globalist excuse to debase human freedom.

Ms. Hudes is wrong about gold stakeholders, attaching herself to Philippine mafia man Wolfgang Struck.

Ms. Hudes is wrong about our champions of freedom Kevin Arnett and Laura Eisenhower.
And I am afraid it is time to stop pretending Ms. Hudes is just mistaken. She is far too intelligent for that. The results of her sowing seeds of discord within the many communities of the human freedom movements have not had their desired effect. This is largely due to the maturing of these movements away from fear mongering and rumor mills, and toward courageous, righteous, and active resistance on the march by those fed up of the cabal’s social matrix of oppression and mass murder and ready and willing to get of their ass and do their part.

I am hardly alone in questioning the globalist loyalties of Ms. Hudes. There is a growing dossier by thoughtful, intelligent advocates of human freedom, like Judge Alfred Webre (KAREN WHO-DES UPDATE) and here in

Let us now stop giving this scoundrel the benefit of the doubt. You shall know them by their fruits, and the fruits of Karin Hudes has cabal shill oozing out of every crevice. Karen: as you know from experience, go after Neil Keenan and he’ll slap you down.  And now know this: you go after his friends and he’ll take you out.  Watch your step, because we’re watching too. You will have to account for what you do when the people turn the page on this ugly cabal chapter of human history.  What did they promise you, Karen?

Copyright © 2014, GROUP K, Ltd. 

MNT. GOAT: You made my Day. Here are some violated Laws

USAR: MNT. GOAT: You made my Day. Here are some violated Laws 

I was a Federal civil servant for 30 plus years.  One duty I had was to investigate Federal employee misconduct.

I can tell you that if any elected official or Federal employee (any appointee, or other federal civil servant) has received and benefitted from any dinar related knowledge/action prior to public release, they are subject to criminal conflict of interest and other Federal law violations.  This could mean jail time, fines, and Federal civil action to recover all associated  benefits.

Here is a summary of some related statutes.

18 U.S.C. § 208, prohibits an executive branch official or employee from job related involvement  in any Government matter that will affect his/her own financial interests, as well as the financial interests of:

His/her spouse or minor child

              His/her general partner

             An organization in which he/she serves as an officer, director, trustee, general partner or employee, and

A person with whom he/she is negotiating for or has an arrangement concerning prospective employment

18 U.S.C. § 216 Authorizes the Attorney General to seek criminal and/or civil actions to include:  imprisonment for up to five years and /or a fine of $50,000 for each action taken in violation of section 208; and full recovery of all financial benefits so received.

The Hatch Act and other federal law prohibits any Federal official or civil servant from political activities.  This includes the granting of any benefit subject to consideration of party affiliation or with an understanding of current or future political support.

Now here is the kicker.  It is the big stick.  If the matter includes improper complicity of a Bank (bank fraud), such as giving a loan or forward contracting on an asset without sufficient value  (exchanging dinars before a public RV), both bank and Federal officials could be exposed to the RICO Act.   All that would be needed in such a case would be any further action to:  intimidate a potential witness, any other action taken to conceal the fraudulent activity or impede an associated investigations, or any failure to protect a whistleblower. 

If it can be established that such alleged bank conclusion harmed interstate commerce in dinars (such as preventing the full value exchange of a now expired reserve contract and/or opportunity costs for actual dinar holders) then each involved  bank could be exposed to anti-trust damages equal  to three times concluded harm.    

Thus, based on what “intel” we have received from Tony and DC, I strongly believe that the unbiased application of Federal Law leaves the Attorney General with a clear requirement under the public trust associated with his high office to first investigate and, if true, fully prosecute criminal actions by both public and bank officials and to claw back all exchanges from December 1, 2013 to date.  To do less, would include the Attorney General in the offense and demonstrate Presidential complicity.

The bottom line is, Do the RV/RI now … and fully treat all dinar holders equally.  We can then move on.

I well understand, “A Man's Got to Know his Limitations.”   Hopefully, at this point, those trying to stop the RV will do the same and totally get with the program to do it now and do it with full equity to all dinar holders.


"Karen Hudes Exposes the Coneheads at the Heart of Global Corruption"

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Reader, fwd: "Karen Hudes Exposes the Coneheads at the Heart of Global Corruption"
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 2-May-2014 02:34:35

(Thanks, B. :)
(FYI: Rayelan has mentioned that she was advised by Gunther to make herself "unbelievable" (non-credible) in order to keep from having a target on her back. That explains why some of the things you'll find here at RMN are here.)
Reader B. forwards to us:

Onward and upward, to more high

strangeness, in tonight's story which, as

wildly crazy as it sounds, may actually

have some meat (or at least bones) to

it, as explained, below.

I know what you're thinking: "Here

she goes again..." But I assure you, this

evening's post is not like yesterday

morning's, which led to the revelation

that UFO "disclosure" site, based in the

UK to be exactly the opposite: an active

producer of disinformational videos, which

it propagates through its YouTube channel.

This case is a bit different:

We're talking about a once highly-ranked

international banking attorney, who has

been featured in several Alternative Media

interviews and who has made numerous

meaningful and important revelations -

and who, roughly 2 months ago suddenly

began making claims, normally reserved

for the fringiest fringe of conspiracy culture

and long jokingly depicted in such TV shows

as 'The Simpsons.'

WHY is an otherwise reputable and cogent

person making such claims, one may ask?

Is she really not the "Patriot" she claims

to be but a "Marxist" who is an agent in

the war against the dollar, as alleged by

some? Or is she, indeed the well-intentioned

warrior against mass-corruption, who she

claims to be - and did someone put a gun

to her head? I don't know the answer,

but "it smarts when someone we

thought was championing our cause

turns out to be an imposter. We've

been lied to so many times," as said,

so well by the blogger in the hyperlink

directly above.

I suspect that sometimes, such as with

other leakers of paradigm-changing secrets

(Gordon Duff comes to mind), that disinfo

is laced within their leaks, as a form of life

insurance - NOT with a deliberate intent to

disinform but more like smoke signals for

those who are more learned in the bigger

picture of The Great Game, to read PAST

the BS and receive the gems being proffered.

They throw in completely non-credible

statements, that would discredit everything

they just said (and thus save their skins) -

except to the most discerning.

The above type of disinformation is the
*opposite* of the classic kind, which is

designed to utterly confound the

OK, so this is a clip of World Bank whistle
blower, Karen Hudes, who joins host, Gary
Franchi of NextNewsNetwork, for an exclusive

studio interview, where she exposes the
puppet masters, at the heart of worldwide

corruption; the real guys pulling the strings
of the criminal global banking syndicate; a

TOTAL wild card:
"Aliens" are the real power behind the throne,

as it were - except, she says, they're not "aliens,"
they're pre-Ice Age, big-headed humanoid

Earthlings, whom she calls "Homo capensis."
They've got the world on a string, running the

Vatican, working at high levels in major banks, etc.

Hudes has made many credible claims and
this one would seem patently non-credible,
were it not for the irrefutable proof of the

previous existence of these beings on our
planet, with their large skeletons and huge
red-haired skulls having been discovered

world-wide, most exceptionally in the Pisco
District of the South American country

of Peru.

Known as the "Paracas Skulls," hundreds of
their remains have been found and are dated
at 3,000 years old, per this video by an

American archeologist, Brien Foerster who
curates these finds, in a small museum in

Paracas, Peru, just south of that country's
capital city of Lima.

A DNA analysis has now been conducted
on one of the skulls and Brien Foerster has

released preliminary information regarding
these enigmatic skulls. The geneticist who ran

the sequencing was not told the history of these
samples in advance, to ensure that he would

examine the samples without any preconceived
notions. What he found was absolutely shocking:

"Whatever the sample labeled 3A has came from -
it had mtDNA with mutations unknown in any
human, primate or animal known so far. The data
is very sketchy, though and a LOT of sequencing

still needs to be done to recover the complete
mtDNA sequence. But a few fragments I was
able to sequence from this sample 3A indicate

that if these mutations will hold, we are dealing
with a new human-like creature, very distant

from Homo sapiens, Neanderthals and

The implications are of course huge. "I am not

sure it will even fit into the known evolutionary
tree," the geneticist wrote. He added that if the
Paracas individuals were so biologically different,
they would "not have been able to interbreed with

The result of this analysis is only phase one of
many phases of analysis due to take place. The
next tests will involve having the initial test

replicated, and conducted on other skulls, so that
the results can be compared to see if there are

any specific Paracas characteristics.
The question remains, of course as to whether

there are actually any contemporary LIVING
members of this genetically-tested "human-like

creature" - and if, furthermore, if they are the
REAL puppet masters of planet Earth, as

suggested by Hudes...THAT is a huge stretch!

Hudes says an associate of hers actually saw
one of these beings at an important bank

meeting in Portugal. I'd like to at least see a
photo of this entity, if I can't shake its hand.

Wouldn't you?

I will update you, when more details emerge.

Please share Forbidden Knowledge TV emails
and videos with your friends and colleagues...
That's how we grow. Thanks!

Five Reasons to Start Eating More Papaya

INH Health Watch
Friday, May 02, 2014
The Ancient "Sugar Destroyer" That's Stunning Doctors
This herb acts as a sugar "stand-in," convincing your taste buds you've gotten something sweet. So it fights your sweet tooth at its source. As you may know all too well, cravings for sweet stuff makes it almost impossible to stick with your efforts to eat healthy. But there is an easy and affordable way to get this nutrient—and much more. Go HERE for all the details.
Five Reasons to Start Eating More Papaya
You might think this tropical fruit is rare or exotic. But papayas are widely available across the U.S. And that's very good news. Ancient healers used papaya to treat everything from upset stomach to burns. With good reason.
Here are five reasons to start eating more papaya.
1. It Preserves Eyesight: Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness in people over 50 years old. Your macula is the part of your eye that allows you to focus on fine details. This includes the faces of your friends and family. And if you're eating papaya, you're helping to protect your eyes.
Papaya is rich in zeaxanthin. It's a potent carotenoid that may slow—and even prevent—the development of AMD. You'll even find it in your macula and retina. Your eyes need it to help maintain clarity and focus.
2. It Aids Digestion: Papayas are about 60% soluble and 40% insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber helps make you feel fuller after eating. Insoluble fiber passes through your digestive system like a sponge. It soaks up foods that you don't fully or properly digest. And it helps pass them with ease.
Papayas are also rich in papain. It's an enzyme that can tenderize meat. It can help you digest tough proteins by breaking down larger proteins into smaller ones. It's even strong enough to aid in an intestinal cleanse. This "tenderizing" effect may allow the fiber in papaya to be more effective.
3. It Fights Heart Disease: Eating a diet high in fiber might help you prevent heart disease. One study found you can decrease your risk for heart disease by about 9% for every seven grams of fiber you eat each day.
The antioxidants in papaya also help lower inflammation. A single papaya can give you more than 150 mg of vitamin C alone.
4. It Protects Your Bones: Papayas are high in vitamin K which helps drive calcium directly into your bones. Papayas also contain calcium. So you're getting these two critical nutrients for keeping solid bones in each bite. But eating papaya may do more for your bones than make them stronger.
The antioxidants in papaya can reduce oxidative damage in your bone marrow. This may help prevent cancer in your blood and bone marrow. But if you already suffer from a blood or bone marrow cancer, papaya can help you produce blood cells correctly.
5. It Supports Healthy Skin: Papaya is the star ingredient in many natural beauty treatments. Things like facemasks, foot creams, and even hair softeners.
Papayas are rich in vitamin E and beta carotene. They both help fight free radicals and prevent cell damage. But vitamin E also supports collagen production. Collagen is what keeps your skin firm and supple. Beta carotene may smooth away wrinkles by protecting against—and even helping reverse—skin damage from the sun. Eating papaya alone will help with this. But using a papaya-based facemask is a great way to directly expose your skin to these healing compounds.
Making papaya a regular addition to your diet is an easy way to help prevent oxidative stress. Eating it can help you look younger—maybe even live longer. If you can't find organic papaya at your local health food store, you can buy papaya enzyme supplements online.
In case you missed it...
4/27/14: New research shows this popular diet could lower your type 2 diabetes risk by up to 40%. And while there are some things about this diet that make perfect sense, it has a major flaw. A quick—and easy—fix may help you lower your type 2 diabetes risk even further.
4/29/14: A new study by the University of Chicago Press found 7% of hospital kitchen cutting boards tested positive for a new strain of superbug. That's more than double the amount found in households. And the story just gets worse from there. Your local hospital may be hiding a dirty secret that can make you sicker—or worse.
4/30/14: Should you eat it or not? Is it a grain or is it a seed? But all debate aside, this food packs big power in a small package. We already know it can help prevent and manage type 2 diabetes. Now new research shows that eating it may help protect your heart from disease.

Protect your manhood with 9 natural secrets
If your doctor has ordered the PSA test for you...wait! There are 9 all natural secrets that can help protect your manhood without the risk of this unnecessary test. Discover their power here.

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Hope and the team are in Aouchtam, Morocco.  They do not have very good internet connection.  Hope is going to call you when she can. You may contact kevin blundell: this is our Canada QEG page on face book

The Canada team is currently building a QEG, you may get a lot of knowledge from networking with them.

Here are updates from Morocco:

Great Photos

Great Photos



Thursday, May 1, 2014

“IT is the biggest robbery ever enacted on the American people.” The Federal Reserve Explained in Seven Minutes


“IT is the biggest robbery ever enacted on the American people.”

The Federal Reserve Explained in Seven Minutes
Published by Belligerent Politics on Jan 9, 2014

The Federal Reserve Explained In 7 Minutes.

Vatic Note:  This is an incredibly succinct summary in detail of the creation of the Federal Reserve and what its existance has done to the United States of America.   This conjured up rememberances of Thomas Jeffersons quote on the private central bank and what it would mean to our nation.  He said that if we ever let it take control, that it would leave the citizens of our nation "homeless" on the land our forefathers fought so hard to preserve and to give to us. 

Then there was the quote by Lincoln who said that ".... I have two enemies, I have the Southern Army in front of me, and the Bankers behind me,  and I fear the latter more".  And then there was the 1961 speech that JFK gave and another one again in 1963, on their plans to "bring down the United STates of America", and he gave that in 1963 just weeks before he was assassinated by them,  They are close to doing exactly what we were warned that they would do if we ever let them get control.   THIS IS A MUST WATCH.  Its the best presentation and more clear that I have ever seen, so its well worth the 7 minutes.

NOW  YOU KNOW WHY I SAY "THE ONLY WORLD WAR THE CITIZENS OF THE GLOBE SHOULD FIGHT IS THAT AGAINST THE INTERNATIONAL, KHAZAR, ZIONIST BANKERS".  That includes the  "designated" enemies, the bankers are trying to create between us, China and Russia, since they will be next.... you can take that to the crooked bank of your choice, LOL.

We should join together and take every single international khazar zionist banker down and nationalize all the banks as originally set up by our founding fathers. That means we can do loans to ourselves, and never pay interest, only the principle back again.   That was how we grew in the beginning, until they got their talons into us.

We need to do what Iceland and Ireland are doing and Argentina did, and that is to kick them out of the country, right after they serve jail terms for grand theft larceny.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
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** Iraqi dinar, recently being said ** / Bluwolf, TNT Tony, Mnt Goat

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
** Iraqi dinar, recently being said ** / Bluwolf, TNT Tony, Mnt Goat
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 1-May-2014 17:26:51

Hi, Folks -
Thanks to Reader Pat for forwarding this item from Bluwolf:
from Bluwolf, May 1, 2014
Good morning, well today is vote counting time in Iraq, it is all world banks placed on high alert day, it is the pushing of the final go in the freaking US bank system. It is you are now officially placed on the highest alert day and it is just have every darn thing in order and ready to run time. Need I say more. Nothing bad shall happen to anyone are we clear. Bluwolf Na'maste
Found at
5-1-2014 Intel Guru TNT Tony I have nothing but good news. Let's wait and see though. The day is not over.
5-1-2014 Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...we may never even see this reinstatement rate and go directly to the revaluation rate when it goes live to the public. My concern now it that I am hearing more delays and excuses to hold it up even longer. Time and time again the USA has broken all agreements. Now that Iraq has officially reinstated their currency as of Saturday April 26, 2014 this situation now has grown to yet a new level. Now there are other legal agreements and international laws being disregarded. This is now elevated to a very, very serious level. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
5-1-2014 Intel Guru Mnt Goat It is now beyond the 72 hour period necessary as specified that all new rates must be rolled out to the public exchanges and be international. Many international laws now have been broken. Having said this I also want to emphasize that there are many more good and honest people working very hard to bring this to completion and abide by all agreements and international laws. I have to tell you the game is coming to an end and will soon be over. [post 2 of 2]